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A10174 A shorte declaration of the lives and doctrinde [sic] of the Protestants and puritans vvher by one of independent iudgment may knovv the holinesse of their religion. Griffin, George Augustus, attributed name. 1615 (1615) STC 20451; ESTC S106114 88,828 192

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with a white ●hirte a corrupt sepulchre and filthie Iackes with white lyme a stinching dunghill with whire snow ●ight so the Imundieitie corrupt stinck Infernell ●laewnesse virulent vlcers pestiferous byles and ●enemous boiches contracted in their soules by deadly sinne hells banne and Infernall poyson ●re only couered and hidde by an Externall veale ●f Iustice which is as farre distant from their sil●hie soules as the heauen is from the Earth· VVherefor such an abhominable Church which ● full of Imundicties like aofithie Iacks stlnch●ig dunghill is no wise worthie or yet deceet to be ●alled the holy Church and beutifull spouse of our ●ord Iesus the beutifull spouse of Christ who ●ath sanctified his spouse and Church with his ●eeious blood heb 13.12 Clcansed from that ●nfernall spotte of deadly sinne and hath made ●er holie to him selfe without blame Ephes 3.12 ● the end then might be some decent proportion ●etweene him selfe his spouse in the honorable and of Marriage which is made by Iudgment ●stice faith and Mercie ose 2.19 Therefore it must be the holie Catholique Ro●aine Church whose faith is much cōmended by ●e holy Apostle Rom. 1 8. which is the only true ●ouse of out Lord Iesue Christ most beutifull ●fore God cleansed from the Infernall spote of ●adly sinne apoc 1.5 in her holiest Members from whence she taketh her Domination as the sōne of God witnesseth when he sayeth cani 4.7 my loue thou arte beutifull and no spotte is in th● S. paul Rom. 8.3 wrireth to this purpose tha● God hath sent his sonne in the similiade of sinnefull flesh and for sinne condemned sinne that the Iustification of the lawe might be fullefilled in vs. You see here that the sōne of God did condemn sinne in the flesh that is in the sacrifice of hi● fleshy offred vp to God his father vpon the crosse that so the Iustificaton of the lawe might be fullfilled in vs. Thus Iesus is not only Iust in himselfe but the holy Membeas of his Church are all● Iust in them selues by the Insluence of grace which thy doe receiue from Christ their head fo● such Iustics and perficetion as the lawe did requir● of thm it was fullfilled in them by that grac● which Christ did purchasse for them vpon th● Crosse by his holy death and passion that the● might be some decent proprtion betweene th● bridgroome and his spouse in the band of Ma●riage the head and the Members by Mistcall vn● on o● grace for otherwise yf the holy Member of his Church were not holy and Iust in th● selues by the Influence of grace flowing from th● head the holy Scripture could not be true whe● it sayeth that the Iustification of the lawe wa● fulffilled not in Christ only but also in vs althought mor perfectly in the sonne of God then in ● The Iustication of the lawe can not be fullfille● in the Protestants which walke after the flesh because all their best worke selues are deadly sinnes as they confesse them selues but in Godly Catholipues which walke after the spirit because all their good workes are workes of Iustice according to the lawe and acceptable seruice vnto God as the Prophet Malachias foretolde 3.5 saying hey shall offer vp Stcrifice in Iustice and the Satrifice of Iuda shlbe acceptable vnto God Tbridly wee answere that they dishonnour them selues when they compare them selues to withered brāches which bring out no other fruits but deadly sinne which fruits are gratefull to Sathan Ihon. 8.44 for so doing they fullfill his desires they are also hatefull to God as the Impious and his Imppitie are sap 14.9 therefore the protestants can not be liuely branches resident in Iesus Christ which is the trie of life becouse such boughes as bring not out good fruits pleasant to God are cutte away from Iesus Christ the true trie of life to be burnee as fite fuell in hells fire Eternally as S· Ihon witnessth 15 16. as Christ is glorified when the branches beareth good fruits so he as dishōnoured when the branches beareth Euill fruits as the Protestants doe So Godly Catholiques must be these branches graffed in Christ the trie of life by the Inftuence of he grace which beare good fruits acceptable vnto God as the Protestants are withered brāches which are acceptable fruits vnto Sathan Ihon 