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spirit_n body_n life_n quicken_v 5,163 5 10.2542 5 false
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A10044 The creation of the PrinceĀ· A sermon preached in the Colledge of VVestminster, on Trinity Sunday, the day before the creation of the most illustrious Prince of Wales. By Daniell Price, chapleine in ordinary, and then in attendance on the Prince. Price, Daniel, 1581-1631. 1610 (1610) STC 20290; ESTC S115201 18,451 40

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of the first part Create in mee The part to be created Secunda pars is the heart Create in me a new heart As is gold among the mettalls the sight among the senses the Nerue Opticke among the sinewes so is the heart among the members and yet of the heart Ieremy complaineth The heart of man is deceitfull and wicked aboue all things who can know it Ier. 17.9 And although the heart be so little as that it will scarce serue a Kite for a baite yet the windings and turnings in the heart containe many Maeanders The Heathens accounted it the Sunne of the bodie for as in the middest of Heauen the Sunne is situated which enlighteneth all things with his rayes and cherisheth the world and the things therein contained with his life-keeping heate so the heart of man the fountaine of life and heate hath assigned to it by nature the midle part of the bodie for his habitation from whence proceedeth life and heate vnto all the parts of the bodie as it were into riuers whereby they bee preserued and enabled to performe their naturall function In Diuinitie wee shall finde it to bee Sacram Palladis arcem the seate of reason the Metropolis of the soule Andr. Laur. the Sanctuarie of the mind the Arke of the vnderstanding the Temple of faith the holy Place of the holy Ghost so that with a good heart there is euer a wise tongue a diligent hand a warie foote a watchfull eye an attentiue eare and a humble minde this beeing like the great wheele in a watch all the lesser depend vpon it the tongue wil not praise vnlesse the heart do loue the eare will not heare vnlesse the heart do mind the hand will not giue vnlesse the heart do pittie the foote will not go vnlesse the heart do striue the heart like the Iudge giueth the charge like the Captaine giueth the onset it is the warning peece of the castell when the heart is prepared the senses ate readie to perceiue the imagination to represent the knowledge to forme the wit to find out the reason to iudge the memorie to conserue the vnderstanding to apprehend and so of all the other faculties Saint Austin defineth the heart to be the seate of the soule and the soule to be the whole inward man wherewith the masse of clay is quickened and gouerned and held together changing her names according to her sundrie offices which she beareth in the bodie when she quickeneth the bodie shee is called the soule when she desireth any thing the will for knowledge the mind for recordation the memorie for giuing life the spirit for apprehending outwardly the sense All starres receiue light from the Sunne so that if the light be darke how great is this darknesse In the Temple there was the Altar and the Censor a Christian must haue both the Censor is the tongue it polisheth the best operations of the senses and is the Embassador Speaker Interpreter between God and man but the heart the Altar is of more honour for howsoeuer the Romaines so much honoured the hand and Esop preferred the tongue and the Optickes the eye and the Anatomists the head yet God of all other parts desireth the heart and therefore Dauid so much prayeth for the Creating of a heart The languishments of the bodie be nothing to the soule as the soule is in comparison of the bodie full of glorie so is the griefe of the soule more full of inward miserie and therefore the hazard of the soule more to be feared and the safetie of the heart more to be tendred In the greatest distemperature of Dauid when his bodie was so ill affected Psal 38.2 no health in his flesh no rest in his bones his loynes filled with a sore disease his wounds putrified and stunke the marrow and moisture quite dryed vp when he was almost dissolued into the dust of death yet his soule might haue beene safe and sound but if the soule be sicke can the bodie haue any comfort it was ill with those that cryed out in Scripture My head my head and another My belly my belly but when they cry out of the heart of the soule all will be out of tune The Italian obserueth by a Prouerbe that the Germans wittes dwell in their fingers end and so must all true goodnesse it must haue a descent from the heart to the hand for when the heart doth indite a good matter the hand will easily bee the penne of a readie writer The Anatomists obserue that there bee strings that passe from the heart to the tongue and so what the heart thinketh the tongue vttereth then the eare heareth the eye obserueth the tongue prayeth singeth praiseth recordeth and howsoeuer the tongue be in the highest part of the bodie and yet is the speaker of the lower house it deliuereth onely that which the nobler parts haue agreed to nothing but that which the hart and the faculties of the soule haue determined And as all good commeth from the heart so all good that commeth to vs commeth into the heart it is the Schoole Maxime Virtutes Theologicae non sunt in nob is per acquisitionem sed per infusionem the acquisition of the head cannot obtaine faith hope charitie it must be the infusion into the heart for as Biel teacheth of faith Fides est non suasa sed inspirata not perswaded but inspired so of the other Theologicall vertues and of euery good and perfect gift it is infused by the Father of light into the heart So that God dwelleth in the soule and the soule dwelleth as in his Metropolis in the hart And this caused Dauid to require the new heart the good heart The doctrine hence proceeding is that a good Christian must euer pray and study to keepe his heart vndefiled and if it chaunce to bee neuer so little polluted presently to wash it to cleanse it for the heart is the inner side that is to be purged it is the Parlour where the Sauiour will eate the Passeouer it is the Gedeons fleece the Goshen the Chanaan the Temple the Sanctum Sanctorum of the Temple It is the inner roome the Treasurie the Tower the Arke here dwelleth zeale of Elias for zeale in Christianitie is ignis sanctus next zeale dwelleth knowledge of S. Paul for zeale without knowledge is ignis fatuus here dwelleth faithfulnesse as in the Pastor of Smyrna for faithfulnesse to the truth is suffimentum redolens and next faithfulnesse dwelleth charitie as in Saint Iohn for faithfulnesse without charitie is suffitus non redolens sed olens here dwelleth practise as in the Niniuites for practise is stella lucens next practise dwelleth perseuerance as the Corinthians for practise without perseuerance is but Stella cadens here dwelleth beleefe in God as in the Disciples for beleefe in Christianitie is lucerna ardens next beleefe dwels loue in God as in the Psalmist for beleefe without loue is Cymbalū tinniens here dwelleth