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B16254 The path-way to please God Which way whomsoeuer walketh, especially in the time of anie worldly affliction, shalbe defended against all temptations. Wallis, Thomas, fl. 1583. 1617 (1617) STC 24991.5; ESTC S106290 15,317 128

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that most earnestly toward the setting forth of thy glorie Lengt he nand prolong his happy daies graunt vnto him a long quyet and prosperous raign many yeares to indure continue eu●n for thy trueths sake Blesse his Grace with the heauenly influences of thy Grace and holy spirit and euermore preserue and keepe him from all his enimies This O Lord wee beseech thee graunt for the loue of thy son Christ Iesus Amen A godly Prayer for Byshops and ministers of the word of God INflame and enure the hearts mindes and liues of all Byshops Pastors Ministers and professors of thy holye worde with perfect Loue and feruent zeale and affection toward the setting forth of thy glorious Gospell Giue them O Lorde aboundance of learning effectually to serch and finde out the hidden secrets and mysteries contained in the Scriptures and Letters containing and comprehending thy holye Worde Gospell and trueth written by the blessed Apostles Euangelists Prophets and left to them by Christ himselfe declaring his old and new Testament first written bythe finger of Gods owne hande as true and certaine testimonies of his great loue and Fauour towards vs and of his wonderfull workes and myracles wrought in the creation redemption and saluation of all vs wretched and sinfull People Lorde giue vs grace to be thankfull Let thy heauenly grace O Lord God cast out her bright beames of godlines into their harts and grant them true vnderstanding and perfect knowledge so that they may rightlie interpret set foorth and declare thy holy Scriptures to the edifying of weake simple and vnlearned people and that each one in his degree and calling may bee painfull Pastors and diligent shepheardes ouer the flocke committed to them Lord let their Doctrine liues agree in all vertuous and godly conuersation Grant that the dilligent trauels and carefull ouersights of all Byshops and cheefe Pastors bee examples to interior Ministers whereby they may bee approued faithfull members of thy glorious and most precious word and that of all parts the people may be truly taught sin abolished Idolatry rooted out Antichrist ouerthrown sathan trodden downe hel may be conquered the gospel may flourish and righteousnes may shine that God may haue due praise Thankes and glorie for euermore Amen A Godly Prayer for loue and obedience ALmightie God of thy manifold great mercies vouchsafe to poure into the hearts of all thy People earnest loue and true affection towards thy most holy Gospell make them dilligent and wiling hearers of thy worde and obedient followers and performers of thy heauenly will and pleasure in all their liues to the setting forth of thy glorye and the attainment of the onely true Saluation of their soules Establish also in theyr hearts true subiection vnto our most vertuous King faithfull obedience toward his lawes and iust dealing one with another that so all the whol nation of this English Flocke or Countr●y may agree and consēt to and in one vnity and agreement of one perfect religion and doctrine vtterly reiecting all sects schismes and erroneous Opinions whatfoeuer Lord thou hast promised by the holie Prophets that thou wilt giue to thy people a New heart that thou wilt deliuer to them a new Spirite that thou wilt take away their stony hearts and giue vnto them hearts of flesh that so they may walke in thy precepts that they may keepe thy iudgements and performe them that they shal be thy people and thou wilte bee their God O Lord let it so come to passe for thine only names sake to whom bee all honor and Glory both now and for euermore Amen A Prayer for the Church for daily encrease of Gods holy word LEt thy holye Worde O Lord daily increase let thy true church triumphe and thyne infallible trueth florish let vs forsake our old blindnes and ignorāce and cleaue onely vnto thee In thee O Sauiour resteth our hope and confidēce Giue vs grace therefore to reioice onely in thy trueth and holy worde which testifieth thy great mercy towards vs. Giue vnto vs one heart one mouth and one spirite and that of one truth by and through the which wee may rightly agree in all things that may please thee Lord let vs perseuer in the same and we shall be saued Confirm and strengthen our