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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A03700 A Christian exercise, containing an easie entrance into the principles of religion and the chiefest points of our saluation in Christe, with a direction for all Christians, into the true seruice of God. By VV. Horne. Horne, William. 1585 (1585) STC 13826; ESTC S118318 16,500 56

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A Christian exercise Containing an easie entrance INTO THE PRINCIPLES OF RELIgion and the chiefest points of our saluation in Christe with a direction for all Christians into the true seruice of God By VV. HORNE GOD JS MY DEFENDER AT LONDON Printed by Robert VValde graue dwelling without Temple-barre neere vnto Sommerset house An easie entraunce into the principles of Religion Iohn 17.3 This is life eternall that they know thee to be the onely very God and whome thou haste sent Iesus Christ 1. Peter 3.15.16 Be ready alwayes to giue an answere to euery man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is to you and that with meeknesse reuerence Question VVho hath neade thée and all things els Answere (1) Isa 44.2 psal 139 13.14 nihe 9.6 GOD. Question What is God Answere (2) Ioh. 4.24 ier 10.10 gen 17.1 deut 32.39 mat 28.19 1. ioh 5.7 A spirit a knighty eternal one in essence and yet three distinct persons the Father Sonne and holy Ghost Question Wherefore hath he made thee Answere To know him and worship him Question How is he knowne Answere (1) Psal 19.1 rom 1.20 ioh 5.39 ioh 4.24 By his workes and word Question How must he be worshipped Answere In spirite and trueth Question What is trueth Answere His holy word conteyning the Law and the Gospell Question What is the Law Answere (2) Exod. 20. deut 5.6.7 mat That which is cōprehended in the ten Commandementes Question What requireth he of vs Answere Loue to God and loue to our Neighbours Question How is God to be loued Answere With al the heart with al the soule and with all the minde Question How is this knowne Answere (1) Phil. 37.8 heb 11.24.25 If we prefer his glory and worship before al thinges Question How is our neighbour loued Answere (2) Math. 7.12 If we doe to him as we would be done by Question Doth any man herein satisfie the Law Answere (3) Galat. 3.22 No and therefore all are concluded vnder sinne Question How so Answere (4) Deut. 27.26 Because it curseth all that doe it not and none do it Question How are we then deliuered from the cursse and bondage of the Law Answere (1) Galat. 4.4.5 gal 3.13 By Iesus Christ that kept it and was accursed for vs. Question How knowest thou this Answere By the Gospell Question What is the Gospell Answere (2) Rom. 1.16 The power of God to saluation to euery beleeuer proclayming forgiuenesse in Christ Question What is Christ Answere (3) Math. 17.5 heb 1.2.3 luk 1.11 heb 1.9 The sonne of the liuing God our sauiour annoynted Question Why callest than him annoynted Answere For that he is King Prophete and Priest Question Why a King Answere (1) Psal 26. luk 1.32.33 To raigne and rule ouer vs. Question Why is he a Prophete Answere (2) Math. 17.5 heb 1.2 To teach vs his fathers will Question Why is he a Priest Answere (3) Heb. 9 1● For that he hath sacrificed for vs. Question What hath he sacrificed for vs Answere That part of himselfe that suffered Question What suffered in Christs his Godhead or manhood Answere (4) Phil. 1. Pet. 3 1st His Godhead can not suffer it was therefore his manhood Question What suffered he in soule Answere (5) Math. 27 4● luk 22.44 Hellish tormentes to acquite our soules Question What suffered he in body Answere (1) Math. 27.59 math 15.37 luk 23.46 Death temporal to deliuer vs frō death eternall Question I perceiue then that he gaue body for body and soule for soules Answere He did so Question How knowst thou this to be for thee Answere By the certificate of Gods spirite faith and the Sacramentes Question Why what doth Gods spirite Answere (2) Rom. 8.16 Certifie my spirite that I am the sonne of God Question What doth faith Answere (3) Act. 15.9 rom 10.10 Purifie my hearte assuring the same that Christ with his merites is mine Question How is this Answere (4) 2. Cor. 5.21 Al my sins became his his righteousnes by imputation became mine Question Whereof commeth this faith Answere (1) Rom. 10.17 By hearing and hearing by the word of God Question How is this faith increased strengthened Answere By the word preached and by sacraments Question