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spirit_n ghost_n gift_n holy_a 21,083 5 5.7385 4 true
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A57373 Believers evidences for eternall life collected out of the first epistle of John which is catholique : explained and confirmed by very many subservient signes, or undernotes grounded upon Scriptures and illustrated by testimonies both of ancient fathers and modern writers whereby persons truly regenerate may divers wayes discover their present state of grace and title unto glory / by Francis Roberts. Roberts, Francis, 1609-1675. 1655 (1655) Wing R1579; ESTC R29322 150,624 294

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humane_a apprehension_n may_v go_v very_o far_o these_o be_v the_o person_n who_o of_o all_o other_o in_o the_o world_n be_v most_o in_o danger_n of_o fall_v into_o this_o unpardonable_a sin_n against_o the_o h._n ghost_n for_o such_o the_o scripture_n describe_v they_o to_o be_v who_o be_v particular_o declare_v to_o be_v liable_a to_o this_o sin_n compare_v well_o these_o scripture_n together_o matth._n 12._o 24_o 31_o 32._o mark_v 3._o 28_o 29_o 30._o heb._n 6._o 4_o to_o 7._o heb._n 10._o 26_o to_o 31._o luke_n 12._o 10_o in_o all_o which_o place_n hypocrite_n especial_o the_o formal_a hypocrite_n who_o usual_o go_v further_a in_o their_o saintlike_a appearance_n seem_v to_o be_v evident_o characterise_v and_o intend_a for_o christ_n speak_v plain_o of_o the_o pharisee_n which_o be_v in_o the_o jewish_a church_n but_o blasphemous_a hypocrite_n and_o the_o apostle_n paul_n speak_v of_o temporary_a professor_n which_o be_v in_o the_o christian_a church_n but_o apostatical_a hypocrite_n more_o particular_o take_v the_o holy_a ghost_n own_o character_n of_o these_o person_n which_o be_v in_o more_o near_a capacity_n and_o hazard_n of_o sin_v this_o great_a sin_n against_o the_o holy_a ghost_n as_o they_o be_v lay_v down_o in_o these_o scripture_n viz._n 1._o they_o be_v such_o as_o have_v attain_v to_o much_o knowledge_n of_o christ_n of_o the_o truth_n and_o of_o the_o way_n of_o righteousness_n these_o who_o be_v once_o enlighten_v heb._n 6._o 4._o i_o e._n enlighten_v with_o the_o knowledge_n of_o divine_a truth_n and_o fundamental_a principle_n of_o christian_a religion_n immediate_o fore-recited_a ver._n 1_o 2._o if_o we_o sin_v wilful_o after_o we_o have_v receive_v the_o loc_n knowledge_n of_o the_o truth_n heb._n 10_o 26._o which_o passage_n presuppose_v they_o that_o fall_n into_o this_o sin_n of_o sin_n to_o be_v know_v man_n in_o mystery_n of_o christianity_n and_o notable_o illuminate_v for_o this_o sin_n be_v a_o sin_n against_o light_n great_a light_n there_o be_v a_o threefold_a light_n or_o illumination_n of_o man_n 1._o general_n and_o natural_a viz._n the_o light_n of_o reason_n thus_o the_o eternal_a word_n the_o son_n of_o god_n be_v the_o true_a light_n which_o enlighten_v every_o man_n that_o come_v into_o the_o world_n joh._n 1._o 9_o 2._o special_a and_o supernatural_a viz._n that_o light_n of_o the_o faith_n and_o grace_n from_o the_o sanctify_a spirit_n which_o be_v part_n of_o the_o image_n of_o god_n in_o the_o regenerate_a of_o which_o see_v joh._n 17._o 3._o 1_o joh._n 2._o 27._o col._n 3._o 10._o 3._o there_o be_v a_o kind_n of_o middle_a illumination_n betwixt_o these_o more_o than_o mere_a natural_a but_o less_o than_o true_a supernatural_a illumination_n a_o common_a gift_n of_o the_o spirit_n even_o to_o hypocrite_n and_o temporary_a believer_n which_o have_v no_o true_a grace_n whereby_o man_n may_v be_v able_a even_o to_o prophesy_v etc._n etc._n of_o this_o the_o apostle_n speak_v though_o i_o have_v the_o gift_n of_o prophecy_n and_o understand_v all_o mystery_n and_o all_o knowledge_n and_o have_v not_o charity_n i_o be_o nothing_o 1_o cor._n 13._o 2._o judas_n be_v thus_o enlighten_v and_o those_o hypocrite_n mat._n 7._o 22_o 23._o here_o we_o be_v to_o understand_v not_o the_o two_o first_o but_o this_o last_o illumination_n 2._o they_o be_v such_o as_o by_o mean_n of_o this_o knowledge_n have_v attain_v to_o much_o reformation_n in_o their_o life_n and_o way_n they_o have_v escape_v the_o pollution_n of_o the_o world_n through_o the_o knowledge_n of_o the_o lord_n and_o saviour_n jesus_n christ_n 2_o pet._n 2._o 20._o here_o they_o be_v outward_o deform_v in_o the_o sight_n of_o man_n not_o inward_o renew_v in_o the_o sight_n of_o god_n sin_n be_v chain_v up_o and_o restrain_v not_o cast_v out_o and_o mortify_v as_o in_o judas_n who_o walk_v so_o unblamable_o as_o none_o of_o the_o apostle_n can_v suspect_v he_o more_o than_o themselves_o to_o be_v the_o betrayer_n of_o christ._n this_o seem_v to_o be_v that_o which_o our_o saviour_n call_v the_o unclean_a spirit_n go_v out_o of_o a_o man_n matth._n 12_o 43._o h._n e._n seem_o though_o not_o real_o and_o in_o truth_n or_o in_o some_o degree_n but_o not_o thorough_o a_o allusion_n to_o the_o ejection_n of_o the_o devil_n out_o of_o the_o demoniac_a about_o which_o the_o pharisee_n so_o blaspheme_v the_o holy_a ghost_n 3._o they_o be_v such_o as_o have_v taste_v of_o the_o heavenly_a gift_n heb._n 6._o 4._o by_o heavenly_a gift_n b_o ambr._n understand_v the_o remission_n of_o sin_n 6._o oecumenius_n the_o remission_n of_o sin_n which_o be_v in_o baptism_n for_o this_o say_v he_o be_v a_o heavenly_a gift_n 1631._o pareus_n faith_n which_o be_v a_o gift_n bestow_v from_o heaven_n upon_o they_o that_o be_v illuminate_v 6._o calvin_n understand_v the_o thing_n of_o christ_n 6._o which_o be_v above_o nature_n and_o above_o the_o world_n and_o of_o all_o other_o christ_n by_o way_n of_o peculiar_a emphasis_n be_v call_v the_o gift_n of_o god_n joh._n 4._o 10._o and_o may_v here_o principal_o be_v intend_v by_o the_o heavenly_a gift_n for_o he_o come_v down_o from_o heaven_n for_o we_o joh._n 6._o 38_o 50._o under_o which_o also_o faith_n and_o remission_n of_o sin_n may_v be_v employ_v and_o include_v remission_n of_o sin_n and_o such_o like_a benefit_n be_v taste_v in_o christ_n and_o faith_n be_v the_o organ_n whereby_o we_o taste_v they_o and_o note_v it_o be_v not_o say_v have_v eat_v or_o drink_v but_o only_o taste_v i._n e._n have_v have_v some_o kind_n of_o relish_n or_o small_a sense_n by_o a_o temporary_a faith_n of_o the_o excellency_n of_o christ_n and_o the_o thing_n of_o christ._n 4._o they_o be_v such_o as_o be_v make_v partaker_n of_o the_o holy_a ghost_n heb._n 6._o 4._o by_o holy_a ghost_n here_o interpreter_n 6._o unanimous_o understand_v nor_o the_o special_a sanctify_a grace_n of_o the_o spirit_n but_o the_o common_a gift_n of_o the_o holy_a ghost_n as_o common_a illumination_n tongue_n temporary_a faith_n faith_n of_o miracle_n etc._n etc._n of_o which_o gift_n the_o apostle_n make_v a_o enumeration_n 1_o cor._n 12._o 3_o to_o 12._o judas_n simon_n magu●…_n many_o hypocrite_n have_v such_o gift_n in_o the_o primitive_a time_n matth._n 7._o 22_o 23._o act._n 8._o 13._o in_o aftertime_n and_o even_o in_o our_o day_n public_a church-officer_n though_o hypocrite_n may_v have_v the_o gift_n of_o formal_a preach_n expound_v scripture_n and_o pray_v in_o public_a yea_o private_a professor_n may_v share_v in_o such_o gift_n as_o to_o be_v able_a formal_o to_o pray_v to_o resolve_v doubt_n to_o comfort_v the_o feeble-mimded_n to_o strengthen_v and_o encourage_v the_o timorous_a to_o instruct_v the_o ignorant_a and_o by_o profitable_a discourse_n to_o edify_v many_o and_o all_o these_o by_o the_o common_a assistance_n of_o the_o holy_a ghost_n otherwise_o how_o shall_v the_o apostate_n here_o describe_v sin_n against_o the_o holy_a ghost_n have_v they_o not_o in_o themselves_o some_o gift_n and_o endowment_n of_o the_o holy_a ghost_n see_v ambrose_n occumonius_fw-la piscator_fw-la calvin_n pareus_n thus_o interpret_n 5._o they_o be_v such_o as_o have_v taste_v the_o good_a word_n of_o god_n heb._n 6._o 5._o i_o e._n the_o doctrine_n of_o the_o gospel_n say_v 6._o ambros._n the_o doctrine_n of_o christ_n say_v 6_o occumenius_n the_o word_n of_o the_o gospel_n style_v good_a i._n e._n pleasant_a say_v heb._n piscator_fw-la the_o holy_a scripture_n say_v 6._o parcus_n all_o come_v much_o to_o one_o and_o loc_n calvin_n think_v that_o the_o gospel_n be_v here_o peculiar_o intend_v that_o be_v the_o good_a the_o sweet_a word_n testify_v the_o sweetness_n of_o god_n love_n to_o poor_a sin_n when_o the_o law_n biter_o thunder_v out_o nothing_o but_o death_n and_o curse_n now_o even_o hypocrite_n and_o cast_v away_o hear_v the_o gospel_n powerful_o and_o sweet_o preach_v the_o matchless_a love_n of_o god_n in_o christ_n to_o sinner_n display_v the_o worth_n and_o excellency_n of_o jesus_n christ_n and_o his_o benefit_n unfold_v oh_o how_o be_v they_o sometime_o move_v please_v and_o for_o present_v affect_v with_o some_o pang_n and_o mood_n of_o joy_n herod_n ●…rd_n john_n baptist_n glad_o mar_v 6._o 20._o the_o hearer_n resemble_v to_o the_o stony_a ground_n ●…ard_v the_o word_n and_o anon_o with_o joy_n receive_v it_o mat._n 13._o 20._o ezek._n 33._o 31_o 32_o but_o all_o this_o be_v but_o a_o imperfect_a taste_n 6._o final_o they_o be_v such_o as_o have_v taste_v also_o the_o power_n of_o the_o world_n to_o come_v heb._n 6._o 5._o 6._o most_o by_o world_n to_o come_v here_o understand_v the_o life_n to_o come_v in_o heaven_n and_o by_o the_o power_n of_o the_o world_n to_o come_v the_o resurrection_n of_o the_o saint_n body_n their_o bless_a separation_n from_o the_o goat_n and_o sentence_n
of_o salvation_n from_o jesus_n christ_n together_o with_o all_o that_o bliss_n joy_n glory_n vision_n of_o god_n and_o benefit_n of_o eternal_a life_n which_o they_o shall_v possess_v in_o heaven_n all_o which_o may_v be_v well_o call_v power_v of_o the_o world_n to_o come_v partly_o 1_o because_o then_o they_o shall_v appear_v to_o be_v glorious_a effect_n of_o god_n power_n partly_o 2._o because_o christ_n the_o mighty_a god_n isa._n 9_o 6._o have_v make_v it_o a_o powerful_a kingdom_n which_o can_v be_v shake_v partly_o 3_o because_o now_o the_o very_a apprehension_n and_o hope_n of_o they_o work_v powerful_o effect_n of_o comfort_n joy_n delight_n etc._n etc._n in_o the_o heart_n of_o they_o that_o expect_v they_o rom._n 5._o 1_o 2._o these_o power_v of_o the_o world_n to_o come_v formal_a professor_n may_v 5._o taste_v by_o contemplation_n of_o they_o with_o some_o delight_n and_o by_o application_n to_o themselves_o though_o false_o by_o a_o temporrary_a faith_n luk._n 8._o 13._o which_o for_o present_a may_v leave_v some_o tincture_n and_o relish_n of_o sweetness_n upon_o their_o spirit_n hence_o balaam_n wish_v let_v i_o die_v the_o death_n of_o the_o righteous_a and_o my_o last_o end_n be_v like_o he_o numb_a 23._o 10._o but_o 〈◊〉_d some_o by_o world_n to_o come_v understand_v these_o last_o time_n of_o the_o new_a testament_n in_o opposition_n to_o the_o world_n pass_v under_o the_o old_a testam_fw-la and_o in_o that_o sense_n in_o this_o very_a epist._n speak_v of_o the_o time_n of_o the_o gospel_n he_o phrase_v it_o 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d i._n e._n the_o world_n come_v for_o unto_o angel_n have_v he_o not_o subject_v the_o world_n to_o come_v of_o which_o we_o speak_v heb._n 2._o 5._o by_o power_v of_o the_o world_n to_o come_v in_o this_o sense_n they_o understand_v the_o sign_n wonder_n and_o miracle_n with_o which_o god_n do_v powerful_o bear_v witness_n to_o the_o apostle_n and_o their_o doctrine_n heb._n 2._o 4._o mat._n 16._o 26._o as_o christ_n promise_v mar._n 16._o 17_o 18._o and_o those_o that_o have_v the_o gift_n of_o work_a miracle_n in_o the_o primitive_a church_n be_v call_v 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d i._n e._n power_n 1_o con._n 12._o 28_o 29._o which_o be_v the_o selfsame_o word_n here_o use_v in_o heb._n 6._o 5._o now_o its_o evident_a that_o even_a hypocrite_n have_v a_o testae_fw-la of_o such_o power_n of_o miracle_n etc._n etc._n matth._n 7._o 22_o 23._o and_o doubtless_o judas_n want_v not_o this_o gift_n else_o the_o rest_n of_o the_o apostle_n may_v have_v suspect_v he_o rather_o than_o themselves_o to_o betray_v christ_n which_o they_o do_v not_o now_o though_o this_o latter_a interpretation_n be_v plausible_a and_o the_o expression_n here_o use_v may_v well_o bear_v this_o sense_n be_v elsewhere_o use_v to_o like_a purpose_n y●…t_v the_o former_a exposition_n seem_v rather_o to_o be_v prefer_v 1._o partly_o because_fw-mi so_o the_o sense_n will_v rise_v in_o this_o particular_a of_o taste_v the_o power_n of_o the_o world_n to_o come_v above_o all_o the_o other_o foremention_v which_o according_a to_o the_o latter_a exposition_n rather_o fall_v 2._o partly_o because_o so_o a_o ●…tology_n will_v be_v prevent_v in_o these_o particular_a qualification_n enumerate_v which_o according_a to_o this_o latter_a interpretation_n can_v be_v avoid_v understand_v power_n of_o miracle_n which_o evident_o come_v under_o the_o former_a particular_a of_o partaker_n of_o the_o holy_a ghost_n thus_o much_o for_o the_o first_o thing_n to_o be_v open_v viz._n who_o they_o be_v that_o have_v a_o more_o immediate_a habitude_n to_o and_o be_v more_o near_o in_o danger_n of_o the_o sin_n against_o the_o holy_a ghost_n sect_n two_o next_o consider_v we_o what_o the_o sin_n against_o the_o holy_a ghost_n be_v and_o wherein_o it_o consist_v and_o here_o i_o may_v ingenuous_o confess_v with_o omnibus_fw-la augustine_n write_v upon_o the_o blasphemy_n of_o the_o holy_a ghost_n what_o it_o shall_v be_v that_o happy_o in_o the_o whole_a sacred_a serip●…_n th●…_n be_v scarce_o find_v a_o great_a and_o 5._o a_o hard_a question_n than_o this_o be_v and_o be_v it_o not_o 〈◊〉_d that_o scripture_n have_v reveal_v something_o concern_v it_o and_o 2._o that_o it_o be_v necessary_a to_o endeavour_v the_o satisfaction_n of_o the_o weak_a scruple_a consoience_n of_o some_o tremble_a christian_n about_o it_o that_o they_o have_v not_o fall_v into_o it_o and_o by_o the_o grace_n of_o god_n ●…ever_o shall_v 3._o as_o also_o that_o it_o be_v a_o thing_n desirable_a that_o all_o true_o regenerate_v person_n may_v more_o clear_o see_v the_o riches_n of_o god_n grace_n in_o his_o undoubted_a preserve_v all_o and_o every_o one_o of_o they_o for_o ever_o from_o commit_v it_o that_o so_o they_o may_v walk_v the_o more_o thankful_o humble_o and_o watchful_o before_o the_o lord_n i_o say_v be_v it_o not_o for_o these_o consideration_n i_o shall_v most_o willing_o have_v be_v silent_a herein_o but_o these_o efford_v both_o warrant_n and_o encouragement_n to_o speak_v so_o it_o be_v sober_o and_o according_a to_o scripture_n for_o more_o clearness_n herein_o consider_v 1._o the_o name_n 2._o the_o nature_n and_o 3._o the_o grievousnesse_n of_o this_o sin_n against_o the_o holy_a ghost_n 1._o the_o name_n or_o name_n give_v to_o this_o sin_n in_o holy_a scripture_n notamina_fw-la name_n proper_o give_v do_v much_o notify_v or_o make_v know_v the_o thing_n intend_v by_o they_o the_o more_o remarkable_a ●…mes_n give_v to_o it_o be_v these_o viz._n 1._o blasphemy_n against_o the_o holy_a ghost_n or_o blasphemy_n against_o the_o spirit_n but_o the_o blasphe●…_n against_o the_o h._n ghost_n shall_v not_o be_v forgive_v unto_o man_n which_o be_v after_o expound_v by_o speak_v against_o the_o holy_a ghost_n mtth._n 12._o 31_o 32._o see_v also_o mark_v 3._o 30_o 31_o 32._o and_o luk._n 12._o 10._o blasphemy_n be_v original_o a_o greek_a word_n 31._o derive_v as_o some_o think_v from_o 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d and_o 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d i_o e._n a_o bad_a fame_n a_o useless_a fame_n etc._n etc._n or_o as_o other_o à_fw-fr 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d i._n e._n from_o ●…rting_v the_o fame_n good_a name_n or_o reputation_n of_o any_o god_n or_o man_n thus_o it_o signify_v in_o the_o general_a notation_n of_o the_o word_n but_o use_v more_o strict_o as_o here_o it_o denote_v a_o more_o grievous_a and_o heinous_a reproach_v slander_v or_o revile_v of_o the_o holy_a spirit_n and_o this_o purposely_o and_o malicious_o against_o knowledge_n this_o the_o apostle_n elsewhere_o call_v despit_v the_o spirit_n of_o grace_n heb._n 10._o 29._o 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d which_o proper_o note_v a_o petulancy_n and_o frowardness_n of_o reproach_v see_v h._n steph._n th●…sur_n g._n ling._n now_o this_o sin_n be_v peculiar_o call_v blasphemy_n of_o the_o spirit_n or_o against_o the_o holy_a ghost_n rather_o than_o blasphemy_n against_o the_o father_n or_o the_o son_n not_o in_o respect_n of_o the_o divine_a essence_n or_o personal_a subsistence_n of_o the_o holy_a ghost_n for_o he_o that_o sin_n against_o any_o one_o person_n of_o the_o bless_a tri●…ty_n sin_n against_o every_o person_n for_o they_o be_v all_o one_o in_o unity_n of_o essence_n 1._o john_n 5._o 7._o he_o that_o blaspheme_v the_o h._n ghost_n blaspheme_v also_o both_o the_o father_n and_o son_n inasmuch_o as_o all_o three_o be_v coessential_a and_o therefore_o coequal_a and_o coeternal_a in_o majesty_n glory_n and_o all_o divine_a perfection_n as_o 3._o ambrose_n have_v well_o note_v but_o in_o respect_n of_o the_o ministry_n and_o office_n of_o the_o holy_a ghost_n 1._o the_o ministry_n of_o the_o spirit_n be_v the_o gospel_n and_o the_o glorious_a truth_n therein_o contain_v see_v 2_o cor._n 3._o 8._o from_o which_o truth_n hypocrite_n fall_v away_o and_o against_o which_o truth_n they_o malicious_o and_o blasphemous_o oppose_v and_o set_v themselves_o who_o sin_n against_o the_o holy_a ghost_n as_o after_z will_v appear_v 2._o th●…_n office_n of_o the_o spirit_n be_v to_o convince_v joh._n 16_o 9_o to_o illuminate_v and_o furnish_v with_o variety_n of_o gift_n and_o spiritual_a endowment_n act._n 8._o 13._o luk_n 8._o 13._o 1._o cor._n 12._o and_o to_o suggest_v many_o good_a motion_n and_o inclination_n into_o man_n heart_n in_o use_n of_o ordinance_n and_o otherwise_o as_o math._n 13._o 20._o mark_n 6._o 20._o they_o have_v some_o motion_n of_o joy_n act._n 26._o 28._o agrippa_z almost_o persuade_v to_o be_v a_o christian._n against_o which_o light_n gift_n and_o motion_n of_o the_o spirit_n they_o direct_o and_o wilful_o sin_n that_o sin_n against_o the_o holy_a ghost_n 2._o a_o apostasy_n or_o fall_v away_o if_o they_o shall_v fall_v away_o heb._n 6._o 6._o it_o be_v the_o high_a and_o worst_a apostasy_n of_o all_o other_o as_o after_o
