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A72314 A helpe vnto deuotion containing certain moulds or forms of prayer, fitted to seuerall occasions; & penned for the furtherance of those, who haue more desire then skil, to poure out their soules by petitions vnto God. By Sam. Hieron. Hieron, Samuel, 1576?-1617. 1608 (1608) STC 13406.3; ESTC S123450 60,160 302

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with thee and to approue our very thoughts vnto thee Giue vs a sober vse of thy creatures make vs readie to reach out our hands vnto the wants of others beget in vs a godlie iealousie ouer our selues that we may walke circumspectly taking heede to our selues in our eatings in our apparell in our companie in our recreations often considering our wayes and labouring quicklie after euerie error to turne our féete into thy testimonies And Lord cause vs to be earnestlie mindfull of the estate of thy whole Church blesse all kingdomes and states professing thy truth bee gratious especiallie to this our kingdome forgiue the crying sins of the times continue thy gospel disappoint the hope and expectation of all Papists let them perish as manie as haue euill will at Sion discouer Antichrist more and more enlarge the territories of thy church stablish thy kingdome of grace hasten the kingdome of glorie Heape thy blessings vppon our gratious King make him a further instrument of much good vnto thy chosen blesse his Quéen prosper the worke of thine owne handes begun in the young Prince shew mercy to the rest of the royall progenie Be gracious to the Councell to the Court the Nobles the Gentry of the Realme graunt that they may all ayme at the honouring of thee by whom they haue receiued honor amongst men Bee with the Magistracy Ministrie of the Realme make thy word to grow by the labours of those whome thou hast appointed to the seruice of thy church Containe the subiects in their due obedience to authority bring to nought all tumultuous rebellious practises comfort al thine afflicted seruants refresh them with a sweete feeling of thy fauour Giue vs compassionate harts and a fellow feeling of others miseries prepare vs vnto the daie of triall and keepe vs by thy mightie power through faith vnto saluation Graunt vs these good thinges for Christs sake in whose name wee commend our selues and our sutes vnto thee saying as he hath taught vs Our Father c. 2. An Euening Prayer for priuate Families O Lord our GOD most mercifull and gratious in Iesus christ among other thy mercies with which thou doest euen follow vs thy most vnthankfull seruants we acknowledge this to be none of the least that we haue this comfortable freedom of comming into thy presence there to poure out our soules before thee and to laie open our necessities vnto thee We praie thee teach vs to value this priuiledge according to the true worth thereof that wee may come together to the performance of this duty with glad hearts and cheerefull spirits reioycing in it that wee haue opportunitie giuen vs to testifie some part of that great dutie which in manie respects wee owe vnto thy maiestie And now Lorde being come before thee wee cannot but confesse the vilenesse of our estate wee were conceiued in sinne and in sin wee haue continued all our dayes wee haue euen drunke iniquitie like water wee haue drawne it after vs and tyed it vnto vs as with cartropes wickednesse hath beene swéet in our mouth we haue fauoured it and would not forsake it we haue euen made a mocke of sinne and it hath beene a pastime to vs to doe wickedly Thou hast often called vs but we haue still refused thou hast againe and againe stretched out thine hand but wee haue not regarded thou hast sought to reclayme vs but wee haue hardned our neckes as it were yron sinewes and haue hated to be reformed Thou hast waited to haue mercie vppon vs thy spirit hath striuen with vs thy verie bowels haue beene troubled for vs and how graciouslie hast thou called vpon vs by thy word saying Returne yee sonnes of Adam why will ye die Come vnto me and ye shall finde rest for your soules Yet we notwithstanding haue despised thy patience wee haue abused thy goodnes we haue turned thy graces into wantonnesse and haue giuen thee cause to heape vppon vs all those fearefull plagues and punishmentes which in the extreamitie of thy law are belonging to the wicked When we looke into our hearts we see nothing but a confused heape of grosse corruptions vanitie ignorance frowardnes vnteachablenes dulnes vnwillingnes and vnaptnes vnto good pronenesse readines to any manner of euill secure irreligious profane vncleane enuious couetous and gréedy thoughts peruerse and disordred affections all these as it were marching together to rebell against thee and leading vs captiue vnto sinne The verie wisedome of our flesh is death and the spirits of our minds are defiled when we look forth into our liues wee behold sinnes more in number then the haires of our head when wee take view of our selues in the glasse of thy Law we can see in our bodies and soules in our outward and inward man nothing but vglines and deformitie Yea the sinnes of this one daie are sufficient to bring downe vppon vs the eternall weight of thy displeasur How negligent haue we béen in our callings how haue we yeelded to our own vnbridled lusts in the vse of thy creatures how haue we cherished in our selues worldlie carnall and voluptuous thoughts howe many blessings haue we vnthankefully enioyed neuer thinking vpon thee which didst bestow them how haue wee misspent this pretious time which thou vouchsafest vs how manie good opportunities haue we let slip by which wee might haue edified our selues done good to others howe negligentlie haue wee kept our heartes by meanes whereof sathan hath got great vantage against vs how