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A01648 Gerards prayers; or, a daylie practice of pietie: divided into foure parts. 1 of Confession of sinnes. 2 of Thanksgiving, for benefits. 3 of Petitions for our selues 4 of Supplicatio[n]s for our neighbours. Written (originally) in the Latine tongue, by Iohn Gerard; Doctor in Divinitie, and Superintendent of Heldeburg. Translated and revised by Ralph Winterton, Fellow of Kinges Colledge in Cambridge. Wherevnto is added a morning and euening prayer, for a familie; Exercitum pietatis quotidianum quadripartitum. English Gerhard, Johann, 1582-1637.; Winterton, Ralph, 1600-1636. 1638 (1638) STC 11781; ESTC S113839 40,224 118

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I am receaved into the heavenlie familie being made the sonne of my heavenlie Father the brother of Christ and the temple of the holie Ghost This is an holie and heavenlie laver In it therefore I am washed and purged from all my vncleannesse It is the laver of regeneration renovation By it therefore I am regenerated and renewed by the grace of the holie Ghost Whatsoever Christ my Saviour merited by his most holie obedience and by the effusion of his most precious blood of all that hee hath left the saving fount of baptisme as a pledge Therefore the conferring of baptisme is the besprinkling of the blood of Christ. That precious blood of Christ doeth make mee cleane from all my sinnes and maketh mee whiter than snow in the sight of God O eternall God thou hast made an eternall covenant with mee in baptisme vnto which I haue alwayes recourse by true and serious repentance Thou hast betroathed mee vnto thee for ever in judgement and righteousnesse in grace and mercie Thou hast given mee an earnest and pledge of thy Spirit in baptisme Therefore thou wilt not cast mee away from thy face but beeing mindfull of thy promise thou wilt leade mee into the joyes of the celestiall marriage As at the baptisme of Christ my Mediatour and head the heavens were opened So by the communion of the same baptisme thou hast opened vnto mee the gate of paradise As at the baptisme of Christ the holie Ghost descended vpon him and a voyce from heaven did testifie that hee was the beloved Sonne of GOD So by the same communion of the same baptisme I am made a partaker of the holie Ghost and adopted to bee a sonne of GOD. For which inestimable benefite I will giue thankes vnto thee my GOD for ever AMEN PRAYER XIII Hee rendereth thankes for the sacrament of the Lords Supper HOw great thanks doe Iowe vnto thee most high God for that in the most sacred mysterie of the supper thou doest feed me with the bodie and blood of thy Sonne What is there in heaven or in earth of more pryce and excellencie than that bodie which is vnited to thy Sonne personallie What more certaine testimonie and pledge of thy grace can there bee than the precious blood of thy Sonne poured out for my sinnes on the altar of the crosse The verie pryce of my redemption thou bestowest vpon mee that I may haue a most certaine testimonie of thy grace towards me As often as I fall through my sinnes from the covenant of baptisme So often by true repentance and the saving vse of this supper I am restored vnto it agayne It is a sacrament of the new Testament and it alwayes enricheth mee with new gifts of the Spirit In this bodie lyfe it selfe dwelleth and therefore it refresheth me quickneth mee vnto everlasting lyfe By the effusion of this blood satisfaction is made for our finnes And therefore by the drinking thereof the remission of my sinnes is confirmed vnto mee Christ sayeth it Trueth it selfe sayeth it Whosoever shall eate my flesh and drinke my blood hath eternall lyfe and I will raise him vp at the last day that is to the lyfe of glorie For this is the bread of lyfe which descended from heaven that whosoever shall eate thereof may not die but haue everlasting lyfe It is the eating by fayth that Christ so commendeth which must needs be added vnto the sacramentall eating that so that which was appoynted to lyfe may bee receaved by vs vn to lyfe I come therefore with true fayth vnto this heavenlie banquet beeing firmlie perswaded that the bodie which I eate was delivered vnto death for mee and the blood which I drinke was poured foorth for my sinnes I cannot in anie wise doubt of the remissiō of my sinnes when as it is confirmed by the participation of the pryce which was offered for my sinnes I cannot in anie wise doubt of Christ his dwelling in mee when hee sealeth vnto mee the same by the communion of his bodie and blood I cannot in anie wise