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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A22871 An introduction to the looue of God. Accompted among the workes of S. Augustine, and translated into English, by the right reuerend father in God, Edmund, Bishop of Norvvitch, that nowe is, and by him dedicated to the Queenes most excellent Maiestie, to the glorie of God, and comfort of his chosen. And newlie turned into Englishe meter by Robert Fletcher. 1581. Simard, Marie Ange, attributed name.; Freake, Edmund, ca. 1516-1591.; Fletcher, Robert, fl. 1586. 1581 (1581) STC 936; ESTC S114474 35,980 111

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Christe my sauiour crucified So that vaine error take no place nor suffred be my minde to drawe From this the soundnesse of my faith in which the grace of God dooth growe And finallie let all this looue bestowed on me this tytle claime Euen all my looue my hope and faith and what good giftes in me remaine So that desire of worldly wealth haue not the power to swallowe mée For this I knowe whose heart and minde thou fillest with the looue of thée Can neither frighted be with feare nor yet defilde with filthy lust Nor torne with wrath aduanst with pride nor in vaine Treasure puts his trust Vnbowled with ambicion nor stirde vp vile madnesse to commit Not shruncken vp with couetise nor dooth consumde in sadnesse sit Nor enuie hath not worne away nor yet corrupt with other vice Whilst in the sweetnesse of the Lord it resteth in this Parradise He therefore in this world that can good thinges vnto his seruaunt giue What thinke you God reserues for such as lastingly with him shall liue The thinges that present he bestowes as giftes we tearme them temporall Thinges promised in the life to come we doo estéeme them eternall Much better they then are the first they gotten are with trauaile great And quicklie are they wasted for the which we long our braines did beate When surest we séeme them to enioy Lord what a care tis them to kéepe What greefe to lose that paine procures with sorrowe we for them doo wéepe The ritches of the world to come are neuer lost they not decrease But alwayes are possest with ioy with quiet rest and endlesse peace These thinges are euer longed for they hated nor once lothed be And who these ritches hath obtainde a happy man no doubt is he Which shall not lose these benefites that earnest was them to desire He neuer them againe forgoes that thus in faith he did require FINIS 16. Cap. ¶ Of the benefite of God his promises 17. Cap. RIght highlie therefore is our God in these his promises so pure For to belooude who hath vs hight that greater thinges he will procure For he hath promist rest from paine from thraldome liberty to giue Securitie that we from feare and sorrowe shall in safety liue And resurrection from the dead and after that our bodies are Raysde vp againe to perfect blisse which without ende he did prepare And finallie his promise past of it we may our selues perswade That he would giue him selfe for vs this othe he to our Fathers made Great are the promises of God he wyll of vs be looude for these And in this sort it dooth behoue that we the Lord our God doo please But if thou wilt desire to knowe in what sort it behoueth vs To looue thy God euen vehementlie with déepe desire I aunswere thus We craue his promise to performe in this our looue required is And duetie-dooth vs so perswade Let vs not then our dueties misse How euer we desire the same his gracious promise truely we So often not desyre the same as it desired ought to be And he that profiteth in looue let him insue the same therfore Haue care that looue may styll increase that thou mayst looue thy God the more The earnest longing after God it hath no meane in some respect For who that thinkes it dooth excéede dooth of his duetie much neglect And where as in all other things Impatiencie is euer blamde But vse it to this ende and it thy commendations great hath framde Gods promises for to expect that is to haue and him possesse The more he dooth his prayse commend and he commended is no lesse The more a man our God dooth looue the more he after him dooth haste Impatientlie vexe and torment tyll he with him his soule hath plaste These precious Iuelles in this world are promised had and enioyde Euen in the heauenlie Pallace when this earthlie mansion is destroyde And therfore of that good which is chéefe of all goodnesse what it is And howe it is shalbe declarde the Chapter showes which foloweth this FINIS 17. Cap. ¶ Of the consideration of the Deitie and ioyes of Heauen 18. Cap. LEt vs therefore our mindes aduance so farre as God assistes the same Our vnderstanding eke prepare that we our iudgements rightly frame How great the pleasures they possesse and ioye vnto the chosen there Prepared for the Lordes elect that in his Pallace doo appeare Which is to say not onely high but soueraigne good both Life and Light Eternitie and Wisedome great and blisfull Beautie shining bright But yet in Nature onelie one most excellent most good most hie Suffising all thinges to it selfe not wanting any ones supplie This good is God the Father great his woorde likewise his onely sonne This is that one and common looue which we haue in the Father wonne Namelie that blessed spirite of lyfe the Father and the Sonne in déede By equall porcions this from bothe in grace dooth issue and procéede That which in euerie one of these we doo distinct in persons three The Father Sonne and holie Ghost one onely God in Trinitie The soueraigne vnitie of these the Dietie of God declares Not altred multiplied increast but must consist in equall shares This onely one