slenderlie haue wee bewailed the iniquities of the times howe poorelie haue wee striuen against our owne corruptions O LORD if thou shouldest straightlie marke our iniquities O Lord how shall wee stand where shall we appeare what shal become of vs what answere shall wee bee able to make thée to one of a thousand And yet most gratious God which is worst of all custome in euill hath bred such a hardnesse in vs and hath brought such a crust vpon our consciences that wee cannot be perswaded that thy wrath is so terrible or our sinne so greeuous or our estate so wofull as indeede it is Hence it commeth that we do not stand in such awe of thy maiestie as we should we doe not so tremble at thy iustice nor esteeme thy promises and mercies as we ought to doe wee beseech thée therefore to take the stony hearts out of our bodies and to put newe spirites into our bowels that wee maie with feeling and with a liuelie and sensible apprehension confesse our selues to bee as we are poore and wretched and miserable and blind naked such as in whom there is no goodnes such as to whom there is nothing due but shame and confusion of face for euer And héere Lord according to that measure of spirituall féeling which by thy grace wee haue attayned to wée doe vtterlie renounce our selues wee doe whollie disclaime all hope of help by our selues we account all that is in vs but as drosse and dung and
there being no hope of mercy left for such offendours that it is to no purpose for mee to pray for as I can not pray as I should otherwise then in hypocrisie so neither if I could pray aright can there bee any accesse vnto the throne of grace for the requests of such a trespasser Notwithstanding O most gracious God euen in despite of his suggestions and amidst all those discouragements which mine own heart mustereth against mee I doe héere aduenture my selfe into thy most glorious presence If I shall find fauour in thine eyes shew me the light of thy countenance and I shall bee safe If thou say I haue no delight in thee behold héere I am do to me as séemeth good in thine owne eyes I knowe what thou hast spoken in thy worde namely that if I draw néere vnto thee thou wilt drawe néere vnto mee and that thou wilt fulfill the desires and accept the vnexpresseable grones and sighings of thy seruants Trueth it is O Lord I dare not say that I draw néere vnto thee as I should or that my desires are such as they ought to be or that I groane vnder my sinnes with such an effectuall and pearcing féeling as is fit All that I am able to doe and that in much weakenesse is to cry fayntly vnto thee Oh draw mee and I will runne after thee make mee to desire thy mercy in sinceritie bruise my heart that it may yeeld out many vndissembled sighings after thee Yet O Lorde though there bee in mee but such poor beginnings of grace suffer me not I beséech thee to cast away my confidence I am well assured that thou hast not forgotten the promise of not breaking the bruised réede nor putting out the smoking flaxe and of giuing a blessing vnto those which hunger after righteousnesse Is it possible O Lorde that thou shouldest leaue off to bee gracious and shut vppe thy tender mercies in displeasure Didst not thou send thy sonne into the world to dye euen for chiefe sinners Is it not true that whē sinne abounds there thy grace aboūdeth much more Could I euer so much as trulie desire reconciliation with th●e vnlesse thou didst worke it in me Is not this request Lord helpe my vnbeliefe the very voyce of thy spirit within me Could I complaine of the hardnesse of my heart or sincerely lothe mine owne corruptions as being displeasing to thy maiestie if thine owne finger had not effected it Should I féele such a combate in my Soule such a tumult within me if thou hadst not truely begun to draw mee to thy selfe Would sathan so continually molest me and so egerly pursue me with variety of most malicious and sharpe assaults if I were still held captiue by him at his will Rayse me vppe therefore O Lord I pray thee refresh my deiected and cast downe soule perfit the work of grace which thou hast begun within mee make mee to heare of ioy and gladnes that the bones which thou hast broken may reioyce Thou hast set me as a marke vnto thy selfe thou hast written bitter things against mee and made mee to possesse my former iniquities thou hast hidden thy face from me and taken me for thine enemy cōfort me now according to the dayes that thou hast afflicted me let mee behold thy face in righteousnesse and restore vnto me the ioy of thy saluation Rebuke sathan I most humbly beséech thee though thou please to buffet mee with his messengers yet let thy grace be sufficient for me and make thine owne power in reuiuing mee perfect and manifest by my weakenes which of it sell is ready to bee pressed downe with euery tentation Giue mee that holy wisedome not to belieue sathan no though he speake the trueth inasmuch as he is the father of lyes and neuer speaketh trueth but for a wicked purpose And O Lorde as thou encreasest my comfort so withall encrease my care that I may not fall from perplexitie to securitie but that I may alwayes keep my heart with all diligence proouing my fayth and searching my wayes and exercising my selfe vnto godlinesse Make mee a carefull and an vnderstanding hearer of thy word sith it is the word of life a quickening word a worde which doeth reioyce the heart and because except that be my delight I shall vtterly perish in mine afflictions Make mee circumspect to preuent sinne and fearefull ouer my selfe that sinne may not grow strong vpon me and graunt that I may study to preserue the peace of my conscience aboue all things taking héed of wounding it with presumptuous sinnes And O Lord stablish me with thy frée spirit that albeit sathan séeke to sift me