Selected quad for the lemma: truth_n

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truth_n abundant_a lord_n merciful_a 1,635 5 8.8351 5 false
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A59035 The bowels of tender mercy sealed in the everlasting covenant wherein is set forth the nature, conditions and excellencies of it, and how a sinner should do to enter into it, and the danger of refusing this covenant-relation : also the treasures of grace, blessings, comforts, promises and priviledges that are comprized in the covenant of Gods free and rich mercy made in Jesus Christ with believers / by that faithful and reverend divine, Mr Obadiah Sedgwick ... ; perfected and intended for the press, therefore corrected and lately revised by himself, and published by his own manuscript ... Sedgwick, Obadiah, 1600?-1658. 1661 (1661) Wing S2366; ESTC R17565 1,095,711 784

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they_o both_o 6._o in_o the_o form_n of_o inscription_n as_o in_o that_o the_o law_n of_o work_n be_v write_v in_o the_o heart_n of_o adam_n so_o in_o this_o the_o law_n of_o grace_n be_v write_v in_o the_o heart_n of_o every_o one_o confederated_a 7._o in_o the_o unchangeableness_n both_o of_o the_o one_o and_o of_o the_o other_o both_o of_o they_o be_v immutable_a although_o that_o covenant_n of_o work_n as_o it_o be_v a_o covenant_n for_o life_n cease_v unto_o believer_n yet_o it_o stand_v in_o force_n upon_o and_o against_o all_o unbeliever_n i_o say_v notwithstanding_o all_o these_o general_a concordancy_n correspondency_n and_o agreement_n between_o they_o they_o do_v yet_o differ_v in_o nine_o particular_n which_o i_o differ_v nine_o thing_n in_o which_o they_o differ_v shall_v the_o rather_o mention_v that_o you_o may_v understand_v the_o infinite_a goodness_n of_o god_n in_o make_v this_o covenant_n of_o grace_n and_o his_o infinite_a mercy_n in_o it_o and_o your_o own_o happiness_n by_o it_o if_o any_o of_o you_o be_v bring_v into_o the_o covenant_n and_o also_o to_o affect_v your_o heart_n that_o you_o may_v press_v the_o more_o after_o a_o personal_a interest_n therein_o thus_o than_o the_o covenant_n of_o work_n and_o of_o grace_n do_v differ_v 1._o in_o their_o special_a end_n the_o end_n which_o god_n aim_v at_o in_o the_o covenant_n of_o work_n be_v the_o declaration_n and_o magnify_v of_o his_o justice_n and_o his_o end_n in_o make_v end_n in_o their_o special_a end_n the_o covenant_n of_o grace_n be_v the_o declaration_n and_o magnify_v of_o his_o mercy_n in_o the_o covenant_n of_o work_n it_o be_v do_v this_o and_o live_v if_o you_o sin_n you_o die_v for_o it_o here_o be_v no_o place_n for_o repentance_n no_o place_n for_o mercy_n in_o the_o covenant_n of_o work_n when_o adam_n have_v sin_v there_o be_v no_o commission_n of_o enquiry_n whether_o he_o repent_v or_o not_o of_o what_o he_o have_v do_v the_o enquiry_n be_v only_o of_o the_o fact_n what_o have_v thou_o do_v have_v thou_o eat_v of_o the_o tree_n whereof_o i_o say_v unto_o thou_o thou_o shall_v not_o eat_v and_o be_v find_v guilty_a death_n and_o curse_n be_v pronounce_v against_o he_o gen._n 3._o 11_o 19_o thus_o it_o be_v in_o the_o covenant_n of_o work_n the_o soul_n that_o sin_n shall_v die_v 〈◊〉_d 18._o 4._o in_o this_o god_n reveal_v his_o wrath_n from_o heaven_n against_o all_o unrighteousness_n and_o ungodliness_n of_o man_n rom._n 1._o 18._o and_o thus_o he_o make_v his_o power_n and_o justice_n know_v in_o that_o covenant_n but_o in_o the_o covenant_n of_o grace_n his_o intention_n and_o purpose_n be_v to_o glorify_v his_o mercy_n to_o proclaim_v his_o glory_n the_o lord_n the_o lord_n merciful_a and_o gracious_a long-suffering_a and_o abundant_a in_o goodness_n and_o truth_n forgive_a iniquity_n transgression_n and_o sin_n exod._n 34._o 6_o 7._o this_o be_v the_o covenant_n that_o i_o will_v make_v with_o the_o house_n of_o israel_n after_o those_o day_n etc._n etc._n i_o will_v be_v merciful_a to_o their_o unrighteousness_n and_o their_o sin_n and_o iniquity_n i_o will_v remember_v no_o more_o heb._n 8._o 10_o 12._o in_o this_o covenant_n there_o be_v place_n for_o repentance_n and_o mercy_n for_o the_o penitent_a repent_v that_o your_o sin_n may_v be_v blot_v out_o act_v 3._o 19_o he_o that_o forsake_v his_o sin_n shall_v have_v mercy_n prov._n 28._o 13._o so_o that_o as_o to_o the_o covenant_n of_o work_n you_o must_v be_v altogether_o perfect_a and_o always_o so_o if_o you_o sin_n at_o all_o you_o be_v cast_v and_o condemn_v but_o as_o to_o the_o covenant_n of_o grace_n the_o sinner_n be_v penitent_a be_v receive_v to_o mercy_n and_o spare_v this_o be_v one_o great_a difference_n betwixt_o the_o covenant_n of_o work_n and_o of_o grace_n 2._o in_o the_o condition_n of_o man_n with_o who_o god_n do_v covenant_n the_o covenant_n covenant_n in_o the_o condition_n of_o man_n with_o who_o god_n do_v covenant_n of_o work_n be_v make_v with_o man_n as_o perfect_v upright_o innocent_a and_o then_o sinless_a and_o therefore_o it_o be_v call_v by_o some_o pactum_fw-la amicitiae_fw-la a_o covenant_n of_o friendship_n because_o before_o the_o fall_n there_o be_v nothing_o of_o variance_n or_o enmity_n betwixt_o god_n and_o man_n that_o estate_n be_v a_o estate_n of_o love_n and_o kindness_n and_o friendship_n god_n be_v adam_n friend_n and_o adam_n be_v a_o friend_n to_o god_n they_o agree_v together_o and_o converse_v as_o love_a friend_n but_o the_o covenant_n of_o grace_n be_v make_v with_o man_n as_o break_v friendship_n as_o fall_v off_o by_o sin_n as_o under_o the_o estate_n of_o enmity_n when_o his_o sin_n have_v separate_v betwixt_o he_o and_o his_o god_n and_o therefore_o this_o covenant_n be_v call_v pactum_fw-la reconciliationis_fw-la a_o covenant_n of_o reconciliation_n a_o agreement_n make_v betwixt_o party_n who_o have_v fall_v out_o the_o lord_n be_v please_v to_o look_v after_o man_n again_o and_o to_o take_v pity_n on_o he_o and_o to_o propose_v new_a article_n of_o life_n unto_o he_o 3._o in_o their_o foundation_n the_o covenant_n of_o work_n as_o to_o our_o part_n be_v found_v foundation_n in_o their_o foundation_n upon_o the_o strength_n of_o that_o righteous_a nature_n which_o god_n give_v unto_o adam_n and_o in_o he_o unto_o we_o so_o that_o his_o stand_n be_v upon_o his_o own_o bottom_n upon_o the_o sufficiency_n of_o his_o own_o power_n and_o will_n with_o which_o he_o be_v create_v but_o the_o foundation_n of_o the_o covenant_n of_o grace_n be_v jesus_n christ_n not_o our_o own_o strength_n but_o the_o strength_n of_o christ_n who_o be_v the_o rock_n the_o cornerstone_n the_o foundation-stone_n upon_o