Selected quad for the lemma: truth_n

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truth_n aaron_n altar_n holy_a 27 3 5.8576 4 false
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A87095 The first general epistle of St. John the Apostle, unfolded & applied. The second part, in thirty and seven lectures on the second chapter, from the third to the last verse. Delivered in St. Dionys. Back-Church, by Nath: Hardy minister of the gospel, and preacher to that parish.; First general epistle of St. John the Apostle. Part 2. Hardy, Nathaniel, 1618-1670. 1659 (1659) Wing H723; Thomason E981_1; ESTC R207731 535,986 795

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must_v we_o christian_n be_v withdraw_v from_o our_o assent_n to_o and_o love_n of_o those_o truth_n we_o have_v hear_v this_o be_v that_o 7_o which_o be_v express_v by_o those_o phrase_n of_o stand_v fast_o in_o the_o faith_n like_o a_o soldier_n which_o keep_v his_o ground_n of_o keep_v the_o faith_n as_o a_o commander_n keep_v a_o castle_n and_o of_o hold_v fast_o by_o which_o three_o greek_a word_n be_v translate_v and_o all_o of_o they_o very_o emphatieal_v hold_v fast_o that_o which_o thou_o have_v say_v christ_n to_o the_o angel_n of_o the_o church_n of_o philadelphia_n 11_o where_o the_o greek_a verb_n be_v 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d from_o 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d that_o signify_v strength_n and_o intimate_v hold_v fast_o with_o a_o strong_a hand_n by_o force_n or_o might_n as_o we_o do_v one_o that_o will_v get_v away_o from_o we_o hold_v fast_o that_o which_o be_v good_a be_v 21_o st._n paul_n advice_n to_o the_o thessalonian_n where_o the_o word_n be_v 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d which_o note_v a_o firm_a hold_v with_o both_o hand_n and_o be_v use_v of_o they_o that_o be_v violent_o hold_v in_o prison_n hold_v fast_o the_o faithful_a word_n be_v st._n paul_n word_n to_o titus_n 9_o where_o the_o greek_a verb_n be_v 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d by_o which_o the_o seventy_o render_v the_o hebrew_n verb_n 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d and_o which_o according_a to_o its_o derivation_n signify_v to_o hold_v fast_o against_o opposer_n thus_o must_v we_o by_o divine_a streugth_n so_o hold_v that_o which_o we_o have_v hear_v as_o resolve_v not_o to_o let_v it_o go_v whatever_o befall_v we_o nor_o be_v it_o without_o cause_n that_o our_o apostle_n advise_v to_o this_o steadfast_a retain_v of_o the_o evangelical_n doctrine_n if_o we_o consider_v what_o danger_n they_o be_v and_o more_o or_o lessc_a christian_n in_o all_o age_n be_v of_o be_v deprive_v of_o it_o that_o which_o we_o have_v in_o possession_n may_v be_v take_v from_o we_o three_o way_n rapto_fw-la furto_fw-la dolo_fw-la by_o manifest_a theft_n by_o subtle_a fraud_n and_o by_o violent_a force_n by_o all_o these_o mean_n do_v our_o spiritual_a enemy_n endeavour_v to_o bereave_v we_o of_o that_o which_o we_o have_v hear_v 1_o very_o often_o the_o lust_n of_o the_o flesh_n and_o the_o delight_n of_o the_o world_n steal_v away_o that_o which_o we_o have_v hear_v out_o of_o our_o 4_o heart_n as_o the_o fowl_n of_o the_o air_n pluck_v up_o the_o seed_n which_o fall_v by_o the_o highway_n side_n oh_o how_o many_o be_v so_o bewitch_v with_o carnal_a pleasure_n that_o they_o let_v go_v spiritual_a truth_n like_o the_o dog_n who_o lose_v the_o flesh_n in_o his_o mouth_n by_o catch_v at_o the_o shadow_n of_o it_o in_o the_o water_n 2_o not_o seldom_o false_a teacher_n by_o their_o fair_a pretence_n of_o divine_a revelation_n sublime_a notion_n gospel_n light_n endeavour_v to_o cheat_v we_o of_o that_o we_o have_v hear_v from_o the_o beginning_n s._n paul_n phrase_n be_v very_o apposite_a to_o this_o purpose_n where_o he_o speak_v of_o 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d the_o sleight_n ib._n of_o man_n tacit_o compare_v they_o to_o false_a gamester_n who_o have_v device_n by_o cog_a a_o dye_n to_o deceive_v the_o unskilful_a nothing_o more_o usual_a than_o for_o heretic_n by_o subtle_a insinuation_n to_o be_v guile_n the_o unlearned_a and_o unstable_a of_o those_o precious_a truth_n which_o they_o have_v before_o receive_v 3_o sometime_o the_o devil_n stir_v up_o wicked_a persecutor_n who_o set_v upon_o we_o with_o open_a violence_n to_o make_v we_o let_v go_v our_o hold_n of_o the_o gospel_n and_o as_o lactantius_n well_o haec_fw-la vera_fw-la est_fw-la constant●a_fw-la ●t_a nullus_fw-la terror_fw-la à_fw-la deo_fw-la possit_fw-la avertere_fw-la then_o do_v that_o we_o have_v hear_v abide_v in_o we_o when_o no_o terror_n can_v divert_v we_o from_o it_o that_o be_v a_o true_o heroical_a spirit_n which_o will_v not_o be_v dare_v out_o of_o his_o religion_n which_o determine_v to_o let_v go_v estate_n liberty_n nay_o life_n itself_o rather_o than_o that_o which_o it_o have_v hear_v and_o embrace_v it_o be_v a_o brave_a resolve_n of_o the_o spartan_a 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d either_o to_o bring_v back_o his_o buckler_n or_o to_o be_v bring_v back_o upon_o it_o such_o shall_v be_v a_o christian_n resolution_n in_o point_n of_o religion_n either_o to_o defend_v it_o or_o die_v for_o it_o we_o know_v not_o what_o storm_n and_o tempest_n may_v arise_v needful_a it_o be_v we_o shall_v be_v unmoved_a like_o the_o rock_n in_o the_o midst_n of_o opposition_n but_o oh_o what_o cause_n be_v there_o of_o bemoan_v the_o unsettledness_n of_o many_o in_o matter_n of_o religion_n pliny_n report_v of_o a_o swim_a island_n which_o never_o appear_v in_o the_o same_o place_n one_o whole_a day_n together_o and_o carystius_n of_o a_o flower_n that_o change_v colour_n three_o time_n in_o one_o day_n how_o fit_a emblem_n be_v these_o of_o the_o professor_n of_o this_o age_n who_o be_v ever_o and_o anon_o change_v their_o religion_n like_o the_o ship_n without_o a_o anchor_n that_o be_v toss_v to_o and_o fro_o in_o the_o sea_n or_o like_o the_o chaff_n that_o be_v carry_v up_o and_o down_o with_o every_o blast_n let_v any_o one_o start_v up_o and_o broach_v some_o new_a doctrine_n under_o the_o mask_n of_o a_o glorious_a truth_n and_o how_o do_v the_o giddy_a multitude_n run_v after_o he_o forsake_v those_o orthodox_n doctrine_n in_o which_o they_o be_v heretofore_o instruct_v what_o go_v you_o out_o for_o to_o see_v a_o reed_n shake_v with_o the_o wind_n too_o many_o such_o reed_n may_v be_v see_v every_o where_o in_o these_o apostatise_v day_n man_n as_o of_o barren_a life_n so_o of_o fickle_a mind_n unprofitable_a in_o their_o conversation_n