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A16893 The glorie of the latter temple greater then of the former Opened in a sermon preached at the consecration or restitution of the Parish Church of Flixton in the island of Louingland in the county of Suffolke; being sometimes the mother church of the East-Angles. 11. March. 1630 / By Iohn Brinsley. Brinsley, John, 1600-1665. 1631 (1631) STC 3789; ESTC S119303 16,363 28

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was the presence and manifestation of him whom that ladder signified the eternall Sonne of God the Mediatour of the Couenant whose office it is to reconcile things in heauen and things vpon earth God and man as that ladder vnited heauen and earth He it was who was pleased at that time and in that place to manifest his presence by some visible tokens and that manifestation it was which made that place though in the open field dreadfull fearefull glorious It is this presence of Christ that maketh a place first to be the house of God and then that house glorious Ey but how is he present now vpon earth whom the heauens must containe vntill all things be restored How is Christ present in our Temples our Synagogues our Churches Why he is present after a spirituall manner in the midst of his publique ordinances in the Word in the Sacraments Where Christ is truly preached there is he truly present present with the Ministers present with the people With the Ministers I will be with you to the end of the world they are the last words of our Sauiour to his Apostles and their successours With the people Where two or three are gathered together in my name c. Christ is truly present in all places but in the midst of the seuen golden candlestickes he walkes he is present after a speciall manner with speciall assistance with a speciall euidence of his Spirit a speciall declaration of his power there is his arme reuealed As in the Word so in the Sacraments there is he present though not locally yet truly yet spiritually pardon the word really present to the faith of the receiuer And this is the glory of our Temples a spirituall glory consisting in the spirituall presence of Christ in the midst of his publique ordinances It must needs be so Glory to speake properly it is nothing else but an opinion of some excellency or worth conceiued by others to be in such or such a thing Now if glory be measured by opinion then is this spirituall glory The Glory It is so in the estimation both of God and his Saints First For God himselfe there is no Temple glorious in his eye where this Spirituall glory is wanting Be the building the outside the inside what it will he regardeth it not he dwels not in it So much in expresse words Saint Paul telleth those superstitious Athenians where beholding their blind deuotion in erecting of Altars and such other ceremoniall externall obseruances he tels them plainely that God who made the world and all things therein seeing that he is Lord of heauen and earth he dwelleth not in temples made with hands Be the Temple what it will if there be no more in it but the worke of mens hands God dwels not there he delighteth not in it True indeed God did once dwell in a materiall temple betwixt the Cherubins but wherfore was it the Ark was there God doth at this day dwel in the places of his publike worship and seruice but wherfore is it Why the Assemblies of his Saints his publique ordinances are there It is this spirituall worship and seruice which God delighteth to be entertained wth Time was indeed when externall rites and ceremoniall obseruances seemed to be in great request with God They were not onely a means but a part of his worship vnder the Gospell it is not so The time commeth and now is saith our Sauiour when the true worshippers shal worship the Father in spirit in truth for the father requireth euen such to worship him It is this Spirit Truth in holy performances the spirituall maner of worshipping God that maketh seruices persons places to be accepted of him And this it is that made not onely this Temple but euery Synagogue in Hierusalem nay that maketh euery Temple vnder the Gospell more glorious in the eyes of God then the Temple of Salomon was Salomon in all his royalty is not as one of these saith our Sauiour concerning the Lillies his beauty was artificiall theirs was natural Salomon● Temple in al the royalty of it was not as one of these these Temples these Synagogues these Churches where Christ is plainely and powerfully preached published offred applied in the word Sacraments There was a Ceremoniall here is a spiritual glory And secondly As in the eyes of God so in the eyes of his Saints this spirituall glory is The Glory what so glorious an obiect in the eyes of a Christian as Christ himselfe especially when he is reuealed A light to be reuealed to the Gentiles and the glory of his people Israel so old Simeon stileth him This is the glory in the eyes of a Christian when Christ is reuealed to his soule powerfully effectually in the publique ministery of the word So great is the glory of Christ crucified in the preaching of the word that Saint Paul cannot but wonder that his Galathians before whose eyes Christ had beene thus crucified in his Preaching of him should be so farre bewitched as to looke off from it as to looke after any thing els but Christ and the doctrine of Christ. O foolish Galathians who hath bewitched you Gal. 3. 1. No glory like vnto this when the veile is taken off not from Moses his face but from the face of Iesus Christ himselfe in the publique Ministry of the word This blessed be God that we may speake it without either feare or flattery is the glory of our Temples Children it may be are in loue with their bookes for the guilded couers for the babies and pictures sake it is the matter that men of vnderstanding looke at Poore blind ignorant soules whose deuotion is nothing but superstition may be in loue with the Temple for the painting caruing guilding decking but that which maketh it truly glorious in the eyes of God and his Saints is the glory of the latter Temple y● spirituall worship of God the presence and reuelation of Christ in his publike ordinances The time concludes me I must obey That which remains is a word of application I might in the first place from this ground take a iust occasion to discouer and taxe that childish superstition of the Church of Rome in their preposterous adornations of their Temples Let none anticipate my intentions or through preiudice either mistake my words or misconstrue my meaning I haue nothing to say against the decent beautifying of the places of Gods publique worship In this case I should rather make vse of a spurre then a bridle if the time would permit It is the shame of our nation in many parts of it if I could hide it I would not discouer it the houses of God seeme to lie neglected waste ruinous as if neither God nor man dwelt in them or had any reference to them we may without any iniurie write vpon the doores of them Ichabod there is no glory no beauty no decency neither in the outside