which_o you_o be_v build_v and_o this_o be_v one_o reason_n why_o adam_n fall_v and_o lose_v that_o life_n promise_v in_o the_o covenant_n of_o work_n and_o why_o such_o as_o be_v bring_v into_o the_o covenant_n of_o grace_n fall_v not_o so_o as_o to_o lose_v that_o bless_a life_n promise_v unto_o they_o adam_n have_v more_o inherent_a strength_n of_o grace_n than_o we_o have_v he_o at_o his_o first_o creation_n be_v without_o all_o sin_n yet_o he_o be_v leave_v to_o the_o strength_n of_o his_o own_o will_n willing_o break_v with_o god_n willing_o transgress_v and_o lose_v all_o but_o we_o though_o weak_a in_o ourselves_o than_o he_o yet_o be_v bring_v into_o this_o covenant_n of_o grace_n though_o we_o meet_v with_o as_o great_a temptation_n as_o he_o yet_o fall_v not_o as_o he_o do_v because_o the_o foundation_n of_o our_o strength_n be_v great_a than_o he_o jesus_n christ_n hold_v we_o in_o his_o own_o hand_n joh._n 10._o 28._o and_o we_o be_v keep_v by_o the_o power_n of_o god_n through_o faith_n unto_o salvation_n 1_o pet._n 1._o 5._o 4._o the_o covenant_n of_o work_n be_v make_v without_o a_o mediator_n there_o be_v no_o mediator_n the_o one_o make_v without_o a_o mediator_n dayman_n betwixt_o god_n and_o man_n none_o to_o stand_v between_o they_o there_o be_v none_o and_o need_v none_o because_o there_o be_v no_o difference_n then_o betwixt_o god_n and_o man_n man_n be_v then_o righteous_a perfect_o righteous_a a_o mediator_n be_v a_o three_o person_n betwixt_o two_o different_a party_n to_o make_v up_o the_o breach_n which_o arise_v betwixt_o they_o but_o when_o the_o covenant_n of_o work_n be_v make_v betwixt_o god_n and_o man_n all_o be_v righteousness_n and_o therefore_o all_o be_v peace_n there_o be_v no_o use_n of_o a_o mediator_n to_o bring_v they_o into_o peace_n and_o set_v they_o at_o one_o who_o be_v hitherto_o in_o perfect_a love_n and_o union_n but_o in_o the_o covenant_n of_o grace_n there_o be_v a_o mediator_n mediator_n the_o other_o with_o a_o mediator_n jesus_n the_o mediator_n of_o the_o new_a covenant_n heb._n 12._o 24._o man_n be_v fall_v there_o be_v now_o a_o necessity_n of_o a_o mediator_n to_o satisfy_v god_n justice_n to_o destroy_v enmity_n to_o make_v peace_n to_o bring_v we_o near_o to_o god_n again_o and_o to_o gain_v we_o confidence_n and_o acceptance_n with_o god_n the_o covenant_n of_o grace_n can_v not_o have_v be_v draw_v up_o without_o a_o mediator_n god_n will_v never_o have_v treat_v with_o sinner_n but_o by_o a_o mediator_n who_o shall_v satisfy_v he_o for_o the_o wrong_n and_o injury_n do_v unto_o he_o and_o who_o shall_v set_v mercy_n as_o it_o be_v at_o liberty_n to_o shower_n and_o fall_v down_o on_o sinful_a man_n and_o who_o shall_v undertake_v to_o see_v all_o article_n perform_v objection_n it_o may_v be_v object_v that_o the_o law_n give_v at_o mount_n sinai_n be_v a_o covenant_n of_o work_n and_o yet_o that_o be_v deliver_v by_o the_o hand_n of_o a_o mediator_n gal._n 3._o 19_o sol._n i_o shall_v say_v no_o more_o to_o this_o at_o present_a but_o that_o the_o
have_v take_v he_o to_o be_v her_o husband_n will_v you_o build_v the_o top_n of_o the_o house_n before_o you_o have_v lay_v the_o foundation_n reflexive_a act_n be_v the_o last_o act_n never_o be_v they_o the_o first_o act_n in_o the_o covenant_n nay_o it_o be_v a_o very_a delusion_n and_o falsehood_n to_o know_v that_o god_n be_v your_o god_n before_o you_o take_v he_o to_o be_v so_o he_o be_v not_o your_o god_n neither_o be_v you_o his_o people_n until_o you_o consent_v to_o take_v he_o for_o your_o god_n 2._o the_o only_a way_n to_o know_v your_o interest_n in_o the_o covenant_n be_v to_o accept_v of_o the_o covenant_n it_o the_o only_a way_n to_o know_v your_o interest_n in_o the_o covenant_n be_v to_o accept_v of_o it_o as_o to_o know_v that_o your_o sin_n be_v pardon_v the_o way_n to_o this_o be_v to_o believe_v the_o promise_n of_o pardon_n and_o to_o know_v that_o christ_n be_v you_o the_o way_n be_v first_o to_o receive_v and_o embrace_v christ_n by_o faith_n so_o the_o way_n to_o know_v that_o god_n be_v your_o god_n be_v first_o to_o take_v he_o to_o be_v your_o god_n to_o become_v his_o people_n 6._o god_n will_v refuse_v none_o from_o this_o covenant_n who_o be_v indeed_o willing_a to_o have_v god_n god_n will_v refuse_v none_o from_o this_o covenant_n who_o be_v willing_a to_o have_v he_o to_o be_v their_o god_n he_o to_o be_v their_o god_n in_o covenant_n as_o christ_n speak_v in_o revel_n 22._o 19_o whosoever_o will_v let_v he_o come_v and_o drink_v of_o the_o water_n of_o life_n free_o so_o say_v i_o whosoever_o be_v willing_a to_o have_v god_n to_o be_v his_o god_n and_o to_o close_v with_o god_n as_o god_n manifest_v himself_o a_o god_n in_o covenant_n let_v he_o come_v god_n will_v be_v his_o god_n in_o covenant_n quest_n how_o be_v that_o will_v you_o say_v sol._n thus_o it_o i●_n the_o lord_n say_v i_o be_o god_n almighty_a i_o 〈◊〉_d the_o lord_n the_o lord_n graci●u●_n and_o merciful_a long-suffering_a abundant_a in_o 〈◊〉_d and_o truth_n forgive_a iniquity_n transgression_n and_o sin_n will_v you_o accept_v of_o such_o a_o god_n to_o be_v your_o god_n o_o with_o all_o our_o heart_n we_o be_v undo_v unless_o the_o merciful_a and_o gracious_a god_n be_v our_o god_n and_o say_v god_n i_o be_o a_o holy_a god_n i_o the_o lord_n be_o holy_a the_o lord_n thy_o god_n be_v a_o holy_a god_n i_o be_o of_o pure_a eye_n than_o to_o behold_v sin_n i_o hate_v and_o abhor_v it_o and_o if_o you_o will_v have_v i_o to_o be_v your_o god_n you_o must_v be_v holy_a as_o i_o be_o holy_a your_o heart_n must_v be_v holy_a and_o your_o life_n must_v be_v holy_a you_o must_v be_v willing_a to_o renounce_v and_o forsake_v every_o one_o of_o your_o sinful_a lust_n and_o every_o one_o of_o your_o sinful_a way_n be_v you_o willing_a to_o be_v holy_a in_o all_o manner_n of_o conversation_n if_o your_o heart_n can_v answer_v to_o the_o lord_n o_o lord_n i_o have_v be_v a_o sinful_a wretch_n and_o i_o have_v a_o sinful_a heart_n which_o be_v the_o burden_n of_o my_o soul_n i_o be_o content_a to_o be_v make_v holy_a i_o beseech_v thou_o make_v i_o holy_a i_o shall_v bless_v thou_o with_o all_o my_o soul_n if_o thou_o will_v be_v please_v to_o give_v thy_o holy_a spirit_n to_o i_o if_o thou_o will_v change_v my_o heart_n by_o thy_o renew_n grace_n if_o thou_o will_v cleanse_v i_o from_o all_o my_o uncleanness_n if_o thou_o will_v mortify_v and_o subdue_v in_o i_o every_o sinful_a lust_n and_o affection_n and_o say_v god_n i_o be_o the_o great_a and_o mighty_a god_n the_o lord_n of_o all_o the_o lord_n of_o lord_n and_o i_o give_v law_n