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A04459 An apologie or answere in defence of the Churche of Englande with a briefe and plaine declaration of the true religion professed and vsed in the same.; Apologia Ecclesiae Anglicanae. English Jewel, John, 1522-1571.; Bacon, Anne Cooke, Lady, 1528?-1610.; Parker, Matthew, 1504-1575. 1564 (1564) STC 14591; ESTC S101072 92,781 278

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Prophetes and continued so euen till the tyme y t Christe shewed himselfe to vs in the flesh This notwithstāding how often o good God in the meane whyle and howe horribly was thesame Churche darkened and decayed where was that Churche then when all fleshe vpon earth had defyled their owne waye where was it when amōgest the nombre of the whole world there were only eyght persones they neither all chast and good whom Gods will was shoulde be saued aliue from that vniuersall destruction and mortalitie ▪ When Ely the Prophete so lamenta●●●e and byterly made mone that onelye himselfe was left of all the whole world whiche dyd truely and dewly worshipp God And when Esay said The siluer of Goddes people that is of the Churche was become Drosse and that the same Citie which a foretime had ben faithful was now become an harlot and that in y e same was no part sound thoroughout the whol body from the head to the fote Or els when Christ him selfe sayde that the house of God was made by y e Pharasies and Preistes a Denne of theues Of a trouth the Church euen as a cornefyld except it be ared manured tilled trimmed in stede of wheate it wil bring furthe thystles darnell and nettilles For this cause did God send euer among both Prophettes Apostles last of al his own Son who might bring home the people into the right waye and repayre a new the tottering Church after she had erred But least some manne should say that the forsaid thinges happened in y e tyme of the law onely of shadowes and of infancie when truth laye hid vnder figures and ceremonies whē nothing as yet was brought to perfection when the law was not grauē in mennes heartes but in stone and yet is that but a foolishe saying for euen at those dayes was there the very same God that is now the same spirite the same Christe thesame faith the same doctrine the same hope the same inheritaunce the same league and the same efficacie and vertue of Goddes worde ▪ Eusebius also saith all the faithfull euen from Adam vntil Christ were in very dede Christiās though they were not so termed But as I said leaste men should thus speake still Paul the apostle found the like faultes and falles euen then in the prime and chiefe of the Gospel in chiefe perfection and in lighte so that he was compelled to write in this sorte to the Galatians whom he had wel before that instructed I feare me quod he leaste I haue laboured emongest you in vayne and leaste ye haue heard y e Gospel in vaine O my litle Children of whom I trauaile a new til Christ be fashioned againe in you And as for the Churche of the Corinthians how fouly it was defiled is nothing needeful to rehearce Now tel me might the Churches of the Galathians and Corinthians goe amisse and the churche of Rome alone may it not fayle ner goe amysse Surely Christ prophecyed long before of his churche that y e time should come when dessolation should stande in the holy place And Paul saith that Antichrist should once set vp his owne tabernacle and stately seath in the temple of God and that the time shuld be whē men should not awaye with holesome doctrin but he turned back vnto fables lies and that wythin the very Church Peter likewise tellyth how there should be teachers of lyes in y e church of Christ Daniell the Prophete speaking of the later times of Antichrist Truthe sayth he in that seasone shalbe throwen vnder foote and troden vppon in the worlde And Christ sayeth how the calamitie confusion of thinges shalbe so exceding great that euen the chosen yf it were possible shalbe brought into errour and how all these thinges shal come to passe not amōgest Gentiles and Turkes but that they should be in the holye place in the Temple of God ▪ in the churche and in the companie an felowship of those whiche professe the name of Christ. Albeit these same warnynges alone may suffice a wyseman to take heede he do not suffer hym selfe rashelye to be deserued with the name of the Churche not to staye to make further inquisition therof by Gods worde yet bysyde al this many Fathers also manye learned and godly men haue often and carefully complained how all these thinges haue chaunced in their lyfe time For euē in the middest of that thick myst of darknes God would yet ther should be som whoe thoughe they gaue not a cleare bright light yet shuld they kyndle were it but some sparke which menne might espye being in the darkenes Hylarius when thinges as yet were almoste vncorrupt and in good case to ye are yll deceyued saith he with ȳe loue of walles ye do ill worship the Church in that ye worship it in houses and buildinges ye do yll bryng in the