doubt of the assistance of the holie Spirit when my Infirmitie is strengthened with such safegard I am not afrayde of Satans assaults when as this Angelicall foode doeth make mee strong to fight I am not afrayde of the allurements of the flesh when as this quickning and spirituall foode doeth corroborate mee by the vertue of the Spirit These taken and drunke doe make Christ to dwell in mee and mee in Christ. The good sheepherd will not suffer the sheepe that is fed with his owne bodie and blood to bee devoured by the infernall wolfe Neyther will the power of the Spirit suffer mee to bee overcome by the weaknesse of the flesh To thee O Saviour most benigne bee prayse honour and thanksgiving for ever and ever Amen PRAYER XIV Hee r●●nd●reth thankes to God for preserving vs from sundrie evills TO thee O eternall and mercifull GOD I render eternall thankes for that thou hast hitherto preserved mee from infinite evills and dangers and hast kept me safe by the guard of thy holie Angells Thy privatiue blessings by which thou doest keepe mee from evill are more in number than thy positiue by which thou doest conferre good vpon mee As manie evills of soule and bodie as I see in others so manie tokens doe I see of thy mercie towards mee For my deliverance from those evills is to be attributed as due onlie to thy goodnesse How great is the power of the devil How great is his subtiltie As often therefore as that malignant and most subtile spirit and our most potent adversarie doeth labour to doe vs anie mischiefe so often by the buckler of thy benignitie and by the guard of the holie Angells being protected I haue beene able to escape his nets But who can reckon vp the treacherous assaults and invasions of the devill Who can therefore reckon vp the riches of thy bountie When redst that I may bee able to endure and overcome all the violent invasions of the infernall powers Let my last word in this lyfe be the same with which thou didst consummate all vpon the crosse and receaue my soule which thou hast redeemed with so deare a pryce when I shall commend it into thy hands Let a blessed resurrection follow a blessed death In that great day of thy severe judgement delyver mee from that cruell sentence thou which in my lyfe didst with thy readie helpe protect mee Let my sinnes bee covered with the shadow of thy grace and overwhelmed in the bottome of the sea Let my soule bee bound vp in the bundle of the living that with all the elect I may come into the fellowship of everlasting joye Amen THE FOURTH PART Of Supplications for others THE ARGUMENT The meditation of our neyghbours wants and indigencies concerneth the common good welfare of the Church common-wealth and maketh vs looke vpon others miseries as our owne This is
for righteousnesse sake that they may get the conquest over all their enemies and purchase the everlasting crowne of martyrdome Bee present with all those that bee in danger and calamitie and grant that they may possesse their soules in true patience and denying their owne wills take vp their crosse Let them follow him vnder the crosse on whom they belieue that hee died for vs vpon the crosse And especiallie I commend vnto thee most gracious Father those which are about the gates of death and are betweene time and eternitie wrestle with all their strength with that last enemie Confirme them O thou most potent Conquerour of death Deliver them O most glorious Captaine and Author of lyfe that they bee not overwhelmed in the waues of tentations but by thy conduct they may be brought vnto the haven of everlasting rest Haue mercie vpon all men thou which are the Creatour of all Haue mercie vpon all men thou which art the Redeemer of all To thee bee prayse and glorie for ever and ever Amen FINIS The summe of GERARD'S prayers reduced into a forme of morning prayer for the vse of an English familie The foure capitall words signifie the foure parts of Gerards prayers and the Arithmeticall figures poynt at every prayer of those parts HOlie GOD and just Iudge Thy eyes are more pure than the sunne and cannot beholde anie thing that is vncleane The Cherubims and Seraphims cover their faces before thy glorious majestie The heavens of heavens are not cleane in thy sight How then shall earth sinfull earth dust and ashes appeare before thee Wee prefume not O LORD to come before thy tribunall to plead for our righteousnesse for all our righteousnesse is as filthie rags But wee prostrate our selues with all humilitie of bodie and soule at thy mercie-seate to make CONFESSION of our sinnes Heare Lord and haue mercie Wee confesse