to winnow me as wheat yet my faith may neuer fayle but may be as moūt Ziō which cānot be remooued but remaineth for euermore Thus O my gracious God hauing through thy mercy peace in belieuing and ioy in thy holy spirit I shal finish my course in comfort which I pray thee graunt mee for his sake who is the Prince of peace euen Iesus Christ to whom with thee and the holy Ghost bée all honour and glory now and for euer Amen 13. A Prayer then needfull when a man hath some speciall combate with some one or moe special sinnes against which hee desireth victory O Louing Father in Iesus Christ it hath pleased thee of thine abundant mercie to giue leaue to euery humbled distressed sinner to pour out his Soule before thee and thou hast bound thy selfe by a promise both to heare and to helpe all those which séeke thée with an vnfained heart The confident assurāce hereof hath giuē me courage albeit most vnworthy to present my self here before thee to conceiue hope that thou wilt not send me empty away Wounded O Lord I am with mine owne hainous sins my vntamed flesh doth alwayes rebel lust against my spirit some good motions and purposes I sometimes haue but alas they are quickely quenched the law of my members so preuaileth that I cannot do the good which I would I haue in me I confesse the séed of euery sin my nature is apt to be wrought vnto any kind of euill But O God there are some principall corruptiōs which do beare in me the greatest sway they do so euen raign in my mortal body that I am forced to obey them in the lusts therof The deuil also is ful of most malicious policie he still worketh vpō all aduātages out of al things almost taketh occasion to adde fuel to my wicked desires by pleasing delightful baites to lead them on vnto a hellish perfection The more I striue the stronger mee thinketh these corruptions grow which maketh me to feare the vtter quenching of thy gracrs the grieuing of thy holy spirit Hereby my Prayers are interrupted my meditations perplexed and robbed of their wonted swéetnesse my hearing and reading of thy word is made vnprofitable My fayth is encountred with grieuous doubtings because I cannot
with glorie and honor c. 1. Tim. 6.16 who only hath immortality and dwelleth in a light that none can attaine to c. and such like places To supply thee with words of promise consider Psa 50.15 Call vpon me c. so wil I deliuer thee c. Is 65.24 yea before they call I will answer and whiles they speake I will heare Iohn 14.13 Whatsoeuer you aske in my name that will I do and many such testimonies To bring thee to see thy own vilenesse ponder Iob 5.14 Man drinks iniquitie like water cha 25.4 Hee cannot bee cleane that is borne of a woman Psalme 51.5 I was borne in Iniquitie c. Romanes 7.18 I knowe that in my flesh dwelleth no good thing Gather account of thy particular sinnes as Iob did Chapter 9.3 View thy selfe often in the glass of the Law 1. A Morning Prayer for priuate Families MOst gratious GOD and louing FATHER in all humilitie of soule and vnfained acknowledgement of our bounden duty we present our selues heere before thy throne of maiestie and glory desiring in some measure to shew our thankfulnesse for the multitude of thy mercies heaped vpon vs thy most vnworthy seruants By thee at the first we were fearefully and wonderfully made thou coueredst vs in our mothers wombes thou gauest vs the shape of men women when it was free for thee to haue equalled vs vs vnto thy basest creatures since it hath pleased thée to preserue vs to watch ouer vs and to guard vs by thy prouidence to open thy hand and to replenish vs with good things to giue vs foode and rayment health libertie peace O Lord thy compassions faile not but they are renued euerie morning euen in this night past we haue receiued an apparant euidence of thy loue For whereas for the sinnes committed the day before thou mightest euen in the deade of sleepe haue taken our soules from vs and so suddenly haue brought vs to our account it hath been thy pleasure yet to spare vs and not onlie so but to refresh vs with quiet rest and to bring vs in safetie to the beginning of this day Grant O Lord wee pray thee that the ordinarie vse of these thy kindnesses may not make vs the lesse to esteem them but so affect our hearts with the apprehension of them that we may learne to admire thy mercy which dealest so gratiously with such vnthankfull persons as wee haue alwayes béene and may euen bind our selues to striue to shew all obedience duty to thee which dost so enlarge thy goodnes vnto vs. But chiefelie O Lord raise vp we beseech thee our hearts and our affections from these outward fauours the least of which notwithstanding is greater then the best of our deseruings and drawe vs to the serious consideration of those blessings which doe more directlie concerne a better life Make vs thankefully mindfull of the grace of election by which thou fréely chosest vs in Christ to be vessels of mercie before we were of thy sending thy sonne out of thine owne bosome being in thine owne forme to take on him the forme of a seruant and to become obedient vnto the death euen the death of the Crosse for our sakes of thy calling vs out of the kingdome of darknes by the power of the gospel preached of thy shining into our hearts by the enlightening of thy spirit of quickening vs when we were dead in trespasses and sinnes of thy begetting vs againe vnto a liuelie hope of the first fruites of the spirit and of that earnest of our inheritance which thou hast giuen vs of the dailie free vse and libertie of thy worde whereby that great mysterie of godlines yea euen thy whole counsell is cléerelie reuealed to vs. O Lord teach vs to consider what miserable creatures wee were in our selues what a fearefull case we had yet beene in if thou hadst left vs to