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spirit_n father_n son_n trinity_n 11,727 5 10.3297 5 true
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A14009 Certaine godly and deuout prayers. Made in latin by the Reuerend father in God, Cuthbert Tunstall, Bishop of Durham, and translated into Englishe by Thomas Paynell, clerke; Certaine godly and devout prayers. English and Latin Tunstall, Cuthbert, 1474-1559.; Paynell, Thomas. 1558 (1558) STC 24318; ESTC S111448 18,271 109

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tuis indignos vnquam fieri si nas sed per gratiā tuam nobis augeas fidem spem et charitatem vt fructum bonorum operum tua benignita te proferentes ad vitam te largiente perueniamus eternam vbi in sanctorum adsciti numerum gloriam tuam que nos saciet in sempiternum cernamus Interim dum vita suppetit preconia tua nos oblectent sedulo cōtinentes Gloria patri qui nos creauit Gloria filio qui nos redemit Gloria spiritui sancto qui nos sāctificauit Gloria summe et indiuidue trinitati cuius operationes procedunt ab ipsa tota Cuius imperium sine fine manet Te decet glorie eternitas te decet laus te decet hymnus Tibi debetur omne decus tibi honor tibi gra tiarum actio qui es deus noster in secula seculorum Amen ▪ ¶ 〈…〉 BLessed be the hyghe and the incomprehēsible Trinitie the father y e sonne and the holy Ghost god lord and comforter charitie grace and communication The begetter the begotten and the regenerans The true lyght the true lighte of the true light the true illumination The founteine the floud the irrigatiō Of one al things by one al things in one al thinges Of whome by whom in whome all thinges A liuing lyfe lyfe of the liuing the geuer of lyfe of the liuing One of him selfe one of one one of both The whych is of hym selfe the which is of another the which is of both The father is true the sonne truth the holye spyryte the spyrytte of truth The father the sonne and the holy gost is then but one essence and beynge one vertue one goodnes and one beatitude Of whom by whom and in whome al thinges whatsoeuer they be that lyue truely and blessedly lyue blessedlye Whom we doo worshyp and adore thre goddes in persōes and one in substaunce of the diuinitie the father vnbegotten the onelye begotten sonne of the father the holy ghost procedynge of both and in both remaynyng holye trinitie and vnitye vndiuided one god almighty It is mete and conuenient O honorable trinitie that we wretches with highe laudes and prayses do honour the. For whā we were not through thy poure thou madest vs when that through our own faute we wer lost y t throgh thi pitie and goodnes didest wonderfullye recouer vs. Wherefore we pray and besech thy maiestye that at no tyme thou suffer vs to be vnthanke full vnto these exceding great benefites nor yet vnworthy of thy greate merytes but throughe thy grace to increace in vs faith hope and charitie that brīging forth through thy benignity the frute of good workes we may come thou grauntynge the same to life euerlasting wher that we called to the nūber of saintes maye beholde thy glory the whiche shall satisfye vs for euer In the mene tyme of thys our lyfe thy prayses shal delite vs singing cōtinualli glori be to the father that hath creatid vs glory be to the sonne that hath redemed vs glory be to the holy gost that hath sanctified vs glorye be vnto the hygh and vndeuyded trinitie whose operations and workes procede of it wholy whose empire continueth w tout ende The eternitie of glorye besemeth the lawde besemeth the and hymnes beseme the. Al worshyp is due vnto the and all honor and thankes the whych art our God for euer 〈◊〉 ¶ 〈…〉 ADoramꝰ te sāta trinitas pater et filij et spiritus sancte maiestas in effabilis vnꝰ deus omnipotens et tibi gratias agimus qui nos ad imaginem et similitudinem tuam creare dignatus es vt per memoriam intelligentiam et