of_o baptism_n 4._o and_o of_o lay_v on_o of_o hand_n 5._o and_o of_o the_o resurrection_n of_o the_o dead_a 6_o and_o of_o eternal_a judgement_n ver_fw-la 1_o 2._o these_o be_v very_o comprehensive_a principle_n in_o which_o all_o other_o evangelicall_n truth_n may_v be_v well_o comprise_v these_o seem_v to_o be_v the_o head_n of_o the_o apostle_n catechism_n in_o the_o primitive_a church_n second_o here_o be_v also_o reckon_v up_o many_o common_a gift_n and_o grace_n of_o the_o holy_a ghost_n and_o that_o so_o comprehensive_o also_o that_o all_o the_o common_a grace_n of_o the_o spirit_n may_v be_v easy_o include_v therein_o viz._n 1._o enlighten_v 2._o taste_v the_o heavenly_a gift_n 3._o partake_v of_o the_o holy_a ghost_n 4._o taste_v the_o good_a word_n of_o god_n 5._o and_o the_o power_n of_o the_o world_n to_o come_v ver_fw-la 4_o 5._o three_o here_o be_v intimate_v a_o possibility_n of_o fall_v away_o both_o from_o all_o these_o truth_n and_o all_o these_o common_a grace_n of_o the_o holy_a ghost_n to_o that_o unpardonable_a sin_n ver_fw-la 4_o 5_o 6._o this_o falling-away_a be_v afterward_o by_o this_o same_o apostle_n call_v sin_v wilful_o after_o the_o receive_n of_o the_o knowlodge_n of_o the_o truth_n heb._n 10._o 26._o which_o may_v well_o imply_v both_o fall_n from_o truth_n and_o grace_n thus_o that_o judicious_a 26._o calvia_n understand_v the_o apostle_n here_o not_o of_o some_o particular_a but_o of_o a_o universal_a defection_n the_o faith_n of_o christ_n and_o grace_n of_o christ_n be_v whole_o cast_v off_o and_o elsewhere_o he_o say_v 6._o it_o be_v to_o be_v note_v there_o be_v a_o double_a falling-away_a particular_a and_o universal_a he_o that_o in_o any_o kind_n or_o several_a way_n offend_v he_o fall_v from_o the_o state_n of_o a_o christian_a man_n therefore_o all_o sin_n be_v so_o manyfal_v but_o the_o apostle_n do_v not_o here_o dispute_v of_o theft_n or_o perjury_n or_o murder_n or_o drunkenness_n or_o adultery_n but_o he_o note_v a_o universal_a defection_n from_o the_o gospel_n when_o a_o sinner_n offend_v not_o god_n in_o some_o one_o respect_n but_o withdraw_v himself_o from_o his_o grace_n altogether_o and_o that_o this_o may_v be_v the_o better_o understand_v the_o antithesis_fw-la betwixt_o the_o grace_n reckon_v up_o and_o this_o fall_v away_o be_v to_o be_v observe_v for_o he_o fall_v away_o that_o make_v defectian_n from_o the_o word_n of_o the_o lord_n that_o extinguish_v the_o light_n of_o it_o that_o deprive_v himself_o of_o the_o taste_n of_o the_o heavenly_a gift_n that_o forsake_v the_o participation_n of_o the_o spirit_n and_o this_o be_v to_o r●…sounce_v god_n total_o now_o we_o see_v who_o he_o sec●…des_v from_o hope_n of_o pardon_n viz._n apostate_n who_o withdraw_v themselves_o from_o the_o grace_n of_o god_n and_o the_o gospel_n of_o christ_n which_o they_o have_v former_o embrace_v which_o befall_v no_o man_n but_o he_o sin_n against_o the_o holy_a ghost_n so_o he_o thus_o also_o those_o learned_a interpreter_n 6._o beza_n and_o 6_o d._n paraeus_n understand_v here_o a_o universal_a apostasy_n let_v the_o reader_n consult_v their_o word_n thus_o also_o master_n 1597._o deering_n in_o his_o excellent_a lecture_n on_o the_o hebrew_n count_v this_o a_o universal_a apostasy_n of_o which_o here_o the_o apostle_n speak_v because_o his_o book_n be_v scarce_o i_o have_v here_o annex_v his_o word_n in_o the_o margin_n so_o that_o this_o fall_v away_o be_v not_o partial_a but_o universal_a 2_o a_o final_a apostasy_n a_o departure_n from_o god_n christ_n grace_n the_o church_n without_o return_n a_o ruin_n without_o repair_n a_o apostasy_n to_o the_o end_n of_o a_o man_n life_n without_o recovery_n a_o backslide_n for_o ever_o david_n fall_v but_o david_n rise_v again_o peter_n fall_v and_o that_o fearful_o but_o it_o be_v but_o for_o a_o while_n for_o a_o few_o hour_n he_o go_v out_o and_o weep_v bitter_o mat._n 26._o 75._o but_o this_o falling-away_a so_o as_o to_o sin_n against_o the_o holy_a ghost_n be_v not_o only_o universal_a but_o also_o final_a for_o 1._o it_o be_v impossible_a to_o renew_v they_o again_o unto_o repentance_n heb._n 6._o 4_o 5_o 6._o and_o they_o that_o so_o fall_v as_o to_o fall_v beyond_o the_o possibility_n of_o rise_v again_o by_o repentance_n must_v needs_o fall_v final_o 2._o there_o remain_v no_o possibility_n of_o pardon_n to_o such_o he_o that_o shall_v blaspheme_v against_o the_o holy_a ghost_n have_v never_o forgiveness_n but_o be_v in_o danger_n of_o eternal_a damnation_n mark_n 3._o 29._o luk._n 12._o 10._o if_o we_o sin_v wilful_o after_o we_o have_v receive_v the_o knowledge_n of_o the_o truth_n there_o remain_v no_o more_o sacrifice_n for_o sin_n heb._n 10._o 26._o and_o where_o there_o be_v no_o place_n for_o pardon_n that_o be_v final_a offence_n 3._o death_n eternal_a be_v the_o certain_a and_o inevitable_a reward_n and_o event_n of_o this_o sin_n see_v 1_o john_n 5._o 16._o mark_n 3._o 29._o heb._n 10._o 27._o thus_o this_o fall_v away_o be_v not_o only_o universal_a but_o final_a 3._o a_o wilful_a and_o malicious_a apoctasy_n viz._n not_o apostasy_n or_o fall_v away_o through_o mere_a ignorance_n inconsiderateness_n or_o infirmity_n against_o the_o deliberate_a resolution_n and_o habitual_a disposition_n of_o heart_n and_o will_n or_o through_o violent_a push_n of_o temptation_n which_o may_v be_v incident_a even_o to_o the_o best_a of_o saint_n but_o a_o obstinate_a fall_v away_o out_o of_o a_o man_n own_o free_a spontaneous_a election_n against_o knowledge_n and_o conscience_n out_o of_o a_o malicious_a wilfulness_n of_o spirit_n fix_o and_o peremptory_o resolve_v to_o cast_v off_o the_o truth_n and_o way_n of_o god_n whatever_o god_n or_o man_n shall_v say_v or_o do_v to_o the_o contrary_n such_o be_v their_o apostasy_n that_o sin_n against_o th●…_n holy_a ghost_n as_o these_o word_n intimate_v for_o if_o we_o sin_v wilful_o after_o that_o we_o have_v receive_v the_o knowledge_n of_o the_o truth_n there_o remain_v no_o more_o sacrifice_n for_o sin_n heb._n 10._o 26._o the_o word_n 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d translate_v sin_v wilfu_o imply_v thus_o much_o in_o the_o judgement_n of_o learned_a man_n here_o say_v 26._o pareus_n he_o understand_v not_o every_o sin_n but_o secession_n from_o the_o church_n nor_o every_o secession_n out_o of_o infirmity_n fear_n or_o ignorance_n but_o that_o which_o be_v do_v wilful_o and_o philosopher_n tell_v we_o those_o thing_n be_v do_v wilful_o which_o be_v do_v neither_o through_o violence_n nor_o ignorance_n but_o by_o the_o spontaneous_a motion_n of_o the_o will_n he_o understand_v therefore_o a_o defection_n not_o extort_a by_o tyrant_n through_o violence_n or_o admit_v through_o fear_n or_o ignorance_n because_o he_o present_o add_v after_o we_o have_v receive_v the_o knowledge_n of_o the_o truth_n but_o wilful_o i._n e._n malicious_o commit_v by_o deliberate_a will_n and_o counsel_n so_o he_o to_o the_o like_a purpose_n also_o that_o learned_a 26._o beza_n expound_v this_o word_n this_o word_n 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d ultroneous_o be_v say_v of_o they_o who_o do_v any_o thing_n without_o any_o cause_n or_o show_v of_o cause_n therefore_o it_o agree_v to_o they_o not_o who_o simple_o sin_n know_o for_o then_o farewell_n david_n and_o peter_n and_o by_o this_o reason_n who_o shall_v not_o be_v a_o hundred_o thousand_o time_n mancipate_v to_o eternal_a death_n but_o to_o they_o who_o profess_o and_o universal_o depart_v from_o christ_n be_v delight_v in_o impiety_n and_o make_v war_n against_o the_o know_a truth_n as_o do_v saul_n julian_n the_o apostate_n arius_n and_o other_o of_o execrable_a memory_n thus_o their_o fall_v away_o be_v wilful_a i._n e._n not_o only_o commit_v with_o knowledge_n but_o also_o with_o free_a consent_n obstinacy_n yea_o and_o maliciousness_n of_o will_n and_o this_o interpretation_n be_v the_o more_o confirm_v by_o the_o apostle_n subsequent_a expression_n of_o tread_v under_o foot_n the_o son_n of_o god_n of_o count_v the_o blood_n of_o the_o covenant_n a_o unholy_a thing_n and_o of_o do_v despite_n to_o the_o spirit_n of_o grace_n vers_fw-la 29._o in_o the_o forehead_n of_o which_o action_n malice_n be_v engrave_v in_o capital_a letter_n thus_o this_o fall_v away_o be_v not_o only_o universal_a and_o final_a but_o also_o wilful_a and_o malicious_a these_o three_o property_n of_o this_o grand_a apostasy_n viz._n 1._o universalnesse_n 2._o finalnesse_n and_o 3._o maliciousness_n must_v be_v take_v conjunctim_fw-la non_fw-la divisim_fw-la joint_o altogether_o not_o dis-joynt_o or_o several_o one_o from_o another_o if_o by_o they_o we_o will_v describe_v the_o sin_n against_o the_o holy_a ghost_n and_o right_o understand_v the_o scripture_n about_o it_o for_o its_o possible_a that_o man_n may_v fall_v total_o and_o final_o and_o yet_o not_o commit_v this_o sin_n against_o the_o holy_a
christ_n matth._n 26._o last_o john_n 21._o 15_o etc._n etc._n paul_n deliver_v from_o his_o body_n of_o death_n by_o jesus_n christ_n his_o lord_n rom._n 7._o 24_o 25._o 3._o beside_o sin_v against_o knowledge_n and_o illumination_n divers_a other_o sinful_a poison_n be_v complicate_v and_o contain_v in_o the_o sin_n against_o the_o h._n ghost_n heb._n 6._o 4_o 5_o 6._o 10._o 26_o 29._o matth._n 12._o 31._o 4._o not_o every_o sin_v against_o the_o truth_n of_o christ_n and_o the_o gospel_n be_v the_o sin_n against_o the_o holy_a ghost_n for_o 1_o those_o that_o know_v most_o of_o the_o truth_n of_o christ_n in_o this_o world_n know_v but_o in_o part_n see_v but_o as_o through_o a_o glass_n dark_o 1_o cor._n 13._o 9_o 12._o and_o therefore_o they_o may_v possible_o err_v from_o the_o truth_n in_o some_o thing_n 2._o divers_a have_v sin_v against_o the_o truth_n yea_o sometime_o against_o fundamental_o and_o yet_o be_v not_o challenge_v to_o have_v sin_v against_o the_o holy_a ghost_n but_o be_v account_v as_o of_o the_o visible_a church_n as_o those_o in_o the_o church_n of_o corinth_n that_o deny_v the_o resurrection_n 1_o cor._n 15._o 12._o and_o those_o in_o the_o church_n of_o porgamus_fw-la that_o hold_v the_o doctrine_n of_o balaam_n and_o the_o doctrine_n of_o the_o nicolaitane_n yet_o be_v not_o count_v hopeless_a but_o invite_v to_o repent_v of_o these_o damnable_a opinion_n rev._n 2._o 14_o 15_o 16._o the_o church_n of_o galatia_n be_v fearful_o taint_v with_o that_o dangerous_a error_n of_o the_o necessity_n of_o the_o work_n of_o the_o law_n to_o justification_n as_o well_o as_o of_o faith_n which_o give_v occasion_n to_o paul_n of_o write_v that_o excellent_a epistle_n to_o the_o galatian_n see_v gal._n 1._o 6_o etc._n etc._n 2._o 16._o etc._n etc._n 3._o 1_o etc._n etc._n yea_o the_o very_a apostle_n themselves_o have_v a_o erroneous_a opinion_n about_o christ_n temporal_a kingdom_n and_o that_o till_o after_o his_o resurrection_n act._n 1._o 6._o 3._o erroneous_a person_n be_v call_v to_o repentance_n rev._n 2._o 16._o and_o minister_n be_v direct_v to_o instruct_v with_o meekness_n those_o that_o oppose_v themselves_o if_o god_n peradventure_o will_v give_v they_o repentance_n to_o the_o acknowledge_v of_o the_o truth_n 2_o tim._n 2._o 24_o 25_o 26._o 5._o not_o every_o sin_v against_o the_o gracious_a motion_n strive_n and_o operation_n of_o the_o holy_a ghost_n be_v this_o peculiar_a sin_n against_o the_o holy_a ghost_n here_o speak_v of_o for_o 1._o it_o be_v possible_a that_o man_n may_v thus_o sin_n and_o sometime_o with_o a_o high_a hand_n and_o yet_o not_o be_v charge_v by_o the_o scripture_n with_o sin_v against_o the_o holy_a ghost_n the_o proto-martyr_n st●…phen_n thus_o challenge_v his_o hearer_n you_o stiffnecked_a and_o uncircumeise_v in_o heart_n a●…e_a ear_n you_o do_v always_o resist_v the_o holi_fw-la ghost_n as_o your_o father_n do_v so_o do_v you_o which_o of_o the_o prophet_n have_v not_o your_o father_n persecute_v etc._n etc._n act_v 7._o 51_o 52._o they_o be_v charge_v with_o always_o resist_v the_o holy_a ghost_n a_o heavy_a charge_n a_o heinous_a sin_n doubtless_o but_o yet_o be_v not_o charge_v with_o that_o sin_n against_o the_o holy_a ghost_n 2._o all_o carnal_a man_n in_o the_o visible_a church_n while_o carn●…l_o still_o resist_v the_o holy_a ghost_n in_o his_o gospel_n ministry_n often_o quench_v his_o conu●…ctions_n motion_n and_o holy_a suggestion_n to_o their_o soul_n yet_o it_o will_v be_v a_o hard_a and_o false_a sentence_n to_o say_v all_o such_o sin_n the_o sin_n against_o the_o holy_a ghost_n here_o intend_v possible_o they_o may_v do_v it_o in_o ignorance_n and_o afterward_o come_v to_o repentance_n saul_n while_o a_o carnal_a pharisee_fw-mi be_v a_o blasphemer_n 1_o tim._n 1._o 13._o and_o compel_v the_o saint_n to_o blaspheme_v and_o be_v exceed_o mad_a agaiast_n they_o persecute_v they_o to_o strange_a city_n act_n 26._o 10_o 11._o he_o so_o far_o withstand_v the_o spirit_n ministry_n and_o tender_v of_o grace_n that_o he_o persecute_v it_o to_o the_o death_n yet_o all_o this_o he_o do_v ignorant_o repent_v of_o it_o and_o obtain_v mercy_n 1_o tim._n 1._o 13_o 16._o which_o can_v not_o have_v be_v if_o in_o this_o height_n of_o his_o wickedness_n he_o have_v sin_v this_o grand_a sin_n against_o ●…he_n holy_a ghost_n 3._o who_o know_v not_o but_o even_o the_o dear_a child_n of_o god_n be_v in_o danger_n in_o some_o measure_n of_o sin_v against_o the_o spirit_n of_o god_n by_o grieve_v he_o and_o quench_v he_o hence_o the_o apostle_n so_o caution_n they_o quench_v not_o the_o spirit_n 1_o thes._n 5._o 19_o and_o grieve_v not_o the_o holy_a spirit_n of_o god_n whereby_o you_o be_v seal_v unto_o the_o day_n of_o redemption_n eph._n 4._o 30._o yea_o actual_o some_o have_v quench_v the_o spirit_n in_o some_o measure_n as_o the_o angel_n of_o ephesus_n have_v leave_v his_o first_o love_n etc._n etc._n rev._n 2._o 4_o 5._o as_o david_n who_o therefore_o pray_v restore_v unto_o i_o the_o joy_n of_o thy_o salvation_n and_o establish_v i_o with_o thy_o free_a spirit_n psal._n 51._o 12._o 6._o not_o every_o sin_v against_o grace_n receive_v be_v present_o the_o sin_n against_o the_o holy_a ghost_n for_o 1._o the_o most_o heavenly_a and_o gracious_a soul_n be_v daily_o perplex_v with_o inseparable_a and_o invincible_a infirmity_n as_o doubt_n fear_n distract_n thought_n distemper_a passion_n etc._n etc._n 2._o they_o may_v too_o often_o quench_v the_o spirit_n 1_o thes._n 5._o 19_o and_o grieve_v he_o eph._n 4._o 29_o 30._o by_o suppress_v his_o good_a motion_n sacred_a stir_n and_o strive_n in_o their_o heart_n 3._o they_o may_v gradual_o decay_v and_o decline_v in_o their_o grace_n and_o gracious_a affection_n to_o god_n and_o jesus_n christ_n though_o this_o be_v very_o sad_a and_o dangerous_a rev._n 2._o 5._o and_o yet_o not_o be_v utter_o cast_v out_o of_o christ_n affection_n the_o angel_n of_o ephesus_n have_v leave_v his_o first_o love_n and_o first_o work_n though_o otherwise_o much_o commend_v and_o approve_v by_o christ_n rev._n 2._o 1_o to_o 8._o 4._o they_o may_v gross_o fall_v and_o even_o break_v their_o bone_n by_o fall_v which_o be_v much_o to_o be_v lament_v yet_o not_o quite_o fall_v away_o as_o noah_n to_o drunkenness_n gen._n 9_o 21._o lot_z to_o incest_n gen._n 19_o 33_o etc._n etc._n david_n to_o murder_n and_o uncleanness_n 2_o sam_n 11._o with_o psal._n 51._o 4._o augustine_n intimate_v some_o be_v of_o opinion_n that_o such_o fall_n be_v the_o sin_n against_o the_o holy_a ghost_n which_o opinion_n he_o just_o reject_v because_o in_o such_o case_n the_o door_n of_o repentance_n be_v not_o quite_o shut_v 5._o yea_o it_o be_v possible_a that_o those_o who_o be_v bear_v of_o god_n and_o be_v keep_v from_o sin_v this_o sin_n unto_o death_n may_v yet_o relapse_n again_o and_o again_o lapse_n be_v dangerous_a relapse_n double_v dangerous_a to_o break_v a_o bone_n be_v hazardous_a but_o to_o break_v it_o again_o in_o the_o same_o place_n be_v extreme_o perilous_a yet_o even_o repeat_v and_o reiterated_a sin_n may_v find_v pardon_n upon_o repentance_n jacob_n twice_o tell_v a_o lie_n for_o compass_v of_o the_o blessing_n gen._n 27._o 19_o 21._o lot_z twice_o make_v drunken_a commit_v incest_n with_o both_o his_o daughter_n gen._n 19_o peter_n thrice_o deny_v his_o master_n and_o every_o time_n worse_o than_o other_o matth._n 26._o these_o be_v record_v to_o caution_n they_o that_o stand_v that_o they_o fall_v not_o and_o to_o comfort_v they_o that_o have_v relapse_v that_o they_o despair_v not_o 7._o not_o every_o malicious_a oppose_a and_o persecute_v of_o the_o church_n and_o way_n of_o christ_n though_o this_o be_v a_o high_a pitch_n of_o wickedness_n be_v the_o sin_n against_o the_o holy_a ghost_n for_o 1._o we_o have_v two_o eminent_a instance_n in_o the_o new_a testament_n to_o the_o contrary_n saul_n consent_v to_o stephen_n death_n act._n 8._o 1._o breathe_a ●…ut_n threaten_n and_o slaughter_n against_o the_o disciple_n of_o the_o lord_n act._n 9_o 1_o etc._n etc._n when_o they_o be_v put_v to_o death_n he_o give_v his_o voice_n against_o they_o and_o punish_v they_o oft_o in_o every_o synagogue_n and_o compel_v they_o to_o blaspheme_v and_o be_v exceed_o mad_a against_o they_o persecute_v they_o even_o unto_o strange_a city_n act._n 26._o 10_o 11._o and_o yet_o the_o lord_n have_v mercy_n on_o he_o 1_o tim._n 1._o 13_o 16._o yea_o he_o have_v such_o mercy_n on_o he_o as_o to_o convert_v and_o save_v he_o when_o he_o be_v in_o his_o course_n of_o subvert_v and_o destroy_v his_o church_n act._n 9_o 1_o 2_o 3_o etc._n etc._n and_o 26._o 12_o 13._o behold_v here_o a_o wonder_n of_o mercy_n and_o yet_o here_o be_v a_o great_a wonder_n the_o persecutor_n and_o
murderer_n of_o jesus_n christ_n himself_o find_v mercy_n and_o be_v convert_v act._n 2._o 36_o etc._n etc._n let_v heaven_n and_o earth_n man_n and_o angel_n adore_v this_o mercy_n he_o pity_v he_o that_o be_v cruel_a to_o his_o saint_n yea_o he_o pardon_v they_o that_o crucify_v himself_o who_o will_v despair_v when_o christ_n open_v to_o such_o a_o door_n of_o hope_n who_o will_v presume_v to_o sin_n and_o spurn_v against_o such_o bowel_n of_o commiseration_n 2._o such_o sin_n may_v be_v commit_v by_o they_o that_o have_v not_o be_v evangelical_o illuminate_v paul_n obtain_v mercy_n because_o he_o do_v it_o ignorant_o 1_o tim._n 1._o 13._o and_o have_v they_o know_v they_o will_v not_o have_v crucify_v the_o lord_n of_o glory_n 1_o cor._n 2._o 7_o 8_o 9_o and_o proper_o the_o sin_n against_o the_o holy_a ghost_n be_v not_o commit_v till_o after_o the_o gospel_n illumination_n heb._n 6._o 3._o such_o delinquent_n sometime_o find_v mercy_n that_o christ_n may_v make_v they_o precedent_n for_o mercy_n to_o all_o that_o after_o shall_v believe_v 1_o tim._n 1._o 16._o none_o of_o all_o these_o be_v this_o sin_n against_o the_o holy_a ghost_n which_o we_o seek_v after_o yet_o be_v we_o not_o therefore_o to_o embolden_v ourselves_o in_o they_o though_o treason_n bring_v the_o most_o shameful_a and_o cruel_a death_n yet_o felony_n be_v capital_a and_o the_o easy_a death_n be_v a_o heavy_a punishment_n and_o though_o none_o of_o these_o sin_n be_v that_o sin_n of_o sin_n which_o exclude_v all_o hope_n of_o salvation_n yet_o every_o one_o even_o the_o least_o of_o they_o be_v such_o sin_n as_o in_o their_o own_o nature_n deserve_v damnation_n rom._n 6._o 23._o consider_v this_o thou_o tremble_a christian_a thou_o think_v thou_o have_v sin_v against_o the_o holy_a ghost_n nay_o stay_v the_o lord_n have_v thus_o far_o keep_v thou_o from_o many_o of_o these_o recite_v evil_n and_o questionless_a the_o sin_n against_o the_o holy_a ghost_n be_v far_o beyond_o they_o all_o but_o what_o be_v it_o see_v thus_o far_o we_o see_v what_o it_o be_v not_o ii_o by_o way_n of_o position_n or_o affirmation_n consider_v now_o what_o it_o be_v the_o sin_n against_o the_o holy_a ghost_n be_v not_o a_o single_a but_o a_o compound_a wickedness_n temper_v and_o make_v up_o of_o many_o deadly_a poison_n whereby_o it_o become_v extreme_o damnable_a there_o be_v a_o concurrence_n and_o complication_n of_o many_o pernicious_a disease_n in_o it_o which_o make_v it_o out_o of_o measure_n deadly_a there_o be_v some_o special_a scripture_n that_o peculiar_o delineate_v the_o nature_n of_o this_o horrid_a sin_n unto_o we_o viz._n these_o that_o follow_v for_o it_o be_v impossible_a for_o those_o which_o be_v once_o enlighten_v and_o have_v taste_v of_o the_o heavenly_a gift_n and_o be_v make_v partaker_n of_o the_o holy_a ghost_n ●…d_v have_v taste_v the_o good_a word_n of_o god_n and_o though_o power_n of_o the_o world_n to_o come_v if_o they_o shall_v fall_v away_o to_o renew_v they_o again_o unto_o repentance_n see_v they_o crucify_v to_o themselves_o the_o son_n of_o god_n afresh_o and_o put_v he_o to_o a_o open_a shame_n heb._n 6._o 4_o 5_o 6._o and_o afterward_o in_o the_o same_o epistle_n it_o be_v say_v not_o forsake_v the_o assemble_v of_o ourselves_o together_o as_o the_o manner_n of_o some_o be_v for_o if_o we_o sin_v wilful_o after_o that_o we_o have_v receive_v the_o knowledge_n of_o the_o truth_n there_o remain●…th_v no_o more_o