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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A10583 The solace of Sion, and ioy of Ierusalem. Or consolation of Gods church in the latter age redeemed by the preaching of the Gospell vniuersallye. Beeing a godly and learned exposition of the Lxxxvij. Psalme of the princelye prophet Dauid: written in Latine by the reuerend Doctor Vrbanus Regius, pastor of Christes Church at Zelle, in Saxonie. 1536. Translated into english by R. Robinson citizen of London 1587.; Psalmus octuagesimus septimus, de gloriosa Christi ecclesia Rhegius, Urbanus, 1489-1541.; Robinson, Richard, citizen of London. 1587 (1587) STC 20852; ESTC S119789 35,218 86

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all creatures in respect of their excellency The Prophet saith heere That those singers in SION are like vnto them which dance for ioy who for the immoderate ioyes y ● they haue conceiued by the preaching of y ● Gospel do euen leape dance for ioy But he speaketh of a spirituall ioy which issueth out of faith in Christ whiles wée are perswaded of the holy Ghost that our sins are abolished by the death of Christ that wee are so reconcyled vnto God the Father by his sonne incarnate suffering for vs and rysen from death to life that he would vouchsafe to be our Father for euer and euer This grace or benefite of adoption so chéerefully comforteth Christians that they despise all worldly ioyes in respect of the syncere ioy of the Spirit And doe est●eme them as no other thing else then lamentation and sorow Which thing it selfe Spiritual persons wil testi●●e who haue felt sometimes in their consciences both the wrath of God and also his mercye in Christ promised and haue fasted the sweete worde of God and the vertues and effects of the world to come Wherfore he saith not only The singers but he addeth there are also Trompeters that hee may more clearely expresse the greatnesse of that spiritual Joy And where as he addeth Al my fresh springes shalbe in thee he speaketh of the manifolde diuerse graces or gifts of the holy Ghost which the father for his sons ●ake most aboundantly powreth out vpon his Church neither in déede doe those Welsprings flow elsewhere without his Church although the most gratious God doth euen power out also vpon the Gentiles diuerse giftes of body and soule yet the welspring of Christs grace iustifying the Welspring of grace of knowledging our sinnes and of acknowledging gods goodnes The welspring of spiritual peace and true Joy The welspring of thankes of prayers thanksgiuing the welspring of the gift of daily praising the Lord that welspring most largely opening to y ● ●●●te of Charitye and the residew of the Welsprings of the gifts of the holy Ghost flow not nor gush not out in the wildernesse of the vngodly ones but in the enclosed and most pleasant garden of the Church concerning which welspringes euery where we reade many things in the Scriptures as in the 68. Psal He is gon vp on high he hath led captiuitie captiue and giuen gifts vnto men vers 18. In elder dayes before the fulnesse of time had appeared when as yet the elect ones looked for the Messias sauiour and that w t doubtful desires to come in y ● flesh those welsprings of Graces then flowed in SION and in the Synagogue of the people For In Iury was God knowne and his name was great in Israel The Gentiles were an horrible and drye Desart without knowledge how to glorifie God as in Rom. 1. Concerning whom is said in the Psal Powre out thy wrath vpon the Gentiles which haue not knowne thee In the Synagogue or Congregation was the sacred Scripture therin was the true vnderstanding of the Prophecies concerning Christe which should come yea the Prophecyes Faith Hope other free giftes according to the reason of that time Nowe when Christ the saluation of God was sent into the world not a fewe little ●iding streames and small well-springs of the giftes of the Holy Ghost but the wide windowes of heauen being opened great floods and seas of free gifts plentifully flowed foorth in the Churches of Christ And the predictions of the Prophets were in deede fulfilled as touching the most ample effusion of the spirite of the Messias glorified in and vppon his Chu●ch as in the foresaid 68. Psalm He hath giuen gifts vnto men ver 18. And as in Esay 12. vers 3. You shal draw out waters with ioy out of the fountaines of the Sauiour And as in the 32. Chap. vers 15. Vntill the Spirite bee powred vppon vs from aboue and the wildernesse become Carmel or a fruitful field and the plentious fielde be counted as a Forest ver 17. And the worke of Iustice shall be peace euen the worke of Iustice and quietnesse and assurance for euer vers 18. And my people shall dwell in the tabernacle of peace and in sure dwellings and in safe resting places And as it is said in the 44. Cap. vers 3. And I will powre out water vpon the thirsty and floodes vppon the drie grounde I will powre out my spirite vppon thy seede and my blessing on thy buddes And they shall growe as among the grasse and as the Willowes by the ryuers of water vers 4. And againe in the 35. Chap. vers 6. 