name of peace vnder roofes Is there anye doubt but Antichrist will haue his seate vnder the same I rather recken hilles wodes pools maryshes prisons quauemires to be places of more safetie for in these the Prophetes either abiding of their accorde or drowned by violence didde prophecie by the spirite of God Gregorie as one which perceaued and forsaw in his mind y e wrack of al things wrote thus to Iohn Bysshop of Constantinople who was the firste of all others that commaunded himselfe to bee called by this newe name the vniuersall Bishop of whole Christes Church Yf y e Churche saith he shall depend vpon one manne it will at once fall downe to the grownd Who is he y e seeth not how this is come to passe longe since for longe a● gone hathe the Bysshop of Rome willed to haue the whole Churche depende vpon himselfe alone Wherefore it is no meruail though it be clean fallen downe longe agone Bernard y e Abbot aboue foure hundred yeares past writeth thus Nothinge is nowe of sinceritie and purenes emongest the Cleargie wherfore it resteth that the man of sin should be reuealed The same Bernarde in his worke of the conuersion of Paul It semeth now saith he tha● persecution hath ceased no no persecution seemeth but nowe to beginne euen from them whiche haue chie●e preeminence in the Churche Thy friendes and neighbours haue drawen neere ▪ stoode vp against thee from the sole of thy foot to the crowne of thy heade there is no part whole Iniquitie is proceeded from the Elders the Iudges and deputies which pretende ●o rule thy people Wee cannot saye nowe Loke how the people be so is the priest For the people be not so ill as the priest is Alas alas o Lorde God the selfe same persons be the chiefe in persecutinge thee which seeme to loue the highest place and beare moste rule in thy church The same Bernard again vpon y e Canticles writeth thus All they are thy friendes yet are they all thy foes ▪
loke for none other and forasmuche as it was to be offered but once wee commaund it not to be renewed againe And bicause it was full perfite in all points and partes wee doe not ordaine in place thereof anye continuall succession of offeringes Besides though wee saye we haue no meede at all by oure owne woorkes and deedes but apoint all the meane of oure saluation to be in Christe alone yet say we not that for this cause men ought to liue looslie and dissolutely nor that it is ynough for a Christian to be Baptized onely and to belieue as though there were nothing els required at his hande for true faith is liuely and can in no wise be idell Thus therefore ●ea●he wee the people that God hath called vs not to folowe ry●t and wantonnes but as Paul saithe vnto good woorkes to walke in them That God hath plucked vs oute from the power of darkenes to serue the liuinge God to cutte away all the remnauntes of sinne and to worke oure saluation in feare and tremblinge that it may apere how that y e Spirit of sāctification is in oure bodies and that Christ himselfe doth dwell in our heartes To conclude we beleue that this our selfe same flesh wherin we liue although it dye and come to dust yet at the last day it shall retourne againe to lyfe by the meanes of Christes spirite which dweleth in vs and that then verely whatsoeuer we suffer heere in the meane whyle for his sake Christ wil wipe from of our eies all teares lamentation that we through him shall enioy euerlasting life and shall for euer be with him in glory So be it Beholde these are the horrible heresies for the which a good parte of the world is at this day condemned by the Byshop of Rome and yet were neuer hearde to pleade their cause He should haue commenced his sute rather against Christe against the Apostles and against the holy fathers For these thinges did not only procede from them but were also apointed by them except perhaps these menne will say as I thinke they will in deede that Christe hath not instituted the holy Communion to be diuided amongest the faithfull Or that Christes apostles and the auncient fathers haue saide Priuate masses in euery corner of the Temples nowe tenne now twenty togithers in one day Or that Christ and hys Apostls bannished all the common people from the Sacrament of his bloud or that the thing whiche them selues do at this day euery wheare and do it so as they condemne him for an heritike whiche dothe otherwise ys not called of Gelasius their owne doctour plaine sacriledge or 〈◊〉 these be not y e very words of Ambrose Augustine Gelasius Theodorete Chrysostome Origene The bread and wine in the Sacramentes remaine still the same they were before The thing which is seene vpon the holye table is breade there ceaseth not to be still the substaunce of breade and nature of wyne the substance and nature of bread are not changed the selfe same breade as touchinge the materiall substaunce go●th into the bellie and is cast out into the pryuei Or that Christe the Apostles and holy fathers prayed not in that tongue whiche the people might vnderstande Or that Christe hath not performed all