Selected quad for the lemma: truth_n

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truth_n abundant_a lord_n merciful_a 1,635 5 8.8351 5 false
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A61251 A vindication of the divine perfections illustrating the glory of God in them, by reason and revelation: methodically digested into several meditations. By a person of honour. Stair, James Dalrymple, Viscount of, 1619-1695. 1695 (1695) Wing S5181; ESTC R221836 207,616 368

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pardon_v mercy_n reach_v so_o far_o that_o he_o have_v even_o have_v mercy_n upon_o frequent_a and_o long_a rejecter_n pull_v they_o as_o firebrand_n out_o of_o the_o fire_n who_o soul_n do_v cleave_v to_o their_o abomination_n and_o he_o continue_v many_o such_o sinner_n in_o life_n without_o kindle_v hell_n in_o their_o conscience_n with_o design_n to_o magnify_v his_o mercy_n upon_o they_o wherein_o consideration_n may_v be_v have_v of_o the_o kindness_n he_o have_v to_o their_o ancestor_n or_o of_o their_o extraordinary_a temptation_n or_o simple_o by_o his_o absolute_o free_a and_o unbounded_a grace_n but_o these_o firebrand_n be_v but_o some_o and_o few_o and_o ought_v not_o to_o encourage_v sinner_n to_o cleave_v to_o their_o sin_n and_o reject_v the_o offer_n of_o mercy_n and_o reconciliation_n we_o have_v one_o clear_a example_n of_o pardon_n to_o the_o thief_n on_o the_o cross_n at_o the_o point_n of_o death_n that_o none_o may_v despair_v and_o but_o one_o that_o none_o may_v presume_v god_n long-suffering_a patience_n and_o forbearance_n of_o sinner_n be_v act_n of_o his_o mercy_n whereby_o the_o effect_n of_o his_o justice_n be_v delay_v which_o be_v never_o in_o vain_a for_o either_o forgive_a mercy_n do_v at_o last_o take_v place_n or_o at_o least_o the_o glory_n of_o god_n goodness_n be_v manifest_v upon_o obstinate_a inexcusable_a and_o self-condemned_n sinner_n not_o that_o he_o delight_v or_o design_n to_o make_v they_o such_o but_o to_o manifest_v the_o superabundance_n of_o his_o grace_n in_o give_v they_o a_o sincere_a and_o true_a offer_n of_o reconciliation_n and_o not_o by_o cause_v they_o to_o reject_v it_o but_o by_o not_o cause_v they_o to_o entertain_v it_o when_o his_o glory_n do_v not_o require_v it_o the_o mercy_n of_o god_n be_v a_o most_o eminent_a and_o most_o amiable_a moral_a perfection_n his_o other_o goodness_n do_v either_o presuppose_v something_o in_o the_o object_n not_o as_o a_o merit_n but_o as_o a_o mean_n his_o faithfulness_n suppose_v the_o faith_n of_o his_o creature_n trust_v or_o hope_v for_o that_o good_a which_o he_o have_v not_o promise_v nor_o show_v that_o he_o have_v purpose_v it_o his_o goodness_n in_o creation_n suppose_v nothing_o in_o the_o object_n for_o it_o yet_o nothing_o against_o it_o but_o his_o forgive_a mercy_n and_o reconciliation_n presuppose_v those_o thing_n which_o be_v extreme_o opposite_a sometime_o the_o most_o irrational_a injury_n and_o enmity_n actual_o in_o some_o and_o habitual_o in_o all_o by_o natural_a or_o acquire_v inclination_n mercy_n be_v the_o most_o amiable_a divine_a perfection_n that_o provoke_v the_o most_o fervent_a love_n to_o god_n as_o christ_n say_v to_o the_o woman_n who_o wash_v his_o foot_n with_o her_o tear_n and_o wipe_v they_o with_o her_o hair_n her_o sin_n which_o be_v many_o be_v forgive_v for_o she_o love_v much_o but_o to_o who_o little_a be_v forgive_v the_o same_o love_n little_a there_o be_v more_o of_o mercy_n express_v in_o the_o whole_a course_n of_o scripture_n than_o of_o all_o the_o other_o divine_a perfection_n the_o main_a scope_n thereof_o be_v to_o show_v