and_o unstable_a in_o their_o judgement_n and_o especial_o if_o any_o thing_n of_o self-interest_n as_o to_o profit_n or_o honour_n or_o pleasure_n come_v in_o competition_n oh_o how_o easy_o be_v they_o remove_v from_o their_o former_a profession_n no_o wonder_v if_o when_o danger_n approach_v and_o look_v they_o in_o the_o face_n their_o tremble_a hand_n let_v go_v their_o hold_n and_o they_o forgo_v the_o truth_n in_o few_o word_n some_o be_v so_o foolish_a as_o to_o be_v cheat_v more_o be_v so_o careless_a as_o to_o be_v rob_v the_o most_o be_v so_o cowardly_a as_o to_o be_v fright_v out_o of_o the_o truth_n which_o they_o have_v hear_v and_o profess_v receive_v then_o a_o word_n of_o admonition_n to_o retain_v and_o maintain_v the_o ancient_a catholic_n and_o apostolic_a faith_n indeed_o it_o be_v that_o which_o by_o way_n of_o analogy_n may_v be_v press_v upon_o the_o minister_n of_o the_o gospel_n let_v that_o abide_v in_o they_o which_o they_o have_v teach_v from_o the_o beginning_n in_o the_o law_n the_o shoulder_n of_o the_o beast_n that_o be_v sacrifice_v be_v the_o priest_n and_o that_o be_v 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d a_o emblem_n of_o strength_n the_o first_o priest_n name_n aaron_n signify_v a_o mountain_n of_o strength_n and_o the_o altar_n be_v call_v ariel_n the_o lion_n of_o the_o lord_n by_o all_o which_o be_v intimate_v how_o valiant_a they_o shall_v be_v for_o the_o truth_n who_o serve_v at_o the_o altar_n and_o be_v the_o priest_n of_o the_o most_o high_a god_n it_o be_v set_v down_o by_o the_o apostle_n as_o one_o of_o the_o character_n of_o a_o bishop_n 9_o hold_v fast_o the_o faithful_a word_n for_o this_o the_o angel_n of_o the_o church_n of_o philadelphia_n be_v high_o commend_v and_o comfort_v because_o thou_o have_v keep_v the_o word_n of_o my_o patience_n and_o it_o be_v the_o apostle_n charge_v to_o timothy_n that_o good_a thing_n 20_o which_o be_v commit_v to_o thou_o keep_v indeed_o the_o evangelical_n doctrine_n be_v a_o sacred_a depositum_fw-la which_o christ_n have_v leave_v with_o the_o bishop_n and_o pastor_n of_o the_o church_n to_o we_o say_v the_o apostle_n be_v commit_v the_o word_n of_o reconciliation_n oh_o let_v we_o not_o be_v so_o unfaithful_a as_o to_o betray_v our_o trust_n but_o yet_o it_o be_v not_o only_o the_o minister_n but_o all_o christian_n who_o be_v concern_v in_o this_o duty_n as_o that_o must_v abide_v with_o the_o preacher_n which_o they_o have_v teach_v so_o that_o must_v 19_o abide_v with_o the_o people_n they_o which_o have_v hear_v from_o the_o beginning_n this_o be_v that_o which_o st._n paul_n and_o barnabas_n persuade_v the_o jew_n and_o religious_a professor_n which_o follow_v they_o namely_o to_o continue_v in_o the_o grace_n of_o god_n for_o this_o end_n they_o return_v to_o lystra_n and_o iconium_n and_o antioch_n to_o confirm_v the_o soul_n of_o the_o disciple_n exhort_v they_o to_o continue_v in_o the_o faith_n it_o be_v sage_a counsel_n of_o
of_o godliness_n and_o the_o doctrine_n which_o be_v according_a to_o godliness_n light_n by_o reason_n of_o its_o splendour_n and_o beauty_n be_v very_o amiable_a delight_v cheer_v and_o revive_v the_o beholder_n evangelicall_n truth_n be_v pleasant_a and_o comfortable_a to_o the_o believer_n so_o much_o the_o word_n 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d signify_v a_o good_a message_n or_o according_a to_o the_o angel_n phrase_n tiding_n of_o 10._o great_a joy_n import_v such_o be_v the_o subtlety_n of_o the_o light_n that_o it_o penetrate_v the_o air_n the_o window_n the_o small_a crevice_n and_o so_o great_a be_v the_o gospel_n efficacy_n that_o it_o pierce_v to_o the_o very_a soul_n so_o much_o the_o author_n to_o the_o hebrew_n assert_n 11._o when_o he_o say_v the_o word_n of_o god_n be_v quick_a and_o powerful_a pierce_v even_o to_o the_o devide_v asunder_o of_o soul_n and_o spirit_n and_o of_o the_o joint_n and_o marrow_n and_o be_v a_o discerner_n of_o the_o thought_n and_o intent_n of_o the_o heart_n final_o the_o principal_a effect_n and_o use_v of_o light_n be_v to_o discover_v and_o make_v manifest_a thing_n that_o be_v secret_a and_o hide_a appear_v in_o the_o light_n by_o reason_n of_o its_o clarity_n and_o brightness_n for_o this_o cause_n chief_o be_v the_o gospel_n resemble_v to_o light_v because_o it_o be_v 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d and_o 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d a_o revelation_n and_o manifestation_n of_o many_o glorious_a mystery_n the_o trinity_n of_o person_n in_o the_o unity_n of_o essence_n the_o unity_n of_o the_o two_o nature_n in_o one_o person_n in_o the_o incarnation_n of_o the_o son_n of_o god_n the_o meeting_n together_o of_o mercy_n and_o justice_n in_o the_o redemption_n of_o the_o world_n the_o estate_n of_o bliss_n and_o glory_n lay_v up_o for_o believer_n in_o heaven_n the_o call_n of_o the_o gentile_n from_o all_o part_n of_o the_o earth_n out_o of_o the_o state_n of_o ignorance_n to_o the_o knowledge_n of_o god_n and_o christ_n be_v those_o mysterious_a doctrine_n which_o the_o gospel_n plain_o reveal_v to_o we_o well_o may_v it_o deserve_v to_o be_v represent_v by_o the_o similitude_n of_o light_n 2._o but_o though_o the_o metaphor_n of_o light_n very_o well_o agree_v to_o the_o evangelicall_n yet_o that_o the_o other_o resemblance_n of_o darkness_n shall_v be_v understand_v of_o the_o legal_a administration_n seem_v somewhat_o harsh_a and_o strange_a nor_o indeed_o can_v it_o be_v admit_v but_o in_o a_o qualify_a sense_n to_o which_o end_n you_o must_v know_v that_o the_o law_n of_o moses_n may_v be_v consider_v either_o absolute_o or_o comparative_o if_o we_o consider_v it_o absolute_o in_o itself_o it_o be_v a_o light_n david_n acknowledge_v it_o his_o son_n solomon_n in_o his_o proverb_n assert_v it_o and_o it_o be_v easy_a to_o parallel_v the_o law_n to_o light_v as_o well_o as_o the_o gospel_n inasmuch_o as_o it_o be_v the_o law_n of_o the_o lord_n a_o undefiled_a law_n rejoice_v the_o heart_n yea_o inasmuch_o as_o what_o ever_o be_v necessary_a for_o the_o jew_n to_o know_v in_o order_n to_o salvation_n be_v deliver_v in_o it_o again_o if_o we_o consider_v it_o comparative_o with_o the_o state_n of_o the_o gentile_n at_o that_o time_n what_o be_v here_o ascribe_v to_o the_o gospel_n belong_v even_o to_o the_o law_n it_o be_v then_o the_o true_a light_n in_o jury_n be_v god_n know_v say_v the_o psalmist_n and_o his_o name_n be_v great_a in_o israel_n whilst_o the_o whole_a world_n be_v a_o egypt_n involve_v in_o the_o darkness_n of_o idolatry_n jury_n be_v a_o goshen_n