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A00667 A perfume against the noysome pestilence prescribed by Moses vnto Aaron. Num. 16. 46. Written by Roger Fenton, preacher of Grayes Inne. Fenton, Roger, 1565-1616. 1603 (1603) STC 10800; ESTC S105577 18,874 94

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deliuered from all euill Deliuer vs from euill both spirituall and temporall that wee may serue thee not as seruants but with that freedome of spirite which becommeth thy adopted children But especiallie deliuer vs from that great euill the Deuill the archeenimie to thee and thy Church in whose kingdome and power all euill is included These thinges graunt vnto vs O gracious Sauiour not for ought in vs but for thy owne For thine is thy kingdom c. names sake for hereby thy kingdome shall be enlarged thy power manifested and thy name gloryfied wherevnto with hart and voyce we most willinglie subscribe saying Amen A Prayer to be said by those whose houses be infected GRATIous God whoe in Christ Iesus art the Father of mercies and God of all consolation Wee thy poore creatures nowe humbled vnder thy mightie hand in soule and bodie entirelye desire thy Fatherlye goodnesse to pardon and forgiue vs all our sinnes which haue so poysoned and infected our soules as the contagion thereof hath euen zeased vpon the outward man Cleanse and washe vs wee beseech thee in the blood of the Lambe that the sting of death neuer haue power ouer vs vnto a second death Confirme and strengthen vs in the faith of thy sonne against all the temptations of Sathan comfort vs in thy promises against the force of death perfect our repentance in the due examination of our selues and assure our consciences by the testimonie of thy spirite that whether wee liue or dye wee shall bee thine As it is thy propertie alwayes to haue mercie so haue thy mercies euer-more then shined moste gloriouslye when wee stand in greatest need of them which thing of all others hath been the greatest comfort to thy children in their greatest distresse that though they haue walked through the vallyes of the shadowe of death yet they haue feared no euill because thou hast euer beene with them yea thy rodde and thy staffe hath then beene moste readye for to comforte them Deare Father now is the time yea the time is come wherein wee long for mercie death is at the doore in the house it compasseth vs round wee walke in the vallie of the shaddowe of death Giue vs grace that wee feare no euill for death is but a shaddowe the strength and substance of it is taken awaye in the death of thy Sonne the sting is lost in the wounds of our blessed Sauiour it may scare vs a little but cannot hurt vs. And though wee bee compassed in that wee come not foorth though wee bee shutte vp from our neighbours and depriued of all earthly comforte yet bee thou present with vs by thy blessed spirite and wee shall not be desolate for thou Lorde alone shall make vs dwell in safetie Open therefore our eyes of faith that we may discerne a greater force of spirituall souldiers with vs then against vs. Let thine Angels guarde vs in this miserable life from all euill vntill they carrie our soules into thy fatherlye bosome Heauenly Father who hast made vs preserue vs for thou art a faithfull Creatour who delightest not in destroying the worke of thine owne hands Sweete IESVS thou sonne of the Father who hast redeemed vs keepe vs for thou hast deerely bought vs. Holye spirite of comforte that hast taken such paines with vs dwell in vs vnto the end and in the end Blessed Trinitie Father Sonne and Holy-ghost who haue created redeemed and preserued vs thus farre leaue vs not at the laste gaspe but heare our cryes receiue our prayers eyther to the restoring of vs in this life to the glorifying of thy name amongst men or if it bee thy pleasure to the receiuing of vs into thy euerlasting habitations These things and what-so-euer else may stande with thy good pleasure and our comforte wee begge them at thy hands O eternall Deitie not onelye in the name and mediation of IESVS CHRIST because wee are vnworthye to offer anye thing in our owne names but also because our prayers are vnperfect and earthlie wee come in his very wordes and prescript forme of Prayer who is best acquainted with the stile of heauen and with whose name and prayer and wordes thou must needes be well pleased Our Father which art in heauen Hallowed be thy name c. FINIS
not in the power for any one to refuse it thogh through malitiousnesse they will not vouchsafe to accept any thing at our hands yea though they be set on mischiefe against Moses Aaron yet Aaron his Incense shall stay the plague that is begun amongst them But while we seriously reflect vpon our selues all that hath bin said will not comfort vs for we haue neither censer nor fire nor odours for the purpose Our harts which should be hallowed sanctified vessels for this holy action laid vp in the holy place of the tabernacle they are daily and hourely prophaned polluted by common vncleane vse Our fire the most of it is kindled either from the earth or a worse place for Sathan is euer casting his firebrands at vs or els blowing with the bellowes of one temtation or other and if we can beg any heauenly fire from the Altar we haue so many humerous affections as bee ready euermore to quench the same Our odours stinke the imaginations Gen. 5. 6. of our harts be only euill continually if good motions be inspired frō aboue there is such a damp of thoughts arising in our Luk. 24. 38. harts to meet with thē as must needs choake them Yea that excellent compound of prayer made by our Sauiour Christ himselfe for our vse if it once passe through our polluted lips we marre it in saving of it And to say the trueth our consciences doe accuse vs and our sinnes doe witnesse that we are the offendors who haue kindled this wrath of God against vs and shall wee now take our Censers and offer Incense so did Moses bid the rebellious people in the 17. verse of this Chapter Take euery one their Censer and put Incense Num. 16. 