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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
B08180 Christian purposes and resolutions. D. T. (Daniel Tuvill), d. 1660. 1611 (1611) STC 24393.3; ESTC S95608 48,765 294

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I wil fly vnto him borne thither on the wings of Contemplation and Action of Faith and Charity III. IT is not enough for vs to forbeare that whych is bad we must giue our selues withall to do that which is good Cease to do euill learne to doe well Isaih 1.17 seeke iudgement releeue him that is oppressed reuenge the fatherlesse and defend the Widdowe then will I reason with you saith the Lord and were your sinnes redder then the Vermillion I will make them whiter then snowe Mar. 7.21 were they redder then Scarlet I will make them whiter then wooll Not euery one that cryeth Lord Psal 15.2 Lord but hee that walketh vprightly worketh righteousnesse it is hee that shall dwell in the Tabernacles of the highest it is he that shall rest in his holy Mountaine and be neuer moued It sufficeth not that we haue Lamps in our hands for vnlesse they flame out in loue towards God and Charity towards our Neighbour we shall neuer bee suffered to followe the Bride-groome into his nuptiall Chamber Mat. 12.13 Many are inuited to the feast but he that presumeth to come not hauing on his wedding garment shal be bounde in Chaines and cast into vtter darkenesse where there is nothing but wailing gnashing of teeth I will not onely therefore shun the blindnesse of Egypt but I will seeke for the light that shineth in the land of Goshen and howsoeuer it shall please the lord to bestow vpon me but a meane Talent I will husband it so well that when he shal cal me to giue vp an account of my Stewardship I may return it back with good encrease IIII. THe Soul dieth when it is forsakē of God the bod● when it is forsaken of the Soule the whole Man when the Soule which is forsaken of God dooth likewise forsake the Body for then neyther dooth the soule liue by GOD nor the bodye by the soule For how can that bodie properly be saide to liue which hath a Soule annexed to it not to giue it life but to make it sensible of paine Whilest I soiourne therefore heer on earth I wil order my actions in such manner that as my bodye receiueth being frō my soule so may my soule frō her Creator I will labour alwayes to liue vnto righteousnesse that I may neuer die but vnto sinne V. WHatsoeuer a mā soweth that shal he also reape If hee sow to the flesh he shal reape corruption if to the spirit life euerlasting Let vs therefore not be wearie saith the Apostle Gal. 6 9. of dooing well for in due season shall we reape if we do not faint He that striueth for a Maistry vnles he striue as he ought to doe 2. Tim. 2.5 shall neuer bee crowned I am the true Vine sayeth our Sauiour and my Father is the husband man Iohn 15.4 euerie braunch that beareth not fruite in me hee taketh away euerie one that beareth he purgeth that it may bring forth more But as the braunch cannot bear of it selfe except it abide in the Vine no more can we except we abide in him Whosoeuer putteth his hande to the Plough Mat. 24.13 and looketh backe shall neuer enter into the ioies of heauen but he that indureth to the end he shal be saued Christ Iesus would not descend from the crosse when he was willed vnto it by the Iewes bee cause he woulde not leaue the worke of our Redemption vnperfect and when the Prince of his Apostles Peter vpon the relation which hee made them of those particular troubles hee was to suffer vpon his arriual at Ierusalem out of the abundance of his loue desired him to haue some pittie and compassion on himselfe and not to goe Get thee behind me Sathan said he Mar. 8.33 thou art a scandall and a stumbling blocke to my proceedings Thou vnderstandest not the things that are of GOD but onely the thinges that are of Men such was his perseuerāce in accomplishing the fulnesse of our saluation In my iourney therefore to the Land of Canaan Num 11.5 how tedious and howe wearisome soeuer it may seeme I will not long after the Flesh-Pots of Egypt I will be mindefull alwaies of the Wife of Lot Gen. 19.17 and in my passage vnto Zoar I will followe the directions of my blessed guid and neither linger on the plains nor looke once backe vppon the ruines of sinneful Sodome for feare I displease the Author of my safety and that my punishment be made the monument of my disobedience I will forget that which is behind and endeauor my selfe to that which is before Philip. 3.13 I will follow hard towardes the marke for the price of that high calling of God in Christ Iesus and neuer cease to runne till I haue finished my course VI. GOds wrath though it come softly yet if commeth surely and in the end what it wanted in swiftnesse it bringeth with it in seuerenesse I will not therefore abuse his gentlenesse nor presume too much vpon his patience He is beautiful as Tirzah comely as Hierusalem Cant 6.3 but terrible with al as an Army with banners Hee is like those Cherubins in Ezechiell Ezech. 41.19 he hath the face of a Lyon as well as of a man Hee will send his tempest abroad with fury and like a Whirle-winde shall it light vppon the head of the vngodly Ier. 30.23 Aram shall come before the Philistims shall come behind and deuoure the rebellious Israell with open mouth I will seeke vnto him therfore in the morning and at noone-day yea in the euening will I call vppon him I will make my praier vnto him in an acceptable time Psal 69.13 he shall heare mee in the multitude of his mercy and in the trueth of his saluation The Lord shal teach me his way and I will walke in his Commaundements hee shall knit my heart vnto him and I wil feare his name VII GOD hath not any neede of the bloud of Bullocks or of the fat of Beasts or of any other corruptible and earthly thing no not so much as of the verie righteousnesse of man If wee worship him according to the rules prescribed vs by his word in Spirite and in Truth the profite heereof redoundeth not to him but to our selues For who so senselesse as to thinke he benefites the Sun when he beholdes his beames or that he pleasureth the Spring when hee drinketh of the water Whatsoeuer therefore my deedes are I will desire but acceptance and that which followeth after I will attribute to his mercy not to my ovvne merite VIII THe omnipotency of the word appeareth in nothing more then in that it maketh all those omnipotent that doe hope in it Ioshua commandeth the Sunne to stand 2. King 20.10 and it obeyeth him King Ezechias desireth that the shaddowe of it may retire Isaiah graunteth it Yea Christ himselfe assureth vs that were our Faith but as a graine of