sacrifice_n for_o sin_n but_o a_o certain_a fearful_a look_v for_o of_o judgement_n and_o fiery_a indignation_n which_o shall_v devour_v the_o adversary_n he_o that_o despise_a moses_n law_n die_v without_o mercy_n under_o two_o or_o three_o witness_n of_o how_o much_o sore_a punishment_n suppose_v you_o shall_v he_o be_v think_v worthy_a who_o have_v tread_v under_o foot_n the_o son_n of_o god_n and_o have_v count_v the_o blood_n of_o the_o covenant_n wherewith_o he_o be_v sanctify_v a_o unholy_a thing_n and_o have_v do_v despite_n unto_o the_o spirit_n of_o grace_n heb._n 10._o 25_o 26_o 27_o 28_o 29._o the_o apostle_n john_n also_o say_v if_o any_o man_n see_v his_o brother_n sin_n a_o sin_n which_o be_v not_o unto_o death_n he_o shall_v ask_v and_o he_o shall_v give_v he_o life_n for_o they_o that_o sin_n not_o unto_o death_n there_o be_v a_o sin_n unto_o death_n i_o do_v not_o say_v that_o he_o shall_v pray_v for_o it_o all_o unrighteousness_n be_v sin_n and_o there_o be_v a_o sin_n not_o unto_o death_n we_o know_v that_o whosoever_o be_v bear_v of_o god_n sin_v not_o but_o he_o that_o be_v beget_v of_o god_n keep_v himself_o and_o that_o wicked_a one_o touch_v he_o not_o 1_o john_n 5._o 16_o 17_o 18._o our_o bless_a saviour_n have_v heal_v one_o possess_v of_o a_o devil_n blind_a and_o dumb_a the_o pharisee_n malicious_o revile_v he_o and_o say_v this_o fellow_n do_v not_o cast_v out_o devil_n but_o by_o beelzebub_n the_o prince_n of_o the_o devil_n and_o jesus_n know_v their_o thought_n and_o say_v unto_o they_o every_o kingdom_n divide_v against_o itself_o be_v bring_v to_o desolation_n wherefore_o i_o say_v unto_o you_o all_o manner_n of_o sin_n and_o blasphemy_n shall_v be_v forgive_v unto_o man_n but_o the_o blasphemy_n against_o the_o holy_a ghost_n shall_v not_o be_v forgive_v unto_o man_n and_o whosoever_o speak_v a_o word_n against_o the_o son_n of_o man_n it_o shall_v be_v fergve_v he_o but_o whosoever_o speak_v against_o the_o holy_a ghost_n it_o shall_v not_o be_v forgive_v he_o neither_o in_o this_o world_n neither_o in_o the_o world_n to_o come_v matth._n 12._o 22_o 24_o 25_o 31_o 32._o compare_v herewith_o mark._n 3._o 22_o 28_o 29._o who_o add_v this_o as_o a_o express_a reason_n because_o they_o say_v he_o have_v a_o unclean_a spirit_n ver_fw-la 30._o and_o luk._n 12._o 10._o the_o sin_n against_o which_o our_o saviour_n thus_o severe_o speak_v in_o these_o three_o evangelist_n be_v without_o doubt_n that_o notorious_a sin_n against_o the_o holy_a ghost_n 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d most_o strict_o and_o proper_o so_o call_v for_o 1._o it_o be_v denominate_v blasphemy_n against_o the_o holy_a ghost_n and_o 2._o be_v by_o christ_n declare_v to_o be_v that_o one_o only_o unpardonable_a sin_n that_o sin_n also_o against_o which_o the_o author_n of_o the_o epistle_n to_o the_o hebrew_n and_o john_n in_o the_o three_o forecited_n text_n speak_v must_v needs_o be_v grant_v to_o be_v the_o same_o sin_n against_o the_o holy_a ghost_n in_o as_o much_o as_o it_o be_v in_o all_o the_o three_o place_n lay_v down_o as_o a_o dreadful_a and_o unpardonable_a sin_n of_o which_o its_o impossible_a to_o repent_v heb._n 6._o 4._o 5._o 6._o for_o which_o there_o remain_v no_o more_o sacrifice_n heb._n 10._o 25._o 26._o and_o for_o pardon_v whereof_o we_o must_v not_o pray_v 1_o john_n 5._o 16._o so_o that_o all_o these_o text_n speak_v so_o full_o and_o evident_o of_o the_o sin_n against_o the_o holy_a ghost_n we_o may_v from_o they_o all_o consider_v together_o draw_v this_o description_n of_o that_o horrid_a sin_n against_o the_o holy_a ghost_n most_o proper_o and_o strict_o so_o call_v viz._n the_o sin_n against_o the_o holy_a ghost_n be_v a_o universal_a final_a and_o wilful_a fall_v away_o of_o hypocritical_a professor_n from_o the_o truth_n and_o common_a grace_n of_o the_o holy_a ghost_n once_o receive_v and_o profess_v to_o the_o blasphemous_a despit_v of_o the_o spirit_n of_o grace_n horrid_a contempt_n and_o malice_n against_o the_o son_n of_o god_n and_o violent_a persecution_n of_o the_o way_n of_o christianity_n this_o description_n of_o the_o sin_n against_o the_o holy_a ghost_n be_v so_o clear_o ground_v upon_o the_o former_a scripture_n that_o much_o need_v not_o be_v say_v for_o evince_v thereof_o '_o only_a for_o unfolding_a the_o nature_n of_o this_o sin_n consider_v in_o this_o description_n these_o ensue_a particular_n viz._n 1._o the_o general_a nature_n of_o it_o a_o fall_v away_o 2._o the_o more_o special_a nature_n of_o it_o whereby_o it_o be_v difference_v or_o distinguish_v from_o other_o sin_n viz._n by_o 1._o the_o peculiar_a subject_n of_o it_o hypocritical_a professor_n 2._o the_o property_n of_o this_o fall_v away_o which_o be_v three_o it_o be_v 1._o universal_a 2._o ●…ll_n 3._o wilful_a 5._o the_o termini_fw-la of_o term_n of_o this_o apostasy_n or_o fall_v away_o which_o be_v 2._o viz._n 1._o terminus_n à_fw-fr quo._n the_o term_n from_o w●…_n or_o the_o good_a from_o which_o he_o fall_v viz._n 1._o truth_n 2._o common_a grace_n of_o the_o holy_a ghost_n once_o receive_v &_o profess_v 2._o terminus_n ad_fw-la qu●…_n the_o term_n to_o which_o or_o the_o evil_n to_o which_o he_o backslide_v which_o be_v 3_o fold_n viz._n to_o 1._o blasphemous_a despit_v of_o the_o spirit_n of_o
ghost_n unless_o also_o they_o fall_v malicious_o excellent_o that_o learned_a 6._o d._n paraeus_n express_v himself_o to_o this_o point_n wherewith_o i_o shall_v close_v up_o this_o branch_n we_o must_v note_v that_o there_o be_v divers_a degree_n of_o fall_v and_o as_o it_o be_v four_o kind_n 1_o partial_a fall_n into_o some_o error_n or_o some_o sin_n as_o many_o father_n irenaeus_n lactantius_n etc._n etc._n fall_v into_o the_o heresy_n of_o the_o chiliast_n david_n fall_v into_o murder_n and_o adultery_n of_o these_o the_o apostle_n speak_v not_o it_o be_v not_o impossible_a to_o repent_v of_o these_o 2._o a_o total_a fall_n or_o renounce_v of_o the_o whole_a christian_a faith_n but_o through_o infirmity_n and_o therefore_o not_o final_a as_o peter_n by_o deny_v christ_n seem_v to_o fall_v total_o but_o he_o repeneed_a with_o tear_n so_o marcellinus_n fall_v through_o infirmity_n to_o idolatry_n and_o many_o other_o christian_n under_o persecution_n but_o afterward_o repent_v and_o when_o novatus_n understand_v this_o say_n of_o such_o viz._n heb._n 6._o 4_o 5_o 6._o he_o err_v and_o the_o event_n evidence_v that_o it_o be_v ill_o wrest_v against_o they_o nor_o be_v it_o impossible_a for_o peter_n marcellinus_n and_o other_o lapse_v true_o to_o repent_v as_o cyprian_a oratione_fw-la de_fw-fr lapsis_fw-la and_o history_n do_v testify_v 3._o a_o total_a and_o final_a fall_n but_o not_o malicious_a i._n e._n not_o do_v of_o purpose_a malice_n but_o from_o other_o cause_n which_o christ_n adumbrate_v in_o his_o parable_n of_o the_o seed_n fall_v on_o rocky_a and_o thorny_a ground_n matth._n 13._o some_o be_v deter_v by_o persecution_n other_o be_v withdraw_v from_o religion_n by_o hope_n of_o honour_n pleasure_n and_o th●…_n care_v of_o this_o life_n and_o that_o final_o yet_o without_o blasphemy_n and_o persecution_n rather_o through_o a_o kind_n of_o security_n and_o sluggushnesse_n so_o divers_a depart_v from_o christ_n and_o walk_v no_o more_o with_o he_o be_v offend_v at_o his_o sermon_n about_o eat_v his_o flesh_n joh._n 6._o proper_o the_o apostle_n do_v not_o speak_v of_o these_o because_o though_o these_o be_v not_o renew_v by_o repentance_n yet_o be_v it_o not_o impossible_a for_o they_o to_o be_v renew_v and_o sometime_o god_n give_v these_o grace_n to_o return_v into_o the_o way_n 4._o a_o total_a final_a and_o malicious_a fal_n away_o a_o defection_n from_o the_o truth_n certain_o acknowledge_v not_o through_o fear_n or_o infirmity_n but_o of_o purpose_a malice_n and_o counsel_n join_v with_o the_o final_a hatred_n blasphemy_n and_o persecution_n thereof_o as_o we_o read_v julian_n the_o apostate_n lucian_n and_o porphyry_n to_o have_v fall_v and_o as_o many_o other_o apostate_n to_o this_o day_n have_v fall_v this_o fall_v be_v that_o which_o christ_n call_v the_o sin_n against_o the_o holy_a ghost_n john_n the_o sin_n to_o death_n for_o which_o we_o be_v not_o to_o pray_v because_o it_o be_v irremissible_a thus_o he_o and_o thus_o much_o touch_v the_o three_o property_n of_o this_o sin_n against_o the_o holy_a ghost_n this_o dreadful_a apostasy_n which_o be_v 1._o universal_a 2._o final_a and_o 3._o malicious_n iii_o the_o termini_fw-la i_o e._n the_o term_n of_o this_o apostasy_n or_o fall_v away_o lay_v down_o in_o this_o description_n be_v of_o two_o sort_n viz._n 1._o the_o term_n from_o waich_a they_o fall_v and_o 2._o the_o term_n to_o which_o they_o fall_v that_o denote_v what_o good_a they_o forsake_v this_o what_o evil_a they_o embrace_v 1._o the_o terminus_n à_fw-la quo_fw-la or_o term_n from_o which_o they_o fall_v denote_v the_o good_a they_o cast_v off_o viz._n the_o truth_n and_o common_a grace_n once_o receive_v and_o profess_v they_o fall_v both_o from_o the_o profession_n and_o approbation_n of_o the_o whole_a truth_n and_o all_o grace_n receive_v heb._n 6._o 1_o to_o 7._o compare_v with_o heb._n 10._o 26._o this_o have_v be_v sufficient_o clear_v before_o especial_o in_o open_v the_o first_o property_n of_o this_o apostasy_n viz._n universality_n of_o it_o 2._o the_o terminus_n ad_fw-la quem_fw-la or_o the_o term_n to_o which_o they_o fall_v contain_v the_o evil_a which_o they_o embrace_v and_o practice_v who_o sin_n against_o the_o holy_a ghost_n which_o be_v chief_o threefold_a ●…d_v all_o extreme_o wicked_a and_o desperate_a 〈◊〉_d blasphemous_a despit_v of_o the_o spirit_n of_o grace_n 〈◊〉_d horrid_a contempt_n and_o malice_n against_o the_o ●…nne_n of_o god_n and_o 3._o violent_a persecution_n of_o the_o way_n of_o christianity_n 1._o blasphemous_a despit_v of_o the_o spirit_n of_o grace_n this_o be_v one_o extremity_n to_o which_o such_o apostate_n fall_v hence_o our_o bless_a saviour_n call_v it_o a_o speak_n against_o the_o holy_a ghost_n and_o the_o blas●…hemy_n against_o the_o holy_a ghosh_n matth._n 12._o 31_o 32._o the_o apostle_n call_v it_o do_v despite_n unto_o the_o spirit_n of_o grace_n heb._n 10._o 29._o blaspheme_v and_o d●…spiting_v for_o substance_n come_v much_o to_o one_o see_v these_o term_n former_o open_v in_o the_o name_n give_v to_o this_o sin_n p._n 63_o 64._o so_o that_o i_o put_v they_o both_o together_o it_o be_v a_o blasphe●…s_v despiting_a or_o a_o despiting_a blasphemy_n of_o the_o spirit_n of_o grace_n oh_o how_o much_o malice_n and_o rankle_a venom_n be_v couch_v in_o this_o sin_n to_o blaspheme_v man_n be_v sinful_a what_o be_v it_o then_o to_o blaspheme_v the_o great_a god_n of_o heaven_n and_o earth_n what_o to_o despite_n that_o holy_a spirit_n by_o who_o if_o ever_o we_o must_v be_v illuminate_v clear_o santify_v gracious_o and_o comfort_v sweet_o 2._o horrid_a contempt_n and_o malice_n against_o the_o son_n of_o god_n the_o spirit_n of_o grace_n be_v the_o spirit_n of_o christ_n communicate_v from_o christ_n the_o head_n to_o his_o whole_a mystical_a body_n and_o all_o his_o true_a member_n see_v rom._n 8._o 2_o 9_o 2_o cor._n 〈◊〉_d 17_o 18._o therefore_o this_o sweet_a spirit_n of_o grace_n can_v be_v thus_o villainous_o blaspheme_v and_o reproachful_o vilify_v but_o therein_o also_o jesus_n christ_n who_o send_v forth_o this_o spirit_n of_o grace_n must_v needs_o be_v blaspheme_v and_o most_o intolerable_o debase_v now_o this_o grand_a contempt_n and_o indignity_n which_o they_o that_o sin_n against_o the_o holy_a ghost_n cast_v upon_o jesus_n christ_n be_v set_v forth_o in_o four_o most_o pathetic_a expression_n in_o scripture_n viz._n 1._o they_o crucify_v to_o themselves_o the_o son_n of_o god_n afresh_o heb._n 6._o 6._o what_o be_v it_o to_o crucify_v the_o son_n of_o god_n afresh_o answ._n to_o commit_v such_o a_o sin_n as_o do_v judas_n pilate_n the_o jew_n the_o soldier_n in_o betray_v and_o murder_v of_o jesus_n christ_n the_o lord_n of_o glory_n and_o this_o by_o a_o painful_a shameful_a and_o curse_a kind_n of_o death_n to_o murder_v a_o son_n of_o man_n be_v so_o dreadful_a a_o sin_n that_o it_o cry_v to_o god_n for_o vengeance_n gen._n 4._o 10._o what_o be_v it_o then_o to_o murder_v the_o son_n of_o god_n what_o to_o crusify_v he_o which_o be_v a_o double_a murder_n yet_o this_o do_v all_o apostate_n that_o sin_n against_o the_o holy_a ghost_n by_o deny_v the_o son_n of_o god_n which_o be_v once_o crucify_v for_o our_o sin_n they_o will_v not_o be_v save_v by_o his_o death_n they_o count_v it_o invalid_a insufficient_a accept_v it_o not_o but_o reject_v it_o etc._n etc._n and_o therefore_o for_o they_o christ_n must_v be_v crucify_v a_o second_o time_n which_o be_v impossible_a for_o christ_n die_v no_o more_o if_o ever_o they_o be_v save_v there_o be_v no_o salvation_n or_o redemption_n but_o by_o he_o and_o his_o blood_n act._n 4._o 12._o heb._n 9_o 22._o but_o what_o be_v it_o to_o crucify_v the_o son_n of_o god_n to_o themselves_o answ._n 6._o crucifigunt_fw-la in_o ipsis_fw-la i_o e._n quantum_fw-la in_o ipsis_fw-la est_fw-la that_o be_v as_o much_o as_o in_o they_o lie_v though_o they_o do_v not_o actual_o crucify_v christ_n as_o once_o the_o jew_n and_o soldier_n do_v yet_o they_o will_v be_v it_o possible_a even_o dethrone_v he_o and_o pluck_v he_o from_o his_o father_n right_a hand_n and_o destroy_v he_o as_o once_o the_o jew_n do_v for_o a_o impostor_n a_o seducer_n a_o blasphemer_n and_o a_o seditious_a person_n their_o malice_n be_v such_o against_o he_o that_o be_v it_o possible_a they_o will_v do_v all_o this_o unto_o he_o according_a to_o that_o know_a maxim_n ordinis_fw-la every_o apostate_n be_v a_o hater_n and_o persecutor_n of_o his_o own_o order_n 2._o they_o put_v he_o to_o a_o open_a shame_n heb._n 6._o 6._o the_o greek_a word_n here_o 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d proper_o signify_v to_o diffame_v or_o to_o expose_v to_o ignominy_n or_o to_o make_v one_o a_o public_a example_n or_o infamous_a example_n thus_o it_o be_v say_v of_o joseph_n in_o reference_n to_o mary_n he_o
4._o 21._o sign_n of_o true_a brotherly_a love_n see_v in_o cap._n ii_o p._n 168_o to_o 173._o and_o chap._n 8._o throughout_o chap._n vi_o evidence_n or_o sign_n of_o our_o true_a love_n to_o god_n and_o to_o jesus_n christ._n i._o first_o our_o true_a love_n to_o god_n flow_v from_o god_n love_n to_o we_o love_n breed_v i._o love_n as_o natural_o as_o light_n breed_v light_a and_o fire_n breed_v fire_n we_o love_v he_o because_o he_o first_o love_v we_o 1_o john_n 4._o 19_o 1358._o all_o equity_n say_v bernard_n dictate_v that_o the_o belove_v shall_v love_v the_o lover_n have_v not_o god_n first_o love_v we_o we_o shall_v never_o have_v love_v he_o be_v natural_o god-hater_n rom._n 1._o 30._o and_o 8._o 7._o but_o when_o once_o god_n please_v to_o shed_v abroad_o his_o love_n in_o our_o heart_n rom._n 5._o 5._o give_v we_o some_o sense_n or_o taste_v of_o his_o love_n to_o we_o viz._n of_o his_o elect_v love_n rom._n 9_o 13._o col._n 3._o 12_o antverp_n of_o his_o redeem_v love_n gal._n 2._o 20._o rev._n 1._o 5._o of_o his_o regenerate_a love_n tit._n 3._o 4_o 5_o 6._o of_o his_o adopt_v love_n 1_o john_n 3._o 1_o 2._o etc._n etc._n how_o can_v we_o choose_v but_o love_v he_o again_o and_o love_v he_o much_o luk._n 7._o 47._o 1616._o i_o desire_v to_o love_v thou_o say_v bernard_n and_o love_v to_o desire_v thou_o o_o amiable_a lord_n most_o worthy_a to_o be_v belove_v and_o thus_o i_o run_v to_o apprehend_v that_o wherein_o i_o be_o apprehend_v viz._n that_o i_o may_v perfect_o love_v thou_o at_o last_o who_o have_v love_v we_o first_o but_o how_o or_o wherein_o do_v god_n love_v we_o first_o he_o express_v thus_o say_v b._n whatsoover_n he_o do_v whatsoever_o he_o speak_v on_o earth_n to_o reproach_n spitting_n buffet_n cross_n and_o the_o grave_n be_v nothing_o but_o god_n language_n to_o we_o in_o his_o son_n by_o his_o love_n provoke_v and_o stir_v up_o our_o love_n will_v thou_o know_v now_o whether_o thou_o love_v god_n search_v diligent_o whether_o god_n love_v thou_o in_o christ_n what_o application_n have_v he_o make_v of_o his_o love_n to_o thou_o what_o true_a effect_n do_v thou_o find_v of_o the_o special_a love_n of_o god_n or_o christ_n upon_o thou_o sign_n of_o god_n special_a love_n of_o christ_n peculiar_a love_n actual_o apply_v to_o we_o 1._o be_v this_o love_n of_o god_n shed_v abroad_o in_o thy_o heart_n by_o the_o holy_a ghost_n that_o thou_o have_v a_o inward_a cordial_a experimental_a taste_n of_o god_n love_n rom._n 5._o 5._o 2._o have_v this_o love_n of_o god_n effectual_o regenerate_v and_o renew_v thou_o by_o the_o spirit_n tit._n 3._o 4_o 5_o 6._o 3._o have_v this_o love_n of_o god_n adopt_v thou_o that_o thou_o be_v number_v among_o the_o son_n of_o god_n 1_o joh._n 3._o 1_o 2._o 4._o have_v this_o love_n of_o god_n sanctify_v thou_o and_o make_v thou_o holy_a col._n 3._o 12._o 5._o have_v this_o love_n of_o god_n bring_v thou_o to_o live_v the_o life_n of_o faith_n yea_o rather_o to_o have_v christ_n live_v in_o thou_o gal._n 2._o 20._o 6._o do_v this_o love_n of_o god_n and_o christ_n sweet_o overpower_v constrain_v and_o even_o compel_v thou_o to_o be_v cheerful_o serviceable_a to_o he_o in_o thy_o place_n and_o calling_n 2_o cor._n 5._o 13_o 14_o 15_o 16._o ii_o second_o the_o reject_v or_o cast_v out_o ii_o of_o base_a sinful_a servile_a fear_n evidence_v our_o true_a love_n to_o god_n and_o jesus_n christ._n there_o be_v no_o fear_n in_o love_n but_o perfect_a love_n cast_v out_o fear_n because_o fear_n have_v torment_n he_o that_o fear_v be_v not_o make_v perfect_a in_o love_n 1_o joh._n 4._o 18_o 19_o quest._n but_o what_o fear_n be_v it_o now_o which_o be_v thus_o inconsistent_a with_o love_n which_o love_n cast_v out_o answ._n fear_v may_v be_v consider_v either_o 1._o objective_o as_o it_o be_v the_o object_n fear_v so_o it_o denote_v 1._o god_n psal._n 76._o 11._o call_v the_o fear_n of_o isaac_n either_o because_o isaac_n yield_v fear_n to_o god_n or_o because_o god_n strike_v isaac_n with_o fear_n when_o he_o will_v have_v bless_v e_z sau_o gen._n 31._o 42_o 53._o 2._o god_n word_n the_o rule_n of_o fear_n psal._n 19_o 9_o true_a love_n cast_v out_o neither_o of_o these_o but_o keep_v and_o cherish_v they_o in_o the_o soul._n 2._o subjective_o as_o fear_n be_v subject_v in_o we_o thus_o fear_n denote_v 1._o the_o natural_a affection_n or_o passion_n of_o fear_n conc●…us_fw-la arise_v upon_o some_o apprehension_n of_o some_o evil_n as_o imminent_a and_o hardly_o to_o be_v avoid_v this_o fear_n be_v in_o itself_o neither_o moral_o good_a nor_o bad_a but_o as_o sanctify_a or_o mix_v with_o diffidence_n etc._n etc._n mere_a humane_a fear_n be_v in_o christ_n yet_o without_o sin_n heb._n 5._o 7._o love_n cast_v not_o out_o this_o fear_n for_o that_o be_v to_o put_v off_o humane_a nature_n 2._o fear_v the_o sanctify_a affection_n whereby_o the_o saint_n be_v afraid_a to_o offend_v god_n their_o heavenly_a father_n for_o his_o mercy_n goodness_n etc._n etc._n through_o the_o love_n and_o reverence_n they_o bear_v to_o he_o for_o his_o eminency_n horat_n and_o to_o true_a piety_n psal._n 130._o 4._o and_o this_o fear_n spring_v from_o love_n 3._o a_o sinful_a servile_a slavish_a fear_n whereby_o we_o inordinate_o slavish_o fear_v either_o god_n rom._n 8._o 15._o as_o the_o samaritan_n for_o his_o lion_n 2_o king_n 17._o 25_o 32_o 33_o 34._o or_o the_o creature_n matth._n 10._o 28._o this_o be_v the_o fear_n that_o love_n cast_v out_o love_n have_v boldness_n and_o confidence_n in_o it_o fear_n be_v full_a of_o diffidence_n and_o cowardliness_n have_v thy_o love_n to_o god_n cast_v out_o this_o base_a fear_n that_o be_v love_n indeed_o sign_n that_o hagar_n be_v eject_v that_o slavish_a fear_n be_v cast_v out_o 1._o the_o spirit_n of_o adoption_n sonlike_a spirit_n remove_v base_a fear_n rom._n 8._o 15._o 2._o the_o spirit_n of_o supplication_n cry_v with_o filial_a boldness_n and_o confidence_n abba_n father_n rom._n 8._o 15._o gal._n 4_o 6._o 3._o the_o soul_n pacification_n by_o justify_v faith_n this_o allay_v tumultuous_a fear_n that_o diffusion_n of_o the_o love_n of_o god_n in_o the_o heart_n and_o quiet_v of_o conscience_n by_o faith_n be_v companion_n be_v twin_n in_o the_o same_o soul_n rom._n 5._o 1_o 5._o 4_o true_a awful_a religious_a fear_n of_o god_n swallow_v up_o base_a fear_n of_o the_o creature_n mat._n 10._o 28._o isa._n 8._o 12_o 13._o 5._o magnanimous_a courage_n and_o resolution_n from_o love_n and_o zeal_n to_o christ_n and_o his_o cause_n against_o sharp_a suffering_n and_o persecution_n cant._n 8._o 6_o 7._o act_n 20._o 23_o 24_o and_o 21._o 13_o rev._n 12._o 11._o such_o have_v be_v the_o love_n of_o saint_n and_o martyr_n to_o christ_n that_o they_o have_v not_o fear_v to_o own_o and_o confess_v christ_n in_o worst_a of_o time_n nor_o fear_v to_o go_v with_o christ_n both_o into_o prison_n and_o to_o death_n 1597._o who_o will_v flee_v persecution_n say_v tertullian_n but_o he_o that_o fear_n who_o fear_n but_o he_o that_o do_v not_o love_n and_o elsewhere_o 1597._o he_o that_o fear_v to_o suffer_v can_v be_v his_o that_o suffer_v but_o he_o that_o fear_v not_o to_o suffer_v he_o be_v perfect_a in_o god_n love_n iii_o three_o not_o love_v the_o world_n nor_o the_o iii_o thing_n that_o be_v in_o the_o world_n excessive_o inordinate_o discover_v the_o love_n of_o god_n plant_v in_o our_o heart_n love_v not_o the_o world_n neither_o the_o thing_n that_o be_v in_o the_o world_n if_o any_o man_n love_v the_o world_n the_o love_n of_o the_o father_n be_v not_o in_o he_o viz._n neither_o passive_o he_o be_v not_o belove_v of_o the_o father_n nor_o active_o he_o love_v not_o the_o father_n 1_o john_n 2._o 15_o 16._o for_o 1._o god_n and_o the_o world_n be_v two_o such_o contrary_a master_n and_o each_o of_o they_o be_v so_o able_a to_o take_v up_o the_o whole_a man_n that_o they_o can_v be_v intensive_o love_v both_o at_o once_o but_o the_o love_n of_o the_o one_o will_v prove_v the_o hatred_n of_o the_o other_o matth._n 6._o 24._o jam._n 4._o 4._o 2._o god_n require_v our_o whole_a love_n to_o himself_o luke_n 10._o 27._o and_o he_o be_v so_o jealous_a a_o god_n that_o he_o can_v endure_v no_o corrival_n with_o himself_o in_o our_o heart_n and_o affection_n excellent_o 1616._o bernard_n the_o spirit_n of_o christ_n hate_v the_o lover_n of_o the_o world_n fly_v from_o he_o who_o he_o know_v to_o love_v any_o thing_n beside_o he_o he_o will_v be_v so_o love_v as_o nothing_o shall_v be_v love_v beside_o he_o he_o will_v be_v perfect_o love_v that_o will_v be_v alone_o love_v he_o will_v have_v
