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A11073 The mysticall marriage Experimentall discoveries of the heavenly marriage betweene a soule and her saviour. By F. Rous. Rous, Francis, 1579-1659. 1631 (1631) STC 21342.5; ESTC S106415 66,682 385

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encourageth us the greater shall those joyes be which follow these labours for hee that soweth plentifully to the spirit in labours shall reape plentifully of the spirit in the joyes life everlasting Though no life everlasting can be longer than another yet one life everlasting may bee more joyfull than another and this greater joy shall follow those that dying in the Lord doe rest from greater labours And as the joy precedent and the joy subsequent doe encourage us to the labours of holinesse so doth also the joy concomitant The spirit thriveth growes fat prospereth and rejoyceth in the doing of good workes even like the mighty man in the running of his race As the naturall man pleaseth himselfe in eating and drinking so doth the spirituall man delight himselfe in well-doing and it is meate and drinke to an heavenly Sonne to doe the will of his heavenly Father VVhen a thing worketh naturally it worketh pleasantly and it is naturall to the godly nature to work godlinesse Therefore by all these wayes Blessed is the people that knowes the joyfull sound they shall walke in the light of thy countenance O Lord. They that know the joyfull sound are blessed and they are walkers The joyfull sound is a precedent blessednesse and a present blessednesse it is to walke in the light of Gods countenance and the future is to walke by that light unto the countenance it selfe which is perfect blessednesse The joyfull sound and the light of Gods countenance doe not allow any to take up their rest here but they call on them to walke even to walk cheerfully in good duties by these streames of blessednesse unto the ocean and fulnesse of blessednesse VVherfore let us make this use of the precedent present and following joyes even to walke and runne that race of piety which is here prevented with that sound accompanied with gladnesse and the light of Gods countenance and shall be followed with the never-ending sight of that countenance which is the fountaine of that light and which to behold is true felicity Fourthly in these times of plenty lay up a stocke of confidence and comfort for times of scarsity It hath bin tolde thee before and thou shalt finde it true that the Bridegroome sometimes hideth his face and holdes backe his oyntments and the spirit which bloweth when he listeth bloweth not when he listeth not Therefore goe unto the Pismire and learne of him in the summer of consolation to provide for the winter of desertion If with Thomas thou hast seene and felt Iesus to bee Iesus in his neare and palpable approaches and visitations and hast then truly called him My Lord and my God lay up this truth for the times of desertion and beleeve that truth to bee then true when thou feelest not the truth of it and that though thou art changed yet Iesus Christ is yesterday to day and the same for ever And for the better helpe of thy memory and assurance of thy soule set downe upon record these testimonies and tokens of love and seales of union which Iesus gave to thy soule when hee visited her in the bed of love In an ill matter Tamar kept a seale and a staffe for the safeguard of her life in a good matter doe thou much rather keepe these seales for the safety of thy soule And if thine enemy who is both a Tempter and an Accuser and in these times of desertion doth commonly tempt by accusing doe call thy soule into question for her life accusing her to be an adulteresse of the flesh and not a spouse of Christ Iesus bring forth thy seales tokens which lye by thee and tell him that whose these are his thou art thy well-beloved is thine and thou art thy well-beloveds Tell him That thou hast not followed cunningly devised fables but hast beene an eye-witnesse of Christ Iesus and his love And what thou hast seene and heard and felt that declare and shew to the face of thy accuser tell him The spirit of Iesus hath left a testimony with thy spirit that thou hast beene one spirit with Iesus in an heavenly marriage and then say also Wherefore wee are no more two but one spirit let no tempter nor temptation put asunder what God hath put together Thus in laying up the seales of union thou layest up a stocke of confidence and thou maist see Saint Paul making the same provision and the same use of it God hath given us the earnest of the spirit therefore are wee alwayes confident Neither do thou only from these Memorialls gather confidence but comfort True it is that confidence it selfe will bring comfort for hope is the juice of confidence and this juice is an especiall cōfort and cordiall to the soule But besides this comfort which ariseth from the apprehension of the things to come thou mayst take comfort in that which is past and therewith refresh thy soule in times of drought and wearinesse By these memorials pledges call to remembrance his loves his sweetnes his kisses his oyntments Renew the Images and keepe them fresh in thy soule and these shall comfort thee when the things themselves are absent It will be a pleasure to thee to tast over his loves againe againet by renewed remembrances of them It will be a pleasure to thee to repeate the pleasure thy soule hath enioyed and to say His love was pleasanter then wine and I eate vnder his shadow with great delight and his fruite was sweete to my tast Thou hast tasted by tasting seene that thy Lord was gracious and now see and by seeing tast how gracious thy Lord was For as tasting brought forth seeing at the first so now a revived seeing wil also bring forth a revived tasting ech mutually begetting other Yea many times when thou doest this only by remembrance and representation of that which is past thou shalt bring into thee the substance of that whose shadow thou recallest And so while Iesus and his sweetnes are represented to thee as they have beene heretofore seene and tasted they will even now present themselves afresh to be tasted and seene by thee While the Disciples going to Emaus talked of Iesus as of one that was absent Iesus became present unto thē and then their hearts burned with an heavenly fire And so while thou talkest with thy soule of Iesus of his beauty of his graces of his sweetnesse he wil present himselfe to thee and thou who wouldest have accounted it a great comfort to sit under the shadowes of his remembrance shalt now enjoy his reall presence and eate of his most pleasant fruites for when hee comes hee comes with abundance of consolations Thy remembrance of him brings him into thee whom thou doest remember and then thou needest not to borrow comforts out of the stocke of thy former remembrances for thou hast the Comforter himselfe to give thee new comforts and so maist adde them to