thinges by that one offering which he once offered or that the same Sacrifice was imperfect and so now we haue neede of an other All these thinges must they of ne●cessitie say onlesse perchance thei had rather lay thus that all lawe and right is locked vp in the treasurie of the Popes breaste and that as once one of his southinge pages and clawbackes did not sticke to say the Pope is able to dispence against the Apostles against a councell against y e Canōs rules of y e Apostls and y t he is not bound to stand neither to y e examples nor to the ordinūaces nor to y e lawes of Christ. We for our parts haue learned these thinges of Christe of the Apostles of the deuout fathers and dooe sincerely and with good faith teache the people of God the same Whiche thinge is the onely cause whye wee at this daye ar called heretikes of the chiefe prelates no doubt of Religiō O immortal God hath Christ him selfe then y e Apostles so many Fathers al at once gon a stray were then Origene Ambrose Augustin Chrysostome Gelasius Theodoret forsakers of the catholique faith was so notable a consent of so manye auncient Byshoppes and learned menne nothing els but a conspiracye of heretiques Or is that nowe condemned in vs whiche was then commended in them Or is the thyng nowe by alteration onely of mens affection sodenly becōme shismatique whiche in them was compted catholique Or shall that whiche in times past was true nowe by and by bycause it liketh not these men be iudged false Let them then bring furth another Gospell and let them shew the causes why these thinges which so long haue openly ben obserued and well alowed in the Churche of God ought nowe in thend be called in againe Wee knowe well ynoughe that the same worde whiche was opened by Christ spred abrode by the Apostles is sufficient both our saluacion and al trueth to vp holde mayntein and also to confounde all maner of heresie By that Wo●d only do we condemne all sortes of the olde heretiques whom these men say we haue called out of hell againe ▪ As for the Arrians the Eutychians the Marcionites y e Ebionites the Valentinians the Carpocratians the Tatians the Nouatians and shortelie all them which haue had a wicked opinion eyther of God the Father or of Christ or of the holy Ghoste or of any other poinct of Christian Religion ▪ for somuche as they be confuted by the Gospell of Christ we plainly pronun●● them for detestable and cast awaye personnes and defye them euen vnto the dyuell Neyther do wee leaue them so but we also seuerely and straitely hold them in by lawful and politick punishemētes yf they fortune to breake out any wher● and bewraye themselues In deede we graunt that certain new and very straunge sectes as the Anabaptistes Libertines Meneniās Zuenkfeldians haue ben stirring in the worlde euersence the Gospel did first spring But the worlde seeth now right wel thankes be giuen to our God that wee neyther haue bredd nor taught nor kept vp these Monstres In good fellowship I pray the whosoeuer thou be read our bokes they are to be sould in euery place● What hath there euer ben written by any of our cōpany which might plainely beare with the madnes of any of those heretiques Nay I saye vnto you there is no countrie at this daye so free from their pestilent infections as they be wherein the gospel is freely and cōmonly taught So that yf they wey the very matter w t earnest and vpright aduisement this thing is a great argumēt y t this same is the very truth
y e Persians All these notwithstandinge were Popes all Peters successours all most holy fathers whose seueral wordes wee must take to be as good as seuerall Gospels Yf we be compted traytours whiche do honour oure Princes whiche giue them all obedience as muche as is due to them by Godds word and which doo praye for them what kinde of men then bee these whiche haue not onely done all the thinges before saide but also alowe the same for speciallye well don Do they then either this way instruct y e people as we do to reuerēce their magistrate or can they with honesty appeache vs as seditious personnes breakers of the common quiete and despisers of princes maiestie Truely we neither putte of the yoke of 〈…〉 from vs neyther doe wee 〈◊〉 realmes neither doe we sette vp or pull downe Kinges nor translate go●ernementes nor giue oure Kinges poysonne to drinke nor yet holde to them 〈◊〉 feete to be kissed nor opprobriously triumphinge ouer them leape into their neckes with oure feete This rather is oure profession this is our doctrine that merye soule of what callinge soeuer he be be he Monke bee he preacher bee he prophet be he Apostle ought to be sub●ect to kings magistrates yea and that the Byshop of Rome himselfe onlesse he will seeme greater then the Euangelists then the Prophetes or the Apostles ought bothe to acknowledge and to call the Emperour his Lorde and maister which y e old bishops of Rome who liued in times of more grace euer did Our cōmō teaching also is y t we ought so to obey princes as mē sent of God y t whoso w tstādeth thē w tstandeth