heartes in faith Grant likewise that we being iustified by faith may haue peace with God thorough our Lord Iesus Christ to whom with the father and the holy Ghost be all praise honour and glorie both now and euermore Amen A fruit●full Prayer that God of his mercie woules stop the mouthes of all the wicked that rise vp against his trueth STop and shut vp O lord the mouths of al papists Anabaptists sectaries and scismatickes thorough whose erroneous and superstitous Doctrines thy people haue beene and yet are daily blinded in ignorance and the Glorious light of thy holye Gospell dimmed and almost vtterly extinguished if of thy mercy thou haddest not in time turned thy wrath away from vs restoring vs to thy louing and fauourable countenance againe sent vs a most godlye and gracious prince by whom thy vndoubted true church hath bene●●dified and thy true and sincere Doctrine restored amongst vs God make vs to shew our selues thankfull therefore Plant in thy Church godly ministers and painfull preachers which are able by true and sound doctrine to stir vp thy people to the loue of thee and thy most holy word Such as are the true salt of the erth Mat. 5 13. And such as are the light of the world who hold forth the true Gospel of Christ to all the worlde Let them O Lord bee true fishers of men by whome we may be won vnto thee broght to thy folde By whom we may be carefully and truly taught our duties towardes thee in this worlde that after this life we may remaine and dwel with thee in thy heauenly Kingdome thorough our Lorde and onely Sauiour Iesus Christ Amen Godly prafers to our heauenly father for continuall grace and assistance to auoide the temptations of the world the deuil and flesh our monstrous enemies GRant vs O heauenlie father our humble petitions which we thy sinfull creatures destre of thee and vouchsafe of thy great mercie to send thy holy spirit into our hartes which may gouerne direct lead vs into al good things and defend vs from al manner of temptations Lord for thy manifolde mercies let thy Heauenlie grace alwaies remain with vs. Let thy truth be euermore with vs and make vs constant in the same that we n●uer be affraid of any thing that lieth in man ouer our bodies confessing that if thou be with vs in grace and truth man cannot preuaile against thee Encrease faith loue charity and fear of thee in the hearts of all people Let not the desires of the world draw vs from thee throgh the frailty of the Flesh which causeth our daylie fall from thee whereby sathan doth ouerthrow and triumph ouer vs who by all meanes seeks our vtter confusion both of body and soule Defend vs from all temptations of the Worlde the flesh and the deuill least we fall into them for to such as follow the world and flie from thee followe their owne destruction in this mortall life and euerlasting damnation in the world to come O mercifull God of thy goodnes and louing kindnesse strengthen vs be fauourable vnto vs and also blesse vs. Let thy holy spirite bee with vs for euermore and that by the operation of thy grace in vs wee may serue thee in all humblenesse and obediēce due to thy glorious maiesty and that we may with all our harts acknowledge thee to bee the true Messias the offered Lamb euen our Sauiour and Redeemer Christ Iesus through whose death and merits a● people shall receiue saluation and thorough whose mediation the wrathe of our heauenly Father for our iniquities is appeased Before whō as our chiefe and high iudge wee shall rise to iudgement who as the most high steward wil call vs to account of our trauels in this our pilgrimage render euery one their iust reward eyther with punishment or mercy Receiue vs O Lorde into thy mercifull tuition and protection and be our continuall Gouernour in the whole race of this our life Be thou also our defender and grant vnto vs thy countenance make vs strong against all temptations Weaken the strength of our great enemy Sathan Let not him and his ministers haue power ouer vs for that hee is but thy bondslaue whose power cannot preuail against vs without thy sufferance whose snares can take no hold vpon vs if thou direct our steps wherefore euen for thy mercie sake vouchsafe to consider our weakenes and grant that wee may do al things to please thee and finde fauour at thy hands who alone art our defender against Sathan and a●l his sleightes To whom be al praise honor and glory for euer and euer Amen FINIS London imprinted by W. Iaggard and are to bee folde by Iohn Hammon dwelling in Angell-alley in Aldersgate street 1617.