our selues that so the veiw of these vnspeakable and vndeserued fauours may euen rauish our spirits and so possesse our hearts that we may constantly resolue henceforth to giue vppe our selues as a liuing sacrifice holie and acceptable vnto thee and to deuote all our powers both of soule and body to the glorie and honor of thy name And Lord enable vs hereunto we pray thée for we are not suffcient of our selues to thinke anie thing as of our selues we are naturally reprobate to euerie good worke Open therefore the eies of our mind that we may see what is good and what thou requirest of vs teach vs to make thy word our delight counsellor that by it we may be informed in thy paths put thy spirit within vs and cause vs to walke in thy statutes let our eares continually hear a word behind vs saying This is the way giue vs hearts of flesh yéelding pliable affections subdue the crookednes of our nature and bring it vnder the obedience of Christ And when thou hast entred vs into a good course vphold vs therein by thy alsufficient grace stablish vs in euerie worde and good worke fill vs with the fruites of righteousnesse let vs not be idle nor vnfruitfull-in our profession but graunt that wee may bee euen rich in good workes and so may adorne the doctrine of thée our Sauiour in all thinges making the aduersaries of thy truth ashamed when they shall haue nothing concerning vs to speake euill of And shield vs O Lord we earnestlie intreate thee against the malice and rage and fury of the diuel giue vs wisedome to discerne his policies and courage to resist euen his most fiery assaults make vs wise against the beguiling entisements of this sinfull world let vs not be caried awaie with the streame of these corrupt times harden our faces against the reproches enmities of euill men suffer vs not to bee wearyed nor to faint in our minds for any tribulations sanctifie vnto vs euerie affliction that it maie bee a meanes to purge out our corruptions Draw our mindes from the loue of this present world teach vs to vse it as if wee vsed it not graunt that wee may euer remember that wee haue heere no continuing citty that so we may séeke for that kingdome that cannot be shaken but is eternall in the heauens Cause vs to depend vpon thy prouidence and to cast our care and burden vpon thee assuring our selues that thou which hast giuen vs Christ canst not but with him giue vs all thinges also And Lord if at any time we fall by occasion into a fault as who are we that we should presume put vnder thy hand we beséech thée deliuer vs out of the mire that we sinke not let not sinne swallow vs vppe let it not grow strong vpon vs least wee perish Enable vs vnto diligence and faithfulnes in our seuerall callings teach vs to lift vppe our heartes to thee for a blessing vpon our indeuours and to remember that we are alwayes in thy presence that so we may studie to walke
these withdrawments Grant that I may more estéeme obedience to thee then either the cōtenting of mine own sensual affections or the auoyding of reproche amōg profane persons or the satisfying of men be their pretenses what they may be I am taught O Lord I do belieue it that thy yoke is easie that thy cōmandements are not grieuous I know that by a holy vse in these religious seruices I shall make them so familiar vnto me shall also find that excéeding swéetnes in them that I shal euen long for thy Sabaoth before it comes the time will séeme short vnto me that is so bestowed And for this day most louing Father I pray thee blesse vnto me the particular businesses thereof In praying giue me reuerēce to thy Maiestie sense of my own wāts fayth in thy promises fresh remembrance of thy former kindnesses charitable compassionate yéelding affections towards others In hearing vouchsafe mee an vnlocked an vnderstāding heart a right iudgement meekenes of spirit liuelines of affectiō fastnes of memory In cōmunicating at thy table bestow on me an hūbled soule a hungring heart a cōscience purged from dead workes power of sweet meditation vpon the death of Christ In looking vpon the administration of Baptisme afforde mee mindfulnesse of mine owne vowe remorse for my often fayling in that solemne promise earnestnesse of desire for the good of the baptized ioy for the encrease of thy Church In singing take frō me all both dulnes and vanity make me to sing with a grace in my heart still striuing to lift vp my soule vnto thee Enlarge my heart towards others as occasion shall be offered that I may bee ready to giue to those that want forward in euery good work comfortable to the sicke tender hearted to those whom thou hast humbled apt to make peace where discord is Let all workes of mercy bee a delight vnto me and make mee carefulll not to stay till I am prouoked but to séeke occasions to doe good And when I am priuate O Lord sanctifie my thoughts that I may meditate in good things and may hide thy worde in my secret parts and may loue it and especially that I may shewe the fruite of it in all my conuersation Finally I humbly pray thee so to guide me both in publique and priuate dutyes that when it commeth to euening I may féele my knowledge to be encreased my fayth strengthened my soule conscience abundantly refreshed and all this for Christ Iesus his sake for thine owne Names sake Amen 6. Another Prayer something more speciall respecting the hearing of Gods word ETernall God most gratious and mercifull in Iesus Christ euery good giuing euery perfect gift cōmeth down from thee thou hast cōmanded that if any man lacke wisedome hee should aske of thee thou hast promised to deny nothing that is asked of thee in thy Sons name In obedience vnto this thy commaundement in assurance of thy readines to make good thy promise I doe héere cast downe my selfe before thee praying thee as at all