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spirit_n deed_n flesh_n mortify_v 5,880 5 10.8136 5 false
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A19289 The estates of the hypocrite and syncere Christian Containing, certaine liuely differences, betweene synceritie and hypocrisie; very necessarie, for the tryall of our estates in Grace. By Tho. Cooper. Cooper, Thomas, 1517?-1594. 1613 (1613) STC 5699; ESTC S115596 59,087 262

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im●erfect therefore they abase themselues in hungring after a f●rther portion and so in comparison of what is before forget what is behinde so reioycing in their present estate as that they cannot measure Gods fauour simplie by it and so are abased impaired in themselues so comforting themselues in the truth of grace as that still they liue by faith hastning to perfection so approuing themselues by the present worke as that still they denie themselues that they may be found in Christ by whom the work must be led forward to perfection 3 Because whatsoeuer we haue we are most vnworthie of as of our selues therefore though we are rich in God yet are we poore in our selues abasing our selues and condemning our vnworthines that we may be encreased in riches by giuing the glory onely vnto our God of all his free mercies who will honour those that honor him 4 Because the least which we haue is subiect to most abuse The more grace the more ●entations therefore also doth the child of God make himselfe poore not onely fearing himselfe daily to preuent securitie and so prepare for tentation but also i●dging himselfe daily by renued repentance for giuing occasion to the tentation and entertayning the same and can he but make himselfe exceeding poore when he considers how he yeelds to the tentation must hee not abase himselfe that he may aduance the free mercy of God that sanctifi●s the tentation thogh it preuailes for a time turning his very sinnes to good all together furthe●ing his happines hath he not cause here to mag●●fie the ●ree mercie of his God Doth he not make himselfe more poore the more he aduanceth Gods mercie 5 Yea hath he not cause to feare most whē he gets most ground of tentation when hee attaines greatest conquests is partaker of most sweetest comforts lest these comforts should proue occasions to the flesh lest he might be puffed vp thereby to robbe God of his glorie hath he not now most need to be in his owne eyes v●le hath he not now greatest cause to glorifie his God and doth he not giue God most glorie in these his grea●●st deniall of himselfe 6 Seeing the Saints though they haue great riches in regard of the new man yet 2 stil they are exceeding 3 poore in the olde therefore seeing 4 the meanes to grow in the spirit 5 is to decrease in the flesh 6 Is it not then great wisedome to crucifie the Olde man daily and mortifie the deedes of the flesh that so the newe man may growe to perfection Col. 3. 5. Rom. 8. 10. 11. 15. 7 And seeing it is the Lorde that as hee giues the Blessing so hee onely giues grace to vse it aright And at the least we must no more abase the same wee haue not abilitie at all to vse it aright ought we not in this respect to make our selues poore both acknowledging our sufficiencie to bee of God ● Cor. 2. and not of our selues Confessing that in vs that is in our flesh dwelleth no good thing Rom. 7. 2. Ascribing onely vnto the Lord the will and the deede Phillip 2. Yea especially condemning our selues euen when wee haue done our best that so wee may not be iudged of the Lord Luk. 17. 10. 8 And seeing that though wee knowe nothing by our selues yet heereby we are not iustified Haue wee not cause heerein to make our selues poore still denying ourselues that wee may be found in CHRIST 1. Cor. 4. 4. 9 Ye● especially seeing we know not our owne heart we may be deceiued in our estates or deceiue our selues by the same in resting ●oo much vpon the worth thereof ought we not in this respect to abho●●e and ab●se our s●lues should not this make vs poore in our owne eyes and Iealous ouer our selues least we haue laid a wrong foundation or built hay and stubble vpon the right Iob. 9. Ierem. 1. 10. 1. Cor. 3. 15. Math. 7. 1● And seeing the best through securitie 〈◊〉 full fearefully thogh not fi●ally to the dishonor of God and ●ounding of his owne conscience to the reproach of his pro●●ssion and stumbling of his 〈◊〉 brother opening the mouthes of the wicked grieuing the spirit of God procuring hereby grieuous Iudgement to himselfe and his posterity ought not this much more to make vs feare that we may depart from euill should we not in regard hereof worke out our saluation with feare trembling Phil. 2. 12. Is not he blessed that thus feareth alwaies Pro. 28. being lowly in his owne eyes and so submitting himselfe vnder the mightie hand of God 2. Sam. 12 Pro. 14. 11 And whereas our riches are daily to be scoured lest they gather rust and to be exercised with afflictions that they may be more purified Is it not wisdome to vndergoe willingly what necessarily will follow Though we must not seeke the crosse desperately yet must wee not take it vp when it is offered Matth. 16. 22. Is it not here the best wisdom to be poore in our owne vnworthines that so we may hereby be prepared to afflictions that by this means we may the better endure and conquere the same 12 Lastly seeing Blessednes is promised to the poore in spirit Math. 5. 8. not to him that is made poore outwardly by crosses afflictiōs as to him that through this outward abasing is brought to a sight of his inward wants and so in the sense thereof humbles him●elfe vnder the mighty hand of his GOD begging pardon for his sinne and so confessing his pouertie desirous to be found in CHRIST and so renouncing his own righteousnes 13 And seeing the life of grace is nothing else but daylie renued repentance So much we truely liue as Christ liues in vs. And he liues onely in vs whē we die to sin must we not make our selues poore yea daily sacrifice our selues by mor●ification of the flesh that so wee may be daily reuiued by IESVS CHRIST Galat. 5. Rom. 6. 2. Cor. 5. 14 And though wee haue many excellent graces yet seeing they are nothing in comparison of what wee shall haue ought wee not to make our selues poore in the conceit and confidence of all present good that so we may still aspire to that eternall happines 1. Ioh. 3. 1. 2. P●il 13. 15 To conclude this point Is no corruption to be put off that we may be cloathed with incorruptiō 1. Cor. ●5 And are we not to sigh and groane that we may he cloathed vpon Are we not to be poore in our owne eyes because while we are presentin the body we are absent from the Lord nay so long as we are in the body we cannot please our God as we would we grieue his spirit offend his maiesti● surely if we make not our selues poore in the sence hereof we neuer yet had true riches much lesse shall encrease them 2. Cor 5. 1. 2. 3 4. 5. 6. Doe we not daily encrease sinne as wee multiplie our moments