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Prayers of intercession for their use who mourn in secret, for the publick calamities of this nation. with an anniversary prayer for the 30th of January. Very necessary and useful in private families, as well as in congregations. / By Jo. Huit, D.D.
Hewit, John, 1614-1658.
Wing H1636; ESTC R202447
at_o this_o day_n by_o lie_v detraction_n and_o contumely_n by_o censure_v and_o rash_a judgement_n by_o false_a witness_n and_o pervert_v the_o course_n of_o justice_n we_o have_v provoke_v and_o rebel_v against_o thou_o o_o lord_n righteousness_n belong_v to_o thou_o but_o unto_o we_o confusion_n of_o face_n as_o at_o this_o day_n by_o desire_n of_o change_n and_o uncontentedness_n in_o our_o estate_n by_o give_v ourselves_o over_o to_o lustful_a covetous_a and_o inordinate_a affection_n by_o desire_n of_o peace_n not_o so_o much_o for_o thy_o own_o honour_n or_o the_o public_a good_a as_o the_o satisfaction_n of_o our_o own_o private_a lust_n by_o neglect_v act_n of_o charity_n and_o do_v as_o we_o will_v be_v do_v unto_o and_o not_o do_v our_o duty_n in_o that_o state_n of_o life_n unto_o the_o which_o it_o have_v please_v thou_o to_o call_v we_o we_o have_v provoke_v and_o rebel_v against_o thou_o o_o lord_n righteousness_n belong_v to_o thou_o but_o unto_o we_o confusion_n of_o face_n as_o at_o this_o day_n by_o our_o want_n and_o neglect_v of_o those_o necessary_a christian_a duty_n of_o humiliation_n and_o godly_a sorrow_n for_o sin_n of_o due_a indignation_n and_o revenge_n upon_o ourselves_o for_o they_o of_o confess_v and_o forsake_v of_o restitution_n and_o satisfaction_n to_o other_o and_o by_o not_o bring_v forth_o fruit_n worthy_a of_o repentance_n we_o have_v provoke_v and_o rebel_v against_o thou_o o_o lord_n righteousness_n belong_v to_o thou_o but_o unto_o we_o confusion_n of_o face_n as_o at_o this_o day_n by_o impatience_n under_o thy_o correct_a hand_n by_o not_o endeavour_v our_o amendment_n by_o it_o in_o reflect_v upon_o our_o sin_n as_o the_o cause_n of_o it_o by_o despise_v thy_o chastisement_n in_o not_o rejoice_v in_o tribulation_n and_o not_o glorify_v thou_o that_o have_v count_v we_o worthy_a to_o suffer_v for_o righteousness_n sake_n we_o have_v provoke_v and_o rebel_v against_o thou_o o_o lord_n righteousness_n belong_v to_o thou_o but_o unto_o we_o confusion_n of_o face_n as_o at_o this_o day_n by_o fret_v ourselves_o because_o of_o the_o ungodly_a and_o be_v envious_a at_o the_o evil_a doer_n by_o not_o love_v our_o enemy_n not_o bless_v they_o that_o curse_v we_o not_o do_v good_a to_o they_o that_o hate_v we_o not_o pray_v for_o those_o that_o despiteful_o use_v we_o and_o persecute_v we_o we_o have_v provoke_v and_o rebel_v against_o thou_o o_o lord_n righteousness_n belong_v to_o thou_o but_o unto_o we_o confusion_n of_o face_n as_o at_o this_o day_n by_o presume_v to_o do_v evil_a that_o good_a may_v come_v thereon_o by_o place_v piety_n in_o opinion_n by_o strain_v at_o gnat_n and_o swallow_v of_o camel_n by_o scruple_v at_o thing_n indifferent_a and_o make_v no_o conscience_n of_o know_a sin_n we_o have_v provoke_v and_o rebel_v against_o thou_o o_o lord_n righteousness_n belong_v to_o thou_o but_o unto_o we_o confusion_n of_o face_n as_o at_o this_o day_n by_o run_v into_o open_a profaneness_n under_o colour_n of_o avoid_v superstition_n by_o guide_v our_o conscience_n by_o humour_n fancy_n and_o not_o by_o the_o certain_a rule_n of_o thy_o law_n by_o have_v itch_a ear_n and_o heap_v to_o ourselves_o teacher_n and_o by_o have_v man_n person_n in_o admiration_n because_o of_o advantage_n we_o have_v provoke_v and_o rebel_v against_o thou_o o_o lord_n righteousness_n belong_v to_o thou_o but_o unto_o we_o confusion_n of_o face_n as_o at_o this_o day_n by_o our_o unreformed_a continue_n in_o our_o former_a sin_n since_o thy_o heavy_a judgement_n come_v out_o against_o we_o our_o not_o melt_v not_o turn_v to_o thou_o in_o humiliation_n and_o contrition_n and_o change_n of_o life_n or_o not_o prepare_v to_o meet_v our_o god_n when_o he_o be_v come_v out_o in_o fury_n against_o we_o we_o have_v provoke_v and_o rebel_v against_o thou_o o_o lord_n righteousness_n belong_v to_o thou_o but_o unto_o we_o confusion_n of_o face_n as_o at_o this_o day_n by_o those_o open_a or_o secret_a but_o still_o unmortified_a cry_v sin_n of_o a_o wretched_a people_n which_o have_v so_o enrage_v a_o long_a suffering_n god_n as_o to_o deliver_v up_o our_o glory_n the_o joy_n of_o our_o heart_n and_o the_o breath_n of_o our_o nostril_n