to_o all_o my_o people_n and_o will_v be_v fear_v and_o obey_v and_o i_o will_v have_v you_o to_o set_v up_o my_o will_n for_o your_o rule_n and_o i_o will_v have_v you_o to_o do_v the_o work_n which_o i_o appoint_v you_o and_o to_o walk_v only_o in_o such_o path_n of_o righteousness_n and_o obedience_n as_o i_o require_v and_o prescribe_v be_v you_o willing_a to_o receive_v the_o law_n from_o my_o mouth_n and_o to_o obey_v my_o win_v and_o to_o do_v all_o that_o i_o command_v you_o though_o man_n dislike_v it_o and_o man_n reproach_v you_o for_o it_o if_o now_o you_o can_v answer_v o_o lord_n we_o be_v willing_a thus_o to_o take_v thou_o for_o our_o god_n and_o in_o all_o these_o respect_n to_o be_v thou_o than_o god_n will_v own_v you_o as_o his_o people_n in_o covenant_n quest_n but_o o_o lord_n how_o shall_v we_o be_v able_a to_o compass_v this_o and_o to_o attain_v all_o this_o sol._n nay_o that_o be_v not_o the_o question_n say_v god_n but_o be_v you_o willing_a thus_o to_o take_v i_o for_o your_o god_n if_o you_o be_v cordial_o willing_a thus_o to_o take_v i_o i_o will_v be_v your_o god_n and_o i_o be_o your_o god_n and_o according_a to_o my_o covenant_n i_o engage_v myself_o unto_o you_o to_o give_v you_o holiness_n to_o change_v your_o heart_n and_o to_o give_v you_o mercy_n to_o pardon_v your_o sin_n and_o to_o give_v you_o grace_n and_o power_n to_o mortify_v your_o lust_n and_o to_o give_v you_o strength_n to_o obey_v my_o will_n to_o walk_v in_o my_o statute_n and_o to_o do_v they_o all_o o_o sir_n this_o willingness_n such_o a_o willingness_n as_o this_o to_o accept_v of_o god_n to_o be_v our_o god_n this_o be_v accept_v and_o this_o be_v enough_o to_o enter_v you_o into_o this_o gracious_a covenant_n with_o god_n and_o true_o this_o willingness_n to_o accept_v of_o god_n to_o be_v your_o god_n come_v from_o god_n willingness_n and_o god_n goodness_n and_o god_n power_n and_o god_n grace_n to_o make_v you_o to_o be_v his_o people_n none_o have_v this_o willingness_n wrought_v in_o they_o but_o those_o only_o who_o god_n will_v take_v into_o covenant_n with_o he_o some_o be_v willing_a in_o their_o strait_n to_o have_v the_o merciful_a god_n to_o be_v their_o god_n but_o they_o be_v not_o willing_a to_o have_v the_o holy_a god_n to_o be_v their_o god_n some_o be_v willing_a to_o have_v the_o gracious_a god_n and_o the_o reward_v god_n to_o be_v their_o god_n but_o they_o be_v not_o willing_a to_o have_v the_o command_a and_o rule_v god_n to_o be_v their_o god_n these_o indeed_o will_v not_o have_v god_n to_o be_v their_o god_n in_o covenant_n but_o if_o you_o find_v willing_a heart_n in_o all_o respect_n to_o close_v with_o god_n as_o he_o whole_o and_o full_o manifest_v himself_o to_o be_v a_o god_n in_o covenant_n that_o he_o shall_v universal_o form_v you_o up_o unto_o himself_o fear_v not_o come_v to_o he_o he_o will_v certain_o be_v your_o god_n sect_n xvi_o the_o last_o use_n from_o this_o discourse_n of_o the_o covenant_n shall_v be_v of_o direction_n wh●t_a use_v 5._o use_v course_n any_o sinner_n shall_v take_v that_o he_o may_v be_v bring_v into_o this_o covenant_n of_o covenant_n direction_n what_o course_n a_o sinner_n shall_v take_v to_o be_v bring_v into_o this_o covenant_n grace_n the_o necessity_n and_o happiness_n whereof_o he_o have_v hear_v so_o much_o the_o direction_n which_o i_o will_v commend_v unto_o you_o for_o this_o be_v these_o 1._o go_v unto_o god_n and_o beseech_v he_o to_o be_v your_o god_n and_o to_o make_v you_o to_o be_v his_o people_n people_n beg_v of_o god_n to_o be_v your_o god_n and_o make_v you_o his_o people_n for_o none_o can_v make_v god_n to_o be_v a_o god_n in_o covenant_n unto_o he_o but_o god_n himself_o and_o none_o can_v take_v god_n to_o be_v his_o god_n in_o covenant_n but_o from_o the_o strength_n of_o god_n alone_o hence_o it_o be_v that_o as_o to_o the_o first_o entrance_n into_o the_o covenant_n we_o for_o our_o part_n be_v rather_o passive_a than_o active_a and_o be_v rather_o covenant_v than_o covenant_v god_n must_v make_v we_o to_o be_v his_o before_o we_o can_v come_v to_o be_v his_o yea_o he_o must_v make_v we_o willing_a to_o be_v his_o before_o we_o can_v be_v willing_a to_o be_v so_o and_o therefore_o if_o you_o have_v observe_v it_o not_o only_o the_o make_n of_o a_o new_a covenant_n be_v settle_v and_o raise_v by_o the_o gracious_a will_n of_o god_n but_o the_o bring_n of_o we_o into_o that_o covenant_n do_v total_o depend_v upon_o the_o gracious_a and_o powerful_a pleasure_n of_o the_o same_o god_n i_o will_v be_v their_o god_n and_o they_o shall_v be_v my_o people_n as_o to_o bring_v in_o a_o sinner_n unto_o christ_n it_o be_v not_o sufficient_a that_o he_o be_v the_o effect_n of_o his_o purchase_n but_o it_o be_v likewise_o require_v that_o he_o be_v the_o fruit_n of_o his_o conquest_n jesus_n christ_n must_v by_o his_o spirit_n rescue_v he_o out_o of_o the_o possession_n
who_o be_v the_o donor_n or_o giver_n of_o all_o all_o it_o suit_v best_a with_o god_n the_o donor_n of_o all_o it_o do_v suit_n best_o 1._o with_o his_o will_n and_o pleasure_n who_o in_o this_o covenant_n will_v appear_v and_o be_v know_v to_o be_v the_o lord_n the_o lord_n merciful_a and_o gracious_a abundant_a in_o goodness_n and_o truth_n exod._n 34._o 6._o 2._o with_o his_o glory_n and_o praise_n which_o questionable_o devolve_v on_o himself_o alone_o see_v all_o our_o blessing_n come_v only_o out_o of_o his_o treasury_n and_o from_o no_o reason_n or_o merit_n of_o we_o but_o only_o from_o his_o own_o graciousness_n free_a gifr_n redound_v unto_o the_o pra●se_n of_o the_o giver_n only_o three_o this_o way_n of_o gracious_a give_v suit_n best_o with_o we_o the_o receiver_n of_o blessing_n receiver_n it_o suit_v best_a with_o we_o the_o receiver_n from_o god_n for_o consider_v we_o ei●her_n 1_o as_o mere_a sinner_n we_o have_v no_o hope_n or_o plea_n from_o any_o thing_n in_o ourselves_o we_o be_v a_o company_n of_o lose_a people_n who_o have_v undo_v ourselves_o and_o be_v both_o insufficient_a to_o help_v ourselves_o and_o also_o unworthy_a that_o god_n shall_v help_v we_o 2._o as_o make_v believer_n faith_n can_v find_v no_o ground_n to_o plead_v with_o god_n to_o challenge_v he_o to_o rely_v on_o he_o to_o expect_v anything_o from_o he_o but_o his_o promise_n to_o give_v and_o to_o give_v gracious_o a_o believer_n neither_o may_v nor_o can_v rest_v on_o any_o work_n or_o worth_n of_o his_o own_o all_o be_v but_o dross_n and_o dung_n he_o trade_v only_o with_o a_o gracious_a god_n in_o christ_n 3._o as_o petitioner_n thus_o also_o it_o suit_n best_o with_o we_o god_n graciousness_n