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spirit_n father_n jesus_n son_n 14,487 5 5.3429 4 true
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A02517 The best bargaine A sermon preached to the Court at Theobalds. on Sunday, Sept. 21. 1623. By Ios. Hall D.D. Hall, Joseph, 1574-1656. 1623 (1623) STC 12646; ESTC S118996 10,422 45

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his Church how earnestly I haue set my hand on work vpon such poore thoughts of re-union as my meannesse could reach But when all is done I still found we may not offer to sell Truth for Peace It is true that there bee some Scholasticall and immateriall Truths the infinite subdiuisions whereof haue rather troubled than informed Christendome which for the purchase of peace might be kept in and returned into such safe generalities as minds not vnreasonable might rest in but sold out they may not be If some Truths may be contracted into a narrower roome none may be contracted for Qui diuinis innutriti sunt eloquijs as that Father said Those that are trained vp in diuine Truths may not change a syllable for a world Tene quod habes Hold that thou hast is a good rule in all things which if in temporalties it were well obserued we should not haue so many gallants squander away their inheritances to liue Cameleon-like vpon the ayre of fauour But how euer this be too wel obserued in these earthly things by frugall hands which take as if they were quicke hold as if they were dead yet in spirituall graces it can neuer be obserued enough Wee get Truth we buy it as Iacob did his birth-right to keepe to inioy not to sell againe If therefore the world if Satan shall offer to grease vs in the fist for Truth let vs answer him as Simon Peter did Simon the Sorcerer Thy money perish with thee because thou hast thought the Truth of God may be purchased with money What shall we say then to those pedling petty-chapmen which we meet withall in euery market that will be bartring away the Truth of God for trifles Surely the forme of our spirituall market is contrarie to the ciuill In our ciuill markets there are more buyers than sellers there would be but poore takings if many did not buy of one but in the spirituall there are more Sellers of Truth than Buyers Many a one sels that hee neuer had that he should haue had the Truth of God Here one chops away the Truth for Feare or Ambition There another lets it goe for the old shooes of a Gebeonitish pretence of Antiquitie Heere one parts with it for a painted gilded hobby-horse of an outwardly pompous magnificence of the Church there another for the bables of childish superstition One for the fancies of hope another for the breath of a colloguing Impostor Amongst them all Diminutae sunt veritates à filijs hominum Psal. 12. Truth is failed from the children of men Yea as Esay complained in his time Corruit in platea veritas Esa. 59.14 Truth is fallen in the streets What a shame it is to see that in this cleere and glorious Sunne-shine of the Gospell vnder the pious gouernment of the True Defender of the Faith there should not want some soules that should trucke for the Truth of God as if it were some Cheapside or some Smithfield-Commoditie Commutauerunt veritatem Dei They haue changed the Truth of God into a lie Rom. 1.25 And all their care is that they may be deceiued good cheap Whose heart cannot bleed to see so many well-rigg'd and hopefull Barkes of our young Gentry laden with the most precious Merchandises of Nature and Grace hall'd in euery day to these deceitfull Ports of Error the owners partly cheated partly robbed of Truth despoiled of their rich fraight and at last turn'd ouer-boord into a sea of Desperation Oh foolish Galatians who hath bewitched you that you should not obey that yee should not hold fast the Truth Where shall I lay the fault of this mis-carriage Mee thinkes I could aske the Disciples question Nunquid ego Domine Is it wee Lord Are there of vs that preach our selues and not Christ Are there that preach Christ and liue him not Woe to the world because of offences It must needs be that offences should come but woe to the man by whom the offence commeth God forbid that we should be so bad that the seuen-hils should not iustifie vs But what euer we be the Truth is still and euer it selfe neither the better for our innocence nor worse for our guilt If men bee faultie what hath Truth offended Except the sacred word of the euer-liuing God can mis-guide you we haue set you right We are but Dust and Ashes yet O God giue vs thine humble vassals leaue in an awfull confidence so farre to contest with thee the Lord of heauen and earth as to say If we be deceiued thou hast deceiued vs. It is thou that hast spoken by vs to thy people Let God bee True and euery man a Lier Whither should we goe from thee thou hast the words of eternall life Deare Christians our fore-fathers transmitted to vs the intire inheritance of the glorious Gospell of Iesus Christ repurchased by the bloud of their martyrdome Oh let not our ill husbandry impaire it Let not posteritie once say they might haue bin happy but for the vnthriftines of vs their progenitors Let it not bee said that the coldnesse of vs the teachers and professors of Truth hath dealt with Religion as Rehoboam did with his shields which hee found of Gold but left of Brasse If Truth had no friends we should plead for it but now that we haue before our eies so powerfull an 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 of Christian faith that with his very pen hath so laid error vpon the backe that all the world cannot raise it what a shame were it to be wanting to him to Truth to our selues But perhaps now I know some of your thoughts you would buy Truth ye thinke you would hold it if yee could be sure to know it There are many slips amongst the true coyne Either of the mothers pleaded the liuing childe to be hers with equall protestations oathes teares True Yet a Salomons sword can diuide Truth from falshood and there is a test and fire that can discerne true metals from adulterate In spight of all counterfeiting there are certaine infallible marks to know Truth from Error Take but a few of many whether in the originals in the natures in the ends of both In the first Truth is diuine Error is humane what is grounded vpon the diuine word must needs be irrefragably true that which vpon humane Traditions either must or may be erroneous In the second Truth is one conforme euer to it selfe 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 as one said Omne verum omni vero consonat All truth accords with euery Truth as Gerson and as it is pure so peaceable Error is full of dissonance of cruelty No particulars of ours dissent from the written verity of God We teach no man to equiuocate Our practise is not bloudy with treasons and massacres In the third Truth as it came from God so is referd to him neither hath any other end than the glory of the God of Truth Error hath euer some self-respects either 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 or 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 filthy lucre or vaine-glory profit or pride We doe not prancke vp nature we ayme not either to fill the cofers or feed the ambition of men Let your Wisdomes apply and inferre and now if yee can shut your eyes that you should not see the Truth and if yee care not for your soules when yee see it sell it Let no false tongue perswade you there is no danger in this sale How charitably so euer wee thinke of poore blinded soules that liue in the forced and inuincible darknesse of error certainly Apostasie is deadly How euer those speed that are robbed of Truth you cannot sell Truth and be saued Haue mercy therefore on your owne soules for their sakes for the sake of him that bought them with the deare ransome of his precious bloud And as God hath blessed you with the inualuable treasure of Truth so hoard it vp in your hearts and menage it in your liues Oh let vs be Gens iusta custodiens veritatē Es. 26. A iust nation keeping fast the Truth So whiles yee keepe the Truth the Truth shall keepe you both in Life in Death in Iudgement In life vnto death in death and iudgement vnto the consummation of that endlesse and incomprehensible glory which the God of Truth hath prepared for them that ouercome To the happy possession whereof he that hath ordained in his good time as mercifully bring vs and that for the sake of the Sonne of his Loue IESVS CHRIST the Righteous To whom with thee O Father thy blessed Spirit one infinite God be giuen all praise honour and glory now and for euer Amen