Gods ordinance This is oure scholinge and this is well to be seene bothe in oure bookes and in our preachinges and also in the maners and modest behauiour of oure people But where they saye we haue gon awaye from the vnitie of the catholique Churche this is not onelye a matter of malice but besides though it bee moste vntrue yet hath it some shew and apparance of trouth For the common people and ignoraunt multitude giue not credit alone to thinges true and of certaintie butte euen to suche thinges also yf anye chaunce which may seeme to haue but a resemblaunce of trouth Therfore we see that subtle and craftie persones when they had no truth on their side haue euer contēded and horely argued w t things likely to be true to the intent they which were not able to espie the very grounde of the matter might be caried a waye at least with some pretense and probabilitie thereof In times past where the firste Christians oure forefathers in makinge their prayers to God didd tourne themselues towardes the Easte there were 〈◊〉 sayde they worshipped the sunn 〈◊〉 it as God Againe where oure forefathers saide that as touchinge 〈◊〉 fall and euerlasting life thei liued by no other meanes but by the flesh and bloud of that lambe who was without s●o●t that is to say of oure sauiour Iesus Christ y e enuious creatures and ●oes of Christes Crosse whose only care was to bringe Christian religion into slaunder by al māner of wayes made people beleeue that they were wicked persons that they sacrificed mens fleshe and dr●nke mennes bloud Also where oure forefathers saide that before God there ●● neither man nor woman nor for atteininge to the true righteousnes there is no distinction at all of personnes and that they didde call one an other indifferentlye by the name of Sisters and Brothers there wanted not menne whiche forged false tales vpon the same sayinge that the Christians made noe difference amonge them selues eyther of age or of kinde but like brute beastes without regarde had to do one with an other And where for to pray heare the Gospell they mette often together in secret and byeplaces because Rebelles somtime were wonte to do the like Rumors were euery where spredd abroade howe they made priuie confederacies and counseled together either to kill the magistrates or to subuert the common wealth And where in celebratinge the holye mysteries after Christes institution they tooke breade and wyne they were thought of many not to worshippe Christe but Bacchus and Ceres forsomuche as those vaine Goddes were woorshipped of the Heathen in like sort after a prophane superstition with bread and wyne These thinges were beleued of manye not bicause they were true in deed for what coulde be more vntrue but bicause they were lyke to bee true and through a certain shadow of truth mighte the more easilye deceiue the 〈◊〉 On this fashion likewise dooe these menne slaunder vs as Heretiques and saye that wee haue lefte the Church and felowshippe of Christe not bicause they thinke it is true for they dooe not muche force of that but bicause to ignoraunte folke it myght perhappes somwaye appeere true Wee haue in deede putt oure selues aparte not as heretikes are woon●e from the Churche of Christ but as all good menne oughte to doo from the infection of naughtye persons and hypocrites Neuerthelesse in this poynte they triumphe maruelouslye that they bee the Churche that theyre Churche ys Christes spowse the piller of truthe the arke of Noe and that without it there is no hope of saluation Contrarywise they saye that wee bee ronnegates that we haue torne Christes seat that wee are plucked quyte of from the body of Christe and haue forsaken the catholique faithe And when they leaue nothinge vnspoken that may neuer so falselie and malitioslie be saide against vs yet this one thynge are they neuer hable truely to saye that we haue swarued eyther from the worde of God or from the Apostles of Christ or from the primatiue Churche Surelye wee haue euer iudged the primatiue Churche of Christes tyme of the Appostles and of the holie Fathers to be the catholique Churche neyther make we doubt to name it Noes arke Christes spouse the piller and vpholder of al trueth nor yet to fire therin the whole meane of oure saluation It is doubtles an odiouse mater for one to leaue the fellowshipp whereunto he hath ben accustomed and specially of those men who though they be not yet at leaste seme and be called Christians And to say truely we do not dispise the Churche of these men howe soeuer it be ordered by thē now a dayes partely for the name sake yt selfe partely for that the Gospell of Iesu Christ hath once ben therin truely and purelye set furth Neyther had we departed therfrom but of very necessitie and much against our wils But I put case an Idol be set vp in the Churche of God and the same desolation which Christe prophecied to comme stoude openly in the holy place what yf som theefe or pirat inuade and possesse Noes arke These folkes as often as they tell vs of the Churche meane therby themselues alone and attribute all these titles to their owne selues boasting as they did in tymes past whiche