There too saith Ribera most of the vessels of Salomons temple were restored by King Cyrus at their returne from Babylon and how euer many of them were afterwards taken away by Antiochus Epiphanes yet they were renewed againe by the Machabees and that as rich as costly as euer all of pure gold Suppose this too yet where were the apurtenances that belonged to Salomons Temple Where was the Arke of the Couenant Where was the heauenly fire Where was the Glory of the Lord Where was the Urim and Thummim And where was the succession of Prophets All these by the Hebrewes owne confession were wanting in this third Temple as well as in the second What shall we then thinke that the life of this promise lieth in the glory of the structure and of the furniture Mr. Caluin for his part is loath in this particular to go along cum crassis interpretibus with blunt interpreters as he there calleth them I shall spare both the persons and opinion yet the argument which he there vseth seemeth to me more then probable One maine reason why God would not haue the second Temple built in the like pompe and state with the former was that he might thereby take off the eyes of his people and by little and little weane them from that Mosaicall pedagogie that they might not wholly rest in those externall shadowes of types and ceremonies but that they might fix their thoughts rather vpon the Messias and the spirituall glory of his kingdome If so what then shall we iudge of that pompe and cost which was bestowed vpon this third temple by Herod Surely as a subtilty of Sathan and perhaps of Herod himselfe who was but a halfe-Iew a Iew for his owne aduantage that the eyes of the Iewes being dazled with this outward pompe and glory they might looke no further but that their thoughts might hereby be wholly taken off from looking for or longing after the promised Messias And if so then was this cost bestowed vpon this last Temple rather a profanation then an adorning of it and to the Iewes rather a token of the vengeance of God vpon them for their ingratitude then a testimony of his grace and fauour Surely there was somthing else which made this Temple more glorious then either the building or the furniture could make it Why what was that To hold you no longer in suspense briefly it was Christ himself the Presence of Christ the Preaching of Christ the Reuelation of Christ his manifestation in the flesh the publishing of the glad tidings of saluation in by and through him Here was the transcendent glory of this latter Temple When Christ the desire of all nations as the Prophet stileth him in the seuenth verse of this Chapter was come come in the flesh then was this house filled with glory So it was foretold and so it was accomplished Then was this house truly glorious when it intertained him who was the truth of all those types the substance of all those ceremoniall shadowes which had made the former house the temple of Salomon so exceedingly glorious The time will not giue me that liberty to vnueile Moses his face before your eyes That Temple was but a type of his body Destroy this temple saith our Sauiour to the Iewes He spake of the temple of his body saith the Text of which that temple was a type What euer there was in that first Temple that made it so glorious you shall find it all in this latter house all epitomized in Christ. Here was the Arke of the Couenant the Arke wood within ouerlayed within and without with pure gold Christ God and man two natures in one person the humanitie assumed into personall vnion with the Diuinitie Here was the heauenly fire he that baptized with the holy Ghost and with fire he through whom the Father is well pleased he in whom all the sacrifices of the people of God find acceptance Here dwelt the glory of God and that after a glorious manner In him dwelt the fulnesse of the Godhead bodily saith Saint Paul Full expressions Not a glimpse of Diuine glory as in the Cloud and betwixt the Cherubins but the fulnesse of the Godhead and that did not lodge in him for a time as in the Tabernacle as in the Temple but it dwelt in him by an inseparable vnion an euerlasting inhabitation It dwelt in him and that not 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 but 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 not in types and shadows not in clouds and ceremonies as in the Temple but in truth in substance really essentially Againe here was the Vrim and Thummim in the brestplate of this high Priest of our saluation light of knowledge and perfection of holinesse In him were hid all the treasures of wisdome and knowledge And lastly here was the gift of prophecie a propheticall spirit powred out after an eminent manner Neuer prophet like this Prophet the Father of the Prophets vnto whom God gaue his spirit not by measure He that was in the bosome of the Father from eternity acquainted with all his secrets his eternall purposes before the foundations of the world were layed Behold all the glory of Salomons Temple comprized in a little roome And if the type was so glorious then what is the truth If the shadow what the substance If the picture bee so amiable then what is the person whom it represents Needs must that place be exceedingly glorious which was honoured with the presence of him whose presence maketh the heauens glorious Christ was there manifested in the flesh Ey and in the spirit too There did he shew his almighty power in conuincing the Doctors in whipping out the buyers and sellers in working of miracles More yet there was he preached there was he published there were the glad tidings of saluation proclaimed and made knowne to the world by Christ himselfe by his Apostles and Disciples men indued with eminent and extraordinary gifts for that purpose This was the surpassing glory of this latter house wherein it so farre excelled the former Christ was here reuealed manifested in the flesh in the spirit preached and published vnto the world And herein standeth the true glory of all our Temples and Synagogues vnder the Gospell euen in the presence and reuelation of Christ. This is the kernell about which I haue spent so much time in cracking of the shell Now that I haue it I would be loth through straits of time to cast it away without some small improuement I shall be briefe and onely propound what my purpose was to prosecute The glory of our Temples is the presence and reuelation of Christ. How dreadfull how fearefull is this place saith the Patriarch Iacob surely it is no other but the house of God the gate of heauen What was it that struck the holy Patriarch with such an awfull dread and reuerence of the place where he was being but in the wide open field Why it