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spirit_n body_n sin_n soul_n 13,963 5 5.3517 4 true
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A07627 1607 Lamentable newes out of Monmouthshire in VVales Contayning, the wonderfull and most fearefull accidents of the great ouerflowing of waters in the saide countye, drowning infinite numbers of cattell of all kinds, as sheepe, oxen, kine and horses, with others: together with the losse of many men, women and children, and the subuersion of xxvi parishes in Ianuary last 1607. 1607 (1607) STC 18021; ESTC S110019 8,041 28

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1607 Lamentable newes out of Monmouthshire in Wales CONTAYNING The wonderfull and most fearefull accidents of the great ouerflowing of waters in the saide Countye drowning infinite numbers of Cattell of all kinds as Sheepe Oxen Kine and horses with others together with the losse of many men women and Children and the subuersion of xxvi Parishes in Ianuary last 1607. LONDON Printed for W. W. and are to be solde in Paules Church yarde at the signe of the Grey-hound To the Reader REader when these newes were brought an importunitie vsed to me that I would giue thē some forme bestow an exhortation on them I was vnwilling both in regard of that short space of lesse then one day which was limited to vndertake the matter and also in respect of the vsual vnfaithfullnes of men ordinarily in reporting of such accidents as these bee whereby it often falleth out that the relater of them reapeth much discredit But when I could not haue these iust excuses taken I began and finished this businesse as the shorte space wold permit me And now I offer it vnto thee read it with that good affection wherewith I doe present it and I am sure it both may and will profit thee by putting thee in remembrance why God doth punish others that so thou maist thy selfe in time looke vnto thine own courses least he proceed in the same or some more grieuous maner with thee for our vices are the serpēts of our soules stinging them to death vnlesse we looke vp vnto him that was nailed vppon the Crosse that so we may be cured of them be brought to forsake and relinquish them Well then seeing that it is meere wickednesse to change or alter good lawes to awake strife or wilfully to maintaine it to abate nobility exalt the vnworthy to banish gods seruants and to honour the gracelesse to loue flatterers and dispraise the vertuous plaine dealers to imbrace delights and pastimes neglect works of duty and office to account vanitie a mother and pure religion a step-mother in a word to regard nothing but idlenesse riot and wantonnesse and that the Lord vseth from time to time to reueale his wrath from heauen against these and such like impieties the Lord of his goodnes purge our land daily more and more from such of them as doe beare anye rule in it that so Gods indgements bring auerted wee may haue his mercies continually multiplyed vpon vs and ourposteritie vnto the worlds end Amen Farwell Wofull newes from Wales Or The lamentable losse of diuers Villages and Parishes by a strange and wonderfull Floud within the Countye of Monmouth in Wales Which hapned in Ianuary last past 1607. whereby a great number of his Maties Subjectes Inhabiting in those partes are vtterlye vndone THE holye Scriptures teacheth vs that when as God had framed the Heauens Earth Sea Aire and all that in them is hee then created Mankinde the last of all euen as it were a little briefe or concise Mappe a summe or an abridgement of the whole Worldes perfections to the intent that beholding is soone as he was made this comely and gloriour Theater of nature replenished with all things profitable and delightful either for soule or body he might presētly be put in remēbrance how much he was obliged vnto his and their Creator yea admonished what occasion and cause he had to loue him in true sinceritie of affection to obey his statutes in integritie of deuotion to worship and glorifie him who in infinite and aboundantly ineffable mercie had ordeyned him souereigne Lord and maister ouer all his creatures But the text doth ad a point more notably to be obserued namely that the Lord made mankinde euen in his owne Image and likenesse the which was placed not onely in the erternall figure of his body as Auidius wickedly maintained but euen both in soule and body seeing sin doth consist in both which is the contrarie thereunto and also that the renewing of the same againe in vs is the sanctification of the one as well as of the other nay as waxe is apter to receiue a print then clay so the Soule being a spirit and so neerer vnto the Diuine nature in the essence of it It tooke more into it of Gods Image and did better expresse it then the bodie either did or could doe wherfore the Lords Image wherin hee created our first parēts was placed partly in mās substāce especially in his soule and in the essentiall partes powers and forces of it partly also in certain qualities and in a certaine honour dignitie and glory wherewith they were adorned for first the verye substāce of Adams soule did resemble Gods essēce in the simplicity inuisiblenes immortallitie therof and also in that power which it inioyed to know and will Againe as God is but one in the world sustayning quickning with life and gouerning the same so there is but one soule in the body which beeing whole in euerie part therof without either augmētation or deminution ruleth it giuing vnto it life sence and motion Further also the soule is like vnto God in the faculties of the same considering that as there is but one onely deuine essence in the Godhead yet three distinct persons in respect of their external actiōs so the soule is but one howsoeuer it cōsisteth of three essential faculties the intelletiue the sensitiue and the vegetatiue Moreouer as for the qualities of the soule it did in wisdome Justice tne hollines resemble God as appeareth in that Paul exhorteth vs to bee renued vnto these partes of his image as the moste excellent On the other side as for the body it did resemble God in that immortalitie wherein at the first it was created Againe the seueral members of the bodie resembled the varietie of his perfections therefore in respect of their diuers vses they are often in y● scriptures Metaphorically ascribed to him as handes to shew vs his omnipotence and eyes to teach to vs his prouidence Besides in his verie bodie man resembled God in regard of a certaine imperious maiestie conspicuous therein but principally in his face countinance which caused all y● liuing Creatures to stand in aw of him Briefly the whole man both soule and bodie did and doth still in some small measure resemble God in that his dominion wherin as a little God he is by the Lord appointed soueraigne ruler ouerall thinges both in the earth sea and ayre No to the deuil the old Serpent being falne through his transgression into wretchednesse and miserie and enoying the blessednes in which he sawe our first pa●e 〈…〉 s were planted in earthlye Paradice he possessed the bodie of a serpent there in did come tēpt Euah the mother of vs al to disobey the Lord in tasting of y● fruit which hee had forbidden her her husband vpon paine of death to medle withal What shold I say more he drew her by his wiles to heare