An Apologie or answere in defence of the Churche of Englande with a briefe and plaine declaration of the true Religion professed and vsed in the same Londini Anno Domini M. D. LXIIII. To the right honorable learned and vertuous Ladie A. B M. C. wisheth from God grace honoure and felicitie MADAME ACCORDING to your request I haue p●rused your studious labour of trāslatiō profitably imploied in a right cōmendable work Whereof for that it liked you to make me a Iudge and for that the thinge it selfe hath singularly pleased my iudgement and delighted my mind in reading it I haue right heartely to thanke your Ladi●ship both for youre owne well thinking of me and for the comforte that it hathe wrought me But far aboue these priuate respectes I am by greater causes enforced not onely to shewe my reioyse of this your doinge but also to testify the same by this my writing prefixed before the work to the commoditie of others and good incouragement of your selfe You haue vsed your accustomed modestie in submittinge it to iudgement but therin is your prayse doubled sith it hath passed iudgemēt without reproche And whereas bothe the chiefe author of the Latine worke and I seuerallye perusinge and conferringe youre whole translation haue without alteration allowed of it I must bothe desire youre Ladiship and aduertise the readers to thinke that wee haue not therein giuen any thinge to any dissemblinge affection towards you as beinge contented to winke at faultes to please you or to make you without cause to please your selfe for there be sundry respectes to drawe vs from so doinge althoughe we were so euil minded as there is no cause why we should be so thought of Your own iudgement in discerning flatterie your modestie in mislikinge it the layenge open of oure opinion to the world the truth of our friendship towardes you the vnwillingnesse of vs bothe in respecte of our vocations to haue this publike worke not truely and wel translated are good causes to perswade that our allowance is of sincere truth and vnderstanding By which your trauail Madame you haue expressed an acceptable dutye to the glorye of GOD deserued well of this Churche of Christe honourablie defended the good fame and estimation of your owne natiue tongue shewing it so able to contend with a worke originally written in the most praised speache and besides the honour ye haue done to the kinde of women and to the degree of Ladies ye haue done pleasure to the Author of the Latine boke in deliueringe him by your cleare translation from the perrils of ambiguous and doubtful constructions and in makinge his good woorke more publikely beneficiall wherby ye haue raysed vp great comforte to your friendes and haue furnished your owne conscience ioyfully with the fruit of your labour in so occupienge your time whiche must needes redounde to the encoragemente of noble youth in their good educatiō and to spend their time and knowledge in godly exercise hauinge deliuered them by you so singular a president Whiche youre doinge good Madame as God I am sure doth accept and will blesse with increase so youre and ours moste vertuous and learned soueraigne Ladie and Mastres shal see good cause to commende and all noble gentlewomen shall I trust hereby be alured from vain delights to doinges of more perfect glory And I for my part as occasion may serue shal exhort other to take profit by your worke and followe your example whose successe I beseche our heauenly father to blesse and prospere And now to thende bothe to acknowledge my good approbatiō and to spread the benefit more largely where you Ladishippe hathe sent me your boke writen I haue with most hearty thankes returned it to you as you see printed knowing that I haue therin done the beste and in this poynte vsed a reasonable pollicye that is to preuent suche excuses as your modestic woulde haue made in staye of publishinge it And thus at this time I leaue furder to trouble youre good Ladishippe An Apologie or aunswere in defence of the Church of England with a briefe and plaine declaration of the true Religion professed and used in the same IT HATH BEEN AN olde complaint euen from y e first time of y e Patriarks Prophetes and confirmed by the writinges and testimonies of euery age that y e Truth wandereth here and there as a straunger in the world doth redily fynde enemies and slaunderers amongst those that knowe her not Albeit perchaunce this may seeme vnto some a thinge harde to bee beleeued I meane to suche as haue scante well and narowly taken heed thereunto specially seing all mankind of natures very motion without a teacher doth coueite the truth of their owne accorde and seinge oure Sauioure Christe hym selfe when he was on earthe woulde bee called the Truthe as by a name moste fytte to expresse all hys diuine power yet wee whiche haue been exercised in the holie scriptures and which haue bothe redde seene what hath happened to all godly