that 1 Wee sinned in the loynes of our first parente● wee were conce●ved in sinne wee were shape● in iniquitie 2 In our chyldhood originall sinne brought foorth actuall and actuall sinnes haue increased in vs ever since as our dayes haue increased Who can reckon vp the sinnes of his youth Who can tell how oft hee offendeth The just man sinneth seaven tymes a day But 3 Wee haue sinned seaventie tymes seaven tymes everie day 4 5 All thy holie lawes and cōmandements wee haue broken in thought word and deed 6 We haue beene partakers of other mens sinnes 7 Wee are manie way●s convinced of our sinnes We are convinced 8 By the contrition of heart and the testimonie of 〈◊〉 conscience 9 By the greatnesse of thy mercie and thy benefits b●stowed vpon vs 10 By the severitie of thy justice declared in the death and passion of thy Sonne our Saviour Iesus Christ. Thou art an holle God and hearest not sinners Thou art a just Iudge and thy justice must bee satisfied Wee are sinners and the wages of sinne is death Thy justice must bee satisfied or else wee cannot escape death Wee haue nothing of our owne to giue for the ransome of our soules Therefore wee offer vnto thee holie Father that which is not ours but thy Sonnes 1 For our originall sinne wee offer vnto thee just Iudge his originall righteousnesse who is righteousnesse it selfe for our conception in sinne we offer vnto thee his most sacred conception who was conceaved by the holie Ghost for our birth in sinne we offer vnto thee his most pure nativitie who was borne of a pure virgin 2 For the offences of our youth wee offer vnto thee his most perfect innocencie in whose mouth was found no guile 3 For our daylie slips and falls wee offer vnto thee his most perfect obedience who made it his meat and drinke to doe thy will in all things 4.5 For our often breach of thy commandements wee offer vnto thee his most perfect righteousnesse who fulfilled all thy commandements 6 For our communicating in other mens sinnes wee offer vnto thee his most perfect righteousnesse communicated vnto vs. 7. 8 9 10 For our most wicked and vngodlie lyfe wee offer vnto thee his most cruell and bitter death For ●s was hee conceaved for vs was hee borne for vs was hee crucified His blood still cryeth vnto thee in our behalfe Father forgiue them Accept wee beseech then the inestimable pryce of thy Sonnes blood for a full and plenarie satisfaction for all our sinnes yea O Lord wee know that thou hast accepted it alreadie Therefore with confidence wee put vp our PETITIONS vnto thee As thou hast redeemed vs by thy Sonne so also wee beseech thee to sanctifie vs by thy holie Spirit 1 Mortifie in vs everie day more and more all sinfull lusts and affections and quicken in vs all saving graces and vertues 2 Increase our sayth ● Confirme our hope 4 Inflame our charitie Teach vs to imitate the lyfe of Christ the true patterne of perfect obedience and onlie true rule of a godlie lyfe Teach vs 5 Humilitie 6 Pat●ence 7 Meeknesse Gen●lenesse 8 Chastitie Temperance Tea●h vs 9 To conte●●e all earthlie thinges 10 To denye our selues 11 To overcome the world 12 Grant vs consolation in adversitie and true tranquillitie of the mynde Grant vs 13 Victorie in tentations and deliverance from the devills treacheries Grant vs in thyne appoynted tyme 14 A blessed departure out of this lyfe and a blessed resurrection vnto lyfe everlasting Wee pray not for our selues alone but in obedience to thy commandement wee make our SUPPLICATIONS vnto thee for all men ● Saue and desende the vniversall Church enlarge thou her borders and propagate thy Gospell 3 Blesse all Christian kings and governours especiallie thy servang CHARLES our most gracious Kin and governour Blesse togethe with him our gracious Queene MARIE Blesse vnto them and vs and our posteritie after vs our hopefull Prince Charles season him betymes with true religion that hee may bee an instrument of thy glorie the joye of his parents and the blesing of thy people Remember David and all his troubles the Ladie Elizabeth our Kings onelie sister and her princelie issue Suffer them not still to mourne in a strange land but restore them if it bee thy will to their former inheritance Blesse all our kings loyall subjects from the highest vnto the lowest Giue vnto the Senatours counsell and wisedome 3 To the magistrates justice and fortitude to those that are vnder them Christian subjection and obedience 2 To the ministers of thy word holinesse of lyfe and soundnesse of doctrine to the hearers of thy word diligent attention to the word preached and a care and conscience to liue hereafter Blesse 4 Everie familie in this kingdome this especiallie and all that belong vnto it Blesse our 5 parents brethren sisters kinsfolke benefactours and friends 6 Forgiue our enemies 7 Show pitie and compassion to all those that are afflicted and in miserie Relieue them according to their severall wants and necessities Bee thou a Father to the fatherlesse
