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A04811 The glorious and beautifull garland of mans glorification Containing the godlye misterie of heauenly Ierusalem, the helmet of our saluation. The comming of Christ in the fleshe for our glorie, and his glorious com[m]ing in the end of the world to crowne men with crownes of eternall glorie. Beeing an heauenly adamant to drawe thee to Christ and a spirituall rod to mortifie thy life. Made and set foorth by Frauncis Kett, Doctor of Phisick Kett, Francis, d. 1589. 1585 (1585) STC 14945; ESTC S101081 81,290 126

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of our selues for it is the gift of God and commeth not of woorkes Ephe. 2. least any should boa st him self for we are his woormanship created in Christ Iesus vnto good woorks that wee shoulde walke in them so that none can looue Christe in purenes of hart but that of verry force hée will walke in good woorks as thinges that are vnpossible to bée seperated from him that is sanctified with the spirit of adoption and grace for as Christ is the fountaine of all holynes and righteousnes and of all grace and goodnes so it must needes followe that whome Christe hath sanctified with his Spirit that they must of necessitie doo the woorkes of grace and righteousnes so long as they labour and indeuour to be renued and confirmed in the spirit of grace which wée receiuing and takeing of Christe must of force confesse that without it wée haue no power to crucifie our fleshe and to resist sinne and therfore by it wée haue power to mortifie our earthly members and to doo the woorkes of righteousnes whereby it is moste euident and plaine that by the grace giuen by Christe through faith wée may assuredly and boldely perswade our s elues that wee are only iustified and saued Therefore saith Peter Pet. 1.1 blessed be God the father of our Lord Iesus which through his aboundant mercie begat vs againe to a liuely hope by the resurrection of Christe from death to inioy an inheritance immortall and vndefiled reserued in heauen for vs after which the prophets inquired and searched prophesying of the grace that shuld come vnto vs by the spirite of of Christ which testified before of the passions that should come vnto him and the glorie that should follow after for by Christ we are made spirituall and not carnall whose spirite doth certifie our spirite that we are the sonnes of God and heires annexed with him who was ordained before the worlde was made that by him our faith and hope might be in God so that our iustification come not by the deedes of the law but by the faith of Iesus Christ according to Paule Thess ●● God hath from the beginning chosen you to saluation through sanctifying of the spirite and through the beleeuing of the truth whereunto he called you by the gospell for Christe is the end of the law to iustifie all that beleeue Rom. 8 Gal. 6. walking not after the flesh but after the spirite for what soeuer a man soweth that shall he reape if he sow in the flesh hee shall of the flesh reape corruption but if he sow in the spirite he shall of the spirite reape life euerlasting for they that are Christes Gal. 5. haue crucified the flesh with the appetites and lustes thereof for Christ hath called vs to holynes and not to vncleannes and hath called vs out of bondage into libertie from the curse of the law vnto grace from darknes to light from death to life from the spirite of feare to a liuely hope from a earthly mansion to an heuenly kingdome from transitorie glorie to euerlasting glorification therefore stand grounded and established in faith not moued away from the gospell but stand fa st in the liuely hope to obtaine the glorie that commeth by Christ Rom. 8. being vnfainedly pers waded that there is no damnation to them that are in Christ Iesus walking after the spirite and hauing their conseruation in heauen For Christ our sauiour sitting now in the right hand of God in his maiestie Ephe. 1. was before the world was by whom wee are predestinated heires according to the purpose of him that worketh all things after the purpose of his owne will that through his gospell should be brought life and immortalitie to all that do beleeue in his sonne Iesus Christ the seede of promise to Abraham who now is declared openly whom we looke for to come shortly in the glorie of his Father and all holy Aungels with him in all power and maiestie And that all eies shall see him and they also that pearsed him so that al kindreds of the earth shall mourne when they behold Christ comming in the cloudes Reu. 1. to reward euery man according to his deedes therfore it behoueth vs to watch and pray and to become new creatures thereby making our election sure by holding fast his gospell in a stedfast faith by walking after righteousnes that we may ouercome and be found faithfull at the appearance of Christ comming in glorie that we also may be crowned with glorie ioyfully saying Blessed is the kingdome that commeth in the name of him Mark 11. that is Lord of our Father Dauid Hosanna in the highest Ephe. 1. BLessed be God