menne commonly at all tymes what to the Prophets to the Apostles to the holie Martyres and what to Christe hym selfe with what rebukes reuilings and dispightes they were continually vexed whyles they heere lyued and that onely for the truthes sake wee I saye do see y t this is not onely no newe thinge or harde to be beleued but that it is a thing already receaued and commonlye vsed from age to age Nay truly this might seeme muche rather a meruayle and beyonde all beleife yf the Diuell who is the Father of lyes and ennemye to all truthe woulde nowe vppon a sodaine chaunge his nature and hope that truthe might otherwyse be suppressed then by belyenge yt Or that he would beginne to establishe his owne kingdom by vsing now any other practises then the same whiche he hathe euer vsed from the beginning For since any mans remembraunce wee cen●e skante finde one time either when Religion did first growe or when it was setled or when it did a freshe springe vp againe wherin truth and innocencye were not by all vnworthy meanes and most despit●ully intreated Doubtlesse the Dyuell well seeth that so longe as truth is in good sauery hym selfe cannot be safe nor yet maintaine his owne estate For lettinge passe the auncient patriarkes and Prophetes who as we sayd had no parte of their lyfe free from contumelies and slaunders Wee knowe there were certaine in tymes past whiche said commonly preached that the old aūcient Iewes of whom we make no doubt but thei wer the worshippers of the onely and true God did worshipp eyther a sowe or an asse in Gods steede and that all the same Religion was nothinge els but a sacriledge and a plaine contempt of all godlynes We know also that the sonne of God our Sauioure Iesu Christe when hee taughte the truthe was coumpted a Iugler and an enchanter a Samaritan Belzebub a deceiuer of the people a dronkard and
many Prynces only vppon his owne blynd preiudices and foredeterminations and y t without hearing of them speak or without shewing cause whye But bycause he hath alredy so noted vs openlye least by holdynge oure peace we should seme to graunt a fault and specially bycause we can by no meane haue audience in y e publik assembly of the general Councel wherein he would no creature should haue power to geue his voice or declare his opinion excepte he were sworne and straightly bounde to maintaine his aucthoritie For wee haue had good experience hereof in his last conference at the councel at Trident where the embassadours diuines of the Princes of Germany and of the free Cities were quite shutte out from their company nother can we yet forget how Iulius the third aboue ten yeares past prouided warely by his writt that none of our sorte shoulde bee suffered to speake in the Councell except there were som paraduenture y t wolde recante and chaunge his opinion For this cause chieflye we thoughte it good to yelde vp an accoumpte of oure faith in writing truely and openly to make aunswere to those things wherwith wee haue ben openly charged to thende the worlde may see the partes and foundacions of that doctrine in the behalfe whereof so many good men haue litle regarded their oune lyues And y t al men may vnderstand what manner of people they be and what opinion they haue of God and of Religion whome the Bysshop of Rome before they were called to tell theire tale hath condemned for heretikes without any good consideratiō without any exaumple vtterly without lawe or righte onelye bycause he hearde tell that they did dissente from hym and his in som pointe of Religion And although S. Hierome would haue no bodie to be patient when he is suspected of heresy yet we wil deal herein nether bitterly nor brablingly nor yet be caried away w t angre heate though he ought to be reckned neither bitter nor brabler y t speaketh y e truth We willingly leaue thys kynde of eloquence to oure aduersaries who whatsoeuer they say against vs be it neuer so shrewdly or dipitefully sayde yet thinke it is sayd modestely and comely ynough and care nothing whether it be trew or false Wee neede none of these shyftes which do maintaine the truthe Further yf wee do shewe it plaine that Gods holie Gospell the aunciente Byshops and the primatiue Churche do make on our syde and that wee haue not without iust cause left these men and rather haue retourned to the Apostles and oulde catholique Fathers And yf wee shall be founde to doe the same not coulorably or craftely but in good faith before God truly honestly cleerely and plainly and yf they thēselues which ●ye our doctrine and woulde be called Catholiks shall manifestly see how al those titles of antiquitie whereof they boste so much ar quite shaken out of their hāds and that there is more pith in this oure cause then they thoughte for wee then hope and trust that none of them wil be so negligent and careles of his own saluation but he will at length studye and bethinke him selfe to whether parte hee were best to ioyne him Vndoubtedlye excepte one will altogether harden his hearte and refuse to heare he shal