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B13585 The saints hope, and infalliblenes thereof. or Two sermons preached before the English companie at Middelb. about the moneth of October, 1608. Written by Mr. Iohne Forbes, at the earnest request of the hearers, and now published by them for the generall instruction and comfort of all Gods children Forbes, John, 1568?-1634. 1610 (1610) STC 11134; ESTC S115118 69,305 128

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were made we can neuer hope that we can rise againe vnto life but looking to Christ our Sauiour ● Cor. 1.20 in whom all the promises of God are Yea and Amen as saith the Apostle to the Corinth we finde sufficient reason and grounde to beleeve the Resurrection from the dead Seeing he who was made man like to his brethren in all things except sinne albeit walking in the similitude of sinfull fleshe being put to death did loose the sorrowes of death and was declared mightilie to be the sonne of God touching the spirit of sanctification by the resutrection from the dead 2 Cor 4.14 Therefore doe we with the Apostle to the Corinths know That he which hath raised vp the Lorde Iesus shall rayse vs vp also by Iesus for therefore is it that we are baptised for dead as saieth the Apostle to the Corinthes For wee that are baptised into Iesus Christ 1 Cor. 2.15 29. Rom. 6.3 haue bene baptised into his death saieth the Apostle to the Romanes And therefore if we bee dead with him we beleeve also that wee shall live with him For if we be planted with him to the similitude of his death even so shall we be to the similitude of his resurrection saith the same Apostle in the same place For he that is Christes hath the spirit of God dwelling in him as is plaine by the Apostle to the Romanes Rom. 6.5 Rom. 8.8 1 Iohn 3.24 And Iohn in his first Epistle saieth That hereby we know that he abydeth in vs even by that spirit which he hath given vs And if the spirit of him that raised vp Iesus Christ from the dead dwell in vs hee that raised vp Christ from the death shall also quicken our mortal bodies by his spirit that dwelleth in vs. Rom. 8 1● So doeth the Apostle from the presence of the same spirit prove the like effect in raysing vs frō the death 2 Cor. 4.13 and therfore as he saith to the Corinth because we have the same spirite of faith as it is written I beleeved and therfore I haue spoken wee also beleeve and therefore speake knowing that he which hath raised vp the Lord Iesus shall raise vs vp also by Iesus and set vs with him So it is evident that the Resurrection of Iesus from the death is the ground and foundation of the hope of Resurrection from the dead to all that have the same spirit of life that is in Christ Iesus dwelling in them for the law of that spirit of life which is in Christ Iesus doth free all those in whom he dwelleth from the law both of sinne and death Rom. 8.2 as testifieth the Apostle to the Romanes Hereby are wee taught two profitable lessons the first is Al the promises of God are first fulfilled in Christ himselfe to carefully marke how farre God accomplished his promises in Christ his sonne For so farre may all that beleeve be assured that he shall accomplishe them in them through Christ Therefore have we hope of sanctification from sinne Resurrection from the dead and glorification in the heavens because these promises are fulfilled in Christ whom we see crowned with glorie and honour as sayeth the Apostle to the Hebrewes Heb. 2.9 which was made a little inferior to the Angels through the suffering of death For God hee predestinateth all those whom he hath foreknowen to be made like to the Image of his Sonne Rom. 8.29 that he might be the first born among manie brethrē And therfor the knowledge of Christ should be to vs most pretious since we can know no more nor hope for no more blessing frō God then we first knew to have been bestowed on Iesus Christ our head 1. Cor. 30. who is made to vs of God wisedome sanctification iustification and Redemptiō Phil. 3.8 c Therfore did the Apostle Paul esteeme all things losse for the excellent knowledge sake of Iesus Christ our Lord and did iudge all things but dung that hee might gaine Christ and know him And the vertue of his Resurrection that he also thereby might attaine to the resurrection from the dead The second lesson is to pray to God day and night to send vs that blessed spirit of promise seeing the things which are wrought in Christ shall not bee accomplished in any but those who have the same spirit of lyfe that is in Christ Iesus dwelling in them And therefore they can not hope for renovation to the Image of God and restauration of their dead bodies to the lyfe of God and glorification with the glorie of God wherwith Christ is glorified who have not the spirit of Christ This is the first vse of this poynt whereby wee are taught to discerne true hope from the groūd and foundation whereon only it is builded and that is Iesus Christ alone