other times so now especially to be good vnto mee I am now O Lord by thy gratious prouidence to bee a partaker of thy holy word the preaching whereof is the ordinary meanes appointed by thee to saue my Soule to draw me out of the power of sathā vnto thine own selfe I for my part am vnworthy of so great a fauour as to bee admitted to heare it and I am euery way vnfit vnable to heare it with profit My heart is ful of blindnes ignorance my affections are froward and vntractable I am euen reprobate by nature vnto euery good duty I am dul of hearing slow of cōceit backward to entertaine but apt to let slippe any good instruction I beseech thee in Iesus Christ by the working of thy spirit to reforme within mee these corruptions Make me as a new borne babe to desire the sincere milke of thy most sacred word graunt that I may reioyce at it as one that findeth a great spoyle let it bee better vnto me thē thousands of gold and siluer Open my heart as thou didst the heart of Lydia that I may euen with a kinde of hunger and gréedinesse attend vnto the things which are deliuered cleare the eyes of my mind anoint them with that pretious salue of thy spirit that the scales of ignorance may fall from them and that I may sée the wonders of thy Law euen thy hid wisedome which my nature of it selfe is not able to discerne And because thou hast promised to guide the humble in thy way and to reueale thy secret to the méeke take from mee I pray thee a proud heart teach mée to become a foole in my selfe that I may bee wise in thee Suffer me not to measure the mysteries of thy kingdome by mine owne blind reason and corrupt affection but giue me grace to deny my selfe and to labour to bring mine owne thoughts into captiuity vnder Christ that I may not dare to oppose mine owne conceipts and fancies vnto the maiestie of thy trueth reuealed in thy word Giue vnto the Preacher a doore of vtterance that he may open his mouth boldly to publish the secret of thy Gospel Direct his tongue that he may speak vnto my cōscience that if there bee any close corruptiō lurking in me as Lord who can vnderstād his faults the searching power of thy word may discouer it and rip it vp euen to the very bottome And vouchsafe vnto me that meeknesse of spirit and such calme and yéelding affections that I may not repine nor murmure at reproofe but may loue him rather that rebuketh and may take it as a speciall fauour frō thee that I am not suffered to go on in sin nor giuen ouer to mine own corruptions In euery point of holy doctrine taught me make me to remember who it is the speaketh by the mouth of man that I may receiue the worde as a message from thee whether it be comfort or reproofe or instructiō so may giue it the reuerēce that awful respect which is due vnto thy holy Orac●●s And because O Lord as I am naturally forgetfull so the deuill watcheth to catch away the worde as soone as it is deliuered therefore I pray thee to stablish my memorie that I may hold fast thy blessed trueth and may alwayes haue it in store against the time of néed To this end make mée carefull in the vse of all good priuate meanes such as are Prayer meditation conference with others as occasion shall require Beget in mée a godly discretion that I may diligently search the Scriptures whether the things I heare are so and may try all things neither rashly reiecting nor suddenly belieuing whatsoeuer is deliuered And when I haue found thy trueth so stablish my heart that I may not wauer nor be caryed about with euery wind of doctrine but may continue in the things which I haue learned
féele that strength and power of thy spirit which I would O Lord if thy mercy be not my stay I must néedes bee ouercome whom haue I in Heauen but thee whither shall I fly but to thy gracious assistance I beséech thee to haue compassion on me crucifie and kill these vnruly lusts abate the strength of these violent and wicked desires Weaken them I pray thee suffer them not to haue dominion ouer mee Let thy Spirit guide me and lead mee into the land of righteousnesse Or if it bee thy pleasure O Lord still to exercise me yet leaue me not destitute of thy grace but encrease it in mee that I may grow vnto a larger measure of sanctification Make me hereby the more feruent and frequent in Prayer the more strait to preuent all occasions leading vnto euill the more ielous ouer my wayes the more humble and vile in mine owne sight that so euen out of euill there may spring good vnto me that I may sée the fulfilling of that holy promise that all things worke together for the best vnto thy seruants Heare me I entreate thee in this and in all other my requests for Christ Iesus sake thy best beloued Sonne and the onely sauiour of thy chosen Amen 14. A Prayer of Humiliation and sorrow after some special sinne committed O My God I am ashamed and confounded to lift vp mine eyes vnto thee mine iniquities are encreased ouer my head and my trespasses are growne vp vnto the heauen I must néedes wonder at thy great forbearance that I am not euen swallowed vppe or swept away with some extraordinary iudgemēt And now O Lord especially hauing so grosly sinned against thee and done so great an euill in thy sight How haue I vile wretch that I am wounded my owne conscience How haue I laid my self open to the malice mischief of the diuel What a disgrace slander haue I broght vpon my profession What an offence scandal haue I giuen vnto others What a ioy will this be to the wicked that they haue now by me gotten something to speak euil of But aboue all O Lord how haue I dishonoured thee whose fauors haue bin so many so continuall towards me I know not with what names tearms to set out my sin sufficient to expres the hainous hideous nature thereof When I thinke vpon thy patience vpon the meanes of grace which thou hast