8.44 whōe to the fire of hell is preparee likewise to all withered branches which beare no good fruits wcceptable vnto God as the Paotestants are yf they amend not both in life and Religion Fourthly S. Paul writteth Rom. 8 29. that God hath predstinated all his Flect to be made like the Image of sone that he might be the first borne amongst manie brettheren As concerning the Protestants which bearie continvallie deadly sinnes in their souses they are rather conforme to the Image and similitude of Sathan then to the the Image similitude of God because that as the Inherent grace of God in the soule of a Godly catholique maketh such a catholique like vnto Christ which is full of grace and truth Ihon. 1.14 so the Infernall spotte of deadly sinne in the Protestants soule cheefe cause and author of sinne that Christ calleth Satban their father for so much as the Protestant cōnittinng deadly sinne continallie performeth so doing Sathans desires will and gartfull seruice whrefore it restaeth that the Godly Catholques which are Iustified by Inberent grace resident in the soules should be called the Elected bretheren of Christ because they are like vnto the Image of Christ by the brightnesse of Inherent grace which is resident in thcir soules and not the Protestants which by deadly sinne resident in their soules are made like vnto Sathan chiefe author of sinne for which cause Christ calleth him their father Ihon ● 44 Likewise as a mulitude of blacke Morians or Ethiopians can not be truly called the bretheren of such a on as most faire and beutifull so the Protestants whose soules are like be called brethe●en like vnto the beutifull sonne of God because they are more resernbland to Sathan by the blacke ●nfernall spotte of deadly sinne then to Christ by ●nie brightnesse or beutifllnesse of Inhercnt grace ●s Godly Catholiques are As these which are Endued with Inherent grace are parteipant of Christs beutie and gratefull vnto God so these which are filed with the Infernall spote of participant of his Infernall blackenesse and alse gratefull vnto him as they are odious vnto God sap 14.9 Now to conclude this Chapter according to these authoities of the holy Scripture recited aboue which declare to vs the proper conditions whinh are vnseparable from deadly sinne yf a spouse which were Enemie to God sttumpet harlote to Sathan deepely wounded in the soule by deadly sinne hells Infernall dart spoiled of all Inhereth race mertis good workes blacke before God as a foule Morits or Ethiopian is be fore man withred like a drie stocke without all sope of Grace aeuotion full coreupt stinch and abhomination before God
Imputation of his Iustice the hōnour and seruice done to Sathan by homicids Theeeues adulterers deceitfull Traitors and other malitious sinners Lilkewie they make our Lord by such beleefe in him not to seeke the hōnour and serusce of God which is the ouerthrowe of Sathan destauction of deadly sinnes but to desend and hide Sathan possessing the soules of the protestants be deadly sinne Sathan are alwise Ioyned together which stirreth vp togethere and Endeuonreth him selfe to concurre with them to offend God in all humaine actions is not that a God office the ascribe to Christ to couer and hide with the Imputtation of his Iustice apprehended be their faith all horrible Crymes and Misdeeds of cruell Murtherers deceifull Traytours cōmon theeues wilde strumpets false hypocrits shamelesse prriinrers and all blasphematours of the name of God VVhat greates frindshipe can Christ shewe vnto Sathan then to maintaine and desend him and all his seruants in their crymes and misdeeds with an Externall veale of his Iustice Imputed to them to saue Sathans seruants that they come not to the Iudgment of God to be accused and to be purished for their sinnes misdeeds is not that grateful seruice made to Sathan and fortification of his Kinghome against the aduancment of the Kingdome of God which consisteth in the Expelling of Sathan all deadly sin̄es out of the soules of men when Christ did cast seauen Deuills out of Marie magdalen when he did purge her soule from deadly sinne as S. luke reporteh in his Euangell 8.2 to the end that as Sathan did Raigne and domine in their soules as their Prince King by deadly sinnes so God should thereafter Raigne in their soules as Lord Prince by Inherent grace whereby men doe seure obey him so men are translated from the power of Sathan to the King dome of his deare sonne Therefore Christ cnme not in this worldd to hide Sathan his workes in the soules of men by an Externall