The second vse is to teach vs A distinct knowledge of Christ requisite not only cōfusedlie to learne Christ but even perticularlie to consider all the degrees and seuerall partes of that great worke of our redemption by him for the more solide and stedfast fixing of our hartes in him For albeit it be most true that he who is pertaker of the death of the Sonne of God is also pertaker of his life of his glory c. yet neither can the faith and hope bee so stable nor the comfort so great as when in Christ our Lord we see a perticular groūd and warrant for every article of our faith Therefore in this place doth the Apostle lead vs to the resurrection of Christ from the dead for establishing our hearts in the hope of our life with God in the heavens For as wee goe forward in consideration of the partes of Christes working and severall actions done by him for our full redēption so doeth our faith increase our hope by degree to degree whē we looke to Christ dying for vs we learne to beleeve remissiō of sinnes in his blood whē we goe on to his refurrectiō we imbrace the hope of lyfe frō the dead when we looke to his ascention we apprehend our ascending to the heavens and in his glorification wee are comforted by the hope of that same glorie Thus doeth it serve much for our comfort to know all the perticularities of Christes humiliation exaltation according as the Lord our God hath revealed them in his word beginning at his Incarnation going on to his birth in great basenes expressing therafter the troubles of his youth laying out next the sorrowes of his life whyle hee caried our infirmities walking in the similitude of sinfull fleshe and subiect to all the infirmities thereof except sinne proceeding to his death and kinde thereof being most accursed Gal. 3.13 as witnesseth the Apostle to the Galathians In all which the spirit of God letteth vs see our infirmities our sinnes and our sorrowes layed vpon him and vs acquitted of them in him Thereafter are we led
their minde to the Image of God and must finde themselves cast in a new moulde and fashioned to another shape and borne over againe Therefore we should diligently trye our selves and consider if God at any time hath bin effectuall in vs to the alteration of the spirit of our minde renovation of our soules and if his spirit doth possesse and lead vs so that our conversation be after the spirit and not after the flesh And as the Apostle Peter in his second epistle exhorteth vs 2. Pet 1.10 Wee should studie to make our calling and election sure by adding to our faith vertue and so foorth For they can haue no certaintie of their calling that are not sanctified and therefore no assured hope For when God maketh vs his sonnes Gal. 4.6 he sendeth the spirit of his son in our heartes which cryeth Rom. 3.14 Abba Father For if any have not the spirit of Christ he is not his sayeth the Apostle to the Romanes Rom. 8.10 And if the spirit of Christ be in vs sayeth the same Apostle the same body is dead because of sinne the spirit is lyfe because of Righteousnes Therefore we may iustly conclude with the Apostle Pieter in the first chapter aforsaid of his second epistle after hee hath exhorted vs to ioyne vertue to our faith and to vertue knowledge to knowledge temperance 2. Pet. 1.9 and so foorth that whosoever hath not these things hee is blinde and seeth not farr off and hath forgotten that he was washed from his olde sinnes and so consequently that their hope is but a blinde hope their confidence a blinde confidence their boasting a blinde boasting 2 Co. 5.17 For if any man be in Christ Iesus he is a new creature sayeth the Apostle to the Corinthes So to conclude this point it were better to a man never to have bene borne in this worlde then after he is borne not to bee borne over againe by God And woe is the man who before the laying downe of this naturall life hath not obtayned another which is spirituall Now followeth the fourth point Hope followeth Regeneration which is the benefite it selfe vnto the which God of his mercie doth beget vs againe that is a living or lively hope or hope of lyfe This sheweth vs the purpose of God in begetting vs which is to cause vs hope For as we have said before First wee must bee made the children of God before we can hope to enioy his inheritance Therefore our Regeneration is a warning to vs that wee are the heires of God and coheires with Christ and obligeth vs to hope for the glorie of God seeing God hath begotten vs Because as saith the Apostle here he begetteth vs to hope therefore where hope is not there is no new birth for the Lord can not bee frustrate of the ende of his worke for hee that renewes vs vnto hope with renovation gives hope Therefore the sanctified man in Christ may be sure of glorie and lyfe everlasting according as the Apostle sheweth vs Whom he calleth Rom. 8.30 hee iustifienh and whom hee iustifieth him hee glorifieth In this benefite wee have two things to consider First what