Selected quad for the lemma: truth_n

Word A Word B Word C Word D Occurrence Frequency Band MI MI Band Prominent
truth_n abide_v job_n zone_n 16 3 14.6055 5 false
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EEBO-TCP documents containing the quad

All documents containing the selected quad are listed below. At the top of the list are documents containing denser examples of each quad, e.g. where each word in the quad may occur more than once in close proximity. Click ‘View Text’ to view the text containing the quad. Hover over column headings for further information.

Showing 1 to 1 of 1
ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A31952 Evidence for heaven containing infallible signs and reall demonstrations of our union with Christ and assurance of salvation : with an appendix of laying down certain rules to be observed for preserving our assurance once obtained / published by Ed. Calamy ... Calamy, Edmund, 1600-1666. 1657 (1657) Wing C240; ESTC R3864 140,854 252 View Text
  • 1 (current)