a_o place_n of_o light_n for_o the_o knowledge_n and_o worship_n of_o the_o true_a god_n but_o still_o compare_v the_o time_n of_o the_o law_n with_o the_o time_n of_o the_o gospel_n and_o so_o this_o term_n of_o darkness_n may_v be_v assert_v of_o it_o a_o light_n it_o be_v but_o a_o candle_n light_n so_o 105._o much_o the_o phrase_n of_o a_o light_n and_o a_o lamp_n use_v both_o by_o the_o father_n and_o the_o son_n david_n and_o solomon_n intimate_v and_o 23._o perhaps_o the_o like_a be_v intend_v by_o st_n peter_n expression_n of_o a_o light_n shine_v in_o a_o dark_a place_n now_o what_o be_v a_o 19_o candle_n light_n but_o dark_a in_o comparison_n of_o day_n light_n to_o clear_v this_o be_v please_v to_o observe_v that_o this_o darkness_n be_v not_o oppose_v simple_o to_o light_n but_o to_o the_o true_a light_n and_o that_o as_o shine_v now_o this_o expression_n of_o true_a may_v be_v take_v in_o a_o threefold_a reference_n as_o contradistinguished_a to_o that_o which_o be_v imperfect_a figurative_a and_o loc_n false_a 1._o as_o perfect_a be_v sometime_o no_o more_o than_o true_a so_o true_a be_v sometime_o as_o much_o as_o perfect_v it_o be_v the_o gloss_n of_o grotius_n upon_o the_o text._n quod_fw-la in_o quâque_fw-la re_fw-la eminet_fw-la solet_fw-la dici_fw-la 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d that_o which_o be_v the_o most_o eminent_a in_o any_o kind_n be_v say_v to_o be_v true_o so_o thus_o the_o true_a light_n be_v as_o much_o as_o the_o choice_n and_o most_o resplendent_a light_n in_o which_o sense_n christ_n himself_o be_v say_v in_o the_o gospel_n to_o be_v and_o here_o the_o evangelicall_n administration_n be_v call_v the_o true_a light_n that_o this_o be_v the_o meaning_n of_o the_o epithet_n here_o appear_v so_o much_o the_o more_o in_o that_o the_o article_n be_v prefix_v both_o before_o the_o substantive_n and_o the_o adjective_n as_o if_o we_o shall_v render_v it_o the_o light_n the_o true_a be_v so_o most_o eminent_o and_o transcendent_o indeed_o the_o law_n be_v a_o light_n and_o in_o some_o sense_n a_o true_a light_n because_o it_o do_v not_o deceive_v nor_o misguide_v they_o who_o walk_v according_a to_o it_o but_o still_o the_o gospel_n be_v the_o true_a because_o the_o most_o illustrious_a light_n and_o so_o in_o comparison_n of_o it_o the_o law_n be_v as_o it_o be_v darkness_n 2._o it_o be_v not_o a_o unusual_a signification_n of_o true_a and_o truth_n in_o holy_a writ_n nor_o unsuitable_a to_o this_o place_n to_o take_v it_o in_o opposition_n to_o type_n figure_n and_o ceremony_n in_o this_o sense_n we_o be_v to_o understand_v it_o where_o christ_n be_v call_v the_o true_a tabernacle_n that_o of_o moses_n be_v only_o a_o 17._o type_n of_o he_o and_o when_o our_o saviour_n say_v god_n will_v be_v worship_v in_o truth_n not_o according_a to_o the_o typical_a and_o ceremonial_a worship_n of_o the_o law_n and_o yet_o more_o apposite_o to_o our_o present_a purpose_n when_o it_o be_v say_v the_o law_n come_v by_o moses_n but_o grace_n and_o truth_n by_o jesus_n christ_n the_o meaning_n whereof_o be_v brief_o thus_o whereas_o the_o law_n only_o enjoin_v the_o gospel_n enable_v and_o what_o the_o law_n teach_v in_o figure_n be_v naked_o deliver_v in_o the_o gospel_n 6._o congruous_a to_o which_o be_v that_o of_o st_n austin_n grace_n come_v by_o christ_n ut_fw-la datâ_fw-la indulgentiâ_fw-la peccatorum_fw-la quod_fw-la praeceptum_fw-la erat_fw-la ex_fw-la dei_fw-la dono_fw-la custodiretur_fw-la that_o indulgence_n be_v grant_v to_o our_o fail_n what_o be_v command_v may_v by_o god_n assistance_n be_v perform_v and_o truth_n ut_fw-la ablatâ_fw-la observatione_fw-la umbraru●_n quod_fw-la promissium_fw-la erat_fw-la ex_fw-la fide_fw-la presentaretur_fw-la that_o by_o remove_v the_o obscure_a type_n what_o be_v promise_v may_v be_v make_v manifest_a upon_o this_o account_n the_o phrase_n of_o 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d darkness_n here_o use_v may_v be_v attribute_v to_o the_o law_n or_o at_o least_o that_o which_o be_v by_o the_o learned_a dr_n hammond_n observe_v to_o be_v the_o read_n in_o the_o royal_a loc_n manuscript_n 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d a_o shadow_n all_o the_o ceremony_n type_n and_o sacrifice_n of_o the_o law_n be_v but_o shadow_n of_o those_o thing_n which_o the_o true_a light_n of_o the_o gospel_n more_o full_o discover_v this_o be_v excellent_o express_v by_o st_n paul_n to_o the_o colossian_n where_o he_o call_v the_o legal_a ceremony_n daven_n a_o shadow_n and_o christ_n the_o body_n to_o the_o hebrew_n when_o he_o say_v the_o law_n be_v a_o shadow_n of_o good_a thing_n to_o 1._o come_v not_o the_o very_a image_n in_o both_o which_o scripture_n put_v together_o you_o find_v a_o body_n a_o image_n a_o shadow_n the_o body_n be_v christ_n the_o image_n the_o gospel_n the_o shadow_n the_o law_n now_o as_o the_o representation_n which_o a_o shadow_n make_v of_o the_o body_n be_v very_o dark_a and_o obscure_a in_o comparison_n of_o that_o which_o the_o image_n show_v since_o the_o shadow_n represent_v only_o in_o communi_fw-la that_o there_o be_v a_o body_n the_o image_n in_o particulari_fw-la the_o several_a lineament_n of_o the_o body_n so_o the_o discovery_n which_o the_o law_n make_v of_o christ_n and_o salvation_n
here_o s●ken_v of_o come_v to_o deserve_v this_o title_n the_o answer_n to_o whi●_n i_o shall_v return_v 1._o native_o he_o be_v not_o so_o by_o creation_n the_o devil_n if_o you_o loo●●pon_v he_o in_o his_o first_o original_a be_v god_n creature_n and_o therefore_o good_a yea_o in_o the_o high_a form_n of_o creature_n a_o angel_n and_o therefore_o excellent_a indeed_o the_o angel_n be_v creature_n who_o god_n place_v near_o to_o himself_o they_o stand_v about_o his_o royal_a throne_n from_o who_o he_o keep_v nothing_o but_o the_o regal_a diadem_n and_o their_o nature_n most_o full_o resemble_v the_o divine_a who_o be_v goodness_n itself_o upon_o this_o account_n st_n austin_n assert_n 13._o and_o true_o ipsius_fw-la diaboli_fw-la natura_fw-la in_o quantum_fw-la natura_fw-la est_fw-la non_fw-la est_fw-la mala_fw-la the_o nature_n of_o the_o devil_n be_v still_o in_o itself_o good_a yea_o very_a good_a because_o angelical_a the_o manichee_n and_o pris●illianists_n very_o confident_o affirm_v that_o the_o devil_n be_v create_v by_o a_o evil_a god_n and_o so_o evil_a from_o the_o beginning_n but_o when_o our_o bless_a saviour_n say_v non_fw-la stetit_fw-la it_o manifest_o imply_v a_o fuit_fw-la in_o veritate_fw-la he_o do_v not_o stand_v that_o he_o be_v in_o the_o truth_n a_o state_n of_o goodness_n