voluntatem tibi similes efficeremur Has tres anime vires in nobis deprehen ●imus per quas te recolimus contem plamur concupiscimus Per memoriam que intelligentie parens est imaginem tuam referimus deus pater eterne lucis et sapientie domin● nostri Iesu Christi Per intelligentiam que memorie proles est imago tua in nobis lucet Domine Iesu Christe qui es splendor eterniluminis et sapientia a patre genita Per voluntatem que directio est amantis in amantū et amantem cum amato copulat imago tua in nobis agnoscitur spiritus sancte paraclete qui es patris et filij amor concordia et complexus Similitudo autem tua in nobis cernitur O sancta Trinitas quando virtutum splendore ornamur Uitam igitur nostram quesumus semper dirige ne imaginem in nobis tuam vicijs maculemus sed vt sinceris mentibus te meminerimus te intelligamus teque amemus Da nobis fidem rectā spem firmam charitatem per●ectam vt per eas nostra in te memoria figatur intelligentia lumē sumat voluntas in flammetur O trinitas omnipotens tu Deus es et dominus tu rexes immortalis ex quo omnia per quem omnia in quo omnia cuius regnum et imperium manet in eternum O trinitas omnipotens tu viuens vite origo es Tu pulchri tudo perfecta Tu delectatio beata O Trinitas omnipotens tu triplicem rerum machinam celestium terrestrium et infernorum creasti Quamobrem admiramur te in incomprehensibili diuinitate tua Glorificamus te in omnibus operibus tu is gratias agimus tibi pro innumeris beneficiis tuis O Trinitas eterna da nobis semper cogitare lo qui et agere sola ea que tibi placēt O Trinitas eterna concede vt omnia facta nostra sēper ex te prodeant per te dirigantur et in te consummentur O Trinitas eterna aspira vt super omnia te primum diligamus Deinde proximos nostros sicuti nos ipsos Tum inimicos eti am quo legem tuam seruemus O Trinitatis immensa instilla nobis planctum de flagitijs commissis timorem de imminentibus supplicijs spem de consequenda venia O Trinitas immensa largire vt peccata nostra preterita per veniam deleantur presentia per continentitiam refrenentur futura summo ueantur per cautionem O Trinitas immensa da nobis contritionem perfectam confessionem integram emendationem vite continuam O beata Trinitas prebe nobis sancto rum angelorum tu orum pium et fidele presidium qui nos in vita instituant consolentur et protegant O beata Trinitas pacem firmam de celis mitte ne nos infestent hostes caro mundus et demones O beata Trinitas omnem concupiscentiam carnis omnem concupiscentiam oculorum omnem superbiam vite procul a nobis pelle O veneranda Trinitas nos a bello ●ame et pestilentia conserua O veneranda Trinitas largi●● nobis dum viget sanitas cursum vite tibi gratum Quā do infirmitas ingruet desideratam mentis et corporis valetudinem in tota autem vita memoriam recolendi nos in hoc mundo non habere ciuitatem
manentem O veneranda trinitas nobis a lege tua declinantibus digneris animum resipiscendi dare eius autem studiosis discendi cupiditatem accendere proficientibus vero in ca tue diuinitatis illustration● tandem aperire O clementissim● Trinitas da ministris sancte Ecclesie tue bene viuendi et docendi gratiam populo eis commisso man●at● tu● discendi studium vtrisque ●utem sedulum in ●ua lege profectū O clementissima Trinitas reple reges et principes metu te reuerendi gratia se agnosce● di mortales et sapientia bene regendi populum sibi commissum O clementissima Trinitas corrobora religiosos vt mundana contemnant legem tuam obseruent et vota sua tibi reddant O pijssima Trinitas presta cunctis virginibus incorruptam castilatem coniugatis ●idam matrimonij custodiam in medio statu degentibu● continendi gratiam O pijssim● Trinitas pauperibus et afflictis prebe consolationem patientiam diuitibus et potentibus compassionem misericordiam vtrisque vero mutu am inter se charitatem O pijssima Trinitas dona captiuis mētis ●reptionem a peccato corporis liberationem