kill_v i_o etc._n etc._n this_o be_v the_o minimum_fw-la quod_fw-la sic_fw-la viz._n the_o low_a step_n of_o assurance_n and_o be_v so_o of_o the_o nature_n of_o faith_n that_o faith_n can_v be_v without_o it_o in_o the_o weak_a believer_n every_o true_a believer_n have_v this_o assurance_n 2._o a_o certainty_n of_o evidence_n or_o experience_n when_o by_o the_o reflection_n of_o conscience_n and_o faith_n upon_o themselves_o and_o their_o own_o act_n or_o by_o the_o testimony_n of_o the_o spirit_n of_o god_n we_o evident_o see_v we_o be_v in_o a_o gracious_a state_n experimental_o discern_v what_o god_n have_v do_v for_o we_o and_o that_o upon_o such_o and_o such_o ground_n effect_n of_o grace_n or_o other_o discovery_n as_o be_v 17_o new_a creature_n 7._o walk_v in_o the_o light_n 1_o walk_v after_o the_o spirit_n not_o after_o the_o flesh_n 14_o love_v the_o brethren_n etc._n etc._n this_o some_o call_v assurance_n of_o internal_a vision_n conscientia_fw-la agustine_n count_v this_o a_o clear_a evidence_n say_v that_o our_o faith_n be_v conspicuous_a to_o our_o own_o mind_n and_o that_o a_o man_n hold_v his_o faith_n by_o certain_a knowledge_n and_o attestation_n of_o conscience_n and_o say_v 5._o ambrose_n he_o that_o have_v the_o sense_n of_o faith_n in_o his_o heart_n know_v that_o christ_n be_v in_o himself_o this_o assurance_n be_v usual_o attend_v with_o much_o comfort_n and_o sweet_a joy_n upon_o the_o soul_n that_o have_v it_o yet_o every_o christian_a reach_v it_o not_o as_o the_o former_a though_o all_o shall_v contend_v earnest_o for_o it_o it_o seem_v to_o pertain_v rather_o to_o the_o well-being_n then_o to_o the_o mere_a be_v of_o faith_n and_o grace_n 3._o a_o unstagger_a certainty_n or_o a_o full_a assurance_n when_o there_o be_v such_o a_o full_a persuasion_n that_o overcome_v all_o doubt_n fear_n staggering_n of_o unbelief_n as_o in_o 20_o abraham_n the_o father_n of_o the_o faithful_a this_o be_v the_o maximum_fw-la quod_fw-la sic_fw-la viz._n the_o high_a pinnacle_n of_o assurance_n in_o this_o life_n next_o unto_o celestial_a enjoyment_n and_o very_o few_o attain_n unto_o it_o ii_o of_o the_o trial_n of_o assurance_n the_o trial_n of_o the_o truth_n of_o our_o assurance_n be_v of_o great_a importance_n and_o necessity_n for_o 1._o many_o christian_n have_v some_o degree_n of_o assurance_n who_o think_v they_o have_v none_o at_o all_o let_v such_o but_o be_v convince_v of_o what_o they_o have_v they_o be_v comfort_v 2._o many_o have_v no_o true_a assurance_n at_o all_o who_o yet_o pretend_v thereto_o most_o of_o all_o carnal_a man_n and_o hypocrite_n as_o 3_o israel_n solomon_n 16_o fool_n the_o 12_o selfe-justifying_a pharisee_fw-mi and_o the_o 17_o laedicean_n angel_n such_o shall_v be_v convince_v of_o what_o they_o want_v that_o they_o may_v be_v humble_v and_o replenish_v all_o grace_n and_o so_o assurance_n have_v their_o countefeit_n we_o have_v need_n try_v they_o lest_o we_o take_v shadow_n for_o substance_n copper_n for_o gold_n try_v assurance_n by_o the_o 1_o qualification_n of_o the_o subject_n assure_v 2._o ground_n or_o cause_n of_o assurance_n 3._o fruit_n or_o effect_n of_o assurance_n i._o the_o subject_n of_o assurance_n must_v be_v due_o qualify_v ere_o he_o can_v be_v capable_a of_o assurance_n person_n be_v previous_o and_o preparatory_o qualify_v for_o assurance_n 1._o by_o kind_o humble_v of_o the_o soul_n break_v of_o the_o heart_n and_o trouble_v of_o the_o conscience_n with_o fear_n about_o their_o natural_a condition_n 2._o the_o spirit_n of_o bondage_n to_o fear_n go_v before_o the_o spirit_n of_o adoption_n witness_v with_o our_o spirit_n our_o sonship_n more_n or_o less_o thus_o god_n deal_v with_o all_o that_o come_v by_o assurance_n where_o be_v thy_o true_a humble_v 2._o by_o furnish_v the_o humble_a break_a heart_n with_o save_v faith_n 13._o first_o we_o believe_v then_o be_v after_o seal_v with_o the_o spirit_n of_o promise_n where_o be_v thy_o true_a faith_n 3._o by_o give_v they_o the_o spirit_n they_o must_v first_o have_v the_o spirit_n of_o god_n ere_o 12_o by_o the_o spirit_n they_o can_v know_v the_o thing_n give_v they_o of_o god_n have_v god_n true_o give_v thou_o his_o spirit_n ii_o the_o ground_n or_o cause_n of_o assurance_n must_v not_o be_v 1._o ignorance_n 17_o of_o our_o miserable_a state_n 2._o nor_o carnal_a confidence_n upon_o common_a thing_n viz._n 8_o worldly_a prosperity_n 3_o outward_a act_n of_o religion_n or_o 5_o common_a inward_a gift_n of_o the_o spirit_n illumination_n taste_v of_o the_o good_a word_n of_o god_n etc._n etc._n those_o and_o like_a be_v the_o false_a ground_n of_o hypocrite_n but_o ground_n of_o true_a assurance_n be_v either_o 1._o divine_a testimony_n by_o audible_a voice_n thus_o christ_n assure_v the_o 23_o palsie-man_n and_o 48_o the_o penitent_a woman_n of_o pardon_n and_o the_o 43_o convert_n thief_n of_o paradise_n but_o this_o vocal_a testimony_n be_v extraordinary_a to_o expect_v the_o like_a now_o or_o else_o to_o reject_v other_o ground_n of_o assurance_n be_v to_o tempt_v god_n 2._o the_o lively_a exercise_n of_o faith_n reflect_v upon_o its_o own_o act_n and_o ●…seeing_v itself_o believe_v faith_n act_n be_v 1._o direct_v and_o these_o either_o 1_o receptive_a 12_o of_o christ_n or_o 2._o operative_a 6_o from_o and_o by_o christ_n receive_v 2._o reflexive_a when_o faith_n return_v upon_o itself_o look_v back_o upon_o its_o own_o act_n thus_o receive_v christ_n thus_o work_v as_o paul_n 12_o know_v who_o he_o have_v believe_v do_v thy_o faith_n thus_o act_n 3._o the_o testimony_n of_o our_o own_o sanctify_a 12._o spiritual_a heart_n or_o conscience_n according_a to_o the_o word_n of_o god_n of_o our_o good_a spiritual_a estate_n 27._o the_o spirit_n of_o man_n be_v as_o the_o candle_n of_o the_o lord_n search_v all_o the_o inward_a part_n of_o the_o belly_n 12._o know_v what_o be_v in_o he_o this_o testimony_n of_o our_o sanctify_a conscience_n be_v usual_o obsolve_v by_o ratiocination_n or_o discourse_n in_o a_o practical_a experimental_a syllogism_n thus_o the_o proposition_n be_v take_v out_o of_o the_o word_n viz._n some_o eminent_a scripture_n sign_n or_o character_n of_o grace_n as_o in_o 2_o cor._n 5._o 17._o act_n 15._o 9_o 1_o john_n 1._o 7._o and_o 3._o 14._o he_o that_o love_v the_o brethren_n be_v pass_v from_o death_n to_o life_n this_o be_v dictate_v by_o the_o 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d viz._n the_o conservative_n treasury_n of_o conscience_n treasu●…ing_v up_o such_o principle_n the_o assumption_n be_v draw_v from_o our_o own_o ●…nown_a state_n and_o experience_n in_o the_o thing_n of_o christ_n etc._n etc._n as_o but_o i_o love_v the_o brethren_n this_o be_v make_v by_o the_o 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d viz._n con●…cience_n as_o conscious_a of_o a_o man_n state_n and_o frame_v ●…f_a heart_n the_o conclusion_n contain_v the_o heart_n sen●…ence_o hereupon_o therefore_o i_o be_o transla●…d_v from_o death_n to_o life_n be_v make_v by_o the_o 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d judgement_n or_o judiciary_n sentence_n of_o con●…ience_n upon_o the_o premise_n do_v thy_o con●…ience_n thus_o assure_v thou_o by_o the_o word_n 4._o the_o testimony_n of_o the_o spirit_n of_o god_n which_o 12_o purposely_o give_v we_o to_o this_o end_n that_o we_o ●…ay_v know_v the_o thing_n that_o be_v give_v we_o of_o ●…od_a now_o the_o spirit_n become_v the_o author_n ●…d_v ground_n of_o our_o assurance_n 1._o as_o a_o seal_n ●…aling_v we_o after_o we_o believe_v by_o his_o holy_a and_o 13_o heavenly_a impression_n 2._o as_o a_o 23_o earnest_n of_o our_o eternal_a inheritance_n first-fruit_n of_o the_o true_a canaan_n or_o handsel_v of_o heaven_n 3._o as_o 16_o a_o joint_a witness_n with_o our_o spirit_n and_o conscience_n both_o 14._o clear_n up_o our_o spiritual_a evidence_n to_o our_o mind_n and_o 27._o open_v our_o mind_n to_o discern_v they_o as_o a_o teach_a unction_n enable_v we_o to_o know_v all_o thing_n have_v thou_o such_o a_o testimony_n from_o the_o spirit_n of_o god_n iii_o the_o fruit_n or_o effect_n of_o true_a assurance_n distinguish_v it_o from_o counterfeit_a assurance_n presumption_n be_v these_o and_o such_o like_a 1._o true_a assurance_n wherever_o it_o be_v mighty_o incite_v to_o selfe-purifying_a to_o accurate_a sanctification_n in_o heart_n and_o life_n now_o 3._o we_o be_v the_o son_n of_o god_n but_o we_o know_v that_o whe●…_n he_o shall_v appear_v we_o shall_v be_v like_o he_o an●…_n every_o man_n that_o have_v this_o hope_n in_o he_o purifie●…_n himself_o even_o as_o he_o be_v pure_a see_v this_o selfe-purifying_a 179._o hereafter_o more_o full_o open_v 19_o presumption_n encourage_v in_o sin_n and_o impurity_n 2._o true_a assurance_n stir_v up_o fervent_a d●…_n fire_n and_o long_n in_o such_o heart_n after_o th●…_n gospel_n of_o jesus_n christ_n they_o that_o once_o ha●…_n true_o taste_v the_o
lord_n graciousness_n pleasan●…ness_n goodness_n &c_n &c_n they_o 3._o as_o newborn_a babe_n lo●…_n for_o the_o sincere_a milk_n of_o the_o word_n that_o they_o m●…_n grow_v thereby_o but_o presumption_n or_o car●…_n confidence_n breed_v rather_o 17._o disaffection_n th●…_n true_a affection_n to_o the_o word_n such_o either_o d●…sire_n it_o not_o at_o all_o or_o not_o the_o pure_a sincere_a wor●…_n or_o not_o in_o reference_n to_o their_o growth_n 3._o true_a assurance_n make_v the_o soul_n incomparable_a to_o prize_v communion_n with_o god_n and_o jesus_n christ_n 4._o when_o the_o church_n have_v obtain_v christ_n sweet_a embracement_n and_o perceive_v herself_o lodge_v in_o the_o bosom_n of_o her_o dear_a love_n and_o know_v that_o her_o belove_a be_v she_o and_o she_o his_o how_o jealous_a be_v she_o lest_o any_o shall_v disturb_v he_o or_o drive_v he_o from_o she_o so_o earnest_n be_v she_o to_o be_v fill_v with_o his_o fellowship_n and_o upon_o his_o withdraw_n in_o any_o measure_n from_o she_o how_o restless_a be_v she_o till_o his_o return_n david_n be_v a_o man_n of_o much_o heavenly_a experience_n and_o assurance_n when_o his_o evidence_n be_v dim_v by_o his_o fall_n how_o pathetical_o do_v he_o cry_v 12._o make_v i_o to_o hear_v joy_n and_o gladness_n that_o the_o bone_n which_o thou_o have_v break_v may_v rejoice_v restore_v to_o i_o the_o joy_n of_o thy_o salvation_n and_o uphold_v i_o with_o thy_o free_a spirit_n presumption_n know_v not_o what_o communion_n with_o christ_n mean_n 4._o true_a assurance_n notable_o engage_v those_o that_o have_v it_o to_o serve_v and_o honour_n god_n in_o their_o place_n to_o the_o uttermost_a god_n assure_v joshua_n 15._o that_o he_o will_v never_o leave_v he_o nor_o forsake_v he_o and_o joshua_n resolve_v what_o ever_o other_o do_v that_o 15._o he_o and_o his_o house_n will_v serve_v the_o lord_n sense_n of_o christ_n love_n 15._o constrain_v paul_n to_o all_o zeal_n in_o his_o ministry_n david_n say_v 28._o thou_o be_v my_o god_n and_o i_o will_v praise_v thou_o thou_o be_v my_o god_n and_o i_o will_v exalt_v thou_o presumption_n provoke_v and_o contemn_v god_n 15_o what_o be_v the_o almighty_a that_o we_o shall_v serve_v he_o etc._n etc._n 5._o true_a assurance_n singular_o support_v and_o comfort_v the_o heart_n in_o deep_a tribulation_n as_o be_v remarkable_o evident_a in_o etc._n job_n and_o 12_o paul_n carnal_a confidence_n in_o such_o case_n be_v a_o miserable_a comforter_n 6._o true_a assurance_n 5_o fill_v with_o joy_n in_o hope_n of_o glory_n after_o tribulation_n have_v do_v its_o worst_a they_o that_o have_v no_o more_o than_o carnal_a confidence_n have_v indeed_o 12_o no_o hope_n of_o another_o world_n iii_o of_o the_o way_n how_o to_o attain_v and_o retain_v assurance_n have_v thus_o see_v the_o character_n of_o true_a assurance_n next_o consider_v we_o how_o to_o compass_v and_o conserve_v it_o to_o this_o end_n faithful_o follow_v these_o and_o such_o like_a direction_n viz._n 1._o be_v much_o in_o selfe-examination_n frequen●…_n in_o selfe-probation_n that_o you_o may_v find_v where_o your_o evidence_n clear_o lie_v 5_o examine_v you●…_n self_n prove_v your_o own_o self_n know_v you_o no●…_n that_o jesus_n christ_n be_v in_o you_o except_o you_o be_v re●…_n probates_n if_o a_o man_n title_n of_o land_n be_v question_v how_o will_v he_o search_v and_o examine_v hi●…_n evidence_n and_o also_o take_v the_o best_a counse●…_n upon_o they_o a_o merchant_n that_o will_v exact_o know_v his_o own_o state_n he_o often_o examine●…_n and_o cast_v up_o his_o book_n so_o shall_v christian_n be_v much_o in_o cast_v up_o and_o examinin●…_n their_o spiritual_a evidence_n that_o will_v obtai●…_n assurance_n of_o their_o good_a estate_n to_o god_n 2._o 5_o quench_v not_o 30_o grieve_v not_o the_o spirit_n of_o god_n by_o any_o know_a corruption_n but_o still_o entertain_v he_o with_o all_o holy_a acceptablenesse_n for_o the_o spirit_n of_o god_n be_v therefore_o give_v we_o etc._n that_o we_o by_o he_o may_v be_v assure_v and_o know_v the_o thing_n give_v we_o of_o god_n and_o he_o 13._o assure_v we_o most_o convince_o clear_o satisfactory_o 3._o cherish_v and_o improve_v all_o your_o grace_n for_o every_o grace_n have_v a_o evidence_n in_o it_o but_o peculiarly_a your_o special_a assure_v grace_n viz._n 2_o knowledge_n 22_o faith_n and_o 19_o hope_n by_o knowledge_n we_o discern_v ourselves_o by_o faith_n we_o reallize_v and_o appropriate_v to_o ourselves_o for_o present_v the_o thing_n as_o yet_o not_o see_v and_o by_o hope_n we_o patient_o wait_v for_o full_a enjoyment_n all_o tend_v to_o assurance_n 4._o constant_o 16_o exercise_n yourselves_o herein_o to_o have_v a_o conscience_n void_a of_o offence_n towards_o god_n and_o man_n in_o all_o the_o part_n of_o well-doing_n 12_o a_o good_a conscience_n and_o 26_o a_o gracious_a upright_a conversation_n be_v singular_a ground_n and_o help_n to_o assurance_n 23_o to_o he_o that_o order_v his_o conversation_n aright_o will_v i_o show_v the_o salvation_n of_o god_n and_o christ_n say_v 21_o he_o that_o have_v my_o cemmandement_n and_o keep_v they_o he_o it_o be_v that_o love_v i_o and_o he_o that_o love_v i_o shall_v be_v belove_v of_o my_o father_n and_o i_o will_v love_v he_o and_o will_v manifest_v myself_o unto_o he_o 5._o remember_v former_a experience_n of_o assurance_n the_o day_n of_o old_a the_o year_n of_o god_n right_a hand_n these_o will_v support_v and_o persuade_v our_o heart_n against_o doubt_n god_n 20._o people_n have_v take_v this_o course_n in_o their_o want_n of_o assurance_n 6._o labour_n to_o getout_a of_o those_o condition_n which_o be_v prejudicial_a and_o obstructive_a to_o assurance_n these_o be_v four_o viz._n 1._o the_o infancy_n of_o grace_n infant_n in_o nature_n live_v move_v grow_v etc._n etc._n long_o before_o they_o actual_o know_v it_o so_o babe_n in_o grace_n have_v not_o their_o spiritual_a 14._o sense_n exercise_v to_o discern_v their_o condition_n labour_v to_o ●…8_n be_v man_n in_o growth_n both_o in_o grace_n and_o knowledge_n 2._o the_o spiritual_a slumber_n or_o sleep_v of_o security_n in_o natural_a sleep_n our_o sense_n be_v so_o tie_v up_o that_o we_o discern_v not_o our_o natural_a or_o civil_a state_n in_o the_o spiritual_a slumber_n of_o security_n our_o assurance_n be_v suspend_v our_o evidence_n sleep_v with_o we_o as_o in_o the_o 6._o church_n in_o her_o spiritual_a security_n awake_v thyself_o out_o of_o security_n 3._o the_o spiritual_a swoon_n of_o desertion_n in_o a_o swoon_n when_o our_o spirit_n and_o sense_n fail_v we_o we_o discern_v not_o our_o natural_a life_n in_o 88_o spiritual_a desertion_n when_o god_n withdraw_v the_o light_n of_o his_o countenance_n and_o sweet_a presence_n we_o discern_v not_o our_o spiritual_a life_n labour_v to_o remove_v desertion_n the_o conflict_n of_o temptation_n and_o other_o soule-distemper_n when_o the_o body_n be_v in_o deep_a distemper_n have_v be_v astonish_v with_o dangerous_a fall_n etc._n etc._n it_o be_v not_o comfortable_o sensible_a of_o its_o corporal_a condition_n no_o more_o be_v the_o soul_n in_o deep_a temptation_n affliction_n especial_o relapse_n apprehensive_a of_o its_o good_a spiritual_a condition_n as_o in_o etc._n david_n upon_o his_o fall_n therefore_o wrestle_v out_o of_o temptation_n and_o relapse_n 7._o diligent_o and_o skilful_o improve_v those_o notable_a assure_v ordinance_n the_o word_n lord_n supper_n and_o prayer_n to_o help_v on_o all_o the_o former_a direction_n in_o reference_n to_o assurance_n 1._o the_o word_n be_v therefore_o write_v 4._o that_o believer_n may_v know_v they_o have_v eternal_a life_n 16_o let_v it_o therefore_o dwell_v in_o you_o rich_o in_o all_o wisdom_n 2._o the_o lord_n supper_n particular_o and_o individual_o seal_v up_o 28._o remission_n of_o sin_n 17._o communion_n with_o christ_n and_o interest_n in_o 25._o the_o new_a testament_n be_v at_o the_o lord_n table_n frequent_o but_o still_o manage_v it_o worthy_o and_o 3._o prayer_n not_o only_o spread_v open_v a_o man_n heart_n to_o himself_o but_o pierce_v the_o heaven_n creep_v into_o the_o bosom_n of_o god_n and_o often_o furnish_v the_o doubt_a spirit_n with_o 24_o assurance_n in_o the_o very_a exercise_n of_o it_o therefore_o labour_v to_o be_v mighty_a man_n in_o prayer_n pray_v always_o and_o faint_v not_o how_o oft_o do_v the_o servant_n of_o god_n 6._o begin_v their_o prayer_n doubt_v and_o perplex_a but_o conclude_v assure_v and_o persuade_v david_n begin_v o_o lord_n rebuke_v i_o not_o in_o ihine_n anger_n neither_o chasten_v i_o in_o thy_o hot_a displeasure_n etc._n etc._n and_o he_o end_v the_o lord_n have_v hear_v the_o voice_n of_o my_o weep_n the_o lord_n have_v hear_v my_o supplication_n by_o these_o and_o such_o like_a mean_n true_a assurance_n may_v be_v obtain_v by_o the_o people_n of_o go●…_n when_o they_o want_v it_o recover_v when_o they_o hau●…_n