the Father of our Lorde Iesus Christ which hath blessed vs with all maner of spirituall blessings in heauenly things by Christ according as he had chosen vs before the foundation of the world was laid that we shoulde bee Saintes through loue who ordained vs before through Christ to be heires vnto him selfe according to the good pleasure of his will to the praise of the glorie of his grace wherewith hee hath made vs accepted through the beloued Iesus by whom wee haue redemption through his bloud euen the forgiuenes of sinnes according to the riches of his grace Therefore to him be all honor and glorie world without end Amen THE GLORIOVS and beautifull garland of mans glorification CAP. 2. How man shall bee chaunged at the sounde of the laste troump from mortalitie to immortalitie and from an erthly nature to an euerlasting nature and appeare before the iudgement seat of Chris t to be rewarded according to his deedes eyther with eternall reproufe or els with euerlasting glorification SVch is the eternall ordenance of the Almightie God touching our saluation in his Sonne Iesus Christe that all men ought too knowe that as by a man came death so by a man come the resurrectiō of the dead for as by Adam all dye so by Christe shall all bee made alyue according to Iohn Iohn 5. The houre shall come in the which all that are in their graues shall heare Christes voice and shall come foorth they that haue done good to the resurrection of lyfe and they that haue done euill to the resurrection of dampnation Esdras 22. as the Lord sayd by the Prophet Those that be dead will I rayse vp againe from their places Daniell 12. bring them out of their graues and they that sleepe in the dust of the earth shall awake some to euerlasting lyfe Acts. 17. some to perpetuall shame and reproufe as it is in the Acts that the Lord hath appointed a day in the which hée will iudge the world according to righteousnes by that man Christe whome hee hath appointed and hath offered faith to all men after that reysed him from death to whome saieth Iohn the Father hath cōmitted all iudgement because that all men should honor the sonne euen as they
and true that it would moue any hart willingly to die for the Lambs sake and to suffer all afflictions rather then declyne from the companie of these heauenly Ladies which leadeth to eternall saluation Then these virgins pointed a righteous man farther to the top of Sion and there hée might sée and come to the company of them that were got vp to this fourth golden staire in Iacobs house walking boldely in perfect stablenes of all righteousnes vpon the pure glaciall sea of perseuerance patience long suffering and immutablenes as men s hewing them selues able to stand by the grace which was now giuen them and to abyde the batell to the end obteining the victory then were they redy ioyfully to enter to the high goldē stair there to stand with the elect before Christ hauing garlands palmes of victory in their hands for a moste beautifull and glorious 5. Victory by fayth and bright Queene did sit vpon that transfulgent stayre thrusting out her heauenly hand being godly victory accompaned with eternall gladnes drawing them vp that had perseuered to the end into the glaciall sea of glorie before the Lamb Saying now come sée with Esay GOD sitting in his glorious seat and also Esdras vision performed Esay 6. When Esdras saw vpon the mount Sion a great People whome hée coulde not number and they praysed the Lord with songs of thanksgeuing and in the mid st of them Esdras 4.2 there was a young man of an high stature more excellent then all they and vpon euerie one of their heades hée set a crown and was euer higher and higher and the Angell sayd to Esdras that they were those that haue put of the mortall clothing and haue testified and knowledged the name of God vnto death therfore are now crowned and receiue the reward of immortalitie he which crowneth them and giueth them the palmes in their handes is the sonne of God whome they haue knowledged in the world and therfore they receiue glorious garments of the Lord which now beholde how Christe dooth performe it saying to you all that hath ouercum and béene faithfull vnto death in his name Reue. 3. come take you the crown of lyfe and sit with me in my seat of glorie And thus these Princes of Righteousnes dooth perswad euerie man by godly conuersation of lyfe to preace forward to obteine the mark appointed the high calling in Christe euen the very beautifull rewarde of eternall glorification For which cause that goodly Virgin and vndefiled Lady called the light of the Gospell came foorth in her golden Charriot to passe thorow out all the world saying I must go gather all Nations be they neuer so farre vnto Christe And then shée sayd Ary se ye Kings and Princes and worship the holy one of Israell who biddeth you that bee in darknes to cōe into the light that you may se glorious Ierusalē the Tabernacle that neuer shall remoue for the glorious maiestie shall there bee present among vs. Therefore vp and come to the hill of the Lorde Esay 35. and to the house of