a custodia et liberatis tibi seruiendi voluntatem O benigna Trinitas deduc iter facientes ad finem eius prosperum ma re nauigantes ad desideratum portum omnesque mor tales ad regnum tuum celeste O benigna Trinitas fac rect●m fidem ●uspicantes tua iuuet gratia Proficientes fortitudo confirmet perfectos comitetur humilitas atque vniuersos per seuerentia commēdet O benigna Trinitas concede superbis honorum despectionem et humilitatem veram ●uaris diuitiarum contemptum et largitionem piam libidini et ventri deditis subiugationem voluptatum et vite mundiciam iracundis et inuidis animi refrenationem et charitatem Seuis et truculentis māsue tudinem modesti ●m Iniquis et impijs iu●●itiam et pietatem vani● et mendacibus verba veritatis vafris et dolosis morum simplicitatem Omnibus denique christian is male viuen tibus penitentiam O Trinitas misericors accende clemens gentibus Iudeis et hereticis vere fidei lumen vt in tua essentia tres personas confitentes et de omnibus catholice fidei articulis recte sentientes ad te solum et verum deum toto cord● conuertantur O Trinitas misericors pro sanctis in gloriam recepti● gratiarum actiones tibi offerimus pro defunctis purgandis preces pro damnatis iustitie tue preconia O Trinitas misericors nostras tibi precationes supplices offerrimus pro viuis et defunctis quibus prodesse possunt vt illis culpas abluas hijs penas remittas tuamque gratiam et gloriam cōferas vtrisque O Trinitas admiranda tu potentia omnipotens tu sapientia in●narrabilis tu bonitas es immensa O Trinitas admiranda tu lumen es omnia illuminans tu veritas insuperabilis tu consolatio summa O Trinitas admiranda tu fons tu flumen tu irrigatio es omnis boni O vera ominino essentia tu vita es sanctorum tu gloria tu speculum Glorificent idcirco maiestatem tuam O trinitas honoranda cuncti celorum ciues patriarche prophete apostoli martyres confessores et virgines Glorificet maiestatem tuam tripertita ecclesia tua in celo et in terra in purgatorio te inuocans Glorificet maiestatem tuam tolerātia tua qua peccatores suffers iustitia tua qua bonis premia tribuis et malis tandem penam sed super omnia misericordia tua qua culpas clemens remittis Glorificet maiestatem tuam omnium rerum creatio dispositio et conseruatio Glorificet maiestatem tuam omnis anima que vegetatur omnis anima que sensit omnis anima que intelligit Glorificet maiestatem tuam deus simplex et trine tripertita hierarchia celestis ter tripertitus angelorum ordo omnis spiritus celestis omnis spiritus humanus sine intermissione dice●s Sanctus Sanctus sanctus Dominus Deus sabaoth Pleni sūt celi et terra gloria tua O sanna in excelsis ▪ Amen ¶ WE adore and worshype the O holye Trinitye the father the sonne and the holye ghost an vnspeakeable maiestie one god omnipotent we thanke the that hast vouchsaued to create and to make vs like vnto thy owne symilitude image that we throughe memorye vnderstandyng and wil shuld be made lyke vnto y e We perceue these thre powers of the soule to be in vs by the whych we remember cōtemplate and desyre the. By the memorye whych is the parēt of vnderstanding O god the father of eternal light and wisedome of oure lord Iesu christ we represēt thy image By vnderstandyng the whych is the chylde of memory thy Image O Lorde Iesu Chryste whych art the brightnes of the eternall lyghte and the wysedome begottē of the father doth shyne in vs. By the wil whych is the direction of a louer to him wardes that is beloued and copleth the louer and him that is beloued together thy Image is knowen in vs the spirite of the holy conforter which is the loue the concord and the embracementes of the father the sonne Thy similytude O holy Trinitie whan we are adurned with the bryghtnes of vertues is sene in vs. Therfore we besech the continuallye to directe oure lyfe that we bespotte not thy Image whiche is in vs with vyce but that wee mai remēber