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B00888 The Christian manuell, or of the life and maners of true Christians. A treatise, wherein is plentifully declared, how needefull it is for the seruaunts of God to manifest and declare to the world: their faith by their deedes, their words by their works, and their profession by their conuersation. VVritten by Ihon VVoolton minister of the Gospel, in the Cathedral church of Excetor. Woolton, John, 1535?-1594. 1576 (1576) STC 25976; Interim Tract Supplement Guide G.1999[2] 81,916 210

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that his workes maye be manyfest that they are done by God. The Prophete Esaye also inspyred wyth Chrystes spyrite sayeth Lorde thou shalt geue vs peace for thou hast wrought all our workes Nowe although we hould that good workes procede from God as the fountayne and origyn yet he dooth not these thinges without vs but rather worketh by vs and in vs so that the works of God done by vs are also our owne workes For GOD doeth regenerate his elect and choosen seruauntes with his spirit and gyueth them fayth Then they being so regenerate lyke Gods obedyent chyldren doo yeelde and apply them selues to please him with a holye lyfe and conuersation And the holy spirit which is in them is effectuall styrring vp theyr power and wyll to all good workes in all partes and course of their lyfe Fayth also wherby mens harts are purified is not idle and sluggyshe but doth her part and is a vigelent and diligent kéepers of integrity of mynde and vertuous conuersation throughout all their life And doth as it were put them in mynd that they being once purifyed in the bloud of Christ through the holy ghost shoulde kéepe them selues vnspotted in the fylthye world from all pollution of the fleshe neuer to abuse the gyfts of the body but to preserue the same as a vessel of honor ▪ The regenerate therfore watch work righteousnesse neyther do they make a small accoumpte of synne as wycked wordlyngs doo for they right well and déepely consider that God who sent hys sonne into this world to be a propiciation for synne and gaue him to death euen the death of the Crosse dooth both hate synne as a thing abhominable and also loue Iustyce and purity of lyfe And for that cause they also hate synne and loue righteousnesse detest impiety and imbrace pyty and so studie to practyse the same all the dayes of theyr lyfe But in this labour and endeuour of the chyldren of God there are manye lets and hinderances and holy men are afflicted as it were with a gréeuous and dayly battell which is neuer ended before the daye of death for that deadly and crafty enuy of ours Satan the Deuyll rusheth vppon vs with greate vehemency and vndermyneth vs with a thousand temptations And he is assysted with many mightye confederats For our owne flesh is slowe and dull to all goodnesse and prone to all viciousnesse The flattering and disceytfull worlde also vrgeth vs mightely with company pleasures honours which are most vayne There are also many wordlings who with their pernicious examples do cary the simple sort into distruction What should I saye of feare and hope which do excéeding exercyse and afflyct the mynds of the regenerate in such sort that onlesse Gods spirit dyd euery hower assyst them and confirme theyr fayth they coulde doo no good worke at all Against these and all other temptations that disciple so dearly beloued of Christ doo comfort vs saying This is the loue of God that we should keepe his precepts and his commaundements are not heauy For euery one that is borne of God ouercommeth the worlde And this is the victory that ouercommeth the worlde euen your faith VVho is he that ouercommeth the world but he that beleeueth that Iesus is the sonne of God And S. Paul If his spirit that raysed vp Iesus Chirste from the dead dwell in you He that raised vp Christ from the dead shall also quicken your mortall bodyes by the power of his spirite dwelling in you By the whiche word all faythfull men maye easely gather the carke and care with Gods spirit dwellyng in the harts of the faythfull taketh that Iustice may ouercome and Iniustice be vanquyshed And Christ our sauiour promyseth that he wyll power his spirit most plentyfully vpon vs and dooth also commaund vs to aske the same of him with ardent and continuall prayers The faythfull therefore and suche as are regenerate by Gods spirit contynue in prayers without intermyssion They kéepe theyr bodyes in subiection with moderate fasting and abstinency that theyr prayer maye be more zealouse For prayer and fasting are as it weare preparatyues to good workes Nowe as these impedimentes aboue specefyed doo hinder men from doing of good workes euen so there are manye things which further and helpe vs toward the practyse of the same amongst the which is especially Gods spirit then a true and perfyt fayth and afterwarde continuall and earnest prayers Whervnto we may adde the sincéere doctryne of all fymes and ages aswell vnder the ould as new testament And moreouer the innumerable examples of the seruaunts of God and of Christ the Lord and sauiour of the whole worlde who amongst other things sayth I haue geuen an exāple vnto you that as I haue done so should you do Besydes