and_o integrity_n to_o this_o purpose_n tostatus_n well_o observe_v mat._n that_o the_o devil_n be_v call_v the_o wicked_a one_o not_o as_o if_o he_o be_v simpliciter_fw-la &_o absolutè_fw-la malus_fw-la absolute_o evil_a god_n indeed_o be_v call_v the_o holy_a one_o because_o he_o be_v so_o essential_o not_o so_o the_o devil_n the_o wicked_a one_o and_o there_o fore_o 2._o affirmative_o it_o be_v not_o by_o creation_n but_o defecti●●_n and_o apostasy_n from_o that_o state_n wherein_o he_o be_v creat●●_n that_o the_o devil_n be_v become_v so_o evil_a he_o may_v thank_v himself_o for_o it_o god_n make_v he_o a_o angel_n of_o light_n but_o ●e_n have_v make_v himself_o a_o angel_n of_o darkness_n it_o be_v t●●e_o god_n make_v he_o mutable_o good_a inasmuch_o as_o he_o make_v his_o will_n free_a to_o choose_v or_o refuse_v but_o this_o freedom_n be_v only_o the_o occasion_n it_o be_v his_o own_o abuse_n of_o that_o liberty_n be_v the_o cause_n of_o his_o wickedness_n indeed_o to_o be_v by_o ●●ture_n unchangeable_o good_a be_v a_o incommunicable_a prope●●y_n of_o the_o deity_n and_o the_o reason_n be_v plain_a because_o it_o ●●_o only_o the_o will_n of_o god_n which_o be_v the_o adequate_a rule_n of_o goodness_n so_o that_o there_o be_v nothing_o good_a but_o what_o he_o wi●●_n and_o whatever_o he_o will_v be_v good_a no_o wonder_n then_o if_o th●_n creature_n who_o goodness_n consist_v in_o a_o conformity_n to_o t●e_v will_n of_o god_n be_v capable_a of_o a_o deflection_n from_o the_o rule_n but_o still_o inasmuch_o as_o by_o creation_n it_o be_v invest_v with_o a_o power_n of_o willing_a a_o conformity_n to_o the_o rule_n and_o walk_v according_a to_o it_o this_o actual_a defection_n be_v not_o to_o be_v ascribe_v to_o god_n but_o it_o self_n which_o abuse_v its_o innate_a liberty_n choose_v to_o swerve_v from_o the_o divine_a law_n and_o so_o become_v abominable_o wicked_a and_o now_o by_o how_o much_o the_o more_o excellent_a a_o creature_n the_o devil_n be_v at_o first_o by_o so_o much_o the_o more_o vile_a and_o evil_a he_o be_v become_v it_o be_v a_o know_a saying_n corruptio_fw-la optimi_fw-la pessima_fw-la the_o best_a wine_n make_v the_o sour_a vinegar_n quanto_fw-la gradus_fw-la altior_fw-la tanto_fw-la casus_fw-la grandior_fw-la the_o high_a the_o place_n the_o great_a the_o fall_n and_o therefore_o the_o devil_n be_v by_o creation_n the_o best_a must_v needs_o by_o transgression_n be_v the_o worst_a and_o so_o deserve_v the_o name_n of_o 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d the_o wicked_a one_o 2._o it_o will_v further_o be_v inquire_v wherein_o it_o appear_v that_o the_o devil_n be_v so_o wicked_a the_o discovery_n whereof_o be_v manifest_a in_o these_o f●ve_a particular_n 1._o he_o be_v the_o wicked_a one_o because_o he_o be_v the_o first_o in_o wickedness_n and_o the_o ringleader_n of_o rebellion_n against_o god_n 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d i._n e._n perditum_fw-la illum_fw-la &_o scelestum_fw-la malorum_fw-la inventorem_fw-la 44._o so_o justinian_n the_o wicked_a one_o that_o be_v the_o desperate_a inven●●r_n of_o all_o evil_a observable_a to_o this_o purpose_n be_v it_o that_o our_o bless_a saviour_n call_v he_o the_o father_n of_o lie_n he_o that_o be_v the_o first_o inventor_n of_o any_o thing_n be_v in_o the_o hebrew_n phrase_n style_v the_o father_n of_o it_o jubal_n who_o invent_v music_n be_v call_v the_o father_n of_o all_o such_o as_o handle_v the_o harp_n and_o the_o organ_n so_o be_v the_o devil_n the_o father_n of_o lie_n because_o he_o make_v the_o first_o lie_n indeed_o if_o you_o survey_v the_o pedigree_n not_o only_o of_o that_o but_o all_o sin_n you_o will_v find_v he_o to_o be_v the_o father_n of_o it_o our_o first_o parent_n be_v great_a sinner_n but_o yet_o they_o sin_v by_o persuasion_n eve_n by_o the_o serpent_n adam_n by_o eve_n solicitation_n but_o the_o devil_n have_v no_o tempter_n the_o angel_n be_v say_v to_o leave_v their_o own_o habitation_n net_n keep_v their_o first_o state_n to_o wit_n voluntary_o of_o their_o own_o accord_n apostatise_v from_o that_o state_n wherein_o god_n have_v create_v they_o and_o so_o rebel_a against_o the_o divine_a majesty_n now_o look_v as_o it_o be_v a_o great_a honour_n to_o any_o one_o to_o have_v be_v the_o inventor_n of_o any_o thing_n that_o be_v excellent_a the_o first_o in_o find_v out_o any_o rare_a secret_n so_o it_o be_v a_o great_a aggravation_n of_o the_o devil_n wickedness_n that_o he_o be_v first_o in_o transgression_n 2._o he_o be_v the_o wicked_a one_o because_o he_o be_v obstinate_o and_o immutable_o wicked_a so_o tostatus_n quia_fw-la in_o malo_fw-la firmatus_fw-la mat._n and_o brugensis_n cujus_fw-la voluntas_fw-la immutabilis_fw-la à_fw-la malo_fw-la ad_fw-la bonum_fw-la as_o he_o be_v the_o inventor_n of_o so_o he_o be_v a_o persister_n in_o wickedness_n by_o creation_n he_o be_v and_o as_o have_v be_v already_o show_v must_v be_v mutable_a from_o good_a to_o evil_n by_o corruption_n he_o be_v become_v immutable_a from_o evil_a to_o good_a god_n just_o deny_v he_o that_o grace_n which_o shall_v change_v his_o will_n indeed_o we_o read_v in_o st_n james_n his_o epistle_n that_o the_o devil_n tremble_v to_o wit_n in_o respect_n of_o the_o punishment_n to_o which_o they_o know_v themselves_o reserve_v but_o we_o read_v not_o of_o their_o repent_v no_o not_o so_o much_o as_o relent_v in_o respect_n of_o the_o sin_n they_o have_v commit_v though_o they_o can_v but_o know_v and_o be_v full_o convince_v what_o they_o have_v do_v and_o how_o repugnant_a it_o be_v to_o god_n law_n and_o consequent_o to_o right_a reason_n 3._o he_o be_v the_o wicked_a one_o because_o he_o be_v malitiae_fw-la studiosissimus_fw-la so_o illyricus_n most_o industrious_o wicked_a 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d be_v derive_v from_o 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d what_o pain_n and_o labour_n do_v the_o loc_n devil_n take_v in_o wickedness_n among_o other_o title_n by_o which_o sin_n be_v call_v this_o be_v one_o that_o it_o be_v the_o work_n of_o the_o devil_n sin_n be_v indeed_o the_o devil_n work_v which_o he_o do_v most_o unwearied_o pursue_v devil_n in_o our_o english_a language_n be_v qua●●_n do_v evil_a indeed_o for_o this_o many_o thousand_o year_n it_o have_v be_v his_o continual_a employment_n never_o rest_v day_n nor_o night_n to_o perpetrate_v and_o promote_v wickedness_n the_o most_o notorious_a wicked_a man_n be_v sometime_o at_o rest_n and_o allow_v himself_o at_o lest_o a_o sleep_a time_n but_o the_o devil_n be_v always_o active_a in_o sin_n and_o as_o he_o