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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A08816 A godlie and fruitefull sermon, made vpon the 20. & 21. verses of the 14. chapter of the booke of Genesis wherein there is taught, what prouision ought to be made for the mynister. Very necessary to be learned of all Christians. By Eusebius Paget.; Godlie and fruitefull sermon, made upon the 20. & 21. verses of the 14. chapter of the booke of Genesis. Pagit, Eusebius, 1547?-1617. 1583 (1583) STC 19102; ESTC S105803 12,089 34

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A GODLIE AND FRVITEFVLL Sermon made vpon the 20. 21. verses of the 14. Chapter of the booke of Genesis Wherein there is taught what prouision ought to be made for the mynister Very necessary to be learned of all Christians By Eusebius Paget VBIQVE FLORET LONDON Imprinted by Iohn Wolfe for Thomas Man dwelling in Paternoster rowe at the signe of the Talbot 1583. Genesis 14. 20 Abram gaue him Tythe of all 21 Then the King of Sodome sayde to Abram Giue me the personnes take the goods to thyselfe THE last time beloued that I was in this place which was the fourth day of this last weeke you heard that this thirde and laste parte of this chapter The repetition contayneth the tryumph of Abram after the victory In whose returne from the battel he was met of 2. Kinges the one King of Sodome the other was the King of Salem Wherein we considered first the dealings of Abram the king of Sodome in the first part secondly the dealings betweene Abram and Melchisedech in the second part In the first part whereas the King of Sodome came forth to meete Abram We did note that aduersity teacheth many good lessons which men in prosperitie will neuer learne namelye the King of Sodome who before this time wold neither pitie Abram being a stranger nor reuerence him for his religion which hee professed euerye where and set vp badges and Ensignes of the same in euery place where hee came but in his prosperity had his whole delight in wantonnesse and pride and is nowe by aduerssite taught humilitie and hee commeth forth to meete and salute Abram Secondly that this king now saw what profite he got by pride and what the waye of wickednesse had brought him vnto and that the estate of Abram howe troublesome mad and foolish soeuer it seemed to him yet to be farre better and more glorious then his soe there is not so wicked a man but that he once acknowledgeth his owne estate to bee miserable and the estate of Gods chyldren to be most happye and blessed Next the historie of Melchizedech followed inserted as in a parenthesis Wherein wee considered First what he was 2. what he did 3. what he sayde Out of the first part which is at large described in the seuenth to the Hebrewes we considered first his name to wit Melchizedech which signifieth righteousnes and that he was king of Salem that is peace wherin the holye ghost noteth the righteousnes is king of peace that righteousnes gouerneth in the kingdome of peace no peace where vnrighteousnes raigneth as the prophet Isa 57.21 saith ther is no peace saith my God to the wicked Secondlye in that first part wee noted that he was without Father and Mother For that the holy Ghost doth make no mention of them Wherein I shewed how vainly they deale that would haue him to bee eyther Shem or an Angell or the sonne of God and brought foorth reasons to confute those fancies Thirdly wee considered that hee was King and Prieste noting in all these things that he was a figure of Christ First in his name for that Christ is righteousnesse it selfe raigning in mens conscyences bringing peace to the soule secondly in his parents Christ is without father in respect of his manhood without mother in respect of his godhead Thirdly in his offices Christ is a King to raigne and a prieste to offer vp sacrifice to God his father for euer Then we considered the deedes of Melchizedech which was the bringing forth of bread and wine to relieue the wearied army of Abram where in I confuted the fancy of the Papistes that would haue this bread and wine of Melchizedech to be a fygure of theyr Masse First shewing that if there had beene anye such matter in it the holye Ghost woulde haue noted it in the 7. to the Hebrewes where he descrybeth him so largely For if it had figured so greate a mystery as they account their masse to bee the holy Ghost woulde not haue set so light by it as to haue sayde neuer a word of it Melchizedech brought foorth bread but they deny their sacrifice to bee bread but the body of christ In denying their wafar cake to be bread they saye truely for it is a paltry thing not mouing the senses of the receauers to that consideration it should Besides that it hath beene made as many wright of bad confections as dogs grease And some of their auncestors before tyme made their stuffe with infants blood and some with more filthy abhominable things then are here to be named Melchizedech brought forth bread and wine to refresh the feeble souldiars wherein was noted that the Lorde doth alwaies prouide for those that trauaile in his busynesse and take paines to deliuer the oppressed as Abram aduenturing to deliuer his brother Lot receiueth comfort by a stranger Melchizedech blessed Abram from the lord in which his words were noted that blessings came from God that they are the Lordes blessings and not mans that stande and his curses that take effect Next they that comfort the afflicted are blessed of God and they that greeue the Spyrite of GOD in his children by adding afflictions to afflictions are cursed of God commyng from that to the title wherein he called him possessour of Heauen and Earth I noted he gaue God these titles beeing onely possessour of Heauen and that the Pope can not open and shut it with his pardons at his pleasure for heauen is the Lordes and next in that he nameth him possessour of earth I noted that he will take account of vs whether wee vse it as he hath directed vs or abuse it contrary to his will and therein we see what a happye and blessed thing it is for Gods children whose kingdome and inheritance is not vpon the earth but in heauen where no tyrannous oppressours can trouble and annoy on the other side what a wofull chaunge shall these oppressing tyrants make which say now the earth is theirs to serue their lusts and then they must answere to the professor of it and must flit to hell from the earth for their abusing it So Melchizedech ended his speech with thanksgiuing and yeelding the glorye of that triumph vnto God for the victorye as to him was due and these were the Principall notes which I gaue then as I remember Now it resteth before wee enter into the historie of the king of Sodome that we consider what Abram did to Melchizedech The holy Ghost saith Abram gaue him Tyth of all wherein he giueth vs to consider that Abram being lightened by Gods spirite sawe in Melchizedech some more excellent thing then is ordinarilye found in men and therefore he gaue him an extraordinarye entertainment and presented him with such a present as we reade not of in the Scriptures vntill we come to this place therefore that we may the better vnderstand it let vs obserue First what it is that is giuen