into_o the_o power_n and_o malice_n of_o bloody_a man_n to_o be_v assault_v with_o a_o rage_n that_o reach_v up_o to_o heaven_n we_o have_v provoke_v and_o rebel_v against_o thou_o o_o lord_n righteousness_n belong_v to_o thou_o but_o unto_o we_o confusion_n of_o face_n as_o at_o this_o day_n by_o our_o fatal_a stupidity_n under_o this_o vengeance_n of_o thou_o our_o want_n of_o zeal_n of_o courage_n of_o a_o due_a detestation_n of_o so_o vile_a a_o enterprise_n our_o not_o confess_v of_o thou_o when_o we_o have_v be_v most_o signal_o call_v unto_o it_o we_o have_v provoke_v and_o rebel_v against_o thou_o o_o lord_n righteousness_n belong_v to_o thou_o but_o unto_o we_o confusion_n of_o face_n as_o at_o this_o day_n by_o bow_v our_o shoulder_n to_o bear_v and_o crouch_v down_o with_o issachar_n under_o our_o burden_n because_o the_o land_n be_v pleasant_a and_o rest_n seem_v good_a unto_o we_o by_o not_o put_v out_o ourselves_o and_o restore_v our_o sovereign_n but_o neglect_v that_o prize_n that_o thou_o be_v please_v late_o to_o put_v into_o our_o hand_n and_o forsake_v our_o own_o mercy_n we_o have_v provoke_v and_o rebel_v against_o thou_o o_o lord_n righteousness_n belong_v to_o thou_o but_o unto_o we_o confusion_n of_o face_n as_o at_o this_o day_n by_o our_o too_o much_o formality_n and_o coldness_n in_o our_o devotion_n by_o be_v weary_v at_o the_o return_n of_o our_o day_n of_o humiliation_n and_o secret_o repine_v at_o the_o length_n and_o frequency_n of_o our_o prayer_n by_o honour_v thou_o with_o our_o lip_n while_o our_o heart_n have_v be_v far_o from_o thou_o especial_o we_o of_o this_o family_n have_v provoke_v and_o rebel_v against_o thou_o o_o lord_n righteousness_n belong_v to_o thou_o but_o unto_o we_o confusion_n of_o face_n as_o at_o this_o day_n by_o prefer_v sacrifice_n before_o obedience_n and_o by_o hold_v fast_o our_o iniquity_n and_o yet_o think_v to_o be_v hear_v for_o our_o much_o speak_n we_o have_v provoke_v and_o rebel_v against_o thou_o o_o lord_n righteousness_n belong_v to_o thou_o but_o unto_o we_o confusion_n of_o face_n as_o at_o this_o day_n who_o can_v tell_v how_o oft_o he_o offend_v o_o cleanse_v thou_o we_o from_o our_o secret_a sin_n try_v we_o o_o lord_n god_n and_o search_v the_o ground_n of_o our_o heart_n prove_v and_o examine_v our_o thought_n and_o look_v well_o if_o there_o be_v any_o other_o way_n of_o wickedness_n in_o we_o and_o lead_v we_o in_o the_o way_n everlasting_a a_o prayer_n o_o almighty_a and_o most_o merciful_a father_n who_o be_v the_o lord_n the_o lord_n god_n merciful_a and_o gracious_a long_o suffer_v and_o abundant_a in_o goodness_n and_o truth_n keep_v mercy_n for_o thousand_o and_o forgive_a iniquity_n transgression_n and_o sin_n look_v down_o upon_o we_o with_o thy_o compassionate_a eye_n who_o be_v here_o before_o thou_o in_o the_o bitterness_n of_o our_o soul_n and_o do_v now_o with_o trouble_a spirit_n with_o break_a and_o contrite_a heart_n most_o humble_o beg_v pardon_n for_o these_o multitude_n of_o our_o offence_n look_v we_o humble_o beseech_v thou_o upon_o the_o blood_n of_o thy_o son_n which_o speak_v better_a thing_n than_o that_o of_o abel_n for_o his_o sake_n spare_v we_o lord_n spare_v thy_o people_n that_o those_o sin_n rise_v not_o up_o against_o we_o for_o his_o passion_n sake_n expose_v we_o not_o for_o a_o prey_n to_o their_o cruel_a hand_n who_o will_v both_o devour_v and_o deride_v we_o spare_v we_o lord_n spare_v thy_o people_n for_o the_o glory_n of_o thy_o name_n o_o deliver_v we_o and_o be_v merciful_a to_o all_o these_o our_o sin_n through_o jesus_n christ_n our_o lord_n amen_n the_o absolution_n to_o be_v pronounce_v by_o the_o priest_n only_o almighty_a god_n our_o heavenly_a father_n who_o of_o his_o great_a mercy_n have_v promise_v forgiveness_n of_o sin_n to_o all_o they_o that_o with_o hearty_a repentance_n and_o true_a faith_n turn_v unto_o he_o have_v mercy_n upon_o you_o pardon_n and_o deliver_v you_o from_o all_o your_o sin_n confirm_v and_o strengthen_v you_o in_o all_o goodness_n and_o bring_v you_o to_o everlasting_a salvation_n both_o of_o body_n and_o soul_n through_o jesus_n christ_n our_o lord_n amen_n the_o lord_n prayer_n our_o father_n which_o be_v in_o heaven_n hallow_a be_v thy_o name_n thy_o kingdom_n come_v thy_o will_n be_v do_v in_o earth_n as_o it_o be_v in_o heaven_n give_v we_o this_o day_n our_o daily_a bread_n and_o forgive_v we_o our_o trespass_n as_o we_o forgive_v they_o that_o trespass_n against_o we_o and_o lead_v we_o not_o into_o temptation_n but_o deliver_v we_o