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spirit_n deed_n flesh_n mortify_v 5,880 5 10.8136 5 false
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A19550 A sermon of predestination preached at Saint Maries in Oxford: by Ri: Crakanthorp. Crakanthorpe, Richard, 1567-1624. 1620 (1620) STC 5980; ESTC S109016 48,771 52

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his appointment and Decree proceedeth both good and euill And yet when will these disputers either perswade others or resolue themselues vpon this their reason to set Cock on hoope as themselues speake that is to sit carelesse and secure to sleepe and sl●mber nor once trouble their mindes or bodies in the eager pursuite of the wealth and pelfe of this world because it God hath decreed or doe foresee that they shall haue wealth let them doe what they will sit still or ryot waste and lauish all they haue yet shall they sure abound seeing what God foreknoweth or fore-ordaineth shall most infallibly come to passe and if God decreeth or foreseeth that they shall be poo●e and miserable though they compasse Sea and Land and load themselues with all both the East and West Indian treasures yet by that vnresistable Decree of GOD they shall bee put all into bottomlesse bagges and liue and dye in a poore estate Or would not these men thinke that hee did scoffe and deride them who would in serious manner perswade them neuer to eate or drinke but rather to starue or stab themselues because if God who hath numbred all our dayes hath decreed or doth but foreknow that they shall yet liue twenty thirty or forty yeeres more doe whatsoeuer they will or can yet shall they attaine to that period prefixed or foreknowne of God and if God haue ●rdained or foreknoweth that they shall dye within a moneth or a yeere though they should eate nothing but the fruit of the Tree of Life and fill themselues with Nectar and Ambrosia yet could not all this immortall foode prolong their liues one houre or minute seeing the foreknowledge of God is without all errour and his ordinance without all change When they can by this their reason wherein they infinitely please themselues perswade either themselues or others to this carelesse nay franticke courses then may they with some colour perswade that our doctrine of the Prescience and Predestination of God will make men careles●e of their eternall saluation But if laying aside the pride and wantonnesse of their owne wits they could bee content to submit their reason to the wisedome of God they should easily discerne how their whole dispute in this and all like cases relyeth on no other stay then a broken staffe of Reede For did God either foreknow or fore-ordaine any of these ends without respect vnto the meanes which doe infallibly leade therevnto then had they some shew for their pretended reason But seeing it is most certaine that God neither de●reeth nor foreknoweth of any that the shall bee saued but withall hee both foreknoweth and decreeth that himselfe will make him to embrace those meanes and walke in those wayes which will bring him vnto life and seeing hee neither decreeth nor foreknoweth the damnation of any but of the same hee decreeth and foreknoweth that he will leaue them destitute of his grace to be led by their owne lusts into sinne and impenitency which is the infallible meanes to bring them vnto death 〈◊〉 most cleerely hence followeth that as none doe neglect or omit the meanes but the same also doe misse of the end so neither doe any euer faile to attaine the end who doe embrace the meanes that lead therevnto Whence it comes to passe that though none of the Elect can either misse of the end or neglect the meanes of saluation God by his grace directing them in the one and thereby leading them vnto the other yet vpon that suposall which they make if they should not beleeue nor vse the meanes of life it may yea it must be said that they should neuer attaine to to the end but eternally perish Euen as Saint Paul though hee knew that God had decreed and foretold him also that all who were with him in that dangerous tempest should come safe to Land and not so much as an hayre fall from the head of any all which himselfe certainly beleeued yet when the Mariners who were to bee the meanes of their safety were ready to fly away and leaue the rest to the rage of the sea hee conditionally and truely said that if the Mariners abode not in the ship that is if they vsed not the meanes of their ●afety appointed by God there could none of them be safe notwithstanding both the Decree Praescience and Prediction of GOD for their safety Againe though in respect of Gods immutable Decree and Praescience it bee simply impossible that any of the Reprobate should either beleeue repent and leade a sanctified life or bee saued yet euen of such it may and must bee sayd that if they performe those duties which are the meanes of life they shall asluredly attaine vnto the end to which those meanes doe leade which is eternall saluation Euen as our Sauiour though hee knew that God had decreed concerning Tyrus and Sydon two heathenish proud and prophane Cities that neither himself would worke those singes among them whereby they would haue beene conuerted and repent nor that they should either repent or bee saued ● yet conditionally and truely● said of those Cities that if those workes had beene done amongst them which were done in Chorazin and Bethsaida they would haue repented and so should haue haue beene saued The reason of all which and of all the like is that which the Logicians rightly teach that a conditionall proposition puts nothing in being that is requires not the being or being true of either part thereof but it onely shewes what must follow and be granted if such a condition bee admitted whether it bee true or false But leauing their disputes let now euery mans conscience iudge how vniustly they slander vs and this holy Doctine as an inticement vnto sinne and perswasion of securitie For seeing the Scriptures and the Spirit of God teach both that Predestination which wee haue deliuered and the immutabilitie thereof let them take heede lest in reuiling the teachers of this doctrine they do not blaspheme the Spirit of God himselfe For our selues wee will not desist first in generall to exhort all men to cease from doing euill and learne to doe well telling them with the Apostle Rom. 8. 13. If they liue after the flesh they shall dye but if they mortifie the deeds of the flesh by the Spirit they shall liue and with the same Apostle Galathians 6. 7. Whatsoeuer they s●we that shall they reape If they sowe vnto the flesh they shall reape corruption and death but if they sowe to the Spirit they shall reape life euerlasting Then for the Elect in particular Wee exhort them with Saint Paul to fight the good fight hauing faith and a good conscience with Saint Peter to g●ue all diligence to make their election sure and with Iohn Baptist to bring forth fruits worthy amendment of life For if they doe not this if they keepe not faith and sanctitie which are the Mariners to guide them to the