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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A72347 Certayne sermons appoynted by the Quenes Maiestie, to be declared and read, by all persones, vycars, and curates, euery Sondaye and holy daye in theyr churches : and by her Graces aduyse perused & ouer sene, for the better vnderstandyng of the simple people : newly imprinted in partes accordynge as is mencioned in the booke of commune prayers.; Certain sermons or homilies appointed to be read in churches. 1559 (1559) STC 13648.5; ESTC S5209 110,375 188

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preuented with sodaine death neuerthelesse he shal be there where he shal be refreshed Of Abrahams bosome Chrystes wordes be so playne that a christian man nedeth no more profe of it Nowe then if this were the state of the holye fathers and righteous men before the commyng of our sauiour before he was glorified how much more then ought all we to haue a stedfast faith a sure hope of this blessed state and condicion after our death Seing that our sauiour nowe hath perfourmed the whole worke of our redemption and is gloriouslye ascended into heauen to prepare our dwellyng places with hym Ioh. xvii and sayd vnto his father Father I wyll that where I am my seruauntes shal be with me And we knowe that whatsoeuer Christ wyll his father wyll the same wherefore it cannot be but if we be his faithful sernauntes oure soules shal be with him after our departing out of this present life Sainct Stephin when he was stoned to death euen in the middest of his tormentes what was his minde moste vpon When he was ful of the holy gost Ac●●● v●● saieth holy scripture hauing his eies lifted vp into heauen he sawe the glory of god and Iesus standinge on the righte hande of god The whiche trueth after he had confessed boldly before the enemies of Christ they drew him out of the citie and there they stoned him who cried vnto God sayinge Lorde Iesu Christe take my spirite And doeth not our sauiour say playnly in S. Iohns gospel Verely verely I say vnto you he that heareth my worde and beleueth on him that sēt me hath euerlasting life cummeth not into iudgement Iohn .v. but shal passe from death to life Shal we not then thinke that death to be precious by the whiche we passe vnto life Therefore it is a true saying of the Prophete the death of the holy and righteous men 〈◊〉 cxvi is precious in the lordes sight Holy Simeon after that he had his heartes desier in seing our sauiour that he euer longed for al his life he embraced or toke him in his armes and said Now lord let me departe in peace Luke ●● for mine eies haue beholden that sauiour whiche thou hast prepared for al nacions It is trueth therfore that the death of the righteous is called peace and the benefite of the Lord Psal cxiiii as the churche saieth in the name of the righteous departed out of this world my soule turne thee to chyreste for the Lorde hath bene good to thee and rewarded thee And we see by holye scripture other auncient Histories of Martirs that the holy faithful and righteous euer sins Christes ascencion or going vp in their death did not doubt but that they went to be with Christ in spirite whiche is our lyfe health wealth saluacion Iohn in his holy reuelacion saw an C. xl and .iiii. M. virgins innocentes of whom he sayd Epo xiiii these folowe the lābe Iesu Christe whersoeuer he goeth And shortely after in the same place he saieth I heard a voice from heauen saying vnto me write happy and blessed ar the dead which die in the lord from henceforth surely saieth the spirite thei shal rest from their paines and labours for their workes doe folowe them So that then they shal reape with ioy and comfort that which they sowed with labors and paynes They that sow in the spirite of the spirite shal reape euerlasting life Let vs therfore neuer be werye of well doing for when the time of reaping or reward commeth we shal reape without any werines euerlastinge ioye ●ola vi Math. vi Therefore while we haue time as S. Paule exhorteth vs let vs doe good to all men and nor laye vp our treasures in earth where ruste and mothes corrupt it Iames .v. which rust as S. Iames sayeth shall beare witnesse agaynst vs at the great day cōdemie vs and shall like moste brenninge fier tormente our fleshe Let vs beware therfore as we tēder our owne wealth that we be not in the number of those miserable couetousse and wretched menne whiche S. Iames byddeth mourne and lament for theyr gredye gatherynge and vngodlye