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spirit_n body_n holy_a soul_n 16,669 5 5.2335 4 true
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A20520 The Doctrynalle of dethe 1498 (1498) STC 6931; ESTC S1898 15,930 36

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Inwardly in your soule see that ye oftentyme cōmaūde the deuyl in y e vertue of Jesu to go from you in whose name heuen erth and helle dooth obedyence byleue not ye in the lawe of god in al the artycles of the fayth dyspyse not ye all heresyes errours witchecraftes with al vayne byleue contrary to the doctryne of the chirche Are not ye sory that ye haue done many good dedes more for dayne glorye of the worlde and for drede of payne than for the loue of god Aske not ye god mercy for that ye haue offended hym hym beseke faderly to receyue your soule to haue pyte of y e freyll conuersacyon y t ye haue ben of in this lyf Also wolde not ye rather suffre deth than ye wolde ones more synne dedely yf ye sholde lyue lenger ye praye god that he wyll cōtynue this same wyll in you as longe as ye shall lyue Also forgyue not ye euery man and wnman whiche hath offended you sythen that yf were borne in worde or in dede Also aske ye not foryeuenes of all people specyally of your neyghbours and suche as ye haue dwelled with in onehous to whome ye moost offended Also are ye not wylly that restytucyon be made to euery man of whome that ye haue hadde ony good wrongfully accordynge to your power Hadde ye not leuer spende in restitucyon al your goodes than that ye wold wrongfully kepe ony mannes good cōtrarye vnto the pleasyre of god and the losse of your saluacyon Also are not ye gladde that ye shall departe from this wretched synfull lyfe full of myserye and of payne and myserye of synne to youre owne fader and lorde god whiche loued you so specyally that he wolde make you lyke to his owne ymage and suffre the moste bytterest deth for you to brynge you to his glorye Also are not ye gladde to go to youre owne coūtre there ye shal see god in his glorye his blessyd moder and all the angels of heuen and all your frendes the whiche ben departed out of this lyfe in the state of grace where ye shall neuer syn̄e ne neuer feell sorowe ne payne but euer perseuer in perfyte Joye and gladnes and euer a lyke fresshe Beseke not ye the blessyd moder of god saynt Mychaell and all the sayntes in heuen and specyally all those the whiche ye haue serued in this lyfe by fastynge theyr euyns or prayenge that they wyl be with you now at your departyng Ye crye mercy of god and of all y e worlde that ye haue offended ye aske helpe of god and of all his sayntes to defende you from the fende now at the hour of your departynge Who so answered to this questyons faythfully it is a token as man may haue euydente that they departe blessydly and are of the chosen chylderen of god ¶ After this byd the seke persone saye thre tymes In manus tuas domine cōmendo spiritum meum redemisti me domine deus veritatis And yf he can not saye it than bydde hym saye it after you and yf he maye not speke than saye ye y e same verse in the place of hym and thus with the mercy of god he shall deye blessydly and be delyuered for euer from the euerlastynge deth Amen AFter this yf y e seke may here so bydde him that he praye in his mynde after you Also desyre of those whiche are present to praye in mynde or with mouth after you and that they desyren of oure lorde to graunte the petycyons whiche are made in this prayers and praye suche as can saye the psalmes of the passyon to saye them to the entente that this soule maye haue a blessyd passynge ¶ Here folowen certayne prayers ¶ Here foloweth a prayer to the trynyte EAder sone holy goost gloryous trynyte one god almyghty haue mercy of thys synner by the vertue of thy moost holy diuinyte honour of thy name forgyne him that he hath offended the by Ignoraūce malyce or freylte of conuersacyon in this synful lyfe I commende lorde his soule to the whiche of nought dyde make it to thyne ymage O moost pyteful fader of mercy for the vertue of thyn Infynyte goodnes she we mercy and forgyuenes to this poore soule in this grete necessyte helpe this feble Inpotent soule whiche now hath moost nede of thyne helpe O moost pytefull fader suffre it not to be deuoured with the hoūdes of heil but take it to thy possessyon for it is thyne gode lord thou made it therfore late neuer thy handewerke peryshe in defaute of thy helpe We al beseke the in the merytes of our sauyour his blessyd moder and al the merytes of thy chirche to be mercyful fader lorde to it brynge it to thy glore Amen ¶ A prayer to the sone O moost swete sauyour mercyfull lorde