comforters that wound and smite her and if shee meete with that one of a thousand that speakes right words and tells her true comforts yet while the inward Comforter is wanting that should turne the words into deedes they remaine bare words and are like the white of an egge that hath no taste in it For the soule sayes still Call mee not Naomi but Marah for my Lord hath dealt bitterly with me Yet still she lookes out for her husband but sees him not shee calls to remembrance his former loves that so shee may enjoy him in the representations of her former enjoyings But then a world of fleshly and fearefull thoughts rush in upon her and with a cloud cover that sight of him which memorie would give her and if she yeeld not to them she is vexed with importunity and if she yeeld to thē she is vex't with guilt self-accusation the Tempter buffets her with sharp and thornie temptations to drive her to yeeld and when shee yeelds hee buffets her with fearful accusations Now what can bee added to her misery Her best friend is gone from her and her worst enemies are round about her yea her best friends seemes to have surrendred her into the hands of her worst enemies for shee feeles a mighty force of her enemies but no strength of her beloved Therefore her heart failes her and shee thinkes that shee hath wholly lost both her selfe and him I opened saith she to my beloved but my beloved had withdrawne himselfe and was gone I sought but I could not finde him I called him but hee gave no answer The watchmen that went about the City found me they smote me they wounded me But yet be of good comfort thou wearie wounded and distressed soule thy husband is a God that comforteth the abject that makes light to shine out of darknesse that gives refreshing to the weary and heavie-laden that brings life out of death Thy Lord hath called thee as a woman forsaken and grieved in spirit and as a wife of youth when thou wast refused saith thy God For a small moment hath he forsaken thee but with great mercies will hee gather thee The mercies of God even when they seeme to faile thee then doe they gather thee yea they gather thee by their seeming to faile thee Thy husband is God and God is love and love doth ever good to the beloved Yea thou lovest him and he hath told thee that all things shall turne to good to them that love him therefore even these desertions though never so dreadfull and discomfortable the almightinesse of Gods love shall make usefull and advantageable This is so true that many of these uses and advantages may particularly be named and I doubt not but thy husband himselfe will teach them to thee experimentally yet because while the cloud of desertion is upon thy soule she can hardly see by her owne light another that hath light for the time though perchance clouded himselfe as much or more another time may tell her what hee sees by his light And indeede when the soule is in the darke and her owne light shines not she may doe well to get a guide and to take heede to borrowed light untill the day dawne and the day-starre arise in her owne heart A first advantage then that may come to the soule by the desertions of her husband is by desertions to prevent desertions for by loosing him shee may learne not to loose him and by the miseries of her former ill keeping him learne hereafter to keepe him better Perchance thou wast too careles in holding him when thou hadst him or in admitting him when he came to visite thee and to bring these thy faults to remembrance that by remembring them thou maist amend them he is now gone from thee Remember whether thou didst not heare such a voice as this Open to me my sister my love my dove my undefiled for my head is filled with deaw and my lockes with the drops of the night Remember also whether this was not thy answer I have put off my coate how shall I put it on I have washed my feete how shall I defile them Thou hadst taken up some rest in the flesh and hadst put thy selfe into a method of ease and then it was a marring of thy method and a fowling of thy feete to step into any action or passion for thy beloved Hee that was thy true happinesse was growne very cheape to thee and thou wast content to part from him rather than to give the price of a little paines for him And art thou not well worthy to lose him whom thou thoughtest so little worth the keeping But now thou art put to learne the value of him by absence whom thou didst so much undervalue being present And when by absence thou hast learned this lesson thou hast gained more by absence than thou wouldest have done by presence for thou hast gained the true valuation of thy Lord by absence which through thy fault and frailty thou forgatest in his presence so by this first gaine thou shalt come to a second for by absence thou shalt gaine his presence For absence having taught thee truly to value him and accordingly to desire and thirst after him and to give him due entertainment when he comes hereafter and offers his love unto thee then shalt thou by this benefit of absence come to enjoy his presence Thy fulnesse brought thee to hunger and thy hunger now brings thee to fulnesse for he filleth the hungry with good things and the full he sends empty away He will fill thee not onely with good things but with goodnesse it selfe for he wil fill thee with himselfe and hee is goodnes yea thou shalt yet have a farther gaine by this absence for when he comes againe thou wilt holde him faster and keepe him surer and so enjoy him nearer longer Now thou wilt embrace him and cleave to him and winde thy selfe about him and when thine eye sleepeth thy heart shall wake that thou maist still keepe his presence whose absence was so bitter unto thee Thou wilt bring him into the chamber of the soule and binde him with the cords of love thou wilt claspe thy affections about him and hold him fast that hee may no more escape from thee And being thus bound by the cords of love and love loving to be bound by love hee willingly abides in the bands which hee loveth for both love and faith are mighty with the Almighty and make the spouse an Israel even a prevailer with God Shee that loveth Christ much may embrace him much and kisse him much and holde him much and if any man doe trouble her hee himselfe will say Why trouble yee the woman And thus thrives the Spouse by her losses while by losing her husband for a time shee loves him better and being returned enjoyes him the more and holdes him stronger and longer But