thing néedefull is with all in one and one in all Which onelie good is in it selfe and we this onely good doo call If euerie seuerall good be good that héere amongst vs dooth remaine How pleasaunt is that good which dooth all goodnesse in it selfe containe Not such as we in creatures finde but such as the Creator is Most excellent aboue them all no difference is lyke to this For lyfe was first created good how good is then that lyfe which did Create the same before it was it in obscuritie was hid If health be good which we enioye howe good is that which gaue the same If Wisedome amiable be how faire is y t which wrought the frame If our delightes so diuers be and pleasures passing manifolde How delectable he that dooth the sum of all our Pleasures holde How happy is that Soule which may euen all this good at pleasure haue What shall he misse or want that hath more in this good then he can craue What lackes he not that lacketh this for he that hath hath all in déede That eyther body or the soule at any time doo hap to néede And that so passing excellent as the eye of man hath neuer séene Nor eare hath heard nor yet conceyue within the heart of man hath béene Why wander we and range about and through so many things doo trace For soule and body goodes to get which resteth in this onely grace Let vs this our God rather looue in whome is all the goodes that is And that shalbe inough for vs we sure sufficient shall not misse We shall no further néede to séeke but for to take that simple good Simple is onelie selfe to be and so
of vs is vnderstoode What doost thou then desire my soule what is it that my minde dooth mooue Within this good is all contriu'de that comes from God the Lord aboue To speake therefore of all the goodes his heauenly kingdome dooth containe No man that's cloathed in his fleshe the same is able to explaine All Fame that kingdome dooth excell surmounteth cunning prayse and skill It royall is and glorious eke according to Gods holie will Tis full of lyght of charitie of patience and of endlesse peace Of worship glorie and renowne all pleasures there doo styll increase Delight and euerlasting ioye perpetuall eke in blisfulnesse Replenished with all the good that heart can thinke or tongue expresse It can not comprehended be nor measured by the wit of man Why should our silence this conceale but yéelde it all the prayse we can Because we can not as we would God is vnspeakeable we knowe And so beléeue and should we not abroade his power and mercie showe Should we not euerlasting life which God to vs by promise plight None otherwise beléeue but as we finde it written to our sight His promise made to vs is sealde of lasting looue in greater sort Then eyther can the tongue declare or else the Pen for trueth report The heart much more can comprehend it is of more capacitie And yet it can not sound the depth of his great power and Maiestie The ioyes and glorie of the life to come therefore beléeue we must For euerlasting in it selfe it is and so should be discust It euerlasting happy is and dooth containe tranquilitie All pleasauntnesse most peaceable and our assurde securitie This perfect looue no dread no feare no want of day no doubt of night But chéerefull motions and one sprite amongst vs all euen in the sight Of God there to abyde in ioye among his Saintes and Angelles all Bright shining in the righteousnesse of Christ which hath redéemde our thrall Euen where saluation dooth abound where truth dooth raigne where no deceit Is vsed betwixt man and man where is no measure false nor weight No happy man can thence be cast nor may from thence exiled bée No wicked wretch may there be plast nor once aduaunst to that degrée There is the life contemplatiue which fruitfull Faith who dooth attaine Shall like the blisfull spirites be made with God in kingdome his to raigne For what they haue beléeued héere there shall they it beholde and sée The substaunce of theyr Creator in whome all good thinges perfect bée With innocent and humble eyes with harts most pure they shall reioyce And triumphe in this happinesse of which in God they made their choyce And dooing thus possesse the looue of God our euerlasting Lord In charitie together they with vnitie and swéete concord Doo liue and porcion lyke receiue the priuiledge of heauenlie place Like Cittizens enfraunchized they all enioy the God of grace There shall such ioy and gladnesse be such heauenlie sollace shall abound For there the fulnesse of his grace and mercie of our God is found Vnto the giuer of the same incessauntlie they shall sing prayse Without all kinde of irksomnesse yéelde lawde and thanks to him alwayes The hearts of euerie creature there shall laye abroade and opened bée As héere we corporall thinges beholde and with our eyes the same doo sée Mens consciences so perfect are so pure and cleane without all blame That for theyr former fowle offence they néede not nowe to blushe for shame No sinne nor sinner shall be there of power they are depriude therefore That meanes is taken from all men they shall be sure to sinne no more Neither shall they which perfectly are blest be ignoraunt of this Of any secrete mysterie the same to knowe they shall not misse For they shall him beholde which hath the Author of all secretes béene And they shall sée him face to face euen so as they of him are séene For then shall all mankinde be made so absolute and perfect pure It thencefoorth neuer shalbe chaungd but so for euer shall endure And of that substaunce shall remaine although transformde and glorifyde Into his mightie maker and in him most blessedlie abyde And all the goodes which we receyu'de disfigured by our filthy sin Shalbe