be_v never_o well_o employ_v so_o he_o be_v never_o idle_a christ_n go_v about_o do_v good_a and_o he_o compass_v the_o earth_n do_v evil_a in_o one_o word_n he_o be_v sin_n swear_v servant_n drudge_n slave_n it_o be_v true_a sometime_o this_o wicked_a one_o transform_v himself_o into_o a_o angel_n of_o light_n make_v a_o show_n of_o holiness_n but_o it_o be_v as_o true_a that_o then_o he_o be_v then_o most_o wicked_a nor_o be_v the_o devil_n more_o a_o devil_n at_o any_o time_n then_o when_o he_o be_v wrap_v in_o samuel_n mantle_n hypocrisy_n be_v a_o duplicate_v iniquity_n 4._o he_o be_v the_o wicked_a one_o because_o conatur_fw-la malos_fw-la efficere_fw-la so_o tostatus_n he_o be_v a_o tempter_n to_o wickedness_n 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d mat._n because_o 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d he_o be_v not_o content_a to_o be_v bad_a himself_o but_o he_o draw_v other_o to_o it_o be_v himself_o fall_v into_o misery_n he_o envy_v man_n felicity_n and_o therefore_o seduce_v he_o to_o
set_v before_o men._n 2._o other_o there_o be_v who_o will_v not_o expend_v their_o estate_n in_o just_a use_n who_o though_o they_o have_v money_n in_o their_o chest_n yet_o will_v not_o pay_v caesar_n his_o tribute_n nor_o the_o minister_n his_o tithe_n the_o creditor_n his_o debt_n nor_o make_v restitution_n to_o those_o who_o they_o have_v injure_v till_o they_o be_v enforce_v 3._o final_o very_o many_o there_o be_v who_o though_o they_o be_v willing_a to_o expend_v for_o necessary_a and_o just_a yet_o will_v part_v with_o nothing_o or_o at_o lest_o nothing_o proportionable_a for_o pious_a and_o charitable_a use_n like_o the_o ground_n whence_o their_o gold_n and_o silver_n be_v dig_v they_o be_v barren_a of_o good_a work_n out_o of_o their_o thousand_o they_o hardly_o part_v with_o hundred_o no_o nor_o score_n of_o pound_n for_o the_o relief_n of_o their_o indigent_a brethren_n la●an_n and_o nabal_n be_v one_o the_o anagram_n of_o the_o other_o both_o covetous_a churl_n the_o one_o whereof_o will_v not_o part_v with_o his_o sheep_n to_o jacob_n though_o it_o be_v in_o point_n of_o honesty_n according_a to_o his_o own_o agreement_n and_o the_o other_o will_v not_o give_v his_o bread_n and_o wine_n to_o david_n and_o his_o man_n when_o in_o great_a distress_n and_o this_o be_v the_o avarice_n of_o the_o rich_a man_n in_o the_o gospel_n who_o though_o he_o lay_v out_o his_o estate_n for_o his_o own_o dilicious_a food_n yet_o will_v not_o allow_v poor_a lazarus_n his_o crumb_n these_o man_n if_o they_o exchange_v their_o money_n for_o oil_n to_o make_v their_o own_o countenance_n cheerful_a yet_o they_o will_v not_o for_o wine_n to_o make_v glad_a the_o heart_n of_o the_o afflict_a all_o of_o these_o be_v just_o to_o be_v charge_v with_o tenacity_n for_o 1._o whereas_o the_o two_o chief_a end_n of_o riches_n as_o aristotle_n observe_v be_v 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d discharge_v of_o cost_n and_o conferre_v of_o gift_n these_o do_v not_o employ_v they_o for_o either_o at_o least_o not_o for_o both_o and_o indeed_o as_o the_o former_a so_o this_o be_v very_o fit_o call_v the_o lust_n of_o the_o eye_n that_o the_o lust_n of_o a_o greedy_a and_o this_o of_o a_o needy_a eye_n which_o think_v not_o abundance_n a_o sufficiency_n and_o therefore_o though_o it_o have_v much_o will_v part_v with_o nothing_o by_o which_o mean_v it_o be_v that_o such_o man_n solos_fw-la oculos_fw-la pascunt_fw-la instead_o of_o feed_v their_o own_o and_o other_o belly_n only_o feed_v their_o own_o eye_n and_o have_v no_o other_o use_n of_o all_o their_o wealth_n but_o to_o behold_v it_o so_o that_o as_o asterius_n avaritiâ_fw-la have_v well_o observe_v whereas_o no_o man_n go_v to_o sea_n for_o itself_o but_o to_o fetch_v or_o traffic_v no_o man_n till_v the_o ground_n for_o it_o self_n but_o to_o reap_v a_o gainful_a harvest_n a_o covetous_a man_n get_v wealth_n for_o it_o self_n not_o to_o expend_v but_o keep_v do_v good_a with_o but_o look_v upon_o so_o that_o according_a to_o the_o poet_n phrase_n pictis_fw-la tanquam_fw-la gaudere_fw-la tabellis_fw-la 2._o he_o make_v little_a other_o use_n of_o his_o coin_n than_o man_n do_v of_o their_o picture_n which_o only_o serve_v to_o please_v the_o eye_n in_o reference_n to_o which_o we_o may_v apply_v that_o of_o solomon_n what_o good_a be_v there_o to_o the_o owner_n thereof_o save_v the_o behold_n 11._o of_o they_o with_o their_o eye_n and_o now_o belove_v i_o can_v wish_v that_o my_o discourse_n of_o this_o subject_n be_v impertinent_a and_o of_o no_o concernment_n to_o any_o here_o present_a but_o as_o when_o our_o saviour_n 9_o bid_v he_o that_o be_v without_o sin_n among_o the_o people_n cast_v the_o first_o stone_n at_o the_o woman_n take_v in_o the_o act_n of_o adultery_n they_o go_v out_o one_o by_o one_o so_o that_o christ_n and_o the_o woman_n be_v leave_v alone_o be_v as_o the_o text_n tell_v we_o convict_v in_o their_o own_o conscience_n to_o wit_n that_o they_o be_v all_o sinner_n so_o i_o doubt_v be_v this_o congregation_n put_v to_o the_o test_n they_o will_v go_v out_o one_o by_o one_o as_o force_v upon_o due_a search_n to_o confess_v themselves_o guilty_a of_o this_o lust_n the_o truth_n be_v as_o many_o wear_v god_n livery_n who_o yet_o be_v none_o of_o his_o servant_n so_o there_o be_v many_o servant_n of_o this_o lust_n who_o yet_o will_v not_o wear_v its_o livery_n all_o will_v acknowledge_v covetousness_n to_o be_v a_o sin_n but_o not_o themselves_o to_o be_v covetous_a and_o whenas_o the_o lust_n of_o the_o flesh_n carry_v their_o name_n in_o their_o forehead_n avarice_n wear_v the_o badge_n of_o good_a husbandry_n the_o complexion_n of_o frugality_n whereby_o it_o be_v that_o man_n excuse_v themselves_o from_o the_o guilt_n of_o it_o but_o while_o if_o every_o man_n be_v his_o own_o judge_n no_o man_n will_v be_v nocent_a i_o fear_v the_o great_a judge_n will_v scarce_o find_v any_o man_n innocent_a oh_o who_o almost_o be_v not_o bite_v with_o this_o mad_a dog_n some_o be_v give_v over_o t●o_fw-la and_o most_o be_v give_v to_o this_o lust_n one_o will_v think_v rich_a man_n shall_v not_o be_v trouble_v with_o it_o and_o yet_o you_o may_v as_o soon_o put_v out_o fire_n with_o fuel_n as_o covetousness_n with_o riches_n one_o will_v scarce_o imagine_v old_a man_n shall_v be_v infect_v with_o it_o and_o yet_o a_o ancient_n observe_v dum_fw-la membra_fw-la frigescunt_fw-la d._n cupiditas_fw-la calescit_fw-la care_n senescit_fw-la affectus_fw-la juvenescit_fw-la finis_fw-la aquavitae_fw-la vix_fw-la imponit_fw-la finem_fw-la avaritiae_fw-la