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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A16109 Deuout psalmes and colletes gathered and set in suche order, as may be vsed for dayly meditacions. 1547 (1547) STC 2999; ESTC S107833 27,239 122

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seruauntes thy worke theyr children thy glorie And the glorious maiestie of the lorde our god be vpon vs prosper thou the worke of our handes vpon vs o prosper thou our handy worke The second Venite exultemus psal xcv O Come let vs synge vnto the Lorde let vs hertely reioyce in the strength of oure saluacion let vs come before his presence with thankes geuing and shewe our selfe glad in him with psalmes For the Lorde is a great kinge aboue all goddes In his hand are all the corners of the earth and the strength of the hylles is hys also The sea is hys and he made it and his handes prepared the drye lande O come let vs worshyppe and falle downe before the Lorde our maker For he is the Lorde our God and we are the people of hys pasture and the shepe of his handes To day if ye wil heare his voyce harden not your hartes as in the prouocacion and as in the daye of tentacion in the wildernes when youre fathers tempted me proued me sawe my workes Fourtie yeares long was I greued with the generacion sayde it is a people that do erre in theyr hertes for they haue not knowen my wayes Vnto whom I sware in my wrath that they shoulde not enter into my rest ¶ The third Iubilate deo psal C. O Be ioyfull in the Lorde all ye landes serue the Lorde with gladnesse come before hys presence with a song Be ye sure that the Lorde he is God It is he that hath made vs and not we our selues we are hys people the shepe of his pasture O go youre waye into his gates with thankesgeuing and into his courtes wyth prayse be thankeful vnto hym and speake good of hys name For the Lord is gracious hys mercy is euerlastyng his truthe endureth from generacion to generacion The fowerth Benedic anima mea psal ciii PRayse the lorde O my soule al that is within me prayse hys holy name Prayse the Lorde O my soule and forget not all hys benefytes Whiche forgeueth al thy sinne and healeth all thyne infyrmyties Whyche saueth thy lyfe from destrucciō and crowneth the with mercye and louynge kyndnesse Whiche satisfyeth thy mouth with good thynges makyng the yonge and lustye as an Aegle The lorde executeth ryghteousnesse and iudgement for all them that are oppressed with wronge He shewed his wayes vnto Moses hys workes vnto the chyldren of Israel The lorde is full of compassion and mercy long suffring and of great goodnes He wil not alway be chiding neyther kepeth he his anger for euer He hath not dealt wyth vs after our synnes nor rewarded vs accordyng to our wickednesses For loke howe hye the heauen is in comparison of the earth so greate is hys mercy also towarde them that feare him Loke howe wyde also the East is from the west so farre hath he set oure synnes from vs. Yea lyke as a father pytieth hys owne children euen so is the lorde merciful vnto thē that feare him For he knoweth wherof we be made he remembreth that we are but dust The dayes of man are but as grasse for he florisheth as a floure of the fielde For as sone as the winde goth ouer it it is gone and the place therof shall knowe it no more But the mercifull goodnesse of the lorde endureth for euer and euer vpō them that feare hym and hys ryghteousnes vpon childres children Euen vpon suche as kepe hys couenaunt and thinke vpon hys commaundementes to do them The lorde hath prepared hys seate in heauen and his kyngdom ruleth ouer all O prayse the lorde ye Angels of hys ye that excell in strength ye that fulfill hys commaundement and herken vnto the voyce of hys wordes O prayse the Lord al ye his hostes ye seruauntes of hys that do hys pleasure O speake good of the lorde all ye workes of hys in all places of hys dominyon prayse thou the lorde O my soule Let vs pray O Almyghtie mercifull lorde whiche geuest vnto thy elect people the holy gooste as a sure pledge of thy heauenly kyngdom Graunte vnto vs o lorde this holy spirite that he may beare witnes with our spirite that we be thy children and heyres of thy kyngdom and that by the operacion of this spirite we may kyl all carnall lustes vnlawfull pleasures concupiscence euell affeccions contrary vnto thy wil by our sauioure and lorde Iesu Christ Amen The Letany O God the father of heauen haue mercy vpon vs miserable sinners O God the father of heauen haue mercye vpon vs myserable synners O God the sonne redemer of the worlde haue mercy vpon vs miserable synners O God the sonne redemer of the worlde haue mercy vpon vs myserable sinners O God the holy gost procedyng from the father the sonne haue mercy vpon vs miserable sinners O God the holy gost procedyng from the father and the sonne haue mercie vpon vs miserable synners O holy blessed and glorious Trinitie