nature Receaue them into the everlasting tabernacles of the citie which is aboue whō thou hast vsed as thy instruments to conferre vpon mee so manie and so liberall benefits My heart propoundeth vnto thee the infallible promise of thy word that thou wilt of thy meere free grace recompence even a cup of colde water How much more then wilt thou bee liberall and bountifull to those that with full hand bestow benefits of all kyndes vpon those that want Let not thy graces cease to runne downe vpon them that poure foorth so plentifullie vpon others Let the fountayne of thy goodnesse alwayes spring vnto them from whom such plentifull rivers of liberalitie doe flow Grant I beseech thee most mercifull GOD that they which ●ow temporall thinges so liberallie may reape with much increase things spirituall Fill their soules with joy that feede the bodies of the poore with meat Let not the fruit of their bountie perish though they show it by bestowing of the goods that perish Giue vnto them that giue vnto others thou that art the giver of everie good gift blessed for ever Amen PRAYER VI. He prayeth for enemies and persecutors LORD Iesu Christ the onelie begoten Sonne of GOD that hast prescribed vs in thy word this rule of charitie Loue your enemies blesse them that curse you doe good to them that hate you pray for them that despitefullie vse you and persecute you I beseech thee who art most gracious and most readie to forgiue to forgiue myne enemies and the persecutours of the Church Giue vnto mee the grace of thy holie Spirit that I may not onelie forgiue myne enemies from myne heart but also pray for their health and salvation even from my soule Whet not against them the sword of severe revenge but anoynt their heads with the oyle of thy mercie and compassion Extinguish the sparks of hatred and anger that are in their hearts that they breake not foorth into the infernall flames of hell Let them know and acknowledge that Our lyfe is but a vapour and a smoake that soone vanisheth away that our bodie is but ashes dust that flyeth away that they beare not immortall anger in their mortall bodies nor entertayne into this brittle tabernacle of clay their soules enemie Let them know lykewyse that inveterate hatred is their greatest enemie because it killeth the soule and excludeth them from the participation of heavenlie lyfe Illumiminate their myndes that they beholding the glasse of thy divyne mercie may see the deformitie of anger and hatred Governe their wills that beeing moved by the example of thy divyne forgiuenesse they may leaue off and cease to bee angrie and to doe harme Grant vnto mee mercifull GOD that as much as in mee lyeth I may haue peace with all men and turne the hearts of myne enemies to brotherlie reconcilement Let vs walke with vnanimitie and concord in the way of this lyfe seeing that wee hope all for a place in our celestiall countrey Let vs not disagree vpon earth seeing that wee all desire to liue together heereafter in heaven Wee call vpon thee our Lord and our God which art in heaven And it is not meet for the servants of the same Lord to fall out one with another Wee are one mysticall bodie vnder Christ our head And it is base and shamefull for the members of the same bodie to fight one with another They which haue one fayth and one baptisme ought to haue one spirit and one mynde Neyther doe I pray alone for my private enemies but also for the publike enemies and persecutoures of the Church O thou which art trueth it selfe bring them into the way of trueth O thou which art power it selfe bring to nought their bloodie endeavours and attempts Let the brightnesse of thy heavenlie trueth open their blinde eyes that the raging madnesse and desire to persecute which they haue in their myndes may heereafter cease Let them know O LORD and acknowledge that it is not onelie a vaine thing but also verie dangerous to kicke against the prickes Why doe they imitate the furie of wolues when as they know that the bl●●● of Christ the immaculate Lambe●● as poured out for vs Why doe they thirst to shed that innocent blood for which they know that the blood of the verie Sonne of GOD was poured foorth vpon the altar of the crosse Convert them O LORD that