faults shal bee vtterly blotted out of thy sight at the day of thy general iudgment that my name shal be registred ●…n the booke of euerlasting ●…fe Mittigate O Lord GOD thy heauie wrath which I haue deserued ●…elease me of those punishments where-with thou 〈…〉 mercy hast prooued me Euen as thy will is O Lord solet it be with me vnto the end of this transitory life This thy gentle chastisement which we cal a gentle correctiō by the which we whom it hath pleased thee to visite are touched with grief of the stomack ache of the bones paine of the head and generally in all other partes of the Bodye is not a sufficient correction for vs. I know O lord God that in my selfe is not one good thought or deed and that thereby I thy miserable wretched creature haue iustly deserued death and damnation both of bodie and soule were not thy Mercies aboue my innumerable iniquities wherfore I do humblie sue vnto thee for reliefe and comfort in whome resteth all health of Bodye in this worlde and the saluation of the soul in the world to come nothing doubting but that it wil please thee to haue pity and compassion vpon me to restore vnto me my health again in this world and that alwayes I may heereafter liue in thy feare or that it wil please thee to dissolue this flesh in me and when thy good pleasure is take me out of this life giue mee a place with thee among thy holy Angels A prayer for Grace and Wisedome MOst mighty God and mercifull father pour into my hart thy heauenly grace Wisedome Comfort my sinfull soule with thy heauenly manna mollifie my hard heart with the sweete and pleasant Oyle of thy most holye word Suffer mee not O mercifull Lord to swerue or slide from the wayes of trueth but grant that by helpe of thy holie Spirit I may walke in the same vnto my liues end and let not thy heauenly wisdom depart frō me at any time during this life According to the multitude of thy mercies doe away mine offence Preserue mee from this my youth and infancy vnder thy fauourable protectiō Giue mee O Lorde that grace that I may euen to the graue continue a faithfull manly soldier in defence of thy trueth that I may in al my life daily grow to the ripe perfection of godly wisedom and truely and iustly acknowledge thee my onelyl God that I may only fear and honour thee That I may cleaue fast vnto thee that I may trust only to thee That I do not after the abhomination of any idolatrous people worship stocks or stones Neither let me O Lord hearken to any false Prophets that reach their own imaginations and not the word of God Now vouchsafe O Lord God to heare mee and let thy holy wisedom gouern mee I know O GOD that no creature can truly say I haue done my duty in the seruice of the Lord neither is it in the power of Man who is so deeply subiect to sinne to escape al these stumbling blocks which haue made our waies so dangerous and perillous thorough those innumerable slightes and practises where-with sathan our great enemie through his malice craft hath deuised to intrap our sinfull soules to our vtter destruction Lord of thy great mercy roote and pull out of my hart all the workes of sathan namely fornication Adulterie vncleannesse Wantonnesse pride enuy vnnaturall desires vnpure thoughts lewde behauiour ydlenesse and al other vicious and naughtie actions which beeing followed according to the pleasures and delig●ts of the Worlde in this Life bring with them euerlasting Damnation of bodye and soule in the worlde to come Encrease in mee O Lorde such aboundance of thy Grace Wisedome and Heauenly Blessing that thorough the operation of the same in mee I may prooue a true workman in thy haruest such a seruant as occupyeth his Maisters Tallent vnto gaine a witnes that beareth testimonie of Christ to all People and at all times and in euerie place continue constant in thy trueth during the whole course of this my mortal life In thy truth O God doe I delight therefore make mee perfect in that same In thee alone do I repose my whole trust and confidence saue me O god of all m●rcie and defend me against my enemies Establish and confirme mee O Lord in faith towardes thee Keepe thou my lips and gouerne my tongue Suffer not my hart to purpose any thing that may displease thee nor my tongue or lippes at any time to speak oght whereby I should purchase thy wrath Whosoeuer doth trust in thee O God shall vnderstand thy truth the faithfull shall haue rest in thy fauor but the vngodly according to their own wicked thoughts shal find corruption The soules of the iust are in the hāds of God and the force of deth shall not touch them All wisedom commeth from the Lorde and hath beene with him alwayes and is with him from the beginning The feare of the Lord doth expell sin Lord of thy great mercie graunt me thy Heauenly wisedom wherby I may truly learne to know thee rightly and be diligent to performe all thy precepts effectually Lord leaue mee not in my yong daies but let thy heauenly wisedome enter into my hart make thy habitation in my soule so shall I liue in thy fauour and perseuer in thy lawes through thy grace Let not them that trust in thee O Lord GOD of hoastes bee ashamed let not those that seek thee be confounded O God heare me in the truth of thy saluation In thee alone O heauenly Father are all good things generally what is not of thee is altogither nought Replenth ofesse me O Lord with all good gifts shewe thy louing countenance towardes mee gouerne me by thy grace cōtinue me in the fauor and protect and defēd me now and euermore vnder the winges of thy manifolde mercies so shall no vile temptation haue power to preuaile against me Such is the force of thy Heauenly Wisedome O God that whosoeuer obtaineth the same and directeth his life accordingly shall prosper see good dayes O Lord GOD vouchsafe to graunt these things vnto mee for thy sons Christ his sake our onely Lord and sauiour Amen A godly praier for the preseruation of the Kings Maiesty GRant O lord God vnto this little Realme of England that our royall King Iames may long liue raigne and rule ouer vs poure the rich plentifull gifts of thy heauenly wisedome and grace into his godly heart by the continuall operation whereof he may euermore frō hence foorth as heeretofore his grace hath done ordaine establish good wholesome laws both for the increase maintenance and preseruation of the free passage of thy holy worde and sure and perfect establishing of the same in all parts of his Realmes and dominions according to his Highnesse godly will great care and zealous endeuour so many yeares already spent and