Word A | Word B | Word C | Word D | Occurrence | Frequency Band | MI | MI Band | Prominent |
truth_n | aaron_n | bring_v | strange_a | 21 | 3 | 9.3402 | 5 | false |
ID | Title | Author | Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) | STC | Words | Pages |
A04192 | A treatise of the consecration of the Sonne of God to his everlasting priesthood And the accomplishment of it by his glorious resurrection and ascention. Being the ninth book of commentaries upon the Apostles Creed. Continued by Thomas Iackson Doctor in Divinity, chaplaine in ordinary to his Maiesty, and president of C.C.C. in Oxford.; Commentaries upon the Apostles Creed. Book 9 | Jackson, Thomas, 1579-1640. | 1638 (1638) | STC 14317; ESTC S107491 | 209,547 | 394 |
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