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A04118 Articles of religion agreed vpon by the archbishops, and bishops, and the rest of the clergie of Ireland, in the conuocation holden at Dublin in the yeare of our Lord God 1615. for the auoyding of diuersities of opinions: and the establishing of concent touching true religion.; Articles. 1615 Church of Ireland. 1628 (1628) STC 14261; ESTC S107433 14,133 38

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faith of eternall saluation to bee enioyed through Christ as because it doth feruently kindle their loue towards God and on the contrary side for curious and carnall persons lacking the spirit of Christ to haue continually before their eies the sentence of Gods predestination is very dangerous article 17 We must receiue Gods promises in such wise as they be generally set forth vnto vs in holy Scripture and in our doings that will of God is to be followed which wee haue expresly declared vnto vs in the Word of God Of the creation and gouernment of all things article 18 IN the beginning of time when no creature had any being God by his word alone in the space of sixe dayes created all things and afterwards by his prouidence doth continue propagate and order them according to his owne will article 19 The principall creatures are Angels Men. article 20 Of Angels some continued in that holy state wherein they were created and are by Gods grace for euer established therein others fell from the same and are reserued in chaines of darknesse vnto the iudgement of the great day article 21 Man being at the beginning created according to the Image of God which consisted especially in the Wisedome of his minde and the true Holinesse of his free-will had the couenant of the Law ingrafted in his heart whereby God did promise vnto him euerlasting life vpon condition that he performed entire and perfect obedience vnto his Commandements according to that measure of strength wherewith he was endued in his creation and threatned death vnto him if he did not performe the same Of the fall of man originall sinne and the state of man before iustification article 22 BY one man sinne entred into the world and death by sinne and so death went ouer all men for as much as all haue sinned article 23 Originall sinne standeth not in the imitation of Adam as the Pelagians dreame but is the fault and corruption of the nature of euery person that naturally is ingendred and propagated from Adam whereby it commeth to passe that man is depriued of originall righteousnesse and by nature is bent vnto sinne And therefore in euery person borne into the world it deserueth Gods wrath and damnation article 24 This corruption of nature doth remaine euen in those that are regenerated whereby the flesh alwayes lusteth against the spirit and cannot bee made subiect to the Law of God And how soeuer for Christs sake there bee no condemnation to such as are regenerate and doe beleeue yet doth the Apostle acknowledge that in it selfe this concupiscence hath the nature of sinne article 25 The condition of man after the fall of Adam is such that he cannot turne and prepare himselfe by his owne naturall strength and good workes to Faith and calling vpon God Wherefore wee haue no power to doe good works pleasing acceptable vnto God without the grace of God preuenting vs that we may haue a good will and working with vs when we haue that good will article 26 Workes done before the grace of Christ and the inspiration of his spirit are not pleasing vnto God for as much as they spring not of faith in Iesus Christ neither do they make men meet to receiue grace or as the Schoole-Authors say deserue grace of congruity yea rather for that they are not done in such sort as God hath willed and commanded them to be done we doubt not but they are sinfull article 27 All sinnes are not equall but some far more heynous than others yet the very least is of its owne nature mortall and without Gods mercie maketh the offendor lyable vnto euerlasting damnation article 28 God is not the Author of sinne howbeit he doth not onely permit but also by his prouidence gouerne order the same guiding it in such sort by his infinite wisedome as it turneth to the manifestation of his owne glory and to the good of his Elect. Of Christ the mediator of the second Couenant article 29 THe Son which is the Word of the Father begotten from euerlasting of the Father the true and eternall God of one substance with the Father tooke mans nature in the womb of the blessed Virgin of her substance so that two whole and perfect natures that is to say the Godhead and Manhood were inseparably ioyned in one person making one Christ very God and very man article 30 Christ in the truth of our nature was made like vnto vs in all things sinne only excepted from which he was clearly voide both in his life in his nature He came as a Lambe without spot to take away the sins of the world by the sacrifice of himselfe once made and sin as S. Iohn saith was not in him He fulfilled the Law for vs perfectly For our sakes he endured most grieuous torments immediatly in his soule and most painfull sufferings in his body He was crucified and died to reconcile his Father vnto vs and to be a sacrifice not only for originall guilt but also for all our actuall transgressions He was buried and descended into hell and the third day rose from the dead and tooke againe his body with flesh bones and all things appertaining to the perfection of mans nature wherewith he ascended into Heauen and there sitteth at the right hand of his Father vntill he returne to iudge all men at the last day Of the communicating of the grace of Christ article 31 THey are to be condemned that presume to say that euery man shall bee saued by the law or sect which he professeth so that he be diligent to frame his life according to that law and the light of nature For holy Scripture doth set out vnto vs onely the name of Iesus Christ whereby men must be saued article 32 None can come vnto Christ vnlesse it bee giuen vnto him and vnlesse the Father draw him And all men are not so drawne by the Father that they may come vnto the Sonne Neither is there such a sufficient measure of grace vouchsafed vnto euery man whereby hee is enabled to come vnto euerlasting life article 33 All Gods elect are in their time inseparably vnited vnto Christ by the effectuall and vitall influence of the holy Ghost deriued from him as from the head vnto euery true member of his mysticall body And being thus made one with Christ they are truely regenerated and made partakers of him and all his benefits Of Iustification and Faith article 34 WE are accounted righteous before God only for the merit of our Lord and Sauiour Iesus Christ applyed by faith and not for our owne workes or merits And this righteousnesse which we so receiue of Gods mercy and Christs merits imbraced by faith is taken accepted and allowed of God for our perfect and full iustification article 35 Although this iustification be free vnto vs yet it commeth not so freely vnto vs that there is no ransome paid therfore at all God shewed his great mercy