Ihū cryste the sone of the almyghty fader for the merytes of thy moost blessyd passyon honour of thy diuinyte cōmaunde this soule to be resceyued a monge thy chosen children O swete sauyour redemer we thy seruaūtes grounded in the byleue of the cōmenden this soule to thy moost blessyd proteccyon good lorde forsake it not but make it pertyner of thy glorye cōsolacyon lyke as thou wolde wouchesauf in this lyfe for our saluacōn to be partyner with vs in passyon All we good lorde asken in thy name thy heuenly paradyse for hym not in hys merytes ne in our whyche are but asshes pouder wretched synners but in the vertue goodnes of thy passyon we aske it wherby thou dyde redeme hym and for the pryce of thy moost precyons blood wherby thou dyde open paradyse for synners whiche puten ful hope in the of helpe saluacyōn from euerlastynge dampnacōn enmyte And yf the seke man may say this verse folowynge late hym saye it Disrupisti dn̄e vincula mea tibi sacrificabo hostiā laudis Late hym saye it iij. tymes els saye it for hym it is of grete vertue Than saye o lorde Ihū Cryste for the grete bytternes of payne passyon y t thou suffrest on the crosse moste specyally in that houre whan thy holy soule departed from thy body haue mercy of this soule now whan it shal departe from the body that it maye gracyously be receyued of the amen ¶ A prayer to the holy goost O Moost holy spyryte of the fader of the sone whiche by heuēly Inspiracyon of thy gra ce maketh holy soules and purged them from synne haue mercy of this synner and foryeue him that he hath offended agaynst thy grace kepe in it gode lord perfyte vse of reason as longe as y e soule there shall abyde in the body that it may merytoryously by thy grace perfytly resyste y e temptacions of the fende and auoyde all his malyce make this soule lorde god fast in fayth hope charyte that it may euerlastyngly loue the blysse the Amen ¶ A prayer to our lady O Quene of heuen and moder of mercy vnder god moste specyall helpe to all synners why the faythfully called for helpe to the gode lady reconsell this soule to thy sone by the merytes of thy grete fayth charyte mekenes and chastyte and w t thy moost acceptable prayer purchase blessyd lady foryeuenes and fredom from the doubte of synne that for thy loue specyally moste benygne lady he wyl foryeue it the manyfolde offences that it hath done agaynst hym and make it possessyoner of his glorye O gloryous lady whiche neuer fayled thy louers in theyr grete nede now helpe blessyd vyrgyn in this moste necessyte that euer this soule hadde sythen that it was create for now hastely it shall for the dedes done of his lyfe receyue sentence of dampnacyon or of saluacyon I beseche the moost pytefull moder the true aduocate for mannes soule be medyatryce for this soule at this tyme-to the grete Juge our lorde god We thy seruauntes and louers commenden it to thy blessyd kepyng now forthy moderly pyte and tender herte kepe it and protecte it we beseche the to the honoure of god and y e and to the saluacyon of it Amen ¶ A prayer to the angels O Blessyd angels of heuen We beseche you of your grete charyte and also for the grete loue that ye ought to almyghty god Cryst Jesu your maker and also for the grete loue that ye haue to the saluacyon of mannes soule that ye now helpe this soule passynge out of this wretchyd worlde myghtely delyuer it from all the greate daungers and perylles whiche are afore it and take it to your fela wshyppe Saynt Mychaell whose offyce is for to helpe and to lede the soules in theyr departynge now helpe this soule we beseche the and all the holy angels whiche hath ben the keper therof we beseche the now helpe and shewe the offyce of thy kepynge and assemble angels of thy holy felawshyp for to represse the wycked spyrytes of derkenesse and to all the. ix ordres we make suplycacyon for this soule Also all Patriarkes prophetes martyrs confessours virgins wedowes matrons we beseche you helpe new this soule and in specyall ye whome it hath moost serued and hadde deuocyon to in this lyfe the pease of our lord Jesu Chyste y e vertue of hys passyon y e synge and token of his holy crosse the clene virginyte of his blessyd moder the blessynge of all sayntes y e proteccyon defence of all the holy angels the prayers suffrages of all the chosen people of god be bytwyxt this soule al the enmyes therof in this houre of deth Amen ¶ It is prouffytable to saye this prayers whan y e soule is departed yf there be none oportunite to saye them afore with this hymnes Memento salutis auctor and Rerum deus tenax vigor c. ¶ Here endeth the Doctrynale of deth Enprynted at westmynster In Castons hous By me wynkyn de worde