be_v the_o best_a ground_n for_o we_o to_o ask_v upon_o o_o save_v i_o for_o thy_o mercy_n sake_n psal_n 6._o 4._o answer_v i_o in_o thy_o truth_n the_o sure_a ground_n to_o speed_n let_v we_o come_v bold_o unto_o the_o throne_n of_o grace_n that_o we_o may_v obtain_v mercy_n and_o find_v grace_n to_o help_v in_o time_n of_o need_n heb._n 4._o 16._o the_o most_o fix_a and_o invariable_a ground_n god_n be_v for_o ever_o the_o lord_n merciful_a and_o gracious_a you_o will_v quick_o find_v a_o want_n of_o worthiness_n in_o yourselves_o but_o you_o shall_v never_o find_v a_o want_n of_o goodness_n and_o graciousness_n in_o god_n use_v 1_o be_v all_o the_o blessing_n which_o be_v in_o the_o covenant_n give_v by_o god_n unto_o his_o people_n not_o upon_o the_o account_n or_o reason_n of_o their_o worthiness_n but_o of_o god_n graciousness_n censure_v a_o threefold_a error_n censure_v then_o behold_v a_o threefold_a error_n worthy_a to_o be_v censure_v and_o shunne●_n first_o of_o the_o papist_n who_o boast_v so_o impudent_o of_o their_o meritorious_a good_a papist_n of_o the_o papist_n work_n merita_fw-la de_fw-la congruo_fw-la before_o man_n be_v in_o the_o state_n of_o grace_n &_o merita_fw-la de_fw-la condigno_fw-la be_v in_o the_o state_n of_o grace_n they_o can_v take_v up_o all_o sort_n of_o merit_n for_o soul_n a●d_v b●dy_o nay_o heaven_n itself_o and_o eternal_a glory_n upon_o the_o account_n of_o their_o own_o merit_n hear_v what_o bellarmine_n say_v opera_fw-la nostra_fw-la propriè_fw-la merentur_fw-la faelicitatem_fw-la de_fw-la 17._o lib._n 5._o the_o 〈◊〉_d cap._n 16._o &_o 17._o congruo_fw-la hear_v what_o vashquiz_n say_v opera_fw-la nostra_fw-la n●n_fw-la habent_fw-la dignitatem_fw-la à_fw-la persona_fw-la christi_fw-la sed_fw-la à_fw-la persona_fw-la à_fw-la qua_fw-la procedunt_fw-la hear_v the_o anathema_n of_o the_o council_n of_o trent_n against_o all_o who_o deny_v that_o the_o work_n of_o justify_v person_n do_v veer_fw-la mereri_fw-la vitam_fw-la 44._o in_o 1._o 2._o tom._n 2._o disp_n 214._o c._n ●_o n._n 44._o aeternam_fw-la but_o against_o this_o we_o may_v oppose_v the_o scripture_n not_o by_o the_o work_n of_o righteousness_n which_o we_o have_v do_v but_o according_a to_o his_o mercy_n he_o save_v we_o say_v paul_n tit._n 3._o 5._o enter_v not_o into_o judgement_n with_o thy_o servant_n for_o in_o thy_o sight_n shall_v no_o flesh_n live_v be_v justify_v say_v david_n psal_n 143._o 2._o how_o holy_a a_o man_n be_v job_n and_o how_o abundant_a in_o good_a work_n see_v chap._n 31._o 16_o 17._o and_o yet_o say_v job_n chap._n 9_o 15._o though_o i_o be_v righteous_a i_o will_v not_o answer_v he_o but_o i_o will_v make_v my_o supplication_n to_o my_o judge_n and_o ver_fw-la 20._o if_o i_o justify_v myself_o my_o own_o mouth_n shall_v condemn_v i_o if_o i_o say_v i_o be_o perfect_a it_o shall_v also_o prove_v i_o perverse_a paul_n how_o strict_a be_v he_o and_o as_o touch_v the_o righteousness_n which_o be_v in_o the_o law_n how_o blameless_a and_o yet_o he_o will_v be_v find_v in_o christ_n not_o have_v his_o own_o righteousness_n which_o be_v of_o the_o law_n but_o that_o which_o be_v through_o the_o faith_n of_o christ_n the_o righteousness_n which_o be_v of_o god_n by_o faith_n phil._n 3._o 9_o second_o of_o the_o ordinary_a sort_n of_o protestant_n who_o set_v out_o something_o of_o their_o protestant_n of_o the_o ordinary_a sort_n of_o protestant_n own_o as_o reason_n why_o god_n shall_v bless_v they_o and_o save_v they_o they_o mean_v no_o body_n any_o harm_n and_o they_o serve_v god_n devout_o and_o keep_v their_o church_n and_o pay_v every_o one_o their_o due_a and_o say_v their_o prayer_n and_o their_o belelief_n and_o their_o ten_o commandment_n and_o cry_v god_n mercy_n when_o they_o sin_n and_o will_v not_o all_o this_o deserve_v heaven_n and_o a_o few_o blessing_n on_o earth_n three_o but_o most_o of_o all_o to_o be_v blame_v and_o that_o with_o pity_n be_v poor_a brokenhearted_a sinner_n of_o poor_a brokenhearted_a sinner_n sinner_n who_o discern_v so_o much_o sinfulness_n and_o unworthiness_n in_o themselves_o and_o yet_o be_v so_o difficult_a to_o place_v their_o hope_n in_o the_o graciousness_n of_o god_n and_o be_v heark_v extreme_o after_o something_o of_o worth_n in_o themselves_o something_o in_o themselves_o for_o which_o god_n will_v hear_v and_o help_v they_o if_o once_o they_o can_v reach_v unto_o it_o it_o be_v a_o great_a work_n to_o break_v a_o hard_a heart_n it_o be_v a_o great_a work_n to_o make_v a_o break_a heart_n to_o look_v up_o and_o trust_v for_o mercy_n it_o be_v the_o great_a work_n to_o make_v such_o a_o heart_n to_o believe_v for_o itself_o that_o all_o mercy_n and_o blessing_n be_v to_o be_v have_v upon_o the_o sole_a account_n of_o god_n graciousness_n whether_o this_o may_v arise_v from_o our_o exceed_a gild_n which_o fill_v we_o with_o excee_o slavish_a fear_n or_o from_o the_o pride_n of_o our_o heart_n which_o will_v be_v something_o or_o from_o the_o greatness_n of_o god_n kindness_n which_o be_v so_o unusual_a with_o man_n or_o from_o the_o particular_a genius_n of_o unbelief_n which_o be_v go_v and_o have_v nothing_o to_o say_v more_o when_o once_o we_o come_v to_o acknowledge_v god_n graciousness_n for_o the_o sole_a reason_n of_o all_o our_o blessing_n and_o possession_n or_o from_o all_o these_o conjunctive_o i_o will_v not_o now_o dispute_v but_o sure_o i_o be_o that_o the_o brokenhearted_a sinner_n be_v hardly_o bring_v off_o from_o boast_v on_o himself_o and_o be_v hardly_o bring_v on_o to_o commit_v or_o venture_v all_o his_o hope_n and_o confidence_n on_o the_o gracivosness_n of_o god_n as_o the_o entire_a cause_n why_o god_n shall_v pardon_v accept_v bless_v and_o save_v he_o and_o this_o be_v a_o principal_a cause_n why_o his_o soul_n dwell_v so_o long_o with_o fear_n and_o tear_n and_o sadness_n do_v god_n dispense_v all_o the_o blessing_n of_o the_o covenant_n unto_o his_o people_n not_o upon_o the_o account_n of_o their_o worthiness_n but_o only_o of_o his_o own_o graciousness_n then_o under_o the_o he_o under_o the_o sense_n ●f_fw-fr unworthiness_n let_v we_o go_v to_o god_n and_o trust_n on_o he_o sense_n of_o all_o our_o want_n yea_o and_o of_o all_o our_o unworthiness_n let_v we_o go_v to_o god_n and_o pray_v to_o he_o and_o trust_v upon_o he_o to_o do_v we_o good_a for_o his_o own_o name_n sake_n here_o be_v water_n say_v the_o eunuch_n to_o philip_n what_o do_v hinder_v i_o to_o be_v baptize_v so_o say_v i_o god_n promise_v to_o give_v all_o blessing_n unto_o his_o people_n and_o he_o promise_v to_o give_v they_o gracious_o now_o what_o shall_v hinder_v you_o from_o go_v to_o god_n and_o beseech_v and_o trust_v of_o he_o to_o perform_v his_o good_a word_n unto_o you_o you_o be_v grieve_v for_o your_o sin_n what_o shall_v hinder_v ●ou_v to_o believe_v the_o free_a forgiveness_n of_o they_o you_o will_v fain_o have_v your_o heart_n sanctify_v what_o shall_v hinder_v you_o from_o go_v to_o god_n and_o trust_v on_o he_o free_o to_o make_v they_o holy_a you_o will_v have_v
