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spirit_n dead_a life_n quicken_v 5,491 5 10.4511 5 false
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A12381 The sinfull mans search: or seeking of God. Preached by Henrie Smith, and published according to a true corrected copie, sent by the author to an honorable ladie Smith, Henry, 1550?-1591. 1592 (1592) STC 22697; ESTC S113756 32,346 94

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thy goodly ornamēts of thy godly desires of religious thoughts of zealous affections of christian communication of holy indeuours of assured perswasions of faith of stedfast waitings through hope of constant suffering by patience and heartie reioysings from loue In the perfect consummation of which things because al happines consisteth beware thou carelesse wretch least sodainly by thy abhominable filthinesse thou either for a time wholy depriue thy selfe of comfortable feeling of these things or much diminish thy present graces and blessings receiued of the holy spirit to the glorie of God the Father But why doe I vtter my voice or striue to make a dead carkas moue ô quicken thou me that art the fountaine of life and call thou out of heauen thy dwelling place that my wandring soule may heare the voice of hir shepheard and followe thee whither soeuer thou leadest nay of thy tender compassion take me vp vpon thy shoulders and carrie mee gentlie into thy fold again for theeues haue stolne me away haue bound my feete so that I cannot go and they watch for me vntil thou art gone that they may carrie me away quick from thy pastures ô do thou therefore presently deliuer me and giue me thy helping hand ô cast thou downe by thy spirit my raging lust and by thy grace subdue mine vntamed affection I am weake ô Lorde and vnable to resist the force of my mightie aduersarie sende thy helpe from aboue and saue mee out of the iawes of the cruell Lion thou hast deliuered me out of the mouth of hell ô let not the gates thereof anie more preuaile against mee let mee not anye longer bee occupyed in vngodlinesse least mine enimie triumph ouer mee saying in his malicious heart there there so would I haue it Let this sinne be farre from me ô Lord that I should defile my selfe anie more with this notorious wickednesse worke therefore in mine heart an vtter detestation of it that I may euer hereafter keepe my selfe pure and vnspotted for thy kingdom Thou that art able to make of stones children to Abraham mollifie I pray thee my stonie heart that all manner of sonne like affections may bee imprinted therein plucke vp ô good father these rootes of bitternesse that no vnsauorie fruite may come of the tree which thou by thine owne hand hast planted I desire I looke I call I crie for thy assistance that I may conquer this vnruly motion O blessed sauiour that hast granted so manie petitions vppon earth to them that were carefull for the bodie fulfill I pray thee this my desire not for health nor strength nor riches nor honour nor for food nor apparell but for thine heauenlie grace and inspiration yea let mee lose all those rather then be left to my sinfull flesh that I should be ruled anie longer thereby Mortifie good father in me the old bodie of sinne and giue vnto me a new bodie purged from these dead works to serue the liuing God renew my spirit dayly that I may cast away these workes of darknesse let it be enough ô mercifull Father that my weaknesse in failing heeretofore hath chased so mightely so gratiouslie and so dearlie for vs we beleeue and know that one drop of his bloud is sufficient to heale our infirmities pardon our iniquities and supplie our necessities but without thy grace our light our