How many Sacraments Answere (2) 1. Cor. Two Baptisme and the Lordes supper Question What is the signe in Baptisme Answere (3) Act. 8.36 Water Question What is the thing signified Answere (4) 1. Ioh. 1.7 Christs blood clensing vs from al sinne Question What benefit haue we by Baptisme Answere (1) 1. Pet. 3.21 acts 2.41 acts 2.38 rom 6.6 Incorporatiō into the visible church assuraunce of Gods promise and that as water washeth away all filthinesse of body so by Christe we are washed from all euill of body and soule teaching vs also our new byrth Question What doth the Lordes supper Answere (2) 1. Cor. 11.26 acts 2.42 1. cor 10.17 Set out the Lordes death seale vp Gods promise and teache vs loue one with an other Question What are the partes hereof Answere (3) Math. 26.26 mat 14.22.23 luk 22.19.20 1. Cor. 11.23.25 Visible signes inuisible graces Question What are the visible signes Answere Bread and Wine Question What are the inuisible graces Answere (4) Rom. 4.25 rom 5.9 Ful redemption and iustification by Iesus Christ Question Why is there vsed both Bread and Wine Answere (1) Ioh. 6.55.56 To teach vs the Christ is our meat and Christ is our drinke Question The bread then is not Christes body Answere (2) Act. 3.21 luk 22.19 heb 10.14 No for bodily the heauens holde him til the day of the resurrection of all thinges but it represents his body as the mine doth his blood shewing that by one oblation he hath consecrated for euer them that are sanctified Question Why then Masses are blasphemous and Massemongers and such as seeke saluation by workes blasphemers Answere They are so for that they rest not vppon this onely sacrifice Question But yet the workes must be done Answere (3) Ephe. 2.10 luk 17. ●0 I grant so but not our will works but such as God hath commanded and then to haue no trust in them so when we haue done all we can we are vnprofitable seruants Question How must we come to the supper Answere (1) 1. Cor. 11.28 2 cor 7.10 galat. 6.15 2. cor 13.5 1. cor 10.17 math 26.30 math 14.26 First in examinatiō of our selues whether we haue a Godly sorrow for our sinnes past and purpose of new life 2. Whether we haue faith to take hold of Christ and his righteousnesse 3. Whether we haue loue declaring vs one body 4. Whether thankfulnes to God for his benefites Question Whence commeth it if we so come Answere (2) Iac. 1 17. ioh 16.23 1 cor 11.9 1. cor 11.33 1.
doth God forbid in this commaundement Answere The Lord in this commaundement forbiddeth and condemneth al (2) Leuit. blaspheming of the name of God all (3) Leuit. 19.12 zach 5.3 mal 3.5 periury or forswearing and al vnlawfull or vaine swearing be it by the name of God directly or indirectly by his (4) Math. 5.34 23.22 creatures and all abuse of his holy name by (5) Exod. 22.18 micha 5.12 mal 3.5 witchcraft sorcery or charming or cursed speaking or in any wise to thinke or speak of the name of God without great reuerence of his maiesty Question What doth the Lord require of vs in this commaundement Answere That whensoeuer we be required to take an othe for confirmation of truth to the glory of God or the profit of our brethren we should with al reuerence call (1) Deut. 6.13 iere 4.2 heb 6.16 God to witnesse for the truth and that when we either speake or thinke of him we should do it with all (2) Iere. 10.6.7 psalm 8.1 reuerence of his maiesty And to stirre vs to fly these euils and to moue vs to vse his holye name in all reuerence he threatneth that he will not holde him guiltlesse that taketh his name in vaine but culpable of the (3) Deu. 28.26.27 cursse of God and eternall damnation Question Rehearse the fourth Commaundement Answere Remember thou keepe holy the sabboth day Sixe dayes shalt thou labour and do all that thou hast to do But the seuenth day is the sabboth of the Lord thy God In it thou shalt do no maner of worke thou and thy some and thy daughter thy man seruaunt and thy mayde seruaunt thy cattell and the straunger that is with in thy gates For in sixe dayes the Lorde made heauen and earth the sea and all that in them is and rested the seuenth day Wherefore the Lorde blessed the seuenth day and hollowed it Question What doth the Lord require of vs in this commaundement Answere That we should sanctifie the sabboth day in (1) Exo. 16.26 deut 5.4 resting from our owne bodilie labours in worldly thinges And in one place to assemble our selues togeather with feare and reuerence (2) Math. 13.54 luk 4.16 acts 20.7 to heare marke and