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Heavens treasvry opened in a fruitfull exposition of the Lord's Prayer together with the principal grounds of Christian religion briefly unfolded / by Tho. Hooker.
Hooker, Thomas, 1586-1647.
Wing H2650; ESTC R32035
find_v mercy_n prov._n 28.14_o first_o find_v thy_o sin_n then_o find_v god_n mercy_n 11._o 1._o cor._n 11._o if_o we_o will_v judge_v ourselves_o we_o shall_v not_o be_v judge_v he_o that_o will_v have_v god_n forgive_v he_o must_v not_o forgive_v himself_o as_o a_o malefactor_n that_o stick_v to_o his_o own_o innocency_n and_o will_v not_o acknowledge_v any_o guilt_n in_o vain_a he_o desire_v to_o be_v forgive_v so_o a_o sinner_n be_v a_o malefactor_n before_o god_n tribunal_n now_o if_o he_o will_v not_o confess_v he_o shall_v never_o find_v mercy_n at_o the_o hand_n of_o the_o lord_n 2._o we_o must_v labour_v to_o have_v the_o heart_n see_v its_o own_o inability_n to_o satisfy_v for_o sin_n or_o to_o bear_v god_n indictment_n he_o shall_v pass_v upon_o the_o soul_n that_o be_v guilty_a the_o soul_n acknowledge_v itself_o unable_a to_o answer_v one_o of_o a_o thousand_o behold_v say_v the_o psalmist_n lord_n if_o thou_o shall_v enter_v into_o judgement_n who_o be_v able_a to_o abide_v it_o but_o there_o be_v mercy_n with_o thou_o that_o thou_o may_v be_v fear_v we_o be_v bankrupt_n we_o can_v answer_v the_o debt_n nor_o bear_v the_o suit_n if_o the_o debtor_n be_v able_a to_o answer_v the_o debt_n or_o pay_v the_o money_n he_o care_v for_o no_o kindness_n the_o sinner_n be_v the_o debtor_n and_o if_o i_o can_v satisfy_v god_n justice_n what_o need_v i_o care_v if_o i_o can_v abide_v it_o what_o need_v i_o crave_v favour_n but_o when_o it_o come_v to_o this_o who_o can_v abide_v it_o then_o it_o be_v the_o lord_n must_v pardon_v what_o ever_o be_v amiss_o where_o ever_o the_o sinner_n go_v he_o can_v avoid_v the_o suit_n he_o need_v no_o pursuivant_n to_o follow_v he_o conscience_n be_v arrest_v and_o the_o devil_n accuse_v therefore_o he_o fall_v down_o and_o cry_v mercy_n mercy_n to_o pardon_v the_o suit_n the_o soul_n be_v not_o able_a to_o bear_v the_o suit_n the_o church_n complain_v of_o it_o behold_v our_o righteousness_n be_v as_o a_o menstruous_a cloth_n and_o they_o ezeoh_o 36.31_o judge_v themselves_o worthy_a to_o be_v condemn_v now_o in_o that_o i_o say_v forgive_v i_o say_v i_o can_v satisfy_v for_o my_o sin_n 3._o we_o shall_v seek_v to_o god_n and_o his_o grace_n for_o what_o we_o need_v we_o shall_v knowledge_n it_o his_o free_a mercy_n when_o the_o soul_n see_v there_o be_v mercy_n in_o god_n for_o he_o than_o it_o be_v fit_v to_o pray_v for_o this_o petition_n for_o shall_v i_o conceive_v god_n be_v severe_a though_o i_o renounce_v my_o sin_n yet_o i_o can_v not_o seek_v he_o god_n be_v not_o extreme_a and_o rigorous_a but_o he_o have_v mercy_n in_o store_n for_o they_o that_o seek_v he_o in_o truth_n and_o sincerity_n therefore_o we_o shall_v apprehend_v two_o thing_n 1._o that_o god_n desire_v not_o to_o deal_v rigorous_o we_o shall_v persuade_v our_o heart_n that_o god_n be_v desirous_a to_o welcome_v our_o prayer_n the_o lord_n be_v say_v to_o be_v abundant_a in_o goodness_n and_o mercy_n 34._o ex._n 34._o the_o lord_n be_v ready_a to_o succour_v our_o infirmity_n if_o we_o abound_v in_o misery_n the_o lord_n will_v abound_v in_o mercy_n the_o phrase_n be_v multiply_v mercy_n therefore_o the_o apostle_n call_v he_o the_o father_n of_o mercy_n and_o the_o god_n of_o all_o consolation_n we_o have_v new_a vexation_n he_o have_v new_a compassion_n nay_o god_n have_v more_o good_a than_o we_o can_v desire_v he_o perform_v more_o than_o promise_v he_o be_v abundant_a in_o truth_n above_o all_o that_o he_o have_v reveal_v himself_o to_o be_v in_o his_o word_n isay_n 55.7_o our_o god_n be_v merciful_a and_o abundant_a in_o forgiveness_n he_o multiply_v pardon_n he_o have_v pardon_n in_o store_n mercy_n to_o pardon_v any_o poor_a soul_n but_o say_v the_o soul_n what_o my_o sin_n commit_v and_o continue_v in_o mark_v what_o he_o add_v his_o thought_n of_o mercy_n be_v large_a in_o give_v then_o we_o in_o crave_v eph._n 2._o he_o be_v able_a to_o do_v above_o what_o we_o can_v ask_v orthinke_v it_o be_v but_o cold_a comfort_n isaac_n give_v to_o esau_n he_o have_v but_o one_o blessing_n so_o if_o god_n mercy_n shall_v come_v to_o a_o end_n it_o be_v but_o poor_a comfort_n