the vnderstand the and loue the w t sincere minds Geue vs a right faith a stedfaste hope and perfecte charitye that through these our memory maye be fastened in the oure vnderstandyng may receue lyght and our wyl may be inflamed O almightye trinitie thou arte god and lorde thou art a king immortal frō whom are al thinges by whome are all thynges in whom are al thyngs whose kyngdome and impire contynueth for euer O omnipotent trinitie thou whych liuest art the beginning of life thou art the perfect fairenes and the blessed delectation O omnipotēt trinitie thou hast created the three frames of thynges celestiall terrestyall and infernall Wherfore we in thy incomprehensible dyuinitie doo maruell at the we in all thy workes do gloryfye the we geue the thankes for thy innumerable benefites O eternal Trinitie graūt vs continualli to think to speake and to doo those thynges onelye that please the. O eternall Trinitie graunte that all oure actes and dedes may procede from the may be directyd by the finished and consumyd in the. O eternall Trinitie graunte that aboue all thynges wee may fyrst and principal lye loue the then oure neygheboures as oure selues and thē to thentente we maye kepe thy lawe oure enemyes O vnmesurable Trinitye instill and power heuines into vs for our synnes commytted feare for the paynes that hāge ouer vs and hope to obtaine forgeuenes O vnmesurable trinite graūt our synnes committed may be stryken out throughe forgeuenes y t oure presēt fautes mai thrugh cōtinence be refraynyd
willyd through the cruel paine of the crosse to restore vnto vs our innocencye agayne we honor thee we worshyppe the we adore the and for thy greate and innumerable benefits we thanke thee we beseche the not to suffer vs redemed w t thy bloude to peryshe but through the greate paines of thi deth to deliuer and kepe vs from all euyll and from all synne God the holy gost haue mercy vpon vs. LOrd God the holye ghost whiche art cōsubstanciall coeternall and equal with the father and the sonne procedynge from them vnspeakeably the which descendidst in the forme and shape of a doue vpon the selfsame sonne baptised of Ihon ▪ and dydst syt vpō thy holy disciples appering as were in fierye tounges We worshyp the we adore y e we honor y e thāk the. for thy greate and innumerable benefytes Dryue from vs we besech the the darkenes of al ignoraunce and kyndle in oure myndes the lyght of thy diuine knoledge and inflame in vs the heate of most mekest lo●e towardes the father and the sonne and thee the spirite of them both Holy Trinytye one god haue mercy vpon vs. LOrde god omnipotent y t hath vouchsafyd to create and to make man lyke vnto thy similitude Image graunt that the spottes of vyces defyle vs not whome thou the maker of al the world after the ineffable example of thy selfe haste creatyd and saue vs throughe thy mercy whō our synnes shall lese yf thou be not present to helpe vs. ●Orde god omnipopotent that hast geuen vs a fre wyll to doo wel or euil geue vs soo thy grace that we maye avoyde those thynges thou defendyng vs whiche are euill and to do those thou helpyng vs which are good ●Orde God omnypotente of whom is all wysedome and prouydence thou doeste knowe what is expedient for vs mortall men as it plesith the and as it shall seme beste to thy maiestie of vs soo be it but yet with mercy ¶ Precatio ad 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Trinitatis personas et 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Pater de celis Deus miserere nostri DOmīe sancte pater oīpotēs eterne deꝰ a quo deus filius tuus tibi diuinita tis fonti consubstantialis coeternus et equalis ante omnia secula genitus est per quem cooperante spiritu sancto celum et terram atque omnia que in eis visibilia et inuisibilia continentur inenarrabili tum opificio tum ornatu creasti te veneramur te colimus te adoramꝰ tibi ob