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Sermons and discourses upon several occasions by G. Stradling ... ; together with an account of the author.
Stradling, George, 1621-1688.; Harrington, James, 1664-1693.
Wing S5783; ESTC R39104
up_o the_o law_n of_o nature_n each_o pagan_n may_v confute_v a_o infidel_n and_o each_o sinner_n himself_o that_o there_o be_v a_o god_n to_o be_v worship_v be_v found_v in_o that_o natural_a dependence_n rational_a creature_n have_v on_o their_o creator_n and_o that_o good_a and_o evil_a be_v different_a thing_n be_v the_o voice_n and_o dictate_v of_o natural_a reason_n too_o which_o he_o that_o contradict_v unman_v himself_o and_o be_v to_o be_v look_v on_o as_o a_o monster_n in_o nature_n such_o there_o have_v be_v in_o all_o time_n and_o which_o be_v strange_a even_o in_o those_o of_o divine_a revelation_n for_o we_o find_v the_o jew_n themselves_o upbraid_v here_o with_o this_o impiety_n which_o be_v so_o much_o the_o grosser_n in_o they_o because_o beside_o the_o unwritten_a they_o have_v withal_o a_o write_a law_n to_o instruct_v they_o better_o both_o in_o effect_n the_o same_o the_o same_o precept_n in_o stone_n and_o in_o the_o heart_n the_o moysaicall_a law_n be_v nothing_o else_o but_o a_o digest_v of_o that_o of_o nature_n where_o the_o only_a difference_n be_v in_o the_o clearness_n of_o the_o character_n for_o moses_n do_v but_o display_v and_o enlarge_v the_o phylactery_n of_o nature_n this_o be_v still_o the_o text_n and_o all_o his_o precept_n but_o so_o many_o commentary_n on_o it_o he_o do_v but_o trim_a up_o that_o candle_n of_o the_o lord_n natural_a reason_n which_o before_o burn_v dim_a set_v off_o virtue_n with_o a_o better_a lustre_n and_o expose_v vice_n in_o its_o proper_a shape_n and_o hue_n give_v that_o all_o its_o natural_a advantage_n to_o charm_v the_o eye_n and_o paint_v out_o this_o in_o such_o lively_a colour_n as_o may_v represent_v it_o in_o its_o utmost_a deformity_n yet_o such_o be_v the_o perverse_a blindness_n of_o some_o that_o they_o can_v see_v no_o difference_n here_o at_o all_o no_o distinction_n between_o a_o angel_n of_o light_n and_o a_o fiend_n good_a and_o evil_n be_v to_o they_o both_o alike_o or_o rather_o not_o alike_o for_o they_o prefer_v evil_a to_o good_a do_v not_o only_o confound_v the_o name_n and_o nature_n of_o these_o thing_n but_o in_o a_o cross_a manner_n misplace_v they_o put_v darkness_n for_o light_n and_o light_n for_o darkness_n like_o those_o antipode_n to_o mankind_n who_o by_o their_o strange_a way_n of_o live_a turn_n day_n into_o night_n and_o night_n into_o day_n this_o be_v that_o abomination_n the_o text_n take_v notice_n of_o which_o draw_v this_o severe_a imprecation_n from_o the_o almighty_a utter_v by_o the_o mouth_n of_o his_o prophet_n wo_n unto_o they_o that_o call_v evil_a good_a etc._n etc._n which_o word_n seem_v to_o point_v to_o the_o jew_n but_o be_v indeed_o direct_o level_v at_o all_o those_o who_o remove_v the_o natural_a landmark_n and_o boundary_n of_o moral_a good_a and_o evil_a and_o they_o present_v we_o with_o these_o three_o observation_n 1._o that_o there_o be_v a_o real_a and_o natural_a difference_n between_o virtue_n and_o vice_n call_v here_o good_a and_o evil._n 2._o that_o there_o always_o have_v be_v and_o still_o be_v such_o as_o labour_n to_o take_v away_o this_o difference_n man_n that_o call_v good_a evil_a and_o evil_a good_n 3._o that_o to_o do_v so_o to_o endeavour_v to_o alter_v the_o nature_n and_o property_n of_o moral_a good_a and_o evil_a be_v such_o a_o heinous_a provocation_n as_o will_v inevitable_o bring_v a_o curse_n upon_o it_o of_o these_o in_o their_o order_n and_o 1._o that_o there_o be_v a_o real_a and_o natural_a difference_n between_o virtue_n and_o vice_n call_v here_o good_a and_o evil._n it_o seem_v the_o academician_n and_o epicurean_a sect_n be_v rife_o in_o the_o prophet_n esay_n day_n who_o be_v a_o loose_a sort_n of_o man_n and_o impatient_a of_o all_o natural_a and_o moral_a restraint_n will_v fain_o persuade_v themselves_o and_o all_o other_o that_o nothing_o be_v in_o itself_o good_a or_o bad_a that_o there_o be_v no_o such_o distinction_n in_o nature_n but_o only_o in_o the_o opinion_n of_o man_n who_o be_v please_v to_o make_v a_o enclosure_n where_o god_n and_o nature_n have_v lay_v all_o in_o common_a nec_fw-la natura_fw-la potest_fw-la justo_fw-la secernere_fw-la iniquum_fw-la be_v their_o fundamental_a principle_n a_o principle_n which_o because_o i_o find_v take_v up_o and_o