secondly there is yet a farther use and benefit of desertions For it may be thou hast gone beyond neglect of thy beloved and hast proceeded unto some offensive crosse and contrary carriage toward him thou hast entertained some thought purpose or act which hee cannot endure and then it is best both for him and thee that he hide himselfe from thee If thou come once to entertaine his enemies and to lodge them in one roome with him how canst thou expect but that hee should leave that roome since there is no agreement betweene light and darknesse betweene Christ and Belial And surely hee should neither regard himselfe nor thee if hee should give thee his loves when thou entertainest his enemies For since thy husband is thy happinesse the enemies of thy husband are the enemies of thy happinesse and so both his and thine enemies Therefore is it good that thy friend should a while goe aside when that thou grievest him and hurtest thy selfe by the entertainment of his and thine enemies And while thus hee is hid from thee and thou art left to those enemies whom thou hast entertained in stead of him thou maist learne what odds there is betweene a friend and an enemy and what a folly it was to grieve him that loved thee by loving them that hate thee Thou hast perchance had a touch with thy olde husband the flesh and jealousie which is the rage of a man much more of a man that is a jealous God is angry with thy whorishnesse and puts a day of wrath upon thee wherin he seemes not to spare thee Therefore thy conscience is let loose upon thee and it teares thee to peeces it breakes thy bones and grindes thee to powder Satan also who tempted thee hath leave to set upon thee and to teare thee with vexations whom he had seduced by tentations And now art thou left as it were wholly in hell who wouldest entertaine a peece of hell into thy heaven And indeede it is both a just and mercifull dispensation to tyre thee with thine owne wayes to make the flesh to come out at thy nostrills to make thee weary of thine enemies and to make thee long and looke grone and cry for thy friend whom thou hast grieved and driven out of thy sight Therefore is heaven shut up and become as brasse unto thee and hell hath enlarged her mouth to swallow thee yea thou art like Ionah in the belly of hell thou art like Nebuchadnezzar cut downe by the commandement of the holy one and driven away from men to the beasts of the field thou art like Sampson when his lockes were cut off the good Spirit leaves thee and the evill Spirits like Philistims are upon thee But hath God forgotten to be mercifull and hath he shut up his tender mercies in an everlasting displeasure Will hee breake the bruised reede and deliver up the soule of his Turtle into the hands of her enemies Nay wee shall not die O Lord Thou hast ordained them for judgement and O mighty God thou hast established them for correction The enemies of the soule are suffered to scourge her for loving her enemies so to beate that love out of her and to beate her into that olde love from which in some great degree shee was fallen Thus is she beaten by her enemies from her enemies and the stripes sent her from her friend bring her backe to him that sent them Shee had grieved the spirit of her beloved and by the griefe of her owne spirit shee now learnes what the griefe of a grieved spirit is and thereby learnes to grieve him no more Hereupon she resolves to cast out whatsoever hath offended him and to put on that singlenes and purity of soule which makes her one for one and one fitted by holinesse for that one who is holy She will be his alone whose alone she is and from henceforth shee will scorne and hate any sinne that will offer to bee a rivall with her wellbeloved and especially that sinne whose rivalty hath lately cost her so deare as the losse of his familiarity And the soule being thus washed and trimmed by repentance holy resolutions and renewing her covenant the bridegroome of the soule appeareth to her againe and giveth her his loves And now is she like a garden watered after a scorching heate the heate being overcome by moysture makes her more flourishing and more fruitfull the belly of hell having vomited up the soule of a Saint because it could not digest her shee then runnes much more readily in the wayes of Gods cōmandements The stumpe of the tree for it was not pulled up by the rootes springeth and flourisheth againe being watered with the dew of heaven and is more glorious than before by a greater acknowledgement and glorifying of the Lord of glory The haire for it was onely polled groweth again so doth the strength of the spirit and greater exploits are done against the enemies of the soule than ever before For the soule having beene long kept fasting feedes more heartily on the bread of life and this being the true bread that strengthens the heart of man the more feeding on it the more strength of heart A long drynesse of spirit hath made her very thirsty and the more thirsty she is the more doth shee drinke of the waters of life and the more shee drinkes of life the more lively and active shee is The late breach of love increaseth her love and by love her union with her Lord and husband and the increase of that union is the increase of holinesse and happinesse There is yet a third profit by spirituall desertions and it is the preventing of pride which usually ariseth upon spirituall revelations or any other excellencies of the spirit It is a precious and a glorious thing to know the counsels of heaven and the secrecies of that kingdome and these mysteries doth the husband of the soule often reveale unto her in the bed of love There is a