the God of Iacob that you may walke in the light of the Lorde And then she passed through the middes of heauen with an euerlas ting testament preaching to all the inhabiters of the earth saying Seeke the Lorde all yee meeke hearted Sophon 1. ye that worke after his iudgoment seeke righteousnesse s eeke lowlines that ye may be defended in the wrathfull day of the Lorde Esay 66. for the hande of the Lord shall be knowrn among his seruants and his indignation among his enemies For which cause walke as it becommeth you according to the Gospel of Christ in true holinesse and purenes of conuersation that you may be found to laude honour and glorie at the great day of resurrection And then she did set vp righteousnesse in the balance and iudgement in the weightes saying Thus standeth it betweene the righteous people and the vngodly as followeth and therefore be carefull to make your election sure Esay 3. THe righteous shall enioye the fruites of their labours and studyes but wooe be to the vngodly and vnrighteous for they shall bee heauily rewarded after their workes Psalme 1. Blessed is the righteous man whose delight and exercise is in the Lawe of the Lorde for he is like a trée planted by the water side whose leafe shall neuer wither for the Lorde dwelleth among them that are righteous But as for the vngodly they are as chaffe that shall not be able to stande in the iudgement neither the sinners in the Congregation of the righteous for the way of the vngodly shall peri●h Psalme 11. The Lorde loueth the righteous and his countenance beholdeth the Iust but the vngodly and him that delighteth in wickednesse doeth his soule abhorre yea vpon the vngodly and the vnrighteous persons he will raine fire and brimstone storme and tempest this shall be their portion to drinke Psalme 34. The eyes of the Lorde are ouer the righteous and his eares are open vnto their prayers and though great be the troubles of the righteous yet the Lorde deliuereth them out of all But the countenance of the Lorde is against the wicked and hee will destroy the vngodly and vnrighteous man Psalme 37. The Lorde knoweth the dayes of the righteous and their inheritance shall endure for euer but as for the vngodly they shall perishe for the armes and power of the vngodly shall be broken but the Lorde vpholdeth the righteous Psalme 37. The Lorde loueth the thing that is right and neuer forsaketh the godly but will haue them kept and preserued for euermore but the vnrighteous shall be punished and the seede of the vngodly shall be rooted out Galathians 6. The Righteous doeth walke after the spirite and therefore shall reape life euerlasting but the wicked doe fulfill the lustes of the flesh and sowe carnally and therefore shall reape destruction Psalme 112. The Righteous shall be had in euerlasting remembrance he shall not be afraide for any euill tidinges his heart standeth fast and beleeueth in the Lord but the wicked shall consume away and the des ire of the vngodly shall perish Esay 28. The Lorde of hostes shall be a ioyfull crowne and glorious Garlande to the remnant of his righteous people Esay 14. but he shall make the generation of the wicked to be without honour for euer Malachie 4 The daye commeth that shall burne as an Ouen and all that doe wickednesse shall be as the strawe but vnto them that feare God and seeke righteousnesse shall be health and saluation and they shall be preserued vnder the winges of the Sonne of righteousnesse Reuel 22. Blessed are the righteous for they shall taste of the wood of life and enter the gates of the holy Citie of newe glorious Ierusalem but the wicked and euill dooers shal be shut out and not suffered to come to the holy Citie Matthewe 25. Vnto the Righteous the Lorde
VIVAT SERENISsima Regina TO THE MOST MIGHTIE IMPERIAL AND Vertuous Princesse The Lordes Anointed Queene Elizabeth by the grace of God of Englande Fraunce and Irelande Queene Defendresse of the faith c. ⁂ SEing that your Royall seate and Scepter most mightie and Imperiall Princesse is clothed with Salomons heauenly giftes and doeth holde vp the golden rodde of wisedome which leadeth to the euerlas ting kingdome I hope therefore by the goodnesse of God that it shall please your Highnesse to admit this Garlande of mans glorification to come into your sweete gracious handes prefixed with the bright beames of your Maiesties princely glorious Name vnder the high precious Cedar and sweete Libanus of your heauenly goodne sse of mercie and pardon That though I be troubled in heart with 〈◊〉 ●eare of your supers plendent personage being a mightie princes of power to dedicate this Pamphlet to your most excellent Maiestie yet the singular clearenesse of your spirituall treasures of goodnesse doth preuaile ouer my dutifull minde and faithfull allegeance in such sort as if the precious pearle of your vertues did shine into my heart not forbidding this litle Pamphlet to come vnto your Highnes trusting that the purenes of the matter will increase your MAIESTIES deare soule to an exceeding consolation touching your bodie to bee glorified In consideration