three persons and one God haue mercy vpon vs miserable synners O holy blessed and glorious Trinitie thre persons and one God haue mercy vpon vs miserable synners Holy virgin Mary mother of God our sauiour Iesu Christ Pray for vs. All holy Angels and Archangelles and all holy orders of blessed spirites Pray for vs. All holy Patriarkes Prophetes Apostles and Martyrs Confessours and Virgins and all the blessed company of heauē Pray for vs. Remembre not Lorde oure offences nor the offences of oure forefathers neyther take thou vengeaunce of our sinnes spare vs good Lorde spare thy people whom thou hast redemed with thy moste precious bloude and be not angrye with vs for euer Spare vs good lorde From all euel and mischiefe from synne from the craftes assautes of the deuyl frō thy wrath and from euerlasting damnacion Good lorde deliuer vs. From blindnesse of heart from pryde vayneglory and hipocrisy from enuy hatred and malyce and all vncharitablenesse Good lorde deliuer vs. From fornicacion and all deadly synne and from all the deceiptes of the worlde the flesshe and the deuyll Good lorde delyuer vs. From lightening and tempest from plage pestilence and famine from battayle and murder from sodeyne death Good lorde delyuer vs. From all sedicion and pryuye conspiracy from the tyranny of the byshop of Rome and all hys detestable enormities frō all false doctrine and heresy from al hardnes of heart and contempt of thy worde and commaundement Good lorde delyuer vs. By the mistery of thy holy incarnacion by thy holy Natiuitie circumcision by thy baptisme fastyng and temptacion Good lorde delyuer vs By thyne agony and bluddy sweat by thy crosse and passion by thy precious death and buryall by thy glorious resurrection and ascencion by the cummyng of the holy gost Good lorde delyuer vs. In al tyme of our tribulacion to all tyme of our welth in the houre of death in the day of iudgement Good lorde delyuer vs. We synners do beseche the to heare
thy face from my sinnes and put out all my mysdedes Make me a cleane hert O god renewe a right spirite within me Cast me not away from thy presence and take not thy holy spirite from me O geue me the comfort of thy helpe agayne stablyshe me with thy fre sprete Then shal I teache thy wayes vnto the wicked and sinners shal be conuerted vnto the. Delyuer me from bloud gyltynesse O God thou that art the God of my health and my tonge shall singe of thy ryghteousnesse Thou shalt open my lippes O Lord my mouth shal shewe thy prayse For thou desyrest no sacrifice els woulde I geue it the but thou delytest not in burnt offerynge The sacrifyce of god is a troubled spirite a broken and a contrite hert O God shalt thou not dispyse O be fauourable gracious vnto Sion buyld thou the walles of Ierusalem Then shalt thou be pleased with the sacrifice of righteousnesse with burnt offerynges and oblacions then shall they offer younge bullockes vpon thyne aultare The second Quid gloriaris psalm l. WHy boasteste thou thy selfe thou tirant that thou canst do mischif Where as the goodnes of God endureth yet dayly Thy tong ymagineth wickednes and with lyes thou curtest like a sharpe rasour Thou hast loued vngraciousnes more then goodnes to talke of lyes more then ryghteousnes Sela. Thou haste loued to speake all wordes that maye do hurte O thou false tonge Therfore shall God destroye the for euer he shall take the and plucke the out of thy dwelling and roote the out of the lande of the liuing Sela. The righteous also shall see this feare and shal laugh him to scorne Lo this is that man that toke not God for his strength but trusted vnto the multitude of his riches strengthed him selfe in hys wickednes As for me I am lyke a grene olyue tree in the house of God my trust is in the tender mercy of god for euer and euer I wil alway geue thankes vnto the for that thou hast done I will hope in thy name for thy saynctes lyke it well ¶ The third Deus in nomine tuo psal liiii SAue me O God for thy names sake and auenge me in thy strength Heare my prayer O God and herken vnto the wordes of my mouth For straūgers are risē vp against me and tirauntes which haue not God before their eyes seke after my soule Sela. Beholde God is my helper the Lorde is with them that vpholde my soule He shall reward euel vnto mine enemies destroy thou them in thy truthe An offrynge of a free herte will I geue the and prayse thy name O Lord bicause it is cōfortable For he hath delyuered me out of all my trouble and myne eye hath sene his desyre vpō mine enemies ¶ The fourth Exaudi deus Psal lv HEare my prayer O God and hyde not thy selfe fro my peticion Take hede vnto me heare me howe I mourne in my prayer and am vexed The enemye cryeth so and the vngodly commeth on so fast for they are mynded to doo me some myschefe so maliciously are they set agaynste me My hert is disquieted within me and the feare of death is fallen vpon me Fearfulnesse and trembling are come