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spirit_n corruption_n flesh_n reap_v 5,289 5 10.9811 5 false
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A19331 A short dialogue, wherein is proved, that no man can be saved without good vvorkes Corderoy, Jeremy, b. 1562 or 3. 1604 (1604) STC 5756; ESTC S115604 42,072 138

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A SHORT DIALOGVE WHEREIN is proved that no man can be saved without good vvorkes Edit 2. With some Additions Be not deceaved God is not mocked for whatsoever a man soweth that shall he reape he that soweth to the flesh shall reape corruption but he that soweth to the spirite shall reape life everlasting Galat. 6.7.8 AT OXFORD Printed by Ioseph Barnes and are ●o be sold in Paules Church-yard at the signe of the Crowne by Simon Waterson 1604. To the Right VVorshipfull Sir ROBERT VERNON Knight all health and prosperitie Although Right Worshipfull nowe long distāce of place and time hath severed vs yet the exceeding greate kindnes you alwaies bore towards mee whilest you lived in Oxforde hath wrote so deep an impression in my minde that neither discōtinuāce of time nor distance of place hath any thing abated my wōted dutifull affection towards you Presuming of the like affection in you towardes mee knowing your kind dispositiō I am imboldned to offer dedicate this my little book vnto you the which being conscious of his own imperfections craues your patronage and favour which if it may obtaine it fears not to come abroad into the view of men if you vvill vouchsafe to reade like of it it sea●es not the censure of others both which it hopes the rather to obtaine for my sake It is not long nor tedious I hope it is profitable and therefore it hopes the better acceptāce the which if it mighte obtaine you shall make mee not repent mine endevours Thus my humble duty remēbred I commit you to the tuition of the Almightie Yours for ever IEREMY CORDEROY To the Christian Reader AS to the body of man Curteous Reader all kinds of diseases to all kinds of ages are not incident but some diseases are more peculiar to vs whē wee are children some proper vnto vs when we are yoūg mē some more incident when wee are olde so in the Church of God al kind of evils breake not forth in one age but some are more peculiar to some age thē vnto others as both histories of former times and daily experience doe manifest vnto vs the disposition whereof come not by chance but by the determinate coūsaile of the Lord who in his iust iudgmēt disposeth of these things as it shal make for his glorie and the good of his church That these things come to passe by the appointment of God it is manifest by many places of the Scripture wherein god sheweth that he doth send these calamities for the exercise of his church also foretelleth the time when they shal come in the ●3 of Deuteronomie verse 3. the Lord saith that he vvill sende false Prophets amongst vs to trie vs vvhether we loue him with al our harts with al our souls ●y this means mens harts shal be manifested whether they loue God or no they that belong vnto God wil not giue eare vnto these false Prophets but vvil bee directed by the word of God according to that saying of our Saviour my sheepe heare my voice follow me Ioh. 10. they vvill not follovve a straunger but flee from him for they knovve not the voice of a stranger He foresheweth whē such such evils shal come as it appeareth in divers places of the Prophets in the olde Testament and in the new the revelation of Iohn aboundeth in predictions of things to come Now as God in his goodnes mercy towards vs vouchsafeth to forewarne vs of these temptations that shal come on vs when that therefore vvee may bee the better armed against such events so it is our duty to take notice hereof and accordingly to addresse our selues to withstand such temptations as shal come on vs but especiallie to obserue what evils are more proper to the time wherein we our selues liue as most pertinēt vnto vs not to speake of matters of olde time but of latter times as most concerning vs. The Apostles inspired by the holy Ghost haue intimated vnto vs of this age what temptatiōs shal assault vs vvho haue divided the time from the incarnation of Christ vntil his second cōming to iudgment into two several times in which two several temptations shal assaulte the church of God the former of these two times they terme the latter daies the ●ther the last daies ●n the former that is the latter daies shal come errours in doctrine in the last times shal come corruption of māners not that the later daies shal be free from corruption of life and vngodly behaviour or the last daies shal bee free from errour of doctrine but in the latter daies errour of doctrine in the last daies lewdnes of life as two predominant ill humors shal abound therfore according to the diuersitye of these two times it is our duty to bend our selues more against the one then the other In the time of errour wee must most of al endevour to confute error in the times of vngodlines in life wee must contend against vngodlines in conversation Now because this time present wherin we liue is the last time wherein corruptiō of māners shal most aboūd according to the prediction of the Apostle the which wee see with our eies to be too true I haue chosen rather to speake of the necessitie of good works to saluatiō as most befitting this time then against error in doctrine though I haue not altogither omitted to speak some thing against it seeing that now most men offende in lewdnesse of life more then in errour of doctrine If any doubt whether this time wherein we liue be the latter or last times or no let him but conferre the prophecie of these tvvo times with the euent which hath fallen out he may easily be resolved The Apostle Paul speaking of the latter daies wherin error in doctrine should aboūd saith 1. Tim. 4.1 now the spirite speaketh evidently that in the latter daies some shal depart from the faith and shall giue heede to spirite● of errour and doctrines of divels which speake lies through hypocrisie and haue their consciences burned with an hot yrō That this latter time began in the Apostles time and holdeth vntil the revealing of Antichrist the same Apostle sheweth in an other place vvhere he saith the mysterie of iniquitie doth alreadie worke 2 Thess 2. Chrysost 2. The● 2. hom 4. Ambros 2. Thes 2. Hierom in Dan. 7 quest ●1 ad Algas Tertull de resurrec car Lactan l 7 Aug. lib 20 cap 19 Zancheus in 2 Thes 2 Osiander in 2 Thess 2 epit hist eccl●s centur 7. lib. 1 lequent Plat. de Bo●if 3. Func Cron. de Phoca Bon. 3. onely hee which nowe with-holdeth shal let vntil he be taken away He which hindred Antichrists authority then was the greate power of the Emperour of Rome who would hinder the power of the man of sinne vntill he that is the Emperour should be taken avvaie as histories the event and expositours