whereof when I did beholde the goodly order of the bright glistering starres which the omnipotent Creator hath placed in the firmament of the heauens there seeing the resplendent starre Corona lucida I was stirred vp with the ioyfull remembrance of your Maiesties incomparable personage being the Lordes Anointed knowing that your Highnesse being vertuous meeke and mercifull is equall with the good Kinges of Iuda with Asa Ezechias Iehos aphat and Iosias in imbracing all godly vertues to the aduauncing of the honour glorie of God that as your Maiestie in all points doe holde your scepter linked to the Scepter of Iuda being an vnfeigned friend to the holy one of Israel so your highnes subiectes in great consolation of heart do pray sincerely in all humblenesse of duety vnto God for the preseruation of your Maiestie lōg to reigne ouer vs And that at the appearance of Christ you may be a glorious Saint in the kingdome of God And now considering howe much Israel reioyced of Salomon how greatly it lamented after his departure Am perswaded how much all true Protestants do pray that the Lord may be your shield as he was to Abraham and that your blessed personage may by the great mercie and s ingular goodnesse of God gouerne this Realme as happily and as many yeeres and more as good king Asa king of Iuda did to the glorie of God and saluation of soules Wherefore most Mightie and Renowned Soveraigne when I an inferiour vnworthie to touch the groūd that your Maiestie doe walke on had finished this Beautifull garland of mans glorification expressing the mysterie of new Ierusalem with her golden crownes and diademes I thought it so much to represent the heauenly ioyes and happinesse of our euerlasting glorie as that it was a matter meete to be dedicated to your most excellent Maiestie shewing howe your Highnesse being an Anointed and blessed Princesse of power vnder God vpon the earth shal meete at the great day of resurrection the King of al kings comming in his triumphant progresse from heauen with the glorious companie of his holy Angels when your pure personage shall beholde that incomprehensible Scepter of the euerlasting kingdome of Dauid That as your Maiestie in your progresse vpon the earth hath highly preferred your faithfull subiectes in Christ to honour and dignitie so nowe that glorious King of eternitie and euerlasting glorie will fashion your bodie to be like his owne glorious body for that your blessed power hath set foorth the true Religion worshippe and honour of God to a liuely hope among your Highnesse subiectes to obteine the eternall garlande of glorie Thus humbly committing this litle Pamphlet of mans glorification vnto your Princely magnificence and godly wisedome doe beseech your Highnesse in your tender minde of mercie to receiue it vnder your sweete gracious mans ion of goodnesse among your spirituall treasures of heauenly solace and ioye thereby daily remembring how your God and Sauiour Iesus Christ shall clothe your Maiestie with an euerlasting garment of glorie shining vpon you with the light of his owne coūtenance there sitting with Christ in his owne seate of heauenlinesse tasting the vnspeakeable ioyes of eternall blessednesse where you shall glister as the shining of heauen worlde without end beholding the beauty of God for euer in new Ierusalē Thus hoping that your Maiesties mercie will be as a vayle to my boldenesse doe trust that as your Highnesse hath truely touched the hemme of Christes garment whereby you haue partaken the heauenly sparkes of the vertues of Christ that it would please your goodnesse to admit one sparke towards the acceptation of this glorious garlande And so I pray God with all instance that it may please him of his aboundant mercie to preserue you our Sweete beloued Queene and true branch of Christ long to reigne ouer vs in tranquillitie and peace to the setting foorth of Gods honour and spreading abroade of his glorie that your MAIESTIE may ioyfully appeare before Christ and be crowned with the Crownes and Diademes of euerlasting glorification which O Lord so let it be Your Maiesties most humble Subiect faithfull Orator FRANCIS KETT THE GLORIOVS and beautifull garland of mans glorification CAP. 1. How Christ was ordained before the world was made to our glorie and promised of God in his holy Scriptures to come in the humanitie and humilitie of flesh to tast of death for all men whereby is iustified the righteousnes of God to the confirmation of our beliefe touching our election and glorification SEing that our glorification and heauenly mansion wherwith we desire to be clothed and which we hope after this life to inioy doth come by Iesus Christ sealed with the holy spirit of Gods true promise wée ought then to stablish our hartes in the consolation of good hope and faith to obtaine the glory that thus cometh by Christ by considering the faithfulnes of God who performeth all that he hath promised and is able to doe excéeding aboundantly aboue all that we can aske or think who so loued the world that he spared not his owne sonne but gaue him a reconciliation for our sinnes The mysterie of whom was hid since the world began and since the beginning of generations but now is opened and declared openly to haue brought to vs life and immortalitie through his Gospell to the iustifying of the righteousnes of Gods true promise to be the glorious riches of our eternall glorie by the shedding of his bloud vpon the Crosse That whereas through the sinnes and disobedience of one man sinne reigned vnto death So by the obedience of one mā Christ might grace reigne through