veale Imputation of his Iustice but Rather to Eypell Sathan out of the soules of men as he sayeth him felfe Ihon. 12.31 now the prince of the world is cast out and likwise to destroy his workes which are deadly sinnes as of the Deuill for this purpose the sonne of God was made manifest that he might dsolue driue away the work is of the Deuill VVherefore yf our Lord Iesus did come in this world to disolue and driue away the workes of the Deuill out of the soules of men which truly beleelue in him serue him after his cōmandement then it must be a graet blasphemie to say as the Protestants affirme that Christ did appeare in our humanitie to hide couer deadly sin̄e Sathans workes in the soules of men by an Externall veale and Inpuerent grace can no more abide to gether in the soule of man then death and life light and darknesse which are in comparable together The fifte Reason is that the sonne of God did suffer death to the end that the Iustification of the lawe might be fullfilled in vs and not in Christ only as the Protestants affirme S. Paul thus writteth Rom 8 3. for that was Impossible to the lawe in as much as it is weake because of to flesh God sēding his owen sonne in the similitude of sinnefull flesh and by sinne condemned sinne that the Iustification of the lawe might be fullfilled in vs which walke not after the flesh but after the spirit You may see by these words of the apostls that God did send his sonne to condemne sinne by the Sacrifice of his flesh offred vpon the Crosse to the end that the Iustification of the lawe might be fullfilled in vs. VVherefore yf such Iustice as the lawe of God doth require of vs be not sound in a true Christian by the grace of Christ then God is disapeinted of his Intent which send his sonne to offer him selfe in a Sacrifice to purge vs frō our sin̄es Iniquities that the Iustification which the lawe of God did require of vs should be ●ullfilled in vs by the grace of Christ and likewise Christs passion should be fruittesse and vnprofitable vnto vs that could not daserue or merie as much grace at Gods hands as might truly purge vs from our sinnes adorne our soules with as much Iustice of Inherent grace as the fullnesse of Gods lawe might require of vs. To say that God is di●apointed of his Intet and Christt passion fruittesse in this respect are tow open blasphemies the one against the power of God the other against the merits of Christs passion which is the doctrine of the Protestants who affrime that the Iustification of the lawe is only fullfilled in Christ by Inherent end actuell Iustice not in the true Members of his Misticall bodie which is Expresly against the holy Scripture aboue recited As withered branches dishōnour much the tree so doformed filthie Members disgrace the beutifull head Contrariewise as beuitifuill branches and fruitfull boughs doe much adorne the tree so beutifull Members in the Misticall bodie of Christ belong to the hon̄or and beuitie of the head as S. Gregorie auocheth Reason it selfe confirmeth Now to conclude this purpose behoiding that deadly sinne abiceth still in the Protestants soules and that all their workes also are deadly sinnes worthie of dammnation yf they be Iudged according to their worthinesse in the Iudgment of God as it taught by them selues it followeth consequently that Iesus Christ hath not redeemed them frō their sinnes Iniquitie that he hath not obtained victorie against Sathan in distroying his workee in them which are deadly sinnes Expeling Sathā him selfe with deadly sinne out of their soules that he hath not obtained by his death passiō so much grace as might purge their soules of deadly sinne that the Iustification of the lawe might be fullfilled in vs wherefore Christ can not be a Redeemer of the Protestants from their sin̄es Iniquities not yet from he captiuitie of Sathā whose power dominion ouer them consisteth in deadly sinnes as they teach of the concupissance by manie other deadly sin̄es not likewse they can not be redeemed from the gilte of eternall damnation which vnsparable from deadly sinne as wee haue prooued aboue Thus you see how Christ is no Redeemer of the Protestants from the sinnes Iniquities Tyrrnie of Sathan gilte of eternall damnation according to former doctrine because the cheefe fruits of mans Ridemption consist in these things recited aboue which things they deny as much against these holy Scriptures recited aboue as to their owen confusion and Euident damnation It is not so with Godly Catholiques because he hath saued Redeemed them from their sin̄es Iniquities deliuered them from the Tirrarnie of Sathan which he obtained ouer them by deadly sinne and translated them in his Kingdome and likewse hath purchassed as much grace by his death and passion from God father as might purifie and