will_v never_o be_v quiet_a until_o repentance_n be_v renew_v and_o god_n appear_v to_o be_v pacify_v three_o if_o we_o have_v heart_n spiritual_o soft_a and_o tender_a this_o will_v appear_v by_o the_o respectiveness_n of_o our_o heart_n to_o the_o word_n of_o god_n and_o there_o be_v ten_o property_n of_o a_o tender_a heart_n in_o relation_n to_o the_o word_n of_o god_n 1._o it_o set_v up_o the_o word_n as_o a_o light_n and_o rule_n so_o psal_n 119._o 105._o thy_o word_n be_v a_o lamp_n unto_o my_o foot_n and_o a_o light_n unto_o my_o path_n ver_fw-la 133._o order_n my_o step_n in_o thy_o word_n 2._o it_o study_v the_o word_n and_o meditate_v therein_o to_o understand_v the_o mind_n of_o god_n concern_v it_o psal_n 119._o 15._o i_o meditate_v in_o thy_o precept_n and_o have_v respect_n unto_o thy_o way_n ver_fw-la 148._o my_o eye_n prevent_v the_o night_n watch_v that_o i_o may_v meditate_v in_o thy_o word_n 3._o it_o lay_v up_o and_o give_v special_a heed_n unto_o what_o god_n say_v in_o his_o word_n 2_o pet._n 1._o 19_o we_o have_v also_o a_o more_o sure_a word_n of_o prophecy_n whereunto_o you_o do_v well_o that_o you_o take_v heed_n psal_n 119._o 11._o thy_o word_n have_v i_o hide_v within_o my_o heart_n that_o i_o may_v not_o sin_v against_o thou_o prov._n 7._o 1._o my_o son_n keep_v my_o word_n and_o lay_v up_o my_o command_n with_o thou_o ver_fw-la 3._o bound_v they_o upon_o thy_o finger_n write_v they_o upon_o the_o table_n of_o thy_o heart_n 4._o it_o stand_v in_o awe_n of_o the_o word_n psal_n 119._o 161._o my_o heart_n stand_v in_o awe_n of_o thy_o word_n 5._o it_o be_v lead_v and_o guide_v by_o the_o word_n thou_o shall_v guide_v i_o with_o thy_o counsel_n psal_n 73._o 24._o thy_o testimony_n be_v my_o delight_n and_o my_o counsellor_n psal_n 119._o 24._o my_o sheep_n hear_v my_o voice_n and_o follow_v i_o joh._n 10._o 17._o 6._o it_o keep_v close_o to_o the_o word_n in_o all_o matter_n of_o faith_n and_o practice_n receive_v all_o and_o admit_v no_o more_o will_v not_o go_v without_o it_o and_o dare_v not_o strive_v against_o it_o 7._o it_o conform_v itself_o unto_o the_o word_n teach_v i_o o_o lord_n the_o way_n of_o thy_o statute_n and_o i_o shall_v keep_v it_o even_o to_o the_o end_n psal_n 119._o 33._o all_o that_o the_o lord_n have_v say_v will_v we_o do_v and_o be_v obedient_a exod._n 24_o 7._o o_o that_o my_o way_n be_v direct_v to_o keep_v thy_o statute_n psal_n 119._o 5._o he_o will_v teach_v we_o his_o way_n and_o we_o will_v walk_v in_o his_o path_n isa_n 2._o 3._o you_o have_v obey_v from_o the_o heart_n that_o form_n of_o doctrine_n whereto_o you_o be_v deliver_v rom._n 6._o 17._o mould_v cast_v 8._o it_o be_v quick_o reduce_v wrought_v upon_o and_o recover_v by_o the_o word_n as_o in_o david_n case_n when_o nathan_n say_v thou_o be_v the_o man_n 2_o sam._n 12._o 7._o david_n say_v unto_o nathan_n i_o have_v sin_v against_o the_o lord_n ver_fw-la 13._o so_o judge_n 2._o 2._o you_o have_v not_o obey_v my_o voice_n why_o have_v you_o do_v this_o ver_fw-la 4._o and_o it_o come_v to_o pass_v when_o the_o angel_n of_o the_o lord_n speak_v these_o word_n unto_o all_o the_o child_n of_o israel_n that_o the_o people_n lift_v up_o their_o voice_n and_o weep_v ver_fw-la 5._o and_o they_o call_v the_o name_n of_o that_o place_n weeper_n bochim_n and_o they_o sacrifice_v there_o unto_o the_o lord_n 9_o it_o will_v often_o review_v and_o try_v itself_o by_o the_o word_n lest_o it_o have_v sin_v or_o lest_o it_o shall_v sin_v against_o god_n psal_n 77._o 6._o i_o commune_v with_o my_o own_o heart_n and_o my_o spirit_n make_v diligent_a search_n psal_n 119_o 59_o i_o consider_v my_o way_n and_o turn_v my_o foot_n unto_o thy_o testimony_n 10._o it_o desire_v and_o endeavour_n to_o comply_v with_o all_o the_o word_n of_o god_n and_o to_o fulfil_v all_o the_o will_n of_o god_n and_o to_o walk_v according_a to_o it_o in_o all_o thing_n i_o have_v live_v in_o all_o good_a conscience_n unto_o this_o day_n act._n 23._o 1._o we_o trust_v we_o have_v a_o good_a conscience_n heb._n 13._o 18._o i_o have_v respect_n unto_o all_o thy_o commandment_n psal_n 119._o 6._o zachary_n and_o elizabeth_n walk_v in_o all_o the_o commandment_n and_o ordinance_n before_o the_o lord_n blameless_a luke_n 1._o 6._o four_o if_o we_o have_v heart_n spiritual_o soft_a and_o tender_a this_o will_v appear_v by_o dishonour_n by_o our_o sensibleness_n in_o case_n of_o god_n honour_n or_o dishonour_n our_o sensibleness_n and_o choice_n behaviour_n in_o the_o case_n of_o god_n honour_n and_o dishonour_n this_o i_o think_v be_v one_o of_o the_o full_a discovery_n of_o a_o soft_a and_o tender_a heart_n and_o therefore_o i_o will_v insist_v the_o more_o upon_o it_o by_o show_v unto_o you_o 1._o the_o several_a way_n how_o god_n be_v honour_v 2._o the_o several_a expression_n of_o a_o tender_a heart_n in_o relation_n unto_o god_n honour_n 3._o the_o several_a way_n of_o god_n dishonour_n 4._o the_o several_a affection_n and_o working_n of_o a_o tender_a heart_n in_o the_o case_n of_o god_n dishonour_n first_o the_o several_a way_n of_o god_n be_v honour_v god_n may_v be_v and_o be_v honour_v attribu●es_n how_o god_n be_v honour_v as_o ●●_o his_o name_n and_o attribu●es_n 1._o as_o to_o his_o glorious_a name_n and_o attribute_n deut._n 28._o 58._o that_o thou_o may_v fear_v this_o glorious_a and_o fearful_a name_n the_o lord_n thy_o god_n when_o we_o do_v acknowledge_v and_o admire_v and_o exalt_v god_n in_o his_o holiness_n and_o goodness_n and_o mercifulness_n and_o omnipotency_n and_o wisdom_n and_o greatness_n and_o authority_n and_o justice_n and_o faithfulness_n etc._n etc._n exod._n 15._o 11._o who_o be_v like_a unto_o thou_o o_o lord_n among_o the_o god_n who_o be_v like_o thou_o glorious_a in_o holiness_n fearful_a in_o praise_n do_v wonder_n job_n 9_o 4._o he_o be_v wise_a in_o heart_n and_o mighty_a in_o strength_n exod._n 34._o 6._o the_o lord_n the_o lord_n god_n merciful_a and_o gracious_a long-suffering_a abundant_a in_o goodness_n and_o truth_n ver._n 7._o keep_v mercy_n for_o thousand_o forgive_a iniquity_n transgression_n and_o sin_n and_o that_o will_v by_o no_o mean_n clear_v the_o guilty_a deuter._n 7._o 9_o know_v