righteousnes vnto eternall life That all that beleeue in him walking after the spirite and not after the fleshe might be pertakers of his heauenly kingdome and made the sonnes of God For which cause to the better confirmation of our faith and hope of saluation It is requisite to shewe the ordenance and promyse of God from the beginning touching our iustification in his sonne Iesus Christ that thereby wée may be stirred vp by the great goodnes of god for to séeke by Christe Cor. 1.2 the riches of his glorious inheritance vpon the Sainctes Ephe. 11. hée béeing ordained thereto of God before the beginninge of the worlde was made vnto our glory Touching whome in this Booke of mans glorification wée must especially looke vnto Christes two cōmings séeing that hée is the Author and finisher of our redemption and hath adopted vs to be the sonnes of glory by appearing once in the fleshe to put sinne to flight by the offering vp of him self to death whome the Father raysed vp to lyfe and is entred into heauen to appeare now in the sight of God for vs and shall come againe to chaunge our vile bodyes Phil. 3. to be facyoned lyke to his glorious body Wherfore in that wée haue such an high Aduocate in heauen by whome wée haue an incorruptible crowne of blessednes propounded and set before vs Let vs walke woorthy and laudable vnto God according to the grace giuen vs in Iesus Christe that wée may obteine the rewarde thereof And now to consider the purpose of the heauenly Father how hée hath blessed vs in all manner of heauenly thinges by Chris te according as hée hath chosen vs that wée should be Saints through the beloued Iesus It followeth that wée kéepe alwayes a ioyfull remembrance that as the glory of the last house or teastament of God was greater then the first so is it in the manner of the two commings of Christ for first hée came in the humilitie of the fleshe to be to vs a sauing health béeing borne of the Virgin Mary by the woorking of the holy Ghoste very man and mortall and yet the same very GOD and immortall who béeing in the shape of God and equall with God Collos s ● Phil. 2. in whome dwelleth all the fulnes of the Godhead bodyly yet did he neuerthelesse make him self of no reputation takeing vpon him the shape of a seruant and became lyke vnto man and was founde in his apparell as a man humbling him self to all obedience for though hé e were Gods sonne yet learned hée obedyence Heb. 5. by those things which hée suffered and was made perfect Ihon. 1. and the cau se of eternall saluation vnto al that obey him according to Iohn In the beginning was the woord and the woord was with God and the woord was God and this woorde was made fleshe beeing the lyfe and light of men giuing power to all that beléeue in him to be the sonnes of God for it pleased the father to send his sonne in the sinfull fleshe béeing without sinne and by sinne dampned sinne in the flesh and loused the woorkes of the deuill Rom. ● Whome he maketh heire of all things béeing the brightnes of him self bearing vp all thinges with the woord of his power for so it was the will of the Father that in him should all fulnes dwell Heb. 1. and that in him all thinges should haue their béeing that hée might be all in all Thus the Almighty Creator hath performed his blessed promyse Collossians ● when hée sayde that the séede of the Woman shall breake the Serpents head and when long after he sayd vnto Abraham vnto thy séede will I giue this land Gen. 3. for one that come out of thine owne body shall be thyne heire and thy seede shall bee as the starres in number And Abraham beléeued the Lord and it was imputed to him for righteousnes Gen. 15. And also the Lord sayde againe to Abraham when he was 89 yeare olde I will make my couenant betwéen mée thée and will multiply thé e excéedingly for behold my testamēt is with thée that thou shalt be a father of many nations my bond betwéen mée thée thy séed after thée shal be an euerlasting testament Gen. 17. I wil be good to thē giue thē the land wherin thou art a stranger euen all the lande of Canaan for an euerlasting possession and wil be their God for Sa●a shall beare a sonne and thou shalt call his Name Isac and she bare Abraham a sonne euen the same season which the Lord had appointed Thus it pleased the Almightie God to choose vs and not we him shewing foorth hereby the abundancie of his loue and mercie in that he hath mercie vpon thē which are not yet in the worlde and in that he declareth his great goodnes in multiplying his louing kindnesse towarde those that are present and to them that are