the_o mercy_n of_o god_n towards_o mankind_n which_o he_o foresee_v lapse_v in_o a_o miserable_a condition_n and_o of_o his_o inconceivable_a mercy_n he_o design_v the_o way_n of_o their_o escape_n from_o misery_n and_o their_o become_a heir_n of_o glory_n through_o the_o satisfaction_n of_o his_o son_n christ_n jesus_n whereby_o he_o may_v give_v mercy_n and_o forgiveness_n without_o encroach_a upon_o his_o justice_n and_o so_o make_v both_o mercy_n and_o justice_n to_o meet_v together_o and_o attain_v both_o their_o effect_n when_o god_n manifest_v himself_o to_o his_o belove_a moses_n and_o proclaim_v his_o name_n before_o he_o by_o which_o he_o will_v be_v design_v as_o his_o most_o proper_a character_n he_o say_v the_o lord_n the_o lord_n god_n merciful_a and_o gracious_a long-suffering_a and_o abundant_a in_o goodness_n and_o truth_n keep_v mercy_n for_o thousand_o forgive_a iniquity_n transgression_n and_o sin_n and_o that_o will_v in_o no_o way_n clear_v the_o gulilty_a mercy_n be_v the_o lead_n and_o inculcate_v attribute_n thrice_o repeat_v justice_n be_v last_o the_o path_n of_o the_o lord_n be_v not_o only_o say_v to_o be_v merciful_a but_o mercy_n in_o abstracto_fw-la and_o his_o mercy_n be_v plenteous_a he_o be_v full_a of_o mercy_n his_o mercy_n be_v multiply_v mercy_n belong_v to_o he_o he_o desire_v mercy_n rather_o than_o sacrifice_n his_o mercy_n be_v tender_a he_o be_v rich_a in_o mercy_n his_o mercy_n be_v everlasting_a it_o be_v his_o saint_n joy_v who_o sing_v of_o his_o mercy_n meditation_n xvi_o upon_o the_o faithfulness_n of_o god_n faithfulness_n be_v that_o perfection_n whereof_o faith_n or_o trust_n do_v immediate_o lie_v hold_v and_o rest_n the_o term_n be_v diverse_o take_v there_o be_v not_o another_o proper_a word_n but_o it_o to_o signify_v both_o the_o be_v worthy_a of_o trust_n and_o faith_n and_o the_o have_a faith_n but_o when_o it_o be_v apply_v to_o god_n it_o import_v not_o the_o subject_a but_o the_o fit_v object_n of_o the_o faith_n which_o do_v import_v a_o inclination_n to_o do_v that_o good_a which_o be_v believe_v or_o hope_v for_o suitable_o to_o the_o giver_n and_o receiver_n free_o without_o right_a to_o claim_v it_o wherever_o there_o be_v a_o right_a to_o claim_v there_o be_v a_o obligement_n or_o tie_v to_o perform_v and_o the_o performance_n be_v a_o act_n of_o justice_n not_o of_o benignity_n or_o mere_a decency_n the_o moral_a perfection_n of_o man_n be_v of_o three_o sort_n justice_n benignity_n and_o decency_n justice_n imply_v a_o obligement_n or_o tie_v to_o perform_v and_o a_o right_n or_o power_n to_o claim_v and_o exact_v benignity_n be_v a_o inclination_n to_o do_v good_a to_o another_o free_o without_o necessity_n or_o obligement_n to_o do_v it_o or_o right_o to_o claim_v it_o which_o sometime_o respect_v its_o object_n under_o no_o other_o consideration_n than_o that_o it_o be_v capable_a of_o that_o good_a and_o this_o be_v special_o call_v goodness_n such_o be_v god_n goodness_n in_o creation_n preservation_n and_o give_v those_o good_a thing_n which_o be_v not_o believe_v or_o expect_v such_o as_o act_n of_o mere_a liberality_n but_o other_o act_n of_o benignity_n be_v upon_o special_a consideration_n beside_o the_o capacity_n to_o receive_v as_o mercy_n to_o the_o miserable_a though_o they_o do_v not_o trust_v or_o expect_v it_o but_o faithfulness_n consider_v the_o object_n as_o trust_v or_o hope_v not_o simple_o for_o one_o may_v trust_v or_o hope_n for_o that_o that_o be_v not_o suitable_a for_o he_o to_o receive_v or_o for_o the_o person_n trust_v to_o give_v and_o so_o it_o be_v a_o unwarrantable_a expectation_n and_o not_o faith_n