that_o the_o lord_n thy_o god_n he_o be_v god_n the_o faithful_a god_n which_o keep_v covenant_n and_o mercy_n with_o they_o that_o love_v he_o and_o keep_v his_o commandment_n to_o a_o thousand_o generation_n 2._o as_o to_o his_o worship_n and_o service_n psal_n 29._o 2._o give_v unto_o the_o lord_n the_o glory_n due_a unto_o his_o name_n or_o as_o it_o be_v in_o the_o hebrew_n the_o honour_n of_o his_o name_n worship_v the_o worship_n as_o to_o his_o worship_n lord_n in_o the_o beauty_n of_o holiness_n when_o we_o set_v up_o the_o true_a worship_n of_o god_n and_o serve_v he_o only_o and_o worship_v he_o only_o in_o spirit_n and_o in_o truth_n and_o keep_v faithful_a unto_o it_o now_o we_o do_v honour_n and_o glorify_v our_o god_n thou_o have_v not_o honour_v i_o with_o thy_o sacrifice_n isa_n 43._o 23._o the_o place_n where_o god_n be_v worship_v be_v call_v the_o place_n where_o his_o honour_n dwell_v 3._o as_o to_o his_o word_n and_o truth_n when_o they_o be_v magnify_v believe_v and_o embrace_v word_n at_o his_o word_n and_o uphold_v and_o obey_v when_o they_o have_v liberty_n and_o prosperity_n and_o success_n of_o efficacy_n 4._o as_o to_o his_o work_n of_o providence_n whether_o merciful_a respect_v the_o good_a work_n as_o to_o his_o work_n of_o his_o people_n or_o judicial_a respect_v the_o punishment_n of_o his_o adversary_n in_o both_o which_o very_o much_o of_o god_n be_v to_o be_v see_v and_o admire_v and_o bless_a second_o now_o a_o soft_a and_o tender_a heart_n be_v exceed_o affect_v with_o god_n honour_n honour_n how_o the_o tender_a heart_n be_v affect_v in_o case_n of_o god_n honour_n and_o glory_n and_o with_o all_o the_o way_n public_a and_o private_a for_o the_o honour_n of_o god_n such_o a_o person_n will_v take_v much_o pain_n to_o recover_v and_o restore_v the_o honour_n of_o god_n as_o you_o may_v see_v in_o jehoshaphat_n and_o hezekiah_n and_o josiah_n to_o restore_v the_o true_a worship_n of_o god_n such_o a_o person_n will_v be_v at_o much_o cost_n to_o promote_v the_o honour_n of_o god_n 1_o chron._n 29._o 3._o because_o i_o have_v set_v my_o affection_n to_o the_o house_n of_o my_o god_n i_o have_v of_o my_o one_o proper_a good_n of_o gold_n and_o silver_n which_o i_o have_v give_v to_o the_o house_n of_o my_o god_n over_z and_z above_o all_o that_o i_o have_v prepare_v for_o thy_o holy_a house_n even_o three_o thousand_o talent_n of_o gold_n of_o the_o
all_o the_o people_n of_o the_o covenant_n they_o do_v take_v the_o lord_n to_o be_v their_o god_n and_o they_o do_v resign_v surrender_v up_o and_o give_v themselves_o to_o be_v his_o people_n and_o agree_v to_o walk_v with_o he_o but_o then_o this_o arise_v not_o from_o their_o own_o power_n and_o ability_n but_o only_o from_o the_o love_n and_o power_n of_o the_o grace_n of_o god_n who_o in_o effectual_a vocation_n do_v not_o only_o say_v you_o shall_v be_v my_o people_n but_o also_o make_v they_o so_o to_o be_v they_o become_v his_o people_n but_o he_o make_v they_o willing_a to_o be_v so_o they_o agree_v to_o all_o that_o he_o require_v but_o it_o be_v because_o he_o enable_v they_o so_o to_o do_v before_o i_o pass_v from_o this_o i_o shall_v make_v some_o use_n of_o it_o use_v 1_o be_v this_o the_o new_a covenant_n that_o god_n be_v to_o we_o a_o god_n and_o that_o we_o be_v to_o he_o a_o people_n that_o he_o promise_v that_o he_o will_v be_v our_o god_n and_o we_o promise_v that_o we_o will_v be_v his_o people_n and_o be_v this_o the_o vital_a and_o chief_a part_n of_o the_o covenant_n that_o admiration_n this_o be_v matter_n of_o admiration_n god_n be_v and_o will_v be_v our_o god_n oh_o then_o what_o matter_n of_o admiration_n be_v this_o what_o wonder_v of_o love_n and_o kindness_n be_v manifest_v in_o this_o judas_n not_o iscariot_n wonder_v at_o the_o peculiar_a manifestation_n of_o christ_n unto_o the_o disciple_n john_n 14._o 22._o what_o be_v the_o cause_n that_o thou_o will_v show_v thyself_o to_o we_o and_o not_o unto_o the_o world_n and_o david_n wonder_v at_o god_n promise_v to_o establish_v his_o house_n and_o throne_n for_o ever_o before_o he_o 2_o sam._n 7._o 16._o then_o go_v king_n david_n and_o sit_v before_o the_o lord_n and_o he_o say_v who_o be_o i_o o_o lord_n god_n and_o what_o be_v my_o house_n that_o thou_o have_v bring_v i_o hitherto_o verse_n 18._o and_o this_o be_v yet_o a_o small_a thing_n in_o thy_o sight_n oh_o lord_n god_n but_o ●hou_fw-mi have_v speak_v of_o thy_o servant_n house_n for_o a_o great_a while_n to_o ●ome_o and_o be_v this_o the_o manner_n of_o man_n oh_o lord_n god_n verse_n 19_o and_o moses_n wonder_v at_o the_o great_a work_n of_o providence_n in_o the_o deliverance_n of_o israel_n and_o drown_v of_o phar●oh_n who_o be_v like_a unto_o thou_o o_o lord_n among_o the_o god_n who_o be_v like_o thou_o glorious_a in_o holiness_n fearful_a in_o praise_n do_v wonder_n exod._n 15._o 11._o all_o these_o thing_n and_o many_o more_o there_o be_v which_o afford_v wonder_n and_o admiration_n to_o we_o but_o this_o one_o thing_n that_o god_n be_v our_o god_n and_o that_o he_o promise_v in_o the_o covenant_n to_o be_v our_o god_n and_o that_o we_o shall_v be_v his_o people_n be_v of_o all_o other_o the_o most_o amaze_a truth_n and_o the_o most_o wonderful_a goodness_n behold_v what_o manner_n of_o love_n the_o father_n have_v wonderful_a and_o be_v most_o wonderful_a bestow_v upon_o we_o that_o we_o shall_v be_v call_v the_o son_n of_o god_n 1_o john_n 3._o 1._o this_o be_v most_o wonderful_a whether_o you_o consider_v 1._o god_n himself_o 2._o or_o ourselves_o or_o consider_v whether_o we_o consider_v 3_o the_o comprehensive_a efficacy_n of_o this_o or_o 4_o other_o thing_n in_o comparison_n with_o this_o or_o 5_o the_o fullness_n of_o it_o 1._o if_o you_o consider_v god_n himself_o in_o himself_o he_o be_v the_o almighty_a god_n the_o himself_o god_n himself_o great_a possessor_n of_o heaven_n and_o earth_n the_o eternal_a god_n infinite_a in_o holiness_n and_o wisdom_n and_o power_n there_o be_v no_o end_n of_o his_o greatness_n he_o be_v the_o lord_n the_o lord_n merciful_a gracious_a long-suffering_a abundant_a in_o goodness_n ●nd_v truth_n forgive_a iniquity_n transgression_n and_o sin_n a_o god_n high_a above_o all_o god_n now_o what_o wonder_n be_v it_o that_o this_o god_n will_v so_o far_o abase_v himself_o as_o to_o become_v our_o god_n to_o give_v himself_o and_o to_o bestow_v himself_o upon_o we_o and_o to_o own_v we_o for_o his_o people_n his_o peculiar_a his_o choice_n treasure_n 2._o if_o you_o consider_v we_o in_o ourselves_o what_o be_v man_n that_o thou_o be_v mindful_a of_o ourselves_o we_o in_o