kepynge of goodes Lette vs be wyfe in tyme and learne to folowe the wyse example of the wicked stewach Let vs so wisely order our goodes and possessions committed vnto vs here by god for a season that we may truely heare and obeye thys commaundemente of our sauioure Chryste I saye vnto you sayeth he make you frendes of the wicked Mammon Luke xvi that they may receiue you into euerlastinge tabernacles or dwellynges Richesse he calleth wicked beecause the world abuseth them vnto al wickednes which at otherwise the good gifte of God the instrumentes wherby goddes seruauantes doe truely serue hym in vsing of the same He commaunded thē not to make them riche frendes to gette highe dignities and worldly promotions to geue greate giftes to ryche men that haue no nede therof but to make them frēdes of poore and miserable men vnto whom whatsoeuer they geue Chryst taketh it as geuen to himselfe And to these frēdes Christ in the gospel geueth so great honor and preeminence that he sayeth they shall receyue them that doe good vnto them into euerlasting houses not that mē shal be ourrewarders for our wel doyng but that Chryst wil rewarde vs and take it to be doen vnto himselfe whatsoeuer is doen to suche frendes Thus makyng poore wretches our frendes we make oure sauioure Chryste oure frende whose mēbers they are whose miserye as he taketh for hys owne myserye so theyr relyefe succoure and helpe he taketh for hys succoure relyefe and helpe and wyll asmuche thanke vs and rewarde vs for oure goodnes shewed to them as if he himselfe had receiued lyke benefyte at oure handes as be wytnesseth in the gospel 〈◊〉 xxv saying whatsoeuerye haue doē to any of these simple persons whiche dooe beleue in me that haue ye doen to my self Therfore let vs diligently foresee that oure faith and hope whiche we haue conceiued in almightie god and in our sauiour Christ waxe not fainte nor that the loue whiche we beare in hande to beare to him waxe not colde but let vs study daily and diligently to shew oure selues to be the true honourers louers of god by kepinge of his commaundementes by doing of good dedes vnto our nedy neighbours releuing by all meanes that we can their pouertie with oure aboundaunce and plenty their ignoraunce with our wisedom and learning and comforte their v eakenes wyth oure strength aucthoritie calling all men backe frō euill doing by godlye counsaile and good exāple perseuering still in well doing so long as we lyue So shall we not nede to feare death for any of those thre causes afore mēcioned nor yet for any other cause that can be imagined But contrary considering the manifold sickenesses troubles and sorowes of this present life the daungers of this
mountaines hilles and wildernes some haue ben racked some slaine some stoned some sawen some rente in pieces some headed some brente without mercy and would not be deliuered because they loked to rise again to a better state All these fathers martyrs and other holy men whom S. Paule spake of had their faith surely sixed 〈◊〉 God whē al the world was against them They did not onely knowe god to be the Lord maker and gouernour of al men in the world but also they had a special cōfidence and trust that he was would be their God their cōforter ●ider helper mainteiner and defendour This is 〈◊〉 ●●ristian faith whiche these holy men had also ought to haue And altough they were 〈◊〉 named Christiā men yet was it a Christiā●aten 〈◊〉 they had for they loked for all benefytes of 〈…〉 father through the merites of his sōne 〈…〉 we now doe This difference is betwene them and vs for they loked when Christ should come and w●●●● in the time when he is come 〈◊〉 Iohn 〈◊〉 xiv Therfore saith s Augustin the time is altered chaunged but not the faith For we haue both one faith in one Christe The same holy goste also that we haue had they sayth S. Paule ● Cor. iiii For as the holy Gost dooeth teach vs to trust in God and to call vpon him as our father so did he teache them to say as it is written Thou lord art our father and redemer ●say xiiii thy name 〈◊〉 without begynning and euerlasting God gaue them then grace to be his children as he doth vs ●●we But now by the comming of oure sauiour Christe we haue receiued more aboundantly the spirite of god in our heartes wherby we may conceiue a greater faith and a surer truste then many of them had But in effecte they we be al one we haue the same faith that they had in god and they the same that we haue And S. Paule so much extolleth their faith because we shold no lesse but rather more