17. thereon before the Lorde two hundreth and fiftie Censers but this is the next waye to kindle the wrath of God more against vs to consume vs as it did them 35. verse It is true if we be obstinate in our rebellions but otherwaies though Aaron himselfe haue sinned yet we read that he may take the Censer as well for himselfe as for others and it shall be so accepted that the smoake of the Incense shall Leuit. 16. 13. couer the mercie Seat that is vpon the testimonie So he shall not dye And against all our infirmities and imperfections which can be alledged we are releeued aboundantly in the 8. of the Reuelation the 3. verse A● Reuel 8. 3 Angell stood before the Altar hauing a golden Censer and much Odours was giuen vnto him that he should offer with the prayers of all Saints Our high Priest made not an end of praying for vs vpon the Crosse but as he is a Priest for euer so he prayeth for euer without end It is God that iustifieth Rom. 8. 34. who shall condemne it is Christ which is dead or rather risen againe who is also at the right hand of God and maketh request for vs and as we euer sinne so the Apostle saith He Heb. 7. 25 euer liueth to make intercession for vs. There he standeth before the Altar in the presence of his father with a golden Censer for his pretious body which hath bin so often tryed as golde in the fire of persecution is now glorified in the heauens which before was an earthen vessell In which censer there wanteth no fire for he hath caried al his affections bowels of cōpassion with him into heauen neither may we thinke that he carieth lesse zeale or loue in his brest towardes mankinde now sitting in glory then bleeding in the gardē or dying vpon the crosse It was the effect of the theefe his petition Lord remēber Luk. 23. 42. me when thou cōmest into thy kingdom now in the midst of torment I know thou canst not forget vs since thou art partaker of the same misery with vs but wilt thou remēber me whē all is past and thou come into thy kingdom when thy body is glorified all teares wiped from thine eies shall not those pittifull affections be also wiped from thine hart no verily though he be ascended aboue the heauens stand behind the wall though the heauens be Cant. 2. 9. drawne like a Curtin or stand like a brazen wall betweene that we cannot behold our beloued with bodily eies yet euē now also doth he looke through the grate vpon vs with no lesse pittiful compassion then when hee hanged vpon the crosse for when that bloudie enemie Saul made a breache into his Church it affected him as much as if his owne person had been assaulted afresh Saul Saul why doest thou persecute me I am Iesus of Nazareth Acts. 9. 4. whome thou persecutest When the blessed martyr Steuen stood at the barre in great distresse then did he beholde our Sauiour standing at the right hand of his Father as Saint Iohn Act. 7. 55. Reu 8. 3. doeth here see him standing before the Altar who is wont to sit at the right hand of the maiestie in the highest places but when his Chucrh is troubled then doth hee stand vp and make intercession for the same such is his sympathie and compassion towards vs. Vpon this heauenly fire doth he powre sweete odours and offereth them to his Father togither with the prayers of Saints So then here is our comfort though our Censers be vncleane yet our prayers are offered in his golden Censer before they be presented vnto God and though they be in themselues neuer so vnworthy yet are they sweetned and perfumed by the sweete odours of Christ in whome there is more vertue to purifie and reforme them then is or can be corruption in our nature to infect them Therefore to conclude since we are not able of our selues as of our selues to 2. Cor. 3. 5. thinke a good thought let vs desire the holy spirit by his celestiall inspirations to raise holie desires in vs and since those desires when they are at the holyest must needes smell of the caske let vs humbly entreate our Sauiour Christ to take them out of our naughtie vessels and offer them in his golden Censer to perfume them with his sweete odours to present them in his owne name for vs so shall they be a sweete sauour vnto God the Father to whome with his beloued Sonne and blessed spirit what euer become of vs be giuen all glorie powre and dominion world without ende Amen A Prayer for this time of visitation O Eternall and euer-liuing God Creatour and disposer of all things in heauen earth wee thy poore creatures bound in dutie to giue thee humble thankes for that great benefite of our creation whereby thou didst raise vs out of the dust aboue other creatures to bee made conformable to thine owne selfe doe acknowledge here before thy deuine and vnspotted Maiestie to our shame and confusion that by our owne onely default wee haue vtterly depriued our selues not onely of the comfort of that most