secret murmure of things inutterable and then the soule wonders at the deepe wisedome and unspeakeable truthes which are discovered to her yea anon she wonders at her selfe and her owne happinesse because they are discovered to her But then the flesh which is apt to swell upon the apprehension of any honour or eminence steps in too often and puts his swelling into the soule and then the thoughts of the soule are changed For whereas before shee was a spirit that did magnifie the Lord and rejoyced in God her Saviour because to her lowlinesse hee shewed high and great things now shee rejoyceth in her selfe because of that which she hath received even as if she had not received it She growes proud against the giver even by his owne gifts and boasts of a selfe-sufficiency even against him from whom her sufficiencie came and without whom she hath no sufficiency Accordingly as shee changeth her thoughts so she changeth her voice for now she speakes in
the eyes of the Church being annoynted doe see him and all things that cōcerne him Spirituall things are spiritually to bee discerned and Christ and his spouse are one spirit and by that spirit wherby she is one with Christ doth shee discerne spiritual things The husband of the Church is the wisedome of his Father and when wisdome goes into a soule he giveth wisedome to the soule The Spirit by which he enters into us taketh of his and giveth it to us Therefore as he is wisdome in himselfe so is he also made wisedome to us Christ is light and when light and the soule are knit together by that vnion with light there is a Communion of light The wine of the Spirit is herein quite contrary to the bodily wine The bodily wine whē it inebriates darkens the understanding and being grosser than the soule casts a mist upon the soule But the spirituall wine being purer than the soule enlightens and clarifies her and even then when it brings her to an extacie it doth it not by the diminution but by the excesse of light Wherefore let the soule make speciall use of this precious light which shineth within her in the accesses of her husband let her marke and learne and record the discoveries of that light for a spirit so enlightened will discover more than seven men upon a watch-tower There are some mysteries and secrets which thy husband wil whisper unto thee by his spirit in the bed of love and then let him that hath an eare heare what his spirit saith But if he doe not speake to thee doe thou speak to him know of him those things that are needfull for thee to know and bring to his light those things that thou wouldest have truly seene and discerned Goe into this Sanctuary and there receive Oracles and Answeres for there shalt thou finde resolutions of those things that were before too high and too hard for thee and when thou hast truly seene them beleeve them to be that which by this light thou seest them to be and resolve never to beleeve the flesh hereafter when it shall put any other shapes upon them For darknesse puts false and imaginary shapes upon things but it is light that makes all things truly manifest For example when this light shines in upon the soule looke out for thy happinesse and that thou maist finde it set all things before this light which are briefly these The Creatour and the creature God and the world and having done this thou maist plainly see where is true solid and permanent felicity and where is vanity transitorinesse and misery And when thou hast seene it know it to be the very truth which thou hast seene and that which is once truth is truth for ever If thou wantest the skil of truly measuring time and eternity so that a short life seemes to thee like eternity and eternity lesse than a short life when this light shines in thy soule bring the life of man and eternity together in one view before it and thou shalt quickly learne the art of numbring the few dayes of thy life and withall thou shalt learne that the dayes of eternity cannot bee numbred There is not so much proportion or likenesse between them as there is betweene the very lowest and least point of the earth and the circle of the uppermost sphere And what thou hast now seene to be true beleeve to be true ever even when this light is so obscured that thou seest not the truth of it If thou doubt which is better the prosperity of the wicked or the adversity of the godly bring them before this light even into the Sanctuary and Temple of thy soule wherein the holy Ghost dwelleth and shineth and there shalt thou see that prosperitie ending in a never-ending misery and that adversity ending in a never-ending felicity Besides thou shalt see the prosperity to bee but a light vanity yet followed with a weghty misery and thou shalt see adversity to be but a light affliction yet followed with a weighty glory And having seene this thou maist easily judg which is the better and as they appeare now to thy judgement such let thy memory present them to thee for ever If thou art doubtfull of thy way and thy path seeemes to be covered with darknesse search thy way by this light for it shall be to thee instead of a voice saying This is the way walke in it VVhen after some darke nights the soule is visited through the loving kindnesse of her beloved with these day-springs and mornings of grace then let her say Cause mee to see and know the way wherein I shall walke and then The good Spirit will leade thee into the land of uprightnesse If the word written be darke to thee bring it to this light and if it be fit for thy measure and the glory of thy Lord this light shall reveale it For the Spirit doth reveale the hid things of God If the infidelity of men without thee or of thine owne flesh within thee cast a mist of doubts on the Gospel of Christ Iesus with this light beholde this Gospell and thou shalt see in it a plot of divine wisedome and a mysterie of high and supernaturall truth Yea thou shalt see the face of him who is the summe of the Gospell as the face of the onely begotten Sonne of God full of grace and glory For God who commanded light to shine out of darknesse hath shined in our hearts to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Iesus Christ. It is an ancient promise They shall be all taught of God And when will God sooner teach than when he visiteth a soule with his spirit which communicates both his light and his love unto her For