past and to them that are to come for after that Adam thorough sinne brought in the corruption of nature that the euill seede of wickednesse was sowen in all mens hearts whereby death raigned by meanes of sinne then this darnell and cockle of vice and iniquitie did grow ripe in the first generations of Adam that they walked after their owne stubborne and fleshly will neglecting Gods goodnes That the Lord was thereby prouoked to bring his water floud vpon the world and destroy all mankind except Noye and his houshold And then after that the ofspring of Noye was againe multiplied to a great people by processe of time they waxed also vngodly and wicked but the Lord had giuen his raine bowe for a couenant that he would neuer destroy the world with watermore And then the most highest did choose him a man from among them whose name was Abraham whom he loued and to him onely God shewed his wil and made an euerlasting couenant with him promising him as is aforesaid that he will neuer forsake his seede and so in his old age gaue him Isaac the first testimonie of Gods promise and couenant begun so faithfully performed in Christ Iesus to the ioy and comfort of man in that we see euidently that God is righteous and true and hath giuen vs an assured hope of our election that by that onely seede of Abraham we shal enioy the euerlasting possession of that new blessed land of Canaan the first lande of promise Therefore this record we must beare in our selues that God is true and that what hee do or say can no man change what he promiseth he can not but perfourme And nowe the more to confirme this ioye faith hope which Abraham our first father of beliefe had to God in respect of the birth of Isac and prosperitie of his seede The Lorde to our example tryed whether righteous Abraham would beare an immutable minde towardes his God to loue him aboue all the dearest thinges which he
appointed place for all the new chaunged creatures frō corruption to immortalitie to stand vpon before the glory of God it is so translucident as that it semeth that the eternall power of Gods eternall remēbrance omnipotent might hath fixed it with the vertue of such a meruelous cōprehension the lyke as a a glass e expresseth the vision of a mans face shape so this expresseth the apperance of euery mans déeds woords thoughts and imaginations in shewing the verry face of euerie mans conscience euen in the very circute he stands vpon so that the powre of God shall make all things that were since the beginning to be as present in most manife st maner shewing the treuth of all things before his Angels saincts therfore ought we to be careful to kéep a good cōscience Reue. 4. seing nothing is so hid that shall not be reuealed and in the midst of the seat round about the seat are fower beastes being the fower goodly cherubins of God ful of eyes before behind represēting the state of our new Ierusalē of all the elect of God the first beast being like a Lion signifiing glory to those which béen valiant to fight with stout faith corage in the defence of the Lambe and his Gospel The seconde was like a calfe which prefigured a crowne of glorie to them which liued a sincere life and offred them selues to the sacrifice of martirdome death for the Lambes sake The third had the face of a man shewing the token of glorie to all them which openly with voyce and tongue by preaching teaching and writing had perfourmed the will of God to his praise and glorie The fourth beast was like an Eagle which euer setteth her face to the Sunne and hath pure eyes to beholde the brightnes thereof and this represented an assured signe of bles sed life to all them that haue liued in true penance of heart lifting vp the pure eyes of faith to God and placing their conscience in true righteousnesse and purenes of heart euermore towarde Iesus Chri st and thus the good people are at that dreadful appearance to iudgement comforted in hope and gladnesse by beholding these Cherubims representing the signes of happinesse Reuel 4. And these beautifull beastes had no rest day night saying Holy Holy Holy is the Lorde God Almightie And when those beastes or goodly Cherubims gaue honour glorie and thankes to him that sate on the seate which liueth for euer and euer the twentie and foure Elders that sit in iudgement with Christ fel down before him that sate in the throne worshipping him that liueth for euermore and cast their crownes before the throne yeelding to him all honour to whome it is due knowing that they haue nothing but that they haue receiued Saying Thou art worthy Lord to receiue glorie and honour and power for thou hast created all thinges and for thy willes sake they are and were created And about the throne was the voyce of many angels praising magnifying the Lord with most heauenly melodie in all excellencie and sweetenesse Reu. 4. And the twentie and foure Elders fell vpon their faces and worshipped him that liueth for euermore shewing thereby that when the Lorde s hineth foorth the excéeding highnes and greatnesse of his glorious face and maiestie that all his goodly creatures do cast downe them selues as not able to abide the brightnes thereof And thus consisteth the mysterie of the royal maiestie of Iesus Christ comming to iudgement at the latter day and of his most glorious sitting in his puisance power and glorie in his seate regall hauing all thinges according to the wil of the Father gathered before him The similitude of whose glorie appeared to Ezechiel Ezech. 