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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A09620 Phisicke for the soule verye necessarie to be vsed in the agonie of death, and in those extreme and moste perillous seasons, aswell for those, which are in good health, as those, which are endewed with bodily sicknesse. Translated out of Latine into Englishe, by H. Thorne. John Chrysostom, Saint, d. 407. De patientia et de consumatione huius sæculi, de secundo advento. aut; Thorne, Henry, fl. 1567-1584. 1567 (1567) STC 19893A.7; ESTC S106667 56,136 144

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diligently to be thought vpon and earnestly to be beaten into our mindes by often repeticion Thus doth saint Paule teache vs 1. Thes 4. that we strengthen one another with such communication of the resurrection that we mought thereby be comforted There can be none more certaine nor more plentifull consolations giuen vnto vs than those which we seeke out of the testimonies of holye scripture for the approbation of the resurrection Wée declare not the wordes of man but of God which surely and mightily will performe and bring to passe all that he hath spoken No man can alter the the will of God no man can let or hinder his purpose and counsell His power cannot be measured he is true and faithfull his goodnesse and mercie is endlesse Therfore let no man doubt thereof The testimonies of scripture for the resurrection of the deade Math. 23. THe iust men shall shine as bright as the Sunne in the kingdome of there Father Ioan. 5. Verily verily I saye vnto you hée that heereth my words and beléeueth on him that sent mée hath euerlasting lyfe and shall not come into damnation but is escaped from death vnto lyfe Ioan. 6. This is the will of him that sent me that euery man which seeth the sonne and beléeueth on him haue euerlasting lyfe and I will rayse him vp at the last day Ioan. 8. Verily verily I saye vnto you if a man kéepe my sayings he shall neuer sée death Ioan. 11. Christ sayde that Lazarus did sléepe which notwithstanding had yéelded vp the ghost whose deade body was committed vnto the graue But Christ restoreth the dead vnto lyfe againe and calleth those things which be not as though they were Therefore he addeth this saying I am the resurrection Rom. 4. Ioan. 11. and the lyfe He that beléeueth on mée yea though he were deade yet shall lyue and forthwith after those wordes hée raysed vp Lazarus which had layne foure daies in his graue being putryfied and smelling And bicause we are fearefull and faint-harted by nature in those agonies that we maye haue the better helpe to beléeue that there shall be a Resurrection many were restored from death to lyfe in the dayes of the prophets and the apostles Christ raysed vp from death to lyfe the wydowes Luc. 7. He raysed vp also the maister of the Sinagoge his daughter Iairus was hir father Luc. 8. He restored Lazarus vnto lyfe Ioan. 11. Act. 9. Act. 20. 4. Reg. 4. Peter likewyse made Tabytha aliue again Paule reuiued Eutychus Helyseus the prophet reuiued his Hostes dead sonne Helias the prophet reuoked the womans childe of Sareptha to lyfe againe 3. Reg. 17. God also assumed and tooke vnto him that two most holy Gene. 5. 4. Reg. 2. mighty men Enoch and Elia rapt alyue both body and soule togithers out of this frayle and wretched world that he might by them giue vs some taste and signification of the true lyfe to come least we also shoulde beleue that no parte of vs remayneth after this miserable lyfe according to the opinion of the heathen gentiles and Epicures Furthermore the faint harted sick body is to be admonished that he remember and thinke what that greatest and mightie lord both of lyfe and death Iesus Christ sayed in saint Luke his gospell Luc. 8. Iairus daughter Wéepe not for the damsell is not deade but sléepeth Mans reason harde of beléefe not vnderstanding the secrete mysteries of God did laugh these wordes to scorne But Christ making it true verifying his words restored the dead mayden vnto life againe as soone as he had spoken the wordes The very same lord Iesus Christ wil receiue thy soule and will preserue it and in the last day he wil restore thy body vnto thy soule againe will couple them vnto eternall lyfe Ioan. 5. The time shall come when al they which are in there graues shall heare the voice of the sonne of God and they that haue done good shall come forth vnto the resurrection of lyfe If so be that the spirite of him that raysed vp Iesus from death dwell in you euen hée that raysed vp Christ from death Rom. 8. shall quicken your mortall bodies bicause that his spirite dwelleth in you God hath raysed vp the lorde Christ and shall rayse vs vp by his power The .xv. 1. Cor. 6. chapter of the first epistle to the corinthians is full of most sweete and effectual consolations hereof no golde is to be compared vnto them Saint Paule in the same chapter so knitteth and fasteneth our resurrection vnto the resurrection of Christ that it maye not be pulled or seperated from it as by this reason Christ is risen againe from the deade the which thing is most certeine Therefore without all doubt wée also shall ryse againe For Christ is our heade Ephe. 4.5 Ioan. 12. and we are hys members mystically This head is not wtout his members neyther doth he leaue and forsake his members Where Christ is Ephe. 5. there shall we be also For we are members of his bodye of his fleshe and of his bones Who can sufficiently declare according to the worthynesse thereof that vnmeasurable glorie of inestimable vnspeakable grace and mercy that God descending from heauen into the lowest partes did vouchsafe to become a mortall man that this frayle and bryckle nature of man vnited vnto his deuine nature mought be brought vnto euerlasting life being made partaker of the heauenly kingdome by the infinite and incomprehensible might and efficacie of his diuinitie and godhead If we beléeue that so great riches were bestowed vpon vs and that so blessed a lyfe remayneth for vs how I praye you can we be false harted or troubled in minde The nature of all faithfull people which haue béene both before and also since Christ and those which are yet to come without all question hath put on immortalitie in Christ being perfite God and perfite man The comfort therfore of Christ his resurrection is most plentiful and effectuall wherewith saint Paule doth strengthen the mindes of the Corinthians 1. Cor. 15. where as he sayeth Christ is risen from the deade and is become the first fruites of them that sléepe For by a man came death and by a man came the resurrection of the dead For as by Adam all dye euen so by Christe shall all be made alyue and euery man in his own order The first is Christ than they that are Christs Here saint Paule maketh a similitude of naturall things whereby the resurrection maye be the more cléerely and manifestly perceyued And the similitude is taken of drie seede which the husbandman casteth into the earth It dieth rotteth after a fashion Yet notwithstanding that which is committed vnto the earth doth not vtterly perishe but it commeth forth of the earth againe freshe and new with a pleasant hansome ioyful forme and shape And euen so shall our