7. thus In the wildernes shall waters breake out and ryuers in the Dezart And the drie ground shalbe as a Poole and the thirsty as Springs of water Also as the Prophet Ezechiel in his 36. Chap. saith vers 25. Then wil I powre cleane water vpon you and yee shall bee cleane yea from al your filthines from all your Idols will I cleanse you A newe heart also will I giue you and a new spirite will I put within you and I will take away the stony heart out of your body I wil giue you an heart of flesh ver 26. There speaketh h●e of Baptisme and of the holy Ghost which in Baptisme is bestowed vppon vs. Moreouer in the Prophecy of Ioel Chap. 2. as it is said And it shall come to passe that after this I will power out my Spirit vpon al flesh ver 28 And in Acts 2. appeareth Finally as in the Prophecy of Zachary and 13. Chapter is written And in that day there shalbe a fountaine opened to the house of Dauid and to the inhabitants of Ierusalem to wash away their sins filthines ver 1. This Fountaine is Baptisme and the holy Spirit with his gifts whereby also commeth the washing away of spirituall vncleanenesse and the knowledge of the Scriptures to the edifying of the Church Unto this fountain of water of life flowing out to life euerlasting are wee called by Christ in the 7. of S. Iohns Gospel If any man thirst let him come vnto mee and drinke Who so beleeueth in me as the Scripture saith out of his body shal flowe euen fountaines of liuely water Which thing he spake as concerning the Spirit which true beleeuers in him were to receiue and enioy To be briefe in Sion that is in the Church God himselfe dwelleth as in his spirituall Temple what meruaile is it then if in the Church onely liuely fountaines or welsprings of al gracesd● burst foorth and water this Paradise vnto fructifying in this Spirituall SION We do héere finde assuredly the word of God in a Catholique sence the spirit of Christ faith true righteousnes remission of sins peace of Conscience Joy of the Spirite Loue and fulfilling of the law and what soeuer spirituall benefites may bée Because wée finde the neuer failing fountaine of all benefites God himselfe who is the
reckon them vp name by name as his peculiar people as his inheritance purchased with the precious blood of Christ The Lord saith he in writing the people born a new in Sion shal reckon them vp among the Catalogue of his saints or Children Out of this book of life shal he number or name them saying There was he borne namely in Sion This is the Citizen prescribed predestinate vnto y e number of y e heauēly citizens him do I know acknowledge as a Citizen of my Citie Luther translateth it thus Der herr writ predigen laslen in allerley sprachen das cleretlich auch claselb gebcren werden which may thus be englished The Lord wil let preach in all manner of spéeches that some shalbe borne there That was begunne by the Apostles in the day of Pentecost when being inspirtd by the power of the holy Ghost from aboue they published forth y e great works of God in diuers languages the same thing comes to passe at this day and shal be accomplished in the world euen to the fulnesse of the Messias his kingdome O holy and most louely Register For they that shalbe on this manner enrolled by God in the Catalogue of his Sainctes who are partakers of the Sacrament of regeneration in SION and are made alredie Citizens ought not to doubt of Gods grace towards them and of their saluation For the giftes and callings of God are such and in such manner That he can neuer repent him of them Rom. 11 If thou beleeuest in Christ thou findest thy selfe in the booke of life Thou art a Citizen of y e heauēly IERVSALEM thou art borne of God Concerning such Christ saith Luke 10. Reioyce that your names are written in the heauens Them doth hee acknowledge and reckon as his household For although there is nothing vnknowne to God but al things are euident before the eyes of God yet he is said in the scriptures to know those persons whom be loueth as his Sonnes which do the wil of their Father and shal dwel in the house of