they may bee converted vnto thee from their heart and so obtayne the fruit of their conversion in this life and in that which is to come Amen PRAYER VII Hee supplieateth for those that are afflicted and in miserie ALmightie eternall and mercifull GOD which art the Saviour of all men especiallie of the ●●ythfull and by the Apostle hast commanded vs to make prayers for all men I intreate thee for all those that are afflicted and in miserie that thou wouldest support them by the consolatiō of thy grace and succour them by the ayde of thy power Indue with power and strength fro● aboue those that labour and swe●● in the most grievous agonie of Satans tentations Make them partakers of thy victorie O Christ thou which didst most powerfullie overcome Satan Let the cooler of thy heavenlie comfort raise vp those whose bones are become dry with the fire of griefe and sorrow Beare vp all those that are readie to fall and raise vp those that are alreadie fallen Bee mercifull vnto those that are sicke and diseased and grant that the disease of the bodie may bee vnto them the medicine of the soule and the adversities of the flesh the remedies of the spirit Let them know that diseases are the handmaydes of sinne and the forerunners of death Giue vnto them the strength of fayth and patience O thou which art the most true Physician both of soule and bodie Restore them againe vnto their former health if it bee for the everlasting salvation of their soules Protect all those that are great with childe and those that bee in labour Thou art he that doest deliver children out of the straytes of their mothers wombe doest propagate mankinde by thy blessing be present with those that bee in labour O thou lover and giver of lyfe that they be not oppressed with an immoderate weyght of sorrows Nowrish those that are orphanes and destitute of all helpe and succour Defende the widows that are subject to the reproaches of all men thou which hast called thy selfe the Father of the fatherlesse and the Iudge and defender of the widows Let the teares of the widows which flow downe from their cheekes breake through the clowds and rest not vntill they come before thy throne Heare those that bee in danger by sea which cry to thee and sende vp their sighes vnto thee seeing before their eyes their neighbours suffer shipwracke Restore libertie vnto those that are captiue that with a thankfull heart they may sing of thy bountie Confirme those that suffer persecution
a Comforter to the comfortlesse a Deliverer to the captiues and a Physician to the sicke Grant that the sicknesse of their bodies may make for the good of their soules Especiallie wee beseech thee to bee present with those that are at the poynt to die Fit them for their journey before their departure Arme them with faith and patience Seale vnto them by thy holie Spirit the pardon and forgiuenesse of all their sinnes And so let thy servants depart in peace and bee translated from death to lyfe to liue with thee for evermore Heare vs wee beseech thee praying for our brethren heare our brethren for vs and Iesus Christ our elder brother for vs all Wee know O Lord that thou hearest him alwayes Heare vs lykewyse wee beseech thee for his sake and accept our THANKSGIVING Wee render most heartie thankes vnto thee for our Saviours 4 Incarnation for his 5 Passion for our 3 Redemption by his most precious blood Wee thanke thee for ● forming vs in our mothers wombe for 1● washing vs in the laver of baptisme for 6 calling vs by thy word for 7 expecting our conversion for 8 converting vs vnto the fayth for 13 strengthening our fayth by the participation of Christs bodie and blood for 9 sealing vnto vs the pardon of our sinnes for 15 giving vs a promise of everlasting lyfe Wee thanke thee for all other thy blessings 11 corporall and spirituall internall and externall for our 10 continuance in that which is good for 14 deliverance from all evill Wee thanke thee for thy often deliverances of this Church and kingdome from forreyne invasions and homebred conspiracies ● Wee thanke thee for 2 preserving vs ever since wee were borne for defending vs this night past from all perills and dangers for the quiet rest wherewith thou hast refreshed our bodies for thy mercie renewed vnto vs this morning Let thy mercie bee continued vnto vs this day let thy Spirit direct vs in all our wayes that wee may walke before thee as children of the light doing those thinges that are pleasing in thy sight Let the dew of thy blesing descende vpon our labours for without thy blessing all our labour is but in vaine Prosper thou