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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A00466 The reward of the wicked preached in a sermon at Linfield in Sussex, and publi[she]d at the request of some welld[is]sed [sic] Christians / by Humphrey Everenden. Everinden, Humphrey. 1625 (1625) STC 10601.9; ESTC S4669 4,959 15

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THE REWARD of the Wicked Preached in a Sermon at Linfield in Sussex and publis●●● at the request of some well di●●●sed Christians By HVMPHREY EVERENDEN The second Edition ECCLE 11.19 Reioyce O yong man in thy youth and let thine heart cheare thee in the dayes of th● youth and walke in the sight of thine eyes but 〈…〉 all these things God will bring thee to iudgement LONDON Printed by WILLIAM IONES for ROBERT BIRD and are to be sold at the signe of the Bible in Cheape-side 1625. To the Christian Reader THe meanes of edification in the holy Scripture gentle Reader may all be referred to three heads Instructions for all Consolations for the oppressed Threats for those that erre and are obstinate These make a threefold cord whereby God laboured to draw mankind to this end Heere hast thou one strane twisted viz. the iudgement or death of the damned If therefore Gods mercies cannot alure thee to loue him heere hast thou his iudgement to scourge thee that thou maist feare him that begining thy wisdome in feare thou maist so learne to loue him that his iudgements being bitter to thy tast may cause thee to seeke to try how good he is in his mercies God giue his blessing to his owne ordinance for thy good Thine in Christ Humphry Euerend●● THE REWARD of the Wicked A SERMON PREACHED at Linfield in Sussex MATH 25.46 And these shall goe into euerlasting paine THe recompence of the righteous and the reward of the wicked described in this verse are both declared to be euerlasting the one embraceing the other despising an eternall Maiestie these that shall goe into euerlasting paine are the mercilesse the cruell and hard hearted and with them all that goe not into life eternall all those that shall not inherit the kingdome of God 2. Cor. 6.9.10 Our Sauiour Christ describing the punishment of the damned ●●th 13. ●● in the parable of the Tares sheweth that by his Angels they shall be bound vp into bundles to be burned teaching that they that participate in sinne shall be partakers in punishment and further that their iudgement shall be irreuocable their misery remedilesse their estate helplesse for whom God bindeth who can be able to loose Curious deuision of the words I purposely omit obseruing the generall instruction which ariseth out of the words without wresting of them or digressing from the true meaning of them The vngodly shall assuredly receiue the punishment of eternall damnation at the day of iudgement Doct. This Doctrine it further confirmed by sundry places of Scripture In the 13. of Mathew is taught that the Angels shall gather together the tares that is ●ath ●3 ●0 42 ● the childrē of the wicked and bind them into bundles to burne them In the 20 of the Reuelation is shewed that death and hell that is the heires of death and hell were cast into the lake of fire which is the second death In the 21 of the Reuelation is threatned that the fearefull and vnbeleeuing and the abominable and murtherers and whoremongers and sorcerers and idolaters and all lyers shall haue their part in the lake which burneth with fier and brimstone which is the second death Tribulation and anguish saith Saint Paul shall be vpon the soule of euery one that doth euill of the Iew first and also of the Grecian And in his Epistle to the Thesolonians that Iesus Christ shall shew himselfe from heauen with his mighty Angels In flaming fier rendring vengeance to them that doe not know God and which obey not the Gospell of our Lord Iesus Christ Because the Iustice of God doth exact and inferre that as euery man doth sow 1 Res so he shall reape and therefore he that soweth to the flesh of the flesh shall reape corruption as one the other side he that soweth to the spirit doth of the spirit reape eternall life How doth it stand with Gods Iustice to punish a temporall offence with an eternall punishment Quest Answ The wicked are iustly punished for these causes Because their sinnes are the offence of an eternall maiestie Because they neglect an eternall good propounded and set before them which by obedience they may obtaine and so choose eternall mesery through walking in disobedience Because if they did liue eternall they would also sin eternally Because the damned doth sinne eternally their transgression is coeternall with their punishment as therefore they shall euer remaine in torment so shall they for euer remaine in vnbeliefe impenitencie blasphemy so that their punnishment is not larger then their sinne deseruing it For the opening of this doctrine 2 things are to bée considered 1 Wherein the damnation of the wicked consisteth 2 How farre their punishment extendeth For the first The damnation of the wicked standeth in a twofold punishment called paena damni et paena sensa the punishment of losse and the punishment of sense The punishment of losse is a seperation from the presence of God and from all ioyes and pleasures attending the same This is that which the Apostle teacheth that they shall bée punished with euerlasting perdition from the presence of the Lord and from the glory of his power And how great a mistery this is may appeare in that they that are seperated from Gods presence are seperated from all ioy and pleasure betwéene which and extreame sorow and misery there is no meane for in Gods presence and not else where is fullnesse of ioy and at his right hand and no where else to be found are pleasures for euermore and for this cause our Sauiour Christ accounteth it the greatest happinesse of the pure in heart that they shall see God and Cain accounteth it not the least iudgment that should befall him héere on earth that he should bee hid from the face of God It 〈◊〉 were so greiuous to Cain to be seperated from the place of Gods worship héere on earth which is but a tipe of the seperation in the life to come oh how greiuous then must it néedes bée to the damned in the life to come to be indéed excluded from the glory of God and happinesse of the glorified The punishment of scense is the infli●●ing of torments and miseries both one soule and body for this shall be the misery of the damned that they shall not rest without ioy and sorrow but as they shall be depriued of all happinesse so shall they be oppressed with all vnhappinesse as they shall bée debarred of all delight and pleasure so they shal be filled withall vnspeakable torments By many things are their torments expressed in the holy Scriptures most terrible and most painfull our Sauiour Christ saith their worme neuer dyeth and their fier neuer goeth out and againe cast that vnprofitable seruant into vtter darknesse there shall bee weeping and gnashing of teeth Math 25.30 with many the like paraphrases and denominations expressing the like Now if nothing can be more terrible then vtter darknesse being that plague of