both light and love are discoverers of secrets light makes manifest things hidde in darknesse and love tels counsels unto the beloved It is our Saviours owne inference I have called you friends therefore I tell you my counsels But remember that the knowledge which thou learnest from this teacher of hearts be laid up by thee safe as a precious stocke or treasure and account it thy best learning which thou hast learned of the best Teacher Having bought this truth sell it not keepe it and it shall keepe thee When thou goest thy steps shall not be straitned and when thou runnest thou shalt not stumble Therefore take fast holde on this instruction let her not goe keepe her for shee is thy life Secondly these seasons of love are seasons of prayer If thou want any thing now aske it for in these heates of love thy husband will deny thee nothing These be the times when the spirit moveth the waters therefore now cast in thy petition and what soever griefe it hath in it thou shalt be cured of it Now the King holds out his golden Scepter therefore let
the heavenly Bridegroome IT is necessary to shew what these visitations are to convince that they are and so to undeceive those that thinke they are not It is also necessary to free those from errour who beleeving that they are yet doe mistake those that are not for those that are Such visitations there are for they are seene and felt by men seeing and waking and seeing and waking not onely with the bodily eyes but with two better eyes the one of humane reason and the other farre excelling that divine and heavenly light Spirituall light beholds these spirituall sights and shews them to the understanding which being convinced by that which it sees beleeves them it selfe and would also deliver over the sight and the beleefe of them to others But the thoughts of man are narrower than these joyes and words are narrower thā thoghts But which is worst of al the heart of an earthly man is narrower than the narrow words of a spirituall man for the carnall man perceiveth not spirituall things though they be held up before his fleshly eyes yet in the mouth of two or three eye-witnesses a word should stand and stand it doth though blinde men see it not standing before them and therfore stumble at it But who knowes whether an Ephatah may come downe from heaven that while a spirituall object is proposed a spirituall sight may be infused Howsoever the words of heavenly wisedome are not spoken in vaine to the children of wisedome and especially those who are yet but children and not perfect in tae art of discerning good and evill must not be left to the dangers of errour and mistaking The black Angel sometimes changeth himselfe into an Angel of light and then may he also make some shewes of lightsome visitations There is also a sanguine and naturall lightsomnesse and a bright beame of adustion that sometimes shine in the mind and these also may be mistaken to be divine But the spirit is not flesh much lesse is hee that evill spirit which is contrary to him And because the spirit is that which these are not the visitations are such as those imaginations are not which come from these And that this difference may the better be discerned let let us beholde the true characters of a spirituall visitation which the soule seeth when the husband of soules doth visit her A first marke and signe of his presence is light a light not fitted for the eye but the soule even a light spirituall and shining spirit and truth into the soule and spirit For the Lord is a spirit and when hee comes into the soule hee comes with abundance of that spirit which leadeth into all truth Hee is the light of the world even of the great world of mankinde and therefore when he comes into the little world of one man how great is his light And when this light shineth brightly then the soule by it doth see spirituall things as truly and assuredly as the corporall eye doth corporall things For there is an agreement betweene a spirituall eye and spirituall objects as there is betweene the bodily eye and bodily object By this light things formerly not knowne are seene and discovered and spirituall things knowne before onely by a carnall which is a false knowledge are spiritually and so truly discerned for the light is that which maketh manifest and this light being spirituall maketh spirituall things so manifest that it gives a full assurance of understanding and makes us know that wee know thē Even those things which before seemed fables and foolishnesse to the carnall eye to this spirituall sight and light appeare plainly to be deepe mysteries and most wise truthes Especially the great Bridegroom of soules who to the Iewes is a stumbling blocke and to the Grecians foolishnesse to this light appeares clearely to be the wisedome of God and the power of God For the light begotten acknowledgeth the light begetting and Christ is seene in the soule by his owne beames Hee is seene there as a Head and Husbād to the Church as a roote of life as an All-sufficient Saviour fit and able to restore a decayed and lost creation to disperse and treade downe a combined association of adversary and mighty spirits and to unite and recapitulate the scattered members of a mysticall body both in heaven and earth each to other and all to the Deity Hee is beheld as the fairest of men the soules well-beloved an infuser of that blessed sap of spirituall life by which the soule is purified here and made capable of the beatificall vision in an eternall life hereafter And as this derived light sheweth us the primitive light which begate it and being spirituall shewes us that Lord who is the spirit from whom it proceeded so doth it also discover to us divers other spirituall truthes and is a kinde of Oracle that gives divine answeres and resolutions Now that wee may certainely know this light to be a truth and not an imagination and withall to be truly spirituall and heavenly and not carnall earthly much lesse infused by a counterfeit Angel of light let us first observe that this light of the spirit doth agree with the light of the word The same spirit of God which shineth now in our soules in these heavenly visitations did first shine in the word so that the light of the word and the light in our soules are twinnes and resemble each other and agree like brethren If therefore there be this