when_o the_o soul_n shall_v say_v lord_n give_v i_o and_o the_o lord_n shall_v say_v all_o be_v draw_v dry_a but_o there_o be_v enough_o in_o god_n to_o do_v we_o good_a what_o avail_v it_o though_o a_o father_n have_v a_o tender_a and_o a_o good_a heart_n to_o his_o child_n if_o he_o have_v not_o to_o give_v it_o what_o it_o ask_v or_o stand_v in_o need_n of_o but_o our_o heavenly_a father_n abound_v in_o goodness_n 2._o god_n as_o he_o have_v abundance_n of_o good_a so_o he_o be_v free_a and_o ready_a to_o bestow_v it_o isay_n 55.1_o ho_o every_o one_o that_o thirst_v let_v he_o buy_v milk_n and_o honey_n without_o money_n or_o price_n we_o will_v be_v content_a to_o have_v wine_n but_o we_o have_v no_o money_n to_o buy_v it_o therefore_o god_n add_v though_o you_o be_v not_o able_a to_o pay_v for_o it_o yet_o take_v it_o mich._n 7.18_o who_o be_v a_o god_n like_o our_o god_n who_o pardon_v sin_n because_o mercy_n please_v he_o the_o pardon_v of_o our_o sin_n be_v like_o the_o overthrow_v of_o pharaoh_n in_o the_o sea_n god_n do_v it_o not_o so_o much_o because_o we_o please_v he_o but_o because_o his_o mercy_n please_v he_o he_o do_v it_o free_o 4._o we_o must_v be_v content_a to_o wait_v for_o this_o mercy_n we_o stand_v in_o need_n of_o we_o must_v wait_v for_o it_o and_o be_v confident_o persuade_v of_o it_o else_o we_o cross_v the_o tenure_n of_o forgiveness_n hold_v 11._o god_n give_v mercy_n to_o none_o but_o those_o that_o wait_v for_o it_o in_o that_o we_o ask_v pardon_n we_o be_v resolve_v to_o wait_v for_o it_o for_o so_o much_o be_v imply_v a_o pardon_n in_o law_n be_v not_o authentical_a until_o it_o be_v seal_v so_o god_n say_v he_o will_v pardon_v we_o but_o this_o be_v not_o authentical_a until_o we_o have_v set_v to_o our_o seal_n he_o say_v he_o will_v give_v free_o we_o say_v we_o will_v wait_v constant_o psal_n 37.5_o commit_v thy_o way_n to_o god_n and_o he_o will_v care_v for_o thou_o he_o that_o thus_o beg_v forgiveness_n shall_v undoubted_o obtain_v it_o at_o the_o hand_n of_o the_o lord_n and_o lead_v we_o not_o into_o temptation_n petition_n 6._o petition_n this_o consist_v of_o sanctification_n both_o begin_v here_o and_o end_v in_o glorification_n sanctification_n free_v from_o the_o power_n of_o sin_n glorification_n free_v from_o the_o presence_n of_o sin_n 1._o for_o the_o order_n sanctification_n flow_v from_o justification_n when_o sin_n be_v pardon_v we_o have_v the_o spirit_n of_o christ_n which_o convey_v all_o to_o we_o we_o be_v first_o justify_v then_o sanctify_v 2._o for_o the_o sense_n of_o the_o word_n here_o be_v 2._o thing_n 1._o what_o we_o desire_v god_n shall_v not_o do_v lead_v we_o not_o into_o temptation_n 2._o what_o he_o shall_v do_v deliver_v we_o from_o evil_a q._n what_o be_v mean_v by_o temptation_n a._n a_o trial_n or_o assault_n whereby_o a_o man_n strength_n be_v try_v now_o they_o be_v double_a 1._o deliverance_n into_o evil_n 2._o a_o proof_n of_o the_o soundness_n of_o grace_n the_o first_o be_v especial_o intend_v all_o the_o assault_n of_o the_o soul_n by_o sin_n satan_n or_o the_o world_n whereby_o either_o our_o faith_n may_v be_v shake_v or_o we_o withdraw_v from_o god_n to_o evil_n sometime_o there_o be_v good_a temptation_n of_o prove_v or_o express_v our_o grace_n these_o in_o some_o sense_n may_v have_v place_n in_o this_o petition_n god_n try_v we_o on_o this_o manner_n and_o we_o pray_v he_o that_o he_o will_v not_o try_v we_o more_o than_o we_o be_v able_a to_o bear_v q._n what_o be_v it_o to_o be_v lead_v into_o temptation_n a._n 1._o when_o temptation_n pursue_v we_o 2._o when_o they_o do_v foil_v we_o assault_v of_o we_o 3._o when_o temptation_n do_v total_o vanquish_v we_o now_o we_o pray_v in_o this_o petition_n that_o temptation_n may_v not_o pursue_v we_o or_o pursue_v we_o that_o they_o may_v not_o foil_v we_o and_o though_o we_o be_v foil_v by_o they_o yet_o that_o we_o may_v recover_v ourselves_o we_o desire_v that_o corruption_n will_v not_o besiege_v we_o or_o if_o they_o do_v yet_o not_o conquer_v but_o that_o we_o may_v recover_v ourselves_o after_o we_o be_v overcome_v q._n can_v god_n lead_v into_o temptation_n a._n the_o apostle_n explain_v it_o i_o be_o 1.13_o god_n can_v tempt_v to_o evil_a he_o that_o be_v goodness_n itself_o can_v provoke_v a_o man_n to_o sin_n the_o lord_n do_v not_o put_v malice_n into_o any_o man_n heart_n god_n can_v be_v proper_o