lay vp in our harts the worde of God preached and taught vnto vs. And to pray (3) 1. Cor. 14.15 togeather in one consent vnity of spirite And at the times appointed to vse the (4) 1. Cor. sacraments in faith and repentaunce And all our life to rest from (5) Heb. 4.9.10 11. wickednes that the Lorde by his holy spirite may worke in vs his good worke that so we may begin in this life the euerlasting rest (6) Exo. 20. deut 5. To stirre vs vnto these dueties the Lorde setteth forth the example of his owne rest c. Answere Rehearse the fift commandement Question Honour thy father and thy mother that thy dayes may belong in the land which the Lord thy God giueth thee Question What vnderstandest thou by honour Answere Feare reuerence and loue shewed foorthe (1) Leu. 19.3 eph 6.1 colo 3.10 by obedience to their commaundementes by assisting them in al good by (2) Mat. 15.6 rereleeuing them in their necessities The vices contrary are condemned Question What vnderstande you by father and mother Answere Not onely natural parents but also all (3) Exo. 22.28 leu 19.32 rom 13.1 magistrates and gouernours pastours or ministers and scholemaisters (4) Eph. 5.6 col 3.28 maisters of housholdes and all superiours ordeined of God to the defending and guiding of their inferiours To stirre them to the obedience of this commaundement the Lord addeth his promise to blesse them with long life Question Rehearse the sixt commandement Answere Thou shalt do no murther Question What doth the Lorde forbid and condemne in this commaundement Answere The Lord in this commandement forbiddeth not onely all vnlawful (1) Gen 9.6 murther or killing in act but also all hatred (2) Leuit. 19.17.18 mat 5.22 1. iohn 3.15 malice anger and all desire of vengeance And all quarelling fighting mocks and taunts proceeding of the same and all occasions of prouoking to anger c. Question What is required in this commandement Answere That we should (3) Math. 5.44 rom loue our neighboures as our selues which must be shewed in care to preserue life in helping releeuing and comsorting one another Question Rehearse the seuenth commaundement Answere Thou shalt not commit adultery Question What doth the Lorde forbid and condemne in this commaundement Answere Not onely al adultery and fornication and vnlawful society of man and woman (1) Leui. 18.20 20.10 deut 23.17 in act but also all vnchaste (2) Math. 5.28 thoughts and vnlawful lusts of the hart and al occasions that might serue to prouoke thereunto Question What is required in this commandement Answere That we should lead our liues in all (3) 1. Cor. 6.15.19 1. thes 4.4 chastity both in soules and bodyes as pure Temples of the holy Ghost c. Question Which is the eight Commaundement Answere Thou shalt not steale Question What doth God forbid and condemn in this commaundement Answere Firste all robbing and stealing in acte (1) Leu. 19.11 Secondly all extorcion and oppression (2) 1. The 4.6 eph 4.28 Thirdly all deceipte in bying and selling (3) Ephe. 3.5 and vnlawfull desire to enrich our selues with hurt or losse of our neighbours Question What is required of vs in this commaundement Answere Firste that we bee (4) 1. Tim. 6.6 content with that portion which God hach giuen vs not seeking to augment it by vnlawfull meanes Secondly that euery one of vs (5) 2. The. 3.10 trauell faithfully in his calling Thirdly to be (6) 1. Tim. 6.18 eph 4.28 heb 13 16. helpfull to them that neede Question Which is the ninth Commaundement Answere Thou shalt not beare false witnes against thy neighbour Question What is forbidden and condemned in this commandement Answere First wee are forbidden to speake falsely in (1) Exo. 23.1 pio 19.5 iudgement when wee be requires to beare witnesse Secondly all (2) Psal 15.3 ephe 4.25 backbiting of any man al lying flattering or dissembling Thirdly it is forbidden to speake euill of our brethren for priuate offences (3) Math. 18.15 if by priuate admonitions they may be won Question What is required of vs in this commaundement Answere The vertues which bee contrary to these vices as to speake truth in witnesse bearing to haue like regard to the (4) Mat. 7.12 credite of others as we woulde they should haue of ours Question Which is the tenth Commaundement Answere Thou shalt not couet thy neighbors house thou shalt not couet thy neighbours wife his seruaunt his mayde his ore his asse nor any thing that is his Question What doth the Lord forbid and condemne in this commaundement Answere All euill