prooue but the chastisment of a Fatherlie affection for thou art not Which art in Heauen like earthly fathers who change their affections as themselues are corruptible but thou art in Heauen the same for euer and thy yeares doe not faile Thou art the Father of lights in whome there is no mutabilitie nor shadowe of change Those whome thou louest thou louest vnto the end but alas wee haue changed wee haue started aside like a broken Bowe we haue gone awaye and therefore is the light of thy countenance turned from vs. Yea our sinnes haue made such a thicke cloud that it cannot shine vpon vs. And because we haue so abused thy patience and presumed too farre vpon thy Fatherlye kindnesses therefore now it pleaseth thee to teach vs that thou art in Heauen and wee vpon the earth that thou canst humble vs at thy pleasure and make vs by thy iudgementes euen to tremble before thy footstoole Teache vs therefore Gracious GOD so to comforte our selues by thy mercies that wee neuer presume to offend and so to humble our selues in the consideration of our sinnes and thy iudgements that wee neuer dispaire of thy fauour Assuring our selues that thou art both able and willing as well to raise vs vp as to beate vs downe For thou art in Heauen and canst do what thou wilt And as the heauen is aboue the earth so is thy glorye to bee preferred Hallowed be thy name before the happinesse of all the creatures in the world Gloryfie thy name O Heauenlye Father and teache vs euer-more to consecrate the first fruites of our desires and petitions to the hallowing and sanctifying of the same Sanctifie vs by thy holye spirite that wee may sanctifie it whoe haue blemished the same by our former wicked liues whereby wee haue giuen thee iust cause to glorifie thy selfe in our confusion but thou doest alwayes affect more glorye out of mercie then iudgement Be mercifull therefore O Lorde in these our miseries deliuer vs from the power of death and the contagion of this noysome pestilence and teach vs by thy fatherly affection hereafter with more sinceritie to hallow and sanctifie thy blessed name So shall a Crowne of glory be set vpon our heades by the comming of thy kingdome Thy kingdom come A worthy guift worthy for such a father to giue though wee most vnworthy to receiue it yet it is thy fatherly pleasure to giue vs a kingdom to make vs heires and fellow heires with thy sonne Iesus who carrieth the scepter in heauen for vs and raigneth within vs by his holye spirite till he haue subdued all his enemies vnder him which that wee may enioy giue vs grace to doe thy will Thy will be done for it is not euery one that saith Lorde Lorde but hee that doeth thy will which shall enter into thy kingdome Giue vs grace to doe and patience to suffer thy good will and pleasure whatsoeuer it be so shall thy will bee done euerye waye by vs and with vs to the hallowing of thy name and enlarging of thy kingdome and that not with murmuring and grudging but most willingly by vs In earth as it In earth as it is heauen is in Heauen where Angels and Cherubins doe thy will flying with all cheerfullnesse and alacrytie where the Sunne is readie eyther to staye his course or to goe backe againe euen against nature at thy commandement Make vs then as the sheepe of thy hands both to obeye thy voyce willinglie and patientlie to suffer thy good pleasure Then wilt thou bee our Shepheard and defender and wee shall wante nothing then shall the petition of nature be acceptable vnto thee Our daylye Giue vs this day c. bread and all necessaries for this present life shall by thy fatherly prouidence be ministred vnto vs. Giue vnto vs wee pray Bread thee in this time of weakenesse and visitation the staffe of bread to strengthen our bodies and strength of bodie to digest our bread We pray for no dainties good father but for bread desiring neither ritches nor pouertie but a sufficient meane of our Our bread owne that we may not bee chargeable but rather helpefull vnto others Enlarge our bowels of compassion towardes our poore brethren which perish for wante of succour that our bread in these distressed times may bee made common as our praiers are common And so long as it pleaseth thee to extende our mortall liues so long make a supplye of daylie electuaries for the preseruation or the D●●●● bread same Let our ordinary pittance and daylie portion bee ministred in due season vnto vs. Teach vs sobrietie in the dayly vse of thy creatures that wee glutte not our selues at once and wante another time Teach vs wisdome that wee may knowe how to abound and how to want how to humble our selues in fasting and how to reioyce in prosperitie that wee neuer forget the affliction of Ioseph We beg not for yeares or moneths or manye dayes onely giue vs this This day daye our dayly bred because wee meane to come againe to morrowe and be daylye beggers at thy gate of mercie Wee knowe it is thy fatherly goodnesse that wee should aske a little and often to the end we may growe familier with thee in prayer and that thou maist open the windowes of heauen wider and replenish our bodies with all plentiousnesse we be seech thee to shutte the mouth of hell likewise which gapeth so wide vpon vs. Remoue from vs all these euils which depriue vs of thy forenamed blessings but especially our sinnes Forgiue vs our trespasses for Forgiue vs our trespasses they haue made this seperation betweene thee and vs they haue dishonoured thy name blemished thy Kingdome disanulled thy will depryued vs of manye blessinges and brought thy heauye iudgementes vpon vs. Forgiue and forget good father wee confesse they bee our debtes wee are not able to answere one of a thousand wee haue forfeited our bond nothing remayneth to vs but perpetuall imprisonment in vtter darkenesse Onelye let it suffice that the hande writing against vs for this debt is nailed to the Crosse by thy sonne and our Sauiour Release vs therefore of As we forgiue them that trespasse against vs all that is past and mollifie our hartes with thy grace that wee may meite the same measure to our brethren as thou hast done vnto vs. But of all loue leaue vs not thus neither for Sathan will bee sure to assault vs afresh with his temptations Leade vs not into temptation to spie where wee bee weakest that hee may reenter with greater force and more malice then before Then shall the end of vs bee worse then the beginning Then shall Plague and Pestilence Warre and Famine bee but the beginnings of sorrowe Therefore second vs by the assistance of thy gracious spirite that wee bee neuer ouer-taken with any dangerous relapse into our former vile transgressions but freed and