not repent him to geue good heede to this out defence and to mark well what wee say how truly and iustly it agreeth with Christian Religion For where they call vs Heretikes it is a crime so haynous y t onles it may be seene vnles it may be felt in māner may be holdē with hands and fingers it ought not lightly to be iudged or beleued when it is ●aide to the charge of any Christian man For heresy is a ●orsaking of saluatiō a renouncing of Gods grace a departing from the body and spirite of Christe But this was euer an olde and solempne propretye with them and theire forefathers yf any did complaine of their errours and faultes and desired to haue true Religion restored streighte waye to cōdemne such one for heretikes as men new fangled factious Christe for no nother cause was called a Samaritan but onely for y t he was thoughte to haue fallen to a certaine newe Religion and to be the Aucthor of a newe sect And Paul thapostle of CHRISTE was called before the Iudges to make aunswere to a matter of heresy and therfore hee saied Acordinge to this way whiche they call Heresye I doo worshippe the God of my Fathers beleeuinge all thinges which be written in the law and in the Prophets Shortely to speake This vniuersal Religion whiche Christen men professe at this day was called firste of the heathen people a Sect Heresy With these termes did they alwaies fil prīces eares to thintent when they had once hated vs with a foredetermined opinion and had coumpted all that wee sayed to bee faction and heresy they might be so ledd away from y e truth right vnderstāding of the cause But the more sore and outragious a crime heresye is the more it ought to be proued by plaine and strong argumentes especially in this time whē men begin to geue lesse credite to theyre words to make more diligent searche of theyr doctrine then they were wont to do For y e people of God ar otherwyse instructed now then they were in times past when all the Bysshopps of Romes sayenges were allowed for Gospell when all Religion did depende only vpon their aucthoritie Nowe a daies the holie scripture is abroad the writinges of the Apostles Prophets ar in printe whereby all truth and Catholyke doctrine may be proued and all heresie may be disproued and confuted Sithens then they bring furth none of these for them selues and call vs neuertheles Heretiques which haue nether fallen from Christ nor from y e Apostles nor yet from the Prophets this ys an iniurious and a very spitefull dealinge With this sword did Christe put of the Dyuel when he was tempted of him w c these weapons oughte all presumption which doth auaūce it selfe against God to be ouerthrowen and cōquered For al Scripture sayeth S. Paule that commeth by the inspiration of God is profitable to teach to confute to instruct and to reproue that the man of God may be perfect and throughly framed to euery good work Thus did the holy Fathers alway fight agaynst the heretikes with none other force then with y e holy scriptures S. Augustin when he disputed against Petilian an heretike of ● Donatistes Let not these woordes quod he be heard betwene vs I say or you say let vs rather speake in this wise Thus sayeth the Lorde there let vs seeke the Church ther let vs boult out our cause Lykewise S. H●erome All those things sayth he which without the testimonie of the scriptures are holden as deliuered from y e Apostles be throughly smitten down by the sword of Gods worde S. Ambrose also
other menne minister to hym but him selfe rather to minister vnto others that he taketh al Bishops as his felows and equals that he is subiect to Princes as to personnes sent from God that he giueth to Cesar that whiche is Cesars and that he as the old Bishops of Rome dyd without any question calleth the Emperour his Lord Onles therfore the Popes do the like now a dayes and Peter did the thinges a foresayd there is no cause at all why they should glorye so of Peters name and of his succession Muche lesse cause haue they to complaine of our departing and to call vs againe to be felowes and frendes with them and to beleue as they beleue Men saye that one Cobdon a Lacedemonian when he was sent Embassadour to the kyng of the Persians to treate of a legue and founde by chaunce them of the court playng at dyce he returned streight waye home againe leauing his message vndone And whē he was asked why he did flacke to doe the thinges whiche he had receiued by publique commission to do he made aunswere he thought it should be a great reproche to his cōmon welthe to make a legue with Dicers But yf we should content our selues to retorne to the Pope and his popyshe errours and to make a couenaunte not only with dicers but also with men farr● more vngracious and wicked then any dycers be Besides that this should be a great blot to our good name it shoulde also be a very daungerous matter both to kindle Goddes wrath against be and to clogge and condemne our owne soules foreuer For of very trouthe we haue departed from hym whome we saw had blinded the whole worlde this many