into_o a_o new_a creature_n as_o that_o learned_a 1626._o master_n perkins_n have_v observe_v thus_o of_o the_o first_o argument_n 2._o ab_fw-la impossibili_fw-la from_o the_o impossibility_n of_o his_o so_o sin_v that_o be_v bear_v of_o god_n and_o that_o from_o the_o state_n and_o nature_n of_o his_o regeneration_n and_o he_o can_v sin_v because_o he_o be_v bear_v of_o god_n whereby_o he_o intimate_v that_o a_o sinful_a course_n and_o a_o state_n of_o grace_n be_v whole_o incompatible_a and_o inconsistent_a with_o one_o another_o here_o the_o apostle_n rise_v high_a in_o his_o expression_n clear_o pronounce_v that_o the_o heart_n of_o the_o godly_a be_v so_o efficacious_o govern_v by_o his_o spirit_n that_o with_o a_o inflexible_a affection_n they_o follow_v the_o conduct_n of_o the_o spirit_n the_o apostle_n do_v not_o only_o teach_v that_o the_o regenerate_v be_v able_a not_o to_o sin_v 〈◊〉_d but_o that_o the_o motion_n of_o the_o spirit_n be_v so_o effectual_a that_o it_o necessary_o retain_v they_o in_o the_o constan●…_n obedience_n of_o righteousness_n as_o loc_n calv._n observe_v not_o unsuitable_a to_o this_o of_o john_n be_v the_o tenor_n of_o the_o covenant_n of_o grace_n i_o will_v put_v my_o fear_n in_o their_o heart_n and_o they_o shall_v not_o depart_v from_o i_o jer._n 32._o 40._o thus_o much_o for_o the_o distribution_n and_o explication_n of_o this_o cotext_n wherein_o not_o sin_v be_v make_v a_o note_n of_o regeneration_n now_o because_o this_o be_v a_o grand_a evidence_n of_o be_v bear_v of_o god_n that_o all_o such_o sin_n not_o nor_o can_v sin_v &_o because_o this_o have_v much_o difficulty_n in_o it_o as_o seem_v to_o cross_v not_o only_o the_o experience_n of_o all_o regenerate_a person_n who_o feel_v they_o sin_v frequent_o to_o the_o grief_n of_o their_o soul_n but_o also_o divers_a scripture_n psa._n 19_o 12_o 13._o rom._n 7._o 15_o 23_o 24._o jam._n 3._o 〈◊〉_d 1_o joh._n 1._o 8_o 9_o 10._o therefore_o this_o be_v the_o prin●…ipall_a thing_n here_o to_o be_v open_v and_o clear_v convince_o to_o the_o conscience_n viz._n how_o or_o in_o what_o sense_n he_o that_o be_v bear_v of_o ●…od_a do_v not_o commit_v sin_n nor_o can_v sin_v for_o more_o clear_a resolution_n herein_o consi●…er_v this_o thing_n negative_o and_o affirmative_o negative_o when_o the_o apostle_n say_v he_o that_o bear_v of_o god_n do_v not_o commit_v sin_n nor_o can_v sin_v ●…ereby_o can_v be_v mean_v as_o some_o have_v hence_o ●…agined_v that_o the_o regenerate_v have_v no_o sin_n all_o inherent_a in_o they_o nor_o commit_v by_o ●…em_n but_o be_v perfect_o holy_a even_o in_o this_o ●…e_n as_o of_o old_a the_o 64._o maniche●…s_n and_o cathari●…ought_v ●…ought_z they_o can_v not_o so_o much_o as_o sin_n in_o ●…ought_n the_o pelagian_n and_o familist_n i●…gined_v themselves_o so_o free_a from_o sin_n that_o they_o need_v not_o to_o pray_v forgive_v we_o our_o trespass_n the_o adamite_n deem_v themselu●…s_a as_o pure_a as_o adam_n and_o eve_n before_o their_o fa●…_n and_o the_o carpocratian_o dream_v that_o they_o be_v as_o free_v from_o sin_n as_o christ_n himsel●…e_n yea_o even_o in_o these_o our_o day_n these_o some_o have_v hold_v that_o he_o that_o believe_v that_o christ_n have_v ta●…_n away_o his_o sin_n be_v as_o clean_o without_o sin_n as_o christ_n himself_o that_o it_o be_v as_o possible_a for_o christ_n himself_o to_o sin_n as_o for_o a_o child_n of_o god_n to_o sin_n that_o if_o a_o man_n by_o the_o spirit_n know_v himse●…_n to_o be_v in_o the_o state_n of_o grace_n though_o he_o be_v dr●…_n or_o commit_v murder_n god_n see_v no_o sin_n in_o he_o that_o as_o well_o our_o work_n as_o person_n be_v perfect_o holy_a and_o good_a that_o a_o saint_n 〈◊〉_d this_o life_n without_o any_o addition_n hereafter_o be_v perfect_o just_a perfect_o holy_a complete_o glorious_a 〈◊〉_d this_o life_n and_o be_v not_o capable_a of_o any_o addition_n 〈◊〉_d ter_z death_n in_o the_o least_o degree_n but_o only_o of_o ma●…_n festation_n against_o these_o fond_a and_o false_a imagination_n observe_v 1._o that_o the_o holy_a scripture_n express_o tes●…_n fie_v the_o contrary_a viz._n that_o the_o most_o holy_a a●…_n regenerate_v person_n in_o this_o life_n have_v in_o the●…_n sin_n original_a and_o hence_o ●…oo_o often_o fall_v i●…_n sin_n act●…all_v who_o can_v underistand_v his_o error_n psal._n 19_o 12._o who_o can_v s●…y_v i_o have_v make_v 〈◊〉_d bear_v clean_a i_o be_o pure_a from_o my_o sin_n pro._n 〈◊〉_d 9_o there_o i●…_n no_o man_n 〈◊〉_d sin_v not_o 1_o k●…_n 8._o 46._o 2._o chron._n 6._o 36._o in_o many_o thing_n sin_v all_o james_n 〈◊〉_d 2._o there_o be_v not_o a_o just_a man_n on_o earth_n that_o do_v good_a and_o sin_v not_o eccles●…y_o 20._o if_o we_o say_v that_o we_o have_v no_o sin_n viz._n original_o we_o deceive_v ourselves_o and_o the_o truth_n be_v not_o in_o we_o if_o we_o say_v we_o have_v not_o sin_v viz._n actual_o we_o make_v he_o a_o liar_n and_o his_o word_n be_v not_o in_o we_o 1_o john_n 1._o 8_o 10._o 2._o the_o universal_a experience_n of_o the_o best_a of_o god_n saint_n in_o all_o age_n evidence_n that_o none_o of_o they_o all_o have_v be_v without_o sin_n in_o this_o life_n not_o abraham_n gen._n 12._o 13_o 19_o &_o 20._o 2_o 5._o not_o isaac_n gen._n 26._o 7_o 9_o not_o jacob_n gen._n 27._o 19_o 20_o 24._o not_o moses_n and_o aaron_n psal._n 106._o 33._o deut._n 32._o 50_o 51._o exod_n 32._o 2_o 21._o not_o david_n psal._n 51._o 1_o to_o 10._o &_o 38._o 3_o 4._o not_o peter_n matth._n 26._o 33_o 34_o 35_o 70_o to_o the_o end_n gal._n 2._o 11_o 12_o 13_o not_o paul_n himself_o rom._n 7._o 18_o 20_o 23_o 24_o 25._o 3._o the_o nature_n of_o grace_n and_o sanctification_n in_o this_o life_n be_v at_o perfect_a but_o imperfect_a and_o grow_a on_o to_o perfection_n 1_o cor._n 13._o 9_o 10._o phil._n 3._o 12_o 13._o consequent_o 9_o mortification_n be_v imperfect_a some_o canaanite_n be_v still_o in_o the_o land_n though_o the_o king_n be_v destroy_v there_o be_v a_o remnant_n of_o flesh_n as_o well_o as_o a_o principle_n of_o spirit_n gal._n 5._o 17._o the_o church_n be_v not_o actual_o purge_v but_o in_o purge_v from_o all_o defilement_n and_o at_o last_o there_o shall_v be_v no_o spot_n nor_o wrinkle_n nor_o any_o such_o thing_n eph._n 5._o 26_o 27._o only_o the_o man_n christ_n jesus_n in_o this_o world_n be_v without_o sin_n heb._n 4._o 15._o isa._n 53._o 9_o heb._n 7._o 26._o 2_o cor._n 5._o 21._o 4._o complete_a purity_n from_o sin_n and_o perfection_n of_o holiness_n be_v a_o glory_n though_o to_o be_v desire_v on_o earth_n yet_o reserve_v for_o heaven_n rom._n 6._o 7._o eph._n 5._o 27._o heb._n 12._o 23._o rev._n 21._o 27._o 5._o unto_o all_o which_o may_v be_v add_v the_o plentiful_a suffrage_n of_o 13._o ancient_a writer_n take_v the_o sense_n of_o two_o or_o three_o for_o all_o lactantius_n firmianus_n say_v none_o can_v be_v without_o sin_n so_o long_o as_o he_o be_v burden_v with_o the_o clothing_n of_o flesh_n sequent_a hierom_n say_v if_o the_o outward_a man_n do_v what_o it_o will_v not_o and_o act_n what_o it_o hate_v it_o show_v that_o the_o command_n be_v good_a and_o that_o he_o act_v not_o what_o be_v evil_a but_o sin_n dwell_v in_o his_o flesh_n i._n e._n the_o vice_n of_o the_o body_n and_o desire_n of_o pleasune_n *_o augustine_n say_v search_v every_o one_o though_o most_o righteous_a in_o this_o life_n though_o he_o be_v worthy_a of_o the_o title_n of_o a_o just_a man_n yet_o be_v he_o not_o without_o sin_n and_o a_o little_a after_o whatsoever_o be_v sin_n be_v former_o blot_v out_o of_o we_o in_o baptism_n but_o because_o all_o iniquity_n be_v blot_v out_o do_v no_o infirmity_n remain_v if_o none_o remain_v we_o shovid_v live_v here_o without_o sin_n but_o who_o dare_v say_v this_o but_o a_o proud_a man_n but_o one_o unworthy_a of_o the_o mercy_n of_o the_o pardoner_n but_o he_o that_o will_v deceive_v himself_o and_o in_o who_o the_o truth_n be_v not_o and_o in_o his_o book_n of_o the_o city_n of_o god_n he_o say_v 27._o the_o word_n of_o such_o a_o master_n and_o our_o lord_n be_v vigilant_o to_o be_v consider_v for_o he_o say_v not_o if_o you_o forgive_v man_n their_o sin_n your_o father_n will_v also_o forgive_v you_o what_o sin_n soever_o but_o he_o say_v your_o sin_n for_o he_o teach_v aday_o prayer_n and_o speak_v to_o disciple_n justify_v what_o be_v therefore_o your_o sin_n but_o the_o sin_n without_o which_o even_o you_o be_v not_o who_o be_v justify_v and_o sanctify_v bless_a 1563._o cyprian_a also_o that_o valiant_a confessor_n and_o glorious_a martyr_n of_o jesus_n christ_n write_v upon_o that_o petition_n of_o the_o lord_n prayer_n and_o forgiveius_fw-la our_o
ask_v according_a to_o god_n will_v vers_fw-la 14_o 15._o this_o do_v he_o more_o particular_o accmmodate_v this_o their_o privilege_n declare_v how_o prevalent_a their_o prayer_n shall_v be_v in_o particular_a for_o a_o lapse_v brother_n to_o obtain_v life_n and_o pardon_n for_o he_o verse_n 16._o this_o particular_a case_n of_o pray_v for_o a_o lapse_v brother_n be_v further_a amplify_v three_o way_n viz._n by_o a_o distinction_n a_o caution_n and_o a_o cnofirmation_n of_o it_o by_o a_o distinction_n betwixt_o sin_n and_o sin_n that_o a_o believer_n may_v know_v what_o sin_n he_o may_v pray_v for_o pardon_n of_o according_a to_o god_n will_v so_o as_o to_o speed_v sin_n be_v here_o distinguish_v into_o sin_n unto_o do_v and_o sin_v not_o unto_o death_n verse_n 16._o 17._o sin_n unto_o death_n as_o 1597._o tertullian_n have_v observe_v be_v irremissible_a or_o unpardonable_a sin_n not_o unto_o death_n be_v remissible_a or_o pardonable_a &_o for_o this_o sort_n of_o sin_n we_o be_v to_o pray_v yet_o here_o the_o apostle_n meaning_n be_v not_o to_o intimate_v that_o any_o sin_n be_v in_o its_o own_o nature_n not_o mortal_a as_o papist_n fond_o distinguish_v of_o mortal_a and_o venial_a sin_n for_o according_a to_o the_o merit_n and_o proper_a nature_n of_o every_o sin_n there_o can_v be_v no_o sin_n so_o small_a but_o in_o itself_o it_o be_v mortal_a and_o deserve_v death_n even_o death_n eternal_a rom._n 6._o 23._o for_o every_o sin_n be_v a_o transgression_n of_o the_o law_n 1_o john_n 3._o 4._o and_o the_o least_o transgression_n of_o the_o law_n though_o but_o once_o admit_v in_o its_o own_o nature_n expose_v to_o the_o curse_n gal._n 3._o 10._o but_o though_o all_o sin_n be_v mortal_a meritorious_o yet_o some_o sin_n be_v not_o mortal_a eventual_o viz._n god_n be_v please_v not_o to_o inflict_v the_o punishment_n of_o eternal_a death_n for_o every_o sin_n that_o deserve_v it_o and_o this_o the_o apostle_n sense_n here_o as_o loc_fw-fr calvin_n have_v judicious_o observe_v though_o there_o be_v one_o kind_n of_o sin_n which_o be_v mortal_a not_o only_o meritorious_o in_o its_o own_o nature_n but_o eventual_o god_n always_o so_o plague_v it_o and_o what_o sin_n can_v this_o be_v but_o that_o sin_n against_o the_o holy_a ghost_n of_o which_o matth._n 12._o 31_o 32._o heb._n 6._o 4_o to_o 7._o and_o ●…0_n ●…6_n to_o 31._o seem_v plain_o to_o speak_v 2._o by_o a_o caution_n not_o to_o pray_v for_o the_o pardon_n of_o that_o sin_n unto_o death_n vers_fw-la 10._o for_o that_o be_v not_o to_o pray_v according_a to_o god_n will_v inasmuch_o as_o god_n have_v declare_v that_o of_o all_o sin_n he_o will_v not_o pardon_v that_o sin_n matth._n 12._o 31_o 32._o so_o that_o we_o ought_v not_o to_o pray_v for_o the_o pardon_n of_o the_o sin_n against_o the_o holy_a ghost_n abstract_o consider_v not_o yet_o as_o consider_v concrete_o in_o this_o or_o that_o person_n who_o we_o can_v clear_o and_o infallible_o discover_v to_o have_v fall_v into_o it_o 3._o by_o confirmation_n the_o apostle_n give_v a_o reason_n why_o we_o shall_v pray_v for_o pardon_n of_o the_o sin_n of_o a_o lapse_v brother_n of_o any_o regenerate_a person_n in_o that_o he_o that_o be_v bear_v of_o god_n never_o commit_v this_o sin_n unto_o death_n this_o impardonable_a sin_n why_o he_o that_o be_v beget_v of_o god_n keep_v himself_o and_o that_o wicked_a one_o touch_v he_o not_o vers._n 18._o it_o be_v not_o say_v he_o tempt_v he_o not_o but_o he_o touch_v he_o not_o how_o do_v not_o satan_n that_o wicked_a one_o touch_v he_o non_fw-la tangit_fw-la tactu_fw-la qualitativo_fw-la i._n e._n not_o with_o a_o qualitative_a touch_n say_v cajetan_n in_o loc_n but_o loc_n calvin_n much_o more_o judicious_o he_o touch_v he_o not_o lethal_o mortal_o the_o regenerate_a be_v not_o quite_o exempt_v from_o satan_n wounding-touch_a but_o by_o the_o shield_n of_o faith_n he_o guard_v himself_o from_o the_o mortal_a kill_a touch_n that_o he_o be_v not_o stab_v to_o the_o heart_n whence_o be_v it_o that_o he_o be_v thus_o preserve_v he_o keep_v himself_o nay_o god_n keep_v he_o as_o christ_n pray_v john_n 17._o 11._o 1_o pet._n 1._o 5._o else_o woe_n wo_n to_o every_o christian_a be_v he_o be_v own_o keeper_n he_o keep_v himself_o from_o this_o sin_n while_o god_n keep_v he_o for_o he_o act_v mere_o in_o god_n strength_n and_o no_o further_o thus_o the_o h._n ghost_n plain_o testify_v that_o they_o that_o be_v bear_v of_o god_n sin_v not_o this_o sin_n to_o death_n make_v but_o sure_a to_o thy_o conscience_n that_o thou_o be_v bear_v of_o god_n and_o this_o may_v encourage_v thou_o against_o thy_o tremble_a apprehension_n that_o thou_o have_v sin_v against_o the_o h._n ghost_n 2._o shall_v it_o come_v to_o pass_v that_o the_o regenerate_a might_n sin_n against_o the_o h._n ghost_n than_o they_o may_v total_o and_o final_o fall_v away_o from_o god_n but_o that_o any_o regenerate_a person_n shall_v total_o and_o final_o fall_v away_o be_v as_o impossible_a as_o that_o god_n covenant_n promise_n and_o faithfulness_n shall_v fail_v or_o that_o god_n spirit_n grace_n and_o power_n preserve_v they_o shall_v be_v overcome_v as_o be_v before_o clear_v or_o that_o god_n immutable_a decree_n for_o their_o salvation_n shall_v be_v shake_v or_o overthrow_v 2_o tim._n 2._o 19_o rom._n 8._o 29_o 30._o 3._o they_o that_o be_v regenerate_v shall_v never_o come_v into_o condemnation_n there_o be_v no_o condemnation_n to_o they_o that_o be_v in_o christ_n jesus_n who_o walk_v not_o after_o the_o flesh_n but_o after_o the_o spirit_n for_o the_o law_n of_o the_o spirit_n of_o life_n have_v make_v they_o free_a from_o the_o law_n of_o sin_n and_o death_n rom._n 8._o 1_o 2._o therefore_o they_o shall_v never_o fall_v into_o the_o sin_n against_o the_o h._n ghost_n for_o they_o that_o fall_v into_o that_o sin_n can_v possible_o escape_v condemnation_n 2._o questionless_a those_o person_n have_v not_o sin_v the_o sin_n against_o the_o h._n ghost_n who_o be_v perplex_v trouble_a and_o afraid_a that_o they_o have_v fall_v into_o it_o that_o very_a jealousy_n fear_n solicitousness_n and_o trouble_v of_o conscience_n lest_o thou_o shall_v have_v already_o so_o sin_v be_v a_o undoubted_a proof_n and_o evidence_n that_o thou_o never_o do_v commit_v that_o sin_n in_o all_o thy_o life_n for_o no_o person_n that_o indeed_o ever_o sin_v against_o the_o holy_a ghost_n either_o be_v or_o can_v be_v afraid_a perplex_a or_o trouble_v in_o spirit_n about_o it_o such_o trouble_n be_v inconsistent_a with_o the_o nature_n of_o that_o sin_n which_o leave_v no_o place_n for_o any_o religious_a fear_n suspicion_n jealousy_n or_o trouble_n of_o heart_n about_o it_o they_o that_o so_o sin_n sin_v wilful_o obstinate_o malicious_o and_o blasphemous_o against_o the_o spirit_n of_o grace_n without_o all_o colour_n shadow_n or_o possibility_n of_o remorse_n or_o repentance_n matth._n 12._o 31_o 32._o heb._n 6._o 4_o to_o 7._o and_o 10._o 26_o to_o 31._o these_o fear_n and_o tremble_n of_o poor_a soul_n in_o this_o case_n be_v sign_n indeed_o that_o they_o be_v very_o weak_a and_o satan_n very_o busy_a with_o they_o abuse_v their_o weakness_n but_o they_o be_v no_o sign_n of_o this_o sin_n commit_v by_o they_o but_o rather_o of_o the_o contrary_n 3._o those_o person_n that_o be_v without_o the_o visible_a church_n and_o without_o the_o gospel-ordinance_n as_o 27._o turk_n pagan_n etc._n etc._n though_o some_o of_o the_o ancient_n 4._o think_v even_o such_o may_v sin_v against_o the_o h._n ghost_n as_o also_o those_o person_n within_o the_o visible_a church_n who_o have_v yet_o receive_v little_a or_o no_o illumination_n by_o mean_n of_o the_o ordinance_n or_o spiritual_a taste_n and_o power_n of_o they_o they_o be_v not_o for_o present_v in_o immediate_a capacity_n of_o fall_v into_o this_o dreadful_a sin_n against_o the_o holy_a ghost_n though_o the_o root_n of_o it_o be_v original_a coruption_n be_v in_o they_o whole_o unmortified_a for_o as_o much_o as_o it_o be_v not_o immediate_o and_o actual_o incident_a but_o to_o such_o as_o be_v within_o the_o church_n and_o those_o therein_o who_o want_v true_a grace_n have_v yet_o receive_v some_o common_a grace_n of_o illumination_n and_o taste_v of_o spiritual_a thing_n hebrew_n 6._o affirmative_o false-hearted_a hypocritical_a professor_n of_o christ_n and_o christianity_n live_v in_o the_o bosom_n of_o the_o church_n who_o be_v never_o thorough_o renew_v col._n 3._o 10._o tit._n 3._o 5._o not_o partaker_n of_o the_o true_a life_n of_o god_n eph._n 4._o 18._o and_o power_n of_o godliness_n but_o only_o attain_v the_o form_n of_o godliness_n 2_o tim._n 3._o 5._o a_o name_n that_o they_o live_v rev._n 3._o 1._o and_o some_o formal_a accomplistment_n of_o hypocrite_n and_o temporary_a believer_n who_o to_o