these thinges the very filthinesse of vices terrefying vs from synne and the prayse fayre beautye of vertue inuiting vs to the studdy of pyty The wrath of God also and the seuerity of his Iudgments the fearefull threates of payne and torments aswell temporall as eternal wyl plucke vs from vices On the other side the fauour of God the mercyfull countenaunce of that eternall Iudge his bountifull promyses and hope of blessings aswell temporall as eternall wyl encorrage vs to pursue and practyse vertue For the faythfull wyll not bee ingrat for Gods innumerable benefits neither wyl they offend their brethren with their filthy liues for whom the lord Iesus suffred such gre●ous pains torments These and such other like consideratious doo both staye men from vice and further them to vertue But the godly vse a choyse and discretion in doing workes as I haue once or twyse alreadie spoken accoumpting of those onely that are appoynted by God Wherin that elect vessel S. Paul geueth vs a good lesson writing to the Ephesians VVee are created in Iesus Christ to doo those workes vvhich he hath prepared for vs to vvalke in Fyrst he affyrmeth notably with great weyght of words that we were created in Christe Iesus to doo good workes We answere not then our ende if we rotte and putryfie euyll and fylthie sinne and returne not to God by true fayth and hartie repentaunce And confesse wee drawe our lyuelye moysture from him w●e can neuer bring forth any good fruite for so Christ him selfe beareth wytnesse The Apostle therefore speaketh with great weyght and effycacie in that he sayth that we were created in Christ Iesus to doo good works Then lest we should be ignoraunt what good works the Apostle would haue he addeth VVhich he hath prepared vs to walke in What be those which he hath prepared for vs to walke in but those which he hath reuealed vnto vs in the holy lawe of his commaundementes And therefore our sauiour Christe demaunded in the gospell by a certaine man VVhat shall I do to possesse eternall life and what is the greatest commaundement in the Lawe He
and follye whiche were neuer ordayned by GOD that wée shoulde walke in them against which kynde of workes we preache and teache most earnestly as we are commaunded in the holy scripture Hyppocrytes haue also an especiall delyght and pleasure in other workes good doubtles in some sorte but such as belong to discypline and exercise of the bodye rather then to true godlynesse as an abystnence from deynty meates in often fastinges watchinges lying vppon the grounde and to lyue after some one mannes prescripte and order whereby the loftynesse and courrage of the fleshe is somewhat abated and subdued Which exercises we lyke very well of also although wée ascrybe not so muche vnto them as the vulgare sort were woonte but wée preferre verye much those workes which come more nighlye to sincere Godlynesse of the whiche I wyll speake hereafter And the common and ignoraunt people vndoubtedlye if they sée any menne leane with abstynencie broken with labours spent with watching they wonderfully estéeme such and conceyue an especiall conceyte of theyr sanctymonie and holynesse And yet it commech to passe oftentymes both that men swell in theyr owne opynyon of that créedyte which they haue with the vulgare for those externall shewes and in continuaunce of tyme doo obserue the same with superstycious yea Iudaical mynd as though true godlynesse dyd consyste therein whereas in verye déede they are of no moment onelesse those perfyt workes which Christe and his Apostles doo so often requyre bee annexed vnto the same And it may be naye vsually we haue and do sée it so to bée that those who chastyce theyr bodyes with abstinence labour and watching that of their owne accorde haue renounced in dyet fleshe and strong drinke doo not abstayne from womans fleshe ambicion enuye and malyce emulation and suche lyke and yet in the meane tyme haue stollen the hartes of the simple into theyr great admyration and tickled with the vayne applausion of the ignoraunt are taken in amaze and forgat them selues Hippochrites somtyme doo the works outwardlye of the commaundementes they praye and holde vp theyr handes to God but from a fylthy and corrrupte harte against whome the Prophete Esay cryeth very sharplye VVhen you shall stretche out your handes I vvyll turne myne eyes awaye from you and when you shal multiplie your prayers I wyll not heare you for your handes are full of blood vvashe you make your selues cleane and take away the wickednesse of your cogitations These men dyd all thinges to be seene of the worlde against whome our Maister Christe is most earnest and sheweth that they are detested of god They are no better then the Gentyles but rather muche woorse fyrst because they haue obtayned more ample knowledge then they yet are no whyt better Secondly because they doo not g●d in good order manner and yet ambiciouslye seeke the tytle of sanctitie and holynesse wherein they are twyse guyltie for it is well sayde of Gregorie Counterfaite holynesse is a double iniquitie Against suche kynde of workes wee preache and teache and that as you see not without many aucthoryties graue examples Let vs now come to the works of Infydels and vnbeléeuing persons consyder