improve_v by_o some_o of_o the_o like_a deprave_a judgement_n and_o it_o be_v the_o very_a source_n and_o fountain_n of_o much_o of_o that_o corruption_n that_o be_v in_o the_o world_n deserve_v to_o be_v consider_v and_o the_o direct_a way_n to_o disprove_v it_o will_v be_v to_o make_v out_o a_o real_a and_o natural_a difference_n between_o moral_a good_a and_o evil_a which_o i_o shall_v endeavour_v to_o do_v 1._o from_o the_o nature_n of_o a_o divine_a be_v 2._o from_o our_o own_o make_n and_o constitution_n 3._o from_o the_o natural_a beauty_n of_o good_a and_o deformity_n of_o evil_a whereof_o every_o man_n reason_n be_v the_o proper_a measure_n and_o judge_n 4._o from_o such_o contrary_a effect_n as_o must_v of_o necessity_n argue_v a_o contrariety_n in_o their_o cause_n 1._o the_o first_o proof_n of_o this_o truth_n i_o shall_v fetch_v from_o god_n himself_o in_o who_o very_a nature_n and_o be_v the_o difference_n between_o good_a and_o evil_a be_v conspicuous_a for_o it_o be_v evident_a that_o there_o be_v something_o simple_o good_a and_o something_o simple_o evil_a even_o to_o divine_a be_v something_o which_o god_n be_v by_o the_o necessity_n of_o his_o nature_n and_o something_o which_o by_o the_o same_o necessity_n he_o can_v be_v for_o shall_v i_o ask_v epicurean_a christian_n whether_o god_n can_v be_v other_o than_o what_o he_o now_o be_v or_o the_o scripture_n represent_v he_o they_o must_v needs_o resolve_v the_o question_n in_o the_o negative_a unless_o they_o will_v deny_v he_o to_o be_v god_n or_o which_o be_v the_o same_o thing_n grant_v he_o mutable_a immutability_n be_v so_o essential_a to_o he_o that_o what_o he_o now_o be_v he_o ever_o be_v and_o what_o he_o ever_o be_v he_o ever_o shall_v be_v and_o can_v choose_v but_o be_v so_o now_o god_n from_o all_o eternity_n be_v just_a merciful_a good_a and_o true_a it_o be_v the_o description_n he_o give_v of_o himself_o exodus_fw-la 34._o 6._o the_o lord_n the_o lord_n god_n merciful_a and_o gracious_a long_o suffer_v and_o abundant_a in_o goodness_n and_o truth_n and_o be_v not_o these_o his_o essential_a and_o unalterable_a property_n the_o reverse_n of_o that_o description_n may_v as_o well_o befit_v he_o which_o be_v the_o high_a blasphemy_n imaginable_a and_o the_o manichee_n need_v not_o to_o have_v invent_v two_o distinct_a principle_n of_o good_a and_o evil_a when_o by_o the_o epicurean_a doctrine_n these_o so_o contrary_a thing_n may_v well_o enough_o be_v reconcile_v to_o one_o and_o the_o same_o divine_a be_v whereas_o the_o scripture_n tell_v we_o that_o some_o thing_n be_v impossible_a for_o god_n to_o do_v as_o to_o lie_v 25_o and_o to_o be_v unjust_a and_o sure_o what_o he_o can_v man_n ought_v not_o what_o be_v good_a or_o bad_a to_o he_o must_v be_v so_o to_o we_o too_o and_o what_o be_v contrary_a to_o the_o divine_a can_v never_o be_v a_o part_n of_o humane_a perfection_n if_o god_n can_v be_v other_o than_o good_a merciful_a and_o just_a man_n who_o be_v create_v after_o his_o image_n must_v of_o necessity_n resemble_v his_o creator_n and_o the_o copy_n to_o be_v complete_a in_o all_o point_n answer_v its_o original_a 2._o as_o indeed_o it_o do_v for_o upon_o this_o account_n of_o a_o natural_a resemblance_n it_o be_v that_o we_o be_v say_v to_o be_v partaker_n of_o the_o 4._o divine_a nature_n and_o god_n have_v so_o wrought_v and_o weave_v his_o image_n into_o the_o very_a frame_n of_o our_o be_v that_o like_a phidias_n his_o picture_n in_o minerva_n shield_n it_o can_v never_o be_v total_o deface_v without_o the_o ruin_n of_o that_o frame_n and_o herein_o also_o the_o difference_n of_o good_a and_o evil_a be_v apparent_a for_o our_o passion_n fear_v and_o shame_n especial_o do_v manifest_o betray_v they_o omne_fw-la malum_fw-la aut_fw-la timore_fw-la aut_fw-la 1._o pudore_fw-la persudit_fw-la natura_fw-la nature_n say_v tertullian_n have_v dash_v every_o vice_n with_o fear_n or_o shame_n as_o for_o the_o first_o of_o these_o fear_v the_o continual_a fright_v the_o pale_a countenance_n and_o break_v sleep_v of_o wicked_a man_n do_v plain_o argue_v the_o inward_a dissatisfaction_n of_o natural_a conscience_n when_o they_o do_v amiss_o the_o guilt_n of_o the_o heart_n usual_o spread_v itself_o over_o the_o face_n as_o on_o the_o other_o side_n innocence_n be_v ever_o quiet_a and_o bold_a and_o they_o who_o act_n by_o the_o rule_n of_o right_a reason_n always_o calm_a and_o serene_a of_o which_o so_o apparent_a contrary_a effect_n no_o better_a account_n can_v be_v give_v than_o