is the blessing tot wit hope Next what is meant by the propertie of this hope in that it is called a lively hope Concerning the firist the Apostle describing our estate before the Lord doe beget vs and make vs partakers of the adoption doth declare that among the rest of our miseries this was one that we had no hope For whē he hath expoūded to vs the mercy of God in our salvation and regeneration shewing that we are his workmāship created in Christ Iesus vnto good workes which God had ordayned that we should walke in them being iustified by faith he willeth vs to remember what we were before saying Remember that ye beeing in time past Gentiles in the flesh called vncircumcision of them which are called circumcision in the flesh made with handes that yee were I say at that time without Christ were aliaunts from the common wealth of Israel and were strangers from the couenants of promise and had no hope and were without God in the world This is the miserable estate of vs all before wee be called of God to the adoption of his sonnes and be begotten of him againe wee are all without Christ without hope and without God in the world What greater miserie can there be Act. 17.28 then have a being and yet without him in whom wee have our being our lyfe our moving and all things as the Apostle sayeth in the Actes And knowing that we must depart from this life to have no hope of lyfe thereafter Miserable indeed is our estate by nature how much soever we glorie in it so much the more miserable that wee have neither sense nor sorrow of this our miserie Who is he that can reioyce in any thing while hee abydeth without him in whom are all things And howe can the heart sufficiently praise love and magnifie the Lord when it tasted of this his goodnes in begetting vs againe And so consequently taking from vs all our miseries making vs blessed in giving vs hope and himselfe to bee our God and Father in Christ through whom sayeth the Apostle to the Ephesians we both Ephe. 2.18.19 and 22 that is Iewe and Gentill haue one entrance vnto the Father by one spirit and are no more strāgers forreners but citizens with the Saints and of the houshold of God and in whom wee are build together to bee the habitation of God by the spirit It is not without good reason that the Apostle here in this place can not speake of this mercie without blessing him who hath brought vs to this blessed estate of hope And great matter have we of reioycing who have tasted of the like mercie If wee consider that which the Apostle saith to the Romanes That wee are saved by hope Rom. 8.24 For as he saith in another Epistle We walke here by faith 2. Cor. 5.7 and not by sight and therfore taking from vs hope our salvation and lyfe is taken from vs which wee doe possesse by hope for this is the difference of faith and hope that by faith we beleeue the promises of salvation in Christ which hope waiteth for so that faith hath respect to lyfe and salvation as it is embraced by vs here in this world Hope hath relation to them as wee shall possesse them in the world to come so that hope doeth alwayes follow faith hangeth vpon it although they be often times takē in the scripture the one for the other indifferently The one looketh to lyfe apprehendeth it promised in the world the other wayteth for the revelation of it from heaven as it is possessed by Christ at the right hande of the Father This is now the blessing vnto the which the Lord begetteth vs againe so that without Regeneration
we are hopeles and so without happines being borne againe Wee may have faith and hope in God according as saith this same Apostle in this same Chapter 1 Pet. 2.21.22 when hee declareth who they are for whom Christ was both ordayned before the foundation of the world and also declared in the last times For your sake saith the Apostle which by his meanes doe beleeve in God that raysed him from the dead and gave him glorie that your faith and hope might bee in God having purified your soules in obeying the trueth through the spirit further being borne a new not of mortall seed but of immortall by the word of God Whereby it is plaine that as Christ is send into the world for none but such as doe beleeve in God by his meanes so none can have any faith or hope but they who have their soules purified borne a new The propertie of this hope is The nature of true hope that it is livelie or living and it is so called for three respectes First because of the livelie working that is in it For all the spirituall gifts of God which he bestoweth in Christ are livelie as hee himselfe is lyfe And this the Saints do finde in themselves that the faith of Iesus is a livelie faith their love is a livelie love their hope a livelie hope For these graces doe not lye dead in the soule where they are but by their livelie operation and working doe make themselves manifest Therefore the Apostle to the Thessalonians speaking of their graces describeth them from their lively and