vpon me an horrible drede hath ouerwhelmed me And I sayde O that I had winges like a doue for then wold I flye away be at rest Lo then would I get me away far of and remaine in the wyldrenes Sela. I would make haste to escape because of the stormy wynde and tempest Destroy their tonges o lord and deuide them for I haue spied vnrighteousnes stryfe in the citie Day and nyght go they about within the walles therof mischief also and sorow are in the middest of it Wickednesse is therein disceat and gyle go not out of her stretes For it is not an open enemye that hath done me this dishonour for then I coulde haue borne it nether was it mine aduersary that did magnifye hym selfe agaynste me for thē peraduēture I would haue hyd my selfe from hym But it was euen thou my companion my gyde and myne owne familier frende We toke swete counsayle together and walked in the house of god as frendes Let death come hastily vpon thē and let them go doune quicke into hel for wickednes is in their dwel lynges and among them As for me I wyl cal vnto god and the lorde shall saue me In the euening and mornynge and at the none day wil I praye and that instantlye and he shall heare my voyce It is he that deliuereth my soule in peace frō the battayl that was agaynst me for there were many with me Ye euen god that endureth for euer shall heare me and brynge them downe Sela. For they wyl not turne nor feare god He layde his handes vpon suche as be at peace with hym and he brake his couenaunte The wordes of his mouth were softer then butter hauing war in hys harte hys wordes were smother then oyle and yet be they very sweardes O cast thy burthen vpon the Lord he shal norysh the not suffre the righteous to fall for euer And as for them thou O god shalt brynge them into the pyt of destruccion The bludthurstie and dysceatfull men shall not lyue out halfe their dayes Neuertheles my trust shal be in the O Lorde Let vs pray GRaunte vnto vs O merciful god we most hartely beseche the knowledge true vnderstanding of thy worde that al ignorance expelled we may knowe what thy wyl and pleasure is in al thinges and howe to do our duties truly to walke in our vocacion that also we maye expresse in oure lyuing those thynges that we doo knowe that we be not only knowers of thy worde good lorde but also be workes of the same by our sauiour Lorde Iesu Christe Amē ¶ The Letany c. As afore On satterday The fyrst Eripe me de inimicis psal lix DElyuer me from myne enemyes O God defend me from them that ryse vp agaynste me O deliuer me from the wicked doers saue me from the bloude thursty men For lo they lye waytyng for my soule the mightye men are gathered together agaynst me without anye offence or faute of me O Lorde They runne and prepare them selues without my faute Aryse thou therfore to help me and beholde Stande vp O Lorde God of hoostes thou God of Israell to viset al Heathen and be not mercyfull vnto them that offende of malicious wickednes Sela. They go to fro in the euening they grenne lyke a dogge runne aboute thorowe the cytie Behold they speake with theyr mouth and sweardes are in theyr lyppes for who doth heare But thou O Lorde shalt haue them in derysion and thou shalte laugh all Heathen to scorne My strength wil I ascribe vnto the for thou art the god of my refuge God sheweth me his goodnes plenteouslye and god shall let me see my desyre vpon
vs O lorde God and that it maye please the to rule and gouerne thy holy churche vniuersall in the ryght way We beseche the to heare vs good lord That it may please the to kepe Edward the sixt thy seruaunt our kyng and gouernour We beseche the to heare vs good lorde That it may please the to rule his heart in thy fayth feare and loue that he maye euer haue affiaunce in the and euer seke thy honor and glory We beseche the to heare vs good lorde That it may please the to be his defender keper geuing him the victory ouer all his enemies We beseche the to heare vs good lorde That it may please the to kepe the noble Quene Katherine dowagier in thy feare and loue geuing her increace of all godlynesse honor and children We beseche the to heare vs Good lorde That it may please the to preserue the lady Maries grace the lady Elizabethes grace and the Lorde Protectors grace We beseche the to heare vs good lorde That it may please the to illuminate all byshopes pastours and mynisters of the Churche with true knowledge and vnderstandyng of thy worde and that both by their preaching and lyuyng they may set it furthe and shewe it accordyngly We beseche the to heare vs good lorde That it may please the to endue the lordes of the counsayl and al the nobilitie with grace wisdom and vnderstandyng We beseche the to heare vs Good lorde That it may please the to blesse and kepe the magistrates geuing them grace to execute iustice and to mayntayne truthe We beseche the to heare vs good lorde That it may please the to blesse and kepe all thy people We