Selected quad for the lemma: truth_n
EEBO-TCP documents containing the quad
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The true Christ owned in a few plain words of truth, by way of reply to all such professors or profane who lay to the charge the elect people of God called Quakers that they deny the bloud of Christ, and his body, and resurrection, and that they deny the Lord that brought them, and trample the blood of the Covenant under their feet ... / by William Bayly.
Bayly, William, d. 1675.
Wing B1542; ESTC R25915
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Observations, censures, and confutations of notorious errours in Mr. Hobbes his Leviathan and other his bookes to which are annexed occasionall anim-adversions on some writings of the Socinians and such hæreticks of the same opinion with him / by William Lucy ...
Lucy, William, 1594-1677.
Wing L3454; ESTC R31707
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