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spirit_n dead_a dwell_v quicken_v 6,316 5 11.0324 5 false
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A09947 A godly and holsom preseruatyue against disperacio[n] at al times necessarye for the soule: but then chiefelye to be vsed and ministred when the deuil doth assault vs most fiersely, & doth approcheth nieste. 1551 (1551) STC 20204; ESTC S102567 21,264 82

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For thus was it sayde to the thefe at his houre of death Thys daye shalt thou be with me in paradise The bodye thoughe it reste and pause for a whyle yet we be in certaine hope that at the laste daye it shal be raysed againe to immortal and euerlasting life And therfore scripture calleth the deathe of the body but a slepe for that thys same frayle weke vyle mortall and corruptible bodye whych we cary about which lieth sicke sore diseased which shortly shal be put into the earth burne to asshes deuoured with bestes or fooles drowned in water the same self bodi I say shal be raised again incorruptible glorious bewtifull stronge pure immortall to possesse a newe and euerlastyng lyfe i. Cor. xv where there shall neither be hūger thirst heate cold synne deth nor any kynde of calamitie but iustice innocencye lyfe ioye blesse world withoute ende For as the body of Chryst laid in the graue rose agayne the thirde day neuer more to dye euē so shal the bodies of al the beleue in chryst at the latter day be resuscitate to a lyfe after whiche shall folowe no death God who is of infinite power and infallible truth hath promysed these thynges they muste therfore nedes be so And here it shal be profitable to call to remembraunce suche places of scrypture as treateth of the resurrectyon of the flesh which be the words not of man but of god who is able will certeynly fulfill what soeuer he hath spoken No man can chaunge his wil no man can alter his purpose No creature can frustrate let or tary his sentence He is omnipotēt he is true he is faithfull his goodnes and mercye is inexpicable Let no man therfore doubte of the trueth of his wordes let no man doubte of the performaūce of this promise ☞ Here after foloweth certayne places of scripture witnessing the resurrection of the dead accordynge to the article of oure fayth wherin we say we beleue that this flesh shal rise agayne Ioan vi THis is the wyl of my father which sent me that who soeuer seith the sōne beleueth in hī shal haue life euer lastinge and I wyl raise him vp again in the last daye Iohan. v The houre cometh wherin all they that be ī the graues shal here the voice of the sonne of god and shall go forth thei that haue done good vnto the resurrectiō of lyfe For if so be that the spirite of him which raysed vp Iesus from the deade dwell in you Rom. vi.i. euen he that raysed vp Iesus Chryst from the dead shall also quicken your mortall bodies because of hys spiryte that dwelleth in you i. Cor. vi God hathe both raysed vp oure Lord Iesus Christ and shal also raise vs vp by his power Iohan. xi Christe sayeth Lazarus was but a slepe where in verye dede he was dead and buried But Christ is the resurrectiō and lyfe as it is in the same place so that he that beleueth on him thought he were dead he shall lyue In verefienge whereof he raised strayghte waye Lazarus being foure dayes dead and stynkynge And because we be naturallye in the agonye of deathe virye fearefull weake and faintherted to th ende that we myght be the easelier perswaded in the article of resurrectiō Scripture maketh mencion of manye whiche in the tyme of the prophetes Chryste and thappostles were called from death to lyfe Luc. vii Luc. i. Christ raysed the widowes sōne He raised the ruler of the sinagoge his daughter Iohan. xi Act. ix He raised Lazarus Peter restored to life Tabitha Act. xx 4. Reg. iiii Paule raised again Eutichus Elizeus the prophete called againe to lyfe his hostes sonne 4 Re. xvii Helias raised the babe of the woman of Sareptanie God toke also vnto him out of this frail and transitory life Gen. v. 4. Reg. ii these two excellent and holy men enoch and Helias quicke bothe bodye soule to giue vs as it were a tast and representation of the true life to come lest after the opinion of the ethnickes and epicures we shulde thynke there were no worlde nor beinge after this wretched miserable lyfe Let vs not forget what christ Iesus lorde of lyfe death sayth in the .viii. of Luke wepe not the maid is not dead but a slepe Reason not cōprehēding the misteryes of god nether perceiuing his pooer doth laugh this saīg to scorne but crist proueth his saīg true he raiseth by by the dead maide to lyfe The .xv. chapter of the first epistle to the Corin. is replenished with most godly pleasaūt and pithy consolacions Trulye it is more precious than any golde For in that Chapit saincte Paule dothe so annexe and couple oure resurreccion to the resurrectiō of christ as though thei coulde in no wyse be seperate or deuyded after thys forme Chryst is rysen from death which thing is certen ergo 〈◊〉 also shal vndoutedly rise For christ is our head and we his membres Thys head is nether without nether wyll forsake his membres Thē it foloweth that where christ is there shall we be For why we are the members of hys body and euen of his fleshe and bone Ephe. v what tonge what penne what wytte is able to set forthe as it is worthy this ineffable inestimable glory of the mercye and grace of god the God hathe vouchsafe so lowe to humble himself as to become mortal man that this feble and fraile nature or man vnited and knit to the diuine natur● by the power ●fficacie of the godhead myght be in haunced promoted to immortalitie For trulye the nature of al faythfull men whyche ether were before chryst hath be sens at now or shal be to the worldes ende vndoubtedlie in chryst very god and man hath optained immortallity The consolacion therfore the riseth of christes resurrection is of great efficacitie As when sainct Paule saythe to the Corinthians i. Cor. xv Christ is risen againe from dead and is the firste fruictes of theim that slepe for by one man truly cam death bi one man cometh the resurrectiō of the dead And as al die in Adame euyn so shall all be made alyue in chryst but euery one in his order The first is christ Thē thei which are christes whych hathe beleued in his comming And saint Paul dothe adde a similitude taken of naturall thynges wherby he doth set forthe and declare the resurrection of bodies The symilitude is takē of sede whych is cast into the earthe by the husbandman dieth as it were and rotteth Neuer the lesse it is not vtterlye loste but at lenght spryngeth cōmeth forthe of the earth goodlye beautyful pleasaunte So our bodyes shall rise agayne not feble vyle corruptyble mortall but stronge glorious incorruptible immortal neuer to dy again but euer to liue The wai into true and euerlastynge lyfe to our longe home as they call it and contrey is by