1. 10. appearing in a great cloude full of fire which with his glistering lightened rounde about and in the middes of the fire all cleare And nowe after that the Lord hath opened the whole mysterie of the will of the heauenly father set the elect vpon his right hande the wicked and cursed on his left hauing sealed vp the whole nomber of his chosen then according to Iohn Reuel 7. the foure Angels which he saw stande on the foure corners of the earth holding the foure windes shall blowe and consume this vniuersall worlde with consuming fire which then was disfigured at the comming of Christ that there shall be no more of the first heauen Reuel 21. earth and sea and then at that blast shall the cursed fall with the Deuill and his Angels into hell the Lord saying depart ye cursed and on the other side shall be a newe heauen and a newe earth euen newe Ierusalem the glorious kingdome of God prepared for the elect before the beginning of the world come down from God when he shall say Come ye blessed inherite the kingdom prepared for you of my father O howe ioyfull shall then the s aints be with Christ in Sion to whome paradise is thus opened plenteousnesse of heauenly benediction made readie the trée of life graunted the ioy of immortalitie imbraced and the Garlandes of glorification enioyed when the Lord shall so louingly say to his righteous people that haue runne the race in this life in the path of godlinesse saying Come ye blessed be ye clothed with your heauenly mansion come take the fréedome of your newe eternal citie your glorious habitation And beholde for euermore your God of glorie and partake the incomprehensible shining of his euerlasting beautie and brightnesse and now take the freedome of all inestimable ioyes with the vnspeakeable aboundance of all sweete reioycing for euer Therefore let this animate thée to heauenly conuersation of life that thou maist make thy election sure whereby thou mayest be crowned with this glorious garlande of euerlasting felicitie ioye and blessednesse worlde without ende AMEN Ephesians 1. ALlaude and praise be vnto the God of our Lorde Iesus Christ the father of glorie who hath giuen vnto vs the spirit of wisedome and hath lightened the eyes of our mindes that we may knowe what the hope is whereunto he hath called vs and how rich the glorie is of his inheritance vpon the Saintes and what is the exceeding greatnesse of his power to vs warde which beleeue according to the working of that his mightie power which he wrought in Christ when hee raysed him from the dead and set him on his right hande in heauenly things aboue all rule and power and might and dominion and aboue euery name that is named not in this worlde onely but also in the worlde to come and hath put all things vnder his feete and hath made him aboue all things the heade of the congregation which is his body the fulnes of him selfe that filleth all in all things to whom be all honor glorie Amen THE GLORIOVS AND BEAVTIFVL GARlande of mans glorification CAP. 4. Of the euerlasting ioy of our glorification giuen vs by
euery parte doeth the selfe same thing as the Spirite and Lambe doeth leade them Coloss 1. hauing the preheminence so that for euermore they remaine glorified with euerlas ting life peace vnitie and puritie of all perfection and brightnesse in the sight of the Almightie for all thinges with them are Symbolicall to Gods Maiestie That as Iesus Christ our Lorde and Redéemer is the Sonne of God begotten of God God of God and God in God that their insearchable nature is such that they are both one in it selfe And the Holy Ghost from them proceeding beeing the euerlasting Spirite of the euerlasting Father and Sonne being of inseparable nature all together in it selfe so that being three persons in Trinitie yet is it one euerlasting vnitie for in them is one Communion of Godhead that the fulnesse of the Godhead dwelleth in the three persons Almightie both bodely and Substantially And nowe as this euerlasting power and Godhead is coadvnited a perfect Trinitie in Vnitie and Vnitie in Trinitie So we of God to God and in God are adopted Saintes of holinesse by Iesus Christ our Sauiour the eternall worde sonne of God by whome we are made in most excellent true resemblance of Godly nature partakers of Gods glorie and purenesse Phil. 3. being ordeined of God to bee fashioned like the Sonne of God Ephe. 1. That what perfect coniunction of Godhead is betweene the trinitie and the vnitie The like heauenly harmonie by adoption shall be for euer of the Saintes of newe Ierusalem adopted true sonnes of God by the Sonne of God so fashioned like to his glorious bodie Phil. 3. So that as the euerlasting seate of Gods