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spirit_n flesh_n life_n reap_v 6,710 5 11.2413 5 false
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A00769 A sermon had at Paulis by the co[m]mandment of the most reuerend father in god my lorde legate, and sayd by Ioh[a]n the bysshop of Rochester, vpo[n] qui[n]quagesom sonday, concernynge certayne heretickes, whiche tha[n] were abiured for holdynge the heresies of Martyn Luther that famous hereticke, and for ye kepyng and reteynyng of his bokes agaynst the ordinance of the bulle of pope Leo the tenthe. Fisher, John, Saint, 1469-1535. 1526 (1526) STC 10892; ESTC S109701 31,994 64

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viro That is to say she that is nat maried is myndful studious for tho thynges whiche perteyne to Christe But contrary wyse she that is maried is carefull of the thynges whiche belong vnto the worlde studieth howe she may please her husbande But the carnall doctryne of Luther no more regardeth this coūsaile nor this maner of ēcreace thā he doth that other of virginite The thyrde and the lowest degree of encreace of The fruit of mariage frute is in the state of mariage The holy sacramēt of matrimony preserueth by his vertue the workes and dedes of them that be maried so that the workes whiche without this sacramēt shulde be dedly be made by vertue of this sacrament either to be no synne or at the least but veniall synne so lōge I say as they truly kepe this sacramēt vse it accordyngly In token wherof our sauiour at a mariage changed water in to wyne therby signifienge that moche of the waterynes of carnalitie betwene the maried persons by vertue of this sacramēt is changed into the wyne of merite But this encreace also is lost by the wicked doctryne of Luther For he hath nowe maried hym selfe vnto a noūne A frere and a nounne together can this be any good mariage No doubtles whiche thȳges shall appere by ▪ iij. reasons Fyrst for bycause that he maketh the sacrament of matrimony to be no sacramēt A very mad mā he to mary yet to affirme that this sacrament hath no vertue in it that directly agaynst the scriptures of god so maketh as moche as lyeth in hym that the vertue of this sacramēt nothyng profiteth neither tyll hym selfe neither to other that be maried if they so beleue as he techeth But their mariages as they vse them nat beleuyng that the sacrament hath any vertue hath nothȳg in them that is spirituall but be full of carnalite without any spiritualnes ful of wateryng without any verdours of meryte full of stȳkyng weedes without any good frute at all For as saint Paule sayth Qui seminat ꝑ carnē suā de carne metet corruptionē Et qui seminat per spiritū de spiritu Gal. 6 metet vitā eternā Who that soweth by his flesshe carnally shal reape of his flesshe corruptiō And he that soweth by the spirite shal reape of his spirite the reward of euerlastyng lyfe But take away this holy sacrament doubtles al the vse of the bodies of them that be maried is onely carnall whiche by this sacrament is made in some maner spirituall and taketh by the vertue therof a spiritualnes For as moche thā as Luther hath destroyed this holy sacramēt he can reape no good frute of his mariage but only carnall corruption and his mariage is no mariage The seconde reasō is this Howe can it be a good The secōd reason mariage where one mā abuseth an other mānes wyfe specially whā he medleth with her whiche was consecrate the spouse of Christe Amonge the Jentils it was reputed abhominable for to abuse the virgins whiche had cōsecrate their virginite vnto the Idols Moche rather it shuld so be thought amonge the christen people to abuse the spouse of Christe consecrate vnto hym Saynt Mattheu whan he was desired by a certeyne prince called Hirtacus that he shulde moue a virgine named Ephegenia whiche had before consecrate her virginite to Christe he made hym this answere Siregis spōsam regis seruus vsurpare voluerit vinus tr●d●t incendiis That is to say if the seruaunte of a kyng wolde abuse the kynges spouse he were worthy to be throwen quicke in to the fyre He ment that if Hirtacus whiche than was christened and shuld haue bene the seruaunt of Christe wolde couet to mary that virgin which was cōsecrate to Christ as his spouse he were worthy to be brent What suppose ye that this blessed apostel wold say if he nowe were present here agayne herde this abhominable dede this carnally disposed mā thus to abuse a religious virgin whiche was cōsecrate the spouse of Christ O Jesus Howe moche wold he aborre this matter And what dredfull sentēce wolde he pronounce of suche sodayne ●uisement agaynst this hereticke The thyrd reason is this The thyrd reason If we cōsidre what promise this mā had made be fore the great strength of that ꝓmise we shall well ꝑceyue that this secōd ꝓmise can haue no place And why For that promise whiche he made before was to kepe his chastitie this is clene contrary That was a former promyse this promyse is a later promyse that by many yeres latter Thyrde that promyse was for the weale of his soule this promyse is made for the carnall pleasure of his body Fourthe that promise was made solemly with a great deliberation this promyse was made in a corner and of some shorte aduisemēt For with in vi wekes after the mariage his woman had a childe This was spedy worke a woman to haue a chylde within vi wekes of her mariage This must either be a great miracle orels they had met to gether before That promyse was made accordyng to the rules of holy religion whiche was deuised by the holy fathers and inspired by the spirite of god this promise is made agaynst all good rulis by the carnall misordre of the wretchednes of the flesshe That promyse was made accordȳg to the coūsailes of our sauiour Christ saint Paule and of the other apostles this promise was made by the counsaile of Satanas of all the deuylles of hell Finally that promise was made vnto god he wyll nat be mocked as saith saint Paule Deus non irridetur God is nat to be mocked But it is a Sal. 6. playne mockery so solemly to promyse vnto god and neuer the lasse to breake the promyse made An honest mā wyll loke to kepe his promise made vnto his neighbour but moche rather if his promise be made vnto almighty god he so shuld kepe the same Whan than that former promyse was made to god and for the weale of his soule and solemly by great deliberation accordynge to the holy rulis of religion and accordyng to the counsayles of the holy scripture who seeth nat cuidētly that this later promyse made vnto a woman with all contrary cōditiōs to these aboue rehersed can haue no place For the former promyse is so stronge that it disanulleth debarreth quite this other promyse whiche was later made But here one wyll say Sir Luther sawe that it was impossible for hym to conteyne hym selfe But I s●y agayne that Luther shulde haue loked at that poynt before that he made this promyse to god before he entred holy religion And here I wolde be answered of all my maisters the Lutherans in this one poynt what lyfe this hereticke hath lyued all these yeres before that he was maried If Luther myght nat cōteyne hym selfe nowe in his later dayes whan he is of more age