beseche the to heare vs good lorde That it may please the to geue to all nacions vnitie peace and concorde We beseche the to heare vs good lorde That it may please the to geue vs an hearte to loue and dreade the and diligently to lyue after thy commaundemente We beseche the to heare vs good lorde That it may please the to geue all thy people increase of grace to heare mekely thy worde and receyue it with pure affeccion and to bring furth the fruites of the spirite We beseche the to heare vs good lorde That it may please the to bring into the way of truthe all suche as haue erred and are deceyued We beseche the to heare vs good lord That it maye please the to strengthen suche as do stande and comfort and helpe the weake hearted and to rayse vp them that fall and finally to beate downe Satan vnder our feete We beseche the to heare vs good lorde That it may please the to succour helpe and comfort all that be in daunger necessitie and trybulacion We beseche the to heare vs good lorde That it may please the to preserue all that trauayle by lande or by water all women labourynge of childe all sicke persons yong children and to shew thy pitie vpon all prisoners and captiues We beseche the to heare vs good lorde That it may please the to defend and prouide for the fatherles children and widowes all that be desolate and oppressed We beseche the to heare vs good lorde That it may please the to haue mercy vpon all men We beseche the to heare vs good lorde That it may please the to forgeue our enemies persecutours and sclaunderous to turne their heartes We beseche the to heare vs good lorde That it may please the to geue to our vse the kindely fruites of the yearth so as in due tyme we may enioy them and to preserue them We beseche the to heare vs good lorde That it may please the to geue to vs true repentaunce to forgeue vs al our synnes negligences and ignoraunces to endue vs with the grace of thy holy spirite to amende oure lyues accordyng to thy holy worde We beseche the to heare vs good lorde Sonne of God we beseche the to heare vs. Sonne of god we beseche the to heare vs. O lambe of God that takest away the synnes of the worlde Graunte vs thy peace O lambe of God that takest away the synnes of the worlde Haue mercy vpon vs. O Christ heare vs. O Christ heare vs. Lorde haue mercy vpon vs. Lorde haue mercy vpon vs Christ haue mercy vpon vs. Christ haue mercy vpon vs. Lorde haue mercy vpon vs. Lorde haue mercy vpon vs. Our father which art in heauen With the residue of the pater noster And suffre vs not to be led in to temptacion But delyuer vs from euyll Amen ¶ The versicle O lorde deale not with vs after our synnes ¶ The answere ¶ Neyther rewarde vs after our iniquities Let vs pray O God mercifull father the dispysest not the sighing of a cōtrite hearte nor the desyre of suche as be sorowfull mercifully assist our prayers that we make before that in all oure troubles and aduersities when soeuer they oppresse vs. And graciously heare vs that those euils whiche the crafte and subteltie of the Deuyll or manne worketh against vs be brought to nought and by the prouidence of thy goodnes they may be dispersed that we thy seruauntes being hurte by no persecucions may euermore geue thankes vnto the in thy holy Churche thorough Iesu Christ our lorde O lorde arise helpe vs and delyuer vs for thy names sake O God we haue hearde with our eares and our fathers haue declared vnto vs the noble workes that thou dyddest in their dayes in the olde tyme before them O lord arise helpe vs and delyuer vs for thy honour Glory to the father the sonne to the holy gost as it hath bene from the beginning is and shal be euer world without ende Amen From our enemyes defende vs O Christ Graciously loke vpon our affliccions Pitifully beholde the dolour of our heart Mercyfully forgeue the synnes of thy people Fauourably with mercy heare our prayers O sonne of Dauid haue mercy vpon vs. Both nowe and euer vouchesaufe to heare vs Christ Graciously heare vs O Christ Graciously heare vs O Lorde Christ ¶ The versicle O lord let thy mercy be shewed vpon vs. ¶ The answere As we do put our trust in the. ¶ Let vs pray WE humbly beseche the O father mercifully to looke vpon our infirmities and for the glory of thy names sake turne from vs all those euylles that we moost ryghteously haue deserued Graunt this O lorde God for our mediatour and aduocate Iesu Christes sake Amen O God whose nature and propertie is euer to haue mercy and to forgeue receyue oure humble peticion and though we be tied and bound with the chayne of our synnes yet let the pityfulnes of thy great mercy leuse vs for the honour of Iesus Christes sake our mediatour aduocate Amen ALmyghty and euerliuyng God whiche onely workest greate meruayles sende downe vpon oure byshoppes and curates and all congregacions committed to their charge the healthfull spirit of thy grace and that they may truly please the poure vpon