how we ought to estéem of them also Concernyng the Infydelles whether wee viewe theyr excellent and noble knowledge and skyll in Artes both lyberall and manuary or theyr honest actions and vertues in cyuile lyfe wée maye not gaynesaye but that they are the good blessinges and gyftes of God which he collateth vpon whome it lyketh him for the publyque profyte of all mankinde And if it were néedeful that Beseleel Oliab should haue vnderstanding wisedome powred into them by Gods spirit that they might be able to frame perfyte the Tabernacle much more we ought to thinke y those things which are most excellent in humane societie spring and shewe from the spirite of god Neyther ought that place of Scripture to make any man stagger which affyrmeth that the spirite of God dwelleth in the faythfull for that is to bée vnderstande of the spyrite of sanctyfication whereby wée are consecrated the Temple of the lyuing god For he doth moue replenishe and quicken all creatures with the same spirite according to euery of their properties which he gaue vnto them in the lawe of creation And in lyke maner we ought to thinke of theyr worthy actions vertues For we ought not to be so dull and senseles to thinke that there is no dyfference betwéene Cata and Catalyne betwéene the iustice equytie and moderation of Titus and Traiane and the sauadge and cruell lousenesse of Caligula and Nero or betweene the beastlie luste of Tiberius and Vespasians contynencie betwéene the conseruation and contempt of Lawes What thing can there remayne in good order if we shoulde holde suche a confusion God therefore hath ingraued in mans harte a distinction betwéene honest and vnhonest actions and as it were ratyfie the same with the dispensation of his prouidence For we sée him bestowe temporall blessinges vpon those that followe vertue not that the externall Image and shewe of vertue doth deserue any thinge at all but it pleaseth him to make manyfest vnto the worlde that waye in what pryce hée hath the true and internall iustice of the harte whyles he suffereth not the externall to goe vnrewarded whereof it followeth that those vertues or rather images and shaddowes of vertues in the Infydels are Gods gyftes because there is nothing lawdable and prayse worthy in any respecte but that onely which commeth from him And yet let vs take Saint Augustines lesson with vs which he geueth touching theyr workes after this manner All that are straungers from the relygion of the one and euerlyuing God howsoeuer they seeme wonderfull through the opinion of vertues not onelie deserue no rewarde but rather punishment because the pure giftes of God are spotted in their filthinesse For albeit the vertues of the Painymes in outwarde shewe be great and maye cause many Christians to blush when they sée them selues so farre excelled of them in a cyuile lyfe yet there are many defectes and fylthye spottes in their déedes and actions That principall poynt which is all in all I meane the knowledge of God and right religion was so wanting vnto them that all other thinges were they neuer so excellent could proffite them nothing to saluation for as is the body wythout the head so weere the vertues of the Ethnikes without the knowledge of the lyuing god Some of them happely wéere halfe perswaded that there is a God who both created and yet conserueth the worlde whereof those dyuyne sentences of theirs dispersed here and there in their workes are found concerning God Religion faith and such lyke so with some knowledge of diuinity séemed to be bred in them naturally yet they were not certaynly perswaded of one God and they wanted that dyuyne wisdome wherewith
the Iewes and by the Apostles against the Gentyles So that we may easely thereby gather that the professours of God and true religion haue bene alwayes of two sortes Christians in tytle and name only and Christians in wordes and workes betwene whom there is no small or obscure difference For the former sort bend all their study and endeuors to chéerishe their carnall carkase and desire to excell others in honour wealth ryches power aucthority and dignitie neyther are they led with any feare of God to bridle and restraine theyr fylthie desyres and concupiscenses but in their whole lyfe doo runne headlong into all mischife and as the Apostle sayth Being yet aliue are dead in their sinnes and trespasses The second sort led with the holy spirite séeke God with all their harte and lyfting vp their soules to him couet heauenly thinges and contempne earthly thinges theyr chiefe care is not for ryches honour and worldly glorie but they put of the olde man and cloathe them selues with the newe man they dye to sinne and liue to righteousnes or at the least doo not suffer original sinne and corruption to rule in their mortall bodies Of this difference betwéene the carnall man and the spirituall or betwéen the false and faithfull Chrystian that auncient father Ireneus wryteth excellently whose wordes being somewhat prolixe and long I haue in some and effect gathered Those sayeth he that beare the earnest pledge of Gods spirite renouncing the fleshe and submytting themselues vnto the spirite are aptlie called by the Apostle spirituall But those that professe them selues beleeuers in