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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A04047 A fruteful and a very Christen instructio[n] for childre[n] w[t] a dyalogue wherin the chyld asketh certayn questions answeryng to the same with a generall confession, and the maner of loues, the saying of Salomon in the, vi, of the Prouerbes, and also many godly lessons whiche we ought dayely to haue in our remembraunce M.D.xl,vii. God saue the kyng 1547 (1547) STC 14106; ESTC S120421 7,864 32

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that beleueth is receyued and consecrated into the felowshyp of Christes churche to be parte taker of life euerlastyng The question ¶ In whom beleuest thou The aunswere ¶ I beleue onely in God the father almighty and so torth as it standeth ● the C●ede The question ¶ what is fayth The aunswere ❧ Faith is a sure cōfidence and trust of a mynde trustyng and beleuyng in the very lyuyng God The question ¶ How many goddes are there The answere ¶ There is but one GOD alone for all sufficient whiche hath his beynge of hymself and al creatures hath their beyng of hym The question ❧ How many persons then are there in the godhed The aunswere ¶ There are thre persons whiche are god the father god the sonne and god the holy ghost thre persones in trinite and one god in essence The question ❧ what is god The aunswere ☞ God is he of whose goodnesse and by whose power I am perswaded and assured through my faith to receiue al that good is vnto whom also I flie in all aduersities and periles as vnto a present and all alone sufficient helpe for me he pacientely abydeth our turnyng from synne full of mercy gentle good redye alwayes to forgyue and suffereth no synne to be vnpunyshed and that into the thirde and fourth generation vntyll none of that synnefull sto●ke be left alyue The questione ☞ In whome beleuest thou The aunswere ☞ I beleue ī god the father almighty maker of heauen and earth And in Iesu Chryst his only sone our Lorde c The question ¶ what meanest thou by the fyrst article The aunswere ¶ I beleue tyat he is my GOD and mercyfull father vnto me tenderyng me as his dere beloued chylde and to be euermore vnto me an almighty helper The question ❧ What meanest thou by the thyrde fourth fyfte and syxte artycles The aunswere ¶ I beleue that Christe was conceyued borne and suffered for my synnes and y● he ro●e to make me righteous The question ¶ what thyng woorketh this faith in the The aunswere ❧ It worketh in me loue to GOD / and to my neighboures / as to myself and so chaungeth me in to a new man so that I beleuyng and knowyng god to haue shewed so excedīg loue for me study to do hys commaundementes / and am full heuy ī my heart that I cānot fulfyll them The question ¶ why what are thy conmaundemētes The aunswere ¶ These are hys commaundementes The fyrst commaundeme●● Thou shalte haue none other goddes but me The .ii. commaundement ¶ Thou shalt not make to thy self an● grauen image nor any likenesse of anithynge that is in heuen aboue or in earthe beneth nor in the water vnder the earth thou shalte not bowe downe to them nor worship them The .iii commaundement ¶ Thou shalt not take the name of th● Lorde god in vain The .iiii. commaundement ● Remember that thou keye holy the sabboth daye The .v. commaundement ¶ Honour thy father and thy mother The .vi. commaundement ¶ Thou shalt do no murther The .vii. commaundement ¶ Thou shalte not commit adultry The .viii. commaundement ❧ Thou shalt not steale The .ix. commaundement ¶ Thou shalt beare no false witnesse aagynst thy neyghbour Thou shalt not desyre thy neigbours house thou shalt not desyre thy neighbours wyfe nor his seruaunte nor his mayde nor his oxe nor his asse nor any thyng that is thy neighbours The question ¶ what meanest thou by the first commaundement The aunswere ❧ I know therby that I am cōmaunded to beleue to trust to cleue to the lord which promiseth himself to be my god to worship and to loue hym alone with all my herte mynde powers of my soule And that it is he only of whō all goodnesse is giuen me vnto whō I must flye call vpon in all my trouble for he only delyuereth me The question ❧ what meanest thout by the seconde cōmaundement The answere ¶ Euen as the wordes shew playnely for whā the lorde spake vnto you saith Moises in the fourth of deuteronomi Than saw ye no image or simlitude of him lest ye disceyued shuld make ye images The voyce of his wordes ye herd but as for any shap or similitude of him in nomaner of wise haue ye sen ye shall not make ye siluer goddes neither golden Goddes shall ye make you Exo .xx. Also ye shal make my an Alter of earth but if ye wyll nedes make it of stones yet shall ye not hew them for if you set any instrument of yron to them than shal they be defyled Also this I beleue was ernestly spoken with so many wordes to auoyde all caruyng curiosite in setting forth of images whan Christ declaringe the same sayd That the very trew worshippers a● thei that worship the fader in spirite and trouth for GOD is the spirite Iohan .iiii. The question ¶ Forasmoch than as god is the sprit and may not be imagined of our wy● how shall we know him The answere ¶ Faith trust fynde him whan we a● in perell shew him vnto vs. And yet this fayth to fynde him must be giuen vs for if we get vs a faith of our own facionyng wherby we beleue and trust in any other thyng than god than make we vs an Idole for it is the faith trust only in our hertes that maketh other god or Idole for if ou● faith and trust be right pure than haue we the very trew god but if it be false or fayned than must we nedes faine vs false and alyeng god for trew faith god a● ioyned togither with one knotte so that in whatsoeuer thing thou trustest and beleuest that same is thy god Here now maist thou well se that in these .ii. first cōmaundementes god requi●eth and asketh all ou● hole hertes and in y● thyrd he asketh our mouthes and tongues to be vsed for his praise holynesse of his name The questyon ❧ why what meanest thou by y● thyrd commaundement The answere ¶ Than take I the name of God in vayne whan I vse it to confirme a lye or to hurt my neyghbour yea whan neither bi it god is glorified nor yet m● neighbour is profited Also if I fli not to hym for helpe in my troble nor take him for my benefytes in my prosperice welth than take I his name in vain Also if I entend and do not all thinges for his names glory than take I his name in vayne The questyon ❧ what meanest thou by the fourthe cōmaundement The answere ¶ I sanctify the Saboth day whan I giue my selfe hole to here the holi scripture taught me or to rede it so ocupy my mynde in it for whan I gyue my self to any other holy workes or as Esai saith whan I cesse to do mine own wyll or to folow myne owne wayes although they appere to me right gloryouse and good For thus me thinketh the Prophet expoundeth this point of the law in the .lviii. chap. And