but_o presumption_n such_o be_v the_o desire_n of_o the_o mother_n of_o zebedee_n child_n to_o christ_n that_o the_o one_o may_v sit_v on_o his_o right-hand_n and_o the_o other_o on_o his_o lefthand_n in_o his_o kingdom_n and_o such_o be_v common_o the_o hope_n of_o the_o hypocrite_n who_o trust_v to_o obtain_v happiness_n without_o holiness_n but_o faith_n must_v be_v a_o wellgrounded_n faith_n hope_v or_o trust_v for_o such_o thing_n as_o be_v become_v the_o person_n trust_v to_o give_v and_o the_o truster_n to_o receive_v and_o that_o upon_o consideration_n that_o trust_v for_o though_o the_o good_a do_v be_v both_o suitable_a to_o the_o giver_n and_o receiver_n yet_o be_v not_o give_v to_o the_o receiver_n as_o trust_v and_o hope_v to_o receive_v it_o be_v a_o act_n of_o goodness_n but_o not_o a_o act_n of_o faithfulness_n the_o three_o sort_n of_o moral_a perfection_n be_v decency_n which_o respect_v the_o actor_n only_o and_o not_o any_o other_o and_o be_v do_v alone_o because_o it_o be_v suitable_a and_o become_v that_o person_n so_o to_o behave_v every_o virtue_n or_o moral_a perfection_n consist_v in_o a_o congruity_n to_o the_o actor_n and_o so_o be_v decency_n whether_o the_o act_n be_v terminate_v on_o the_o actor_n or_o on_o another_o but_o there_o be_v no_o special_a name_n to_o signify_v that_o decency_n that_o terminate_v on_o the_o actor_n but_o it_o retain_v the_o common_a name_n and_o so_o be_v decency_n strict_o take_v as_o man_n bear_v the_o image_n of_o god_n the_o light_n of_o nature_n show_v that_o all_o those_o perfection_n which_o he_o give_v man_n be_v original_o and_o eminent_o in_o god_n he_o be_v just_a and_o acknowledge_v himself_o debtor_n so_o to_o be_v in_o the_o distribution_n of_o reward_n and_o punishment_n in_o the_o performance_n of_o his_o promise_n whence_o there_o be_v a_o right_a to_o claim_v they_o though_o there_o be_v no_o power_n to_o exact_v they_o he_o be_v good_a and_o do_v good_a in_o some_o kind_n to_o all_o he_o make_v his_o sun_n to_o shine_v and_o his_o rain_n to_o fall_v upon_o the_o just_a and_o
and_o reason_n no_o man_n can_v know_v there_o be_v any_o real_a thing_n existent_a beside_o himself_o nor_o what_o or_o whence_o himself_o be_v atheist_n be_v come_v to_o that_o height_n of_o impudence_n as_o to_o pretend_v that_o they_o be_v the_o wit_n of_o the_o world_n who_o will_v believe_v nothing_o but_o what_o be_v certain_a and_o evident_a and_o will_v not_o believe_v that_o there_o be_v a_o god_n because_o they_o see_v it_o not_o evident_a in_o which_o they_o be_v evident_o the_o gross_a ignorant_n as_o well_o as_o the_o most_o imprudent_a fool_n ignorant_a they_o be_v because_o they_o find_v all_o their_o interest_n upon_o a_o inconsistent_a lie_n suppose_v certainty_n of_o knowledge_n from_o themselves_o when_o yet_o they_o find_v themselves_o often_o deceive_v yea_o suppose_v themselves_o undeceiveable_a whereas_o it_o be_v impossible_a to_o attain_v to_o any_o certain_a rule_n of_o man_n life_n without_o suppose_v a_o deity_n abound_v in_o truth_n and_o which_o can_v lie_v or_o deceive_v how_o can_v any_o be_v sure_a of_o any_o outward_a impression_n of_o sense_n for_o the_o same_o impression_n may_v be_v in_o the_o sense_n or_o brain_n not_o from_o a_o extrinsic_a but_o from_o a_o intrinsic_a cause_n those_o who_o eye_n be_v vitiate_a with_o any_o unnatural_a tincture_n think_v they_o see_v all_o object_n paint_v with_o certain_a colour_n but_o false_o yea_o the_o hypochondriack_n think_v they_o see_v not_o only_o false_a colour_n but_o even_o body_n and_o shape_v without_o any_o extrinsic_a impression_n what_o strange_a sound_n do_v the_o