strength our guide we are able to do nothing but sinne as wofull experience hath taught vs too long and the example of them which are voide thereof whose life is nothing else but the seruice of the world the flesh and the diuell Therefore good father as thou in speciall fauour hast appointed vs to serue thee like as thou hast ordained all other creatures to serue vs so may it please thee to send downe thy heauenly spirit into this earthly mansion to iluminate our mindes mollifie our hearts change our affections subdue our reason regenerate our wils and purifie our nature to this dutie so shall not thy benefits nor thy chastisments nor thy word returne voide but accomplish that for the which they were sent vntill we be renued to the image of thy sonne Good Lord we beseech thee looke downe in the multitude of thy compassions vppon thy militant Church this sinfull Realme thy gratious Handmaide our dread Soueraigne her Honourable Counsell the ciuill Magistrates the paynefull Ministers the two Vniuersities the people that sit in darkenesse and all that beare thy crosse Gather vs into one communion of thy truth and giue vnto euerie man a spirit to his calling that we being mindfull of the accompt and that wee are called Christians may firmely resolue speedely begin and continually perseuer in dooing and suffering thy holy will Good Lord blesse and sanctifie our meeting that no temptation hinder me in speaking nor them in hearing but that thy word may be heard and spoken as the word of God which is able to saue our soules in that day howsoeuer it pleaseth thee by weake and foolish things to magnifie thy selfe There is no cause ô God most iust why thou shouldest heare sinners which art displeased with sinne but for his sake which suffered for sinne and sinned not in whose name we are bold to lift vp our hearts hands and voices vnto thee praying as he hath taught vs Our Father which art in heauen c. FINIS Diuision Concerning the search Psalm 107. Math. 6. Matt. 17 20 Eccle. 35. Gal. 6. 1. Thess. ● 1. Tim. 2. 1. Iohn 2. Mat. 13 14. Prou 28. Iude. 1. Pro. 24. Gen. 3. Exo. 7.27 1. King 13. 1. Chro. 28 Iam. 1.17 1. Cor. 2. Rom. 1. 2. Pet. 5. Reue. 12. Luke 11. Ephe 6. Reue. 12. Ioh. 1. Psal. 144. Esay 65. Math. 23. Iob. 28 Prou 9. Psal. 32 Eccle. 5. Amos. 8 1-Pet 3. Eccle. 12. Eccle. 32 47.50 Math. 2. Iam. 5.25 Iohn 16. Acts. 15 1● Math. 18. Iosu. 10. 2. King 20 Dan. 6. Exod. 24. Dan. 3. 1. King 8. Iud. 5. Luke 9. Luke 5 Luke 6. Iohn 11. Math. 26. Iohn 18. Luke 22. Luk. 23. Math. 19. Psal. 39 Rom. 8. 2. Tim. 4 Psalm 33 Esay 9. Prou. 2. Psal. 10 5. Psalm 18 Iere. 77. 2. King 16 Psal. 118. Reue. 19 Rom. 1. Deu. 27. 1. Thes. 5. Ephe. 4. Psal. 2. Math 13.15 30 41 Reue. 1.7 2. Cor. 5. 2. Pet. 3. Psal. 78. Ephe. 5. Reue. 22. ● Psal. 112. Deu. 28. Iob. 22. Iob. 29. Psal. 128. Hest. 8. Gen. 30. Dan. 6. Psal. 113. Psal. 78. Iob. 42. Psal. 126. Psal. 42. Reue. 9. Psal. 95. Psal. 96 Iohn 11. Gen. 27. Math. 6 33 Iob. 2. Gen. 47. Gen. 45. Luke 8. Matth. 8.19 Matt. 25. Gen. 18. Gen. 19. 1. Tim. 3.2 Num. 35. Luke 19. Matth. 5.13 Matth. 5. Luke 4. Iohn 8. Math. 5.13 Luke 8.14 Exod. 3. Marke 1● Luke 3. Gen. 18. Acts. 2. Acts. 8. Acts. 22. Gen. 8. Exod. 8.32 2. Sam. 15. Luke 8. Matt. 13.45 2. Tim. 4.2 Matth. 6. 1. King 17. 2. King ● Iohn 11. Matth. 26. Luke 5. Eccle. 3. Num. 21. Matth. 25. Gen. 6. Luke 17. Hebr. 11. 1. King 18. Gen. 37. 1. Sam. 17. Psal. 69. Luke 7.33 Acts. 25 Luke 7.34 Gen. 31.24 Num. 12. Num. 22 2. Pet. 2 1● Gen. 22 1. Sam. 3. Luke 14. 1. King 18. Math. 14 Mark 6.20 Luke 11.28 Rom. 1.16 Gen. 25 28. 1. Pet. 2.1.2 Psal. 4● 1. Ecol 12 13. Heb. 11.6 Rom. 10.17 1. Tim. 4.8 1. Pet. 1 13 Luk. 21 33 1. Pet. 1 25 Iames. 1 22. Math. 12 50 Luk. 11 28.