agreement then there is this brotherhood and if no agreement then there is no brotherhood Therefore to the law to the testimony if thy thoughts speake not according to this word it is because there is no light in them for indeed if our thoughts be truly enlightened wee shall finde some words in the word of God confirming them yea many times this light within will call up some place of the word without for a witnesse to it to confirm a truth which in that place was not formerly perceived Such is the harmony and power of harmony betweene the spirit and the word that when you hit a spirituall truth in your soule there will often come a sound answer and eccho from some place in the word agreeable to it And as the word doth approve this light so doth this light approve the word It loves to looke on it it seeth a heavenly wisdome in it yea it seeth secrets in it yea many times it will in some short sentence yea in some single word find out a Mine of heavenly doctrine and as at a little crany discover a world of divine truths And so the light of the spirit doth approve it selfe not onely by being approved of the word but by approving and improving it This is a sufficient tryall and touchstone of this heavenly light though if neede were I might adde the willing resignation of reason even of the naturall light of the soule to the soveraignty of this divine and heavenly
wife long agoe Now will my husband dwell with me because I have borne him six sons Let it be said now also by a spiritual wife Now will my husband dwell with me because his dwelling with mee hath made me fruitfull Make my soule a fruitfull paradise bearing every good fruit of love divine and humane and then come often into thy garden to behold gather the fruits of it And that I may bring forth fruites wholly thine and not anothers beside thee burne and consume whatsoeuer would grow one with my soule besides thee Thou art a burning and consuming fire and the spirit by which thou art one with my spirit baptizeth with fire O let the fire of thy spirit so wholly turne my soule into spirituall fire that the drosse of the flesh the world being wholly consumed shee may be onely spirituall and so bring forth fruites onely to thy spirit Thus and thus saith my soule to her beloved but when she saith thus her beloved is not farre from her for by him she speakes to him when he is neare his oyntments yeeld their savour and the savour of his ointments draweth soules to run after him There hath beene of late a fruitive union and such fruitive unions doe individuate and enflame the love of the soule to him whom she hath enjoied in that union But alas the husband of the soule is sometimes like that husband which is not at home but is gone a long journey He is gone so farre from me as if hee were not mine yea so far sometimes as if he were not at all The summer is gone from my soule and the winter is come and the true olive so draweth in his fatnesse that my soule though a branch yet doubteth whether there bee a root that beareth her The ointments of light and love are not seene or felt and how can she love the lovelinesse that she sees not and if she saw it how can she love it without love In such a darknesse the greatest lovelinesse affects not the eye and in such a deadnesse there is no love wherewith to love the greatest lovelinesse The soule doth not now taste how sweete her Lord is and therefore his sweetnesse is to her as a thing forgotten or a thing mistaken or at best as a thing which was and is not and will be no more The often unions that are passed are wholly past and the very images and representations of them are neare wholly vanished And now my soule that will ever bee a lover of something and a seeker of good in one object or other being left to the flesh by the enchantment of the flesh runneth to the creature to seeke good in it For as the spirit runneth to Christ so doth the flesh to the creature But alas the dove of Christ thus flowne from the Arke in her thoughts and affections findeth no rest for shee is gone from her rest and how can she finde rest by going from rest Put forth thy hand O thou lover of soules and take her in unto thee yea first make her to returne to thee by finding her when she seeks thee Seeke her O Saviour when she goes astray from thee like a lost sheepe for even when shee thus goes astray she hath not utterly forgotten thee thy loves nor thy lawes One looke of thine will awake her love and make her weepe bitterly that she loved thee so little whom to love sufficiently her best and mightiest loves are most insufficient Prevent her seeking with thy seeking and be thou present with her in thy providence and preserving power even when thou seemest to be farre off in the tasts of thy sweetnesse and fruition of thy loves Love her even when thou doest not give her thy loves yea love her by not-giving them Doe her good even by the subtraction of thy goodnesse shew her that her safety is not in her owne hands shew her that her goodnesse is not her owne shew her that she is nothing in her selfe but that which is worse than nothing and that thou and thy grace make her wholly to be that which she is Then shall she be more humble by seeing her owne vilenes in thy absence and thou shalt bee more lovely and precious to her whose presence gives her all her worth and excellence VVhen she hath regained thee she will hold thee more hardly and keepe thee more fastly and love thee more vehemently Shee will value thy loves above treasures yet she will love thee more than thy loves and she will provide a stocke of loves in the summer against the winters if they perchāce shal return again For in these loves shee will behold the pledges of a love eternall in these joyes of thy presence she will behold the earnests of eternall joyes in an eternall presence and for the sure hope of these eternall joyes she will patiently endure the sorrowes of these temporall absences Yet let these temporall absences be as thornes in the sides of my soule to stirre her up to the desire of that eternall presence And be not lacking overlong O thou life and love and guide of my soule but ever and anon visit her with thy presence stay her with thy flagons comfort her with apples for she is sicke of love when shee wanteth her beloved Whē thou wast here on earth thou hadst compassion on the multitude that had nothing to