their father for euer 1. Ioh. 2. So. S. Paul 2. Tim 2. saith The foundation of God remaineth sure and hath this Seale the Lord knoweth who are his And in Iohn 10. Christ calleth his sheepe by their names and bringeth them foorth vnto the Pastures of life But as touching the vngodly he saith I neuer knewe you Math 7. And in the end of this verse the worde Sela is added To the intent that not so much the word it selfe as the cogitations and meditation of so blessed a writing mysterie of our Regeneration might bee vnderstood Least so great matters should be negligently as it were ouerlooked For if we bée wise wee will alwayes consider most earnestly the grace or benefite of our Baptisme That we are baptized vnto the redéeming death of Christ Iesus whereas all our sins and euen death the reward of sins are vtterly swallowed vp We ought neuer to forget that in SION wée are well borne who were first euill borne in the Babilon of this worlde Namely the children of wrath enimies of God accursed and the bondslaues of sathan And will you heare that excellent Citizen of this blessed SION Paul how much he esteemeth this his allotted happinesse howe worthily hee estéemeth the most ample gift of our regeneratiō● 3. Tit. But saith he when the bountifulnes and loue of God our Sauiour towards man appeared not by the works of righteousnes which we had done but according to his mercy he saued vs by the washing of the new birth the renewing of the holy Ghost Which he shedde on vs aboundantly through Iesus Christ our sauiour That wee being iustified by his grace should be made heires according to the hope of eternal life This is a true saying And S. Peter 1. Pet. 3 saith To the which also the figure that now saueth vs euen Baptisme agreeth not the putting away of the filth of the flesh but in that a good conscience maketh request to God by the resurrection of Iesus Christ Which is at the right hand of God gone into heauen and swallowing vp death that we might be made heires of eternal life Therefore our dulnesse is to be abborred who for so great a grace of the fountaine of regeneration wherein wee haue put vppon vs Christ God hauing nowe elected vs for his children borne a new vnto the life celestiall in the number of his Citizens do not continually render him thanks And finally who doe not endeuour our selues that being clensed by the bloode of Christ from our sinnes we might liue soberlie iustly and godly in this present world Glory be to God our most merciful father for the exceeding riches of his longanimity whereby he inuiteth vs vnto repentāce and a life worthy of baptisme continually beareth with sinners The same God perform in vs so as with worthy thanksgiuing wee may alwayes remember That we are born there in Sion That is in the Catholike Church by the spirite that there by faith we may fully continue in the same City wherein both Prophets al righteous soules euē before the incarnation of the Sonne of God are regenerate or borne a newe by the Circumsition of the heart which Consisteth in the Spirit and not in the letter whose praise is not of men but of God Rom. 2. vers 29. Verse 7 The Singers also Trompeters shal he rehearse All my fresh springs shall bee in thee HEre again the Translations varrie The Hebrew text hath Kehillim which some doe translate as it were for shalmes others like as they which dance for ioy H●lal in dad signifieth to leade the Dance to reioyce And where the Hebrewe hath Migniny my fountaines or welsprings y ● Greeke word signifieth an habitation although this varietie doeth nothing impugne the Catholike veri●y for both of them are taught as true Yet it is very good to descerne the meaning of the Prophet in the sacred phrase for where as the Greeke translation which is read in the Church at this day is not the pure or sincere translation of the 70. Interpreters but is varying and corrupt we do well by y ● counsell of S. Ierome if in the reading of the Law and the Prophets wee shall returne vnto the Original That is vnto the Hebrew language The meaning then of the Prophet Dauid in this verse according to the Hebrew phrase is And the singers are there vnderstande in that SION whereas people of all Nations are borne a new and not the Iewes only But what sing they Undoubtedly these glorious most magnificent workes of God which he as the most high founder and preseruer of the Church worketh in the Church to the saluation of the Church And seeing that those thinges which God promiseth and performeth in Christ to and for his church are such and in such manner that they exceede al humane perseuerance and vnderstanding of