afforded me vpon the light of knowledge which thou hast giuen me vpon the good motions as it were so many gracious aduertisements which thou hast from time to time stirred vp in me vpon the profession which I make vpon the sundry promises vowes of better obedience with which I haue tied my selfe vnto thy Maiestie vpon the diuers admonitions which by thy prouidence I knowe haue béene vsed to mee by thy seruaunts purposely to preuent and to stoppe this euil in me me thinketh I may call it rebellion which is as the sin of witchcraft or presumption in the highest degrée And yet O Lord I féele such a benummednesse to créepe vpon mée such a hardned crust to growe vpon my secret parts that albeit I sée my sinne and knowe it to be excéeding great neuerthelesse I cannot so bemone it so lament it so grieue for it so detest abhorre it as I should Smite O gracious God smite I beséech thée my flinty heart make it euen to melt within me at the sight of mine own transgressions Settle in it the godly sorrow which canseth repentance vnto saluatiō Humble my soule vnder thy mightie hand and suffer mee not to fréeze in the dregs of mine own corruptions Make mine head full of water and mine eyes a foūtaine of teares which may runne downe like a riuer day and night Oh let me take no rest nor suffer the apple of mine eye to cease cause mee to powre out my heart like water before thy face that I may by all meanes testifie the vnfayned griefe of my soule that I haue so displeased thee And grant O Lord that I may not sorrow so much because of hell and condemnation which I haue made to be due vnto me but that my chiefe vexation may bée to thinke how I haue abused thy mercy and requited thy exceeding loue with so foule a trespasse Withall O most gracious Father séeing there is mercy with thee and that thou hast no desire that the wicked should dye giue me leaue to become a sufer vnto thy grace not in mine owne name for what am I that I should presse into thy presence but in the name of thy dearest Sonne the alone Mediatour and the onely Peace-maker of his chosen I most hūbly beséech thee for his sake to haue mercy on me O Lord a plaister of his blood shall be a most soueraigne medicine to cure my running and rotten and festered sore His stripes wounds are of an healing nature no sope nor nitre of mine owne tempering can purge away my filthines onely his bloud hath that scouring force that it can make scarlet and crimson sinne as white as wooll Oh then I pray thee wash me throughly from mine iniquitie and according to the multitude of thy compassions cleanse me from my sin Turne thy face from mee and from my hatefull and enormous course and look vpon the perfite and vnspotted righteousnes of thy son Supply my emptienes out of his infinite fulnes the depth wherof cannot be fadomed nor the store thereof consumed Couer my vncleannesse with the rove of his holinesse euen with the garment of saluation with which thou deckest and tirest thine elect And albeit I am of all others which either haue béene are or shall be the most vnworthy yet vouchsafe to certifie my Soule of thy grace fauor by the secret teaching of thy holy Spirit make me to féele inwardly the ioy of thy saluation restore to mee that sweet taste of thy loue which I was wont to haue which I now haue robbed my selfe of by this my disobedience towards thee Let the apprehension of my sinne bee tempered with a cōfortable application of thy mercy that I may hold an euen course betwixt fearelesse security and faith-lesse despaire beholding at once both my vilenes to humble me the riches of thy grace to reuiue me And as an euidence of thy loue in this behalf strengthē me by thy grace to the making of the best vse of mine owne corruptiōs Grant that the thought of them may kill in me al pride of heart and may make me to abase my self and to become euen vile in my own sight Grāt me to be hereupō the more watchfull ouer my course the more diligent to auoyd all inducements inticements vnto these or the like euils the more apt to be taught the more willing to bee admonished the more forward to beg thy assistance the more charitably cōpassionate towards others rather pitying and bemoaning and praying for then censuring their infirmities And Lorde
suffer me not I beseech thee to satisfie my selfe with this that I haue once made some shew of humiliatiō and sorrow for my falles but graunt I may encrease in the performance of these duetyes and may euery day renue enlarge my repentance for particular slippes growing still into a deeper detestation of my sins and desiring with more and more earnestnesse and striuing to bee renewed in the Spirit of my mind that so being cleansed from all filthinesse both of the flesh and Spirit I may growe vppe vnto full holinesse in thy feare through Iesus Christ In whose name only I commend vnto thee my requests and for whose sake thou hast promised to deny nothing to thy seruants So be it * ⁎ * 11. A Prayer in respect of death needful at all times but especially in sickenesse O God the God of the Spirits of all flesh and which hast the keyes of hell and of death thou hast prepared them both and thou rulest them both at thine owne pleasure I beséech thee bee mercifull to a poore trembling weak-hearted sinner and vouchsafe to preserue mee from the horror and extreamitie of dread into which I am euen now ready to fall When I consider O Lord how that I dwell in a house of clay my foundation being in the dust that I must erelong make my bed in the dark saying to corruptiō Thou art my Father and to the worme Thou art my Mother my Sister O how my belly trembleth what a kind of rottennesse cōmeth into my bones my spirit seeming to fayle me my heart within mee being filled with dismayednes Especially when I thinke vpon the iudgement that commeth after