immensa et innumera benefitia tua gratias agimus Esto nobis obsecramus propitius miseris mortalibus et ne despice nos flagitijs obnoxios cum simus opus tuum sed ab omni malo ac ab omni peccato libera et serua nos per infinitam clementiam tuam Filij redemptor mundi Deus miserere nostri DOmine Iesu Christe fi●i Dei viui qui es derus et omnipotens deus sapientia viuus sermo splendor et imago patris cui cum patre et spiritu sancto compar est honor eadem gloria co●terna maiestas vna substantia ▪ 〈◊〉 Quique de summa celorum arce descendens in orbem terre carnem ex matre virgine mortalem sumere et ad instaurandam nobis innocentiam per dirum crucis supplicium mori voluisti te veneramur te colimus te adoramus tibi ob immensa et innumera beneficia tua gratias agimus Ne nos perire sin●s precamur tuo redemptos sanguine sed ab omni malo ac ab omni peccato libera et serua nos per immensos mortis tue cruciatus Spiritus sancte deus miserere nostri DOmine spiritus sancte deus qui patri filioque consubstantialis coeternus et equalis es ab ●is ineffa biliter procedens quique super eundem filium a Iohanne baptizatum descendisti in columbe specie superque sanctos discipulos tuos in linguis velut igneis apparens cōsedisti te veneramur te colimus te adoramus tibi ob immensa et innumera beneficia tua gratias agimus Pelle a nobis que sumus omnis ignorantie tenebras lumenque diuine tue scientie accende in mentibus nostris et amoris pussimi in patrem filium et te viriusque spiritum ardorem in nobis inflamma Sancta Trinitas vnus Deus miserere nostri DOmine Deus omnipotens qui ad imaginem et similitudinem tuam hominē facere dignatus es pres●a ne nos fedēt viciorum macule quos ad ineffabile tui exemplar totius opifex mundi creasti et quos peccata nostra si tu nō ad sis perdent tua serua misericordia Domine deus omnipotens qui liberum nobis arbitrium bene aut male agendi tribuisti sic gratiam tuam nobis confer vt que mala sunt te prote gente vitemus que bona sunt te adiuuante faciamus Domine deus ompotens a quo omnis est et sapientia et prouidentia tu seis que nobis mortalibus expediunt sicut tibi placet et quemadmodum tue maiestati de nobis miseris videtur ita fiat cum misericordia Amen ¶ 〈…〉 IESU whych after the innumeramerable tormentes of thy bodye hangyng verye wekely vpon the crosse vouchesauedest to dye for vs haue mercy vpon vs. ¶ 〈…〉 O Most mekest Lord Iesu christ beholde loke vpon vs wretchyd synners w t those thy mercifull eies with the which thou beheldest Peter in the hal whileste he denyed to knowe the. And at supper Marye Magdalene whilest she anointid thy fete And vpon y e crosse the meke these whylest he knowledged the to be a kynge Graunte vnto vs from the mooste beninge founteyne of thy mercye that after the example of Peter we maye bewayle oure sinnes and y t we as Mary Magdalene dyd maye burne in thy loue and vehementelye loue the and that we as the thefe hath optayned paradice may se the in thy kingdome the whyche doste reygne god with God the father and the holy Ghoste thoroweoute all worldes 〈…〉 ¶ 〈…〉 Iesus O Lorde Iesu Chryst the which being god immortal tokest vp on the a mortall body to make vs lawes to lyue holely vertuously For that thy loue vnto vs we mekely praye the y t thou suffer not vs intāgled with the snares of vices vtterly to perysh who in tyme past through Adams contumacy were reiected and now hast made vs the heyres of thy kyngdome but that thou as meke and merciful wilt withsafe to abolishe our flagitius synnes and wyckednes the which are mo than canne be numbred and greater than can be spoken or rehearsyd which doth raigne god w t god the father and the holye ghoste thoroweout all worldes 〈…〉 ¶ A prayer to be sayde before the crucifixe O Merciful Crucifix the redemer of all people whose head was fylthely lacerate torne with a crowne of thorn whose handes and feete extendyd vpon a crosse were