the_o desire_n after_o gain_n be_v young_a and_o hot_a while_o the_o man_n grow_v old_a and_o cold_a nor_o do_v this_o lust_n extinguish_v before_o life_n if_o we_o look_v into_o the_o scripture_n we_o shall_v not_o find_v any_o good_a man_n tax_v with_o avarice_n noah_n be_v drink_v l●●●●cest●ous_a and_o peter_n treacherous_a but_o not_o as_o judas_n out_o of_o covetousness_n whereas_o in_o this_o age_n none_o more_o greedy_a than_o they_o who_o call_v themselves_o the_o godly_a the_o truth_n be_v though_o the_o power_n of_o godliness_n be_v opposite_a to_o yet_o the_o form_n of_o godliness_n will_v easy_o consist_v with_o it_o no_o wonder_n if_o it_o too_o often_o lurk_v under_o holy_a garment_n and_o rellgious_a show_n indeed_o this_o disease_n be_v become_v epidemical_a both_o poor_a and_o rich_a young_a and_o old_a profane_a and_o hypocrite_n be_v sick_a of_o it_o for_o your_o further_a conviction_n give_v i_o leave_v to_o put_v a_o few_o query_n to_o you_o concern_v this_o particular_a 1._o perhaps_o you_o do_v not_o use_v unlawful_a mean_n to_o be_v rich_a but_o be_v you_o not_o discontent_v because_o riches_n do_v not_o flow_v in_o upon_o you_o you_o covet_v not_o what_o be_v unjust_a but_o do_v you_o not_o crave_v what_o be_v superfluous_a you_o do_v not_o avidè_fw-la rapere_fw-la aliena_fw-la greedy_o snatch_v at_o what_o belong_v to_o other_o but_o do_v you_o not_o cupidè_fw-la seruare_fw-la vestra_fw-la too_o niggardly_o lock_v up_o what_o be_v your_o own_o many_o think_v they_o can_v be_v too_o blame_v for_o save_v their_o own_o but_o man_n sin_v as_o well_o in_o not_o give_v what_o they_o shall_v as_o in_o get_v what_o they_o shall_v not_o and_o there_o be_v little_a difference_n in_o make_v wine_n of_o another_o man●_n grape_n and_o be_v drink_v with_o our_o own_o 2_o perhaps_o you_o be_v not_o as_o bad_a as_o vespasian_n who_o exact_v tribute_n of_o the_o people_n for_o urine_n say_v bone_fw-la odor_n lu●ri_fw-la e●_n re_fw-mi qualibet_fw-la gain_n be_v sweet_a out_o of_o any_o thing_n yet_o be_v not_o the_o gain_n of_o wealth_n more_o sweet_a to_o you_o then_o that_o of_o grace_n and_o your_o desire_n far_o great_a 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d than_o 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d after_o gain_v then_o after_o christ_n 3._o you_o be_v not_o such_o hold-fast_n as_o to_o abridge_v your_o self_n of_o convenience_n but_o do_v you_o not_o forget_v the_o necessity_n of_o other_o you_o say_v you_o be_v only_o good_a husband_n but_o while_o you_o pretend_v to_o be_v good_a husband_n be_v you_o not_o bad_a christian_n neglect_v god_n service_n to_o follow_v the_o world_n scrape_v all_o you_o can_v for_o your_o relation_n and_o impart_v little_a or_o nothing_o to_o christ_n member_n be_v these_o question_n due_o ponder_v i_o fear_v few_o will_v be_v able_a to_o acquit_v themselves_o from_o this_o lust_n and_o while_o there_o be_v no_o christian_a but_o condemn_v covetousness_n covetouseness_n will_v condemn_v many_o nay_o most_o christian_n suffer_v than_o i_o beseech_v you_o a_o word_n of_o dehortation_n ne_o cor_fw-la tuum_fw-la terrae_fw-la vivus_fw-la infodias_fw-la bury_v not_o yourselves_o alive_a in_o earthly_a desire_n this_o world_n be_v as_o the_o high_a way_n and_o it_o sound_v
time_n of_o discover_v what_o metal_n they_o be_v make_v of_o and_o then_o their_o true-heartednesse_n to_o their_o master_n have_v a_o opportunity_n to_o show_v itself_o have_v it_o not_o be_v for_o those_o heretical_a and_o schismatical_a apostate_n of_o old_a those_o ancient_a father_n both_o of_o the_o greek_a and_o latin_a church_n have_v not_o be_v such_o illustrious_a star_n in_o the_o firmament_n of_o the_o church_n be_v it_o not_o for_o those_o of_o our_o latter_a day_n and_o here_o among_o we_o our_o church_n will_v not_o have_v have_v so_o much_o to_o glory_n of_o she_o cranmer_n latimer_n ridley_n jewel_n whitaker_n whitgift_n and_o the_o rest_n who_o be_v so_o famous_a in_o their_o generation_n for_o their_o magnanimity_n in_o maintain_v the_o truth_n against_o apostatical_a opposer_n 2_o the_o other_o of_o the_o false-hearted_a who_o by_o go_v out_o show_v themselves_o in_o their_o colour_n this_o be_v that_o which_o divine_a providence_n bring_v about_o for_o a_o double_a end_n 1_o for_o the_o shame_n of_o themselves_o ut_fw-la quod_fw-la occultaverunt_fw-la ingenium_fw-la nudarent_fw-la so_o lorinus_n that_o their_o evil_a disposition_n loc_n which_o before_o lay_v hide_v may_v be_v lay_v open_a to_o their_o disgrace_n while_o these_o man_n be_v in_o the_o church_n as_o gild_a post_n paint_a sepulchre_n white_v wall_n they_o seem_v beautiful_a but_o when_o they_o go_v out_o the_o gilt_n and_o paint_v and_o white_a be_v as_o it_o be_v wash_v off_o whereby_o their_o shameful_a rottenness_n appear_v and_o according_a to_o s._n paul_n phrase_n their_o folly_n be_v make_v manifest_a to_o all_o man_n this_o be_v that_o 9_o which_o must_v full_o be_v accomplish_v at_o the_o last_o day_n when_o the_o separation_n between_o the_o sheep_n and_o the_o goat_n the_o orthodox_n and_o the_o here_o tick_n godly_a and_o wicked_a shall_v be_v most_o perspicuous_a and_o shame_n shall_v cover_v the_o face_n of_o all_o apostate_n aug._n but_o sometime_o it_o be_v that_o which_o divine_a providence_n order_v to_o fall_v out_o in_o this_o world_n and_o that_o as_o for_o their_o great_a ignominy_n so_o 2_o for_o the_o safety_n of_o other_o ut_fw-la à_fw-la fidelibus_fw-la vitari_fw-la loc_n possint_fw-la so_o estius_n ne_fw-la alios_fw-la corrumpant_fw-la so_o daneus_n that_o be_v discover_v they_o may_v be_v avoid_v and_o their_o infection_n prevent_v while_o the_o wolf_n be_v cover_v with_o a_o sheep_n skin_n he_o be_v not_o so_o easy_o discern_v but_o when_o the_o skin_n be_v pluck_v over_o his_o ear_n the_o true_a sheep_n can_v far_o better_a beware_v he_o to_o wind_v up_o this_o learn_v we_o hence_o 1_o to_o adore_v admire_v and_o extol_v the_o wisdom_n mercy_n and_o justice_n of_o our_o god_n in_o discover_v hypocrite_n by_o their_o apostasy_n it_o be_v that_o we_o have_v so_o much_o the_o more_o reason_n to_o take_v notice_n of_o because_o we_o see_v it_o so_o much_o fulfil_v in_o our_o day_n the_o time_n we_o live_v in_o have_v be_v time_n of_o trial_n god_n have_v as_o it_o be_v by_o a_o fan_n winnow_v we_o whereby_o the_o chaff_n be_v discover_v as_o by_o a_o wind_n shake_v we_o so_o that_o the_o rot_a bough_n and_o fruit_n fall_v off_o how_o many_o who_o while_o the_o church_n have_v the_o reign_n of_o government_n in_o her_o hand_n embrace_v her_o doctrine_n reverence_v her_o