Word A | Word B | Word C | Word D | Occurrence | Frequency Band | MI | MI Band | Prominent |
truth_n | abundant_a | lord_n | merciful_a | 1,635 | 5 | 8.8351 | 5 | false |
ID | Title | Author | Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) | STC | Words | Pages |
A16696 | Newes from Niniue to Englande, brought by the prophete Ionas vvhich newes in plainlye published in the godly and learned exposition of Maister Iohn Brentius folovving, translated out of Latine into Englishe by Thomas Tymme minister. | Brenz, Johannes, 1499-1570.; Tymme, Thomas, d. 1620. | 1570 (1570) | STC 3601; ESTC S108281 | 65,005 | 180 |
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