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spirit_n truth_n worship_v worshipper_n 8,590 5 12.6710 5 false
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A06882 A declaration of the masse the fruite thereof, the cause and the meane, wherefore and howe it ought to be maynteyned. Newly perused and augmented by the first author therof. Maister Anthony Marcort at Geneue. Tra[n]slated newly out of French into Englishe. Anno M.D.XLvii.; Petit traicté de la Sainte Eucharistie. English Marcourt, Antoine de, d. ca. 1560.; Vingle, Pierre de, attributed name. aut; Viret, Pierre, 1511-1571, attributed name. aut; Geranius, Cephas. aut 1547 (1547) STC 17314; ESTC S103750 36,879 64

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oughte owe will they or not to Princes and lordes For s Paul writeth thus Omnis anima potestatibus supereminētibus subdita sit Ro. xiiii That is to say euery soule be subiect to the hie powers But the holy Apostle sayd not Omnis anima laica that is to say euerye lay mans soule but eueri soul As it was once answred in a college of Paris by a master Asse whose nosethrels fete ought to haue bene clouē sent to pasture Out of all this spronge another fruite more pleasaunt agreable and dilicious to the tendre and dilicate gentilmen That is that by one accord yea by a commune lawe made among them selues they should lyue in mery wanton nes and lecherous idelnes without laboure or trauaile For their hādes be to soft but to plai at tennes boules tables cardes and dyce to leape and daunce for theyr pastime but for to labour fye because they be anoynted greased and their pates plucked And al this solatious goodnes commeth of this ioly masse O masse masse howe gentle art thou howe louyng and pleasaunte to these folke Howe can they hate the howe can they leaue the howe can the banysh the syth thou haste set them in such an easy quiete and rest to labour nothyng at al. And that mor is if they can reade or synge a masse lifte vp theyr armes and knele haueyng a portuouse to bable theyr mattens they nede none other thynge As for bokes volumes and quaiers of holy scripture to search and study it forceth not for they he not requisit for the masse ☞ And as for study it is a melancholious busines werines and a noyous not cōuenient for such ydle beastes that wold lyue wythout any thought and by the sweat af other mens faces Oh howe contrary is S. Paule to them The which not wythstandyng that he was an Apostle of Iesus Christ a Bishop but not mytred nor horned a Doctour of veritie a doctour of the church but not hooded nerthells he wroght wyth hys handes and for to do so he admonisheth and desyreth euery persō but what haue they to do wyth God or saynt Paule ☞ Yet an other fruite of this masse and thā a great euyl I wyl shewe as nowe The fruite is greate and encreased for neuer henne layed so many egges and hatched so many chyckens as this masse hathe brought vs shorne poules And what man can thincke the nombre of the cockerelles that runne after harlottes as cockes after hennes And whan these iolye louers haue layd their layghters and sitten their brodes thei sit in their temples singing as cockes on their perches yea properlier to say de skant in counterfeit thinges gapyng criyng howlyng So many cockes cockrels pullets that is to say of Monkes Friers Nūnes prestes laisisters this fat masse hatched fed that it is wōder to beleue and to satisfie so great anombre it was of force necessary to bild many henhouses nestes to lodge so many lapwynges Thā nōbre if ye can al the cloisters abbaies priories monasteries temples chanonries prebendes alters portatifs not portat ifs and such other thinges that the masse hath brought furth And vpon that thinke a litel I praie you and ye shall perceiue what it mā ye be is it not wel multiplyed Auarice hath wroghte a pase as wytnesseth one of theyr order named Willam de Peraldo in his tyme bishop of Lyons in the some that he hath made of vertues vices 〈…〉 de P●●at do in the seconde parte in the title of Simony Where as he sayeth the auarice hath found the multitude of al tars the colectes of the masse the whych thing finalli is tourned into horrible idolatry For by the meanes the pore people haue be lerned to seke worship god in tēples places made with mēs hand Albeit as Esaye saith S. Stephā allegeth that the most highest is not habitaūt in the maner as they wene for Esai 〈◊〉 Bi ●eta vii the tēple of the liuing god is the hert soule the spirite of the faithful For the whiche cause Iesus Christ said that the true worshipers worshipped not the Lorde God ueyther in the mountayne nor in Ierusalem Iohn .iiii. but in spirite and truth And therfore faith Saint Paule that the faithfull is the habitation and temples of the holy gost And also Iesus Christe wyllynge to geue consolacion to all faythfull people in speakynge of hys father of him selfe and of the spirite of verite which the world can not comprise sayd thus We shall come to hym and make oure dwelling wyth hym he sayd not that we shoulde come into a tēple or in such a place or in suche an aultar ● Cor. vi vi Cor. vi But he sayd we should come to him and make our dwelling with him Wherfore thā by your aduise hath the people thus be taught to renne hither and thyder Ioh. xiiii but for to catche such as they bringe O insaciable coueytousnes Lertaynly I dare wel saye that the brybats or watchinge theues lurkinge in wooddes be not to be dreade as these Antichristes the whiche haue not alonly pylled robbed the temporall goodes fro the people but haue caste out and by thyr false doctrine almooste al the world out of the waye of saluacion and streied it from the Lorde God and from all verite Hereabout we ought not to speake but onely he wayle sob and weepe by greate dolour heuines And therefore I leaue to speake of their false miracles of their idols of Golde Siluer stone earth and of woode c. Of their pilgrymages theyr viages and such maners deceites whereby the worlde is brought in to a darke botomles pyt ☞ This is the euil that at the beginninge of thys vngracious fruyte I was in purpose to speake that of all euills it is the greateste and neuer man coulde imagine worsse And what would ye worsse then to begiuen into reproued sences To be striken with so greate darkenes that they do come and iudge the good to be ill Be qui dicit is ma●●t Sonū and the ill to be good All thys by thys masse is come on the people as ye maye clerely vnderstande by this that is declared aboue Esaie .v. ☞ Of thys euil aboue all other the Prophet tes haue made mencion whan by greate threte ninges of the euyll that was to come ouer the misbeleuinge people Esaie .vii. Mat. xiii Mar. iiii Luc. viii Ioha xii Ac. xxviii Rom. xi Ps Lviii haue aforespoken the blindnes and cursednes therof And is it reason that be wyll not take and receyue blissinge that cur singe come to hym Wherevpon it nedeth not to pretende or allege ignoraunce saing if there be any euill it is onely for them that hath inuēted it truely also for them that foloweth it As it is writen Yf one blinde man lede another Mat. xv● both of them falleth in the diche And therfore I praye euery