it the straitnesse of that account which I am instantly to be called to and vpon those euerlasting chaynes vnder darkenes in which the wicked are reserued vnto the last sessions I am then so euen ouerwhelmed with amazednesse that I séeme to my selfe for the present not to know where to find any true refreshing I am told by thy blessed and not-deceiuing word that the sting of death is mine owne sinne and with it I daily feele my selfe goared and galled and wounded so excéedingly that mée thinketh to mee poore wretch there can be no hope of recouery but death must néedes bée as a passage to leade mee into the bottomlesse prison of hell Rayse vp O Lord I beséech thée these my sad vnquiet thoughts teach mee how to ouercome these discouraging and killing perplexities the death may not be vnto me as a king of fear nor I as one of the wicked whose hope doeth perish with their breath the candle of whose comfort is put out when thou art pleased to take away their Soule Reuiue my memory that I may call to minde and cōfortably ponder those things which thy sacred word hath taught me namely how the nature of death is cleane altered to thy seruants the sting is plucked out it selfe is swallowed vp in victory To them the comming thereof shall be a time of discharge they shall by it bee fréed from sicknesses of body from anguishes of spirit from all possibilitie of sinning against their God from the tedious and discontenting societie of the vngodly their flesh shall rest in hope their graues shall bee vnto them as beds of ease being swéetened and seasoned by the buriall of their Sauiour the Angels shall giue attendance vpon their Soules to conuey thē into Abrahams Bosome to the fellowship of belieuers to the spirits of iust and perfit men so shall they bée with Christ which is best of all This O Lorde is the happinesse which cōmeth by death vnto thy chosen Oh what are all the most torturing sicknesses the bitter pangs and sorrowes of the graue vnto such a glorious exchange Who would feare corruption for a neuer sading crowne of righteousnesse What is a momentany yéelding of the body to consumption in the dust in comparison of the euerlasting preseruation of the Soule with assurance also that in the time appointed these vile bodyes shall by the mightie working of thy beloued Sonne be fashioned like vnto his owne glorious body and so both bodyes and soules bee for euer with him in his kingdome Teach mee O Lord effectually to apply these things to mine owne comfort that so this timorousnesse procéeding from the guilt of sinne may be turned into a chéerefull expectation and euen a longing for the day of my dissolution And lest I should beguile my owne Soule in laying clayme to that spirituall refreshing which belonges not to mee make mee to labour for those assured euidences and vndeceiuing fore-runners of a happy departure I know O Lorde that if I liue héere without conscience I shall surely dye without comfort Holinesse here is the way and path to future happinesse I must seeke to glorifie thee if I desire to be glorified with thée I must fight the good fight against sathā against the world against mine owne corruption I must faythfully fulfill my course and performe the seruice to which thou hast appointed me I must know thy trueth and keepe the faith in soundnes and sinceritie to the end otherwise it will bee in vaine to exspect a crowne of righteousnesse I must come to the first resurrection or else I shal neuer escape the second death Graunt mee therefore grace I humbly pray thee to serue thee in holinesse and righteousnesse all my dayes and to endeauour alwayes to haue a cléere conscience towards thee and towards men Kill my corruption in mee that I may bee euen dead to sinne but aliue to thee in Iesus Christ And because if I liue after the flesh taking thought for it to fulfill it I shall dye therefore I beséech thée to mortifie the deedes of the body by thy spirit that so I may haue my fruite in holinesse and my end eternall life Teach mee often to number my dayes and to consider the vncertaine certaintie of my ende that I may dye euen euery day still looking and still preparing for my change and making account that each day may bee the day of my dissolution Strengthen also my weake and faint faith make mee strong in thee and in the power of thy might seale me with the holy spirit of promise as with the earnest of my heauenly inheritance that so no anguish of sicknesse may discourage me no pang of death dismay mee no assault of sathan ouercome mee but that come death when it will or in what manner it shall please thee I may boldly through Christ commit my soule to thee as vnto a faithful creator Grant me this cōfortable blessing for his sake who dyed to free me frō death from him that had the power of death euen for Christ Iesus sake Amen 16. A Prayer more specially fitted to the state and occasions of a sicke person O Most mercifull and gratious God thou whose prouidence reacheth into the most withdrawne and solitarie places and which causest the beames of thy fauour
