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spirit_n corruption_n reap_v sow_v 6,631 5 10.6553 5 false
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A14014 A sermon of Cuthbert Bysshop of Duresme made vpon Palme sondaye laste past, before the maiestie of our souerayne lorde kyng Henry the. VIII. kynge of England [and] of France, defensor of the fayth, lorde of Ireland, and in erth next vnder Christ supreme heed of the Churche of Englande.; Sermon made upon Palm Sunday Tunstall, Cuthbert, 1474-1559. 1539 (1539) STC 24322A; ESTC S118679 34,494 96

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my bedde with wepynge teares And after that he saythe God hathe herde the voyce of my wepynge for god dothe regarde teares cōmynge forthe out of a sorowfull and contrite harte If thou saye thou canste not wepe thou doeste confesse thy folye For yf thou lese by example any substance of worldely goodes as yf thy house be robbed thy shyppe laden with marchandyse perysshed in the see thy wyfe that thou dyd loue departed thy sonne deade than thou canste weepe myche more thanne ynough and where thy sowle is by synne departed from almyghty god whiche departynge from hym is the very deathe of the sowle and lyeth stynkynge in synne not foure dayes as the body of Lazarus dyd in his graue but myche more than foure monthes ye thrise foure monethes canst thou not wepe Surely thou haste great cause to lament thy selfe For what exchaunge canst thou deuyse to make so dere to the as thy sowle is ¶ Wherfore lette vs with the sworde of the spirite whiche as saynt Paule sayth is the worde of god make a quycke sacrifice of our selfes with a sorowful hart bycause we haue broken goddis comman●●mentes applienge the sharpe worde of go●●o our synfull lyfe that we may therwith kyll our concupiscēces and al fleshly and worldly lustes and so makyng of our sorowfull hart a sacrifice to almyghty god obteyne his mercy thereby as he hath promised to vs by Dauid in the fyfty psalme sayeng The sacrifyce to god is a spirite troubled with sorowe and thou God wylte not despyse a harte contryte and mekened ¶ We must brynge forthe fruites of our penance and repentance by the amendemente of oure synfulle lyues as sayncte Iohn̄ Baptyste sayde to the Iewes in the thyrde of Mathewe For God canne not be deluded with the fayre wordes only of a synner sayinge I am a synner and yet wyll not amend For God loketh whether those wordes come fro the harte being contrite Whyche if they dydde amendement of the euyll lyfe shuld ensue good workes shuld springe out where the euyll dyd growe before whiche newe sprynge of good workes is the fruyte of penaunce ¶ We must also go forwarde in the way of our lorde and not stande styll for elles we can not come to our iourneys ende Dauid saythe in the Cxviii psalme The immaculate and vnspotted men be blessed that do go forwarde in the way of our lorde He that saithe that he dwelleth in Chryste muste walke after Christe in his way whiche is his commandementes as he hym selfe dyd As saynte Iohn̄ saythe in the .ii. chapiter of his fyrste epistle and therfore we maye not stand styll but go on in doinge good to our iorneys ende as he dydde Saynte Paule saythe to the Galathians in the .vi. chapiter Se that ye erre not god can not be mocked suche as a man dothe sowe suche shall he reape he that soweth in the flesshe shall reape therof corruption and he that soweth in the spirite shal of the spirite repe lyfe euerlastynge Lette vs not ceasse in good doing for we shall reape it not failynge whan the tyme commeth Therfore whiles we haue tyme let vs do good to all men and chiefly to the domestykes of our fayth And as we shulde study to be ryche in faythe for Christe dyd chose suche to be of his flocke thoughe they were poore in worldly goodes As saynt Iames saythe in the .ii. chapyter of his epistle so muste we studye to be ryche in good workes As saynt Paule saythe in the .vi. chapiter of the fyrst epistle to Timothe where he byddeth hym teache the ryche men of the worlde to be redye with their abundaunce of goodes to helpe the poore and to make therby a treasure in heuen and to studye to be ryche in good workes so for these .ii. rychesses the one the rychesse of faythe the other the rychesse of good workes we shoulde chiefly studye ¶ Also Chryste in the .vi. of Mathewe doth teache vs thre chiefe exercises whiche wyll conferre greatly to the amendement of our lyfe that is to saye fastynge to tame therby the inordynate lustes of the fleshe Almesse dede to refrayne couetousnesse and to helpe to redeme our synnes therwith as Daniel saithe in the .iiii. chapiter And prayer to almyghtye god therby to abate our pryde and outrequydaunce and arrogance that we not trustynge of our selfes but of his helpe may aske of hym thynges necessarye for vs from tyme to tyme. And that we shoulde ofte praye Christe teacheth vs by the parable of the wydowe whiche by her importunitie and ofte cryenge to the wicked Iudge that feared neither god nor man obteyned at the laste Iustyce of hym As it is written in the .xviii. chapiter of Luc. ¶ We rede also of Christe that he some tyme prayed all night to god as it is writen in the .vi. chapter of Luke And saint Paule sayth to the Colossians in the ii●i chapiter Gyue you to prayer beinge vigilant in it And to Timothe he wryteth in the .v. chapiter She that trewely is a wydowe lette her giue her selfe to prayer nyght and daye And to the Thessalonicense he writeth in the .v. chapyter of the fyrste epistell sayenge Pray without any day leauynge of not that we shoulde doo nothynge elles but that we shoulde ofte amongest other thynges that we do pray to almighty god lauyng him callynge hym to remembraunce that he may helpe vs puttynge in all our dedes our confidence in hym Whiche we myghte easely do briefely sayinge diuerse tymes on the daye thoughe it were but one Pater noster at one tyme. soo that Christe thereby shuld be not far from our remembrance nor we shulde not by worldely pleasures or busines straye abrode farre from hym nor the deuyll shoulde not so boldely approche vs seinge vs alwayes vnder the wynge and protection of our heauenlye father And surely if we coulde thus dyspose our selfe our affaires shuld prosper th● more in this worlde and we shulde also thereby please almyghty god and come to the glorye euer lastynge Whervnto our sauyour Iesu Christ who hath redemed vs bryng vs all Qui viuit regnat cum deo patre in vnitate sancti spiritus per omnia secula seculorum Amen LONDINI in aedibus Thomae Bertheleti typis impress Cum priuilegio Ad imprimendum solum ANNO. M.D.XXXIX