clergy_n conform_v to_o her_o discipline_n have_v now_o make_v manifest_a that_o though_o among_o they_o be_v not_o of_o we_o their_o factious_a schismatical_a spirit_n which_o fear_v then_o bridle_v have_v now_o have_v a_o opportunity_n show_v themselves_o open_o oh_o let_v we_o bless_v that_o divine_a providence_n which_o have_v suffer_v it_o thus_o to_o be_v as_o in_o justice_n to_o they_o for_o their_o detection_n so_o in_o mercy_n to_o the_o church_n for_o her_o purgation_n 2_o to_o beware_v how_o we_o please_v our_o self_n with_o hypocritical_a show_n nemo_fw-la diu_fw-la ingenium_fw-la abscondit_fw-la we_o can_v long_o conceal_v our_o temper_n though_o the_o ape_n be_v dress_v up_o in_o a_o man_n habit_n it_o will_v upon_o any_o opportunity_n discover_v its_o apish_a nature_n cito_fw-la ad_fw-la naturam_fw-la ficta_fw-la redierunt_fw-la what_o be_v feign_v be_v force_v and_o can_v be_v last_v beside_o it_o be_v the_o just_a judgement_n of_o god_n on_o all_o hypocrite_n soon_o or_o late_a to_o discover_v they_o they_o may_v for_o a_o time_n cozen_v man_n but_o god_n can_v be_v deceive_v while_o yet_o they_o remain_v in_o the_o church_n they_o be_v know_v to_o he_o as_o judas_n be_v to_o christ_n and_o though_o he_o wink_v at_o they_o for_o a_o time_n yet_o in_o due_a time_n he_o will_v pluck_v off_o their_o mask_n and_o so_o order_v it_o that_o they_o shall_v be_v make_v manifest_a for_o so_o it_o fall_v out_o here_o with_o these_o antichrist_n who_o say_v the_o apostle_n go_v away_o from_o we_o that_o it_o may_v be_v manifest_a they_o be_v not_o of_o we_o the_o first_o epistle_n of_o st._n john_n chap._n 2._o 20_o 21._o verse_n 20_o but_o you_o have_v a_o unction_n from_o the_o holy_a one_o and_o you_o know_v all_o thing_n 21_o i_o have_v not_o write_v unto_o you_o because_o you_o know_v not_o the_o truth_n but_o because_o you_o know_v it_o and_o that_o no_o lie_n be_v of_o the_o truth_n it_o be_v not_o unfit_o observe_v that_o in_o those_o cold_a and_o frosty_a country_n of_o the_o east_n there_o be_v plenty_n of_o beast_n which_o afford_v fur_n to_o keep_v man_n body_n warm_a that_o in_o the_o begin_n of_o the_o spring_n when_o serpent_n peep_v out_o of_o their_o hole_n the_o ash_n put_v forth_o which_o be_v a_o present_a remedy_n against_o their_o sting_n and_o tooth_n no_o less_o yea_o far_o more_o considerable_a be_v the_o care_n of_o god_n in_o reference_n to_o his_o church_n who_o as_o he_o permit_v heresy_n and_o schism_n to_o disturb_v she_o so_o he_o have_v provide_v help_n to_o perserve_v she_o for_o this_o end_n he_o have_v appoint_v she_o his_o write_a word_n as_o a_o sure_a canon_n a_o safe_a guide_n and_o a_o unerring_a rule_n for_o this_o cause_n he_o have_v give_v some_o apostle_n and_o some_o prophet_n and_o some_o evangelist_n and_o some_o pastor_n and_o teacher_n to_o build_v she_o up_o in_o the_o orthodox_n faith_n final_o to_o this_o end_n above_o all_o he_o have_v give_v she_o his_o holy_a spirit_n who_o illuminate_a and_o sanctify_a grace_n be_v sufficient_a for_o she_o of_o which_o it_o be_v our_o apostle_n here_o mind_v the_o christian_n but_o you_o have_v a_o unction_n from_o the_o holy_a one_o etc._n etc._n in_o these_o two_o verse_n we_o have_v two_o general_n a_o remedy_n prescribe_v or_o rather_o describe_v against_o the_o antichristian_a poison_n but_o you_o have_v a_o unction_n from_o the_o holy_a one_o and_o know_v all_o thing_n a_o apology_n annex_v whereby_o a_o objection_n be_v prevent_v which_o otherwise_o may_v have_v be_v make_v i_o have_v not_o write_v unto_o you_o because_o you_o know_v not_o the_o truth_n but_o because_o you_o know_v it_o and_o that_o no_o lie_n be_v of_o the_o truth_n begin_v we_o with_o the_o remedy_n as_o it_o be_v set_v down_o in_o the_o 1._o twenty_o verse_n concern_v which_o we_o may_v take_v notice_n of_o four_o particular_n the_o quality_n what_o it_o be_v a_o unction_n the_o community_n who_o it_o be_v you_o have_v a_o unction_n the_o originality_n whence_o it_o be_v from_o the_o holy_a one._n the_o efficacy_n what_o it_o do_v and_o you_o know_v all_o thing_n if_o you_o please_v to_o reduce_v the_o four_o to_o three_o take_v notice_n of_o the_o nature_n of_o the_o antidote_n it_o be_v a_o unction_n the_o author_n of_o it_o who_o be_v call_v the_o holy_a one._n the_o worth_n of_o it_o by_o it_o we_o know_v all_o thing_n once_o more_o reduce_v the_o three_o to_o two_o and_o then_o here_o be_v observable_a doni_fw-la collatio_fw-la a_o gift_n confer_v you_o have_v a_o unction_n from_o the_o holy_a one._n beneficii_fw-la illatio_fw-la a_o benefit_n infer_v and_o you_o know_v all_o thing_n in_o the_o handle_n of_o the_o former_a of_o these_o we_o shall_v consider_v 1_o these_o three_o thing_n the_o matter_n or_o thing_n give_v a_o unction_n the_o recipient_n to_o who_o it_o be_v give_v you_o have_v the_o donor_n by_o who_o it_o be_v give_v the_o holy_a one._n 1_o the_o thing_n give_v as_o a_o antidote_n or_o remedy_n against_o the_o poison_n of_o antichristian_a doctrine_n be_v a_o unction_n a_o metaphorical_a and_o allusive_a expression_n anoint_v most_o proper_o be_v with_o oil_n or_o else_o with_o ointment_n in_o which_o usual_o oil_n be_v the_o chief_a ingredient_n but_o metaphorical_o anoint_v be_v with_o the_o spirit_n which_o be_v as_o oil_n and_o ointment_n thus_o we_o find_v the_o prophet_n say_v concern_v himself_o literal_o and_o christ_n mystical_o the_o spirit_n of_o 1._o the_o
gift_n namely_o the_o holy_a one_o by_o which_o some_o understand_v the_o three_o person_n in_o the_o sacred_a trinity_n to_o who_o this_o character_n so_o fit_o agree_v that_o he_o be_v usual_o set_v forth_o by_o this_o title_n the_o holy_a ghost_n but_o the_o scripture_n phrase_n be_v not_o anoint_v from_o but_o with_o the_o holy_a ghost_n by_o which_o be_v intimate_v that_o the_o holy_a ghost_n be_v the_o unguent_n itself_o and_o therefore_o it_o be_v more_o rational_a to_o understand_v grot._n by_o the_o holy_a one_o christ_n from_o who_o it_o be_v we_o have_v the_o unction_n of_o his_o spirit_n so_o that_o in_o the_o handle_n of_o this_o part_n i_o shall_v first_o give_v you_o a_o account_n how_o fit_o and_o full_o it_o agree_v to_o christ_n and_o then_o reflect_v upon_o the_o unction_n how_o just_o it_o be_v affirm_v to_o be_v from_o christ_n 1_o it_o will_v not_o be_v pass_v by_o that_o the_o apostle_n mention_v christ_n describe_v he_o by_o holiness_n it_o be_v the_o title_n by_o which_o he_o characterize_v himself_o in_o the_o begin_n of_o his_o epistle_n to_o the_o church_n of_o philadelphia_n these_o thing_n say_v 7_o he_o that_o be_v holy_a and_o that_o