salvation_n but_o by_o christ_n and_o his_o spirit_n we_o have_v all_o now_o they_o that_o sin_v this_o sin_n they_o sin_n against_o the_o remedy_n and_o that_o wilful_o malicious_o incurable_o as_o for_o jesus_n christ_n 1_o they_o crucify_v he_o afresh_o 2._o they_o put_v he_o to_o a_o open●…_n 〈◊〉_d 3_o they_o tread_v he_o under_o foot_n and_o 4._o count_n ●…is_fw-fr blood_n of_o the_o covenant●…an_n unholy_a thing_n heb._n 6._o 6._o and_o 10._o 29._o as_o for_o the_o spirit_n of_o grace_n 1._o they_o depart_v from_o his_o truth_n 2._o they_o fall_v away_o from_o his_o grace_n 3_o they_o despite_v he_o 4_o they_o blaspheme_v he_o heb._n 6._o 1_o to_o 7._o and_o 10._o 29._o matth._n 12._o how_o shall_v such_o sinner_n ever_o be_v redeem_v call_v justify_v sanctify_a or_o save_v that_o thus_o sin_n against_o the_o very_a remedy_n unbelief_n and_o impenitency_n be_v sin_n against_o the_o gospel-remedy_n but_o not_o aggravate_v with_o that_o obstinacy_n and_o maliciousness_n as_o this_o sin_n be_v that_o patient_n that_o be_v so_o far_o from_o apply_v that_o he_o hate_v and_o abhor_v the_o remedy_n that_o shall_v cure_v he_o fling_v the_o physic_n to_o the_o ground_n curse_n and_o revile_v the_o physician_n yea_o and_o tread_v he_o under_o foot_n be_v he_o ever_o likely_a to_o be_v cure_v so_o in_o this_o case_n spiritual_o 2._o hence_o this_o sin_n never_o be_v never_o can_v possible_o be_v repent_v of_o so_o the_o apostle_n tell_v we_o for_o it_o be_v impossible_a for_o those_o who_o be_v once_o enlighten_v if_o they_o shall_v fall_v away_o to_o renew_v they_o again_o unto_o repentance_n heb._n 6._o 4_o 5_o 6._o as_o if_o he_o shall_v say_v it_o be_v impossible_a for_o such_o apostate_n to_o repent_v note_v he_o say_v not_o it_o be_v improbable_a unlikely_a or_o difficult_a for_o they_o to_o repent_v but_o 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d it_o be_v impossible_a to_o renew_v they_o to_o repentance_n to_o who_o be_v it_o impossible_a 1._o impossible_a to_o themselves_o to_o renew_v themselves_o for_o if_o carnal_a man_n that_o never_o thus_o relapse_v can_v renew_v themselves_o no_o more_o than_o a_o blackamoor_n can_v change_v his_o skin_n and_o the_o leopard_n his_o spot_n it_o be_v impossible_a a_o bad_a tree_n shall_v bring_v forth_o good_a fruit_n how_o much_o less_o can_v such_o apostate_n renew_v themselves_o to_o repentance_n 2._o impossible_a to_o their_o teacher_n to_o renew_v they_o to_o repenance_n with_o all_o their_o exhortation_n promise_n threat_n prayer_n or_o ministerial_a administration_n they_o be_v but_o instrument_n plant_v water_v only_a god_n give_v the_o increase_n 1_o cor._n 3._o 6_o 7._o only_o god_n give_v repentance_n 2_o tim._n 2._o 25._o yea_o 3._o impossible_a in_o some_o sense_n unto_o god_n himself_o as_o some_o think_v not_o through_o any_o impotency_n in_o god_n but_o in_o respect_n of_o his_o infinite_a justice_n which_o can_v choose_v but_o take_v vengeance_n of_o such_o heinous_a and_o malicious_a offender_n and_o the_o apostle_n give_v two_o great_a reason_n of_o the_o impossibility_n of_o such_o backsliders_a repentance_n 1._o from_o the_o atrocity_n and_o grievousnesse_n of_o the_o sin_n commit_v viz._n a_o sin_n of_o extreme_a malice_n against_o jesus_n christ_n see_v they_o crucify_v to_o themselves_o the_o son_n of_o god_n afresh_o and_o put_v he_o to_o a_o open_a shame_n which_o word_n have_v be_v former_o explain_v p._n 112_o etc._n etc._n 2._o from_o the_o just_a judgement_n of_o god_n inflict_v upon_o they_o set_v forth_o under_o the_o metaphor_n of_o good_a and_o bad_a ground_n for_o the_o earth_n which_o drink_v in_o the_o rain_n that_o come_v oft_o upon_o it_o and_o bring_v forth_o herb_n meet_v for_o they_o by_o who_o it_o be_v dress_v receive_v blessing_n from_o god_n but_o that_o which_o bear_v thorn_n and_o brier_n be_v reject_v and_o be_v nigh_o unto_o curse_v who_o end_n be_v to_o be_v burn_v heb._n 6._o 6_o 7_o 8._o i_o e._n as_o a_o husbandman_n that_o till_v manure_n water_n plant_n bestow_v much_o cost_n and_o pain_n upon_o ground_n and_o after_o all_o it_o bring_v forth_o nothing_o but_o brier_n thorn_n nettle_n weed_n etc._n etc._n he_o will_v never_o bestow_v more_o cost_n upon_o it_o its_o worthy_a to_o be_v curse_v and_o burn_v up_o so_o after_o god_n have_v by_o his_o gospel-ordinance_n bestow_v much_o husbandry_n upon_o man_n and_o afford_v they_o also_o many_o heavenly_a influence_n viz._n common_a gift_n &_o grace_n of_o his_o spirit_n &_o they_o notwithstanding_o bring_v forth_o nothing_o but_o thorn_n and_o brier_n of_o this_o curse_a apostasy_n god_n will_v give_v they_o up_o to_o final_a impenitency_n and_o hardness_n of_o heart_n to_o their_o own_o destruction_n 3._o hence_o this_o sin_n against_o the_o holy_a ghost_n be_v unpardonable_a so_o christ_n tell_v we_o the_o blasphemy_n against_o the_o holy_a ghost_n shall_v not_o be_v forgive_v neither_o in_o this_o world_n neither_o in_o the_o world_n to_o come_v matth._n 12._o 32._o that_o be_v as_o mark_n express_v it_o he_o that_o shall_v blaspheme_v against_o the_o holy_a ghost_n have_v never_o forgiveness_n mark_n 3._o 29._o this_o sin_n be_v unpardonable_a not_o as_o if_o it_o be_v in_o its_o own_o nature_n beyond_o god_n pardon_v mercy_n or_o beyond_o christ_n purge_v merit_n both_o which_o be_v infinite_a but_o because_o it_o be_v always_o accompany_v with_o final_a impenitency_n and_o therefore_o god_n will_v not_o bestow_v his_o pardon_n christ_n will_v not_o apply_v his_o merit_n to_o like_o effect_v the_o apostle_n say_v if_o we_o sin_v wilful_o after_o that_o we_o have_v receive_v the_o knowledge_n of_o the_o truth_n there_o remain_v no_o more_o sacrifice_n for_o sin_n heb._n 10._o 26._o this_o sin_n unpardonablenesse_n heighten_v this_o sin_n grievousnesse_n above_o all_o other_o sin_n in_o the_o world_n what_o other_o sin_n but_o have_v be_v repent_v of_o and_o upon_o repentance_n pardon_v this_o beyond_o all_o manasses_n sin_n they_o be_v repent_v of_o and_o pardon_v beyond_o all_o saul_n sin_n 1_o tim._n 1._o 13_o 16._o act._n 26._o 9_o to_o 12._o they_o be_v repent_v of_o and_o pardon_v beyond_o their_o sin_n that_o murder_v christ_n through_o ignorance_n for_o they_o repent_v and_o be_v forgive_v act._n 2_o 36_o 37_o 38_o 41._o but_o this_o shall_v never_o be_v forgive_v 4._o hence_o this_o sin_n be_v inevitable_o damnable_a if_o this_o sin_n be_v never_o repent_v of_o never_o pardon_v it_o must_v needs_o always_o be_v punish_v with_o damnation_n and_o eternal_a death_n and_o that_o inavoidable_o he_o that_o shall_v blaspheme_v against_o the_o holy_a ghost_n have_v never_o forgiveness_n but_o be_v in_o danger_n of_o eternal_a damnation_n mark_n 3._o 29._o if_o we_o sin_v wilful_o after_o that_o we_o have_v receive_v the_o knowledge_n of_o the_o truth_n there_o remain_v no_o more_o sacrifice_n for_o sin_n but_o a_o certain_a fearful_a look_v for_o of_o judgement_n and_o fiery_a indignation_n which_o shall_v devour_v the_o adversary_n he_o that_o despise_a moses_n law_n die_v without_o mercy_n under_o two_o or_o three_o witness_n of_o how_o much_o sore_a punishment_n suppose_v you_o shall_v he_o be_v think_v worthy_a who_o have_v tread_v under_o foot_n the_o son_n of_o god_n &_o c_o heb._n 10._o 26_o 27_o 28_o 29._o here_o be_v 1._o judgement_n fiery_a indignation_n and_o that_o devour_a yea_o much_o sore_a punishment_n than_o death_n without_o mercy_n what_o can_v this_o be_v but_o eternal_a damnation_n 2._o here_o be_v the_o certainty_n of_o it_o and_o that_o without_o hope_n or_o place_n remain_v for_o any_o more_o sacrifice_n for_o sin_n what_o be_v this_o but_o inevitable_a damnation_n hence_o such_o as_o sin_n against_o the_o holy_a ghost_n be_v resemble_v to_o ground_n nigh_o unto_o curse_v who_o end_n be_v to_o be_v burn_v heb._n 6._o 8._o think_v now_o sad_o of_o the_o inevitablnesse_n of_o eternal_a damnation_n ever_o attend_v upon_o this_o sin_n and_o then_o consider_v how_o grievous_a it_o must_v needs_o be_v 5._o hence_o this_o sin_n be_v usual_o a_o most_o intolerable_a torture_n to_o the_o conscience_n this_o plain_o flow_v from_o all_o the_o former_a for_o this_o be_v 1._o the_o high_a sin_n against_o the_o save_a remedy_n 2._o never_o repent_v of_o 3_o unpardonable_a &_o 4._o inevitable_o damnable_a how_o can_v the_o conscience_n reflect_v upon_o all_o this_o choose_v but_o be_v unspeakablytorture_v in_o this_o present_a world_n with_o horror_n terror_n despair_n and_o self-confusion_n which_o the_o apostle_n call_v a_o certain_a fearful_a look_v for_o of_o judgement_n and_o fiery_a indignation_n which_o shall_v devour_v the_o adversary_n heb._n 10._o 27._o oh_o what_o a_o torment_n what_o a_o rack_n what_o a_o hell_n aforehand_o be_v this_o to_o the_o conscience_n to_o think_v that_o hell_n be_v inevitable_a and_o yet_o intolerable_a the_o furious_a horror_n hereof_o make_v
judas_n restless_a till_o he_o have_v hang_v himself_o matth._n 27._o 1_o to_o 7._o yea_o sometime_o the_o anguish_n and_o sting_n of_o conscience_n be_v so_o intolerable_a that_o they_o desperate_o wish_v themselves_o in_o hell_n that_o they_o may_v not_o be_v so_o overwhelm_v with_o torture_a fear_n but_o feel_v the_o worst_a but_o alas_o when_o they_o shall_v come_v into_o hell_n their_o worm_n of_o conscience_n will_v never_o die_v but_o fret_v and_o g●…aw_v the_o heartstring_n of_o the_o soul_n for_o evermore_o 6._o final_o this_o sin_n be_v so_o heinous_a that_o the_o pardon_n of_o it_o be_v not_o to_o be_v pray_v for_o there_o be_v a_o sin_n unto_o death_n say_v john_n i_o do_v not_o say_v you_o shall_v pray_v for_o it_o 1._o joh._n 5._o 16._o and_o that_o sin_n which_o may_v not_o be_v pray_v for_o be_v count_v desperate_a and_o past_a remedy_n for_o prayer_n be_v one_o remedy_n now_o the_o more_o remediless_a the_o more_o grievous_a thus_o far_o of_o the_o second_o thing_n to_o be_v evidence_v viz._n what_o the_o sin_n against_o the_o holy_a ghost_n be_v and_o wherein_o it_o consist_v viz._n of_o 1._o the_o name_n 2._o nature_n and_o 3._o grievousnesse_n of_o it_o sect_n iii_o now_o brief_o to_o the_o three_o and_o last_o thing_n propound_v for_o clear_v this_o case_n of_o conscience_n viz._n to_o show_v what_o a_o vast_a difference_n there_o be_v betwixt_o the_o sin_v of_o regenerate_v person_n and_o their_o sin_v that_o sin_n against_o the_o holy_a ghost_n and_o this_o result_v by_o way_n of_o corollary_n from_o all_o that_o have_v be_v already_o speak_v to_o hint_n some_o particular_n may_v be_v sufficient_a as_o 1._o they_o that_o sin_n against_o the_o holy_a ghost_n be_v such_o as_o be_v under_o the_o reign_n &_o dominion_n of_o sin_n viz._n hypocrite_n that_o never_o have_v in_o they_o any_o power_n of_o godliness_n but_o only_o a_o form_n remain_v still_o in_o their_o carnal_a condition_n but_o regenerate_v person_n though_o sometime_o they_o may_v fall_v grievous_o 〈◊〉_d yet_o be_v deliver_v from_o the_o dominion_n and_o reign_n of_o sin_n as_o have_v be_v show_v 2._o they_o that_o sin_n against_o the_o holy_a ghost_n be_v never_o advance_v beyond_o the_o degree_n of_o hypocrite_n as_o have_v be_v evidence_v but_o regenerate_v person_n be_v sincere_a and_o upright_a psal._n 18._o 22._o 2_o cor._n 1._o 12._o they_o partake_v of_o the_o truth_n of_o grace_n power_n of_o godliness_n life_n of_o god._n 3._o they_o that_o sin_n against_o the_o holy_a ghost_n universal_o fall_v away_o both_o from_o profession_n and_o approbation_n of_o truth_n and_o grace_n as_o have_v be_v prove_v but_o the_o regenerate_v never_o fall_v away_o thus_o universal_o but_o only_o partial_o and_o in_o some_o particular_a respect_n only_o 4._o they_o that_o sin_n against_o the_o holy_a ghost_n apostatise_v and_o fall_v away_o final_o but_o though_o regenerate_v person_n sometime_o fall_v woeful_o yet_o never_o final_o they_o always_o rise_v again_o 5._o they_o that_o sin_n against_o the_o holy_a ghost_n sin_n wilful_o and_o malicious_o but_o as_o have_v be_v clear_v regenerate_v person_n sin_n out_o of_o weakness_n and_o infirmity_n not_o of_o malice_n or_o wilful_a obstinacy_n they_o hate_v the_o evil_n which_o they_o do_v rom._n 7._o 15._o 6._o they_o that_o sin_n against_o the_o holy_a ghost_n sin_n desperate_o against_o the_o save_a remedy_n viz._n both_o against_o the_o ministry_n and_o grace_n of_o the_o holy_a ghost_n and_o also_o against_o the_o blood_n and_o merit_n of_o the_o son_n of_o god_n as_o be_v declare_v but_o they_o that_o be_v regenerate_v sin_v not_o thus_o against_o the_o save_a remedy_n 7._o they_o that_o sin_n against_o the_o holy_a ghost_n be_v not_o in_o fear_n or_o trouble_v lest_o they_o have_v sin_v that_o sin_n but_o be_v wicked_o harden_v regenerate_v person_n be_v oft_o perplex_v and_o afraid_a lest_o they_o shall_v have_v sin_v it_o 8._o they_o that_o sin_n against_o the_o holy_a ghost_n so_o sin_n that_o it_o be_v impossible_a to_o renew_v they_o again_o unto_o repentance_n but_o they_o that_o be_v regenerate_v repent_v of_o every_o sin_n which_o they_o fall_v into_o before_o they_o die_v in_o the_o general_a or_o particular_a 9_o they_o that_o sin_n against_o the_o holy_a ghost_n sin_n unpardonable_o but_o all_o the_o sin_n of_o regenerate_a person_n be_v pardonable_a and_o actual_o pardon_v to_o they_o 10._o they_o that_o sin_n against_o the_o holy_a ghost_n be_v torter_v with_o a_o certain_a fearful_a look_v for_o of_o judgement_n and_o fiery_a indignation_n which_o shall_v devour_v they_o heb._n 10._o 27._o but_o they_o that_o be_v regenerate_v be_v justify_v rom._n 8._o 29_o 30._o and_o be_v justify_v by_o faith_n they_o have_v peace_n with_o god_n and_o joy_n in_o hope_n of_o the_o glory_n of_o god_n and_o not_o only_o so_o but_o even_o glory_n in_o tribulation_n rom._n 5._o 1_o 2_o 3._o 11._o they_o that_o sin_n against_o the_o holy_a ghost_n must_v not_o be_v pray_v for_o 1_o joh._n 5._o 16._o but_o we_o ought_v to_o pray_v for_o all_o regenerate_v person_n not_o withstand_v their_o sin_n &_o frailty_n which_o they_o be_v subject_a to_o james_n 5._o 16._o 1_o joh._n 5._o 16._o 12._o final_o they_o that_o sin_n against_o the_o holy_a ghost_n shall_v certain_o and_o inevitable_o be_v condemn_v as_o be_v prove_v but_o regenerate_v person_n not_o withstand_v their_o actual_a or_o original_a sin_n shall_v certain_o and_o infallible_o be_v save_v rom._n 8._o 29_o 30._o there_o be_v no_o condemnation_n to_o they_o which_o be_v in_o christ_n jesus_n who_o walk_v not_o after_o the_o flesh_n but_o after_o the_o spirit_n rom._n 8._o 1._o these_o and_o divers_a such_o like_a difference_n be_v very_o remarkable_a betwixt_o the_o sin_v of_o regenerate_v person_n and_o their_o sin_v that_o sin_n against_o the_o holy_a ghost_n whereby_o true_o regenerate_v person_n may_v discern_v how_o far_o they_o be_v from_o sin_v that_o great_a sin_n notwithstanding_o all_o their_o fear_n and_o perplexity_n about_o it_o for_o who_o satisfaction_n i_o have_v the_o more_o large_o insist_v upon_o this_o weighty_a case_n thus_o far_o of_o that_o 3._o evidence_n or_o sign_n of_o regeneration_n viz._n the_o not_o commit_v of_o sin_n they_o that_o be_v bear_v of_o god_n do_v not_o commit_v sin_n nor_o can_v sin_n in_o that_o sense_n and_o in_o those_o respect_n as_o have_v be_v explain_v iv._o overcome_v of_o erroneous_a and_o heretical_a iv._o spirit_n and_o their_o seducement_n may_v be_v a_o four_o sign_n or_o evidence_n of_o regeneration_n believe_v not_o every_o spirit_n but_o try_v the_o spirit_n whether_o they_o be_v of_o god_n because_o many_o false_a prophet_n be_v go_v out_o into_o the_o world_n you_o be_v of_o god_n little_a child_n and_o have_v overcome_v they_o because_o great_a be_v he_o that_o be_v in_o you_o than_o he_o that_o be_v in_o the_o world_n 1_o joh._n 4._o 1._o 4._o in_o these_o 4_o verse_n the_o apostle_n scope_n be_v to_o caution_n and_o encourage_v the_o faithful_a against_o all_o the_o seducement_n of_o erroneous_a and_o heretcall_a spirit_n then_o abound_v to_o this_o end_n 1._o he_o warn_v they_o of_o their_o danger_n many_o false_a prophet_n be_v go_v out_o into_o the_o world_n v_o 1._o 2._o he_o direct_v they_o how_o to_o prevent_v harm_n by_o they_o negative_o believe_v not_o every_o spirit_n positive_o prove_v the_o spirit_n etc._n etc._n v._n 1._o 3._o he_o give_v they_o one_o eminent_a character_n of_o a_o true_a and_o false_a spirit_n viz._n the_o confess_v or_o not_o confess_v of_o jesus_n christ_n v_o 2_o 3._o for_o as_o 2._o calvin_n have_v well_o note_v christ_n be_v the_o scope_n at_o which_o faith_n aim_v and_o also_o christ_n be_v the_o rock_n against_o which_o all_o heretic_n dash_v either_o in_o respect_n of_o his_o person_n office_n or_o ordinance_n 4._o he_o comfort_v and_o encourage_v they_o in_o their_o victory_n over_o these_o heretical_a seducer_n and_o false_a prophet_n though_o they_o have_v many_o sharp_a conflict_n with_o they_o yet_o they_o have_v conquer_v they_o get_v the_o day_n you_o have_v overcome_v they_o this_o their_o victory_n be_v amplify_v 1._o by_o the_o evidence_n that_o it_o give_v they_o of_o their_o own_o regenerate_v condition_n you_o be_v of_o god_n little_a child_n and_o have_v overcome_v they_o as_o if_o he_o have_v say_v this_o be_v a_o pregnant_a token_n or_o pledge_n to_o you_o that_o you_o be_v bear_v of_o god_n joh._n 1._o 13._o that_o you_o be_v in_o a_o godly_a gracious_a regenerate_a condition_n that_o you_o have_v overcome_v these_o heretic_n these_o false_a prophet_n you_o have_v not_o be_v corrupt_v by_o nor_o carry_v away_o with_o their_o error_n 2._o by_o the_o true_a cause_n or_o ground_n of_o this_o their_o victory_n it_o be_v not_o from_o their_o own_o skill_n or_o
the_o very_a elect_n mat._n 24._o 24._o that_o comfortable_a parenthesis_n if_o it_o be_v possible_a intimate_v a_o possibility_n of_o deceive_v other_o yet_o a_o impossibility_n of_o deceive_v the_o elect._n it_o be_v the_o property_n of_o christ_n sheep_n to_o follow_v christ_n for_o they_o know_v his_o voic●…_n but_o a_o stranger_n viz._n one_o that_o bring_v strange_a and_o false_a doctrine_n will_n they_o not_o follow_v but_o will_v flee_v from_o he_o because_o they_o know_v not_o the_o voice_n of_o stranger_n joh._n 10._o 4_o 5._o it_o be_v observable_a that_o when_o the_o holy_a ghost_n tell_v we_o that_o all_o that_o dwell_v upon_o the_o earth_n shall_v worship_v the_o beast_n yet_o the_o elect_n be_v exempt_v all_o shall_v worship_v who_o be_v name_n be_v not_o write_v in_o the_o lamb_n book_n of_o life_n rev._n 13._o 8._o and_o elsewhere_o john_n testify_v clear_o they_o go_v out_o from_o we_o viz._n by_o embrace_v antichristian_a doctrine_n v_o 18._o but_o they_o be_v not_o of_o we_o for_o if_o they_o have_v be_v of_o we_o they_o will_v no_o doubt_n have_v continue_v with_o we_o but_o they_o go_v out_o that_o they_o may_v be_v make_v manifest_a that_o they_o be_v not_o all_o of_o we_o 1_o joh._n 2._o 19_o and_o paul_n testify_v to_o the_o corinthian_n that_o there_o must_v be_v not_o only_o division_n but_o also_o heresy_n among_o they_o that_o they_o which_o be_v approve_v may_v be_v make_v manifest_a among_o they_o 1_o cor._n 11._o 19_o imply_v notable_o that_o even_o in_o time_n and_o place_n wherein_o heresy_n abound_v yet_o god_n approve_v one_o will_v withstand_v and_o reject_v heresy_n when_o other_o will_v embrace_v they_o and_o so_o the_o approve_a of_o sound_a judgement_n shall_v be_v manifest_v among_o all_o the_o rest_n nor_o need_v this_o seem_v strange_a that_o god_n elect_v child_n be_v not_o so_o apt_a to_o be_v carry_v away_o with_o every_o wind_n of_o error_n as_o carnal_a hypocritical_a person_n for_o they_o be_v better_o ballast_v then_o these_o be_v they_o have_v many_o protection_n &_o preservation_n from_o error_n which_o carnal_a man_n have_v not_o as_o 1._o god_n election_n be_v their_o sure_a foundation_n to_o keep_v they_o from_o dash_v upon_o the_o rock_n of_o error_n on_o which_o other_o split_v themselves_o compare_v and_o consider_v well_o these_o two_o place_n mat._n 24._o 24._o and_o 1_o tim._n 2._o 17_o 18_o 19_o 2._o god_n power_n through_o faith_n keep_v they_o unto_o salvation_n 1_o pet._n 1._o 5._o not_o their_o own_o nor_o any_o mere_a create_a power_n but_o god_n power_n keep_v they_o as_o in_o garrison_n ●…s_v the_o greek_a import_v and_o this_o through_o faith_n apprehend_v &_o apply_v that_o divine_a power_n faith_n imbark_v the_o soul_n in_o the_o arm_n of_o god_n omnipotent_a and_o so_o make_v weakness_n strong_a and_o as_o god_n power_n through_o faith_n keep_v they_o from_o other_o enemy_n and_o impediment_n to_o salvation_n so_o from_o pernicious_a and_o damnable_a heresy_n 3._o the_o spiritual_a anoint_v of_o the_o holy_a ghost_n give_v they_o teach_v they_o all_o thing_n 1_o joh._n 2._o 27._o the_o spirit_n search_v all_o thing_n even_o the_o deep_a thing_n of_o god_n so_o that_o through_o the_o spirit_n they_o judge_v all_o thing_n and_o have_v the_o mind_n of_o christ_n 1_o cor._n 2._o 15_o 16._o so_o that_o hereby_o they_o be_v enable_v to_o discern_v truth_n to_o detect_v and_o avoid_v error_n in_o judgement_n as_o well_o as_o in_o practice_n which_o carnal_a man_n can_v do_v want_v this_o anoint_v and_o spiritual_a discern_v 4._o final_o the_o love_n of_o truth_n in_o god_n people_n be_v much_o they_o