disorder_a ear_n represent_v taste_v and_o smell_n may_v not_o only_o be_v deprave_v but_o deprive_v how_o then_o can_v certainty_n be_v infer_v from_o sense_n if_o it_o be_v not_o presuppose_v that_o the_o author_n of_o sense_n be_v true_a and_o will_v not_o deceive_v and_o therefore_o have_v give_v his_o reasonable_a creature_n understanding_n distinct_a from_o sense_n which_o can_v reflect_v upon_o its_o own_o apprehension_n and_o perceive_v the_o condition_n of_o the_o organ_n and_o medium_fw-la of_o sense_n and_o make_v use_n of_o the_o concur_v testimony_n of_o other_o sense_n and_o the_o natural_a self-evident_a principle_n in_o the_o mind_n and_o thereby_o rest_v in_o perfect_a assurance_n which_o must_v explicit_o or_o implicit_o rest_v upon_o this_o ground_n that_o god_n the_o author_n of_o these_o faculty_n be_v true_a and_o can_v deceive_v and_o therefore_o the_o creature_n may_v secure_o rest_v in_o the_o concurrence_n of_o they_o this_o be_v yet_o more_o evident_a in_o the_o inbred_a first_o principle_n of_o knowledge_n contemplative_a or_o practical_a how_o can_v any_o certain_o believe_v that_o these_o be_v true_a if_o he_o do_v not_o believe_v the_o truth_n of_o god_n that_o give_v they_o the_o concur_v testimony_n of_o man_n through_o the_o world_n can_v not_o suffice_v for_o that_o testimony_n be_v know_v by_o sense_n by_o word_n or_o write_n yea_o though_o one_o man_n can_v travel_v through_o the_o whole_a world_n and_o speak_v with_o all_o the_o person_n in_o it_o that_o be_v yet_o by_o sense_n which_o need_v those_o inbred_a principle_n of_o reason_n to_o secure_v it_o against_o error_n there_o can_v no_o more_o be_v firm_o conclude_v than_o that_o these_o notion_n be_v common_a among_o people_n that_o keep_v no_o intercouse_n they_o can_v be_v from_o man_n but_o from_o a_o superior_a cause_n which_o yet_o will_v not_o conclude_v if_o that_o cause_n be_v not_o infallible_a which_o can_v neither_o be_v deceive_v nor_o deceive_v as_o the_o truth_n of_o god_n be_v a_o necessary_a foundation_n of_o the_o certainty_n of_o natural_a knowledge_n it_o must_v be_v no_o less_o necessary_a for_o the_o certainty_n of_o reveal_v knowledge_n for_o if_o god_n can_v lie_v or_o deceive_v how_o be_v it_o possible_a to_o know_v the_o truth_n of_o revelation_n and_o distinguish_v they_o from_o the_o illusion_n of_o devil_n or_o man_n not_o from_o miracle_n which_o may_v be_v from_o god_n omnipotence_n and_o can_v not_o conclude_v without_o his_o veracity_n not_o from_o the_o assertion_n of_o the_o great_a apostle_n and_o most_o glorious_a angel_n for_o paul_n say_v if_o we_o or_o a_o angel_n from_o heaven_n shall_v preach_v another_o gospel_n to_o you_o let_v he_o be_v accurse_v which_o necessary_o imply_v that_o if_o a_o contrary_a doctrine_n be_v preach_v from_o god_n it_o behove_v to_o overturn_v his_o veracity_n for_o otherwise_o the_o posterior_n testimony_n of_o paul_n or_o of_o a_o angel_n will_v be_v derogatory_n and_o preferable_a to_o the_o prior_n it_o be_v not_o possible_a to_o know_v that_o god_n be_v holy_a benign_a just_a merciful_a faithful_a wise_a and_o sovereign_a if_o he_o be_v not_o absolute_o true_a for_o it_o be_v clear_a that_o these_o can_v not_o be_v believe_v because_o god_n say_v it_o if_o he_o be_v not_o unchangeable_o true_a nor_o can_v any_o part_n of_o his_o holiness_n or_o godlikeness_n be_v believe_v without_o believe_v that_o he_o be_v true_a there_o be_v nothing_o more_o suitable_a to_o the_o deity_n than_o truth_n which_o be_v sure_o believe_v all_o his_o other_o perfection_n must_v be_v believe_v because_o god_n that_o can_v lie_v have_v declare_v they_o by_o reason_n