end for his hōnour Luther confesseth that he could no more stay him selfe from venus game then he could doe from spittinh This apostata Frier againe did rate him ●elfe so much that he thought no shame ●o say that a Thousand Cyprians and a Thnusand Augustins were not to be ●ompared to him in doctrine belonging ●o Saluation To shewe that he did climbe to the ●ope of pride he thought no shame to ●y with a braisen front that he wold ●ot admite the Angells of Heauen to be ●dges to his doctrine althought he was ●ached by Sathan according to his owen confession to abrogate the Masse Thus good Reader thou mayest easily surmie whether this new Gospeller was rulled with the humble Spirit of Christ or by the the proud Spirit of Sathan Luther writteth againe that good works make no man good nor Euil workes make no man Euill and that no sinne how great so euer it be can condemne the man but only Infidelitie Luther writtetg againe let vs take heede to keepe our selues from sinne but much more from good workes beholde the councell of this new Euangelist to be altogether Sathanicall As concerning his auditours he confesseth that they are more auaritious vnmercifull luxurius stubborne vnGodly and much more worse since the time that the light of the Gospell was reuealled vnto them then men were in the time of Pope rie Musculus lib. de Prophetia Christi and smidelinus conclhis 4. de Planetis Errantibus affirmed the same Lastly he affirmeeth with Caluin that all the workes of Iust men are but deedly sinnes so according to Luthers Caluins doctrine and Theologie it is all a like to be faithfull and deceitfull to giue Almes to a poore man and spoile hem of his goods to sleepe with his owen wife or his nigbours for so much that all the workes of lust men are but deadly sinnes ●nd their faith so Effectuall in Christ ●hat it shall blotte all thir sinnes away ●s they say with the twinckling of on ●ye when Luther did Endeuour him selfe ●o driue away an vncleane spirit out of 〈◊〉 possessed person the Deuill terrified ●im in such a fashion that he was cons●rained to take the flight him selfe and ●ue his owen life from the daunger of ●at Deuill Staphilus his Disciple as he ●we this miracle did wrote the apolog 2 And to confirme this pestiferous doc●ine disordained life and leud maners ●readfull death did come to him after ●e was well whitled and drunke of the ●pper before so suddenly in lying in ●s bedde to charge him to compeare ●efore the fearefull Iudgment of God 〈◊〉 make account of his works that he ●de not time space to cry for meicy ●r his sinnes as sundrie Autors worthie ●credence wrote of his finall end So yf Sathon hade come out of hell in the shape of a man to preach in a pulpit as Ministers doe what greater shewe o● reason could he haue sette doune to giu● the raines of licentius libertie to th● vnruilled nature of man to deliueur th● selues to all kind of vncleannesse Ig● nominie malicc wickednesse Enu● mischiefe murther contētion trecheri● murmuring backbitting pride dissen●tion dissobediencc crudelitie and i● other sinnes of like kind and since pe●suade sillie soules that their only faith i● Christ shall deface put away all the● fromer and suchlike other sinnes in th● moment of an houre This is the Edification which Eue● one may learne as much from the doc●rine of Luther as from his former life Thus much of Luther Patriarch to 〈◊〉 Protestants OF CALVINS ABHOMI●ABLE LIFE AND PEST● FEROVS DOCTRINE VVhat Edification and Instruction Each 〈◊〉 may receiue from the vvholesome doctrin● and morall life of Caluin Paterne of Perfection to the Puritans CHAP. 2 BEFore all things you must vnderstand that Caluin was Borne in a Towne of France in the Prouince of Picardie ●alled Noyon in the yeere of God 1599. He was a great blasphemer of the Name of God in his youth Being a student and promoted to a Cure and Chappell he was surprised in ●he abhominable sinne of Sodomie wherefore he was marked on the sho●lder with an Brunt yron in the forme ●n Floure delyce Caluin being so defamed as much for his bougrie as for peinition thereof by ●n brunt yron he become sacriegious ●n falling his benifice and after went to Geneua Changing his Name from Cauing to Caluin to the end that his Infamous life should not be knowen by the title of his proper name So soone as he did arriue in Geneua Incotinenent