he_o speak_v no_o more_o than_o truth_n of_o himself_o you_o may_v hear_v the_o same_o from_o the_o mouth_n of_o he_o and_o our_o grand_a adversary_n the_o devil_n i_o know_v thou_o who_o thoth_v art_n the_o holy_a one_o of_o god_n our_o apostle_n here_o set_v it_o down_o 24_o very_o emphatical_o the_o holy_a one_o that_o be_v singular_o eminent_o perfect_o holy_a or_o in_o daniel_n phrase_n the_o holy_a of_o holies_n which_o our_o translator_n fit_o render_v by_o the_o superlative_a 24_o degree_n the_o most_o holy_a one_o look_v as_o a_o little_a before_o the_o devil_n be_v call_v the_o wicked_a one_o because_o he_o be_v extreme_o wicked_a so_o christ_n be_v call_v the_o holy_a one_o as_o be_v transcendent_o holy_a it_o be_v that_o which_o be_v true_a of_o christ_n in_o reference_n to_o both_o his_o nature_n as_o god_n and_o as_o man._n 1_o holiness_n be_v the_o inseparable_a property_n of_o a_o deity_n it_o be_v as_o it_o be_v the_o excellency_n and_o perfection_n of_o the_o godhead_n and_o crown_n of_o all_o the_o attribute_n now_o christ_n be_v god_n own_o son_n to_o who_o he_o communicate_v himself_o and_o so_o this_o holiness_n the_o angel_n in_o isaiah_n and_o the_o beast_n in_o the_o revelation_n 10_o give_v glory_n to_o god_n three_o time_n iterate_v holy_a holy_a holy_a with_o reference_n as_o some_o conceive_v to_o all_o the_o three_o person_n holy_a father_n holy_a son_n and_o holy_a spirit_n and_o thus_o christ_n as_o god_n be_v holy_a in_o his_o nature_n in_o his_o decree_n in_o his_o word_n and_o work_n and_o eternal_o holy_a in_o all_o he_o be_v and_o will_v he_o say_v and_o do_v according_a to_o that_o of_o the_o psalmist_n he_o be_v holy_a in_o all_o his_o work_n 17_o 2_o as_o man_n he_o be_v the_o holy_a one_o and_o that_o both_o in_o respect_n of_o his_o conception_n and_o conversation_n 1_o his_o conception_n be_v holy_a because_o of_o the_o holy_a ghost_n who_o over-shadowed_n the_o virgin_n purify_n that_o part_n of_o her_o substance_n of_o which_o christ_n be_v bear_v whereby_o he_o be_v free_a from_o all_o that_o corruption_n which_o be_v by_o adam_n propagate_v to_o his_o posterity_n to_o this_o probable_o refer_v that_o phrase_n the_o holy_a child_n jesus_n and_o certain_o that_o of_o the_o angel_n to_o 23._o the_o virgin_n the_o holy_a ghost_n shall_v come_v upon_o thou_o and_o the_o power_n of_o the_o high_a shall_v overshadow_v thou_o therefore_o the_o holy_a 35_o thing_n which_o shall_v be_v bear_v of_o thou_o shall_v be_v call_v the_o son_n of_o god_n true_a it_o be_v christ_n take_v upon_o he_o the_o reality_n of_o frail_a flesh_n but_o only_o the_o likeness_n of_o sinful_a flesh_n and_o though_o he_o assume_v our_o natural_a yet_o not_o our_o vicious_a defect_n 2_o his_o conversation_n be_v holy_a indeed_o how_o can_v any_o impure_a stream_n flow_v from_o so_o pure_a a_o spring_n his_o nature_n be_v holy_a his_o life_n can_v not_o be_v unholy_a and_o there_o be_v a_o exact_a integrity_n in_o the_o one_o there_o must_v needs_o be_v a_o spotless_a innocency_n in_o the_o other_o on_o the_o one_o hand_n he_o be_v to_o be_v a_o pattern_n of_o holiness_n after_o who_o copy_n all_o christian_n be_v to_o write_v good_a reason_n it_o shall_v be_v exact_a without_o the_o least_o blot_n on_o the_o other_o hand_n he_o be_v to_o be_v a_o sacrifice_n for_o sin_n which_o he_o can_v not_o have_v be_v if_o he_o have_v not_o be_v without_o sin_n and_o therefore_o it_o behove_v he_o to_o fulfil_v all_o righteousness_n by_o a_o full_a conformity_n to_o that_o exact_a rule_n of_o god_n law_n nor_o be_v he_o only_o holy_a but_o the_o holy_a one_o in_o respect_n of_o both_o his_o nature_n 1_o in_o regard_n of_o his_o divine_a nature_n in_o as_o much_o as_o he_o be_v essential_o infinite_o original_o and_o immutable_o holy_a essential_o because_o his_o holiness_n be_v not_o a_o accident_n to_o he_o but_o his_o very_a essence_n infinite_o because_o his_o holiness_n be_v not_o only_o without_o imperfection_n but_o limitation_n original_o because_o his_o holiness_n be_v from_o himself_o &_o he_o be_v the_o cause_n of_o all_o holiness_n in_o the_o creature_n immutable_o because_o it_o be_v altogether_o impossible_a he_o shall_v cease_v to_o be_v holy_a for_o than_o he_o must_v cease_v to_o be_v 6_o god_n well_o may_v hannah_n say_v none_o holy_a as_o the_o lord_n and_o indeed_o this_o phrase_n be_v most_o proper_o verify_v of_o he_o in_o this_o regard_n for_o as_o aristotle_n though_o he_o call_v other_o thing_n good_a yet_o when_o he_o speak_v of_o the_o chief_a good_a he_o call_v it_o by_o way_n of_o eminency_n 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d the_o good_a so_o though_o the_o creature_n may_v be_v say_v to_o be_v holy_a yet_o 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d the_o holy_a one_o most_o proper_o belong_v to_o god_n though_o yet_o secondary_o and_o in_o a_o comparative_a sense_n not_o only_o with_o all_o other_o man_n but_o angel_n christ_n in_o respect_n of_o his_o humane_a nature_n be_v the_o holy_a one_o and_o that_o upon_o a_o double_a account_n the_o one_o because_o the_o holiness_n of_o his_o humane_a nature_n far_o surpass_v that_o which_o be_v in_o any_o other_o creature_n and_o that_o in_o as_o much_o as_o it_o be_v present_o to_o be_v unite_v with_o the_o godhead_n and_o if_o some_o measure_n of_o holiness_n be_v require_v in_o all_o that_o approach_n god_n how_o unmeasurable_a and_o perfect_a must_v be_v that_o holiness_n of_o christ_n humane_a nature_n which_o be_v unite_v with_o god_n and_o in_o who_o the_o fullness_n of_o the_o godhead_n dwell_v bodily_a the_o other_o because_o whereas_o all_o other_o creature_n have_v holiness_n only_o for_o themselves_o and_o can_v convey_v it_o to_o other_o pelag_n in_o which_o respect_n st._n austin_n say_v of_o holy_a parent_n they_o beget_v their_o child_n non_fw-la è_fw-la principiis_fw-la novitatis_fw-la sed_fw-la è_fw-la reliquiis_fw-la vetustatis_fw-la not_o from_o the_o principle_n of_o the_o new_a man_n but_o the_o remainder_n of_o the_o old_a man_n and_o so_o can_v communicate_v their_o holiness_n to_o their_o child_n christ_n be_v a_o son_n of_o righteousness_n impart_v holiness_n to_o his_o church_n a_o root_n of_o holiness_n as_o the_o first_o adam_n be_v of_o wickedness_n give_v the_o sap_n of_o grace_n to_o all_o his_o branch_n in_o which_o regard_n st._n paul_n say_v express_o he_o be_v make_v to_o we_o of_o god_n sanctification_n o_o then_o let_v we_o learn_v to_o magnify_v christ_n in_o and_o for_o his_o holiness_n that_o phrase_n in_o moses_n his_o hymn_n who_o be_v like_a to_o thou_o o_o lord_n glorious_a in_o