and_o revelation_n i_o be_o not_o move_v with_o that_o objection_n against_o the_o apostle_n assertion_n that_o god_n alter_v the_o constitution_n and_o order_n of_o the_o jewish_a church_n and_o why_o may_v be_v not_o then_o without_o encroach_a upon_o his_o veracity_n alter_v the_o christian_a church_n the_o reason_n be_v clear_a because_o in_o the_o christian_a religion_n it_o be_v a_o chief_a part_n that_o there_o be_v no_o name_n give_v under_o heaven_n by_o which_o salvation_n can_v come_v but_o by_o the_o name_n of_o jesus_n and_o that_o there_o be_v never_o another_o way_n to_o be_v accept_v or_o expect_v though_o by_o the_o annunciation_n of_o a_o angel_n from_o heaven_n this_o be_v never_o say_v of_o the_o jewish_a oeconomy_n the_o truth_n of_o god_n be_v so_o fundamental_o necessary_a to_o be_v believe_v god_n in_o his_o wisdom_n and_o goodness_n have_v give_v the_o strong_a evidence_n of_o it_o there_o can_v be_v nothing_o more_o contrary_a to_o the_o principle_n of_o natural_a light_n than_o to_o imagine_v a_o lie_a or_o deceive_v god_n there_o be_v nothing_o so_o powerful_o and_o peremptory_o assert_v in_o the_o scripture_n as_o the_o truth_n of_o god_n who_o be_v call_v the_o god_n of_o truth_n and_o christ_n call_v himself_o the_o truth_n in_o abstracto_fw-la in_o the_o character_n and_o description_n god_n give_v of_o himself_o to_o moses_n he_o declare_v himself_o merciful_a and_o gracious_a long-suffering_a and_o abundant_a in_o goodness_n and_o truth_n and_o he_o be_v a_o god_n full_a of_o compassion_n and_o gracious_a long-suffering_a and_o plenteous_a in_o mercy_n and_o truth_n his_o mercy_n be_v everlasting_a and_o his_o truth_n endure_v to_o all_o generation_n seldom_o be_v the_o truth_n of_o god_n mention_v but_o with_o his_o mercy_n for_o mercy_n can_v be_v of_o no_o moment_n if_o god_n truth_n be_v not_o absolute_o sure_a by_o mercy_n and_o truth_n iniquity_n be_v purge_v say_v solomon_n and_o mercy_n and_o truth_n preserve_v the_o king_n god_n word_n be_v frequent_o call_v the_o word_n of_o truth_n but_o that_o which_o be_v most_o signal_n to_o convince_v we_o of_o the_o truth_n of_o god_n be_v that_o he_o declare_v it_o be_v impossible_a for_o god_n to_o lie_v truth_n do_v import_v 1._o the_o conformity_n between_o the_o sign_n institute_v to_o express_v thought_n and_o the_o thought_n whether_o these_o sign_n be_v by_o word_n or_o writ_n or_o by_o other_o sign_n as_o beckon_v with_o the_o hand_n or_o the_o head_n or_o the_o raise_n a_o pleasant_a aspect_n in_o the_o countenance_n to_o signify_v assent_n approbation_n or_o acceptance_n which_o be_v more_o proper_o call_v sincerity_n and_o truth_n by_o such_o sign_n be_v call_v veracity_n truth_n do_v also_o extend_v to_o the_o conformity_n between_o the_o thought_n and_o the_o object_n thereof_o and_o so_o truth_n be_v say_v to_o be_v in_o the_o heart_n and_o to_o the_o conformity_n of_o word_n speak_v or_o write_v or_o other_o sign_n unto_o thing_n signify_v though_o not_o conform_v to_o the_o thought_n or_o judgement_n of_o he_o that_o express_v they_o so_o there_o may_v be_v veracity_n without_o verity_n when_o word_n be_v conform_v to_o the_o judgement_n of_o he_o that_o speak_v but_o not_o to_o the_o thing_n signify_v yet_o both_o may_v concur_v with_o design_n to_o seduce_v or_o lead_v into_o error_n or_o evil_a practice_n when_o the_o premise_n be_v express_v and_o the_o conclusion_n be_v leave_v to_o the_o hearer_n who_o principle_n or_o opinion_n be_v know_v that_o thence_o they_o will_v infer_v a_o wrong_n and_o inconsequent_a conclusion_n which_o when_o do_v with_o design_n to_o seduce_v be_v no_o less_o deceit_n than_o