ourselves_o he_o or_o the_o son_n of_o man_n that_o thou_o visite_a he_o say_v david_n psalm_n 8._o 4._o much_o more_o wonderful_a be_v it_o to_o say_v what_o be_v sinful_a man_n that_o thou_o regard_v he_o or_o what_o be_v fall_v man_n that_o thou_o shall_v enter_v into_o covenant_n with_o he_o it_o be_v much_o that_o the_o great_a god_n shall_v make_v a_o covenant_n with_o man_n in_o the_o state_n of_o innocency_n it_o be_v much_o more_o that_o he_o shall_v renew_v a_o covenant_n with_o he_o in_o the_o state_n of_o enmity_n for_o the_o righteous_a god_n to_o covenant_n with_o righteous_a man_n be_v not_o so_o wonderful_a as_o for_o the_o holy_a god_n to_o make_v a_o covenant_n with_o unholy_a man_n to_o be_v a_o friend_n unto_o a_o friend_n be_v much_o less_o than_o to_o be_v a_o friend_n unto_o a_o enemy_n to_o show_v favour_n to_o one_o who_o never_o deserve_v wrath_n be_v inferior_a to_o this_o viz._n to_o show_v the_o great_a kindness_n to_o one_o who_o deserve_v the_o great_a wrath_n and_o utter_a rejection_n as_o to_o requite_v evil_a for_o good_a be_v the_o great_a ingratitude_n so_o to_o return_v good_a for_o evil_n be_v the_o great_a kindness_n 3._o if_o you_o consider_v the_o comprehensive_a efficacy_n of_o this_o that_o god_n be_v to_o we_o a_o god_n this_o the_o comprehensive_a efficacy_n of_o this_o in_o covenant_n this_o comprehend_v in_o it_o all_o good_a all_o love_n all_o mercy_n all_o blessing_n whatsoever_o if_o god_n be_v our_o god_n all_o good_a must_v be_v our_o good_a heaven_n and_o earth_n be_v settle_v upon_o you_o all_o be_v give_v unto_o you_o when_o god_n give_v himself_o unto_o you_o he_o be_v your_o sun_n and_o your_o shield_n he_o will_v give_v grace_n and_o glory_n and_o no_o good_a thing_n will_v he_o withhold_v how_o wonderful_a be_v this_o that_o god_n shall_v be_v our_o god_n in_o a_o covenant_n of_o grace_n we_o wonder_v at_o adam_n interest_n and_o possession_n but_o the_o interest_n and_o enjoyment_n of_o the_o sinner_n be_v bring_v into_o this_o covenant_n with_o god_n as_o they_o be_v more_o certain_a and_o stable_a so_o they_o be_v more_o high_a and_o full_a you_o be_v now_o interest_v in_o such_o mercy_n and_o in_o such_o fruition_n which_o adam_n never_o do_v or_o can_v taste_v of_o in_o his_o original_a state_n of_o righteousness_n this_o all_o other_o gift_n in_o comparison_n with_o this_o 4._o if_o you_o consider_v all_o other_o gift_n in_o comparison_n with_o this_o gift_n i_o will_v be_v your_o god_n the_o gift_n which_o god_n bestow_v upon_o his_o people_n be_v very_o many_o and_o very_o rich_a yet_o none_o of_o they_o be_v comparable_a unto_o this_o gift_n of_o himself_o in_o covenant_n none_o of_o his_o earthly_a and_o temporal_a gift_n these_o be_v low_a than_o his_o spiritual_a and_o eternal_a gift_n they_o be_v far_o short_a of_o they_o and_o therefore_o far_o short_a of_o god_n the_o least_o spiritual_a gift_n transcend_v all_o earthly_a and_o temporal_a gift_n and_o none_o of_o his_o spiritual_a gift_n i_o say_v none_o of_o these_o be_v to_o be_v match_v or_o compare_v with_o himself_o grace_n be_v not_o such_o a_o gift_n as_o the_o god_n of_o grace_n mercy_n be_v not_o such_o a_o gift_n as_o the_o god_n of_o mercy_n peace_n be_v not_o such_o a_o gift_n as_o the_o god_n of_o peace_n nor_o holiness_n as_o be_v the_o god_n of_o holiness_n nor_o happiness_n as_o be_v the_o god_n of_o happiness_n no_o nor_o christ_n himself_o for_o the_o end_n of_o give_v of_o christ_n be_v to_o bring_v we_o unto_o god_n to_o the_o enjoyment_n of_o he_o and_o sure_o the_o end_n for_o which_o any_o thing_n be_v give_v be_v above_o the_o mean_n for_o which_o it_o be_v give_v 5._o if_o you_o consider_v the_o fullness_n of_o this_o that_o god_n give_v himself_o unto_o we_o to_o be_v our_o god_n it_o be_v the_o uppermost_a and_o it_o be_v the_o utmost_a of_o all_o donation_n as_o there_o be_v nothing_o better_a so_o there_o be_v nothing_o more_o to_o be_v give_v god_n can_v give_v you_o a_o great_a nor_o a_o better_a nor_o any_o more_o good_a when_o he_o have_v give_v unto_o you_o himself_o it_o be_v as_o much_o as_o you_o must_v and_o as_o much_o as_o you_o can_v expect_v and_o desire_v you_o can_v have_v more_o on_o earth_n and_o you_o can_v have_v more_o in_o heaven_n the_o enjoyment_n of_o god_n himself_o for_o our_o god_n be_v all._n and_o now_o tell_v i_o whether_o this_o be_v not-wonderful_a and_o amaze_a that_o
your_o good_a he_o seek_v your_o welfare_n and_o happiness_n speak_v kind_o to_o you_o hear_v your_o groan_n answer_v your_o complaint_n and_o plead_v for_o the_o poor_a and_o needy_a 7._o he_o be_v a_o king_n for_o protection_n he_o will_v protect_v and_o secure_v you_o against_o all_o your_o enemy_n devil_n sin_n man_n the_o worst_a and_o great_a and_o will_v subdue_v they_o and_o trample_v they_o under_o his_o foot_n his_o enemy_n shall_v be_v his_o footstool_n 8._o he_o have_v great_a reward_n a_o infinite_a treasure_n to_o bestow_v on_o all_o his_o people_n he_o will_v accept_v you_o he_o have_v great_a reward_n for_o you_o of_o their_o service_n and_o reward_v every_o one_o of_o they_o with_o a_o crown_n of_o life_n o_o how_o happy_a be_v the_o people_n who_o have_v the_o lord_n to_o be_v their_o god_n and_o who_o have_v therefore_o christ_n to_o be_v their_o christ_n a_o christ_n who_o be_v such_o a_o prophet_n such_o a_o priest_n and_o such_o a_o king_n i_o will_v not_o stay_v you_o any_o long_o in_o this_o one_o part_n of_o your_o covenant-happiness_n viz._n that_o christ_n be_v you_o only_o i_o think_v it_o fit_a to_o sum_n up_o in_o a_o few_o particular_n the_o general_a comfort_n which_o i_o have_v mention_v or_o insinuate_v already_o in_o the_o person_n and_o office_n of_o christ_n thus_o then_o if_o christ_n be_v you_o then_o 1._o life_n be_v you_o christ_n be_v your_o life_n and_o he_o that_o have_v the_o son_n have_v life_n col._n 3._o 4._o 1_o joh._n 5._o 12._o 2._o love_n be_v you_o christ_n love_v all_o his_o with_o a_o love_n of_o kindness_n and_o tenderness_n and_o benevolence_n and_o beneficence_n 3._o all_o that_o christ_n do_v or_o suffer_v in_o order_n to_o man_n salvation_n all_o be_v you_o your_o good_a and_o for_o your_o good_a 4._o his_o redemption_n be_v you_o he_o have_v redeem_a you_o from_o wrath_n and_o curse_v and_o sin_n and_o satan_n and_o death_n and_o hell_n 5._o you_o be_v certain_o partaker_n of_o the_o forgiveness_n of_o all_o your_o sin_n 6._o you_o be_v perfect_o reconcile_v unto_o god_n who_o be_v now_o your_o god_n and_o your_o father_n 7._o you_o be_v accept_v and_o approve_v with_o god_n in_o the_o righteousness_n of_o christ_n which_o be_v