eate and wouldest not send them away fasting lest they should faint by the way O sweete Saviour thou art no lesse mercifull in heaven than thou wert on earth and an hungry soule is a fitter object of mercy than an hungry body and my hungry soule hath a farther way to goe than their bodies for shee must goe from earth unto heaven O refresh her and that right soone with thy mercies with the joyes of thy presence with the bread of heaven and water of life which thy spirit plentifully giveth to my spirit when thou commest unto her Be thou her guide even to the life which is beyond death and grant that through these changes of temporall presences and absences she may runne in one even and unchanged path of love and holinesse untill she come unto that eternall presence where is the fulnesse of joy without ebbes and perpetuity of joy without interruptions There shall shee see her beloved clearely and plainely even face to face and there shall shee enjoy her beloved so fully as she seeth him clearely yea she shall enjoy him with all her might of enjoying Her being shall be the measure of her enjoying for as much as she is so much shall shee enjoy shee shall be in a perpetuall union with her beloved and in a perpetuall fruition by union and so in a perpetuall rack extent and vttermost of joy The fountaine of joy shall flow continually into the mouth of the soule the new wine of the kingdome shall still overcome her and set her up
in a continuall trance and extasie of joy Her life shall be rejoycing and her life shall be eternall and so shall be her rejoycing Her life shall be love and this love shall give an overcōming sweetnesse to the enjoying of him whom she loveth and the sweetnesse of her enjoying shall enflame her love to him by whom she enjoyes this sweetnes and thus shal she run an everlasting course between the pleasure of love the sweetnesse of enjoying Therefore thus saith my soule to her beloved Come away my beloved and be as a Roe on the tops of the mountaines My life is hid with thee my love Appeare quickly thou which art my life that I may quickly appeare with thee in the glorie and happines of a consummate mariage Make mee faire with thy spirit and put the golden vesture and the needle-worke of thy manifold graces vpon mee and bring me speedily into the presence of the great King Let the day of gladnes quickly come wherein both soule and body even my whole selfe may eternally enioy thee For thy spirit being now in both makes both to thirst for thee and my flesh fainteth as well as my soule and ech panteth after thee Neither will they stil be put off with these tasts and earnests but their love and longing is rather enflamed by them to the fruition of thee The very voice of these earnests is come yea they scarse know any other language but Come therefore again again they say come Yea after they have said come as if that were not enough they say Come quickly Now thou who knowest the meaning of the spirit give an answere to the speaking sighes and grones of the spirit Thou who hast enflamed the heart of thy spouse to speake vnto thee in this silent yet lowde language of ardent desires speake againe to the hart of thy spouse and answer the desires which thou hast made to speak vnto thee But harken for hee speaketh Those lips speake which are full of grace and such lips cannot but speake grace peace to his spouse to his beloved Hearken therefore and heare what he saith Beholde I come quickly O hony and sweetnesse it selfe to the soule that loveth her beloved comes quickly her consummate marriage comes quickly her full joy and perfect happinesse comes quickly And now what can the soule say more to her Lord Onely as before shee still said Come so now will she still say Amen and Even so come Lord Iesus Amen and Amen FINIS 1 Ioh. 1. Esay 54. Gal. 5.17 Cant. 3.4 Ioh. 14.21 2 Cor. 12.2 Eph. 4. Rom. 8.13 1 Pet. 2.11 1 Pet. 1.8 Cant. 8.7 Rom. 8.32 Heb. 1. 1 Cor. 3.22 Cap. 4 5 6. Eccles 3. Mat. 11.29 Heb. 12. Phil. 4.13 Col. 1.11 Psal. 19.10 Psal. 19.5 Ier. 31 33 35 36. Cant. 8.6 Rev. 12.11 Acts 5.41 Dan. 3. Acts 4.17 18. Acts 21.13 Mark 10.30 2 Cor. 1.5 2 Cor. 4.17 1 Pet 1. phil 2.17 1 Thes 1.6 c. Rev 14.13 2 Cor. 9.6 Nehem. 8.10 Luke 9.33 Heb. 4.9 Vers. 6.11 Acts 1. Eccles 4.10 Iob 6.6 Ruth 1.20 Cant. 5 Esay 54.6 7. Rom 8.28 Cant 5.2 Gen. 32.28 Luke 7.37 Matth. 26.10 Prov. 6.34 Hab 1,32 2 Cor. 3.5 Rev. 17. Rev. 3. Esay 66.1 2. Ioh. 15.13 Mat. 15.27 Col. 3.3 Iohn 3.8 Iohn 2.4 Iudg. 13.25 Iohn 5.4 Psal. 123.2 Psa. 37.34 1 Sam. 2.30 Psal. 37. Psal. 4.6 7 Psal. 42.2 102.2 130.6 Heb. 12.12 2 Cor. 8.12 Mat 10. Rev. 2.19 1 Cor 15.44 Ioh 17.14 1 Cor 1.30 Psal 73.17 Psa 90.12 Psal. 73. 2 Cor 4.17 Esay 30.21 Psal 143 8-10 1 Cor 2.10 Iohn 1.14 2 Cor 4.6 Esa 54.13 Ioh. 15.15 Pro 23.23 4.12 Mat. 6 33. 1 Kings 8 38 2 Chron 7 14 15 Zach 12.10 Rom. 8.26 2 Tim 1.7 Ioh 13.36 Acts 4.8 Iudg 15. 16. Acts 13.6 1 Sam. 14.29 30. Eph 5.9 Phil. 4.13 Neh 8.10 Heb. 12 Psal. 19. Ioh. 4.34 2 Pet. 1. Psa. 89.15 Iohn 20.27 28 Heb. 13 8. Gen. 38.25 2 Pet. 1.16 1 Iohn 1. Rom. 8.16 Gal 4.6 7 2 Cor 5.5 6 Cant. 1. 2. Luke 24 15 19. Psa 42.2 Phil 1.23 Psal. 43.3 2 Cor 5.8 Exod 14.15 Heb. 10.38 Heb. 10.39 Num 11 6 Iosh. 5 12. 2 Cor. 5. 1 Cor. 1.23 24. Esay 8.20 Psal. 94.19 2 Cor. 4.16 Luk. 24.15.17 Psal. 30.11 Matth. 5.3 4 6. Numb 20 10. 2. King 4. 2 Cor. 8.12 1. Thes. 1.6 1. pet 1.6 Psal. 112.4 2 Cor. 4.6 Psal. 4. Phil. 3.8 2 Cor. 12.9 10. Rom. 5.3 Rom. 8.5 Prov. 17.22 Psal. 63.5 Eph. 4.24 Psal. 45. Mark 5.30 Luke 1.35 2 Tim. 1.7 Rom. 13.10 Ioh 14.21 Rom. 7.4 Psal. 128. Psal 92.14 Ezek. 11.19 20. 2 Cor. 3.3 Psal. 45. Numb 24 Cant. 4.9 Psal. 27.8 2 Cor. 3.18 Psal. 25.15 Luke 24.28 c. Luk. 11.13 Ioh. 14.21 Iohn 1.3 Exod. 34.14 Gal 5.17 Gant 2.18 Cant. 7.12 Zach. 13.1 Psal. 51.7 Rev. 7.14 Esay 1.16 1. Luke 7.47 Psal. 51.8 Rom. 5.1 5.11 Hebr. 10. 19,22 2 King 3.15 Eph. 4.15 16. 1 Pet. 2. Num. 11.4 Eccl. 10 17 Psal. 19.10 Gal. 6.16 Rev. 22.14 Psal. 45. Iudg. 9.11 1 King 19 Deu. 32.25 1 Cor. 4.4 Psal. 145. 15. Cant. 5.2 Luk. 23.43 Eccl. 12.1 Rev. 3.20 Mark 4.33 Gal. 2.20 5.6 1 Ioh. 3.14 1 Cor 4.11 2 Cor. 11.23 Gen. 30. Rom. 7.4 Ioh. 15.5 psal 113.9 Gen 30.20 Ioh 14.23 Cant 4.16 Prov. 7.19 Psal. 119. 176 Luke 22.61,62 1 Cor. 10. 13. 1 Pet. 1.5 6. Gant 2.5 Mat. 15.32 Heb. 4.15 16. Psal 63.1 Rom. 8.23 Rev. 22.20