be_v the_o child_n of_o truth_n 1_o joh._n 3._o 19_o they_o can_v do_v nothing_o against_o the_o truth_n but_o for_o the_o truth_n 2_o cor_fw-la 13._o 8._o their_o loin_n be_v gird_v about_o with_o truth_n eph._n 6._o 14._o and_o therefore_o they_o be_v hereby_o notable_o fence_v against_o error_n whereas_o carnal_a and_o hypocritical_a man_n be_v either_o 1_o man_n of_o corrupt_a mind_n destitute_a of_o the_o tr●…th_n 1_o tim._n 6._o 4_o 5._o resist_v the_o truth_n 2_o tim._n 3._o 8._o and_o turn_v away_o their_o ear_n from_o th●…_n truth_n 2_o tim._n 4._o 4._o or_o 2._o they_o hold_v the_o truth_n in_o unrighteousness_n rom._n 1._o 18._o or_o 3._o they_o be_v not_o able_a to_o come_v to_o the_o knowledge_n of_o the_o truth_n 2_o tim._n 3._o 7_o or_o 4_o they_o lo●…e_v not_o the_o truth_n 2_o thes._n 2._o 9_o 10._o and_o no_o wonder_n such_o person_n be_v unstable_a waver_a and_o apt_a to_o embrace_v lie_n and_o fable_n 2._o the_o true_a child_n of_o god_n do_v not_o so_o full_o close_a with_o error_n in_o opinion_n but_o rather_o they_o be_v surprise_v and_o overtake_v with_o they_o through_o infirmity_n rom._n 14._o 1._o the_o remain_v of_o darkness_n in_o their_o mind_n sometime_o dazzle_v and_o prevail_v against_o the_o principle_n of_o light_n so_o that_o as_o in_o practice_n they_o sin_n non_fw-la voluntat●…_n plena_fw-la sed_fw-la semiplena_a i._n e._n not_o with_o a_o whole_a but_o with_o a_o half-will_a so_o in_o judgement_n they_o err_v not_o with_o a_o whole_a but_o with_o a_o half-mind_n the_o light_n of_o the_o mind_n be_v against_o the_o error_n which_o the_o prevalent_a darkness_n entertain_v but_o carnal_a person_n who_o whole_a mind_n be_v darkness_n eph._n 5._o 8_o and_o enmity_n against_o god_n rom._n 8._o 7._o have_v no_o spark_n of_o sanctify_a illumination_n in_o they_o at_o all_o must_v needs_o embrace_v error_n with_o more_o full_a compliance_n and_o approbation_n 3._o the_o true_a child_n of_o god_n do_v not_o tenacious_o and_o obstinate_o persist_v in_o error_n especial_o not_o in_o fundamental_a error_n nolo_fw-la they_o may_v ●…re_v through_o invincible_a frailty_n but_o they_o will_v not_o wilful_o and_o pertinacious_o persevere_v in_o their_o error_n as_o be_v the_o property_n of_o heretical_a disposition_n such_o have_v the_o anoint_v in_o they_o to_o teach_v they_o all_o thing_n which_o consequent_o will_v in_o due_a time_n convince_v and_o recover_v they_o out_o of_o error_n 1_o joh._n 3._o 27._o a_o gracious_a heart_n be_v very_o ingenuous_a convince_v he_o but_o clear_o of_o his_o error_n he_o be_v ready_a to_o ●…cknowledge_v it_o and_o reform_v it_o solomon_n not_o only_o miscarry_v in_o his_o practice_n but_o seem_v also_o to_o have_v err_v gross_o in_o his_o judgement_n think_v that_o happiness_n satisfaction_n or_o contentment_n be_v to_o be_v find_v in_o the_o empty_a bubble_n of_o the_o creature_n but_o when_o his_o own_o large_a experience_n confute_v his_o opinion_n how_o full_o do_v he_o publish_v his_o recantation_n to_o all_o age_n in_o ecclesi●…stes_n david_n behold_v the_o prosperity_n of_o the_o wicked_a while_o the_o rod_n be_v tie_v to_o his_o own_o back_n all_z the_o day_n long_o have_v i_o be_v plague_v and_o chastened_a every_o morning_n psa._n 73._o 〈◊〉_d 14._o begin_v to_o harbour_v a_o erroneous_a opinion_n of_o his_o own_o and_o their_o state_n very_o i_o have_v cleanse_v my_o heart_n in_o vain_a and_o wash_v my_o hand_n in_o innocency_n v_o 13._o thus_o he_o be_v ready_a even_o to_o condemn_v the_o generation_n of_o god_n child_n v_o 15._o but_o when_o he_o come_v into_o god_n sanctuary_n and_o have_v his_o eye_n there_o open_v how_o ingenuous_o do_v he_o fool_n himself_o yea_o beast_n himself_o for_o it_o so_o foolish_a be_v i_o and_o ignorant_a i_o be_v as_o a_o beast_n before_o thou_o psal._n 73._o 22._o august●…_n deserve_v high_o of_o the_o church_n of_o god_n for_o many_o excellent_a book_n which_o he_o write_v but_o especial_o for_o his_o 2_o book_n of_o retractation_n and_o his_o 13_o book_n of_o confession_n for_o as_o in_o his_o confession_n he_o lament_v the_o error_n of_o his_o practice_n which_o he_o have_v act_v so_o in_o his_o retractation_n he_o condemn_v the_o error_n of_o his_o judgement_n which_o he_o have_v write_v in_o both_o discover_v a_o gracious_a self-denying_a spirit_n far_o from_o obstinacy_n in_o error_n that_o truth_n may_v be_v honour_v he_o tread_v his_o own_o honour_n in_o the_o dust_n and_o say_v 10._o none_o but_o a_o imprudent_a man_n will_v blame_v i_o for_o blame_v my_o own_o error_n for_o if_o i_o ought_v to_o have_v say_v they_o i_o ought_v not_o to_o have_v blame_v they_o but_o he_o that_o can_v not_o at_o fi●…st_v be_v wise_a shall_v yet_o afterward_o be_v modest_a that_o not_o be_v able_a to_o say_v only_a thing_n not_o to_o be_v repent_v of_o may_v at_o least_o repent_v of_o what_o he_o know_v ought_v not_o to_o have_v be_v say_v yea_o afterward_o be_v caution_n his_o reader_n *_o not_o to_o imitate_v he_o in_o err_v but_o in_o reclaim_v his_o error_n but_o contrariwise_o a_o graceless_a heart_n be_v wont_a to_o be_v obstinate_a in_o error_n
be_v without_o it_o do_v we_o thus_o know_v or_o hope_v for_o conformity_n to_o god_n in_o glory_n sign_n of_o this_o knowledge_n or_o hope_n in_o we_o of_o our_o ●…formity_n to_o god_n in_o glory_n 1._o peace_n with_o god_n and_o joy_n in_o hope_n of_o this_o glory_n rom._n 5._o 1_o 2._o 2._o conformity_n to_o god_n in_o grace_n purify_n themselves_o as_o god_n be_v pure_a 1_o joh._n 3._o 2_o 3._o 3._o a_o cheerful_a disposition_n to_o part_n with_o any_o earthly_a enjoyment_n for_o christ_n or_o to_o endure_v any_o affliction_n or_o persecution_n for_o he_o heb._n 10._o 34._o &_o 11._o 26._o &_o ver_fw-la 35_o to_o 40._o 4._o lead_v on_o earth_n a_o heavenly_a conversation_n phil._n 3._o 20._o col._n 3._o 1_o etc._n etc._n 5._o frequent_a and_o fervent_a desire_n breathe_n groan_n long_n after_o christ_n appear_v and_o full_a enjoyment_n of_o he_o face_n to_o face_n 2_o cor._n 5._o 1_o 2_o 3_o 4_o 8._o cant._n 8._o 14._o rev._n 22._o 20._o ix_o in_o hope_n of_o glory_n purify_n ourselves_o ix_o as_o god_n be_v pure_a may_v be_v a_o nine_o or_o last_o evidence_n of_o regeneration_n now_o we_o be_v the_o son_n of_o god_n but_o it_o do_v not_o and_o every_o man_n that_o have_v this_o hope_n in_o he_o purifi_v himself_o even_o as_o he_o be_v pure_a 1_o joh._n 3._o 2_o 3._o so_o that_o every_o child_n of_o god_n have_v the_o hope_n of_o glory_n and_o of_o conformity_n to_o god_n and_o to_o christ_n therein_o thereupon_o from_o that_o hope_n purify_v himself_o as_o he_o be_v pure_a in_o this_o evidence_n of_o selfe-purifying_a note_v 1._o the_o act_n perform_v purifi_v 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d a_o metaphor_n either_o from_o goldsmith_n purify_n metal_n from_o dross_n or_o from_o the_o ceremonial_a purification_n in_o time_n of_o the_o law_n denote_v regenerate_a person_n cleanse_v themselves_o more_o and_o more_o from_o corruption_n 2._o the_o object_n about_o which_o this_o act_n be_v to_o be_v exercise_v themselves_o viz._n not_o only_o their_o outside_n or_o only_o their_o mind_n etc._n etc._n but_o theirwhole_a man_n soul_n and_o body_n and_o consequent_o their_o whole_a conversation_n they_o will_v be_v clean_o throughout_o 3._o the_o rule_n or_o pattern_n of_o this_o act_n according_a to_o which_o in_o some_o imperfect_a resemblance_n he_o purify_v himself_o viz._n god_n purity_n as_o god_n be_v pure_a see_v 1_o pet._n 1_o 13_o etc._n etc._n augustine_n 3._o have_v well_o observe_v that_o the_o word_n as_o here_o be_v not_o a_o note_n of_o parility_n or_o equality_n but_o of_o resemblance_n and_o similitude_n of_o quality_n rather_o than_o of_o equality_n as_o there_o be_v a_o similitude_n betwixt_o the_o face_n itself_o and_o the_o image_n of_o the_o face_n in_o the_o glass_n but_o no_o equality_n 4._o the_o ground_n or_o motive_n incite_v the_o regenerate_v to_o this_o selfe-purifying_a viz._n hope_v of_o glory_n presumption_n security_n etc._n etc._n purify_v not_o deut._n 29._o 19_o luke_n 17._o 26_o etc._n etc._n hope_n do_v no_o unclean_a thing_n can_v enter_v into_o the_o heavenly_a jerusalem_n rev._n 21._o 27._o therefore_o they_o that_o hope_v for_o heaven_n cleanse_v themselves_o that_o they_o may_v be_v fit_a to_o enter_v sub_fw-la augustine_n say_v well_o the_o vessel_n must_v be_v cleanse_v of_o vinegar_n that_o god_n may_v fill_v it_o with_o honey_n if_o thou_o be_v full_a of_o vinegar_n where_o will_v thou_o put_v the_o honey_n &_o c_o hope_v in_o christ_n excite_v to_o purity_n because_o it_o conduct_n we_o straight_o to_o christ_n the_o perfect_a pattern_n of_o all_o purity_n say_v calvin_n in_o loc_n now_o in_o the_o regenerate_v that_o have_v hope_n of_o glory_n consider_v these_o ensue_a sign_n of_o self_n purify_n as_o god_n be_v pure_a viz._n 1._o frequent_v wash_v themselves_o in_o the_o fountain_n open_v for_o sin_n and_o uncleanness_n viz._n in_o the_o purify_n blood_n of_o christ_n by_o faith_n and_o hope_n as_o instrument_n apply_v christ_n crucify_v zech._n 13._o 1._o heb._n 9_o 14._o psal._n 51._o 7._o who_o god_n have_v set_v forth_o to_o be_v a_o propitiation_n through_o faith_n in_o his_o blood_n etc._n etc._n rom._n 3._o 25._o 2._o maintain_v a_o constant_a spiritual_a combat_n by_o faith_n hope_n and_o other_o grace_n of_o the_o spirit_n against_o the_o flesh_n and_o so_o by_o the_o spirit_n mortify_v the_o deed_n of_o the_o flesh_n daily_o crucify_a the_o flesh_n with_o the_o affection_n and_o lust_n gal._n 5._o 17._o compare_v with_o rom._n 8._o 13._o and_o galat._n 5._o 24_o 25._o thus_o hope_v as_o a_o inward_a principle_n work_v out_o pollution_n and_o corruption_n as_o be_v repugnant_a thereunto_o as_o good_a honey_n separate_v and_o work_v out_o the_o dross_n a_o pure_a heart_n mingle_v not_o with_o corruption_n ps._n 66._o 18._o 3._o true_a endeavour_n to_o purify_v both_o soul_n and_o body_n person_n and_o conversation_n from_o all_o corruption_n universal_o both_o in_o kind_n and_o degree_n let_v we_o cleanse_v ourselves_o from_o all_o silthinesse_n of_o flesh_n and_o spirit_n 2_o cor._n 7._o 〈◊〉_d hypocrite_n can_v wash_v the_o outside_n of_o the_o cup_n or_o platter_n but_o inward_o they_o be_v full_a of_o extortion_n and_o excess_n mat._n 23._o 25_o 26._o can_v forsake_v some_o not_o all_o corruption_n 4._o conscientious_a improvement_n of_o the_o word_n for_o self_n purify_n the_o word_n have_v a_o purify_n faculty_n in_o it_o you_o be_v clean_o through_o the_o word_n that_o i_o have_v speak_v to_o you_o john_n 15._o 〈◊〉_d the_o word_n purify_v 1._o as_o a_o antidote_n against_o sin_n psal._n 119._o 11._o 2._o as_o a_o lamp_n discover_v the_o spot_n rom._n 7._o 7._o 3._o as_o a_o star_n conduct_v to_o christ_n the_o fountain_n of_o purify_n 1_o john_n 2._o 1_o 2._o zech._n 13._o 1._o 4._o as_o a_o rule_n according_a to_o which_o we_o be_v heedful_o to_o order_v our_o conversation_n psal._n 119._o 9_o and_o 5._o as_o a_o motive_n especial_o in_o the_o promise_n of_o it_o unto_o selfe-purifying_a 2_o cor._n 7._o 1._o 5._o content_v bear_v of_o heavy_a affliction_n so_o that_o sin_n may_v be_v purge_v out_o psal_n 119._o 67_o 71._o such_o can_v say_v lord_n humble_v i_o break_v i_o bruise_v i_o do_v any_o thing_n with_o i_o that_o i_o may_v be_v more_o holy_a less_o sinful_a 6._o fervent_a desire_n and_o prayer_n for_o thorough_a purity_n cleanse_v thou_o i_o from_o secret_a fault_n psal._n 19_o 12._o purge_v i_o with_o hyssop_n and_o i_o shall_v be_v clean_o wash_v i_o and_o i_o shall_v be_v white_a than_o snow_n psal._n 51._o 7._o hence_o how_o often_o do_v the_o regenerate_v long_o to_o be_v dissolve_v and_o to_o be_v with_o christ_n that_o they_o may_v never_o sin_v more_o but_o have_v all_o spot_n and_o wrinkle_n wipe_v away_o for_o evermore_o chap._n iii_o evidence_n or_o sign_n that_o we_o be_v of_o the_o truth_n and_o of_o the_o number_n of_o god_n own_o people_n i._o have_v a_o unction_n from_o the_o holy_a one_o teach_v we_o all_o thing_n they_o go_v out_o i._o from_o we_o but_o they_o be_v not_o of_o we_o but_o you_o have_v a_o unction_n from_o the_o holy_a one_o and_o you_o shall_v know_v all_o thing_n the_o anoint_v which_o you_o have_v receive_v of_o he_o abide_v in_o you_o 1_o john_n 2._o 19_o 20_o 27._o for_o clear_v this_o evidence_n consider_v herein_o 1._o how_o the_o apostle_n brand_v some_o for_o their_o hypocrisy_n discover_v itself_o in_o their_o apostasy_n they_o fall_v away_o viz_o to_o antichristian_a doctr._n v._n 18._o go_v out_o from_o we_o therefore_o they_o be_v not_o of_o we_o no_o more_o than_o chaff_n mingle_v with_o the_o wheat_n be_v wheat_n when_o the_o fan_n come_v the_o chaff_n fly_v away_o 2._o how_o the_o apostle_n commend_v those_o to_o who_o he_o write_v oppose_v they_o to_o these_o hypocritical_a apostate_n as_o have_v the_o anoint_v of_o the_o spirit_n from_o christ_n abide_v in_o they_o and_o teach_v they_o all_o thing_n these_o then_o have_v this_o unction_n from_o the_o holy_a one_o teach_v they_o all_o thing_n be_v of_o the_o number_n of_o god_n people_n inasmuch_o as_o they_o here_o stand_v oppose_v to_o they_o that_o be_v not_o of_o god_n people_n though_o once_o they_o live_v among_o they_o now_o in_o this_o evidence_n further_o observe_v 1._o the_o distinctive_a character_n a_o unction_n viz._n the_o holy_a spirit_n this_o the_o gladn_v oil_n wherewith_o christ_n be_v anoint_v above_o all_o his_o fellow_n king_n priest_n prophet_n member_n psal._n 45._o 7._o with_o act_n 4._o 27._o &_o 10._o 38._o his_o fellow_n than_o have_v some_o of_o this_o anoint_v john_n 1._o 14_o 16._o 2._o the_o fountain_n whence_o this_o unction_n flow_v to_o they_o viz._n from_o the_o holy-one_a i._n e._n christ._n a_o allusion_n think_v loc_n calvin_n to_o the_o sanctuary_n whence_o the_o oil_n be_v
good_a can_v depart_v from_o the_o church_n wind_n blow_v not_o away_o the_o wheat_n nor_o do_v the_o tempest_n subvert_v the_o well-rooted_n tree_n vain_a chaff_n be_v blow_v away_o with_o the_o wind_n invalid_a tree_n be_v tear_v up_o with_o the_o whirlwind_n these_o john_n the_o apostle_n execrate_v and_o smite_v say_v they_o go_v out_o of_o we_o etc._n etc._n hence_o heresy_n have_v often_o be_v and_o be_v while_o a_o perverse_a mind_n have_v not_o peace_n while_o a_o discord_v perfidiousness_n hold_v not_o unity_n chap._n iu._n evidence_n or_o sign_n of_o be_v in_o light_n not_o in_o darkness_n in_o life_n not_o in_o death_n i._o actual_a interest_n in_o and_o enjoyment_n of_o 1._o jesus_n christ_n be_v a_o evidence_n we_o be_v partaker_n of_o supernatural_a and_o eternal_a life_n this_o be_v the_o record_n that_o god_n have_v give_v to_o we_o eternal_a life_n and_o this_o life_n be_v in_o his_o son_n he_o that_o have_v the_o son_n have_v life_n and_o he_o that_o have_v not_o the_o son_n have_v not_o life_n 1_o john_n 5._o 11_o 12._o life_n be_v the_o sweetness_n of_o enjoyment_n eternal_a life_n the_o best_a of_o life_n that_o creature_n can_v possess_v of_o this_o eternal_a life_n here_o be_v lay_v down_o 1._o the_o primary_n fountain_n of_o it_o viz._n god_n and_o his_o free_a grace_n 2._o the_o mediatory_a receptacle_n or_o treasury_n wherein_o god_n have_v seat_v this_o eternal_a life_n for_o we_o viz_o his_o son_n 3_o the_o way_n of_o conveyance_n of_o this_o life_n from_o christ_n to_o we_o viz._n by_o have_v the_o son_n they_o have_v christ_n that_o believe_v in_o he_o joh._n 1._o 12_o 13._o they_o have_v he_o not_o that_o believe_v not_o in_o he_o so_o they_o that_o believe_v in_o christ_n have_v christ_n they_o that_o have_v christ_n and_o actual_a interest_n in_o he_o have_v eternal_a life_n from_o he_o yea_o and_o save_a light_n in_o he_o for_o 1._o christ_n be_v light_a john_n 1._o 4_o 9_o light_n of_o the_o world_n john_n 8._o 12._o christ_n also_o be_v light_n john_n 5._o 26._o and_o 11._o 25._o and_o 14._o 6._o the_o prince_n of_o life_n act_v 3._o 15._o 2._o man_n in_o their_o natural_a christlesse_a condition_n be_v dark_a yea_o darkness_n itself_o act_v 26._o 18._o eph._n 5._o 8._o yea_o dead_a in_o sin_n eph._n 2._o 1._o consequent_o from_o both_o these_o they_o that_o have_v the_o son_n which_o be_v light_a and_o life_n must_v needs_o have_v light_n and_o life_n now_o they_o have_v the_o son_n that_o believe_v in_o he_o sign_n of_o true_a believe_v in_o christ_n see_v in_o chap._n ii_o evidence_n ii_o p._n 23_o to_o 29._o evidence_n of_o have_v the_o son_n that_o we_o may_v come_v more_o close_o to_o the_o expression_n here_o in_o the_o text._n have_v the_o son_n imply_v 1._o a_o true_a inward_a covenant-right_a claim_v or_o title_n to_o he_o by_o spiritual_a union_n to_o he_o covenant_n and_o promise_n tender_v christ_n and_o that_o upon_o condition_n evangelicall_n joh._n 3._o 16._o luk._n 9_o 23._o faith_n receive_v christ_n tender_v upon_o his_o own_o term_n john_n 1._o 12._o as_o saul_n convert_v for_o christ_n deny_v himself_o and_o all_o thing_n phil._n 3._o 7_o 8._o take_v up_o his_o cross_n daily_o 2_o cor._n 11._o 23_o to_o the_o end_n and_o follow_v christ_n 1_o cor._n 11._o 1._o now_o christ_n be_v thus_o receive_v christ_n and_o the_o soul_n be_v thus_o unite_v faith_n eat_v christ_n and_o assimilate_v the_o believer_n into_o his_o nature_n faith_n unite_v to_o christ_n so_o that_o he_o who_o be_v join_v to_o the_o lord_n be_v one_o spirit_n 1_o cor._n 6._o 17._o have_v thou_o such_o a_o covenant-right_a to_o christ_n and_o spiritual_a union_n to_o christ_n 2._o hence_o a_o happy_a spiritual_a fruition_n or_o enjoyment_n of_o he_o by_o holy_a commnnion_n with_o he_o in_o his_o person_n office_n and_o benefit_n in_o himself_o and_o all_o he_o as_o cant._n 2._o 16._o john_n 20._o 28._o 2_o pet._n 1._o 3_o 4._o 2_o cor._n 1._o 20._o rom._n 8._o 32._o 1_o cor._n 3._o 20_o 21._o among_o other_o blessing_n communicate_v from_o christ_n life_n be_v one_o christ_n live_v in_o we_o by_o faith_n gal._n 2._o 20._o further_o they_o that_o have_v christ_n have_v these_o thing_n in_o and_o with_o christ_n 1._o they_o have_v the_o spirit_n of_o christ_n 1_o john_n 4._o 13._o rom._n 8._o 9_o 2._o they_o be_v become_v new_a creature_n old_a thing_n be_v pass_v away_o all_o thing_n become_v new_a 2_o cor._n 5._o 17._o 3._o they_o have_v cencify_v the_o flesh_n with_o the_o affection_n and_o lust_n gal._n 5._o 24._o 4._o they_o walk_v not_o af●…r_v the_o flesh_n but_o after_o the_o spirit_n rom._n 8._o 1_o 2._o 5._o they_o be_v most_o obedient_a to_o christ_n and_o his_o command_n heb._n 5._o 9_o how_o can_v he_o say_v that_o he_o have_v christ_n 1_o that_o he_o believe_v in_o christ_n say_v cyprian_n that_o do_v not_o what_o christ_n command_v to_o be_v do_v or_o how_o shall_v he_o come_v to_o the_o reward_n of_o faith_n that_o keep_v not_o the_o faith_n of_o the_o command_n 3._o final_o a_o sweet_a conformity_n to_o he_o in_o his_o sonship_n they_o that_o have_v the_o son_n be_v consorme_v to_o the_o image_n of_o his_o son_n that_o he_o may_v be_v the_o firstborn_a among_o many_o brethren_n rom._n 8._o 29._o 29._o conformity_n to_o christ_n be_v either_o 1._o in_o his_o gracious_a image_n viz._n in_o righteousness_n and_o true_a holiness_n eph._n 4._o 24._o 2._o in_o his_o glorious_a image_n viz._n when_o we_o shall_v be_v like_o he_o in_o glory_n phil._n 3._o 20._o 1_o john_n 3._o 2_o 3._o 3_o in_o his_o afflict_a image_n viz._n when_o we_o suffer_v with_o he_o and_o for_o he_o rom._n 8._o 17._o john_n 15._o 18_o to_o 22._o and_o when_o we_o suffer_v for_o righteousness_n with_o patience_n meekness_n etc._n etc._n as_o he_o suffer_v 1_o pet._n 2._o 21._o to_o the_o end_n be_v we_o thus_o conform_v indeed_o to_o the_o son_n then_o we_o have_v the_o son_n jesus_n christ_n and_o live_v by_o he_o ii_o love_v and_o not_o hate_v of_o our_o brother_n 11._o be_v another_o sign_n we_o be_v in_o light_n not_o in_o darkness_n in_o life_n not_o in_o death_n he_o that_o say_v he_o be_v in_o the_o light_n and_o hate_v his_o brother_n be_v in_o darkness_n even_o until_o now_o he_o that_o love_v his_o brother_n abide_v in_o the_o light_n and_o there_o be_v no_o occasion_n of_o stumble_v in_o he_o but_o he_o that_o hate_v his_o brother_n be_v in_o darkness_n and_o know_v not_o whither_o he_o go_v because_o that_o darkness_n have_v blind_v his_o eye_n 1_o john_n 2_o 9_o 10_o 11._o and_o elsewhere_o we_o know_v that_o we_o have_v pass_v from_o death_n to_o life_n because_o we_o love_v the_o brethren_n he_o that_o love_v not_o his_o brother_n abide_v in_o death_n whosoever_o hate_v his_o brother_n be_v a_o murderer_n and_o you_o know_v that_o no_o murderer_n have_v eternal_a life_n ahide_v in_o he_o 1_o john_n 3._o 14_o 15._o in_o these_o passage_n the_o love_n of_o the_o brethren_n be_v make_v a_o most_o clear_a note_n of_o out_o abide_v in_o the_o lighe_n viz._n spiritual_a or_o true_a illumination_n and_o grace_n and_o that_o we_o have_v already_o pass_v from_o death_n in_o sin_n to_o life_n supernatural_a in_o christ_n we_o know_v that_o we_o have_v pass_v etc._n etc._n and_o contrariwise_o the_o not_o love_v or_o hate_v our_o brother_n a_o evident_a sign_n that_o we_o remain_v still_o under_o the_o state_n and_o dominion_n of_o carnal_a sinful_a darkness_n and_o death_n make_v sure_a of_o true_a brotherly_a love_n you_o be_v in_o true_a light_n and_o life_n indeed_o sign_n of_o true_a love_n of_o the_o brethren_n see_v chap._n 2._o sign_n vii_o p._n 168_o to_o p._n 173._o and_o chap._n 8._o throughout_o chap._n v._n evidence_n or_o sign_n of_o our_o true_a knowledge_n of_o god_n and_o of_o jesus_n christ_n the_o knowledge_n of_o who_o be_v life_n eternal_a john_n 17._o 3._o i._o first_o the_o real_a and_o sincere_a keep_n of_o i._o god_n commandment_n evidence_v that_o we_o know_v god_n and_o jesus_n christ_n aright_o hereby_o we_o do_v know_v that_o we_o know_v he_o if_o we_o keep_v his_o commandment_n he_o that_o say_v i_o know_v he_o and_o keep_v not_o his_o commandment_n be_v a_o liar_n and_o the_o truth_n be_v not_o in_o he_o 1_o joh._n 43_o 4._o this_o note_n be_v lay_v down_o 1._o affirmative_o and_o 2._o negative_o he_o that_o keep_v his_o commandment_n know_v he_o yea_o know_v that_o be_v know_v he_o he_o that_o keep_v not_o hi●…_n commandment_n know_v he_o not_o yea_o he_o lie_v if_o be_v say_v he_o know_v he_o david_n conclude_v he_o have_v more_o knowledge_n than_o his_o enemy_n than_o the_o ancient_n than_o his_o teacher_n and_o all_o