the workes of our handes vpon vs O prosper thou our handie worke Grant that wee may conscionablie in our callings so seeke after thinges temporall that finallie wee lose not the thinges which bee eternall Wee are vnworthie O Lord wee confesse to obtaine anie thing at thy hands eyther for our selues or anie others even for the sinfulnesse of these our prayers But thou hast promised to heare all those that call vpon thee in thy Sonnes name Make good therefore we beseech thee thy promise vnto vs now calling vpon thee in thy Sonnes name and praying as he hath taught vs in his holie Gospell Our Father which art in heaven c. An Evening prayer for a familie gathered here and there out of Gerards Meditations and Prayers MOst glorious LORD GOD whose dwelling is in the highest heavens and yet beholdest the lowlie and the humble vpon earth wee blush and are ashamed to lift vp our eyes vnto heaven because we haue sinned against thee which dwellest in the heavens But looke downe wee beseech thee from heaven thy dwelling place and beholde the humilitie of thy servants heere on earth which prostrate themselues at the foot-stooll of thy mercie confessing their owne guiltinesse and begging pardon for their sinnes Wee confesse Almightie Creatour that thou madest vs at the first after thyne owne image thou cloathedst vs with innocencie as with a garment thou seatedst vs in paradise a place of all delight and pleasure But wee haue defaced thine image wee haue cast off our first covering we haue thrust our selues out of that pleasant place Wee ran away from thee and were not obedient vnto thy voyce Wee were lost and condemned before wee came into this world Our first parents sinned agaynst thee and we sinned in them They were corrupted and wee are inheriters of their corruption They were the parents of disobedience and wee are by nature the children of wrath Sinfull and vnhappie children of sinfull and vnhappie parents Thou mightest in thy displeasure after their fall haue plunged them into the bott●mlesse pit and made them the fewell of hell and sent their posteritie after them And neyther they nor wee could justlie haue complained Righteous O Lord art thou in thy judgements And our miserie is from our selues But great was thy mercie vnto vs. Wee came into this world in a flood of vncleannesse wallowing in our mothers blood and thou didst set open a fountayne for vs to wash in Wee were washed in the laver of baptisme and wee haue returned with the swyne to our wallowing in the myre Wee came from a place of darknesse into this world we lived as children of darknesse wee sat in darknesse and in the shadow of death Thou gavest vs thy word to bee a lanthorne vnto our feete and a light vnto our paths that in thy light wee might see light that so walking in the way of trueth wee might attayne everlasting lyfe But wee haue loved darknesse more than light haue not beene obedient vnto thy word Wee came into this world crooked even from our mothers wombe and thou gavest vs thy law to be a glasse wherein we might see our deformitie and a rule whereby to square all our actions words thoughts But wee haue shut our eyes that wee might not see and wee haue refused to bee ruled by thy law The law of sinne in our flesh doeth daylie captivate vs. The roote of originall sinne which lyeth hidden in vs doth everie day put foorth new branches All the parts and faculties of our bodies and soules are so manie instruments of vnrighteousnesse to fight agaynst thy divyne Majestie Our hearts imagine wicked things our mouthes vtter them and our handes put them in practice Thy mercies everie day are renewed vnto vs and our sinnes are everie day multiplied agaynst thee In the day of health and prosperitie we forget thee and we never thinke vpon the day of sicknesse and adversitie Thy benefits heaped vpon vs doe not allure vs to obey thee Neyther doe thy judgements infflicted vpon others make vs afrayde to offend thee What couldest thou O Lord haue done more for vs or what could wee haue done more agaynst thee Thou didst send thy Sonne in the fulnesse of time to take our nature vpon him to fulfill thy law for vs and to bee crucified for our sinnes Wee haue not followed the example of his holie lyfe but haue everie day afresh crucified him by our sinnes And now O LORD if wee shall become our own judges we cannot but confesse that wee haue deserved everlasting torments in hell-fire But there is mercie with thee O Lord therefore will wee not despare Our sins are manie in number But thy mercies are without number The weyght of our sinnes is great But the weyght