maiestie his eternal and incomprehensible place of power doth euer remaine with the Godhead as an eternall brightnes of the most holyest seate of all holinesse that where the Godhead is there is the s hining of his incomprehensible seate of brightnesse as a place eternall and incomprehensible agréeing to an Almightie and incomprehensible god and so an Almightie God with an incomprehensible place of glorie as one in a seate euerlasting vnsearcheable and vnmeasurable of all omnipotent Maiestie being an eternall creator and maker of a vniuersal seate of glorie neuer departing from the same as an immutable God in an immutable vniuersall and incomprehensible seate of honour and power So the Saintes and blessed elect haue a new mansion and glorious Citie descended from god in which they abide a kingly Priesthoode for euer And they shall neuer goe out of it but shall sit therein with Christ the Sonne of God being his seate of glorie giuen of the Father Reuel 3. where the elect shall s it with the Sonne of God in his kingdome as the Sonne did sit in his fathers seate of incomprehensible Maiestie And nowe such is the heauenly s ympathie and consembable resemblance of our heauenly mansion or newe Ierus alem answering to the incomprehensible seate of the glorie of the eternall maiestie That as the incomprehensible seate of glorie is euer with God so our new Ierusalem is euer with the saints being an euerlasting and heauenly clothing Cor. 2.5 with which the elect are euermore clothed That where the first begotten Sonne of God and by him the adopted sonnes of God doe go mooue or alleuate them selues towarde the omnipotent God in like sort doeth the eternal tabernacle or seat as a glorious clothing or euerlasting garmēt with a glorified body continuing inseperably for euer And thus wée are conioyned as one harmonie and perfect consent of many vnited in one cōmunion with Gods holines so glorified in the Author and Father of glorie clothed with the substanciall pertakeing of his goodly seat of glory according to Esay I will make a new Ierusalem saith the Lord that shall be glorious through all posterities Esay 4. ● Peace shall be the ruler and Righteousnes the officer the walles shal be called helth and the gates the prayse of God and God shall bee thy euerlasting light and thy God shall bee thy glorie And she shall be a crowne in the hand of the Lord and a glorious garland in the hand of her God and shall be called a new name the pleasure of God in her and God loueth her and god shall marry him self to her sonnes and as a brydegrome glad of his bryde so god of her Wherby appeare the infinit loue of God to his saincts and of them to God the inseperable coniunction of the glorie of God to new Ierusalem and to her sonnes and the reciprocate coniunction and euerlasting confirmation of them to him in substantiall glorification so that wee shall be in misterie as one pure vnspotted people sanctified in the participiation of the holynes of God being a multitude and yet one heauenly body vnited to one only holy and omnipotent God and thus the Saincts shall be ioyful with glorie behoulding the moste resplendent beautie of God ouer their heads lifting to him with one consent of heauenly melodie all prayse and honor euerlastingly Otherfore yée heauenly Congregation of sainctes sing prayses night and day to your God of glorie that you may dwell before God for euer And thus it is infinit to expresse and moste ioyfull to beholde the admirable treasures and riches layd vp for vs in Christ to come and it is excéeding gladsome to thinke what a plenteous costly pleas ant and glorious feast the Lord hath prepared by Christe for vs And let it reioyce you to the ground of your harts to consider how the Lord shall deck you lyke Bridegromes with the garments of heauenly helth and high blessednes and let your soules leap within you and daunce for ioy to think how you shall be decked with the garmēts of Gods beautie and be you mery in righteousnes and run cheerfully to godlynes of life that you may pertake with this euerlasting happines of new Ierusalem the glorie wherof is so excéeding that the high amplitude thereof cannot be expressed vnto which the spirit of God sayeth to thée come and your bryde her selfe euen Ierusalē saith come Therfore so run the race of your lyfe that thou maiest go into her and taste her water of lyfe there beholding the maiestie of GOD with all abundant ioyfulnes and so remaining in euerlasting glorification with Christ for euer and euer * ⁎ * ALleluia saluation and glory and honour and power and might Reu. 19. bee as crybed to the Lord our God for true and righteous are his iudgementes therefore prayse the Lord God all yee that are his seruants and ye that feare him both small and great for the Lord our God omnipotent reigneth so that let vs reioyce and be glad and giue honour to him for the mariage of the Lamb is come and his wife made her self ready and to her was graūted that shee should be arrayed with pure and goodly raynes and the raines be the righteousnes of Saincts and now happie are they which are