effectuall properties Remembring saith he your effectuall faith your diligent love and your patient hope in the Lord Iesus 1 Thes 1.2 Therefore that faith that hope that love that lyeth dead in them who professe them are no faith no hope no love at all And so iustly doeth S. Iames dispute against that faith that hath no workes as a dead faith whereas the faith the hope the love that God created in the heart are all livelie as proceeding from him who is life it selfe The second respect whereof it is called livelie is because as it hath life in it selfe so giveth it lyfe to the soule in which it is and maketh the soule which was dead in sinne trespasse before now to live in Christ and in him to bring forth the fruits of life Therfore sayeth Iohn in the third Chapter of his 1 epistle 3. and 5. That whosoever hath this hope purgeth himselfe as he is pure For this is the nature of their spirituall blessings that they themselves have lyfe in them and doth quicken the soule in which they are For God exerciseth his saving power by them in the hearts of his Saintes Therfore saith the Apostle hereafter 1 Pet. 1.5 That we are kept by the power of God through faith And the Apostle Paul to the Colossians doth say Colos 2.12 That we are raised againe from the dead in Christ by the effectuall working of God or by the faith of God which worketh mightilie so that we may iustly saye that as the faith is dead which hath no working so hee also is yet without faith who albeit hee professeth faith yet is not quickned to the lyfe of God thereby for even in this life by faith and hope wee beganne to live that life which shal be made perfite in vs in the world to come The third respect is because that eternall life and glory which as yet is not manifested but is referved in the heavens to the appearing of our Lord and Saviour Iesus Christ is nowe possessed by hope so that we lay hold vpon it and are made pertakers of it albeit as yet not manifested Therefore is it that the Apostle to the Romans saith Rom. 8.24 That by hope we are saved for no mā hopeth for the thing which he seeth Hereby teaching vs that albeit our lyfe be hidd with Christ in God Colos 3.3 as saieth the Apostle to the Colossians yet by hope we possesse it According as the Apostle to the Ephesians declareth the estate of the Saints in Christ by the mightie power of God which is in them to wit that they are lifted vp with him and sett with him at the right hande of the maiestie in the highest places As like wise the same Apostle Peter in this same chapter declaring the cause why they that beleeue in Christ albeit they see him not doe reioyce with a ioy vnspeakable and glorious sayth It is because that they receyue the end of their faith 1. Pet. 1.9 that is the salvation of their soules To these three we may add the 4. respect why this hope is called livelie and that is because in all the tribulations and sorrowes of this life it is the onely thing that sustaineth vs and maketh vs in death it selfe to live and reioyce knowing what is layed vp for vs in the heavens For the only thing that maketh the Saints indure patientlie vea and ioyfully this troubles which swallow vp the wicked is the blessed hope The Apostle to the Hebrues cōfirmeth this Heb. 10.34 shewing that the cause why the Hebrues did sustaine all affliction and among the rest the spoiling of their goods with ioy and gladnes was because they knew they had a better and an induring substance or ritches layde vp for them in the heavens Therefore doeth the same Apostle call this hope the Ancor of the soule and deelareth that they who have their refuge to lay holde vpon this hope have strong consolation Heb. 6.10 For by this hope wee attayne to the resurrection from the dead so that death it selfe can not spoyle them of life who are renewed to this blessed hope The vse of al this is to make vs obey that lesson which the Apostle giveth vs to the Hebru which is to holde fast the profession of our hope without wavering seeing therin cōsisteth both our life and consolation and constantlie to awaite for the appearing of it 2. Tit. 2.13 as the Apostle Paul to Titus exhorteth vs That we may in patience possesse our soules and ioyfullie indure all afflictions of this life since hauing hope we can not be spoyled of lyfe Now followeth the last point to be cōsidered in this first part touching the benefite whervnto we are begotten againe by God The ground whervpon our hope is builded which is the ground and foundation of this hope wherevpon it is builded which is the Resurrection of Christ from the dead For as saith the Apostle to the Corinthians 1 Cor. 15.17 If Christ bee not raysed from the dead our faith is vaine we are yet in our sinnes For we must vnderstand first that the cōfort of hope cōsisteth in the resurrection from the dead which being taken from vs wee are of all men the most miserable Seeing as saith the Apostle to the Corinthians ● Cor. 15 No hope without knowledge of the