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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A02617 The Iesuites banner Displaying their original and successe: their vow and othe: their hypocrisie and superstition: their doctrine and positions: with a confutation of a late pamphlet secretly imprinted and entituled: A briefe censure vpon two bookes written in answeare to M. Campions offer of disputation. &c. Compiled by Meredith Hanmer M. of Arte, and student in diuinity. Hanmer, Meredith, 1543-1604. 1581 (1581) STC 12746; ESTC S103736 58,079 96

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it not properly truely in it selfe of it selfe and in his own nature sinne Censur Colon. Againe Concupiscence which remaineth in the regenerate hath no way any nature or kinde of sinne neither contayneth it anye filth or deformitie worthy of hell fire Andrad Orthod explic Lib. 3. defens Trident fidei Lib. ● The councell of Trent hath most blasphemously decreed and included Saint Paule in the curse This concupiscence that the Apostle sometime calleth sinne the holy synode declareth that the catholike church neuer vnderstood it to be called sinne that it is truely and properly sinne in the regenerate but that it is of sinne and enclineth to sinne Whosoeuer thinketh the contrary let him be accursed Co●●● Tr●●ent sub Paulo 3. sess 5. decret de peccat origi●● 6. The Catholikes doctrine COncupiscence or lust in that it repugneth the lawe of God in that it is forbid by the tenth cōmandement is properly truely in it selfe of it selfe of his own nature sinne and so tearmed by the Apostle saying I knew not sinne but by the law for I had not knowne lust except the lawe had sayde thou shalt not lust Imediately by the effectes and haynousnesse thereof hee sheweth the same to be sinne truely and properly Sinne tooke an occasion by the commandement and wrought in me all manner of concupiscence Againe I allow not that which I doe for what I would that doe I not but what I hate that doe I. If I doe then that which I would not I consent to the Lawe that it is good Now then it is no more I that doe it but the sinne meaning concupiscence that dwelleth in me Agayne I see an other lawe in my members rebelling agaynst the lawe of my mind and leading me captiue vnto the law of sinn meaning lost which is in my members He that seeth a woman and lusteth after her hath alreadie s●●●●d in his heart and where the law sayth Thou shalt not kill our Sauiour sheweth for grieuous that which you esteeme as ●ri●●es where it is sayde that he which is angrie vnaduisedly with his brother shalbe in daunger of iudgement he shal contemptuously saith Racha shalbe punished by a counsaile and he that sayth Thou foole shalbe subiect to hell fire Lust sayth our sauiour choketh the woord the wisedome of the flesh sayth Saint Paule is death enmitie to God not subiect to the Law neyther pleaseth God euery man is ●epted sayth Iames being drawen away and entised by his owne concupiscence the same is cause of warres and contentions Ergo properly sinne Saint Iohn shewing the whole world to bee set on mischiefe and swallowed vp in the whirlepool● of sinne qualifieth not the matter as you do but peremp●orily auoucheth All that is in the worlde is the ●ust of the flesh the lust of the eyes and the pride of life and the same is not of the father but of the world Where it is sayde all sinnes in their owne nature are mortall in that they deserue death and damnation and all sinnes in Christ are veniall in that he payde the ransome therfore if the same were called too remembraunce this controuersle would be soone appeased and the trueth touching the nature of this sinfull lust in his haynous effects would easilie appeare 7. The Iesuites doctrine AFter baptisme there remaineth no sinne in the regenerate eyther that is apert or manisest or that is ●id or couered Censur Colon. Andrad Orthodox explic lib. 3. defens Concil Trident. lib. 5. Agayne If any deny the guilt of Originall sinne to be remitted through the grace of our Lorde Iesus Christ which is conferred in Baptisme or eyther doeth say that the same wholly is not taken away which hath in it the true and proper nature of sinne but sayth that the same is only rased or not imputed let him be accursed Concil Trident. sub Paul 3. sess ● 7. The Catholikes doctrine IN the regenerate there remaineth sinne after Baptisme but it is not imputed that for the merits passion of Iesus Christ The faythful vnder y e law circumcised not only the foreskinne of the flesh but also the filth of sinne and the superfluitie thereof ouergrowing the heart the beleeuing in the time of grace hath not onely his bodie outwardly washed with water but also his soule inwardly clensed by the power of the holy spirite Yet the state and condition of the regenerate after circumcision vnder the Law and after Baptisme vnder the Gospell is indifferently laide downe by the Apostle where he sayth Dauid declareth the blessednesse of the man vnto whome GOD imputeth righteousnesse without workes saying blessed are they whose iniquities are forgiuen and whose sinnes are couered Blessed is the man to whome the Lorde imputeth not sinne If there were no more too bee sayde this might seeme a sufficient confirmation of the premises Saint Paule denied not but that there was 〈◊〉 in the regenerated and therefore his commaundement is Let not sinne raigne in your mortall bodie that yee should obey it in the lusts therof All haue straied and become vnprofitable there is not one that doeth good no not one who can say my heart is cleane I am pure from sinne There is none good but God alone What is man that hee should be cleane And he that is borne of a woman that he should be iust Beholde he found no stedfastnesse in his saintes yea the heauens are not cleane in his sight how much more is man abhominable filthy which drinketh iniquitie like water If we say that we haue no sinne wee deceiue our selues and the trueth is not in vs. Therefore is it that among other our petitions wée are commaunded to pray Forgiue vs our tresspasses Moses slewe the Aegyptian Aaron murmured Noah was drunke Lot committed in●est Abraham denied his wife Iacob lye●● Isaac dissembled the Pat●arc●es m●naced Ioseph Rachell was a théefe Ionas was disobediente David numbred the people Solomon was an Idolatrer the sonnes of Zebedie were ambitious Paule and Barnabas ●arred and Peter denied his maister Were not these sinnes yea in the regenerated and chosen people of God Then it cannot be denied but that 〈◊〉 hath a 〈◊〉 after baptisme although finally it doeth not preuaile and what through infirmitie in the meane while hath béene committed after wardes through repentaunce is washed away and of mercie and fauour in Christ is not imputed Though the heart of man bée made so cleane in baptisme as the wheate in the ●ar●s floore the chaffe being fa●●ed away yet as the pure wheate is so man in the fielde and growing bringeth againe with it strawe ●●●ke and chaffe into the Garner so man notwithstanding his ●l●●sing and purifying in baptisme yet retaineth the some and dregges of originall sinne following his naturall flesh vntill the chaffe thereof be sann●d away by the power of the most holie spirite and he by imputation reserued as pure wheate for the celestiall barne and the kingdome