he strred vp a great sedition betwen the Ministers and Citizens of the Towne For his sedition he was Cast in banihment and by his secreete Craft receued in the Towne of Geneua againe Of 4. thousand franks which he did receue form the Queene of Nauarre and two thousand Crownes from Monsieur Dauid de Haynault with much more from sundrie others to distibute to the poore he did Iudas like keepe the graaest part for his owen cōmoditie and Impairt the rest to his owen frinds and corrupt some of Coūcell to assist his Enterpryse against all such as did oppone them selues to his croftie desings and Malitious attempts when the poore Necessitous did Murmure against his vngodly dealing he caused them be cas● in banishment as libertins and vngodly Christians Caluin likewise gaue councell to one called Nicolas deferre banquerupt to buy with 3. Tphousand pounds he had● in his hands Innobile goods in th● Name of his wife and Daughters an● so him selfe being dispossessed of all substance his creditors should find n● way to constraine him to pay the● whome to he was detfull Thus to receiue their cōmunion worthily it is not needefull to restore ou● Nighbeors goods but to defraude hi● yf wee may according to Caluins councell for our owen cōmoditie Caluin gaue not this councell fo● nought for this banquerupt did ackno●cknowledg hes beneuolence in this behalfe with an somme of money and Married one of his daughters with Cal●ins Brother VVhen Caluins friends offred them ●elues to bring a young prouincell whi●h hade taken from him the the value ●f 4. thousand franks after he hade ser●ed Caluin a long time Caluin wold ●ote Condiscend the they should paine ●hem selues in that matter which made manie suspect that he feared the young mans accusation yf he hade beene brought againe to haue abused him in the sinne of Sodomie according to his olde custome Caluins pride and ambition was so great ●hat he wold suffer no companion at all Therefore the Church of Berne Nigh to Geneua did call him by contumelie and ●ockrie the Pope of Geneua Caluins pride and ambition was so great that he thought no shame to say openly in his preachings that he was a ●aophete that he was Endued with the ●pirit of God that he was send by the Lord that he could not Erre or stray ●rom the truth and yf Incace saide he 〈◊〉 I speake any thing astray it is thou o Lord that deceiueth
me and maketh me to Erre for the sinnes of the people There neuer was a holy Doctour of the Church of God that did boast and brage of such perfections prerogatiue● of Grace as this shamelesse Sodomite malitious hypocrite doth VVhen a Citizen of Geneua hade saide to his friend that they Esteemed more of Caluin then by good Reason they should doe he could neuer be contented with that citizen called Peter Amy vntill the time he should be cast in Prison and thereafter come shirte alone with a Light Taper or Torch in his hand and cry him mercy before the whole world with such amend honorable VVhen some of his frends did aeprotch him to haue pulled done the Image of our Lord our Ladie and holy Saincts in Heauen and suffer his owen Image to be sette vp in publique places of the Towne and to be hanged about the necks of sundry Inhabitants of Towne he answered without any courtessie saying let all such as mislike such things burst for malice VVhen he went out of Geneua to visie the Church of Beane he did Ryde vpon a Gailziart Steede accompained with 25. or 30. horsemen well Armed with their Pistolets like Capitaains of warre and not like a Prophete or one of Christs Apostles VVhen Caluin did persuade sillie poore man for a litle some of siluer to faine him selfe to be dead and sine to arise at his praiers before all the people when he did praie God cry vpon the sillie poore man for to arise at his praiere to confirme the truth of his Euangell the siillie abused man was found dead in deede and so Caluin to confirme his Religion did kill a quicke man when the holy saincts of the Romaine Church to confirme the Catholique Romaine Religion by manie other miarcles did often times restore by their holy prayers the life agains to such as were truly depairted out of this world Caluin also stirred vp with pride and ambition and vains Gloire that he could neur to his contentment be sufficiently honnored vntill the time he did writ letteres and frame sundrie workes wherein he dmit nothing that might aduace extoll his dwen honour and sette these works out to the whole world in the Nemes of others to hide in this behalfe his rused tre cherie and deeite Caluin was so proud in his