our forgetting thee in the dayes of our plenty but chiefly our loathing of that spirituall Mannah that heauenly diet of thy sacred Word prouided in thy abundant mercy for our Soules O make vs ashamed for these and other our monstrous sins besides those personall euils wherewith we are each of vs iustly to be charged Beget in vs a care to renounce and forsake our sinnes equall to our desire for the putting away of thy iudgements Forgiue vs in Iesus Christ and vouchsafe vs as a pledge of thy loue strength and grace to walke in a greater measure of obedience then heretofore And now O Lord teach vs to rely vpon thy prouiding and to know that when all things faile yet thy mercies are the same and thy power to help is not diminished Thou canst suddenly by meanes to mā vnknowen turne the greatest penury into plenty thou canst make a little to stretch farre and canst proportion our appetites to our store O make vs to depend on thee and to study more how to profite by thy hand then to haue thy rod remooued from vs. And when thou shalt shew thy selfe to haue heard our Prayers by sending greater plenty let vs not forget our present want but graunt that we may labour to bee thankefull and endeauour after a more sober vse of thy blessings then heretofore Heare vs in this and in all other our requests for Christes sake and for thine owne promise sake Amen * ⁎ * 29. Another like applyed to the time of some great contagion WHither shall wee goe O Lorde in the day of our affliction but onely vnto thee Thou alone canst saue and out of thy hands none is able to giue deliuerāce Heauy at this time is thy hand vpon vs and fearefull is the disease with which thou hast afflicted vs Wee are afrayde one friend and neighbour of another and nothing is before vs but present death Scarsely can we looke foorth but we sée some one or other amongst vs caried away to the graue the mourners going about the streets Wée must needes confesse that though this he grieuous yet it is the smallest part of our desert It is iust with thee to smite vs with botches and scabs that cannot bee healed and to make the pestilence euen to cleaue vnto our loines and to swéep vs away from off the earth euen as a man swéepeth away doung till all bee gone For how haue we multiplied our iniquities before thee and to what a shamelesse and intolerable measure are our sinnes encreased Many warnings haue béene giuen by thy Ministers thou hast risen early and late and sent vnto vs by them yet wee haue made our hearts as an Adamant stone and haue put farre from vs the euill day perswading our selues that their sermons were but wind and that they did but commend vnto vs their own fancies Thus haue we encouraged our selues in euill and haue set thy iudgements at nought euery one turning to his owne course as the horse rusheth to the battell adding drunkennesse to thirst and falling away from thee more and more But O Lorde giue vs now at the last remorsefull and repentant hearts make vs as it were to smite vpon our thigh as a signe that wee see our wandrings and that we are ashamed of our sinnes Embolden vs in the name of Christ to come into thy presence and in all earnestnesse of spirit to cry vnto thee Take away our iniquities and receiue vs graciously Teach vs as well to feare sinne the cause of this wasting sickenesse as we doe the sicknesse it selfe which is the fruite of sinne Comfort vs according to the dayes that thou hast afflicted vs and let the swéet feeling of the gracious testimony of thy Spirit speaking peace vnto our soules preuaile against all other sadnes or cause of griefe or sorrow whatsoeuer Say O Lord vnto thy destroying Angel It is sufficient holde thy hand Or if it be thy pleasure to stretch thine hand yet further and to take vs away also O prepare vs to thine owne purpose endue vs with a holy patience to endure the vtmost triall and graunt that whatsoeuer befall our earthly tabernacles yet our soules may bee alwayes acceptable vnto thee and al for Christ Iesus sake who hath loued vs giuen himselfe to be a sacrifice of a swéet smelling sauor vnto thee Amen 30. A Meditation or Prayer necessary for a poore man TRueth it is O Lorde that to my mutinous repining nature want is of all things most distastful and pouertie is a burden euen intolerable Sometimes I am ready to call thy iustice in question who measurest out so large ouerflowing a portion vnto some and yet art so strait and sparing towards mee Sometimes do almost condemne Religion to be méerely vanity the louers whereof lye open to so great extremitie Otherwhiles my owne heart chargeth me with hypocrisie telling me that no man euer perished being an innocent and that if I did so feare thee as I should thou couldest not thus forsake mee And much adoe haue I to master my owne affections and to restraine my selfe from putting foorth my hand to wickednesse and from taking some strāge course for my own supply Thus O Lorde I am straitened thus I am euen haunted with whole troupes of vnquiet thoughtes all which by the continuance and enlargement of my owne scarcitie and by the vncompassionatenesse which I finde among the men of this yron age are rather multiplyed and encreased in mee then any way slaked or diminished But eternally blessed bee thy great Name which hast opened the gates of thy mercy giuen hope of hearing and of help to the basest and poorest amongst men Thou acceptest not the persons no not of Princes thou regardest not the rich sooner then the poore Behold therefore O louing Father in Iesus Christ to thee doe I cry to thy Mercy-seat doe I stretch out my féeble hands I haue learned O Lorde that miserie commeth not foorth of the dust neither doeth affliction spring out of the earth the pillars of the world are thine thou openest or shuttest thy hand at thine owne pleasure Thy wisedom also is infinite and thy iudgements are vnsearcheable who shall pleade with thee to aske thee a reason of thy wayes Let it bee inough for mee that it is thy pleasure thus to debase mee Am I not in thy hand as the clay in the potters If thou doe giue me a larger portion it is thy bounty if thou doe abridge me what haue I to complain or what challenge can I make to that which thou keepest from mée Teach mee I beséech thee not to look so much vpon this what others haue as to consider well how little I for my part doe deserue to haue If I doe but breath vpon the face of the earth if I had no house but the open ayre no garments but ragges no food but the bread and the water of affliction or the crummes that fal from some rich mans