Selected quad for the lemma: spirit_n

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spirit_n father_n jesus_n son_n 14,487 5 5.3429 4 true
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A09736 [An, A,B,C, wyth a cathechisme, that is to saye, an instruction to be learned of euerye chylde before he be brought to be confyrmed ...] [sette forth by thee Kinges Maiestye ; whereunto is also ioyned the letany and suffrages]. 1551 (1551) STC 20.3; ESTC S554 1,492 12

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Let vs praye O God mercyfull father that despisest not the sighing of a contrite hart nor the desyre of soch as be sorowfull mercyfully assyst our praiers that we make before the in al our troubles and aduersities whensoeuer they oppresse vs And graciously heare vs that those euils which the crafte subteltye of the deuyll or mā worcketh agaīst vs be brought to naught by the prouidēce of thy goodnes thei may be dyspersed 〈…〉 seruauntes 〈…〉 … t beyng hurt by no persecutions may euermore geue thākes vnto the in thi holy church through Iesus christ our lorde amen O lorde aryse helpe vs and delyuer vs for thy names sake O God we haue hearde wyth our eares oure fathers haue declared vnto vs the noble workes that thou dyddest in theyr dayes in thee olde tyme before them O lord aryse helpe vs deliuer vs for thyne honour Glorye to the father c. As it was in the begīnīg is and euer sh●●● 〈…〉 alway hauing sufficyent maye be rych and plētiful in all good workes throughe oure lorde Iesu christ Amen Lord haue mercy vpō vs Christ haue merci vpō vs Lord haue mercy vpō vs Our father c. let vs not be led into tēptacion But deliuer vs frō euyl Lorde heare my prayer And let my cry come to the. From the fir … 〈◊〉 of the de●il 〈…〉 oure christes sake Amen ALmighti god which hast geuē vs grace at this time with one accord to make our cōmon supplicatyons vnto the doeste promise that when two or three bee gathered in thy name thou wylt graunte their requestes fulfil now O Lord thee desyres peticiōs of thy seruaūtes as may be most expedient for thē Graūting vs in thys worlde knowledge of thy ●●●th in the world to 〈…〉 … e lyfe euerlasting Amen ¶ Certayne graces to bee sayde before and after meate Grace before dyner THe eyes of al thinges do loke vp truste in the O Lorde Thou geuest them meate in due season Thou doeste open thy hand and fyllest with thy blessing euery liuīg thing Good lorde blesse vs all thy gyftes whyche we receaue of thy bounteous liberalitie Through christ our lorde Amen The king of eternal glor● make vs perteners of the heauenly table amen God is charitie he that dwelleth in charitie dwelleth in god god in him god graunt vs all to dwel in hym Amen Grace after dyner THe god of peace and loue vouchsafe alwai to dwel with vs. And thou lord haue mercy vpō vs glory honour praise be to the O God whyche hast fed vs frō our tender age g … 〈…〉 … nce to e … 〈…〉 … ge re … 〈…〉 wyth the lyfe euerlastynge thoroughe oure Lord Iesus chryst amen Grace before dyner or supper PRaysed bee thou oure moste mercifull heauenly father which of thy inestimable goodnes hast geuen thy most dearly beloued sōne Iesus to paynful deth for our sakes therby not al only deliueringe vs al faithful from euerlasting death damnatiō but also purchasing vnto vs euerlasting lyfe ioye felicite sēde we besech the thy holye spirite into our hartes that we may daily more and more walke and go forward in the pleasāt pathwayes of thy righteous lawes and commaundementes So be it After dyner or supper NOw you haue wel refreshed youre bodyes remember the lamentable afflictiōs miseries of manye thousandes of youre neighbours brethren in christ visited by the hand of god some with mortall plages and diseases some with imprisonment some wyth extreme pouertye necessitye so that eyther they ●…ā not or they haue not to ●…ede on as ye haue done remēbre therfore how moch and how depely ye present are bound to the goodnes of almighty god for your health welthe lybertye manye other hys benefytes geuen vnto you Responce Graces and thankes be now vnto hym alwayes for these and al other hys benefytes so mercyfully louingly and aboundantly powred vpon vs. amen God saue our Kynge and the Realme and send vs peace in christ Amen ¶ Imprinted at London in Fletestrete at the signe of the Sunne ouer agaynst the Conduyte By Edwarde Whyt-churche M.D.LI. Cum Priuilegio ad Imprimendum Solum