in blisse repayrde againe in happy state and stay therein That is our vnderstanding shall without all error perfect be Without obliuion in that place assured is our memorie Thoughtes without wandering likewise Charitie voide of fained sence Health without sicknesse sorrowe shall not vnto any bréede offence Mirth Pleasure Pastime without paine Life without death Agilitie Without impediment is there where safetie syts in eche degrée For whatsoeuer in this lyfe the violence of Beastes or rage Or what misfortune did impayre or what thy sicknesse did asswage What crueltie had wasted or some fowle disease had putrifide Or age by nature comborsome had thée benumde or strength denide Shall all againe be freshe restorde by Resurrection all renude In glorious sort we shall receyue most perfect lymmes and to conclude Our bodyes with our members all shall to our soules vnited be And bothe together be endude with grace and immortalitie And therefore whosoeuer that in blisfull state possessed is Shall by no distaunce of the place of this his great preferment misse No difference of merites may nor meanes of any other kinde Once seperate vs from this looue which in the Lorde we hope to finde This graunt vs for thy mercie sake through fulnesse of thy glorie great Our sinfull soules from hence doo take and place them on thy mercie seate Amen FINIS ¶ A verie fruitefull Prayer to God the Father for the obtayning of these benefites promised in this Booke and necessarie to be vsed at all tymes MOst holie Lord the God of the spirites of all fleshe we giue vnto thée most humble thankes for all thy goodnesse towardes vs which thou hast found in thy selfe before the beginning of the world and hast declared vnto vs from tyme to tyme acknowledging our selues to be farre lesse then the least of thy mercies Thou arte perfect in thy selfe and hast no néede of any thing but it hath pleased thée to create all these thinges wherein thy glorie dooth appeare as Angelles and men and all things else for them that them selues might know that they are created onelie for thée not that any thing by them could be added vnto thée but that thy glorie which is perfect in it selfe might be séene in them and they also be made pertakers of that happinesse which is with thée the which thou hast giuen vs in thy belooued In whome also thou hast chosen vs before all worlds for so thy wisedome hath apointed it that we should passe through a world and so come vnto thée and see thy glory and the ritches of thy mercie and that pleasure which is with thée for euer And to this ende hast thou giuen vs thy most holie woorde and thy sanctifying spirite to attend therevpon wherby thy elect children might be reformed vnto thée Holy Father who is able to comprehend this thy great worke of our saluation in Iesus Christe but thine owne wisedome which is infinite as thy mercie is all goodnesse mercie and trueth come from thée and ende in thée but the euill corruption which befalleth thy Creatures commeth of them selues Notwithstanding this also thou turnest to good for euen the wicked thou sufferest for a tyme that at the length thy iustice might be séene in them but to thy chyldren thou ordainest all thinges to the best for euen the punishmentes for theyr sinnes and the afflictions of this life thou hast appointed for good that by thy iustice thy mercie might more appeare and their own happinesse which thou hast prepared for them in more glory might be reuealed To this ende hast thou set them from thée for a tyme in this lyfe that in the lyfe to come they may know the better what it is to enioy thy presence Thou hast made them héere mortal that they may then perceyue what it is to be immortall with thée thou giuest them ouer some time to their owne sinne that they may knowe how much better it is to be holy with thée in thy kingdom thou makest them taste of the afflictions of this world that they may féele in them howe great thy glorie is and to be happye and blessed with thy euerlasting goodnesse Lord in thy great power hast thou created all thinges and orderest them in thy wisedome preseruest them in thy goodnesse and hast redéemed vs in thy mercie to thy selfe in thy belooued but thou knowest this vaine and corrupte nature which is fallen from thée and can not ryse againe vnto thée except it be drawne by thée Doo away our sinnes O Lord and possesse vs sanctifie vs with thy holy spirit that we may walke before thée as becommeth thy chyldren and knowe and féele in déede that there is no pleasure nor comfort of it selfe in these thinges which are mortall of them selues but onely in thée the euerlasting goodnesse in all thinges else in thée and for thée Increase our faith that we may walke before thée in obedience of faith giue vs also those things which thou knowest good and expedient for vs in this mortall life that wée may vse them to thy glorie and to the comfort of our selues and others whome thou hast commaunded vs to looue in thée that thou béeing our lyfe in this life and in the life to come we may enioy the presence of thy Maiestie and glorifie thy holie name for euer among thy elect people and blessed Angelles Amen FINIS ❧ Imprinted at London by Thomas Purfoote and are to be solde at his shop without Newgate ouer against Saint Sepulchers Church 1. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 4. 〈◊〉 12. 3. Deu The ●●●●rence ●●twee●●●gelles 〈◊〉 men 9. Hebr seeth ougnen 12 for G for v. them s. This is c●●trary to 〈◊〉 deuillish doctrine H. N. Sapi. 3. Men 〈…〉 not 〈…〉 lie 〈…〉 one 〈…〉 ther 〈…〉 doot 〈…〉 giue 〈…〉 1. 3. ●8 21. ● ●9 Luk 〈…〉 Deuil ●orld 〈◊〉 Luke 1. Psalm ●●amon ●●thias 〈◊〉 5. 4. 2. 4 2 Luke 〈…〉 per●one 10. 1. C●● 12.