the Queene come in boldly with her request though it be for a kingdome Yea this King likes it best If thou doe first seeke a kingdome wherefore whatsoever thou askest be sure to aske this kingdome yea to aske it first and the righteousnesse inseparably annexed to it It were a madnes in thee to offend him by asking a lesse gift when thou mayst please him by asking a greater especially since if thou aske and obtaine the greater the lesser by promise is annexed to the greater And accordingly thou maist come down in thy petitions from the greater to the lesser and having desired the mayne petitions that the King of glory may bee glorified by the comming of his kingdome of grace with the righteousnes therof then after mayst thou petition for dayly bread to bee given thee Yea know that thou art now in a high degree the Temple of the holy Ghost and whatsoever prayer or supplication shall be made in this Temple by a man that shall know the plague and griefe of his owne heart He that dwelleth in Heaven will heare the prayer made on earth he will forgive and doe according to that prayer The spirit of prayer supplication is in this Temple and he is most powerfull in these seasons of love he who gives this spirit of praier will heare the prayer of the spirit which himselfe giveth For he gave this spirit of purpose to make those prayers in vs which himself might approve grant We know not how to pray as wee ought for we are carnall and flesh will not aske so as it may bee pleasing to a spirit A spirit loves a spirituall prayer and therefore hee gives the spirit that he may have that spirituall prayer which he loves So when he heareth his spouse hee heareth himselfe and how can any one deny his owne prayers Christ and his Spouse are now and that in a height of eminence one spirit And if a man who is flesh do not hate his owne flesh but cherisheth it surely much more assuredly the Lord who is a spirit cannot hate his owne spirit but loveth and cherisheth and consequently heareth it Thirdly when the soule is visited by the spirit of the Bridegroome then set upon some good yea upon some great worke The spirit which we receive is a spirit of power and when the spirit floweth much into us in these tides of grace we receive much power Now great power can doe a great worke and it were both a losse and a shame to thee with a great power to doe a little worke when thou maist doe a great one Therefore if there be a worke which was before too great and too hard for thee yet now set upon it for when thy strength is greater thou maist doe that worke which thou couldest not doe when thy strength was lesse Our Saviour saith to Peter Thou canst not follow me yet but thou shalt follow me hereafter thou canst not follow mee yet untill thy strength be greater by a greater portion of the spirit But when thou art more strengthened by the spirit then thou shalt follow mee And accordingly he that before Christs resurrection denied Christ at the voice of a maid after his resurrection confessed him in the face of a Councell And no wonder for for it is then said of Peter that he was filled with the holy Ghost Neither is it true of Peter alone that a great measure of the spirit enables to a great worke but in others also When the spirit of the Lord comes mightily upon Sampson he doth mighty workes for hee breaketh cords as flax and slayes a thousand with the bone of an asse And Paul being filled with the holy Ghost worketh a miracle by which at once he confounded Elymas and converteth the Deputy Though two talents gaine but two yet five can gaine five Therefore marke when the spirit comes mightily upon thee and then attempt some mighty worke As the Seaman watcheth the naturall winde and tide so doe thou watch the winde and tide of the spirit The spirit bloweth when he lifteth and when hee listeth to blow then set forth on some noble action when the tide of the spirit floweth then put thy hand to the oare for then if thou rowe strongly thou maist advance mightily The soule lying in flesh and bloud is like a boate on ground all the rowing in the world will not move it but let the tide come and set him afloate the same tide that enables him to move will also mightily advance the motion which it first enabled VVherefore if there be any vertue or any worke of excellence not yet well done thinke upon it in these times and tides of grace now set upon them that so thou maist goe from vertue to vertue untill thou be skilfull active in all vertues and having attained the full number of them then strive to the fulnesse and perfection of degrees On the contrary if thou have some mighty enemie that hath beene too hard for thee even some raging and wasting concupiscence feare distrust or other tentation now set upon him mightily for now canst thou best see the way to conquer him and now hast thou most might to effect this conquest and to doe what thou seest Having tasted this honey thine eyes shall be opened and thy strength revived wherfore make thou now a more mighty slaughter of the enemies of God and thy soule And let thy fighting be against all these enemies though chiefly against the chiefest There are some little foxes that have strong holdes and these will ask some strength to be digged out and taken Remember that thy warfare is against the whole Nation of the Canaanites thou maist not suffer a little one to live Thou must strive against all sinne and strive for all righteousnesse for the fruite of the spirit is all goodnesse righteousnesse and truth It is the saying of a Saint I can doe all things through Christ that strengthens mee If therfore Christ strengthen thee strive thou to doe all things also Neither hast thou in these times onely a greater strength to encourage thee to great workes but also a great joy And indeede the joy of the Lord is our strength The joy that is in us is a peece and patterne of the joy set before us and by this peece of joy within us beholding the joy set before us we may despise the shame and endure the Crosse and runne with patience the race set before us As sure as wee have this pawne so sure shall wee have the performance and therefore we may labour comfortably in the workes of doing and suffering because our labour is not in vain in the Lord. The joy which we have excites us to labour because as this joy is followed with labour so shall the labour be followed with an over-waighing joy and the greater the labours are to which this joy of the spirit