owen conceite that he did not only preferre him selfe to all the heretiques of his time but also to the ancient Fatheres as accounting nothing of their authoritie he wold bring in his owen sentence with a maiesticall authoritie against the holy Doctours saying Augustine sayeth this Hierome sayeth that Sed Ego Vero as yf he hade beene the Messias disputing against the Iewes Cap. 13. All such as did professe this new Relihion could doe Caluin no greater pleasour to purchasse his friendshipe then to call him often times to dinner and supper Cap. 14. where all kind of daintie meats were in aboundance which forme of life made many poore Indigent to murmure against his gluttonie of their carnall Gospeller cap. 14. His Siluer Flagons with finest wines his bread compounded with fine floure rose watter Sugare Cannell Annlseeds were euerie where carried about with him to serue for his dainti mouth Since the begining of the world it was neuer hard or seene that anie of the Prophets send from God or Apostles from Christ did feede so daintily as Monsieur Caluin did great Prophete of the souritans and Cherist him selfe as he did in the promulgation of his sensuall Gospell for he did deuore and swallowe doune more sugred confits of Portugall and Spaine both drie and mole then manie poore sillie soules could find morsells of bread for the conseruation of this their mortall life Of Caluins sodomie wee haue made mention before as concerning his Impuidicitie there was a great murmure slaunder of sundrie Dames and Damosells which did haunt familiarly with him with out any companie except a litle Infant leding in their hands cap. 15. and some times he take lodging with the fairest Damosell when her husband wes away and the hand maid benished away because she said that the print of tow persons was left in the bedde after the vprising from him of her Mistresse Caluin gaue concell to Madame Iolland de Breed to lit her husband pine away in his disease witholding from him such things as were necssarie for his conualescens with promise to Marie her after his death which counsoull made the noble Dame to despite him and retired her selfe and her husband out of the Towne of Geneua Because that no man in the Towne of Genenua did oppose him selfe to Caluins vngodly practises but the Gouernour of the Towne called Amy Perin he did Imagine sundrie strategems treasonable attempts against the Gouernour Either to beraue him of his life or than at the least to cast him in Banishment which lastly he did obtane persuading falsly the Gentle men of Frence which were retired to Geneua for Religious cause that the Gouernour hade cōspired their death who with the concurrance of Caluin and his faction constrained the that Gouernour to saue his life from their daūger retiring him selfe to Berne adiaent to the lands of Geneua in this seditione coused by him he made sundrie young men to lose ther liues against the lawfull order of Iustice OF Caluins horrible diseases in his laiter daye● and Execrable Death CAluin in hie latter dayes was by th● Iust Iudgment of God punishihe● with horrible diseases desperate death for his blasphemous heresies deceitfull hypocrisies and Execrable life for Theodore Beza writteeh that he was heauily troubled with a consumption of the lungs with the crampe collicke difficulte of the breath the Stonie Grauell the Gutte hemoirods or bloodie fluxe the Migrame or Ache in the head besids these euills written by Beza he was cruellie tormeted with the lousie euill the through the whole bodie a wirulent and stinching ver in the fondament and his secreete Members cōsumed with crewling or creeping wormes Mach. 99. act 12.23 as Antioehus herods enemies to God were berefte of this mortall life by consumption crewsinh or creeping worms which did creepe like swarmes of Bees plentifully abroad out of their bodies He was so painefull and troublesome to him selfe and priuie Seruants by the Execrable stinch of his corrupted bodie that no man was able to abide the pestilent puanture of the same therefore he gaue a straite cōmand that no man should gette entress to visie him He likewise was so Impatient to suffer the great griefe and Intollereble paine of so manifolde diseases which he did feele deriue from the weightie hand of the dreadfull Iustice of God without any hope of mercie as his finall end doth testifie that he did Incall the Deuills sweare dsperatly detast and curse the day and time which he did bestowe to the knowledye of letters and setting out of Bookes Now Gentle Reader beholde the desperate end of a