now_o you_o as_o christ_n himself_o be_v you_o 8._o you_o now_o receive_v the_o adoption_n of_o son_n as_o you_o be_v the_o brethren_n of_o christ_n so_o be_v you_o with_o he_o in_o the_o same_o relation_n of_o son_n unto_o god_n 9_o you_o be_v clothe_v with_o the_o same_o spirit_n wherewith_o christ_n himself_o be_v anoint_v the_o self_n same_o spirit_n which_o be_v in_o christ_n as_o your_o head_n be_v in_o you_o as_o his_o member_n 10._o he_o be_v your_o apology_n against_o all_o satan_n accusation_n and_o your_o own_o sin_n and_o fear_n there_o be_v no_o condemnation_n unto_o they_o that_o be_v in_o christ_n jesus_n for_o it_o be_v christ_n that_o die_v 11._o he_o be_v the_o live_a root_n and_o foundation_n of_o all_o your_o grace_n and_o comfort_n 12._o all_o his_o victory_n shall_v extend_v to_o you_o over_o satan_n the_o world_n your_o sin_n and_o death_n 13._o you_o be_v no_o more_o stranger_n nor_o foreigner_n but_o be_v make_v nigh_o by_o the_o blood_n of_o christ_n 14._o you_o have_v all_o the_o sight_n of_o god_n in_o his_o glory_n as_o he_o be_v the_o lord_n gracious_a and_o merciful_a long-suffering_a abundant_a in_o goodness_n and_o truth_n 15._o you_o enjoy_v liberty_n of_o access_n by_o his_o blood_n to_o the_o throne_n of_o grace_n 16._o you_o shall_v assure_o speed_v well_o in_o all_o your_o suit_n be_v hear_v and_o answer_v upon_o his_o account_n 17._o he_o will_v take_v special_a care_n of_o you_o and_o will_v own_v and_o help_v and_o succour_n and_o supply_v you_o as_o long_o as_o you_o have_v a_o day_n to_o live_v on_o earth_n 18._o he_o be_v your_o defence_n as_o he_o be_v exceed_o sensible_a of_o all_o your_o injury_n so_o he_o will_v certain_o judge_v all_o your_o enemy_n 19_o by_o he_o you_o be_v heir_n of_o the_o same_o glory_n and_o kingdom_n which_o the_o father_n have_v bestow_v on_o he_o and_o which_o he_o have_v prepare_v for_o you_o 20._o he_o will_v never_o part_v with_o you_o nor_o forsake_v you_o but_o will_v love_v and_o keep_v you_o to_o the_o end_n 21._o he_o will_v entertain_v you_o with_o sweet_a communion_n in_o the_o day_n of_o your_o pilgrimage_n and_o as_o you_o be_v walk_v and_o travel_v through_o the_o vale_n of_o tear_n many_o a_o kind_a word_n many_o a_o good_a look_v many_o a_o feast_n all_o you_o have_v where_o he_o will_v sup_v with_o you_o and_o you_o shall_v sup_v with_o he_o many_o refresh_n and_o joy_n and_o reviving_n of_o your_o spirit_n 22._o you_o shall_v infallible_o possess_v and_o enjoy_v all_o the_o grace_n and_o comfort_n and_o blessing_n and_o blessedness_n which_o he_o have_v purchase_v for_o you_o in_o this_o life_n and_o in_o the_o life_n to_o come_v even_o to_o all_o eternity_n he_o be_v ever_o with_o you_o whilst_o you_o be_v on_o earth_n and_o you_o shall_v for_o ever_o be_v with_o he_o when_o you_o die_v and_o come_v to_o heaven_n sect_n ix_o 4._o a_o four_o singular_a comfort_n unto_o you_o who_o have_v god_n to_o be_v your_o god_n be_v this_o you_o the_o spirit_n of_o god_n be_v you_o than_o the_o spirit_n of_o god_n be_v you_o he_o also_o be_v give_v unto_o you_o for_o this_o be_v one_o part_n of_o the_o covenant_n ezek._n 36._o 27._o i_o will_v put_v my_o spirit_n within_o you_o 1_o thes_n 4._o 8._o he_o have_v give_v unto_o we_o his_o holy_a spirit_n 1_o joh._n 4._o 13._o hereby_o know_v we_o that_o we_o dwell_v in_o he_o and_o he_o in_o we_o because_o he_o have_v give_v we_o of_o his_o spirit_n nehem._n 9_o 20._o thou_o give_v they_o also_o thy_o good_a spirit_n act_n 5._o 32._o the_o holy_a ghost_n who_o god_n have_v give_v to_o they_o that_o obey_v he_o the_o spirit_n of_o god_n may_v be_v consider_v seven_o way_n and_o as_o to_o every_o one_o of_o they_o glory_n the_o spirit_n be_v we_o in_o respect_n of_o his_o title_n and_o attribute_n the_o spirit_n of_o god_n of_o christ_n of_o glory_n he_o be_v you_o in_o respect_n 1_o of_o his_o ●itles_n or_o attribute_n 2._o of_o his_o gift_n and_o fruit_n 3_o of_o his_o work_n or_o operation_n 4._o of_o his_o help_n or_o virtue_n 5._o of_o his_o joy_n and_o comfort_n 6._o of_o his_o office_n or_o function_n 7._o of_o his_o presence_n or_o abode_n 1._o the_o spirit_n be_v you_o in_o respect_n of_o his_o title_n and_o attribute_n he_o be_v call_v sometime_o 1._o the_o spirit_n of_o god_n 1_o cor._n 2._o 11._o and_o the_o spirit_n of_o christ_n rom._n 8._o 9_o and_o the_o spirit_n of_o glory_n 1_o pet._n 4._o 14._o this_o very_a spirit_n be_v give_v unto_o you_o who_o have_v god_n to_o be_v your_o god_n we_o have_v receive_v the_o spirit_n which_o be_v of_o god_n 1_o cor._n 2._o 12_o god_n have_v send_v forth_o the_o spirit_n of_o his_o son_n into_o your_o heart_n gal._n 4._o 6._o o_o what_o a_o glory_n be_v this_o what_o a_o dignity_n what_o a_o comfort_n that_o the_o same_o spirit_n which_o be_v in_o christ_n be_v also_o in_o you_o that_o you_o have_v christ_n and_o you_o have_v the_o spirit_n of_o christ_n 2._o the_o holy_a spirit_n grieve_v not_o the_o holy_a spirit_n of_o god_n ephess_n 4._o 30._o seal_v with_o spirit_n the_o holy_a spirit_n that_o holy_a spirit_n of_o promise_n ephes_n 1._o 13._o above_o eighty_o time_n be_v the_o spirit_n of_o god_n style_v the_o holy_a ghost_n or_o spirit_n in_o the_o scripture_n and_o under_o this_o notion_n also_o be_v he_o give_v unto_o you_o as_o we_o be_v say_v in_o heb._n 3._o 14._o to_o be_v partaker_n of_o christ_n so_o be_v we_o say_v in_o heb._n 6._o 4._o to_o be_v partaker_n of_o the_o holy_a ghost_n and_o as_o christ_n be_v say_v to_o be_v give_v unto_o we_o isa_n 9_o 6._o so_o the_o holy_a ghost_n be_v say_v to_o be_v give_v unto_o we_o act_v 5._o 32._o 1_o thes_n 4._o 8._o this_o be_v the_o excellency_n of_o the_o spirit_n of_o god_n that_o he_o be_v holy_a and_o this_o be_v our_o excellency_n that_o we_o be_v holy_a and_o the_o holy_a spirit_n be_v give_v unto_o we_o for_o this_o end_n to_o make_v we_o holy_a like_a unto_o the_o father_n and_o the_o son_n and_o himself_o hence_o it_o be_v that_o we_o be_v say_v to_o be_v sanctify_v by_o the_o holy_a ghost_n rom._n 15._o 16._o 2_o thes_n 2._o 13._o 1_o pet._n 1._o 2._o 3._o the_o free_a spirit_n so_o he_o be_v call_v psal_n 51._o 12._o uphold_v i_o with_o thy_o free_a spirit_n spirit_n the_o free_a spirit_n he_o be_v a_o free_a spirit_n on_o a_o two_o fold_v account_n
you_o and_o i_o will_v walk_v among_o you_o and_o will_v be_v your_o god_n and_o you_o shall_v be_v my_o people_n and_o in_o the_o very_a covenant_n exod._n 20._o 6._o show_a mercy_n to_o thousand_o of_o they_o that_o love_v i_o table_n the_o preface_n make_v before_o the_o renew_n of_o the_o law_n upon_o the_o break_n of_o the_o table_n 3._o