geue our selfes wholy vnto Christ doth in profession liuinge now when Christ is come then the old fathers did before his cōmyng And by al the declaratiō of S. Paul it is euident that the true liuely christiā faith is no dead vaine or vnfruitfull thinge but a thinge of perfecte vertue of wonderful operacion or working strength bringyng furth all good mocions and good woorkes Al holy scripture agreably beareth witnes that a true liuely faith in Christ doth bring furth good workes therfore euery man must examine try● himselfe diligently to know whether he haue the same true liuely faithe in his heart vnfainedly or not whiche he shall knowe by the fruites therof ●●●nt that professed the faith of christ wer in this error that they thought they knew god beloued in him when in their life they declared the contrary which error sainct Iohn in his first Epistle cōfuting i. Iohn .ii. writeth in this wise herby we are certified that we know God if we obserue his cōmaūdemētes He that saith he knoweth God and obserueth not his commaundementes is a liar the truth is not in him And again he saith i. Iohn .iii. whosoeuer sinneth doth not see god nor knowe him not no man deceiue you wel beloued childrē And moreouer he saith hereby we know that we be of the trueth i. Iohn .iii. so we shal perswade our heartes before him For if our owne heartes reproue vs God is aboue oure heartes knoweth al thinges Wel beloued if our heartes reproue vs not then haue we cōfidence in god and shal haue of him whatsoeuer we aske because we kepe his cōmaunde mendes and do those thinges that please him And yet further he fayth i. Iohn .v. Euery man that beleueth that Iesus is Christe is borne of god we know that whatsoeuer is borne of god doth not sinne but the generation of God purgeth him and the deuill doeth not touche him And finally he concludeth and shewing the cause i. Iohn .v. why he wrote this Epistle saith for this cause haue I thus writte vnto you that you may know that ye haue euerlastinge life whiche do beleue in the sonne of God And in his third Epistle iii. Iohn .i. he confirmeth the whole matter of faith and workes in fewe wordes saying the that doth wel is of god he that doth euill knoweth not god And 〈◊〉 ●ainct Iohn saith that as the liuely knowlege 〈…〉 of god brīgeth furth good worke 〈◊〉 saith he likewise of hope and charitie that the● cannot stande with euill liuing i. Iohn iii. Of hope he w●●teth thus we know that when god shal appeare ●●e shal be lyke vnto him for we shal see him euen as he is And whosoeuer hathe this hope in hym doth purifie himselfe i. Iohn .ii. lyke as God is pure And of charitie he saieth these wordes he that doth kepe gods worde or cōmaūdement in him is truely the perfect loue of god i. Iohn .v. And again he saith this is the loue of god that we should kepe his commaūdementes And. s Iohn wrote not this as a subtile sayinge deuised of his owne phantasye but as a most certaine and necessary trueth taught vnto him by Christ himself the eternal infallible veritie who in many places doeth most clerely affirme that faith hope charitie cannot consyst or stande without good and godly workes Iohn .iii. i. Iohn .v. Of saith he saith He that beleueth in the sonne hath euerlasting life but he that beleueth not in the sonne shal not se that life but the wrath of god remaineth vpon him Iohn .vi. And the same he confirmeth with a double othe saying forsothe forsorth I say vnto you he that beliueth in me hath euerlasting life Now forasmuch as he that beleueth in Christ hath euerlasting life it must nedes cōsequētly folow that he that hath this faith must haue also good workes and be studious to obserue Gods commandementes obediently For to them that haue euil workes 〈…〉 leade their life in disobedience transgression or breakyng of Gods commaunds mentes without repētaunce perteineth not euen lastyng life but euerlasting death as Christe hym selfe saith ▪ Matt. xxv They that doe wel shal go into life eternal but they that do euil shal go into the euerlastyng fyre And again he saith Apoca. xxi I am the first letter the last the beginning the endinge to hym that is a thirst I wil geue of the wel of the water of life frely he that hath the victory shal haue al thinges I will be his God he shal be my sonne but they that be fearefull mistrusting god lackyng faith they that be cursed people and murderers and fornicatours and forcerers and Idolaters and all liers shal haue their porcion in the lake that burneth with fyre and brimstone which is the second death And as