the_o truth_n and_o shall_v assure_v our_o heart_n before_o he_o 1_o john_n 3._o 16_o 17_o 18_o 19_o formal_n verbal_a complemental_a love_n to_o the_o brethren_n be_v vain_a jam._n 2._o 15_o 16._o yea_o abominable_a hypocrisy_n christ_n love_v we_o real_o when_o he_o so_o love_v we_o as_o to_o die_v for_o we_o and_o christ_n real_a love_n to_o we_o instruct_v we_o to_o like_a reality_n in_o our_o love_n to_o one_o another_o here_o be_v three_o real_a demonstration_n of_o our_o true_a brotherly_a love_n mention_v 1._o communicate_v to_o the_o brethren_n necessity_n 2._o lay_v down_o our_o life_n for_o they_o 3._o approve_v our_o heart_n sincere_o to_o god_n in_o both_o in_o the_o first_o as_o 6._o augustine_n note_v we_o have_v the_o inchoation_n in_o the_o second_o the_o perfection_n in_o the_o three_o the_o probation_n of_o our_o love_n to_o the_o brethren_n examine_v now_o thy_o heart_n do_v thou_o with_o this_o reality_n love_v the_o brethren_n 1._o do_v thou_o communicate_v to_o the_o saint_n necessity_n they_o be_v in_o want_n strait_n plunge_n prison_n sickness_n danger_n death_n thou_o have_v this_o world_n good_a wherewith_o thou_o may_v relieve_v they_o be_v the_o bowel_n of_o thy_o compassion_n now_o shut_v against_o they_o or_o open_v to_o they_o if_o shut_v how_o dwell_v either_o the_o true_a love_n of_o god_n or_o of_o thy_o brother_n in_o thy_o heart_n what_o thou_o withholde_v from_o or_o imparte_v to_o christ_n member_n christ_n take_v as_o do_v to_o himself_o matth._n 25._o 35._o to_o the_o end_n if_o thou_o will_v not_o do_v any_o thing_n for_o thy_o brother_n sake_n ●…et_o do_v it_o as_o 1593._o cyprian_n urge_v it_o for_o christ_n sake_n give_v christ_n earthly_a garment_n that_o thou_o may_v receive_v heavenly_a give_v christ_n temporal_a meat_n and_o drink_n that_o with_o abraham_n isaac_n and_o jacob_n thou_o may_v be_v admit_v to_o the_o eternal_a banquet_n ii_o art_n thou_o willing_a if_o need_v be_v to_o lay_v down_o thy_o life_n for_o thy_o brother_n he_o will_v hardly_o shed_v his_o blood_n for_o his_o brother_n that_o grudge_v to_o p●…rt_v with_o this_o world_n good_a for_o his_o brother_n this_o say_v 6._o augustine_n be_v the_o perfection_n of_o love_n and_o great_a than_o this_o can_v be_v find_v great_a love_n than_o this_o have_v no_o ●…an_n then_o that_o a_o man_n lie_v down_o his_o life_n for_o his_o friend_n say_v christ_n john_n 15._o 13._o rom._n 5._o 7._o and_o yet_o we_o ought_v to_o lay_v down_o our_o life_n for_o the_o brethren_n 1_o john_n 3._o 16._o quest._n but_o in_o what_o case_n may_v we_o hazard_v or_o lay_v down_o our_o life_n for_o the_o brethren_n resolut_a to_o comprehend_v all_o such_o case_n be_v difficult_a some_o seem_v obvious_a 1._o a_o man_n may_v warrantable_o adventure_v his_o life_n if_o need_v require_v for_o a_o multitude_n of_o brethren_n a_o church_n that_o they_o may_v be_v preserve_v from_o destruction_n or_o edify_v to_o salvation_n exod._n 32._o 31_o 32._o rom._n 9_o 1_o 2_o 3._o phil._n 2._o 17_o 18._o 2._o a_o private_a christian_a may_v adventure_v his_o life_n for_o preservation_n of_o publ●…ck_a person_n church_n officer_n minister_n of_o the_o gospel_n of_o great_a and_o necessary_a use_n to_o the_o church_n of_o god_n thus_o priscilla_n and_o aquila_n for_o paul_n sake_n even_o lay_v down_o their_o neck_n viz._n hazard_v their_o life_n to_o the_o uttermost_a and_o thereby_o do_v great_a service_n to_o all_o the_o church_n of_o the_o gentile_n rom._n 16._o 3_o 4._o 3._o one_o public_a officer_n may_v hazard_v his_o life_n for_o another_o of_o more_o important_a concernment_n in_o the_o church_n as_o epaphroditus_n a_o pastor_n of_o the_o philippian_n for_o paul_n a_o apostle_n phil._n 2._o 30._o 4._o one_o private_a christian_a may_v hazard_v his_o life_n for_o the_o spiritual_a and_o eternal_a good_a of_o another_o as_o 6._o augustine_n have_v observe_v for_o defence_n of_o his_o innocency_n &_o righteousness_n for_o encouragement_n and_o confirmation_n of_o his_o faith_n and_o grace_n etc._n etc._n this_o as_o 1597._o tertullian_n note_v be_v not_o so_o much_o to_o hazard_v life_n for_o the_o brethren_n for_o themselves_o as_o for_o the_o brethren_n for_o christ._n iii_o final_o can_v thou_o in_o all_o this_o love_n in_o giving_z to_z or_o die_v for_o thy_o brethren_n approve_v thy_o heart_n sincere_o unto_o god_n that_o thou_o do_v or_o endure_v thus_o for_o they_o from_o entire_a love_n to_o they_o and_o not_o from_o vain_a glory_n or_o ostentation_n as_o 6._o augustine_n caution_n possible_o a_o man_n may_v give_v much_o yea_o give_v his_o body_n to_o death_n and_o yet_o want_v love_n 1_o cor._n 13._o but_o can_v thou_o appeal_v to_o the_o heart-searching_a god_n and_o say_v lord_n thou_o know_v i_o true_o love_v thou_o and_o all_o thou_o for_o thou_o and_o therefore_o i_o do_v or_o endure_v this_o for_o thou_o or_o they_o oh_o if_o thus_o thou_o can_v assure_v thy_o heart_n before_o he_o than_o have_v thou_o confidence_n towards_o god_n 1_o john_n 3._o 18_o 19_o 20_o 21._o a_o alphabetical_a table_n of_o the_o principal_a matter_n contain_v in_o this_o book_n a_o adamite_n their_o error_n about_o sin_n in_o the_o regenerate_v p._n 34._o adoption_n a_o evidence_n of_o god_n love_n to_o we_o five_o sign_n of_o adoption_n or_o sonship_n p._n 7_o 8._o nine_o further_n sign_n of_o adoption_n see_v regeneration_n anoint_v of_o the_o spirit_n eight_o sign_n of_o the_o spirit_n anoint_v teach_v we_o all_o thing_n p._n 181_o 182_o 183._o apostaly_n see_v fall_n there_o be_v a_o fivefold_a apostasy_n p._n 97._o the_o sin_n against_o the_o holy_a ghost_n be_v the_o worst_a apostasy_n p._n 97_o 98._o and_o 〈◊〉_d 100_o to_o 110._o apostate_n a_o hate_n 〈◊〉_d of_o his_o own_o order_n p._n 113._o assurance_n the_o nature_n of_o it_o trial_n of_o it_o way_n of_o attain_v it_o and_o inducement_n to_o it_o s●…e_a preface_n throughout_o five_o motive_n or_o encouragement_n to_o it_o p._n 3_o 4._o faith_n tend_v to_o full_a assurance_n p._n 27_o 28._o b_o believe_v see_v faith_n blasphemy_n what_o it_o signify_v proper_o p_o 79._o why_o the_o impardonable_a sin_n be_v call_v blasphemy_n against_o the_o holy_a ghost_n p._n 79_o 80._o blasphemous_a temptation_n not_o the_o sin_n against_o the_o holy_a ghost_n three_o comfort_n against_o they_o p._n 82_o 83_o 84._o bishop_n bonner_n cruelty_n to_o the_o martyr_n p._n 160._o bosome-sin_n regenerate_v person_n allow_v not_o themselves_o any_o bosom_n belove_a sin_n as_o unregenerate_a do_v p._n 52_o 53._o brotherly_o love_n see_v love_n c_o carpocratian_o their_o error_n about_o sin_n in_o the_o regenerate_a p._n 34._o cathari_n their_o error_n about_o sin_n in_o the_o regenerate_a p._n 33._o christ._n believe_v that_o jesus_n be_v christ_n see_v faith_n christ._n have_v christ_n be_v a_o sign_n of_o spiritual_a life_n p._n 188_o etc._n etc._n seven_o sign_n that_o we_o have_v christ_n or_o that_o christ_n be_v we_o p._n 189_o 190_o 191._o see_v confession_n of_o christ._n christ._n imitation●…_n christ_n or_o walk_v as_o christ_n walk_v a_o sign_n of_o communion_n with_o god_n p._n 225._o christ_n action_n of_o four_o sort_n p._n 225._o how_o christ_n walk_v in_o eight_o particular_n p._n 226_o 227._o commandment_n ●…aving_v and_o keep_v christ_n commandment_n p._n 209._o see_v obedi●…nce_n commit_v of_o sin_n see_v sin_n commu●…on_n with_o god_n and_o christ._n nine_o several_a evidence_n of_o it_o large_o open_v p._n 214_o to_o p._n 228._o 〈◊〉_d of_o christ._n confe_v that_o jesus_n be_v the_o son_n of_o god_n be_v a_o sign_n of_o our_o communion_n wi●…h_v god_n p._n 218_o 219._o a_o twofold_a conf●…ssion_n p._n 219._o four_o sign_n of_o true_a confess_v of_o christ_n p._n 219_o to_o 221._o d_o darkness_n twofold_a p._n 214._o see_v light_n d●…vil_n how_o he_o sin_v from_o the_o beginning_n p._n 29_o 30._o how_o christ_n destroy_v the_o work_n of_o the_o devil_n p._n 30._o doctrine_n right_o entertain_v apostolical_a doctrine_n a_o sign_n of_o true_a knowledge_n p._n 197._o seven_o sign_n hereof_o p._n 198_o 199._o do●…ng_v of_o sin_n what_o p._n 46_o 47_o 48._o see_v sin_n draw_v how_o the_o father_n draw_v the_o soul_n to_o christ_n in_o six_o particular_n p._n 25_o 26._o e_o 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d what_o it_o proper_o signify_v p_o 106_o 107._o epistle_n what_o john_n write_v the_o 1_o epistle_n of_o john_n scope_n of_o that_o ep●…stle_n to_o promote_v believer_n assuran●…e_v p._n 2_o 3._o e●…rour_n regenerate_v person_n overcome_v erroneous_a heretical_a spirit_n p._n 127_o etc._n etc._n how_o far_o regenerate_v person_n may_v be_v taint_v with_o error_n in_o judgement_n how_o f●…r_a no●…_n and_o three_o difference_n betwixt_o the_o true_o gracious_a and_o graceless_a in_o point_n of_o error_n p._n 129_o to_o 139._o f_o faith_n
29_o 30._o he_o that_o be_v bear_v of_o god_n sin_v not_o and_o why_o p._n 29_o 31_o 32._o in_o what_o sense_n the_o regenerate_v sin_n not_o viz._n not_o that_o they_o be_v without_o sin_n prove_v by_o five_o argument_n p._n 33_o to_o 38._o but_o that_o they_o sin_v not_o as_o un●…egenerate_v man_n sin_n p._n 38._o where_o the_o difference_n betwixt_o the_o sin_v of_o the_o regenerate_a and_o unregenerate_a be_v lay_v down_o in_o eight_o remarkable_a particular_n p._n 38_o to_o p._n 60._o viz._n the_o regenerate_a sin_n 1._o not_o against_o gospel-remedy_n p._n 38_o 39_o 2._o not_o as_o under_o the_o reign_n of_o sin_n where_o two_o sign_n of_o sin_n reign_v p._n 39_o 40._o 3._o not_o with_o a_o full_a will_n p._n 41_o 42._o 4._o not_o presumptuous_o where_o five_o sign_n of_o sin_v presumptuous_o p._n 43_o to_o 46._o 5._o not_o habitual_o five_o sign_n of_o sin_v habitual_o p._n 46_o to_o 52._o 6._o not_o with_o allowance_n of_o any_o bosome-sin_n p._n 52_o 53._o 7._o not_o total_o and_o final_o and_o why_o p._n 53_o to_o 57_o 8._o not_o only_o as_o carnal_a man_n do_v nothing_o but_o sin_n p._n 57_o to_o 60._o not_o practise_v of_o sin_n a_o sign_n of_o communion_n with_o god_n p._n 221._o sonship_n to_o god_n see_v regeneration_n spirit_n eight_o sign_n of_o the_o spirit_n teach_v we_o p._n 183_o 184._o the_o spirit_n give_v we_o a_o eu●…dence_n of_o our_o communion_n with_o god_n and_o christ_n p._n 214._o the_o spirit_n evidence_n this_o communion_n six_o way_n p._n 215_o 216._o seven_o sign_n of_o the_o spirit_n give_v we_o p._n 216_o 217._o t_o taste_n hypocrite_n do_v but_o taste_v the_o heavenly_a gift_n p._n 72_o 73._o but_o taste_v the_o good_a word_n of_o god_n p_o 74_o 75._o but_o taste_v the_o power_n of_o the_o world_n to_o come_v p._n 75_o 76._o teach_v of_o the_o spirit_n eight_o sign_n of_o the_o spirit_n teach_v p._n 182_o 183._o tread_n what_o to_o tread_v under_o foot_n the_o son_n of_o god_n p._n 114._o truth_n not_o every_o error_n against_o truth_n be_v the_o sin_n against_o the_o holy_a ghost_n p._n 86_o 87._o three_o difference_n betwixt_o the_o regenerate_a and_o carnal_a man_n embrace_v truth_n p._n 139_o to_o 142._o three_o evidence_n that_o we_o be_v of_o the_o truth_n p._n 180_o to_o 188._o true_a abide_v in_o the_o primitive_a truth_n a_o evidence_n of_o our_o communion_n with_o god_n p._n 217._o four_o sign_n of_o abide_v in_o the_o truth_n p._n 218._o v_o unregenerate_a person_n unregenerate_a can_v do_v nothing_o but_o sin_n reason_n of_o it_o p._n 57_o to_o 60._o w_n walk_v as_o christ_n walk_v see_v christ._n walk_v in_o light_n see_v light_n wilful_o what_o to_o sin_n wilful_o p._n 106_o 107._o wing_n love_n to_o god_n and_o our_o neighbour_n two_o wing_n whereby_o we_o fly_v to_o heaven_n p._n 213._o world_n know_v not_o god_n child_n see_v know_v world_n love_n of_o the_o world_n why_o inconsistent_a with_o the_o love_n of_o god_n p._n 8_o 9_o 205_o 206._o three_o sign_n of_o inordinate_a love_n of_o the_o world_n p._n 9_o 10._o twelve_o more_o sign_n hereof_o p._n 207_o 208._o world_n overcome_v the_o world_n by_o faith_n a_o sign_n of_o regeneration_n p._n 142_o to_o 144._o how_o faith_n overcome_v the_o smile_n of_o the_o world_n which_o be_v more_o dangerous_a by_o four_o notable_a act_n p._n 145_o to_o 151._o how_o faith_n overcome_v the_o frown_n of_o the_o world_n by_o nine_o most_o excellent_a act_n p._n 151_o to_o 162._o 1_o tim._n 1._o 17._o 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d finis_fw-la finis_fw-la ps._n 144._o 15._o 15._o mat._n 19_o 16_o 17._o 17._o gen._n 17._o 1_o mat._n 5._o 48._o 48._o joh_n 14._o 6._o 6._o jer._n 31._o 3._o 4._o 4._o 1_o thos_n 5._o 14_o 14_o ps._n 22._o 1._o and_o p●…_n 77._o and_o ps._n 88_o 88_o 1_o cor._n 2._o 12._o 12._o heb._n 12._o 12._o 12._o ps._n 119._o 32._o 32._o in_o ipsa_fw-la epistola_fw-la satis_fw-la dulci_fw-la omnibus_fw-la quibus_fw-la sanum_fw-la est_fw-la palatum_fw-la cordis_fw-la ubi_fw-la sapiat_fw-la panis_fw-la dei_fw-la &_o satis_fw-la memorabili_fw-la in_o sancta_fw-la ecclesia_fw-la dei_fw-la maxim_n charitas_fw-la commendatur_fw-la aug._n praefat_fw-la in_o 1._o epist._n joan._n joan._n joh._n 13._o 23._o and_o 19_o 26._o and_o 20._o 2._o and_o 21._o 7_o 20._o 20._o mat._n 7._o 16_o 17_o 18._o 18._o 1_o tim._n 6._o 5._o 5._o 1_o tim._n 1._o 6._o 6._o 2_o pet._n 1._o 10._o 10._o isa._n 55._o 2_o 2_o 1_o tim._n 6._o 12_o 19_o 19_o 1_o pet._n 5._o 10._o 10._o gal._n 5._o 22_o 23._o 23._o col._n 2._o 2._o 2._o heb._n 10._o 22._o 22._o heb._n 6._o 11_o 18_o 19_o 19_o psal._n 1._o 2_o etc._n etc._n 144._o 15_o 15_o eph._n 5._o 8._o 8._o luk._n 15._o 32._o 32._o 1_o pet._n 2._o 10._o 10._o eph._n 4._o 24_o col._n 3._o 10._o 10._o 2_o pet._n 1._o 4._o 4._o eph_n 4._o 18_o 18_o 2_o cor._n 6._o 18._o 18._o heb._n 2._o 11_o 11_o 1_o cor._n 3._o 16_o 17._o 2_o cor._n 6._o 6_o 6_o rom._n 8._o 29_o 30._o 30._o john_n 12._o 26._o 26._o john_n 15._o 14_o 15_o 15_o 1_o john_n 3._o 1_o 2._o eph._n 2._o 19_o 19_o rom._n 8._o 17._o gal._n 4._o 7_o 7_o psal._n 34._o 9_o 10_o 10_o rom._n 8._o 1_o 1_o rom._n 8._o 35_o etc._n etc._n etc._n rom._n 8._o 28_o 28_o 1_o tim._n 4._o 8._o 2_o ●…et_fw-la 1._o 3._o 2_o cor._n 1._o 20_o 20_o 1_o cor._n 3._o 22_o 23._o rom._n 8._o 32_o 32_o psal._n 144_o 15._o 15._o prov._n 24_o 13_o 13_o pro._n 23._o 5_o 5_o isa._n 23._o 9_o 9_o august_n praef._n in_o 1._o ep._n joan._n joan._n deut._n 32_o 4_o joh._n 17._o 3_o i._o i._o rom._n 4_o 21._o 2._o tim._n 1._o 12._o 2_o cor._n 1._o 20._o ii_o ii_o rom._n 8._o 38._o 38._o eph._n 3._o 11_o 11_o joh._n 14._o 21_o 22_o 23_o 23_o 1_o john_n 3._o 2_o 14_o 19_o 24._o &_o 1_o joh_n 5._o 13_o 19_o &_o 2._o 3_o 5._o 5._o h●…b_n 4._o 16_o eph._n 312._o 312._o rom._n 4_o 19_o 20_o 21._o 21._o col._n 2._o 2._o 2._o heb._n 6._o 11._o 18_o 19_o 19_o heb._n 10._o 2●…_n 2●…_n jo●…_n 1._o 12_o 12_o act._n 11._o 23_o 23_o job_n 13._o 15_o 15_o 2_o cor._n 5_o 17_o 17_o 1_o joh._n 1._o 7._o 7._o rom._n 8._o 1_o 1_o 1_o john_n 3._o 14_o 14_o menti_fw-la nostrae_fw-la fides_fw-la nostra_fw-la conspicua_fw-la est_fw-la aug._n ep._n 112._o c._n 3._o eamfidem_fw-la tenet_fw-la certissimâ_fw-la scientiâ_fw-la cla_fw-la matque_fw-la conscientia_fw-la conscientia_fw-la qui_fw-la fidei_fw-la suae_fw-la sensum_fw-la in_o cord_n habet_fw-la hic_fw-la scit_fw-la christum_fw-la jesum_fw-la in_o se_fw-la esse_fw-la ambros._n in_o ep._n 2._o ad_fw-la corinth_n cap._n 13._o ver_fw-la 5._o 5._o rom._n 4._o 17_o 18_o 19_o 20_o 20_o hos._n 8._o 1_o 2_o 3_o 3_o prov._n 14._o 16_o 16_o l●…k_n 18._o 11_o 12_o 12_o rev._n 3_o 17_o 17_o rom._n 8._o 15_o 16._o compare_v with_o matth._n 11._o 28._o isa._n 61._o 1_o 2._o 2._o eph._n 〈◊〉_d 13._o 13._o 1_o cor._n 2._o 12_o 12_o rom._n 7._o 9_o rev._n 3._o 17_o 17_o hos._n 12._o 7_o 8_o 8_o matth._n 7._o 22_o 23._o luke_n 18._o 9_o to_o 13_o mat._n 19_o 20._o phil._n 3_o 3_o heb._n 6._o 4_o 5_o 5_o ma●…_n 9_o 2_o 5_o 6._o luk._n 5._o 20_o 23_o 23_o luke_n 7._o 47_o 48_o 48_o luke_n 23._o 42_o 43_o 43_o joh._n 1._o 12_o 12_o act_n 15._o 9_o rom._n 5._o 1._o gal._n 5_o 6_o 6_o 2_o tim._n 1._o 12_o 12_o rom._n 8._o 16._o 1_o joh._n 3._o 19_o 20_o 21._o 2_o cor._n 1._o 12._o 12._o prov._n 20_o 27._o 27._o 1_o cor._n 2._o 10_o 11_o 12._o 12._o 1_o joh._n 3._o 24._o and_o 4._o 13._o 1_o cor._n 2._o 12_o a_o eph._n 1._o 13_o 13_o eph._n 1._o 14_o rom._n 8._o 23_o 23_o rom._n 8._o 16_o 16_o 1_o cor._n 2._o 9_o 10_o 11_o 12_o 14._o 14._o 1_o john_n 2._o 27._o 27._o 1_o john_n 3._o 2_o 3._o 3._o see_v page_n 175_o to_o 179._o 179._o deut._n 29._o 18_o 19_o 19_o 1_o pet._n 2._o 2_o 3._o 3._o psal._n 50._o 16_o 17._o 17._o cant._n 2._o 6_o 7_o 16_o 17_o compare_v with_o cant._n 3._o 1_o to_o 6._o and_o 5._o 2_o 10_o c._n 6._o 4._o 4._o psa._n 51._o 8_o 12._o 12._o ●…osh_fw-mi 1._o 15._o 15._o ●…osh_fw-mi 24._o 15._o 15._o 2_o cor._n 5._o 14_o 15._o 15._o ps._n 118._o 28._o 28._o job_n 21._o 14_o 15_o 15_o job_n 19_o 25_o etc._n etc._n etc._n 2_o cor._n 1._o 12_o 12_o rom._n 5._o 1_o 2_o 3_o 4_o 5_o 5_o eph._n 2._o 12_o 12_o 2_o cor._n 13._o 5_o 5_o 1_o thes._n 5_o 5_o eph._n 4._o 30_o 30_o 1_o cor._n 2._o 10_o 11_o 12_o etc._n etc._n etc._n rom._n 8._o 16_o eph._n 1._o 13_o 14._o with_o 1_o joh._n 3._o 24_o and_o 4._o 13._o 13._o col._n 2._o 2_o 2_o heb._n 10._o 22_o 22_o heb._n 6._o 11_o 18_o 19_o 19_o act._n 23._o 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d 24._o 16_o