Selected quad for the lemma: spirit_n

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spirit_n body_n holy_a soul_n 16,669 5 5.2335 4 true
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A09931 Lorde omnipotent and moste mercyfull father gyue us remissyon of our synne, and graunt us delyueraunce from all oure iniquitie. 1552 (1552) STC 20191; ESTC S112949 1,415 1

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LOrde omnipotent and moste mercyfull father gyue vs remissyon of our synne and graunt vs delyueraunce from all oure iniquitie Gyue vs thy most holye spirite with thy blyssed and mercyfull fauour that he may lead vs to euerlastynge lyfe through thyne onely sonne Iesus Christ our saniour and only satisfaccion For whome gracious father almyghtye God we most humbly thanke the for all thyne haboundaunre benefites with the whiche thou haste hyther vnto haboundantlye indued vs. And that it hath pleased the the yere nowe past to preserue vs And broughte vs to the begynnynge of thys yere thou haste noryshed vs taught vs and defended vs bothe in body and soule We wholly beseche thyne ineffable pitie and clemencye to pardon vs whatsoeuer hether vnto we haue offended agaynste the and that thou wylte replenyshe vs with thyne moste holye spirite whiche maye thys yere and for euer teache and gouerne vs that whatsoeuer bee done by vs it may redounde to the glory of thy name and to the edifiynge of thy churche Oh pitiful father and God full of compassion beholde thy congregation or churches and delyuer them frome Woulfes and hyryd seruauntes giue them trewe shepherdes that may studie to gather together thy flocke so myserablye disparsed abrode vnto thy deare beloued sonne our onely sheparde geue grace that they maye pasture vnder him in y e pastures y t leadeth to eternal lyfe Vnto our most noble Kynge Edwarde y e vi his most honourable Systers his gracious and honourable Councellers to all the Magistrates and gouernours of this realme and others sende the feare of thy holye name And graunte most benigne and mercyfull God that they may studye and take paynes to gouerne thy people and theyr subiectes after thy holy law and good wyl so that they thus beynge delyuered from all ydolatrye and wickednes maye haue forse and strengthe to defende theirs from the enemyes of thy holye name To all those that be ignoraunt and not yet come to the vnderstandynge of thyne onlye truthe make the gospell to shyne vnto them and drawe them vnto the right knowledge of thy dere sonne that they also with vs in him maye optayne eternal saluacion To all troubled afflicted and miserable persons sende succoure good Lorde and cousolacion from heauen and geue them all grace vnfarnedly hollye to turne them selues vnto the that iustlye strykest them So that in case any in their trouble departe yet let not thy mercye suffre them to doute but that they do in Christe passe from deathe to lyfe Vnto all other Lorde graunte we praye the that this presente castigacion and punyshmente maye be to the amendement of theyr lyfes Vnto thyne one and vniuersall churche into the whiche thy so●e mercye and grace hathe called and appoynted vs vnto all vertues and godlye Scoles whiche inyndethe to promote and auaunce thy glory vnto this moste noble Citie of London and vnto all other as well within this realme as without in the which thy myserable and persecuted seruauntes hathe entreteynement lodgynge and consolacion vnto all suche as by office and dewtye peculiarlye are commended vnto vs whiche prayethe vnto the for vs and for whome also we be bounde to praye Vnto these good Lorde and vnto vs all thy miserable creatures and subiectes of this realme geue grace that we maye farther entre into a knowledge of oure selfes and more depely vnderstande oure synnes and infirmites and more dilygentlye studye to amende them Graunte good Lorde that the mercye thou haste promysed vs in Christe we maye with an vnfayned hearte seke for and with a sured and stedfast faithe vndoutedlye applye it vnto vs. So that from daye to daye euer mordyinge to oure selues we maye more lyue vnto the. And thus puttynge of the olde man we maye by the put on the newe man whiche is created vnto thy licknes throughe our Lorde Iesus Christe thy onely sonne For whose sake good Lorde defende and kepe vs this yere and for euer So be it ¶ Imprinted at London by Rycharde Iugge dwellynge in Paules churche yarde at the sygne of the Bible