an hundred yeare From hym who to farre presumpteouslye was wont to saye he coulde not erre and whatsoeuer he dyd no mortal man had power to condemne hym neyther kynges nor Emperours nor the whole Clergie nor yet all the people in the worlde togyther no and though he should carrie away with hun to Hell a thousande soules From hym who toke vpon him power to cōmaund not only menne but euen Goddes Aungels to go to returne to leade soules into Purgatorie and to bring them back againe when he lyste him selfe whome Gregory said with out all doubt is the very foreronner and standerd bearer of Antichrist and hath vtterly forsaken the catholique faith From whome also those ringeleaders of owers who now with might and maine resist y e Gospel the trouth whiche they knowe to be the truth haue or this departed euery one of their owne accorde and good will and woulde euen now also gladly depart fró hyin yf the note of inconstancie shame and their owne estimacion amonge the people were not a let vnto them In conclussion wee haue departed from hym to whom we wer not bound and who had nothyng to laye for hym selfe but onely I know not what vertue or power of the place where he d'weleth and a continuaunce of seccession And as for vs we of all others moste iustely haue left him For our Kynges yea euen they whiche with greatest reuerence dyd folow and obey the aucthoritie and faith of the Byshops of Rome haue long synce founde and felte well ynough the yoke tyrannye of the Popes kingdome For y e Byshops of Rome toke the Crowne of from the head of our Kynge Henrye the second and compelled him to put a side all maiestie and lyke a meere priuate man to come vnto their Legate with great submission and humilitie so as all his subjectes might laugh him to scorne More thē this they caused Byshops and Monkes and some parte of the nobilitie to be in the feelde against our Kynge Iohn and sett all the people at libertie from their othe wherby they ought allegeaunce to their king and at last wickedly and most abhominablie they bereaued the kyng not onely of his kyngdome but also of his lyfe Besides this they excommunicated and cursed Kyng Henry theight the most famous Prince stirred vp against him sometime the Emperour sometime the Frenche Kyng as muche as in them was putte in aduenture our Realme to haue ben a very praye and spoyle Yet were they but foules and mad to thinke that eyther so mighty a Prince could be scared with bugges and rattles or els y e so noble and great a kyngdome myght so easily euen at one morsel be deuoured and swalowed vp And yet as though all this were to litle they would nedes make all the Realme tributarie to them exacted there yearely most vniust and wrongfull taxes So deere cost vs the freendeshyp of the Citie of Rome Wherefore yf they haue gotten these thinges of vs by extortion thorough their fraude and suttle sleightes we see no reason why we may not plucke awaye the same from them againe by laufull wayes iust means And yf out kynges in that darknes and blindenes of former tymes gaue them these thinges of their owne accorde and liberalitie for Religion sake being moued with a certaine opinion of their fained holines now when ignoraunce errour is spied out may the Kinges their successours take them awaye againe seing they haue the same auctoritie the Kinges their auncestours had before For the gyft is voide except it be alowed by the will of the giuer and that cannot seme a perfit will which is dymmed and hindered by errour Thus ye see good Christian Reader howe it is no new thing though at this day the religion of Christ be enterteined with dispites and checkes being but lately restored and as it were comming vp againe a new for somuche as the lyke hath chaunced both to Christ hym selfe and to his Apostles yet neuerthelesse for feare ye maye suffer your selfe to be led amysse and seduced with those exclamations of our Aduersaries we haue declared at large vnto you y e very whole maner of our Religion what our opinion is of God the Father of his onely sonne Iesus Christ of the holy Ghost of the Church of the Sacramentes of the ministery of y e Scriptures of ceremonies and of euery parte of Christian beleue Wee haue sayde that wee abandon and detest as plagues and poysons all those oide Heresies whiche eyther the sacred Scriptures or the auncient Councelles haue vtterly condemned that wee call home againe asmuche as euer wee can the right Discipline of y e Church which our Aduersaries haue quite brought into a poore weake case That we punnishe all licentiousnes of lyfe and vnrulynes of maners by the olde and long continued laws and with asmuch sharpenes as is conuenient and lyeth in our power That we mainteine still the state of kingdomes in the same condition and plight wherin we haue found thē without any diminishing or alteration reseruinge vnto our Princes their maiestie and worldly preeminence safe and without empayring to our possible power That we haue so gottē our selues away from that Church which they had made a denne of Theeues and