of flesh at certaine times and daies appointed they are no waies meant to be religious fasts nor intended for the maintenance of any superstition in the choice of meates but are grounded meerly vpon politicke considerations for prouision of things tending to the better preseruation of the Common-wealth article 51 We must not fast with this perswasion of mind that our fasting can bring vs to heauen or ascribe holinesse to the outward work wrought For God alloweth not our fast for the work sake which of it selfe is a thing meerly indifferent but chiefly respecteth the heart how it is affected therein It is therfore requisit that first before all things we cleanse our hearts from sin and then direct our fast to such ends as God will allow to be good that the flesh may therby be chastised the spirit may be more feruent in prayer that our fasting may be a testimonie of our humble submission to Gods Maiestie when we acknowledge our sins vnto him and are inwardly touched with sorrowfulnesse of heart bewailing the same in the affliction of our bodies article 52 All worship deuised by mans phantasie besides or contrary to the Scriptures as wandring on Pilgrimages setting vp of Candles Stations and Iubilies Pharisaicall sects and fained Religions praying vpon Beades and such like superstition hath not onely no promise of reward in Scripture but contrariwise threatnings and maledictions article 53 All manner of expressing God the Father the Sonne and the holy Ghost in an outward forme is vtterly vnlawfull As also all other Images deuised or made by man to the vse of Religion article 54 All religious worship ought to bee giuen to God alone from whom all goodnesse health and grace ought to be both asked and looked for as from the very author and giuer of the same and from none other article 55 The name of God is to be vsed with all reuerēce and holy respect and therefore all vaine and rash swearing is vtterly to bee condemned Yet notwithstanding vpon lawfull occasions an oath may bee giuen and taken according to the Word of God iustice iudgement and truth article 56 The first day of the weeke which is the Lords day is wholly to bee dedicated to the seruice of God and therefore we are bound therein to rest from our common and daily businesse and to bestow that leisure vpon holy exercises both publicke and priuate Of the ciuill Magistrate article 57 THe Kings Maiestie vnder God hath the Soueraigne and chiefe power within his Realmes and Dominions ouer all manner persons of what estate eyther Ecclesiasticall or Ciuill soeuer they bee so as no other forraine power hath or ought to haue any superiority ouer them article 58 Wee doe professe that the supreame gouernement of all estates within the said Realmes and Dominions in all causes as well Ecclesiasticall as Temporall doth of right appertaine to the kings highnesse Neither do we giue vnto him hereby the administration of the Word Sacraments or the power of the Keyes but that prerogatiue only which we see to haue beene alwaies giuen vnto all godly Princes in holy Scripture by God himselfe that is that hee should containe all estates and degrees committed to his charge by God whether they be Ecclesiasticall or Ciuill within their duety and restraine the stubborne and euill doers with the power of the Ciuill sword article 59 The Pope neither of himselfe nor by any authority of the Church or See of Rome or by any other meanes with any other hath any power or authority to depose the King or dispose any of his Kingdomes or Dominions or to authorise any other Prince to inuade or annoy him or his Countries or to discharge any of his subiects of their allegeance and obedience to his Maiestie or to giue licence or leaue to any of them to beare armes raise tumult or to offer any violence or hurt to his Royall person state or gouernment or to any of his subiects within his Maiesties Dominions article 60 That Princes which be excommunicated or depriued by the Pope may be deposed or murthered by their subiects or any other whatsoeuer is impious doctrine article 61 The lawes of the Realme may punish Christian men with death for heynous and grieuous offences article 62 It is lawfull for Christian men at the commandement of the Magistrate to beare armes and to serue in iust wars Of our duty towards our Neighbours article 63 OVr duety towards our neighbours is to loue them as our selues and to doe to all men as we would they should doe to vs to honour obey our Superiors to preserue the safetie of mens persons as also their chastity goods and good names to beare no malice nor hatred in our hearts to keep our bodies in temperance sobernesse chastity to be true and iust in all our doings not to couet other mens goods but labour truely to get our owne liuing and to doe our duety in that estate of life vnto which it pleaseth God to call vs. article 64 For the preseruation of the chastity of mens persons wedlocke is commanded vnto all men that stand in need thereof Neither is there any prohibition by the Word of God but that the Ministers of the Church may enter into the state of Matrimony they being no where commanded by Gods Law either to vow the estate of single life or to abstaine from marriage Therefore it is lawfull also for them as well as for all other Christian men to marry at their owne discretion as they shall iudge the same to serue better to godlinesse article 65 The riches and goods of Christians are not common as touching the right title and possession of the same as certaine Anabaptists falsly affirme Notwithstanding euery man ought of such things as hee possesseth liberally to giue almes to the poore according to his ability article 66 Faith giuen is to be kept euen with Hereticks and Infidels article 67 The Popish doctrine of Equiuocation mentall Reseruation is most vngodly and tendeth plainly to the subuersion of all humane society Of the Church and outward Ministry of the Gospell article 68 THere is but one Catholike Church out of which there is no saluation containing the vniuersall company of all the Saints that euer were are or shall be gathered together in one body vnder one head Christ Iesus part whereof is already in Heauen triumphant part as yet militant here vpon earth And because this Church consisteth of all those and those alone which are elected by God vnto saluation regenerated by the power of his spirit the number of whom is knowne only vnto God himselfe therefore it is called the Catholike or vniuersall and the Inuisible Church article 69 But particular visible Churches consisting of those who make profession of the faith of Christ liue vnder the outward means of saluation be many in number wherein the more or lesse sincerely according to Christs institution the Word of God is taught the Sacraments