God yet neuer meditate his worde nor cloath them selues with the workes of righteousnesse but lyke swyne and dogges geue ouer them selues to all sensuality and wickednesse are called of the Apostle carnall of the Prophetes beasts and in the lawe vncleane thinges and Christ himselfe pronounceth such men dead alreadie Let the dead sayth he burie the dead for they haue not Gods spirite quickening them We see then that false Christians and carnall gospellers haue bene alwayes from the begynning of Christes church And now a dayes all men bragge and boast of faith but fewe declare it in godly lyfe and conuersatiō All of vs would be named accoumpted Christians which very name shoulde stay vs from violating Gods holy lawe But fewe of vs frame our lyues after Christes example We confesse God in worde as the Apostle sayeth but in dèedes we denie him cause his name to be euyll spoken of amongst the Nations For howe can the Turkes be perswaded to thinke well of Christen religion when they beholde vs by commytting manifest Idolatry or how can they fauour our profession which we deface with our wicked and abhominable behauiour There is nothing that hath so greatly insenced and kindled the immortall mallyce and deadly fiende of the Saracens and Turkes against Christians as the presumptuous and manifest breaking of the seconde commaundement in making and worshypping of Idolles and dembe Images and in teaching the impanation of God and that Capernaticall opinion in deuowring of him Aristotle being verye godlesse in many thinges yet coulde he not abide that God shoulde be represented with any corporall lykenesse The Turkes and Saracens can not beare any Image in theyr Synagogs and as some wryte haue appoynted great punishment for the Caruers and makers of the same And euen so they haue detested that opinion of carnall and reall presence of Christe in the Sacrament and haue abhorred from peace and societie in relygion with the Christians for that also amongst other causes For as Cicero wryteth vvho is so wytlesse to beleeue that to be God which hee eateth And Auerrois because the Christians eate that God whome they worshippe my soule shall be with the Philosophers He conceyued by meanes of that grosse doctrine of Rome that the Lordes Supper was lyke Polyphemus banquette fooming with redde blood about mennes mouthes For so Nycolas the Bishoppe of Rome compelled Beringarius with blooddy vvordes to recant and confesse That rhe boddie of Christe is handeled and broken sensuallye and brused with the teeth Which wordes the glosse mysliketh and admonysheth the Reader to vnderstande the same warely least he fall into a greater error then Beringarius helde And as the Heathen haue myslyked our religion by reason of such grosse and absurde opinions so haue they bene more more alyenated from the same by reason of the dyssolute fylthy life of suche as desyred to bée accoumpted the principall chiefe amongst Christians And heere it is worthy to be noted what befell to Innocentius the fourth Byshop of Rome who by Embassadours moued the greate prince of Tartary named Batus to cease from the cruell persecution of Christians to acknowledge God the creatour of all things and to receyue Chrystian religion The Tartarian as as they saye when he had demissed the Byssops Embassadours sent his owne to Rome and other Citties of Italy to search the forme of their beléefe the maners conuersatiō of Christians Who at theyr returne brought him worde that they were an idle people wicked in lyfe and worshipped they knewe not what Images so much disagréeing from the doctrine they dyd professe that they appeared rather to be a flocking togeather of beasts then an assemble of men At which reporte the Tartarian straight waye receyued the Saracens who easely perswaded him to neclect Christ and to receyue in to his domynions the abhominable religion of Mahomite as a mystres of manners O great wickednesse and ingreatytude worthy destruction That which our sauiour Christ manaced vnto the Citties which contemned his dyuyne myracles wholsome doctrine and wold not repent shal fall vppon such prophaners of Gods name at the last daye It shal be more terrerable for Sodom and Gomorra at the day of Iudgement then for you O deare brethren let vs not with like thanks quite almightye God for his greate benefyts bestowed vppon vs in these our dayes as for the gladde tydings of our saluation so playnly and plentifull vttered by the restytution of his holy word Let vs remember that when wée laye drowned in our synnes and were not able to lift vp our selues God of his méere mercy saued vs in his sonne Iesus Christ And to bring the same to passe he gaue his only and most dearlye beloued sonne to the vyle and shamefull deathe of the crosse His goodnesse and fauour was so greate toward vs that he choose vs and predestinated vs to be inheritors of his eternall lyfe before the beginning of the world Let vs be moued wyth these his incomprehensible benefyts to lyue in this world honestly and godly For he hath not done these great thinges for vs that we shoulde styll wallowe and toumble in wickednesse When Aulus Fuluius had taken his owne sonne as he was running to the camp of rebellious Catilinae and commaunded him to be executed with