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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A04511 A sermo[n] made by Iohn Chrisostome patriarche of Constantinople, of pacience, of ye end of ye world, and of ye last iudgeme[n]t. Whereunto is added an other homelie made by John Brentius of the vertue of Christes resurrectio[n] tra[n]slated into Englishe by Thomas Sa[m]pson; De patientia et de consumatione huius sæculi, de secundo adventu. English John Chrysostom, Saint, d. 407.; Brenz, Johannes, 1499-1570. Homelye of the resurrection of Christe. aut; Sampson, Thomas, 1517?-1589.; Castellion, Sébastien, 1515-1563. 1550 (1550) STC 14638; ESTC S103723 22,075 82

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A sermō made by Iohn Chrisostome patriarche of Constantinople of pacience of the end of the world and of the last iudgemēt Wherunto is added an other Homelie made by Iohn Brentius of the vertue of Christes resurrectiō trāslated into Englishe by Thomas Sāpson ⸪ Anno. do 1550. ¶ Grace peace and mercy from God our father and the Lorde Iesus our Sauiour be with the beloued Reader in the Lorde THree thynges there are whiche Christ our sauyoure taught concernyng the daye of iudgemente Fyrste to what ioyes the faythfull shal be receyued Secondly what horryble paynes the vnfaythfull and wycked shal abid Thyrdely howe sodayne the cōmyng of that daye shall be And of this sodayne commyng he maketh in the gospelles muche and large mencion and compareth it to the comming of the floude to the burnyng of Sodō to a lightenyng whiche as it were in the twīcklīg of an eie goeth from the east vnto the west to a thefe that cōmeth on a mannes house in the nyght tyme and sayth he In such an houre as ye thynke not Mat. ●4 VVill the sonne of manne come thus not shewyng when the day shall be he dothe teache no more but that sodaynely it wyll come Thys thyng he dyd so diligently teach forseing that men wolde be sluggardes idle neither watching for the daye nor yet preparinge them selues to the iudgemente therfore he stil cried VVatche VVatche both signifing that he wold not haue vs taken vnwares and also teachyng vs that we should be faythful seruauntes in our vocacyon ministring righteousnes towardes our brethren and not become tirauntes and bellyegods as they do whiche thynke not at al of his cōmyng that we myght also haue oyle in our lampes and oure lampes burnynge suche fruites of faithe that men may se our good workes gloryfie the father whiche is in heauen and so meete the Lorde our bridegrome in the ayre to enter with him into the kyngdome of heauen This was one of the endes of Christes teaching concernyng this matier Nowe a man wolde thinke that if there hadde neuer bene any more spoken of this thynge this warning teachynge of Christ had been sufficient to haue made all men before vs to make vs also moste chiefely whiche are in the latter endes of the world circumspect watchinge and prepared accordyngly to receyue the Lorde But neyther his teachynge neyther the same doctrine taught by his Apostles whiche we reade and heare euery daye neyther the wryting of the olde fathers frō age to age of this mater neither the preching and writing in this our tyme that more is though that all the sygnes and tokens whiche shoulde go before that daye are al ready come and passed yet can none of all these thinges make vs to watche and prepare our selues for that daye so greate is our synnefull securitie What I praye you wyll be the ende of this our secure and careles lyfe and synnynge Forsothe this that it shal be rewarded with the payne due for the contempte of God that our partes must be with the tirannous and flesshlye seruaunt and with the sloggishe careles folyshe virgins which is in that vtter darkenes where we shall haue no other chere but wepyng and gnashyng of teeth This is an vndoubted truth The mouthe of the Lorde hath spoken it Let all them therfore that do desyre to be partakers of the kyngdome of God prepare them selues forsake synne labour for fayth and set on fyre their lampes gyuyng forthe the frutes of faith and consyder the day of the Lord to be nowe nearer at hande then euer it was whē we shal al arise both good and bad Watche therfore The which that thou maiest be occasioned the better to do I gyue vnto the good Reader translated into Englishe these two litle sermons one of Chrisostome whiche doth emongest manye other notable lessons full ernestly admonyshe thee of that daye The other of Iohn Brentius whych teacheth the vertue and effect of Christes resurrection Be thou therfore good Reader by the reading of these once again warned to prepare thy self vnto that day so frō henceforth now behaue thy self that when the Lorde shal come thou maist be founde vnblameable so able to stadde in his sight that thou maiest enter with him into glory Which graūt vnto vs all that Lorde that shal iudge vs al to whom be glory for euer ¶ A sermon of Iohn Chrisostome patriarche of Constantynople of pacience and the ende of this world of the seconde commynge of the Lord of the euerlasting ioyes of the iuste and paines of the euill Translated oute of greke into latin by Iohn Theophilus and oute of Latin into Englyshe by T.S. THe life of the iust trulye is excellent But howe doeth it florishe but by pacience Loue it my brother as the mother of strēgth For the Psalme-writer doth admonyshe the saying Psal 37. Hope thou in the Lorde and kepe his VVaye And Paul to the ende that thou mightest kepe this vertue sayth Rom. v. Tribulacion bringeth pacience The whiche if thou exercyse thou shalt fynd the spryng of all goodnesse whyche is hope and hope maketh not ashamed Psal 37. Holde the styll in the Lorde and abyde pacyently upon him For euen therby shalt thou verely fynde a thynge that is not to be highly estemed And he shal geue the thy hertes desire What is more blessed then this man which as his owne hathe the welwyllynge eares of so greate a kynge Who desyreth not to haue the Iudge to gyue eare and to shewe him fauoure My brother thou arte the work mā of vertue Christ hath hyred the into his vyneyard Whyles thou hast tyme worke goodnes Giue care to Paule whyche sayeth VVatsoeuer a man sovveth that shall he reape Sowe in the spirite Galat. vi that thou mayest reape euerlastynge lyfe For he that soweth in the flesshe shall of the fleshe reape corrupcion And herken vnto an other admonisher which saith Ose x. SoVVe unto the righteousnesse and reape the fruites of VVeldoyng Be not wery of thy labour for there is hope of haruest and time of gatherīg For wher as appoynted games are there are rewardes where battailes there are honours gottē where fight there is the crown of vyctorie Haue an eye vnto these thynges and harnesse thy selfe vnto pacyence Let hym alwayes sownde in thyne eares whiche crieth with the saintes Be strōg Psal xxvi let thine hert be of good comfort and VVayte thou styll for the Lorde Prepare thy workes husbonde thy feelde Thy lyfe is the feelde Take a good matthooke I meane the olde and newe testament make an hedge aboute thy grounde with thornes that is with doctryne prayer and fastynge If thou haue thys hedge the beaste that is the Deuyl shal not breake into ye. Till thy soule as a good vineyarde And as the keapers of vyneyardes do clap their handes and crye out wyth their voyce and with suche noyses they dryue away such as